The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, January 11, 1902, Image 8

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Eugene Weekly Guard
Lat« Executive
« awi - kkli . uko ».. rropri»,«»«».
in the
Tomb at Puyallup.
Tacoma, Jun. 2.
: —In the soft, nil ut y
twilight “t a ty -pical winter evening
In the valley district, the body of
John itankln Roger», third governor
ot the state of Waahlngton was yes
A Comprvhtiul»« Raviaw of th« Importai» terday laid to rest In the hillside cem
Thousands of peo­
lUpptnings ol ths Paat W««k Prcxnted •tery of Puyallup
la a Londrnted Form Whuh II Mo,* ple thronged the streets, and there
Likely to Prove of Intereat to Our Many was hardly a bouse in the city that
wa» not draped in black. Companies
B and D, of the National Guard, and
French Bark Asie tipped over In the the First Regiment band had come
from Seattle, and were in waiting at
Portland harbor.
Tomas Estrada Palma was elected the depot when the funeral train ar­
rived from Tacoma. The sidewalks
President of Cuba.
The powers will present another col­ were blocked by an impassable liv­
ing harrier, and people had even
lective note to Turkey.
Two British peace agents were climbed on the roofs of houses to view
treat heniusly shot by Boers.
the procession. A great number of
Three new steel works are to I m * Masons were also in Puyallup when
erected at Washington, Pa.
the train arrived.
In a drizzling rain the procession
The Continental Tobacco Co has Me-
cured another independent factory.
started from the depot. Down Merid­
Great damage has been caused to ian street the sad line slowly made its
way under the arch of green at the
property by freshets in the 8outh.
A big dry goods warehouse in Dub- Intersection of Main street. This was
lin sustained a loss of LI30,000 by fire. an artistic work, being made of ever­
_____ has again Informed the green» and <1 raped with long black
war office that he needs reinforce- and white streamers, with many small
American flags arranged at the top.
telephone [»oles were also decked
Germany has delayed action against
Venezuela In hopes of a peaceable set­ with green, and th«- street, with these
and the private decorations, made a
Northwestern governors have agreed fine picture.
On reaching the house of the late
upon a plan for fighting the proposed
governor's son, the coffin »an borne
railroad deal.
One of the night clerks at the St I in by the sam«* National Guardsmen
postoffli • I..-
I ested. that had acted as pallbearers while
charged with stealing money from let­ ' the body lay In state at Tacoma, and
placed In the main room. Governor
Five persons were seriously Injured, M( Bride, ex Governor McGraw and the
one fatally. In a collision between a state officials occupied an adjoining
carriage and an electric car in Chi­ room, and the others were filled with
J members of the Masonic order and
All danger from flood in Pennsy I- friends. Outside th«* house was an
enormous crowd of people. As the
vania has passed.
dead march was played on the organ
An inoffensive passenger was shot
members of the fam-
and killed i>y four men on a Missis- In the house the
Rogers shaken with
sippi train.
grief and needing support to reach the
A missionary and several native room set apart for relatives and
converts have been massacred l«y Chi­ irlends. After the hymn "Jesus. Keep
nese trooja.
Me Near Thy Cross," had been sung
The funeral of United States Sena­ the lesson was read and the choir sang
tor Sewell, of New Jersey, was held "Abide With Me." Rev. W O. Berna
with lull military honors.
don. of the First Methodist church of
A legal battle between the Harri­ Puyallup, made a prayer. In which he
man and Hill interests in the North­ referred to the glorious hope of reaur-
ern Pacific has Is'giin in Minnesota. rection. Rev. Spencer SulUger, chap
lain of the First Washington Regi
Admiral Sciiley considers his cage
ment. then delivered an address, bastai
closed and will take no further action,
jlis friends will ask congress to vin­ on th«1 text. "Thy sun shall go
no more.” When th«' choir had sung
dicate him.
"Nearer. My God, to Thee,” the public
Sir Tliomas Lipton says lie will were admitted to view the dead gov­
challenge for America’s cup until he ernor. The crowd was so great that
has won it or is satisfied that it can many persons were unable to gain ail
not be won.
Th«' governor of North Dakota will
On the road to the cemetery Ine
not attend the conference of governors Fit st Washington Regiment band,
as he MS'S no menace to his state playing a dead march, took the lead.
from the railroads.
followed by Companies A and E, of
A prominent American, who I ihs the National Guard, of Tacoma; Com
been 111 China for some time, predicts punles B and D, from Seattle, and
that before many years the world will TriMip II, dismounted, from Tacoma,
sit' a war such as never before seen, and fifty fih'B of Masons, who preced­
in the Chinese empire.
ed the hearse, which was drawn bv
Tliv Maryland Councils of the Jun­ four black horses. A line of carriages
ior Order of Mechanics presented Ad­ followed, and a long procession of
miral Schley witli a lieautifui medal friends and th«* publli . The services
as an evidence of their personal es­ at the cemetery were conducted by
teem and admiration of his service» the Masons. In the presence of fully
2otH) persons, at the close of which th«'
to this country.
militia tired three volleys and sound­
England's coal supply may not out
ed taps. The family of the late gov
last the century.
ernor returned to Olympia on a s pe­
Germany has ordered another war- cial train.
ship to Venezuelan waters.
Senator Ib'|s'w and Miss
Palmer were married in Italy.
Four hundred wen1 killed in a bat
tie in the interior of Colombia.
Will R««iv< Almoit the I nsnimoui Vots ol
the Elvrloral College.
Havana. Jan 2.—The Indeatlons
are that the entire Palma ticket will
be elected, and that Tomas Estrada
The death uf Governor Rogers was
1 Palma, the Nationalist candidate for
due tu worry aa mneh as to ills |
1 th«« Presldem y of Cuba, will receive
Insurgent ayni|iathiaen have mur- j the unanimous vote of th«« electoral
denvl a niimlier id (riendly natives. ! college.
The adherents of llartholonn* Masso.
Fuiir trainmen were killed near
Scranton, l’a., 011 a runawuy coal th«* IK mocratlc candidate, who recent
ly withdrew from the campaign, not
only withdrew their candidati's. but
Prominent Englishmen are coming
refused to go to th«' polls A remain
to America to study its business
aldv light vote was polled throughout
the Island.
Fire nt Andersen, Ind., destrnyi'd
la« Discussion ascribes this indiffer­
several busin«'»» houms, causing a loss ence to th«« certainty on the part of
ot 940.000
the PaliiMlats of being victorious, and
There is no friction between th«* that consequently a majority of them
military and civil authorities in the stayed at home and did not vote I .a
Discussion says that the vote may be
Generals Chaff«»' anil Wheaton have taken as a protest by the Cuban peo
gone to Batangaa to |>er»onally Hives I pie against the imposition of official
tigaie the conditions there.
The Diarlo de la Marina says that
United States Senator S'wall is
the reault la an Indication that th«'
Cuban Democracy may l<»ok Upon
A department store at Victoria, R. American policies as inevitable
C., burned. Loss, f2.5O.<XMi
Palma s Policy.
Germany is preparing to blockade
New York Jan
Thomas Estrada
Venezuelan |w>rta and enforce her de­ Palma. In his home at Central Valley
N 5 tonight re. mnl the news that
his electloa to th«> Presidency of th«'
The Chineee*<x»urt will soon return republic of Cuba was conceited. He
to Pekin and extensive preparai ions announced that the new Cuba would
are I« ing made to receive it.
be one of work and high endeavor,
Governor Shaw will m t «liscosa the that It would be his alm to strengthen
the friendly relations which exist be­
policy he will pursue when he be­ tween his country »nd the United
comes ms’retary of the treasury.
States and to bring about reciprocity
The battle »hip Missouri
launched at Newjiort Newa, Va.
in Daily
Commercial and Finan«ial Happening, of Im­
A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvement, of the Many Industrie,
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
—Lat«,t Market Report
The organiiation of reserve*
gire Hwvdm a total army of
The («ernian mu utter to ^'eneauda
urgvj» the employment of warth 1|<1 to
collect claim« overdue.
A Nebrwafca auprvn e court dechton
dr|<irea thè Omaha maror and thè
eitjr cenine il of thè |«owrr to appoinl
polio* ami tirv oom mite io nera and
verta il in thè go veri »or
Jas 2.—The stt'am
1« particulars of the
S D Carleton had dur
l*u»e< Sound to Hon
•I waa on her beam
»sen time, and on many
rrew thought the masts
I of her For two weeks
■re swash, and mo»t of
n two to three feet of
members of the crew
es tn their hands every
Bill, B«*X
Washington, Jan. 2— Secretary
Root ha, been in almost daily confer­
ence with Senator» Lodge and Platt,
of Connecticut, during the past week,
in regard to the legislation for the
government of the Philippine». Bilk
art* in cuuree of preparation to carry
into effect the leconiinendations made
by the Philippine commission and
indorsed by the president and secre­
tary of war, looking to the material
ami political welfare of the islands.
TheM» bills authorize the granting of
for railroads, electric
light», telephones, etc., the issue of
tionda of the insular government to
purchase the agricultural holdings
and property of religious orders; pro­
vide for tlie acquisition of homestead
rights, regulate mining and provide a
sjiecial system of coinage and bank­
ing for the islands.
Very goo«l showings of platinum
have been discovered near Grants
C. H. Libby, a prominent farmer and
highly respe< t«‘d resident of Jefferson,
is dead; age, 70 years.
Fire at Cove destroyed four builu-
Ings in the center of the business por­
tion of town. Loss, *5000.
Highwaymen In Portland held up
amt nibbed a man under the electric
light opposite the court house.
Baker City has opened a free public
library. It is the Intention to ask Car-
negi«' for funds for the erection of a
The last of the prune crop arouial
Corvallis has been sold. The purehasi s
aggregated 150.000 pounds, for which
3 cents per pound was paid.
Flags on the Capitol building w< ere
placed at half mast as a token of re-
sped to the late Governor Rogers I of
Footpads near Grant’s Pass held up
an old man anil beat him into insen­
sibility because he would not give up
money which they supposed he car­
The Installation of the smelter in
the Quartzburg district, seven miles
north of Prairie City, has been of great
benefit to those owning mines in that
Buyers at Salem have offered as
high as 12 cents for hops. Eleven
cents Is the ruling price, but the ac­
tivity the last few days in that com­
modity has caused a raise is prices.
A wind storm at Astoria did *16.500
A gift of *1000 In cash has been
made to Philomath college.
The smallpox scare at Marshfield
has passed and the quarantine raised.
The December shipment of wheat
from Portland exceeded 2.000,000 bush
The Douglas county poultry show at
Roseburg last week was a success in
every particular.
State Food Commissioner Bailey has
started a crusade against light weight
California butter.
Weston ha<l a small fire a few days
ago. but the blaze was extinguished
before much damage was done.
Arrangements have been completed
for the registration of voters of Marion
county, which begins January 6.
Real estate is moving quite lively
around Weston. Several farms have
been sold recently at good prices.
Six carloads of prunes just left Dal
las for the Eastern market. The price
paid for the fruit was 2*«sc per pound.
Preparations are being commenccl
all over the state for the primaries,
which will select the < andidates for
the June election.
A counterfeiting outfit has been cap
tured at The Dalles, but the owner,
who is known, has escaped. It is
probable that he will be arrested.
The Wasco Milling Company's flour­
ing mill Is now completed, and only
awaits the turning on of the electric
power from White river to begin grind
Ing out 500 barrels of flour a day.
There Is greater activity In the
mini's of Southern Oregon at present
than ever before In their history. New
wagon roads are being constructed,
larger stamp mills put In and new
workings opened.
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 2.—Four
whit«' men killetl .1. M. Rhea, an in­
offensive passenger on a train of the
Y'azoo A Mississippi Valley branch
of the Illinois Central Railroad, at
an early hour this morning near Le­
land, Miss., cut the locomotive from
the train and forced the engineer to
All four
run to Cleveland, Miss,
men were arrested.
One is in jail
at Leland, and three are locke«! up
at Shelby.
The four men, who bail lieen
drinking. Isiarded the northbound
train ut Leland at 3 A. M., to return
to Shelby.
Rhea, who is an engi­
neer, was on his way to Tutwiler to
take out a locomotive there, and was
sleeping on a seat in the sleeper.
The four men came down the aisle
and the foremost one run into Rhea’s
legs, which were extended out into
the aisle. Rhea was awakened and
a quarrel ensued, during which one of
the four men told him that they
could not all stay in the same car
anil that be would have to get out.
Rhea remarked that, in order to
prevent trouble lie would have to do
as they told him.
Thereupon he
started out of the car.
He had just
reached the door when the men
opend tire upon him and he fell.
Portland Market,.
Wheat— Walla Walla. 59ir60c. blui
stem. 61c; valley. 59tt©60c.
Barley— Feed. 1 17 it 17 50. brewing
$17..50« 18 per ton.
Oats—No. 1 whit*'. *101.10, gray.
Flour—Best grades. *2.7003.30 pei
barrel; graham. *2 50
Mlllatuffa Bran. *17 per ton; mid
dllngu. *20; shorts *18; chops, *17.
Hay- Timothy *ll'<fl2: «lover. ,7
07.50; Oregon wild hay. *5©6 pec
Mutton—laiinbs. 3ki?3lx<'. gross;
dressed, ki^c per pound, sheep, wetli
era. S'stfStjc. gmas; dreaaed, 6©6’^c
per pound; ewes. S'aOStkc, gross;
dreaaed. 6©6tuc per pound.
Hogs Gross, 5l^c. dressed, 6©6H c
per pound.
Veal 'n !»e per pound
B«'ef - Gross, cows. 3t»c; steers.
3K»«lc; dressed. 3©7c per pound.
Butter • — Creamery, 25© 27c per
pound; dairy, 18020«'; store, 12tjiF
Eggs- -20« 22He for colli storage;
22© 25c for Eastern. 78 ©30c for fresh
Poultry—Chickens. mlxi'<1
50 if .3.
hena. *3.5004
k'zffSc per pound:
springs I'irlOc- per pound *2 50 <i 3 per
doz.-n din ks * ■ •: s for young geese
*6.50« 7 50 per doten turkeys live
IIOIS1»!'; dressed, 13©l4e p«'r pound
Cheese— Full cream, twins. 13©
13t*c. Young Amorita. UiilSc.
Potatoes Best Burbanks. S5ej:*1 10
per rental ordinary 70iir xde.
Hops 8©10e por pound.
Wix>! Valley. H u ll« Eastern Or
ogon 8©12<qc. mohair. 21 ©21 Sc per
Double Dutt •» Bountv Su,»r
laxidon, Jan 3 On th«> ground that
in spite of the sugar duty tnipost'd
last yror. the price of sugar 1» now
lower than ex er. owing to th«' enor­
mous imports from Germany the Dally
Mall totlay advocate» doubling the
duty on bounty fe.t sugar, but leaving
th«> duty on colonial sugar unchanged
Th«' pai'.'r says such a course would
»? r cdfaw to buy all *
avert the ruin now thn«atenng the
West Indies and ».Wild be »n effect!»e munici|«al and private street (railway»
means of persuading foroigw nations in St Petersburg. Rusa:», and » l«\--
to abolish sugar duties
trically equip them.
The F rt*nch government h*m drrid*
e<l U» i tn relígate American trutta
Coni er tn. e
Lorke is said to have spent over aix
yaara in the preparation of hi«
on the "lluni*n T mierata nd i n g.'*
The first stage line was brtwren
Mew Tork and Philadelphia, and bi­
monthly trip« were tirât mad«* in 17»,
The Texas authorities are
eetablish a system whereby 1
vieta can he rm ployed on 5.
of tugar cane lami.
t canal is being agitata!
MiM saippi river, ab ng the
Triaa. to the Kio Grande,
«irep an«! fiO fret wwie at an •
11 ’©sì ligi
Memorial Service, for Rizal.
Manila. Jan. 2.—Memorial services
and a procession w re held llvceniber
90 .11 lion..r of 1 "-v Rizal, tin- Fili-
jiino leader.
The services were cele­
brated 011 th«- I.uenta, where Rizal
was executed by the Spaniards, De-
cemlier 30, 18W>.
The procession
calk-el at the town hall, and Acting
governor Wright adrevsed a few words
to those who took part in it. The
manifestation was chiefly remarkable
for the intense hatred displayed to­
ward the friars.
General, Go to Batanqai.
Manila, Jan. 2.— General Chaffee
and General Wheaton have gone to
Ilatangas in order to make a l>ersonal
investigation of the state of affairs in
that province and confer with General
Bell. Generals Chaffee* and Whea­
ton will return here tomorrow.
Bonner Accept, Appointment.
Washington, Jan. 2.— Hugh J.
Bonner, of New York, has accepted
the tender of an appointment as
chief of the fire department of Manila.
Four Men
and Killed by
in Jail.
Mr Will Probably Change Mi» Flag to th«
Iowa on Reaching Peru.
Jaiuea A Herat....... Jtipar,
Texas, burned by rubi»er«.
4 EUht u.en til ed by mine exp ut.on at
Iron Mjuutak, Mich.
< Great ttre iu Antwerp d iea IIO.OOO.OOB
V. i*eatb
------- — of — filr Walter
------- Besant, Er.gllsb
In mine at Port Royal, Pa.,
io. i_,
. death©
4 t 4. _ _a ..V
1 < »11
»* 7Y
cause SIY-«SIUW
uf ••
accepted by Cuban
Tear Witnrw. the ISeatha of Queen
IX Platt
1.... ameodtneut
------ 2—-2 —
Victoria and President McKinley- Constitutional
14 Sri er .I 111«-, lo»t by colli*mu of ferry Ong or Two Mort to Reinforce Squadron
s. . 1 .rk.
Many Other Notable» Pa»a Away I»U-
Now There—Official Note Stating That
1« F r::i daugb’er born to ( x»r of Rus-
eaters. Fires, Accident», Strike». Etc. »U.......D'-wth of e» Gov H. S. Blagree, of
Continue—Ambassador Whit«
21 Fireworks explosion at Peterson. V
War T-ik Sen.
The year 1901,
1901. firstborn of the new J . kills 17 persons....... Seven persons ki Isu
century, is made memurab.e by the deaths bv tornado near Naper. Xeb.
22. American Derby won by Robert Wad
of two of the best lovad rulers the world
has ever known. In its first month $ ie-
Destructive fl.».»ds wipe out West Vir­
toria. England's good queen, breathed her ginia towns.......Death uf Adalbert S. Hay.
Berlin, Jan. 2.—The small German
Callies surrenders.
last quietly and peacefully at one of her ....Gen.
cruiser Gazelle was ordered today to
25. Death uf Rev. Joseph Cook.
royal abodes. The forcible taking off of
sail immediately from Kiel to \’i
President William McKinley by the bul­
- «ene.
1. Death of Senator Janie© H. Kyle, of zuelan waters,
The government in.
let of the misguided anarchist youth. South Dakota . - Eleven buys and men killed
Cxolgosz. in September, is in harsh con- I by lightning In «’bicago.
tends to send one or two other small
5. Death uf ex Chaucellur. Prince voa
trait with her serene passiug. and is a
warships to reinforce the present
sad commentary upou the laxity of our
6. Venalllea. Ohio, «wept by Are
in the Caribbean Bea. The
democracy, which favors the intimate
10. Collision on Chlcag • and Alton
contact of the chief executive with the road near Norton. Mo , kills 17 persons and additions to Germany's naval forct,
Ut by
general public and fails to provide ade­ cloudburst
....... Minnesota pardon board votes in the Caribbean sea will not l>e suffi.
quate means for his physical protection. freedom to Younger brothers.
cient to give rise to suspicion among
1.". .Strike uf wteel workers begins.
Many others of the great ones of earth
2U. Death of Mrs. Paul Krueger.
the people of the United States that
—statesmen, authors, churchmen, musi­
21. Hottest day on re< ord In Chicago;
Germany meditates anything lieyomi
cians and business men—have also heard thermometer marks 10.3 degrees.
25 President proc aims free trade with the collection of claims due German I
the last summons and responded thereto.
The Boer-British war in South »Africa Porto
The German government i
2». Allotment of Kiowa and Comanche subjects.
has continued through the year, rather Indian lands berins at El Reno, Okla.
desires beyond anything else in this |
to the advantage of the latter, anil the
31. B. & O. train held up al Edgemoor, matter to avoid disturbing the gov- I
armed resistance of the Eiiipinos against Ind.
ernnient or the people of the United
the rule of the United States has been
German newspapers pub.
Chicago, States.
fitfully in evidence.
lishe«! today are full of expression» of '
There have been several mine and rail­ suipeiids
5. Death of Dowager Empresa
this kind, and many of these express­
way accidents, in which many lives have many....... Many killed by explosion
ions are so much alike that it is easy J
been destroyed. The number of destruc­ adelphia.
II. I'resl.Ieut Shaffer enters steel worker« to infer their utterance was suggest- 1
tive fires has also been quite large.
to strike.
SJMi.cM»' stolen from Shelby
ed by the government. A remarkable j
The most important happening.« of the smelter at Vallejo, Cal.
11. Death of Francesco Crispí. Italy', thing is the fact that there is not a i
year may be briefly summarized thus:
grand old man.
13 H1. Great tidal wave along shore of single unkind expression toward the 1
1. Lord Hopetoun Installed as first Gov­ Gulf of Mexico
United States in any of the newspa- 1
ernor General of Federated Australian col
IS Death of Edmond Audran. French
per comments.
on les.
com noser.
"We hope that this opinion," say» I
2. Death of Ignatius Donnelly.
11» seventeen pas-enger, drowned by sink-
3. Death of Bishop W. X. Nlnde at De­ Ing of Ohio River packet City of Golconda at the Berliner Neuste Nachrichten, J
troit, Mich.
Crowell’s Landing.
6. Death of Philip D. Armour....... Eight
21. Tornado wrecks town of Ani'lsrko, ‘ which grew out of the Spanish war, S
lives loot in small h<»tel fire in Minneapolis. Okla.
8. Fire horror at Rochester, N. Y., orphan
26. France severs diplomatic relxtlon« and which we consider to be wholly
erroneous, will soon give place to a I
asylum. 20 lives lost.
with Turkey.
10. Chinese sign joint note of the powers.
Boiler explogion on steamer City of
1.5. Fred Alexander, colore-1, burned at Trenton, near Philadelphia, kills e even per- more correct conception of Germany's .
stake by Leavenworth, Kan., mob.
son«... Knights Templar’s conclave opens aims. It is quite unreasonable that |
16 Death of ex-Gov. James A. Mount, of in Louisville.
the {»eople of the United States, hold-
31. Thirty six persons killed In Great
ing such opinion, should connect |
22. Death of Queen Victoria of F.nziand Northern wreck near Kalispell. Mont.
and accession of King Edward VII.......Burn
this opinion with their Venezuelan
ing of Grand Opera House in Cincinnati.
23. Board of Trade building in Montreal
1. Flood In Cleveland causes >1,000,000 affair, inasmuch as Washington ha«
burns; loss $3.<MM),ootK
lieen fully informed of Germany's
2fi. Death of Guiseppe Verdi, Italian com
5. Miss Ellen Stone. American mission­ intentions. ”
' .i
ary, abducted by Bulgarian br gauds.
29. Disastrous fire in lies Moines, Iowa,
tJ. President McKinley shot at Buffalo
The Lokal Anzeiger says: "The
... .Twenty-one uarieuts burned to death in Exposition by I.eon Czolgosx.
task for our diplomacy is to make
Tokyo hoapital, Jupan.
7. Peace pact signed at Pekin.
12. Opening of Schley inquiry in Wash­ German interests prevail against Ven­
Febru irr.
ezuela without at the same time I os- ’3
2 Funeral of Q ieen Victoria at Windsor.
14. Death of President McKinley.....
3. Great snowstorm In Middle West.
Great steel strike settled... Theodore ing touch with the American govern- T
7. Marriage of Queen Wilhelmina of Hol R< osevelt take« .iath as President.
ment. The authorities at Washing-9
land and Duke Henry of Mecklenburg
16. Steamer Hudson lost in Lake Superior
ton have up to the present time
Schwerin. ..Mine explosion in Durango, with crew of 25
Me*'“«», kills 87 person*.
17. Foreign troops evacuate Pekin to Chi­ shown such an intelligent compre­
10. Sudden
** *• death
* .....................
of Col. Albert I* Shaw. nese.. . . .State funeral of President McKin­
hension of the situation and friendly
1<- Marriage of Princesa of Asturias and ley at Washington.
Prince Charles of Bourbon.
18. British torpedo
t irpeilo boat destroyer Cobra disposition towards Germany’s wishes
15. Desiti of ex seuat-.r Gilbert A I'.erce, sinks hi North Sea; 67 lives lost.
that no grounds for apprehension ex­
of North
Dakota...... Death
Sorth Dakota
Heath -f Maurice
• President McKinley
‘ "
’s body buried at
Thompson, author ..Sixty miners entombed Canton, Ohio.
ists at this point. ”
iu mine at Cumberland, B. C.
23. Czolgoss
trial begins at Buffalo,
Replying to Germany’s assurance
21. Nine persous killed lu collision near
24. «'xoigosx found guilty.
to the United States regarding the
Bordentown, N. J.
Czolgos' sentence«! to death.
22. Pacific steamer Rio de Janlero sink«
former’s plans in connection with!
28. Columbia defeats Shamrock.
0’itside Golden líate, Cai furnia; several lives
Venezuela, the foreign office here lias j.
Fifty niliurs Imprisoned In burning
s. Colnnr* a wins second race with Shans- received an answer from Secretary!
mine at Kemmerer. Wyo.
.. Heath of the Ameer ■ f Afghanistan. Hay, expressing full satisfaction with
Geo Ward. neun, bange.1 and burned rock.
4. Thin! ____
yacht race won by . Columbia,
Germany stillij
at Terre llaute, Iud., for assault and mur­ winning
rhe SuriM and keeping America's the German position.
hopes to collect her claims peaceably.
’J8. Death of Win. M. Evarts.
li>. Henth of Lxrenzo Snow, bead of Mor­
mon church.
st East Liverpool, Ohio,
I. State penitentiary near IJncoln, Neb., breaks. Reservoir
< »ii,|.ig »150.(100 damage.
Is burned.
4. Inauguration of President McKinley
Mormon church,
American Says China Is Openly Violating
and Vice President Roosevelt.
IB. Death of ez Gov. John 9. I'Llsbury, of
5. Thirty men crushed tu death on rail­ Minneapolis.
the Protocol.
road at Wolovo, Russia
‘.’1, Burglars tunnel tinder building and
II. Twelve persons ktllcd and many more
New York. Jan. 2.—Charles F.
Injured by boiler explosion iu Doremus laun­ roh Chicago poatotfice . t »74.610 In stamps.
-3. Burning of »real packing plant it
dry. Chicago...... Hay Pauncefote treaty re­
Gammon, superintendent of coljor-
llatumond. Ind.
jected by «Treat Britain.
Nln.'sen live« lost In tire that de teurs for the American Bible Bocietr
13 Death of ex President Benj. Harrison.
....Destructive tíre at Cloverport. Ky.
in Northern China, writes to th','. , f
23 Chief Aguinaldo captured by Gen. Hunt. Wilkinson & co.
Eourteeii persona killed In race war in society concerning the present »ittò
Fred Funston.
25. Tornado at Birmingham. Ala....
______ Washington Pariah. La
in the Chinese empire as follows:
Electrocution of I.eon F. Czolgosx, tion
Death of Charlotte M. Youge, author.
"While at Shanghai I observed that 1
murderer of President McKinley.
3U. Death of Comedian Roland Reed.
t the
11 4 Chinese
' 11 1 n non government
■■ »> cs •
. •-»«x1 ■■
was ojienljr
Get down
Get down
It's a tout
stud the ci
1‘ull for tl
For dark i
Get down
Get down
Red i* the
Red is th«
Red is the
Cold is tl
Get down
Throw a i
The trail
In the noi
The gobli
Black is
of Alask
He wai
and over
be felt c
love him
feet two
iu the pe
from C'ir
fouud iu
to do wi
Tom a i
in the S
with hop
him sine
be but o
not blai
him to
bls knai
The m
He bad
self tba
cot, a h
stump o
fires, bi
vices. 1
he told ■
was no
After tl
The f
the trail
but his
eyes wi
The t
next m>
his bla
and dis
he said
ers wh
Ills ma:
violating the provisions of the proto­
col. The great empire would shake
and to
off Eiiro|>ean domination.
“It’ll b
sands of boatloads of small arms and
he beg:
ammunition were passing weekly up
to pack
the Yangtse Kiang and the arsenal«
Ing the
were being enlarged and worked day
and night.
Cargoes of explosive«
were being received, and the dowager
field at
empress had issued instructions to al
his bei
officials to recruit the army.’and alsc
to inform her as to the fighting
strength of each division and the
time required to concentrate the
more i
forces at a given pioint
“There were and are many other
the su
unpromising features which weighed
heavily upon the minds of those in­
In a
terested. I must lielieve that the end
is not yet, and that within 10 years,
sea reel
possibly within five, a war will ensue
the like of which the work! has never
For centuries China ha«
was s
been making repeated attempts to
light I
exjiel the foreigner, each time profit­
ing l>y past experience, each time
cari *tí'
with more power and success, , each
» weak
time better equipjied and
1 bill.-
■or le- J ' liumat
"She is now preparing as never le-
fore, buying vast quantities of super- 1
ior weapons and reorganizing her *
armies on a correct basis.
Therefore ,,
the next attempt will be gigantic in J
cler si
force and terrible in execution. It i
Its icy
will result in a universal upheava I
and the final dismemberment of this j
Ing to
empire—at a terrible cost.”
and c
Pan-American Conference.
A st
Mexico, City, Jan. 2 —With slight»,,
ilble. i
modifications, the proposal of th« "
late Duarte Pereira for the appoint
ment of a committee of jurists t<
of bls
codify international law was
___ thi»4
afternoon accepted by the Pan-Ameri
j, _ow hi
can conference.
A11 amendment t» — The
the effect that the secretary of stat
but tl
of the I nited States shall liechairn 1
j face,
of the codifying commission was ac
one h
; and It
to exl
Train Wrecked by a Rock.
J teen f
Parker-leirg. Va„ Jan. 2 —Two n M
| him v
are missing, one badly injured, on.
engine and four cars are at the foot 0
“I cai
an embankment, two other cars a
on th
wrecked and 101) feet of track torn u
as a result of a collision with a hea'
rock by a wentonnd freight train 4
cm si
the Baltimore A Ohio, at a tunn
near Long Kun thia morning. T
Ing »
engine struck the rock, which h
rolled down from the hill, just
the train came out of the tunnel.
Nevens Ker.
8. China refuse* to sign Manchurian con
5. Japan« a ultimatum to Russia.
». Logan statue unveiled in Washington
U Cuban Constitutional convention
. . re-
ject» Platt aiueudiueut....... Death uf Geu Q.
19. British war loan voted by H ousp of
Common©...... Agulnaldo'a peace manifesto
20 Unprecedented snowstorm and flood«
In Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentuckv and the
Vlrg! nl««
2T> Fifty persons killed by explosion near
Frankfort. Germany.
29. President McKinley starts on long trip
through the country.
1. Opening of Pan American Exposition
....(»or Dietrich, of Nebraska, res (ns and
Ila made Lnlted States Senator by bls suc-
cesser. Gov. Savage
1. Boer« «teal 6.000 horses from British
remount station, near Cape Town.
2. Close ot Pau American exposition at
French forces seize three Turkish port»
ou bland ' t Mllyiene.
»>. rileetlotis In seeeral State».
7 Dcatk "f I.l Hung ' hang . Death of
K ite Greenaway. English artist.
' Purk- « S'.....le» 'o demand» of France.
Death of Mother Bickerdyke.
Fire at Thoma«, W Va., destroy« 63
btilldlt f
15. Jeffries
whips Rubllu In San Fran-
IS. Hay Pauncefote treaty signed In
30. Mln.' Are at Telluride, Colo., cause«
death of 1<M) miners.
23. t'nlted States buy« batt efle d of San
Juan, Cuba.
President Roosevelt warn« Central
A or in natl >ns against Interference at
Mcaraxua canal.
2» Boiler expio-lon in Detroit kills 27
per- ns and Injures many more
"7 Horrlh e wreck on Wabash near Sen­
eca. Mich., Ml kl led
'> Terry McGovern knocked out by
■'Young" Corbett.
"«■ s veral lire« loat la ferryboat co.Halos
In San Francisco Bay.
Washington, Jan. 2.—The navy
department has lieen informed of tlie
departure yesterday from Acapulco,
Mexico, of Rear Admiral Silas Casey,
commanding the North Pacific squad­ 3. Burning of Ja<’k*»nvi!!e, Fla... .Civil
» »tabllshed ar Manila.
ron, aboard his flagship, the Wiscon­ government
8. Suicide »f R. N. Pollock, fugitive bank
sin, lanind for Callao, Peru.
By the president of G.eveland, at Seattle. Wash.
9 First Australian Federal Parliament
time the Wisconsin arrives at the
opened In Melbourne by Duke of Corn« ill
hitter jairt it is expected that the and York . . . Panic In Wall street.
13 S'
P i
- a
battle ship Iowa will l>e ready to
»Is miles north of (¡rand T■•wer. Hi
emerge from the dock at Talchuano, ■Ippl
- •
ff by Mrs
Chile, and at the navy department McKinley’« -e-l us illness
16. Riot in Albany, N Y.
it is thought probable that Admiral
17. Death of Mr«. Lyman J Gage
Casey will transfer his flag luck to Death of Edwin F. Uhl, of Grand Ratdd«
the Iowa, from which vessel it for- Mich.
18. Launching of battleship Ohio at S.m
inelry flew. This state of affairs will Fran<-1«’’o
leave the two largest battle ships of 20 Pan American Ex| o«it >n forma y ded­
. .fifty thouN.-itid tn ichlnlst* g out
the Pacific squadron cruising in the icated
on strike.
Death of Gen Fitzjohn Porter.......
waters off the coast of Chile. Argen­ j 21
of ei Congre««nian < ha« A Boutel e.
tina and Pern, m > that in case the Death
22. Wreck of Sir Thomas Llpt >n > yacht
threatened hostilities Is tween Chile Rbamrock I! ... Suicide of Bread. as«aM:n
Humbert, of Ita y
and Argentina materialize American of 23 King Death
of ex Gov. John R. Tanner, of
interests in that quarter would l>e Illinois.
Norwegian bark E De loH off
Bable laiand, with crew f 14 men.
well looked after.
24. Gala "n great lakes; «¡earner Balti­
more sink« 12 i'vev lo«t
Seventv miners
kli ed by exp'.oalon In Eng i«h c <1 l.-ry.
R umis ’, Reply to I nited States.
2* Cuban convention adopts P.att reci­
Tin Hague. Jan. 2.—M. Kontwroff. tation.
the Russian chamberlain, has handed
to Professor Asser, onto f the Hutch
members of the {»'rmanent arbitra­ Beriutifnl Conn tee« Annewley Is Much
Tallied About.
tion court, and arbitrator of the
claims of American sealers, on the
The most-tslked-aboat woman in Ire­
»ci/iire of their vessels by the Russian land and London at the present time is
government alsmt six
years ago. said to be the Counters of Annesley. She
Russia's reply to the last note of the is to entertain King Edward and Quern
I ntted States on the subject of the Aleiandra n their approaching «
Behring sea seal fisheries difference's. the Emerald Isle and by virtue of her
$100.000 Damage to Power Dam.
Anderson. S C., Jan. 2 —Three
him.Irnt and fifty feet of the \nderson
I ight A Power Compeny'» dam at
I tin in > diala, in S neac river, waa
washed away la»t night.
The dam-
■u-v - .it 1« i-t IlDO.ikk).
2. Fifty seventh Congress awemble«.......
O|o nl: g of the Charleston Exposition
1" Democrats carry Boston city elections.
1-' Marconi signals from Cornwall, En-
g c l. t St Johns. X. F . without wires
1 ■■ Schley court of Inquiry makes Its re­
port censuring Shle.v... Mrs. Lola Ida
B" ine a< i iitted «.f killing James S Ayres
«e |,.aa I.f life and great
la mag.' in Xcw York. Pennsylvania and
"• it » Irgiula
Fatal wreck on Illinois
•'titral Rallwse near Rockford, 111.
Death of John Swinton. Sew York
I'' ■ ' f '’e treaty ratified by
O*’,*r*1 Eberle« Emery
P vna J *«? fr''m ’ »»'Ine-t and Henry C.
blm ' f "la onsln, appointed to succeed
l‘> Congre-« adjourns for holiday recess.
Table Showing the Value of Our Im*
portation» Durine Year.
»w.Qjf table shows the value
of the importation« of tropical an.] sub-
tropical productions into ’ the
the Vnited
»seal year 1901
>n the Statement all sugar, of which »•
already ahowu. the very large proportion
is-from the tropic»:
«* ,
IUw »nil........................................ JLM1.3W
ia h» r.i>’.er ::::::.....................
'-<•'.«■ I- n-ers
......... 5-ÍS
I 'I .™ ..d ».».faetur^ . : : : : l».770.r.»
Raw cotton
Praine Sails 1er Port of Spain.
N orfolk. V*., Jan 2. — The United
Mates crui-er Prairie salle.I tolay for
!'■ t of spun. Trinidad, near the
a»t of Venezuela.
i><’Toaftrat»oa to Gomel.
na. Jan. 1.— The return of
M.* limo Gomes to Havana
iv evening did not produce
demonstration which hml hern
■«I for the occasion. Although
al <» m'l was wvlcomd by six
f niuaic. Irra enthusiasm waa
«n in the Maaao mam beta*
T‘ M i<«o foil- wrera had ar-
• 'd a «it monstration laat evening,
p|oaiti«'n to the one tv welcome
; il <» niPi, but thia was prvhibit-
y the authorities, who feared
i ♦
t S"*>'lsts
Gutta p»n ha
evw capacity as koste«» of royalty. 1« s
most coasptcuons pers-'i». Her beauty
loss ago mad* ber fato-us aa-l she t«
eomnoe’.y regarde. I as >ne of the hand-
rawt w'wa a the United k te n
Her hone. Ostie Wellaa. is a a ortherw
Ireland, and is a superb estate, ample la
every respect te be a mcnsrvh's seat
Tunnel Will Be Expensive.
New York, Jan. 2— Pennsylvar.
v.a s:o i» Railroad officials announce that j-
gress is leing made in the wav d
completing the final plans for tht
The Perspex-toe. opr.
North river tunnel. The next st«’;
The persp«vto*<-„pe is a new instru
will he the organization of a c<"
nt-nt ft r giving a »ingle photograph ot
pany under New Jersey law« to I
pu ture the apfiearance of solidity as if and operate the terminal on the N
•een m a stereoscope. It is an arrange Jersey side, which is to le on 1
ment of tea»»» and a pair of mirrors set Hackensack Meadows, at or ne
at an angle su.-h that the Image of th» Homestead station ami north of Jef
picture is rodected into l>oth eye*. Th» **y City.
The latest estimates a
picture is at right angle» t» the eye that the tunnel and approaches »-■
coat *1"m>> 000.
Ju nip
J The
™ery th
as th
an o<
»elf 1
last. '