o o o A SONO OÍ'DU^TÍ GROVER’S QUIET LIEE betid», ’•An nwt toil ; not pause to» long t. «mile; „ _uit toil on with brain or brawn. For lit* ■* * little while- a'hea joy too strongly may beguile. "■Tia written, joy muat be denied; may w>t pause too long to smile, aust toil on. whate'er betide. Fl RNin RE FOR THE GARDEN DENT SPENDS HIS DAYS IM ASSOLUTI AASf. jlnJ »ben a sorrow come; to him ‘ \[an may not pause too long to weep. nrlif chastens, tasted at the brim, But it destroys when quaffed too deep I yS7EW People know that in t’allf .r- 1» under direct supervision of a super­ The onward march we still must keep Our only living ex President, tirover intendent or warden. Each warden haa "Doe« th« course of their true Howe’er the spirit may be tried. night a force of government po­ under him deputy wardens or rangers, Cleveland, seems to have mastered the run smooth F' "Oh, y«ts; there are jVe may not pause too long to weep. licemen is ou duty, walking regular who patrol smaller sulsllstricts several secret of living, writes a Princeton, We must toil on. whate’er betide. i>anks on both aides."—Mooush ne N J . « -orrvs|>oudent. No man knows l*eats in the heart of tbe mountain times a day during the summer and „Washington Star. Karaii She's worth a million, and forent as they would In a populous fall months ami re|s>rt regularly to the better ho»» to enjoy existence, and for­ just the right age for you. J«»rry—Any tunately for him be has abundance of warden tinder whom they are working city, making occasional arrests and girl worth a million la the right age tor this patrol aeryice the govern­ means with w hich to gratify every rea regular reports to headquarter», quite for me. suitable desire For Mr. Cleveland is re­ ment pays Its men f2 a day and ex ­ etaev i a a sa at . in the style of the modern policeman. pute«! to be rich, bis possessions Mistress (to servant) -Be careful not THE BARBARIAN’S LESSONS. penses. The work, aside from actual Thr «rrstions «how some garden Bests ami furniture ot the moot t|»prov««t In many cases these beats are so Iso­ fighting of fires, is not so very hard, amounting, if the gossips are to l>e bo- m * lorn - . The amateur carp««ator would not experieu«*e much dilkculty la to spill any soup on the ladles' laps. lated and lonesome that the ¡»olieeman Biddy (new tn service) - Yea, mum; ... ............ »♦♦♦»»»>»♦*>>»»♦$ does not see a soul for .weeks save the but It soon tiecomes very monotonous, I’eve«!. to several million dollars in val­ nstru. . s.mllar ones froui tbe material readiest to band where shall I aplU It? and if is sometimes very hazardous. ue. He entered the White llous«- a com­ meu of the adjoining beats. But It is "Pap*, how do people In the weather --■» n patralUag a gtvea i>eat paratively p.s>r man. His expenses dur­ OULD you like to go rowing not to preserve order that the national ■’ several times a day. The patrolmen ing his term were not extravagantly would bold It 111 on«* baud while be Imllris'tly they ixvntrol the shares of bureau find out what kind at weatbo*' this afternoon. Miss Blake?" government employs this force and are clothed w ith police power and have large and were uiet by the contingency drank the soup out of his plate their wives and chlhiren. and nave been we are going to baveF* "1 didn't know pays it. but to guard against forest orders to arrest anyone who has doue fund annually voted by Congress to the He would pera.st. furthermore, io gaining more and more Infiuemv among that they did. my son.” "Am 1 to consider this an In­ fires, which have yearly been increas­ anything that would cause a blaze, or l’r«*aident. so that when lie steppe«! putting his lingers Into the dish to help the people The tribe la govereu«»«l by vitation. Mr. Farrell?" "Is your sou Jack going back to col­ ing in number and destructiveness. has In any wav disregarded the regu­ down and out his four years’ salary himself Once tie put Ills fork into the a chief srul fifteen «»unellors, and at ••I meant it as such." returned the The «»liege prealdeut Millions of feet of valuable timt>er are lations of the forest reserve commis­ was practically intact With his friend soup, and : eld it up and looked at It as the last election the mixed bltssla, OT lege F’ "No. young man. with a puzzled look. seems to agree with Mr. Schwab about burins! every year as the result of the sion. if disa; . med Aft«*r repeating this ■a "squaw men." by bribery and other and former private secretary. Col. Dan­ -1 shall be pleased to go." Its being a waste of time."-Glevelaud carelessness of hunting parties in leav­ It is also the ranger's duty to keep a iel E. Lamont, and under the pilotage maneavi r several times, be lick««! the fluences, suce«*ed<«l In electing their Plain Dealer. "Thank you. 1 will be at the wharf ing camp fire embers behind them. fork, threw it to the door aud drank candidates for chief and the <*ouncll. of E C. Benedict, he made several prof ­ It 2 o'clock, and have the boat ready Drouth has followed drouth until the sharp lookout for incipient blazes; to Guide (referring to Egyptian Pyra­ This has cans««! a great - tractor) Thin It wor a gover’tulnt Job portunity of knowing allege that lie it my room, Parlor D, if you do not but the removal of the trees allows the particular neighborhood. -eh? Tit Bit«. There are various causes for the for­ was worth a million or more when he |H*eullar s mid. and then look suddenly tect thos«» who are really eiititle«l to a find me here on the piazza, and we will springs and creeks which fetal the riv­ The detachable sort: “Mixa Flum­ was called the second time to Wash out to see if bls master was noticing share in the rights of the tribe est fires. Some are started by accident, walk down to the wharf together." ers to dry up. the winter snows are not some by thoughtlessness and some by Ington, and that his Investments were him. lie found great pleasure in tilts mery has auch beauttful hair! Why, The perplexed look ou his face deep conserved for irrigation and the effect she can alt on IL" "How careless of SAYS HORSE MEAT IS QOOO. deliberate, criminal carelessness. By bringing him far mor«1 than the salary game, and would i*oll over, kick up his coed. is felt hundreds of miles away. bar to leave It lying around on chairs.” Ue receive«! as President. He purchased heels and grin with evident delight. far the most frequent cause Is the "1 suppose I haven't said things right. Due night Moses came to his master’s Hl««t Qnarter« of Danker«, To«», Often -Cleveland llaln Dealer. The government has endeavered for smoldering campfire, carelessly left by a home in Princeton and has lived >*••• fnr Vsntson. Miss Blake, but I thank you for prom­ many years to control these destructive Mr. Garner quietly ever since, taking little part In b««l and wke to him. mid he replied with a "Prejudice against the use h*>rs» seen you for an age! What are you do­ it a misdemeanor to leave any emliera tt 2.” rtes of plaintiv«* sounds which sbowetl meat, for It Is only a prejudl«*«, seems ing now“’ "I'm back at the old stamp­ and 1900 the situation became so from a campfire which the next rising Ills feelings as he walked away like were that something was wrong Taking a to I»» waning." said an oh! travelrt y«w ing ground." to alarming that it took up the matter breeze might fan Into a flame. The "Eli! Where's that?” hard to analyze—a man doesn't be ad- much more energetically and systemat­ candle In one band and a revolver in terday. "I a««» that our consul general ‘TVatotflce."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. matter of taking timber unlawfully at Vienna reports a large increaxe In th« be laughed at even by the girl the other. Mr Garner went to the cage, ically than ever before. The ranges from the forest reserve also comes un­ No Deferred Payments: "la your mires. mid dla. >>» >-i ««I that a colony of ants conan nipt Ion of h«»r»e flesh for fi»*»d, th» for the are now subdivided into smaller dis der the direct attention of the forest daughter learning to play by note?" total l«»lng soinethliig like JtMAXi horses bad Invaded it. Th«» cage was Imme ­ "Why can't they take the will tricts than formerly, and each district rangers. diately saturntisl with kerosene, the amt fifty s ight donkeys, w hich la an In "Certainly not,” snxwtwed Mre. Cunt- deed?" he muttered, discontentedly. "1 rox. a little Indignantly; "we pay cash ants were d «possessed, and Mos«*s re- creaae of 8.<«i0 «»ver l*q*7. thought I was extra polite. It's a won­ "Thank you. Blanche, dear. I love moved out of hiw chair, but lie looked for every I «»«son. The Idea!"— Wash­ "1 hav» eaten horse meat atn! foum! turned to his Ins!. der I didn't shout: 'Come on, Blanche; you. Will you be my wife?" ington Star. her right square in the eye, reel friend ­ It pretty go«»!. an«l tt was tn this «^un ­ In a wild state, bo would doubtless let's go rowing,’ ” and he laughed of "Very good. Now. pernaps, we would ly. ’I've got a place o' my own, ve Fred I see the Van Billion girl has try. too. It Is a fact not generally have abandoned bls claim mid tied to aloud, imagining the consternation of better go back to the hotel. 1 see my know,- rented, but I can take it back another plae«> without un attempt to known that some of our Indian tribes adopte«! the English fashion of wear­ atately Miss Blake at such a mode aunt sitting on the piazza." 'most any time, and two bund'ed and drive the ants away, but now he had not only eat horse flesh, but prefer it to ing xandals. Ned (the rejected)—Yes; address. "She may continue to sit there. This fifty dollars out on Intrust, and enough acquired the Idea of the rights of poa t«*«»f It lias a sweetish taste, but a it's the old Boman custom, am! proba­ Meanwhile that lady was saying is no rehearsal, Blanche. 1 am in ear iH'sldes to stock the place. I make ye mu soon learns to like It The Indian bly take« her back to her happy child- session. her aunt: "What a barbarian lie nest; 1 want my answer.” an offer,' be says, 'and 1'11 hold it open cannot understand the white man's hood. Cleveland 8p««'tator. reaching Moses to be cleanly was the Home one should give him lessons "Wait a minute; I am going to say for ye till next Sat’day night.' most difficult task of all. He would prejudice and refus««i to accept It as “Isn't he philosophical?” "Well, I etlquet te.” wa ‘yes.’ but.” speaking hurriedly, "In "Eleanor was starin' at him all the permit Mr Garner or the boy to wash serious As a matt«»r of fact, a large should say so! When the lightning As they floated over the placid sud heaven’s name don’t you say ’Thank time, mind ye. with ner mouth o|H*n. Ills hands, but lie was a rank heretic part of the venl»>n which Indiana bring struck his house, he sat perf««*tly quiet, ters of the beautiful lake, he Bald you.’ ” And before she could get any words to I on the subject of taking a bath; noth­ Into the trading posts out In Arizona for and afterwar«! said he wax glad It hap­ denly: sort put into It. 'It’s time I was gettin’ along ing could convince film that lie needed sale Is not have Horn«* vague Idea of his own 1 bring In more If I had any. That hide erF’ ‘ We have.” “Well. I’ll give yea that you expressed your Invitation in "D’ye ever hear how lie pupixwed to women In this town would be willin' to that way because you thought tb it I Aunt Eleanor, his wife? Happens 1 forget they was called angels before latter was. even up to the time of bls condition, but I do not know that he Is all that's left am! now you get an­ a wake’s trial."—Brooklyn Life. with your wealth any one would be know, because she and my wife was they was married if they could be treat­ death, still a busy man. Every fair day foresaw th«* result lie llnger««l from gry when I offer It to you. I can't Billing passion strong In d«*ath: ”1 while at home in Indianapolis In* walk day to day for a w«*k, slowly sinking umlorstan«! you at all.' elated at the opportunity to go with cousins, and the perceedin’ tickled ed like human heln's now." saw Mrs. K. going Intu an auction sale ed ine Into play. A young horse which Discovered "They had been marrl«*d "Oh,” comprebendlngly, “thank you. thought of by everybody, and Eleanor from only 8,000 to P. ihsi feet. Colorado these be takes In company with bls of human x|x*<« h. Fame will not deny lias never done any work am! has b««*n Now, Miss Blake, will you do me the and her pa and ma always made him possesses more than 120 peaks over 13,- a year iiefore anytxxly knew It, and closest friends as often uh the opportu 5< h ) feet In altitude, of whleh no fewer him a niche III her temple among the well f««l Is a g<«Hl deal better to eat than even then their secret was dlacovered favor to permit me to act as your es­ welcome. I than thirty five peaks range from 14.- lilty presents Itself. heroes who have led the races of the an old steer fattened for the butcher.” only by accident” "Indeed F’ "Yes. cort to the dance, Wednesday night?” "So be come In sort o’ casual, one O'. hi upward. In the whole of Europe At borne, however, he s«x*ma to rather w orld.” New York Commercial Advertiser. one evening at a «•aril party, they "That is excellent, Mr. Farrell." p'tic'lar Sat’day night, and set around there are not over twelve mountain shun »«x’lety. The functions of tbe Ibougbtlesaly played partners, and the "I await your answer, Miss Blake.” as usual, puttin' In a word now and peaks of note. LUXURY AND IDLENESS university which Mr. Clevelnml at A<-ol<1lug an Author. any they qusrrelrtl let the whole thing "I thought this was a rehearsal.” then, till Eleanor's pa went out to see tends with amiable regularity are un Iliev Hiivr Brnutfht I r-jftiprutlon George M. Smith, the publisher of out!”—Detroit Free Press. to “No, tills Is ’de real ting.' to a sick cow lie had, and Eleanor's ma I’loaHng Canneries. famllar to him. The boards of th«* uni­ the OwMtce Indian*. "Jane Eyre.’ gives. In Cornhill, »««lie “It gives me pleasure to accept your started off up chamber somewhere». "Does Miss Whlupperly ever say In Sweden there are Moating canner versity publications always exteud him The Oxsgi* Indiana nre th» of hla recollections of Charlotte Bronte. anything about tneF' asked Gaslett. escort. Mr. Farrell. Now. do you real And then Ephraim speaks up all to les. They are small vessels, whleh fol- Invitations to their lianquets. but be ««immunity in tin* wor.d They number He xays that Thackeray, whom st»» Ize the responsibilities and the privi­ ¿•nee. and he says: low tlshln g Meets, and men on them can usually announce« his Inability to ac but 1,721) souls, all told men, WolIllU greatly admired, made h«*r very angry who wanted to find out where Im sto«»d. leges of your position?” •• ’I'd kind o' like to marry you. Elea­ the tlsb while they are fresh. cept. Unlike the other prominent «III ami chlli!ri-n; they own 1J9a>.,(«»> In don. Hhc was determlmxl at that time a»k««l me to-day where you have tmen you: dance with you all the evening, " ’Sliol’ says she. 'Would ye? She of entertaining or attending the meet trust with the government which to kep her real name from the public, ktmplng yourself. 8h» said you hadn't take you back to Parlor I), and.” anx­ was dumfounded. and couldn't think of Ings of such literary organizations an |):iyx 5 per cent interest, ant! have l«*nxes although she had written the moat pop­ called od her for th» last two or three iously, "do 1 go in?” anything else to say. the Monday Nltfbt Club or The Fort with cattlemen for th«* use of their pas ular book of the «lay. Thackeray, who minute«.”—Indianapolis Hun. Might have been worse "Poor b'ye!” •• ’Yes, I would,’ says he. He never "Certainly not. And you do not nightly. He holds himself completely Hire lauds which bring them lietwtwn was In the secret, temporarily forgot to exclalim«! O’Hara, condoling with Cas­ dance with me all the evening. Certain ahxif from the university life, save ami *.>>,<«») a year, without keep it. sidy, who had been Injure«! by a blsst; dances are yours by right of escort. upon such oci’aslons of surpassing Im counting the rent from the agr.cultural She ha<1 attended ril. That, however. Is very with th«*«* of the audience who had 'are bln worse," repll»«! Cassidy; "sup­ "And you must not forget to send ingly unvarying rule. Once a year be small. They have *<> much money that stayed to offer their congratulations, pose Ol d had me week’s wage In It at flowers in the afternoon.” gli«»» two lectures before the entire they art* lazy, l«lle an«! In a state of lie wax In high spirits, ami said, the tolme.”—Philadelphia Press. Ground plan completed Naggus lilt- “1'11 send a barrel full.” eagerly. university and Its friends, upon mat raphl degeneration. There 1s no more thoughtlessly, to Ills mother: “Mother, "No, just a few. I like carnations and ters connected with public affairs, and. striking example of the Corrupting In­ you must allow me to Intnsluce you to erary editor) How Is your new society as a lecturer In thin chair, eatal>Usbe«l fluences of wealth ami Idleness. Tbe 'Jane Eyr».’ ” novel getting on. Borus? Borus (strug­ I like violets.” through th» generosity of Henry Staf Indians have no Incentive for education "Thank you.” Illa voice sounded distinctly over th» gling sutnor) Splendidly. I've got the foril Little, of the class of 1M4. tirover or lalx>r, but spend their time loafing room, and everybody present turned to French phrases I'm going to use In the “You are permitted also to call the Cleveland occuplea au honorary po»l ami visiting each others’ homes, where, look at the little lady, who leriuis mA story all selected. There’s nothing to next afternoon." do now but to All In the English and tlon as a member of tbe faculty of as the ag« nt says, "they feast and gos only confused but angry His face brightened. “Thank you. Is Princeton University. With this his s p until ona might suppose their ca this by right of escort or because you’d The next afternoon Thackeray called divide It Into chapters.—Chicago Trib­ I connection with the university life parity for both was exhausted; but each like—because you wish to honor me by npon her. and Mr finilth enter««) the une. ends, to al! practical purposes. Mia tress-I'm afraid you will not allowing me to come?” trifling o«*'*urren«-e serves as a text, drawing room In time to find a seen» tn Nome apeak of Mr. Cleveland’« life which Is dlacuss««! from every (»osslhle full progreaa Thack«*ray was standing suit. Honora. And yet Mrs. Hanger said She laughed enjoyingly. ss pniealc. Perhaps It would la* so to |H>lnt of view. Tbe old men find great on the h«»arth rug. looking very unhap­ that you always gave perfe.’t satisfac­ “For both of those reasons, and be­ many, but to tbe ex President there Is pleasure in recounting the past history py Charlotte Bronte sto«id near hl tn, tion at h»r house. The Cook-Yea. cause I shall be glad to see you.” mu> h of enjoyment In It With the ex­ of the p«*a pre­ dance? Fslr Sinner—Oh. yes, often. cidents of bls life, however. He pr«»- and the Interests of their chlhiren.” She blushed as she recalled the word, ferring another one of hie characters, Revivalist Now. tell me. honestly am! fere to spend rn**«t of h « time st h**me Tiie entire trli>e Is comp* s«- families of which 1,170 are a9 sre children of sch.<«») cash for every haved tome yesterday.” taught her? No witty repartee came to family. Including tbe "grass money,” The little woman reached scarcely to Fair Sinner When my partner steps her rescue, and she awkwardly stam­ THE EDUCATION OF "MOSES.” as they rail it, which la rer»!v»«l from Thackeray’s elbow. Dut In her fierew on my toes - New York Weekly. mered: "You have been an apt pupil." "Thank you; I have tried to profit by Chlmpsns-e tb«t Kip over <»er«er At- leasing the pastures, ti e Inc*,me of the nees she looked no mean antagotilet. He <’ur1«»ws Hello of old Home. rr.tie w II average |Qtg),000 a year, which mad» som» half humorous ap«>i' that *2», mostly tone nt brick Make a little calculation asking a loan or other favor, be ad- wifeF ►er y • - is per ton. and It will be dres»«w him as "Hon.” "That might do. but It la a trifle stilt­ ' « a 1 K »Ing to bed. Ta children ar» of mixed blood. Tbe at tbe rate of found that no less than SJfsiotJ of the 'd fo^ that particular qn■■- )Je »tlquette am V )C ar i at firs'® i "squaw men.” as the white« who marry Usually the newest thing lu flannels He saem»d to r«*gar«l it as pure affé«’- Imllsa woaen are called, are not en prerlous metal la locked tightly up In Is s ha by. more simple and direct a man’s w* the ugly red wall of f«oud<>u alone. roUed« ami receive m/thlug