SHIPMENTS of arms . EUGEHE WEEKUY GUARD. TO STUDY AMERICAN METHOD8. IXEWS OF THE STATE Preparing For More Trouble in Shaun fwelv« Workingmen Arrive Fram England ta Taur the United State«. EUGENE OREGON. EVENTS OF THE PAY A Comprehensive Review ol the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many New York, Aug. 29.—On the Anchor line steamship Ethiopia tonight came 12 workingmen, who have been sent to tour this country and study trades by an English paper. Tbe men were selected by popular vote. They are: H. J. Humphrey, coach builder, Ley- ton store. Essex, Frank Harris, pot­ tery and glass decorator, Boxness, Scotland; F. A. Scott, electrical and mechanical engineer, Glasgow. C. J. Jackson, engineer, Stratford; Thomas Graham, miner, Yorkshire; W. E. Grant, stevedore, Liverpool; George Nutley, painter, Kingston Hill. Sur­ rey; Thomas Fleming, mason, Peebles; John Scutter, engine driver, Motherwell; Kenneth Kenxle, uphol­ sterer. Internees; George Ethells, weaver. Stockport; J. G. Gowan, ha.m- mi rman, Gatesh«*ad, and A. Nichol Simpson, who will act as conductor said: of the expedition. Mr. Simpson r" ‘ ‘‘ "We will visit Washington. 1 Pitts East burg. Philadelphia. Cleveland. Liverpool, O.. Buffalo, Ottawa and Montreal. We shall remain a few days In each city. The delegates came over here to gather information and study questions in which the British artisan is vitally Interested. We will Inquire into the conditions of the American wageearners; how they sre housed and live; their hours, unions and other things of interest to us on the other side.” TEM8 OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im. portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth — Latest Market Report WARULOl’DSLOWER i Munition* BOXERS AGAIN DRILLING- Victoria. B. C.. Au*. 29.—Chinese papers received by the Empress of China contain accounts of a massacre of Chinese in the Kwan Tien Hien district of Manchuria, the Russians excusing the massacre by the state­ ment that the peasants killed were mistaken for insurgents. Few de­ tails are given. Further troubles in Mongolia and Manchuria are reported, and, accord­ ing to the North China Dally News, the Russians have placed 20.000 men on tbe Manchuria-Corean frontier to cope with the rebels. The Shanghai Mercury publishes a letter from Rev. Frank Herman, of Chou Ping, who has been journeying through North Shan Tung, to the ef­ fect that the Boxers are drilling and preparing for a rising in that prov­ ince. Christians have been openly threatened. A Boxer placard has been found posted at Canton, de- nouncing foreigners and calling upon the Chinese to rise and refuse to pay the indemnity to the foreigners. The Chinese papers contain long accounts of the floods caused by the overflowing of the Yangtse Kiang, and stories are told of the drowning of hundreds of villagers, of the break ing of the embankment, the flooding of millions of acres of rice fields, and of great destruction generally by the floods. The allies have returned to the Chinese Government the warship Haiyang, flagship of Admiral Yih, which was taken during the bombard­ ment of Taku. A bloody affray is reported from a Chinese village 15 miles from Kiang Si, where Protestant and Catholic converts quarreled and came to blows, with the result that 30 Pro­ testants were killed. War Going to Central FAMINE IN RVSsg and South Amarica. Tung Province. ol FRANCE BREAKS OFF RELATIONS WITH TURKEY. Th« French Minister. M. Constan«, Hai Left Constantinople Munir Bev, Turkish Am- batsador to France. Now in Switzerland, Has Been Notified Not to Return Io Peru — May Mean Downfall of Turkey. New York. Sept. 2.—Special agents of the United States Government are constantly watching for the shipment of arms from this port, designed to fall into the hands of the warring factions in Colombia, and the infor­ mation concerning the shipments ot arms and other war materials from here to Central American ports is sent to Washington in the form of weekly reports. It is said that a report has been sent to Washington containing the information that during the week ending August 27 these amounts of arms and explosives were shipped from New York to Mexican, Central and South American ports. _ — _______ To Mexico Seven cases of fire­ arms. 11 cases of cartridges and 28. 350 pounds of powder. To United States of Colombia—206 cases of cartridges and one Driggs- Seabury 15-pounder rapid-fire gun •from Pan-American Exposition (latter weapon not manifested.) To Venezuela—20 cases of fire­ crackers and 429 cases of railroad ma­ terial. To Santo Domingo—925 pounds of gunpowder. To Uruguay—100 cases of fire- crackers. To Argentine Republic—One ease of firearms and five cases of cart ridges. To Central America—One case of firearms and two cases of cart ridges. marked To Bolivia—36 cases “wheelbarrows.” government is preparing t 0 FEED THE DESTITUTE. Prospects for th« W inter are Qecidediy In Many Districts the Population Art Ai. moii Esc» to Face With Surv»u«_ Official Government Crop Reports She* a Senous Condition. St. Petersburg. Sept. 2 — The day Paris. Aug. 29 —A semi-official note on which the first fruits of th* hi*. Hop picking has begun in several has been issued, announcing that as vest were blessed in the church*« Oregon yards. Prince Chun’s mission will be hur­ the Porte had not carried out its which was celebrated throughout Another contest has been filed in ried to Berlin. undertakings with regard to the dis­ Russia this week, must hav* the Tillamook timber land case, Shamrock had another satisfactory French puted questions between the I' been a day of mourning in maay Cattlemen fired about 100 shots into trial In New York bay. and Ottoman Governments, M. Con- a band of sheep in Eastern Oregon. of the provinces. The outlook Kitchener reports another case of stans, the French Ambassador, acting be made grown worse almost every w**k dut. Important changes will Boers shooting prisoners. under instructions from the Foreign the O. R. among the traffic men of ing the last four weeks. Even v*g*. Tbe Chinese are again dictating Minister of France, left Constanti­ & N, Railway. tables, including potatoes, have b**a terms in regard to the protocol. nople August 26th. the date named Hop pickers are said to be very largely burned by the scorching heat Nine persons lost their lives by the in bis last communication to the scarce In many sections of the Wil- in some districts. The approaching explosion of a Delaware steamer. lamette Valley. Porte on the subject. winter will be one of the gloomi*« Nebraska Republicans denounced An arrangement had been effected Richard Downey has been appoint- Russia has ever seen. Governor Savage for paroling Bartley. ed n«arshal of V’ale, vice Robert August 17th, and its terms drafted by The government already hax b*gu# A Missouri negro murderer is being Draper, resigned. the Ottoman Foreign Minister with pursued, and may be burned if caught. preparations for the feeding of tn* Construc tion of the Lakeview Silver the approval of the Sultan, who had Sante Fe line negotiating with Pa­ population in districts where stan». Lake telephone line will be begun promised M. Constans that the text cific Mail for trans Pacific connec­ about September 1st. tion is threatened. By a law adopted should be handed to him August 18th. tions. A band of counterfeiter’s captured some time ago. the Zemstvos, or dis­ M. Constans telegraphed to Paris The list of witnesses to appear be­ at Huutlngton bad one of the most trict assembblies are relieved froa August 19th that none of the prom ­ fore the Schley court of Inquiry Is complete outfits ever found. all responsibility in the matter, th* ises had been fulfilled, and M. Del- made public. A branch of the Sons of St. George famine relief funds being now turned casse. Minister of Foreign Affairs. SURROUNDED BY BOERS. Burns, of the Window Glass Work­ has been organized by the British- over to the central government August 21st, telegraphed M. Constans ers. has a plan for settlement of the American citizens of Marshfield. Agents of the ministry of the interior steel strike. that, in view of so flagrant a disre­ British Lost Ont Msn Killrd and Four A dead infant was found in a mill- are engaged in buying grain, though gard of the undertakings, the nego­ A gang of thieves stole a three- wan race at Salem, but the presence Wounded the Russian press is forbidden to PULLMAN TURNED OVER. masted schooner from her moorings tiations could no longer be contin­ explained satisfactorily to the cor­ mention the^ matter. The precis* ob­ In Sharptown, Mil., and got away with London, Aug. 29.—A dispatch from oner. ued, and requested M. Constans to In­ ject of this prohibition is difficult to her. Lord Kitchener, dated from Pretoria and Mother Baptiste. of Denver, Wai Killed form the Porte that he had received W. S. Walker’s threshing crew run divine. It cannot be possible that A Chicago policeman shot anil kill- today, Hays: orders to leave Constantinople. Au- Three Other« Were Injnred. the government thinks the grain sp*<. “Three officers and 65 men who five dayH on spring grain and aver­ ed a boy. and says It was In self-de­ gust 23rd M. Constans communicated I.adybrand. aged 2500 bushels. The largest run ulators can be taken unawares, and fense against a gang of young hood­ were sent north of Durango. Colo., Sept. 2. — By with the Porte, fixing August 26th as the secrecy with which the prices and Orange River Colony, on the right of in one day was 3100 bushels, That lums. the date for his departure, and as the turning over of the Pullman on HE HEADS THE LIST. Elliott's column were surrounded on is something big. and Mr. Walker the localities of purchases are invest­ engagements were still unkept, M. west bound Rio Grande passenger ed can hardly be conducive to econ­ New York yachtsmen are afraid of unfavorable ground and captured by would like to hear of the thresher | Constans left Constantinople yester­ train at 11:18 this morning, Mother omy. Shamrock II. a superior force, August 22nd. One that equals it. Sampson Will Be a Witness at the Schley In­ day, the date named. Inland Empire farmers are having man was killed and four were wound­ The latest trustworthy reports show Verne Hopkins attempted to break With the departure of M. Constans, Baptiste, of Denver, mother superior quiry —Brooklyn's Officer« Also. ed. The prisoner» were released. Am jail at Lakeview last week, He re- a prosperous season. of Colorado, was killed, and Sister the crop condition about August 1st the relations between France and holding an inquiry. moved thtee slats from the jail floor Sampson will be a witness at the Washington. Aug. 29.—It is under­ Turkey may be regarded as broken Mary Nora and Harley McCoy, also Excessive heat and aridity prevailed "Have received a long letter from with an Iron bar, making an aperture during the preceding six weeks. This 8« hley court of inquiry. that Admiral Sampson is to be off Munir Bey, the Turkish Ambas­ Steyn contain ng an argumentative through which he could pass to the stood represented before the Schley court sador to France, who is in Switzer­ of Denver, and Pullman Conductor cut off the development of the grain Members of the Nome bar petition Htatement of the Boer ca»e, and say­ ground beneath the building. Once inquiry by counsel, though the land, has been telegraphed not to re­ Whan were injured. The accident oc­ and unduly hastened maturity. Suffi­ McKinley to remove Judge Noyes. ing he will continue to tight: also a underneath he proceeded to dig a of curred at Lobato side track about 100 cient rainfall was had only in the Navy officials say they have no of- Trans Atlantic freight business out short letter from Dewett to the same trench to the south end of the build­ ficial knowledge on the subject, and turn to Paris. The current affairs of yards from the high bridge, five miles western and Baltic provinces. The the two embassies can be carried on effe< t of N««w York Is very light. ing. and when the hour came for his . _ point ____ to _ the _ ___ fact that the court of by the Charge d’Affaires, but all ne­ east of Chama. Railroad men and winter grains naturally suffered com­ "Botha writes acknowledging the escape he would have nothing to do inquiry The expiatory mission of Prince retelpt is the only body authorized gotiations of a political nature will passengers alike are unable to explain paratively little fiom the weather, and of my pro tarnation and pro ­ but remove a board from beneath th«* to admit or debar counsel In such be entirely suspended until the Sul­ why the car turned over as the train the harvests of winter grain will be Chung has been delayed at Basle. testing against it, and stating that was slower than usual, the track in good in the provinces of Kiel!, Po- Nicaragua and Colombia promise the Boers intend to go on fighting. sills. The aperture in the floor was cases. It may, at its pleasure, deny tan yields to the French demands. covered by a blanket from the bed. person under investigation the The French Government holds that good condition and there was no dolia. Bessarabia and Kherson, in not to mix in the Isthmian trouble. On th«' otht r hand, the surrenders and the officer, noticing this, thought the privilege of having counsel present before the accident. The some portions of the black earth dis­ Rothschilds deny any knowledge of lately have Increased considerably." it strange. Lifting the blanket from before the court; or, on the other the Sultan has broken his word. He breakage tricts. particularly the provinces ot Another dispetch from I-ord Kitch­ the floor, the means of the prisoner's hand, it may go the length of per­ had promised full payment of the car was dragged about 75 feet. the recent reported combine in cop­ Mother Batiste was sitting on the Tchernigoff. Poltava, Volhynia, Kursk, I long standing indemnities to French­ ener siys: per. escape was discovered, and a jail­ mitting persoriH in secondary interest men. amounting to 12,000.000 francs left side and the car turned to the in the province of Minsk. Grodno. "Since August 19th, 32 Boers have break averted. the privilege of e.mploylng counsel be­ i (32.400,000), but at the end of last right. She was thrown across the Kovno. Vitebsk and Smolensk, in por­ Tinplate officials deny that negotia­ made prisoners and fore the court. So the officials say week declined to pay the full ynount. aisle and half way through an open tions are under way to settle the been killed, 139 surrendered Including l $ I have Prunes are beginning to move in they have no knowledg«* officially of j and offered a r«‘du< eil sum. w'/ch was window, her head and shoulders being tions of the Baltic territory, in Fin­ strike. nephew of the ex-Presl- earnest at The Dalles. I Kruger, a the retention of counsel by Admiral [ refused by M. Constans, who waited dragged between the side of the car land and in a portion of the central The worst epidemic of plague Hl dent." Sampson, but privately it is admitted | until yesterday and then departed. and the ties. She was dead before region. In the remaining portion ot TI d * Jacksonville public schools years Is now rampant in parts of the Empire the winter grains will that he expects to be so represented. The Sultan made a final attempt to Canton, China. FATAL BRIDGE ACCIDENT. will open September 2. The Navy Department toilay. induce him to stay. M. Constans hail any one reached her. her head being shade off from below medium to very One hundred fellows were elected A race meeting will probably be j through Captain Lemly, the Judge- left Thereapia on board the Vautour split open. Sister Mary Nora is hurt bad, and the official report adds that to the Association for the Advance- Falling nl Bridge Girders Caused the Death held in Pendleton this fall. Advocate of the court of inquiry, sup­ for Stamboul. where he was to take internally and her injuries are quite “the condition of spring grains is be­ merit of Science. plied counsel for Admiral Schley with tho Orient express. A court cham­ serious. Harley McCoy was asleep low that of winter grains.' The har­ of Four Mtn. The Klamath county wheat crop a tentative when the jar came. His arm slipped vest of spring grains will be 'satis­ list of witnesses to be General Fabius M. Mead, a veteran Columbia. 8. C., Aug. 29.—An acci­ will not la* as large as it wks last year. called before the court by the Gov­ berlain arrived at Stamboul in post through the window and his hand was factory ' in the southwest, tue Vistula of till- Civil War, and a friend of haste from the Sultan, begging M. Hopgrowerx at Woodburn coinplain ernment. The department declines Constans to return to Thereapia. and* ground off at the wrist. Conductor provinces and portions of the north­ Logan, Grant und McClellan, Is dead, dent at the new bridge which the Southern Railway is constructing at had his left hip crushed, and west. It is bad throughout the im to make this list public, but it is un ­ of a scarcity of help to harvest the promising that everything would be Whan While two men were out hunting Congaree River today caused the was also internally injured. W. D. mens* southwestern territory between derstood that it contained, and in satisfactorily settled. M. Constans in Montana, one mlHtook the other ileiith of four men. One other was crop. fact is headed by. the name of Rear- declined to return, declaring the time McDowell, state health inspector, was the Dnelper and the Ural, Percent- for a bear and shot him through the fatally and two more seriously in­ The wheat crop of Jackson county Admiral Sampson. for promises was past, and that it aboard the train and cared for the in age estimates have not been given. heart. jured Th«* Hilling of the steel gird- is turning out much better than ex­ Some time ago Admiral Schley, in was for the Sultan to fulfill his un­ jured at Chama. <*rs about seven feet long, weighing Tiie French Minister to Turkey has sending his list of witnesses to the pected. EXAMINATION OF HOEY. act it tons each, caused the accident. left Constantinople, which department, included a request for all dertakings. French Government will take Three Men of-Wertmen Drowned. The Sherman county Horse Fair The girders were hoisted about mid ­ breaks off friendly relations between the officers of the Brooklyn. The de no The further steps in the matter, but way of the river above tho bridge, I Association will hold a fair at Wasco partment replied that a number of Washington. Sept. 2.—The Navy tho two nations. The rains of the night previous prob- I some time this fall to encourage the the officers of the Brooklyn would be will wait for the Sultan to move. It Department today received a cable­ A Line Rider Testifies to the Nogalti Smuj- K. C. Westfall, chief of the money alily hud caused the ropes holding is thought the Sultan will not allow gram from Captain Otaig, of the Al- glirg Conspiracy Case. on the list prepared by the depart- the order bureau at Havana, will be them in place to slip. The crash breeding of good horses of al) kinds. present situation to. last very 1 »art j HatoJ at Ailpn annmirwi ng that Nogales, Ariz.. Sept. 2.—William Th« 1 first *'«-*•«•/*< xHalfu >11 KlaiiiH«!' I prosecuted. Frank Schilz and Timothy McCarthy, IWri* 'were 75 people on”"fne“WT<118, nuearer of the edict necessary to he remained in the locality where the information that he conspired to ad­ by the accident, of some claims and fatally wounded terially ing the quartermasters who were at signing the settlement protocol by though Home of the iron work whb ty are without teachers, and in each th«* wheel during the action off San­ accident occurred all Sunday night and one man. the Chinese plenipoteptiares, who until after daylight Monday, but the mit Chinese into this country from case a good ‘ one is ' wanted " : Cuncord, " tiago. B. F. Jossey, United States cus- strained. was on his way from Sinan Fu and men were not again seen and their Mexico in a fraudulent manner. A Lincoln, Bridgeport, and the primary toms inspector at Tucson, Arizona, NEGROES CANNOT BE IN IT. expected to arrive today, lias been bodies could not be recovered. On the number of witnesses were examined, FLOOD OF OIL IN TEXAS. department at Falls City. under arrest for smuggling Chinese delayed bv floods, but it is anticipated following Monday George Perkins the principal one being George W. Into the United States, was killed by went overboard and was drowned. His Webb, known as a line rider. Webb the accidental discharge of I i I h re­ First Cubin Artillery Will Be Compottd of Portland Markets. Another Guther i> Going Wild Great Danger j he will reach l’ekin shortly. body was recovered and will be buried testified, among other things, that be volver while looking for chicken Natives. in Case of Fiet. Wheat — Walla Walla, nominal ashore at Aden. thieves on hla own premises. Shipment of Gold From Nome. advised Hoey that Chinese were being New Turk, Aug.28.—That Negroes 56i,c jier bushel; bluestetn, 5fi1i(<* Beaumont, Tex., Aug. 29. — Two men San Francisco, Aug. 28. — The 'Die United States gunboat Machias are barred from enlistment in the 57c; val ley, 5.5 056. brought through the lines and made Forming the Plow Tru«t. ar<> dead and one of the largest oil steamer St. Paul has arrived from an engagement with the Collector W is nt Colon. First Cuban artillery is stated by the Flour—best grades, $2 6503.50 per gushers in the world is going abso­ Chicago, Sept. 2.—Nearly thirty lutely wild, utterly defying the me­ Norn«1 via St. Michael with $1,500.000 plow manufacturers of the United meet him at his room. He put a man A largo sugar licet crop ix expected Tribune corrcspomient at Havana barrel; graham, $2 <10. named Dickey in a cupboard and left in gold dust. She brings information chanical skill of man to stop it. Due hundred slid fifty "Cubans" will Data — Old $1.1001.15 percental. is Southern Washington. States were in session here toilay dis­ the door ajar. Continuing he said: that Judge Wickersham will not hold The famous oil field presents tonight l*e enlisted. All muxt la* 21 years Burley—Fee«l, $15015.50; brewing. th«1 possibility of one of the direst court at Nome during the temporary cussing plans for a consolidation of all I “I talked with Hoey about a China­ M ichacl Berry, n note«! Colorado ild or more, and white. Negroes will $15.50 |>er tom. calamities which ever visited Texas, absence of Jmlge Noyes, ami that the plow interests in the country. man named How and proposed to go burglar has lieeii arrested. Millstuffs—Bran, $27 |>er ton; mid­ should fire join force with the gush­ After the meeting it was announced not I h * receive«! as candidates for en­ cases now ped ing are to be tried at that the proposed consolidation was in with him. 1 said that How had llelat ions are still disturbed be- listment. Enlistment will lie made dlings, $21.50; shorts. $20. chop. $16. ers. Tomorrow the gusher will still Unalaska. promised me 310 a head. Hoey said practically a sure thing from present all right and told me how he had fixed Hay—Timothy, $11« 13; clover, be spilling Itself on the prairies and similarly a» in the United States, and tween France and Turkey. prospects and that about 350,000.000 will Is* for tbe term of two years. $709.50; Oregon wild hay, $">06 per flooding the country with oil. it with them to use a letter A on tbe Four Miner« Killed. Two men were killed while trying One of the first questions toarise con­ ton. would be represented in the organiza- certificate of those who had paid tbe Janies Smith died trying to shut I Bloomington, III., Aug. 28. — Four to shut off a new Texas oil gusher. cerning th«* enlistment is as to who Hutter- •—Fancy creamery.22 *t025c ; off the gusher, and John McDaniels miners lost their lives in an accident tion when it should be completed. The fee, and that I was to let such China­ Both recent rise of ten per cent in the price man go. but was to arrest all others.' died trying to save Smith. — Colombians generally expect the are “Cubans'* within the terms of dairy, 18020c; store, 11012c per showed great heroism. The wild at the Chenoa coal mine at noon to­ of plows and the proposed consolida­ The examination will be continued revolutionary movement to succeed. th«’ order. In the absence of General pound. gusher is in the Hogg Swayne syn- day. The men were about to descend tion is the result, the manufacturers tomorrow. Eggs—17017’jC |*er dozen. Woo.1, Acting Military Governor dlcate tract. in the car when the cable broke, pre­ say. of an increase in the price of Shaffer says the move to settle the Scott explained that "in order to l*e Cheese—Full cream, twins, 110 cipitating them to the bottom of th«* every kind of material and a ruinous steel strike is without official sane- eligible tho candidate must la* a 11 ltc ; Young America, 12‘gC per A Car Inspector Killed Book Bindery Girls Strike. shaft, 247 feet below. All were killed credit system that has prevailed for t ion. Cuban citizen by birth or adoption." pound. St. Louis. Sept. 2.—In an accident Chicago. Aug 29.—AU the girls of instantly, their necks l>eing broken. years. Poultry—Chicken», mixed. $.'l uo«t the Bookbinders' Union employe«! by on the Southern Railway at Firewater Englishmen are confident that Sir There seems to la< some doubt as to Turkey Comidcring the Claim« Station, four miles from East St Thomas Lipton is going to win the how : Cuban citizenship is fixed until 3.75; hens, $4 5005.50; dreaaed. 10« the W. B. Conkey Company, at Ham Fourteen Persons Hurt Constantinople. Sept. 2.—The Tur­ Louis, today, Frank Haefele. chief car the new constitution g es into effect. He |»er pound; springs, $2.500.3.50 mond. Ind., numbering about 250. America's cup. Indianapolis, Aug. 28.—Fourteen kish Minister discussed the French inspector of the road, was killed, and |s*r dozen ; ducks. $3 for old ; |3 00 struck today because their officers, Howard, who deserted the Amer­ ----- - that Elmore Drumm, fireman, was fatally 2 ,. I'. It is believed «3.50 for young; gees«’, $.'i«6 p«>r who had been discharged yesterday, persons were injured, three seriously, claims Saturday. Mi<«r Starved to Death. icans to become a Filipino leader, were not reinstated. Trouble has in a collission lietween a Greenfield full satisfaction will be given to and Scott Mulconnery, engineer, se­ dozen ; turkeys, live, 8« 1(V , dressed, New York, Aug. 29 An old nian been brewing since Saturday, when interurban car and a train on the Belt France. has Isi'n captured. riously injured. named Paddy Kearns died yesterday lO0l2l«c per pound. an injunction from the Federal Court railroad today. The electric car was Mutton — l.atnlm, 34*0, gross; Cardinal Gibbons was given a In Tarrytown, literally of starvation Smith« of Oklahoma. prohibited the workers from picket­ partly demolished. There were 12 On An Oregon Beach. royal welcome on his return to Hal- and neglect. In the house In which dress«*»!, 6«7c p«*r pound; sheep, ing or holding mass meetings to in ' ­ passeuigres on the car, nearly all from Guthrie. O. T.. Sept. 2.—Today a h« ’ had lived alone for more than 60 Marshfield. Or., Sept. 2 —The Brit $.> 25, groaa ; dreaaed, 606^0 per lb. timidate nonunion employes. tiniore from Europe. call was issued for a convention ... in Greenfield. years, bank books showing deposits Ilogs — Gross, heavy, $5.7506; ish bark Baroda, bound from Caila« Guthrie October 12 next of all persons By the explosion of a Isimb in New of 37,000 were found. The old man Is light $4.7505; dreeeed, 707tyc per Hanna Will Take the Stump in Oklahoma by the name of Smith, for Portland. Or., is ashore nine mile» Four Boy« Drowned. Jersey three men were seriously in­ believed to have had a considerable pound. an- Cleveland. O„ Aug 29. — It Is to effect an organization for annual south of the Coquille River. 8be New York. Aug. 29.—Four boys, be­ reunions. It is estimated that 2000 struck head on and swung around anJ jured and several women and children amount of ready money and some Veal — Small. 809c; large, 7 nounced authoritatively that much of jewelry hidden around the house. H b tween the ages of 10 and 15 years, slightly is now lying with her bow to the sei. Senator Hanna's time during the came to this lountry from Ireland In «7 lsC j*er pound. were drowned today at Ixrng Branch. Smiths are in the territory. She has two heavy anchors out. sad Href—Groaa top steers. $3 5004.00; state campaign will be spent on the N. J. The victims are A vessel wax stolen from a dock In 1349. Two sons if the sea remains smooth as it is no» Drilled Into Dynamite cows ami heifers. $3 25«3.50. dreaaed stump, especial attention being given of Professor Blakeley, the head of Maryland and the thieves tried to to the clos.» counties The Senator Drowned in the Spree. Shamokin. Pa.. Sept. 2.—John Shen- the captain has hopes of floating M* beef, 6ti<een eaten, have lieeii taken Havana. Aug. 29.—The authoritiea world, giving th«* men a majority of has been obtained by agents of the ship Iowa arrived today at Acapulco the litigation which has involved tM Steamship Company s steamer Ori ­ from the ruins of Herculaneum. Colombian government, according to will prosecute for criminal negligence on her way to join the Ranger in look­ Northwestern Life Assurance C’01*' zaba sailed today for Colon, carrying 15 1-3 millions. K. C. Westfall, chief of the money order English cement manufacturers, a large number of huge packing ing after American Interests on the Pany since last September was rfect- For th«’ first time during his pon­ the Tribune, that a vessel now at a finding their trade threaten«*«! by the cases which those who are well In­ tificate of 23 yearn Po,«e Leo iwently New Jersey port has been engaged bureau of the Havana postoffice. who Isthmus. ed today by the bid of Walter H LX American product, decide to adopt formed. say contain munitions of war entertained eight giwwts at luncheon by the Insurgents for a filibustering lost 34.000 of the funds of the post- Dedired the Strike Off. for the assets of the company. Sot#* the Yankee methods and machinery. for the rebels In the Department of in the Vatican. expedition. This ship, it is said. Is office in an omnibus while on the way offered w to >- pay Cauca. on the Pacific Coast of Colom­ •rr. Lee onere« —< 40 P*r Pittsburg. Sept. 2.—The seven hun­ time ago Mr. to pay the money into the treasury. to carry a part of th« ’ consignment of • al II approved claims aza:»* The Southern Pacific railroad now bia. On the arrival of the arms at “ G«i*rge W. Ranek. one of the b»*at 5.000 rifles, ammunition and men for The Havana secret police know who dred strikers at the plant of the Mc­ cent on pany in return for - the title W has 95 engines equip|«cd for the burn­ Colon, It is said they will be trans km*wn literary men of Kentucky, which General I'ribe l'ribe telegraph­ stole the money The gang consists Clintock Marshall Company, at Ran the compauj m ■ «?»■■■■« ------- The „V. claims whicb »hieb are ing of oil as fuel. It takes 21 barrels shipped by railroad to Panama and was struck and killed by a lx’uisiille ed recently to Dr. A. J. Restrepo, his of four persons two Cuban boys and kin. Pa . met today and declared the • II the assets. it two negroes. All are as yet at large, strike off They go back at the terms to be settled aggregate in round of oil to run a locomotive • day. but sent thence by an Kngllsh steamer to A N.vhivlle tram at Lexington. representative In this city. Buena Ventura, the seaport of China. offered by the company. •nd »re believed to be in biding. the cost 1» small compar«*«! with coal. ures 31.000.000. (>f the inhabitants of Budapest 23.6 Gstting Rradv ter Buoneti Immense damage has been caused Ixx Fabius F. M«ad Dead. Oppoitd to t*»« Inion Label Rebel« Attacked Buena Ventura. Biwr Attaik Rtpul««d |w*r cent 1 IM. 198) are Israelites. by fire to the forests in northern Victoria. R C.. Aug 29 — H M S sessM General Fabius Chicago Au*. 29- London. Aug 29 — Locd Kitchener, i Kingston. Jamaica. Sept. 2. — The Buffalo. Sept. 2 —At today s 1 Ontario and Qu< lax* More than $78.0'0.GOB was paid Amph'on yesterday loaded three F Mead, a veteran ot the War of in a dispatch from Pretoria today, British steamer Costa Rican, which of the lue United 1 uitc-u Typothetae ___ of Ant* The sugar cane is now cultivated the Rebellion, and • friend of Grant, by American insurance companies to scowloads of ammunition. and the re- aays: has arrived here from Colon. Colom­ the convention directed that a «a* in every part of Africa that has luwn l-ogan and Mct’lrllan, died last night Iwneficiaries in the Middle states last port was current last night, although "A convoy on Its way from Kim­ bia. brought advices of continued rebel mittee of three be appointed by no confirmation can be obtain«*»!, that explored by white men. at his late reslde'nce In this city, after year berley to Griquatown was attacked activity in the vicinity of Colon and chair to make a study on behalf of t** she has been ordered to prepare to The strikes that have «wcurred in a Ion* Illness, Iiesth was caused by The presents which the sultan usu­ near Rootkopje. The attack was the United Stat«« last y«-ar cx*et the consumption. and for many months ally gives are made in a special work proceed to Panama, and the torpele- driven off by Captain Humby's e«F Panama. The government was mak­ Typxxhetae and other trade* of been practically destroyers Virago and Sparrowhawk General Mead had ing renewed efforts to dislodge the proposition that all trades be co»?* country, it is aaul, between $4's cort of tbe Seventy fourth Imperial rebels from a strong position The led to use the union label. Tbe <* OUO and $.MMi OU),000 alxxit 50 men. bed (tenersi Mead was born In Ra boilers have been taken apart, and Yeomanry, who lost nine men killed rebels in force were attacking Buena vention of 190) was oppose«! to I^«st y«*ar the area in cotton «»« the lel*h. N C In 1x39 In 1*73 he was E r three yearn two New York men orders have be«-n given for work and had 23 men wounded. The con Ventura, on the Bay of Choco, Monday, idea on the ground that it infra*** biggest on leoont, l*eing 23.MKi.62t) named by President tirant as on* of have lw*en trying to make each other night and day to hurry the repairs voy was brought in safely. and a large government force has been ' Rawlinson caught 18 Transvaalers dispatched there from Panama. The on the personal liberty ot the ;«>*• l«lee. and it was an incrvaM* from l*- the com ml a* loners to Investigate the the gift of aouw. Failing, they have and have the destroyer ready to pro after a 4«> minute gallop in the open censorship in Colombia is most strin­ and this convention 1» of 'be tweeu 16 and 17 million acres 15 condition of affairs on the Me«lean at la»> ex.'ktd th* aid of the t ’Urtk I cecd. ••st of Kdcnburgh " bordar gent. * year* ag'i. mind. 't-aders.