her answer . | tongue out before I'd tell you. but you drove me to it. Uh dear, oh dear, an­ were old friend«, but they hadn't on your weddin' night, too! l>on't uiiud **** met me. miss. I'll not trouble you In anf I. many. tn»»* fe,rs* , , way again, but call God's blessing’, BUDDHISTS VISITED THIS CONTI. Jj the lid. of Life had burned on. down on you this uigbt. au' my C..U «¡th it* >»?• *"J holMM' a“d ie,r*: NENT IN FIFTH CENI URY. _ . both the wouieu had met at laat— I will be for your happl I uew. • • pUviuate* uuce aguin. Tb'y af «irlbood m dream«, now "Au' do you think I could be happy I'rufrunr Fryer, of the University of tsl.romia. Io Meopun.iblo for This— past— with Shaun Bradyr asked Mary, with Iu buoyant hopes, now slain. 1 he Ev Uence la IhH-umentory —An­ , au upward glance. cient Record »till Preserved in China, "Well. I hope you'll be.” he answered -4h. Kate." said Mad««, "you re not the evasively. »»me- Au w hat s the good hoping any such Prof. Fryer of the University of Cal­ v .u're lost your charm of face— thing, w hen you know, well as 1 do ifornia brings to light new evidence You », lost your pretty, rosy cheeka- that happiness and 1 will part forever te.nliug.to ( ;.oe that Buddhist piiest* You've lost your form of grace. v.ur chestnut hair has turned to gray, when 1 marry Shaun? 1 have t»eeu discovered America I.IW year» before Your lips have lost their red; forced into it. au shall try to du tuy the »ailing of Columbus. "The evidence All things are chauged-and soon our day duty; it’s tuu late now to turu back." is both documentary and »ubatauiial.” \Vi-l turu to night instead. l>au looked up. with determination lu »ays Harper's Monthly. Of the e\ ldeuce of early Chinese doc­ -Dear one." Kate said. “I’ve nothing I every Hue of his flue face. "No, Mary,” he said, "It Is not too ument». Prof. Fryer says. lost. late. If you care fur me. or think that 1 be narrative states that there w as For here's my hair of brown in time you could give me your precious a Buddhist priest named llul Shen, Ou Prue's dear head—my eldest born- Ynd Bess has uot a frowu love. I say again that It's uot too late." originally a native of t'abul, who, iu On her sweet face, that's just like miue "Oh. Dau. shure you forget that I'm the yeur 4!*.) A D.. during tlie reign of Of thirty years agoue— I to be married this night. His riverence the Emi>eror Yung Yuan, came from While Kittie’s blue eyes dance and shine the country of Fusang to Klngchow, aud Shaun are expected any minute." Like sunlight in the morn. "I’m uot forgettin' the fact, aud it's the capital of the dynasty of Tsl, situ Mine shone in just the self same way a short time you have to decide. We'll ated on the River Yang tse. The coun­ run away, au' go straight to Father try being iu a state of revolution, it When you. dear, saw uie last. Duffy's au' be married, au' wid you at Was not till the year 502 that he had And Margaret's lips are just as red As mine in days long past, my side to give me courage I'll work an vp(K»rt unity of going to the court of the Euqieror Wu TI, of the new l.laug x5, UO. my dear. I've nothiug lost, my fingers off to give you comfort.” Mr life is on the wane; Then Mary, with love lit eyes (oh. so dynasty. 11c gave presents to the Em­ My children have my own youth cost— different from the downcast Mary of peror of curious articles brought from In them I live pgain!" au hour ago) aud blushiug cheeks, con­ 1 Usang. among which was a material looking like silk, but the threads of sented. 1 11 go wid you. Dan. My heart you which could support a great weight possess, au' you might as well have without breaking This was evidently the filler of tlie Mexican agave. He me wid 't. Go round to my liedrooui also presented a mirror of a foot lu i window; 1'11 drop my mantle out. an' I you must wait by the old fort. 1'11 fol dinmeter. possessing wonderful proper­ ties. and resembling those iu use in low as soon as 1 can without raising Mexico and other localities in America suspicion.” at that time. The Enqieror treated him OWN the lane leading to John Two weeks from that memorable Dehine's farmhouse, one beauti­ night the runaways returned, aud were as au envoy from Fusang, and deputed ful June evening many years welcomed heartily to the village. Mary- one of the four principal feudal lords, tunned Y u Kle, to interrogate him re­ aBo, could be seen a steady stream of resolved to ask her father's forgive specting the country, and to take down vehicles of all descriptions. Every j ness; she loved him dearly, and her his story In w riting. This was accord­ farmei for miles around bad been In­ conscience troubled her. She insisted ingly done, and we have what is un­ vited to the wedding of Mary Delaue. on Dan's accompanying her. The old doubtedly the original text, with only and to night the auspicious event was man grew white with auger wbeu be perhaps here and there a typographical to take place. Preparations had been saw the culprits before him. error which can Is* easily explained. made on a grand scale; John Delane "Away wid ye! You beggar you I "Among other things, llul Shen said had determined to make tills, the wed­ thief of the night—you come here and that the people of Fusang were former­ ding of bls only child, a memorable stand foruiust me, wid brazen irnpi- I ly in ignorance of the doctrines of deuce, after stealin' the apple of my Buddha, but during the reign of the event. The match between Mary Delane and eye. my only child! Away wid ye!" Chinese Emperor Tit Ming, of the Sung Shaun Brady had been brought about "All right, sir,” said Dan. his head dynasty, or A. D. 4.\s, there were five and perfected by Pat Mulcahy, a re­ thrown back, "we’ll go. Come on. bikshus. or Buddhist monks from nowned matchmaker. Mary was au acuslila! but I’d have you know, sir, t'abul. who traveled there ami promul exceptionally pretty, girl, and as good as that I’m no beggar; I'm well able to gated the knowledge of the doctrines, she was pretty. Shaun Brady was make a livin’ for my wife, au' 1'11 do It books and images of Buddhism. Their twice her age, possessing au unenvia­ wid God's help." labors were successful, bo that they or­ ble name and many enemies; but, as The old housekeeper came into the dained monks from among the natives, John Delaue remarked, "a moneyed parlor a short time after, and was much , and thus the customs and manners of num lias many Jealous friends,” and surprised to see Mary sitting close be- | the people were soon reformed. He money Sliauu had in plenty, that cov­ side her father. Dan lu the beat chair j gave particulars of the Journey through ered all deficiencies, moral and physi­ the house afforded, ami all three as the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, with contented as they could lie. the length of the route and a descrip­ cal. in John Delane’s eyes. "Shure it isn't an hour ago.” she told tion of the inhabitants. He described Mary Delane bad no love for Shaun Brady, she well knew that her life the dairy maid, "since John Delaue the country y»f Fusang as 20,000 11, or would be iu many ways a hard one, but said, wid bis owu lips. 'I'd not forgive G.fiOO miles, to tlie eie t of Kamsehatka, she had been badgered by her father tbim. Mrs. McCarthy, not If they wiut and also due east from China, it grows until she had said yes with a heavy down ou tlielr bltidcd knees!' An’ now great numbers of fusang trees, which, when they first appear above ground, look at 'em!”—Chicago Times Herald. heart. are like bamboo shoots, and the people The bridegroom and priest had not eat them. Threads are spun from the How They Began. yet arrived, but the dancing began, "None shall wear a feather but be skin of the plant, which are woven into Tom Harty, the tiddler, playing "The Wind That Shook the Bailey” in fin­ who has killed a Turk,” was au old cloth from which clothing Is made, or ished style. Mary did not participate, Hungarian saying.'and the number of else it is made Into embroidery. They reserving her tirst dance for her future feathers in his cap ludleated how many also use the fibrous material of the husband. She received the guests as Turks tlie man bad killed. Hence the fusang for making paper, The»»* and they came, standing proudly beside her origin of tlie saying with reference to many other features seem to point un­ mistakably to the Mexican agave. Red a feather In one's cap. father, her face white ns marble. (tears are mentioned, which agree in It was once customary In France, Her thoughts were wandering far description with tlie fruit of the prickly and wide when a voice aroused her when a guest had outstayed bls wel­ come. for the host to serve a cold shoul­ pear, while grapes are represented as aud sent the blood to her cheeks. der of mutton Instead of a hot roast. plen11 ftil. There is plenty of copper, "God save all here!” but no Iron; mid no money value Is put "God save you kindly. Dau.” she This was the origin of the phrase, "To ou gold or silver. Their markets art* heard the company respond in unison, give tlie cold shoulder." In one of the battles between the free mid there are no fixed prices. and then Dan Reardon was shuklug the "The manners and customs of the Russians and Tartars a private soldier baud which she mechanically out­ of the former called out: "Captain. people, their forms of government, stretched. I’ve caught a Tartar!” “Bring him their marriage and funeral ceremonies In a moment he had gone, mingling along, then!" answered the officer. "I their food and clothing, the method of among the guests. can't, for lie won't let me!” was the re­ constructing tlielr houses, the absence "More power to ye,” be said to the sponse. Upon Investigation It was ap­ of soldiers ami military weapons, cities fiddler, as that worthy man finished. parent that the captured had the cap- and fortresses, are all particularly "An siitire,” answered Tom. "it's hav­ i tor by tlie arm. and would not release noted, and agree with vvlint is found In ing the lolkes of a tine bouchal like I him. So “catching a Tartar” Is applic­ no country bordering on the Pacific, yerself beside me that gives me the able to one wlio lias found an antagon­ except on the continent of America in power.” general, and in Mexico In particular. ist too powerful for him. Dan Joined In the general laugh. “Deadhead.” as denoting one who has To suppose that Hui Shen could have "It's about time the groom and his free entrance to places of amusement, Invented all these statements, mid that riverence were here.” said Mary’s comes from Pompeii, where the checks hls story can be satisfactorily explain uncle. for free admission were small Ivory ed upon any other theory than that lie "Oh, they'll be here directly now,” I death's beads. Specimens of these are had actually made the journey which said John Delane. "Sliure she'll be In the museum at Naples. be bo truthfully and soberly describes taken from me soon enough." That far from elegant expression “to Is, to say the least of It. absurd.” Dan Reardon sat by the porch door, kicked tlie bucket" Is believed to have gazing abstratctedly Into the darkness originated In tlie time of Queen Eliza­ LIFE OF THE PHILIPPINE GIRL. outside; Mary watched him from her beth, when a shoemaker named Hawk­ Early tn Attend to l o'clock coffee and toast. She 1« "An' I suppose she returns your love, with mere stupidity. The special ex usunlly Up with the sun, not Inter thna Dan?” she asked, interrogatively. I ample chosen by Oliver Wendell ti. mid. If very religious, as enrly aa 4, "Oh. no. no, miss! Shure it's little Holmes for au llliwtration in his dlsser that »lie may attend early muss Break­ she knows of the love I have for her. tatlon ou the expressiveness of slang fast Is set early, about »1 o’clock. Then and In wan way I'm glad. It’s linpldent was the word "bore;” but this has come the morning duties of tin- house­ she'd think me. wldout a pinny to me found a place In Webster, and must hold. sewing. washing, cooking. or name, to have serious thoughts about surely be regarded as legitimate How whatever there may lie. for our young her.” could you express your objection to the lady 1» not expected to «pend her day« "If I'm not too bold. Dan, I'll be after man who bores you except by saying - ' In idleness. The midday meal la taken axin' you who she is, an' Its anxious I that be bores you? There are a hun­ at 12 o'clock, in order that tne warmest am to know.” dred other words which are valuable hour» of the day may I* the hour« of But this question seemed to cause In such emergencies, and one can only rest. About two hour« are thus «pent I’an the greatest confusion, and. hope that, by a process of the survival In the enjoyment of the «lesta. when strange to say. when Mary looked at of the fittest, the best of them will find our lady fair arisen, refreshed and him and their eyes met. she also grew ready for the later pleasures of the their way into the dictionaries. confused. day. "Och. shure, Miss Mary,” he stam­ Conflicting Wlahee. At 4 o'clock the “afternoon tea” la mered. "you'd be the last one I'd tell. While g"ii>g •>*• rounds, the foreman served. Till« is a light repast, usually Iton't ax me no more, shure It's only of. factory lost a cuff link. After some consisting of < bis-olate. with rice and folly on my side.” time had elapsed and the cuff link had cakes, or other simple viands. Then, “Well, then. Dan. you can tell me not turned up. he caused the following at the hour of 5 Jo or »1 o'clock, the car­ whether she is dark or fair.” notice to t-e put up In a conspicuous riage 1« brought out and tlie daily ride "Well. I'll say this much. miss, that position in the workshop: "Mr L—. taken to the Lnneta. the beautiful park to me she's the fairest girl In Kerry.” Laving lost a gold cuff link, would l*e on the bay south of the city. Here the "Give me her initials, thin.” coaxed very glad If the finder would return It military band discourse» sweet music Mary. "an' maybe I can guess.” a, soon as poaslble to the ownet” Im­ every evening, and the beauty and "Arrah. now, don't say no more about agine his feelings when a few hours fashion of Manila meet and enjoy the It" later on passing the notice be found the evinlng air and metodlooa strain«. Re­ "But you must tell me." she Insisted. following appended: "The finder of turning from the drive alwut 7 o'clock, "I’U not let you alone Mil you do ” the above cuff link would be very much ti . evening ni*»l. or supper. comes next “Well, thin, since you're so detar- obliged If Mr. L----- would lose th. In order, after which our belle of Ma- m;ned. I'll take the cuusequet»» ea an' „ « free for any mile of «{lending other one." tell you; her name Is”—here be waited the evening hours that may «ppeal to for a moment—"Mary Dwlane." Depopulation her: perhaps a friendly visit, a trip to the the theater or opera, or an "at home” Mary blushed like a wild rose, and Th« French .«nsus stammered: to r- -I»» allers Early aa sbf arose population of I rance “Oh. Dan. shure you can't mane me?” 12.863 in five year» l. It.me often cornea lyt*. and no Lours 1:i, re than nature demands are spent In Dan looked her full In the face as be A watch may be cleaned by soaking the enjoyment »f «lumber. Going to ••Id. quietly: It In a cup of kerosene — but that Is not I.-t Uovw-r » different there aud "It's you. 1 mane. Mary; but don't be •agry; shure I thought Id cut my the way a watch U uaally soaks*. AHEAD OF COLUMBUS. © WINNER OF $40,000 OKLAHOMA HOMESTEAD I SUPPOSE WE SMILE. HUMOROUS PARAGRAPHS FROM "THE COMIC PAPERS, Fleasaut lucid eats World Over Occnrrlng the Ml lug* that Ar. V. heer- - pouml cakes you cut for me show a loss of fully three pounds each by tbe tint« you get them lu the refrigerator.” 1‘rccdut ion. A. Other. See U*. Mlb-s I have my doubts about that assertion of yourB. Giles Well, you certainly have plen­ ty of room for doubt. Mlles How's that? Giles There 1« pleuty of vacant •pace under your hat. Ko»>. "YVhlch would you rather. Tommy, be born lucky or rich?" asked Undo I Trvdway. “Both." replied Tommy seuteutlouBly. Overttoukel, Hattie H Beals of Wichita. Kan., was the second an The name of „ _ Miss ______ noun.-cd in the drawing for homesteads m the Lawton district of Oklahoma, an I she was thereby eutitled to the second beat claim In the district, estimated to l*e worth $40,000. Miss Beals is 28 years old and ia an operator in tin- telephone exchange at Wichita. She already has received a number of marriage proposal» but would lie suitors will get nothing but disappointment, for Miss B. al» is engaged to be married to Ernest Dill, a street car conductor of Kanaa, City When she was informed of her good lu. k in the drawing she wired to Washiug ton and naked whether she could be married to Dill and retain her land. When told that she could not until she had proven up her claim she decided to let the marriage wait and will settle down ou the land with her mother. She hied her name for the drawing while ou a visit to Oklahoma. here. I.ndles. even of the highest social rank, do uot sleep In a tiedatead, but prefer the floor, lying on a petate, or mat, which Is provided with a long bolster or pillow, and covered with the conventional mosquito netting. J. PIERPONT MORGAN. The Great Centr.it Figure In the Hi a Steel Strike. J. Pierpont Morgan, the great central figure of the steel strike, received Ids early education In finance iu Ixmdou and through au lutlmate connection with the famous Peabody banking bouse. He made acquaintances aud friends at flint time since of powerful Influence for him. lie was born Visitor Why. Mrs. Foxy, do you put "l argued and argued with young peas under your rug? Nibba to have more self-esteem.” Mr* Foxy To keep young men from "Was he influenced by your efforts?” making declarations of love to my “He's got bo much now that 1 can't daughter! Meggendorfer Blaetter. stay around where he Is." lu Tins nn I Stale. laa»r of Iler Cold. "Say. I thought you said they itlwnys "Poor Etnersotila ha» a very severe give fresh vegetables at that farm. I've cold." «aid Mrs. llackbay to Mrs. Boat­ got my family there now, and we're ing. all disgusted." "Yes, the poor child took off her "You surprise me. Perhaps they pro­ heavy weight spectacles and put on her vide the best tiny can.” summer eyeglasses too soon,” replied "Not much. They don't even provide the latter. they went together he was necessarily the best the eautiers can." Philadel­ Critically. phia Press. with her. Polly Pinktlglits Tbe lending lady la Month of May. summer season, etc. III. Plitiltiii It Ki»ht, Everybody knows that May Isa month Fanny Footlights Critically? “1 didn't get home till dawn yester­ aud summer a season. Polly Pinktights I suppose so. day morning.” Rose up. If people were In the habit Didn't you see the way all the papers "What did your wife say?" of rising dowu, or If It were posaible "That'« the wrong way to put It. roasted her this mornlug? Philadel­ to do so, this would uot be tautologl Wlint didn't she say?" phia Record. cal. It will not do to say that these spec­ BROTHERS IN ADVERSITY imens abouud In the Is'st writers, and are therefore Justifiable. They are uot the Ivest writers when they write lu this way. through pure carelessness, for they know Ivetter. Homer sometimes umls, but Ills nodding did uot produce the "Iliad." We want to follow the best writers In their exeelleneles. not In tlielr errors. Frederick M. Bird In Lit­ erary Era. A BROKEN HEART. Heiiitf j. rittarovT m - ruam . wealthy, and « hell In- sueet-edod to hls father's estate lie had an Intimate nl liam-e with the Drexels of Philadelphia which added to the strength ami fame of his owu name. He Is popularly sup­ posed to control more invested capital and more free money than any living man, not excepting the Rothschilds. The railroad Interest» which are now In hls care represent nearly $ 1 - is») in capital. Mr. Morgan Is a big man physically, very chummy with In tlmates. but reserved before the world He Is passionately fond of yachting, rare books aud Hirer paintings. TOO MUCH FAULTY ENGLISH. People Have Grown Curate«» in ill >i Rhetoric—Some l-urnitlar Errors. The books of rhetoric used to tell us that the great qualities of style were perspicuity, energy and elegance, or clearness, force ami grace, and that as a means t »w ard these and for other rea sons It was Important to lie couelse, to avoid net-ill»-»» worn claim» n large »hare of “Tbe secret of happiness Is to live In A Precipitate Verdict. the adult population of I'ortugal. mill “Pa. what Is a philosopher?” the women do a gower of th»- country; bill collectors, you know, won't let you a fool." mid they show gn at happlnes» hik I <*on forget yesterday.” tent iimidst It all Fond of show mid One Little Detail, ordaninent, they have a better a|»i»ar “Are all the arrangements for your »nt stamina than the corresponding marriage with the count eonqtlete?” classen 111 Scandinavia, or even In "Practically. All that remains 1« for Sw Itzerhiml They "fe< d" l»*tter than him to give papa a statement of Ills Ila lu those countries; nt a ■mall farm bllltles." - Life. house you may get neither wldte bread A Deed Trump nor ham. hut th»* split codfish, ns In I.eland. 1» never wnntlng mid is well . dressed up al short uotl<-e. It 1» Impos- »Ible to travel In Portugal without hav­ ing this national dish thrust upon you; It ne»-»ls Illi acquiled taste, ami Is rarely j attractive to the ordinary palate till j after fuller ai-qualiitam-e, mid the ex­ cellent sauce of hunger to go with It. Tall Men tn the Rents Guard». There are ninety men In the H»-ots gUHrds averHglng G feet 2*^ inches In height. Not on»* Is under 0 feet mid twelve are G feet 4 Inches. We don't know what 1s meant by ar tlstlc temperament unless It means that the girl having it picks out a switch that matches her hair. Couldn't He flaerlflce 1, Easterner Why don't you build your courthouse over there? Westerner Why. If we did we'd have to cut that tree down. "Well, what of It?” "What of It? Man alive, that's the only tree In this neighborhood tit to lynch a man ou!" Philadelphia Rec­ ord. Only Obstacle. "Here's a woman,” salil the Query Editor, "who asks: 'Should a marrltul woman in writing a letter sign herself "Mrs. John HiiilthT ’ ” Certainly." re­ plied the Hnake Editor, “unless her name happened to be 'Mrs. William Jones.' "—Philadelphia Record. A Frisnlly K tlmstr. Proud Mamma Don't you tliluk little Harold's bead Is a great deal like hls father's. Uncle Bill Yep. Nothing on tbe out­ side and not much on tbe Inside.- Balti­ more American. Water Keeps Men Alive. KINO EDWARD’S HAONIFICENT NEW MOTOR. King E-lwsrd's latest motor ear I» one of the finest »»hieles of its kin I yet built. I» Lie most motor rars. It ia r*-in irk a ble for the n sti»»»« «nl »I z«n e ■»* its appearsn-e, and. though snlwtsatis'ly built. H Is eouipsrstively light It H • sort of motor phse’-n. bailor sea »in« a< »-ommodstioa for half a »losen per»- *■. . . . on the frost «eat. a » es p ía en two fo-.tmen st the '.»'-It. Thia Is not b any mean« the fir«t pi-.t<»r tar the Kimi has ha-l made for him. for. like the KI .g of the Belgian«, bi« maje«ty take- a keen Interest In horsele»« rsrrisge«. in I bss bar*-ti u-ly Th.s Istest motor ear. bowe*er. will mark somethin« of s new I -pa.ture, fo the K'ng in*enta to tske regalar ridee In it is lly le Park b-til a Dally Ex pSeM It Is no secret to medical men and physiologists that there Is a great deal Mrs. Youngwed (crying) Oh. Frank! of nourishment in water. Even that Boo boo! Don't you know a big tramp w hich Is sterilized contains enough of ate »»nr of th»* plea 1 bak««d this morn­ solids tv keep a bumau being frutu ing! Boo-boo! death for a long time. Mr. Y'oungwsd Oh, well. dear, During a prolonged fast the loss of there’s lots of other tramps. Besides, weight Is unusually rapid at first aud the poll<-e won't blnme you for It. deerrssea as time goes on. Iieatb en­ sues wbeu a certain percentage of tbe No Chance to Reals», loss has t»een reached, and this per­ “A picture p»-ddler caught uie ye»ter centage varli*s according to tbe original day.” weight. Fat animals may lose half “Well, you are getting feeble mind tlielr weight, thinner ones perhaps two- rd " Ufths. a man or woman of rather »¡»are “He was p»*d»lllug snow scenes.” build, weighing 143 ¡»ounds. might, therefore, lose at»>ut .V» poumls before A 'feun W»» >*an Have. Mr». Whyte Men hare very poor succumbing. Children die after a fast of from three to fire days, during which Jlldgmelit. Mr». Browne Yea. hut it doesn't do they have lost a quarter of their ' to tel) thrill BO. If you do they are apt I weight Healthy adults, however, have to make snrcustlc references to the time > fasted 30 days when water lias tieen when they got married. Homerville I taken. A German physician reports the case of a woman aged 4» years, Journal. who fasted for 43 »lays, taking water Propagator». freely, flbe lost 44 ¡»ounds out of 143 “Moeqaltoea are accused of propa­ pounds and died from exhaustion. gating dleeaae," anld Hpykes. Tbe circulation of tbe bio«»! Is san­ "Well. I know that they »yrupagate guinary revolution. profanity." »a d ffpvkes.