SST1BL1SB8B küR THE 01X»Ein ITIOS OF DElOCRATiC TB.1WCIPLK8. il» TO lili il HUIT LIBRO BT TUI »WUT OF Oi l BROW -> VOL. 35 TOWELS TOWELS PERSONAL. SPECIAL FOH THIS WEEK FOR 23 CTS Prul F I, Wesbbarue 1» in Port! >u Jvhu Kelly ha« returned from Pott- Uud. See North Window. Hampton Bros. 564 Willamette street. BATH TOWELS LAKE COUNTY BANK -or— CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers EUGENE, OREGON. Establish»« la Itti. Oldest Saak In the Cauaty. East side ot Willamette street, be­ tween Seventh and Eighth streets A. G. HOVEY, President L. G. HULIN, Caehier. R. H. HOVEY. Aset Caehier. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. »2.00 1.00 , .60 On« Year........ Six Muntila.. Three Mouths. Advertising rates made known on application Address all business letters to THE GU AKO, Eugene, Oregon. ------- r transacted on favorable terms. ----- ----- L WHITSON, DENTIST. Having purchased the office and fixtures of the Ute deceased W V Hepdereon, I atn now prepared to do anything in the line of Dentistry in the above said office. WCrown and bridge work a specialty. J 3 LUCKEY, DkAUB IM FIRST---- winter over t here. gated for Purpose of Making Today’s Oregonian: Professor F L| Tax Levy. Washburn, State Biologist, is at the ! Imperial, on his return from the The county clerk has Just completed Chicago University. listing the 1900 assessment In the Mr aud Mrs John W Rowland, of towns as a basis on which to tlx the Portlaud, came up yesterday and will tax levy. The school districts will be -pend a few days visiting Mr Row­ listed In the same manner, and will be □t FuQene. land’s parents on Eval Eleventh street. ready to turn over In a few days. The assessment of Lane county towns C J Howard and wife, of Cottage Paid up C k«h Ca'ifkl 850.000 Grove, are In Eugene Jack Is now for 1900 Is as follows, and which we Surplis S • 850,000 the Nist>y in hla town and “kind of compare with the assessiueut of 1899: 1890. 1W0. ooka d wn ou we newspaper men aud »1,310,485 Eugene ................ »1,887,125 slcb fo ke nowadays, ” Eugene, Oregon. 132,600 120.315 W H Weal hereon, editor of the Cut'age Grove...... 120,666 A general banking business Florence West, la in the city, He My* Junction................ 118,760 Done on trainable term®. fJUh .50,100 Springfield ............ 67,075 draft® on Chicago, Saa Franciaoo and Port- it is quiet along the Blualaw on ac­ 50,020 52,800 count of the shutting down of al! the Florence................ National Bank 1*Billa*”>sM on f»«ifl* co”n*Li »• ’>r,n^E?LC1U*- W BROWN, M. D. city aud counlr Barraata nought. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0®« -Upetaha in Chrisman Block. •»■Hours: » to 11 a m; 13 to 2, < to 9 p m- 0. * F*l»£. vics Pres»«"' w W. Bao»« _ Asst Catkhi W I 8M0WN. PraaWsa*. f. w. OSBURM. Cstaisr. Don’t Listen ToUegsnlha» saw •acogh totskea »feel »l»»t «,<1 ¡nt it in »«<• order. O»ly the 1*1«» the pro I er tools can do it weu J Bicycle Repairing Should c<4 ba »(Uarpted st If jonr -heel I«*» PsBie ,a»«eled. If It ia • nt of < ’"f }.“ it -I Hfbt. 11. .tm.iU.r ut will b. trifling. We have four Experts K «., Ob». Illiao a Mi—ur, ao M.xicn, Idaho a»d Oieg<». si|«ri»acs. Wc also repair guns sad sewing Maehl»«* lAll Barker Gun Works mills because of the tleing up ot all lumber ve»ee)s in Ban Francisco by the stevedrre strikers. F E Dunn went to Portland this afternoon to dispose of about 40,000 pounds of 1001 wool, If prices suit. About two week» ago he sold 30,000 pounds to the Salem Woolen Milla at 15 cents i er pound, some ot It being of the 1000 clip. A'bany Democrat: Jack Hamlin, who is working at Eug-tie, spent Bun day in Albany with tils family. Jack says one hundred new buildings have been erected in Eugene this year ard yet there isn’t a house to rent and bence bl* family will have to remain tn tins city.” A W Gilbert aud family and Jerry Horn atid family returned thin aft*r- noon from down lo Heceta. I uey went down by the Blualaw road and returned by Tiiangle Lake. They put down their winter’s salt salmon, killed two deer, also several seal» and bad a good time gens rally. They were gone two weeks. THIEF CAPTEREI) An Article by Rev M. L. Rose in The Man That Got Away With an Eastern tournai. Chester Chrisman's Bicycle We take the following from “Busi­ Arrested in Portland. ness in Christianity,” a magaz ne put Mile Mock, of Drain, re'urue rt. la truly beautiful for situation. TbeK Mrs Hohl was a passenger lo Cottage hill« are covered with trees so large Grove thia afternoon. that to tell their size would be to be Ml«a L J Taylor wa* a passenger to discredited by thoss who have not Cottage Gro«e today, seen an Oregou forest. .Milla are turn­ H G Morri* went t> IK-ttag - Grove ing these forests into lumber and Eu­ <>u the 2:08 traiu today gene Is I h» center of a large lumber R Bpawu and si-t-r returned lo t ot- trade. Bed. lea a sawmill ami planing nulls. Eigen» has a furniture factory, lage Grove this afternuou. excelsior mills, Hour I ng mills, cream­ Sam ery, oanuery, fruit dryer, foundries, bis tirat taunery, soap factory, etc. Gold min­ Ivan OU ing Is donequiteexteusively In the hills the 28)8 near by. Geo Norris is acting chit f of police The University of Oregon is located wtille Ciiiet Beolt Ie In Portland. here, also the Eugens Divluity School Pr -ide t Strong and family are ex with its faithful corps of teachers train pected home tomorrow from Cascadia. ing young men and women for th* Mrs Judge Tanner and children left ministry of the Chr stlan church. T he city has three large public school for their Imine in Portland this after­ buildings, one of which is Used for the ll MIU. High School. Peter Kauffman < hlef of Police a' On one of the l>est corner 1 t< in ibis Walla W«l,a started or tils honri this educational aud commercial cent e«uliful church building tn the Brown left fir Florence on their bi-j city. The Church Extension Board cycle» today. granted this church a loan of »600 at Capt Geo W Povey, of Portland, ha« the critical time of completing the been appointed treaturer of Manila, building. The loan is all returned Philippine Islands. •nd the church free from del t aii.l M 8 Hubble aud assistants moved growing In grace and numbers, The the huge boilers to the University to­ wisdom of the board in aiding this church commends Itself to all who day. He made excellent wage*. Hon R A Booth left for San Francis­ visit this center of influence. There co thia bf ernoon. En route he will are many more open fi-lds In thia spend two or three days at Grant« growing we«t that ought to be entered. May the ebunhee give the board Pass. money to answer the urgent calle that Mrs M'Clanaliau of Beattie, who j are made. tiaa been vieitii a tier eon, E J McClau- | M urton L R ose , l’aator. shati, a ill Lucy Eilidge returned home today. CITY VALUATION. David Thompson will go across the mountains in a week or two on a trip to Harney county. He may spend the | The 1900 Assessment Being Segre­ II WEEKLY EUCENE CUARD FROM EIGENE. Pally Guard, Aug Z7 HI OFFICE NO 6. EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY AUGUST 31, 1901 Obituary. Pally GearU August J7 Chief of Police Kidney ruxitt thia Homing received a letter from D M McLaughlin. the Portland Chief of Police, ntatiug that they had arrested a man attempting to sell Cheater Chris­ man's bicycle that was stolen the other day from the Eugene depot. It waa the same atyle, modi I and uurnter, be tog a Columbia, model 68 and No 1,908 and was sold by Loughmiller A Pete , Special to (he Guard of thiaci y, Februrary 2, 190!. Mr Scott left ou the 2;o8 north bound apetown traiu for Portland, with a complaint and warrant of arrest, and expects to arrive with the man ou tomorrow afteruoou'a train. This make« three stolen w heel« the Eugene officer» have traded up thia aumnier. GREAT BRITAIN TO HOLD FAST. Senator Simon s Father. C , August 27.— Commissioner Milnei on his return from England met with a great oration here today thousands of people crowding about to see and hear tho man whe has dono so much in adding South African ter- ritorv to tho British realm. Milner said that Great Brit tin would unshakably ad­ here to the present war policy, find would not treat with the Boers so long as they carried arms. TURKS AND FRENCHMEN. The Porllaud Telegram ban Ibis about David Blniou, father of United Special to the Guard. Blates Senator Simon, who died in Pot Hand, Sunday, August 26: aris Mr Simon wax a native of Germany, and was 81 years old. He came to the United SiateH nearly 60 years ago, first settling in New Orleans engaging in the mercantile puasuita. In 1860 be re­ turned to Germany, and married Miss Elise Leopold, with whom he lived until her death, which ocurred abcut 40 years after the marriage. They re­ mained In Germany for two years after tlielr niatria o, when they came to New Orleans, where Mr Hituon Special io th® Gnard. again took up mercantile pursuits. ekin From New Orleans they went to Sacramento, sod afterwards to Hau Francisco. Mr Simon came to Port­ laud In 1857 to see the place, with a view of locating. He was at once caught ly the prospect« of the plaee, ekin and sent for Ilia family, which joined him shortly af.erwards. He made a success In I unities«« here, and retired from active businesa 25 years ago. He mingled but little with the world i-pending hie time with tile family, Hta seclusion became more marked In 1890, when he lost his wife, who died Special to the Guard. in that year. P , August 27.—The French minister to Turkey, M Constans, left Constantinople August 26th. At tho same time tho Turkish minister to France,Munier Bey, was given his passports. Tho Sultan begged M Constans to return but the latter declinod. The Sultan has not yet made any move towards paying the twelve million francs to the French company, about which the international complications ensued. CHIN.A SUBMITS TO INEVITABLE. P , August 27.—Tho Chinese government has published a proclamation throughout Po Chi Li province that the profession and practice of all religions will here­ after bo lawful, and that Chinese subjects will be protected in the enjoyment of their religions. P , August 27.—The Chinese foreign office gives notice that hereafter the foreign commercial relations of China must be considered by the powers to the protocol treaty before any binding law or regulation can be made by the Chinese. THE BIG STRIKE. The Deadly Trolley. P itthhcro , AtigtiHl 27.—No uhttnge in the situation of t ie iron and steel strike lias occurred today. N ew Y ork , August 27.—The representatives of tho steel trust, state that no overtures had been received from t ie Ironworkers’ Association today, nor wore any expected. SAMl’SON-SCHLEY DISPUTE. City trolley wires furnishing power for running streetcars carry heavy loads of electricity. As an Inatanoe of their deadly nature we clip thia from the Portland Telegram of August 26th: Special to the Guard. Two hlg draft horses, owned by A Hanll, a scavenger, met with a hor­ ashington rible end at Sixteenth and Petlygrove street« at 6 o'clock Hila morning. It was tiy a hair's breadth that Hanll, In an effort to save one of bls animals, did not sutler the a me fate. The team was driven Into a low-hanging live wire, cro»-eegan to suffer from dropsy which Anally caused her death in Eugene, where »he had come for medical attention, Wednesday, August 21st. Mr I.ham was notified by telephone and gave instructions to hold the body until the rest of the family could arrive, two daughters tie ing with the mother. On the arrival of the husbind the burial took place Tur W heat C hop .— Portland Rural Munday, August 25, at 2:30 o’clock In Hplrlt: The biggest record wheat crop the afternoon, to the I O O F cemetery of lb» United Blab-tt was that of 1801, Die services were conducted by Rev namely «76,000,000 bushe’s. Tho crop Grein. of 1001 blds fair to exceed It by from Eleven children were born to Mr and 50,000,000 U< 75,000,000 bushels, Do Mrs Isham, of whom nine are living, not tie In a hurry to rush your wheat the youngest a son of nine. Mr Isham to market. While your crop 1» very LARGE WOOL MALES arid family will more back to their Mc­ large, the European demand Ie corres­ home thia fall, probably by pondingly large, aud our corn crop has S. H. Friendly Disposes of 100,000 Kenzie November 1st. been damaged oonalderably and may Pounds to Koshiand, Portland. take many bushel» of wheat to make Dally Guard. August/7 goof Junction, broke open a trnnk and but aba declined In favor of Geo W D uud , who will administer on tho ee- Ban Anto Ho, Tel. Aug. «.-Report» •Vde therefrom some clothing and a tate for the helm One-half of the en­ razor. They were arrested and taken today from Z«p»ta county confirm the before Judge Miller, of Junction, and tire eetat* la left to the widow of the new* that th» poorer caama tber t »re held in ibe above amount». They are deceased and the other half la lo be facing starvation. They msot have • hared squally between the children itnmedia'. b»l|> io the way of fond or aged 16 and 17 jean respectively and -Mm Lizzie VanSant. G W Duan. •re trampe from the towue of Hacra- lhe r-.olt« will b» terrible. Range mento and R»d Bluff. Calif, they Mm E la Rice and Mm OtlllaCaldwell. wa-er In* failed, »nd cattle ere V ki claim. Lane county will give them Mrs Melvina Gore Clayton, died In We ktitrav I »nd are dying rapidly Aotolaii'* N'l». 22, aged 48 ye*re Hbe Thef »airy i* lif’ally burned up by free board until Ortober. "r lionet the Univer­ ,ir m I There Is n< t • green thing to W Saunders baa sold 13,0 <) p mi* of mwlved 1« r beaeen except earto» piaota. EtpaU a ool to Bernheim Bro», of P<>- txud, at sity of Oregon, rtu* leav a a husband I and two children. i «oui-ty I» mil-• from tho neareet, tefcte per pound. raillé- O L , August 27.—General Kitchener wires that Joers attacked a convoy near Rooikapge, killing nino yeo­ manry and wounding twenty. ASSAULTED NON-UNION MACHINISTS. S F , August 27.—Thirty imported non­ union machinists arrived here last night. On attempting to enter the shops they were assaulted by the strikers and their friends and prevented from going to work in spite of the protection of the police. FRANK DUNNFRftNK DUNN Warm Weather Corsets Men’s Straw Hats. To make you cool in hot weather. All our cool corsets worth 7 Sets now 58 cts worth SOcta now 42 cts See them in the door. All to go for 75cts. [Old ¡»rices were J 1.00, $1.25 and 11,50. These hats are a rare treat, see window. Big Bargains. See that underwear in north door, two good shirts for 75 cents. All children’s White lion nets, worth 25 cts now Tan Shoes, Oxfords less than cost. New shoes just in. 16 cts. All Ou? Cotton Skirts Fall To go cheap, very few left, Now here and all marked ready to »ell. The new stuff. see them. FRANK DUNN