« light» were burning 0,,.,n .. was a aound of '•'«(». trotting Doubt!«»* it •• *«<7 they are elected, and when they retlrs and in a moment Henrv ' *' «*> that these animal» ,H> *een or the threshold, but ,t.L a e* they are often apiioluted to Important GOOD pale When he a.Z ‘ no long at such abort range. offices, Federal judgeships are offi'*» The herd was compo«e«l of four hv.terica upOQ the lounl” "*’’nJ of a still more permanent da»s. Presi­ adults (one a powerful male« and of Howard bathing her head .'JM dent John Adams appointed a chief one animal about three quarters gr.>« n. soothe her. Before he b.l « justice who lived to administer the OREGON. EUGENE The same day a herd of three other a question. Jenny'. ,rin, '• m oath of office to Andrew Jackson; and rhlnocerl were seen, one male, one fe around his neck, and -h r< bls successor, appointed by Jackson, “Rose i. dead. Why w^. *hi' ->* male aud a young one. Thu» eight In-, W. K. Vanderbilt has a German-built administered the oath to Abraham Lin­ He could not «•Wer. ’ He^*?'- A few weeks before he returned to automobile, while those made In Amer coln. Already Chief Justice Fuller, ap- America, Mark Twain went to consult dividual» were seen, aud probably to say and mechanic.,)/tX. left of i 1» tea are good enough for King Edward liolnted by Mr. Cleveland in his fir»t a well-known West End dentist In Lon­ theue comprise all that slater he entered the room -u *** M species In tbe region, except, perhaps, had died. Very beautiful h»?*? li'< term, has four times Inducted a Presi­ don note«) for keeping bis patients wait one or two animal». It 1* ea'imated | in life, and now. f.r h‘d There are forty counties In Texas In dent Into office. Ing a long time, and for Indifference to tbat there may be teu altogether. It 1» which there are no lawyers. Probably death, ahe looked like « • the age of the magazltm and papers believed tbat there are also a few lu you can guess why there are none Mechanical Ingenuity ties done won Hired marble, a, ,ht. |,, ,h -'’h* left on bls waiting room table to be­ the I'bombo chain, but thia 1» doubt 'M there. der» for the farmer In the last half-cen­ « zick girl, an l whispering to her of »well­ and .till, .nd all . .......>,. ,.^7? guile their tedium. Mr. Clemens was ful. Tbe white rbino« erl u.e as strict­ CHAPTER XXI. .—(Continued.) ing bu«ls an«i fair young blossoms, which ing tears which fell ..... /r,h*/«*i tury, but It lias not yet reacti«*d a point at last rumors Day» passed ou. aud In New York a man »hot hia wife be­ where It will enable blui to farm by kept waiting for a solid hour, aud w hen ly protected as possible. It Is ab«*o Henry bent over her. was constant in bis breath had wakened into life, and cause dinner was late. The authorities telephone. Farming I* not a matter of bis turn came ills patience bad given lutely forbidden to hunt them on pen reached Ella that Henry---- calling upon her to uwak. which she would never see. ProuJ k “ *nJ «P«k t, w ill see that be gets bis meals prompt­ talk, anyway. The cracker box at the out. But be contented himself, as be ally of a tine of »250 to |5o0 or impris­ bis att.-u l.«u. e upon tbe was “Has Henry come?” she asked of her him once more. valued by When »he thought he could « entered the consulting room, with tbe onment, and tbe Governor himself can­ beauty, wboae fortune At first she re- father, and in the tones of her voice there ly hereafter. corner grixery ba* been the forum for caustl«* remark: "1 see, by your papers, not give permission to kill them. This hundred»» of thouaanda. when Mary an I was an unusual gentleness, for just as Jenny tolil him of all R„w ha1 **r « fused to believe it. but the dlscuHHion and settlement of great by the aide of her «-ottln Kaiser Wilhelm says the sword Is the problem* of government, but It never that there Is prospect of war with tbe is very wise, for even If there remain Jenny both assured her it was true, ', and she was dying Rose was learning to live. resting upon her white forehead .V“1 For a time she had seemed so indiffer­ noblest weapon a mau can handle, but Increaaed the productiveness of the Transvaal!” as many as twenty white rhlnocerl lu when she herself had o«-ular demonstra­ ent and obstinate that Mrs. Howland had science stricken young man Au amusing incident occurred during the world there are certainly no more. tion of the fact, »he gave way to one he would rather have one of his hired soil. It is, therefore, hardly possible almost despaired. But night after uight, never again should ardent .ril , U men bundle it when there is fighting to to increase crops by lncrea*liig the the Easter holidays at Boulogne. Tbe And it Is rather late to take up the long tit of weeping, un i then, drying her when her «laughter thought she slept, she kind pass his lips, and the .X eyes, deriare.1 that Henry Lincoln should be done. prayed for the young girl, that she might •tood by and heard that vow fZj* farmers' facilities for conversation. editor of a Loudon weekly a gentle­ work of preserving this Interesting spe­ i»ee ”t Mt »be would not die fur him. ¿J not die until she had first learneii the it were kept, his daughter bad And yet recent ex|ierlmetits in various man w ho bears a striking resemblance cies. ________ Still a uiiuiite observer could easily There Is a barber shop In Texas in vain. 1 part* of the country tend to confirm the to King Edward was enjoying bls have seen that her gayety was feigned, way of eternal life. And, as if in an­ which Is opened each day with prayer, SCHOOL OF CHINESE POESY. The day following the burial liellef that the telephone I* to become cigar in one of the principal cafes lu for she had loved Henry Lincoln ns •>“" swer to her prayers. Rose gradually be­ probably for the purpose of giving Its gan to listen, ami as she listened, she and Mary returue.l to Chicopee the town, when he suddenly became one of the most valuable conrllmtlon* Mandarin «o Fourni a Branch of lhe cerely as she was capable of loving, an I patleuts strength to endure the tonso- not even George Moreland, who treat* d wept, wondering, though, why her grand­ the next day was the one an,«.;'*, , "Guild of the I.usciou» Nectarine." to rural life and a great aid to the aware that bls presence was causing rlal operation* ber with his old boyish familiarity, could mother thought her so much more wicked the sale of Mr. Lincoln . farm JI'* farmer, especially the one who follow* unwonted Interest ami no little commo­ Happiness is st last within the reach make her for a moment forget one who than anyone else. try house, be also accompanied tb-a tion. Presently an old gentleman rose the busliie** of agriculture on a large “Suppose you buy it." „¡d On her return from tbe city Jenny had It is said that Spain will contract for scale, lu a farm where portion* of it up ami shouted: "Vive le roi de l’An- of tbe British public. A Chinese man uow passed ber coldly by, or listen«*«! pas­ George as they rode over tbe 1>WiJ eight new cruisers In England, France are let out to tenants Its value as an gleterre!" a sentiment which was heart darin has arfved In our midst to fourni sively while the sarcastic Evrou Hern- told her as gently as possible of Henry s I d rather you d own ¡t (ban to J?, or Italy. The Spanish know where the economiser of time through telephonic lly Joined in by most of the p«?ople In a branch of tbe “Guild of the Luscious d.m likened her to a wuxeu image, tit conduct towaril Ella, ami of her fears in the hands of strangers." 4 that he was becoming more dissipated Nectarine. ” thus proving conclusively only for a glass case! best warship* are Isuilt, but have a connection between the houses of the th«* cafe. Tbe conductor of the orcbes- “I intended doing so." ,B,W Toward the last of April Mrs. Mason than ever. For a time Rose lay perfect­ that bls countrymen are capable of do ­ delicacy atmut acting on tbelr Informa tenants and the residence of the own tro, not to be l«ehlu«lband, immediately George, and when at nigbt be w„ . ing more than killing English mission and Mary returned to their old home iu ly still, ami Jenny, thinking she was tloll. On Ella's account Mrs. asleep, was about to leave the room, owner of the farm, house and furati, er. a* well a» through connection of the struck up “God Save tbe King,” but arles. The objects of the new society the country. Campbell had decided to remain in the when her sister called her back, and bid­ he g«*nerously offered it to Mr |10‘" this whs too much for the journalist, are set forth as follows: “it Is estab­ city during a part of the summer, nnl ding her sit down by her side, said, "Tell rent free, with the privilege of We are told there are plenty of good various building*. I* readily apparent. who made a l>olt for the door aud es- But the telephone ha* a larger use for lished in the writings of our matchless looking and wealthy women In Hawaii “ she labor«*«! hard to keep Mary also. me. Jenny, do you think Henry has any It whenever he could. cajted. rider brother. Wang-Ch'ang Ling, tliut Mary promised, however, to spend the love for me?” This was so unexpected that Mr I anxious to marry white men. No doutit the farmer than establishing a mean* of communication between bl* build It is said that once, when tbe late Dr. of it; but tlio beauty feature must re the tree of |>oetry flourishes In the gar­ next winter with hb*r aunt, who wept at “He woul«l be an unnatural brother if coin at first could hardly fin«l word/ main largely a question of point of Ing* The establishment of farmers’ Tanner hud asked In the liou*e wheth­ den of friendship, and the goldfish of parting with her more than she would he ha«l not,” answered Jenny, her own express his thanks, but when he did u co-operative exchange* In various parts er it was true that tbe Duke of Cam- delight haunt the waters of agreeable probably have done had it l«e«n Ella. heart yearning more tenderly toward her accepteii the offer, saying, however tta view. of the country furnish«*» a bint of the bridge had reslgm*d his i«o*itlou as com conversation. Of late years, however, Mary had partially engaged to teach tlie sister, whose gentle manner she could ,J he could pay th«* rent, and a.ldiar Hu he hoped two or three years of har«i 1, . Justice Harlan is quoted as saying extent to which the telephone 1« to be mander In-chief, a Major Jones, of the pavilion of pleasant voices has been school in Rice Corner, but George, as­ not understand. that there Is an unwritten law forbid­ utlllz«*d to promote the Interest» of hus­ Penzance, was so outraged that he disturb«*«! by the saucy exultation of the suming a kind of authority over her, de­ “Then.” resume«! Rose, “if he loves in California, whither he intended pnu ding a member of the Supreme Court bandry. In Montgomery County, Indi­ challenged Dr. Tanner to a duel, and cookoo, and tlie spice gardens of the clare«! she should not. me, he will be sorry when I am dead, would enable him to purcha«e it u« “I don't want your eyes to grow dim ami perhaps it may save him from ruin.” On his return to Glenwood he igu of the I lilted States to lie a candidate ana, forty townships art* connect«*«! tbe following telegraphic correspond­ east have been profaned by th«* poison and your cheeks pale in that little, pent- The tears droppeil slowly from her long William, who was still there, "bow > for President. The law should be of and over six thousand telephones are ence took place: "In reply to your flower devils of western bail manners. up room,” said he. "Y’ou know I ve been eyelashes, while Jenny, laying her round, woulil like to turn farmer for awhile” broader application. To hold any judi­ In Use. The ultimate effect of the es­ despicable question alsiut the Duke of On this account the dusty scholars or there and seen for myself.” Oh. that II be nice," said Jenny, »bn. rosy cheek against the thin, pale face cial position Nhould be deemed so great tablishment of these exchanges In Cambridge, I desIgnat«* you a coward. humanity have ventured to form the Mary colored, for George's manner of near her, sobbe«! out, “Yon must not die love for the country w as as strong u an honor that Its wearer should not farming communltlea Is to put the rural Delighted to give you Matisfaetlou You must not die, aud ever. “And then. Willie, when pa niaa benevolent Guild of the Luscious Nec­ late hail puzzle«i her, ami Jenny ha l more —dear Rose. seek any other office from the jieople. back we'll go to Boston again aud pne family In contact with the city ami the across the water. Pistols.” To which tarine as a liower of delight for the than once whispered iu her ear. “I know leave us.” tice law. you an«l I!” world at large, and thus enlarge Its In­ Dr. Tanner at once replied: "Wire re­ lovers of gentle Intercourse. And as. George lores you, for be looks at yon From that time the failure was visible Jenny looked up in surprise while W}. It Is a fact worth bearing In mind dustrial ami social horizon. Including ceived. Will meet you to-morrow in without the solace of composition, just as William doe» at me, only a little anil rapid, ami though letters went fre­ liatn asked what he meant. Rri«*fly th, that whenever news is »carco lu Wa*h greater contentment with farm life. 1'onstanople, under the Tower of Gala- there Is no outlet for tlie pent-up soul. more so!” quently to Henry, telling him of his sis ­ Mr. Lincoln told of George's geaerwu, Iila, too, had once mischievously ad­ ington the correspondents are sure to Th«* ability to “ring up” the city may ta. mlilnlght. Being challenged, prefer It Is rule«! that the exalted stranger dressed her as "Cousin,” adding that ter’s danger, he still lingered by the side and stating his own intentions of of the brilliant beauty, while east morn ­ be the solution of tin* problem of bow torpedoes. Bring anotiier ass. — Tan ­ net afloat one of two rumors, that an to California, said that in his absan who performs the condescension of there was no one among her acquaint- ing Rose asked, "Will he come to-day?" ner." extraordinary session of Congress la to keep boys on the farm. desiring to be acquainted with our con an«-es whom she woulil as willingly call nnd each uight she wept that he was not somebody must look after the tartn. ig to be culled, or that some member of he knew of no one whom he Witold a l*re«ldent F. D. 1'nderwood, of tbe temptlble regulations shall be lnformt>d by that name. "When I was a little The pranks of the lightning have al­ Erie Railroad, tells of an engineer of a soon trust as William. girl,” sai«l she, "they used to tease me there. the Cabinet 1* nlsiut to retire. Matter that, before we permit ourselves to Calmly ami without a murmur she ha«l William presseil the little fat biid for n second «Rapateli is furnished by ways confounded »«-lence with Inexplic­ fast freight train who «-Hlled on him one taste of bls honeyed conversation, he about George, but I’d as soon think ot heard the story of their ruin from their a denial of the rumor. A knowledge able mystery ever sine** Noah wat«*lied «lay and asked him to prevent a deaf Is requested to gratify us with a speei marrying my brother. You never saw father, who could not let her die with­ which bail slid into his. au«l replied th*, of this device will enable readers to the gathering fury of the elements old woman from walking on the tracks men of his exquisite skill as the p«s*t Mr. Elwood. George’s classmate, for he's out undeceiving her. Before that time much as he woulil like to oblige Mr. Li» in Europe now. Between you aud me, 1 coin, he could not willingly abanjoa ha estimate tlie probable truth of these ru­ from the deck of tin* ark. Franklin along one s«*ctlon of that division. Sev­ of the luscious nectarine. Should, how­ she had asked to be taken back to Mount profession in which he was aneceedini like him and----- ” with Ills kit«* merely demonstrated the mors when they first make their a|> eral times the engineer had barely A loud call from Aunt Martha prevent­ Auburn, designating the spot where she even beyond his most sanguine hup«*. poNslldllty of drawing electricity from missed running over her. and he was ever. any member of our groveling as- ed bla from finishing, and the couversa would be buried, but now she insisted up­ "But,” sail! he, "I think I can findarol pearance. soclation, carried away by the madness the atmosphere by mean* of conduct­ terrified lest a fatal accident should of preHiimptlon, pretend to discern a tion was not again resumed. The uext on being laid by th«* running brood at the substitute in Mr. Parker, who is am >:« The announcement of King Edward'* ors. But the discovery of Franklin, val­ happen to her. "The only way to pre- morning Mary was to leave, and as she foot of her grandmother's garden, ami to leave th«* poorhonse. He is an h »««, flaw in the august composition sub­ stood in the parlor talking with Ida. near a green, mossy bank where the thorough going man. am) bis wife, wL» ' coronation, to occur next June, was uable ami brilliant ns It was, «lid not vent a «leaf |H*rson from walking on th«* mitted. we shall then despair of lntr«e George came in with a traveling satchel spring blossoms were earliest found, nml an excellent housekeeper, will n-lie«« j made with all of the ceremony of the solve the mystery of the lightning. We track.” said Mr. Underwood, “would be during the illustrious author to be­ in his hand, aud a shawl thrown care­ where the flowers of autumn lingered Mrs. Lincoln entirely from care." middle age*. It would have l>een much know a great deal about static and to cut Ills leg« off.” "That Is Just what longest. The music of the falling water, stow upon us the fuller perfection of lessly over his arm. "Mercy!” exclaimeil the last-men «ari nearer In keeping with the spirit of the dynamic electricity. But the bolt that I will do for my «leaf old woman If you she said, would soothe her as she slept, lady, "I eoulil never endure that vulgar j his sublime company. Let us. there ­ "Where ar«* you going?" aske«l Ida. times If the announcement had lieeii dashes from cloud to earth during a cannot »top her." replle«! the engineer. nnd its cool moisture keep the grass green “To Springfield. 1 have business there," creature roiinil me. First l'«l know ibr'l fore, lay bare the Integrity of our own made In the "spei-lal notice" columns thunderstorm In as terrifying and mys­ Investigation showed that she was ac- amt fresh upon her early grave. said George. want to be eating at the same table, ill One day. when Mrs. Lincoln was sit ­ of the dally newspaper*. Heralds and terious a* ever. It mocks at the tinny « custome«! to go to a summer hotel to hearts, nnd prevent th«* operation of I couldn't survive that.” "And when will you return?” continued any possible intrigue by ndhering efforts of science. We know In a gen ­ ting by her daughter and, as she fre ­ pursuivant* ami king* at arm* are n lot Mr. Lincoln looked sad. Jenny smiM. sell baskets and embroidery, and that closely to the principles of honest Ida. feeling that it would be doubly quently did. uttering invectives against anil William replied that he pre-unri ot rubbish iH'longing to an era that be­ eral way that lightning I* the discharge the railroad afforded her a short cut to lonely at home. friendship. ” Chelsea has been select ­ Mount Holyoke, etc., Rose said, “Don't Mrs. Parker herself woulil greatly pref-r came u Helen t and obsolete when dally of electricity between two electrified her destination. She was remonstrated "That depends on circumstances," said new*pa|H'nt mid telegraphs came Into regions, from cloud to cloud or from with, but It did no gooil. "Aud. do you ed ns the headquarters of this school of he "I shall stop at Chicopee on my way talk so, mother. Mount Holyoke Semi­ taking her meals quietly with her bus nary lia«l nothing to do with hastening band in the kitchen. Oriental poesy and grandll«s|uent back, provided Mary is willing." cloud to earth. We also know that existence. know,”-sald Mr. Underwood, “she was prose —London Telegraph. "We can at least try It” said Mr Li» Mary answered that she was always my death. I have done it myself by my It I» charged with tremendous voltage, own carelessness;” and then she confess­ coin in a manner so decided that bdviti finally run over. That very engineer gla«l to see her friends, and as the car­ It Is aoine consolation to us |mor or energy, ami that when It I» dis­ called on me, with tears running down ed how many times she had deceived her ventured no further remonstran t, tbugb riage just then drove up, they started to­ RECENT INVENTIONS. mother, and thoughtlessly exposed her she cried and fretted all the time, so*®- "commoners" of America to know that charged from a cloud to earth It will Ills cheeks, one «lay, ami reporte«l: 'I've gether for the depot. Mary never re­ health, even when her lungs and side we don't have to do Home thing* which dtwtroy any "poor conductor” that It got th«* old lady at last, sir.” Veils can be fastened without tear membered of having had a more pleasant were throbbing with pain. "I know you ingly lamenting tln ir fallen fortune am the titled aristocracy have to submit may encounter. Th«* lightning rod rep­ The Duke of Wellington was In the Ing or straining by a new device con­ rid» than that from Boston to Chicopee. will forgive me,” said she, “for most se­ than the vacancy which death had wre I resents tlie feeble effort of man to solve to. When Earl R umhc II appeared at the ceutly made in their midst. habit of sending the most elaborate re­ sisting of a rigid liar having a slot George was a most agreeable companion, verely have I been punished.” (To be continued.) bar of tlie llouwe of Lords to answer to the mystery of lightning ami to protect plies to letters which most ¡lersons along one side Into which the veil Is and with him at her side she seemed Then, as she heard Jenny's voice in the a charge of bigamy be “made many life and property from It* death-dealing would have thrown Into the waste pa­ pressed and held in position by a flex­ to discover new beautines in every ob­ room below, she added, "There is one CALLS WOMEN POOR SAVERS obeisance*" and upon reaching the bar bolt*. It was built on the th«*ory that per basket. Thus, for example, an un­ ible cord attached to one end of tlie bar ject which they passed, and felt rather other thing which I would say to you. sorry when the winding river aud the "»link to hl* knee* and remained there It would conduct the electricity from known quack once sent blui a box of and stretched across the slot to fasten blue waters of Pordnnk Pond warned Ere I die, you must promise that Jenny the atmosphere safely Into the earth Mrs. Hetty Green Te'ls Why 1 hey until the Lord 11 Igh Chancellor told him her that Chicopee station was near at shall marry William Bender. He is poor, salve, and received the following ac­ at the opposite end. Can't Amass Fortune* I know, ami so are we, but he has a no- to rise." imagine an American citizen, and that the electric current, finding a band. knowl«Mlgment In the Duke's hand writ­ Mrs. Hetty Green is tbe author of u Needle baths can lie taken in ordin­ bk* heart, ami now, for my sake, mother, no matter wlmt hia office, humiliating I«etter conductor than the house, would ing: “Sir: I have received your letter "Oh! how pleasant to be at home once take back the bitter words you once article in Success on woman's Inabilltj follow It and leave the house tin ary bathtuliH by using a newly design himself In that manner! harmed. That human foresight «loes and the box of salv«*s, etc., which you ed discharge pll>e. which is of spiral more, ami alone," said Mrs. Mason, but spoke to Jenny, ami say that she may to accumulate money and the dangers Mary did not reply. Her thoughts were not know "where lightning will strike have sent me. This last w 111 be returned shape and lias perforations on the front elsewhere, and much as she liked being we«l him. She will soon be your only she encounters when going into ape«*» A regular army officer, r«*f«*rrlng to next" was demonstrated by the re­ to you by the coach of Monday, 1 he« side, the device bring mounted on the alone, the presence of a certain individ­ daughter, and why should you destroy lotion. She says that if women (Mil the "go ns you piense" ap|«earaiice of markable and appalling destruction of you to a«*cept my best thanks for your her happiness. Promise me. mother, become rich In a «lay or a month ill wall of the bathroom and connected to ual wouhl not probably have marre«! her Amerlcnn soldiers, deems It so grave n promise that she shall marry him.” attention. 1 think that you and I haw* life In a went thunderstorm at Chi­ would try, but they can never make u, the water pit»* by a rubber hose to happiness to any great extent. But he Mrs. Lincoln, though poor, was proud defect that he delves deep for the cause cago, In which eleven persons met In­ some reason to complain of the editors was coming soon, and with that in antici­ and haughty still, ami the struggle in her their minds to work years to tixtiiat throw Jets of water Into the tub. of It and charges It up as a national stant death by on«* bolt of lightning of newspapers. One of them thought To preserve perishable articles In pation she appeare«l cheerful and gay as bosom was long ami severe, but love for late a fortune, as men do. Y< xm * characteristic. At the same time Lord while huddletl together In a zinc llmsl proper to publish an account of me. usual. would much rather spend than eatx her dying child conquered at last. bottles a patented apparatus has a noz­ Wolseley declares that the United shanty under a pier. Such an Instance that 1 was nffiH ted by a rigidity of the Among the first to call upon them was “Ami. mother,” continued Rose, “may And be«*niise women spend so mu«i zle through which air is exhausted State* army Is th«* beat of Its else In th«* of wholesale eh*«*tr«M*utloii by a slug!«* muscles of th«* face. You have decided Mrs. Perkins, who came early iu the he not be sent for now? 1 cannot be here they are hardly ever in the field fori» world There never were fighters with bolt of lightning I» probably not on rec that the disorder must I h * tlcdoulou- from the bottle, with a tube loosely morning, bringing her knitting work and long, and once more I woulil see him and lees Idea of app<>nrnnee nnd discipline ord If those wlm sought shelter under reux. for which you send nie your salve fixed In the suction pipe. A plunger In­ stajing all day. She had taken to dress­ tell him that I gladly claim him as a vestment when tbe chauce eotM along. than th«* Boers; but live times their the zine covered «h«*«l had not be«*n as a remedy. I have no disorder in my side has sealing material at the end, making, she said, and thought maybe »he brother.” No person, according to Mrs. Gro*a. A brother! How heavily those words number of Brltl*h troop* have not yet erow«le«l closely together, thereby es face. I am aff«*eted by lumbago or which drops as soon as the exhaustion could get some new ideas from Mary's snecee»ed to the weather tn can be discharged In small quantities over, ami with it the visit of the widow, come.” he still lingered, as if bouml by thousand dollars to Invest wbeneM from u storm beware of metal covens! bint climates. I am attended by th«* through a soap compartment to the who had gathered enough gossiping mate­ a spell he eoulil not break. Anil so days the op|K>rtunity should come, rbti* Western apple* sent to the New York «htsls or anything else lu which metal b«*»t m«*«!leal advisers In England, aud floor by turning the pivoted handle so rials to last her until the Monday fol­ went by. and night succeeded night, until are ninny women who earn good *■« ■ lowing. when th«* arrival in the neighbor­ market last season afford new proof of predominates. 1 must attend to their advice. I can­ Its outlet registers with the opening hood of George Moreland threw her upon the bright May morning dawned, the last les nnd who might lay by a fe» bl-i' Rose «oulil ever see. Slowly up the the Importance of packing g<*>ds In the not make us«* of salves sent to me by a leading to the soap chantlier. the bitter a freah theme, causing her to wonder eastern horizon came tlie warm spring dr«*d dollars a year if they «“f* ’’ ItratrleUona of French Girl l ife. beat way. In the ordinary New York gentleman, however respectable, of lielng perforated on the under side to "if 'twaa Mary's beau, and if he hadn't sun. ami as its re«l beams dance«l for a minded. But that is not the «>.’ "the program of wliat a French girl whom I know nothing, and who knows discharge the fluid to the bristles. flat there I* seldom room for a barrel been kinder courtin' her ever since the time upon the wall of Rose's chamber, women. They spend every cent tht. of apple*, nor would fruit bought In may or may not do Is drawn up very npthlng of th«* case excepting what he Flies are killed by a new trap, w hich time he visited ber sehool.” she gazed wistfully upon it, mu* «nuritig, such quantity keep until used. On the precisely.” declares Th. Ilentxon (Miul reads In the newspapers." She frit sure of it when, toward even "It is the last—the last that will ever rise make, and in most cases bare has a flat board, on which sugar or monthly salary all spent before it» ing. she saw them enter the school house, other hand, apples purchased by the a me Blanri, in the Ladles' Home Jour for me.” molasses Is placed, a spring Isiard lieing and nothing but the presence of a visitor their hands. As long a» dozen or the i«eek are expensive. West nal. “rules* »lie Is poor and has to NEW TYPE OF RHINOCEROS. William Bernier was there. He had suspend«*«! above It and released auto prevente.i her from stealing across the save there are not likely to t«e ® ern growers who acted upon this earn tier own living »lie never goes out matfcally by a dis k mechanism to fall road and listening under the »in low. come the night before, bringing wor«l that Henry would follow the next day. There women millionaires In this knowledge were well paid Last year alone The company of a friend of her Iler.l« of th» Fperiea, White tn Color, on the laittom lioard and catch the in She Woulil umloulitedly have b«*«*n highly Itiac-over» I in l»»rkr»< Africa. In their anxiety to get mooey they slilp|M-d their apples to New Yolk own age would not lie sufficient to cha ■ecta, after which the chx-k raises the edified could she have heard their con­ was a gay party to which he had prom- There are albinos in nearly every spe­ IHiard again and holds It long enough versation. The interest which George is« ! to att.nl Miss Herndon, and he working for It. women are ’Ue ' ''' In laixes They were sold at tiarrrl peron her. It Is an established rule rates, and the boxes wen* conveniently that novel reading Is a ran* exception. cies of createvl things white negroes, to allow more flies to gather on the hail frit in Mary when a little child waa ileemeil that a sutlieieut reason why he Mrs. Green says, of the first «»« slio’ild neglect hi» «lying sinter. shop mau who gets hold of . , kept on the fire «■*«■»|>e« until freezing She Is entirely subject to her parents' white elephants, w hite mice and w hite board. greatly in« rease.l when he visited her "If Henry does not come," sai«l Rose, school in Rice Corner, and saw how “tell him it was my last request that he man tells them that lie 11 'I'1" ’* \ l weather. Two hundred and fifty thou will In the mutter of reading And If deer but up to a recent date no one much she was improved iu her manners turn away from the wine'cup, and say money In a month or two. air sand boxes were sold last winter, ami she asks to see anything at the theater had ever seen a white rhinoceros. It • Th«* Czar to His Valet. and appearance; ami it was then that h«* that the bitterest pang I felt in dying liev«* him. After a while they hear thia year the number will be still except a classical masterpiece, or an Is now re|s»rted that these are lu ex What ho. there, Ivan Wltchiawitch, conceived the idea of «*dmatiug her. de ­ was a fear that my only brother shoubl their broker has failed in I'usln** . I opera, they will tell tier that such a tstence In a recently explored portion larger. The tnoon has left the sky. termining to marry her if she proved all fill a drunkard's grave. He cannot look thing Is not considered proper, feeling of Afilea. They are almost extln't The morning aun is rising fast. left the country. Then they he hope«! »be would. And so, i' faith, must I. np. il me dead, and feel angry that I wish­ When Mr. Arthur was President In* sure of her silent submission. After and probably not more than a dozen or He had aske.l her to accompani him to ci 11 ill to reform. Ami as he stands over bewail their fate ami Pr”nli*‘ w Get out my safest suit of clothe«. once said to John M YY 11 son. then a she Is 15 years old »lie Is generally so are left. Th«* Revue Seietitltique I the schiKil house, because it was there my c*ffln, tell him to promise never again husbands they'll never do '* No garb of flimsy cloth. major In tin* regular army: “I'resldenta allowed to t*e In the drawing room on prints an account of a recent meeting they will. Gambling Is »e"ln* ' hi« resolution bail tH*en formed, an I it to touch th«* deadly poison.” But rather on«* with steel liegirt. may come and 1‘rosldvnts may go. but tier mother's reception days, but must with a small herd of the»«* animals lu waa there he would make it kn «wn Marr, I II* re sh<* l«ecanie too much exhausted popular vice with women. For I must sally forth. too. ha.l something which she wished to to urlug the tea and pre­ protected by law. and. fortunately also, Across the yard and back. of New kindness to her and her parents' memory; was sit ng across the room, with his hold of the women eral, retlr«s1 from service sa the head senting It. eourtesylug to her elders, the party that met the animal* includ . I And I on such a fearsome jaunt. old saying that A fool and bl’ but the moment »he commenced talking might I* <•!>*** of the engliuH-r ev«r|«s of th«* army. He answering when spoken to In short, •si tlie Governor of the colouy. other­ head resting upon the window sill, while are soon parted" No proper garb should lack. upon the »ubject George stopped her. an I her own was pillowed upon the strong She wise the *p«*cl<** might have lx*en now lin«l entered West I’olnt as a cadet fif undergoing her apprenticeship. Get out my shoes of copper brow n I for the first time since they were chil-| read. "A woman ami her Get out niy socks of mail. teen years Is-fore Mr. Arthur had l*ron has but few jewels, and under no pre­ more m-arly extinct than ever before, dren, place«! his arm aroun.l her waist arm of George Moreland, who lient ten­ soon parted" and I h * Just as ffW * I Get out the double armored coat bean! of outside the (Kill ties of New text any diamonds. Custom does not for hunters are not very scrupulous m and. kissing her sm.xtth, white brow derly over her. an ) aoothed her as he the original. That sports the iron tail; York, and his active work ends fifteen permit tier to wear costly things; nor such matters. »aid. "«hall I tell you. Mary, b.*w you *’ 1 - : <1 child. Quickly her fading ch«*ek I want a shirt of tempered steel. glowed, and her eye sparkled with some­ :an rep»? tne?” years after that President's d«*ath. The does It give tier the right. In general, to They (the rhlnocerli were moving at Proof Poslovv* Poni«*»'- A pair of pants to match. She ill I not reply. and he continue 1 thing of its olden light: but "George— Bertler Is an J fact llluatrat«*» the truth of l*ro*ld«*nt have a money allowance worth apeak a slow |>aee toward a jungle and easily A hat so firm and hard and stanch. George. " was all »h e ha.l strength to say. Briggs - ------- "Give me a husband's right to care for Arthur'« playful paraphrase, which Ing of for her personal use She re­ allowed the observers to approach. The That bullets cannot scratch. he Is. He Is always un the and when Mary, wb.i ha.l accoinpanie.l Jon* »nd I shall be repaid a thousand might have lieen applle«! to ot her ceives a trilling sum for charity, her party came within flfty yards of the I'll button every seam with nails him. approached her she only kn«*w that of every question. fold. th* •** Iwane bee of the government, I he offi books amt glove* A young gtrl never huge quadru|>«sl*. which were cropping And rivets use for studs. she Was recognize! by the pressure of the Harlelgb—But be aa.TS I ntil the shadows nt evening fell rial life of the head of an executive de take* the lead lu conversation, but al­ the grass on the plalu The rh.n *e»*ri littlr blur-vrinod hand, which aoon dro|e Aud then I'll **i'k the molten bath ironni them they sat there, talking of thing of you. tb*tr* To llarveyize my dud*. partment I* usually short, The throngs ways allows the married lady the pre«* ap|*ar«utly were not at all disturbed. the future, which George said should be ped heavily upon the counterpane, while Briggs-Well, and doesnt edence. and she And* It i|Ulte natural to Prepare the bath. O Wit* hiswit. h. the eyelids closed langui«lly. and with that gatlier«*<1 rweutly to see the Pre* The horsemen dismounted ami ap- all on* bright dream of happiness to tbe what I say of h!m?-Bo 8ton And do It qni- k, 1 warn. le words. He will not come.” she again Idem an«l his Cabinet on tbelr tour of occupy the tvack ground." proacbed yet nearer, stopping about *o"M rirl at hi» aide, who from the verv For who can tell, some Niln.ist the rountry looke«1 u|**n the great na fullne»» of her joy wept as »he thought • opt. hilt this time 'twas the long, deep twenty yards from the herd During An Ill-Fxnre-»e 1 , Making of Itosaries. Might shoot me while you're gone sleep from which she would never awak­ bow »trmge it w»» that she should be en. a minute or two the animal« seemed to t tonal leader» «>f today; but four years Brooklyn Daily Eagle. "How much Is tbat 4 Women make nearly all the rossrle* the wife of Georg» Moreland, whom pay no attention whatever to the hu­ hence, in all probability, not one of s:nwly the shades of night fell «round Inqnlred thè commercial a 1*»^ Italy, an establishment for the ntanu ’,n: . morning George went the cottage. and kept on browsing Noon they t*o- pytng hia prosent |«o«ltlon lnd«*ed. ft "Some sage has Mid that the great t*a« k to Boston, promising to return in a 1 neighbor» passAi up and down the nar- "We're tbe on«*s wbo an* facture of rowarten occupies twenty can to sniff the air. as if they bad dis la doubtful If any one of them will t«e «“'rriGe. ministering first to the away ahead of tbe ja®e week or two. When he .honl! expect rule of life la. Know thyself five female adults for an average of roverod something dlaquietlug or dis occupying any official position. Even a "Yes. and there should be a ars'ond Mary to ao-ompany him to Glenwoo.1 as Itea.l, and th*n turning aside to weep as ton Star. KO days a year The annual produc- __ they bwkrd np*n the b«.wed man. who agreeable, yet. curiously enough, they rule. ‘And when you know yourarif ihe’dW *° ** 0BC* B<** I’realdent dr**|*» quickly out of the tlon amounts to 35,iktp dosen rosarles, with his head np.*n tbe window »ill. still seemed not to See the visitors, although don't tell what you know.’ ” Phila.lel larger life of tlie nation when be qutta Not Her « »»• ,^ «,-»• which »re disposed of at I »reta and J’>»t a* he did when they told him »he the latter were not hidden After a phla Record. office, Sriiatorahlpe. on the other band, “I reppose that woman »>• dea... At bis feet on s little stool other places in Italy. CHAPTER XXII. short time, during which they showevt are long term offie«*a Moat of the Hen Th» window* of R,««* Lincoln's cham­ »«• Jenny, pressing his hsnds. and cor- her mind freely on the •'* a tors have l«ecome prominent In the The gtri with the bigge»t patrimony Ex.*es*lve ecom»iuy makes a mau an a sort of vague preoo-upation. they "Not much. She def >*' ‘ fer were open, and the balmy air of May iakiaiS“ ’r''h ,he t,lr» ,h» for bi» withdrew, first walking a»«l finally baa the best » bancs for matrluiouy public Ufa of State or ratl«Mi before undrslrabls acqualutan* «. her K>0 In advance before f came tn. kissing th» whit» brow of th« »•ke trie«! m Tain to repress. At last. When It <«» dark without, and th« platform.”—Ph*!**^*»’” EUGERE WEEKbY GUARD. $bort $torie$ t ?» ? I