Eugeue SATURDAY ^Guard AUOUHT3 MUST GET THE NEW BOOKS. State Superintendent Ackerman Issues a Circular of Inform­ ation to Publishers. The doctw wmetime* puses « hsrder letitence than the judge But the sen- tence oi the doctor is more often set aside or overruled than is that of the judge. In the caw of Mr». Revcrait given lelow, the doctor aentenced her to ’>out eighteen year» of physical punish- ent and misery. But she rebelled igainst the sentence, and commenced the use of Doctor Pierce’» Favorite Prescription. In a few weeks she was a well woman. It's a peculiarity of the cures ef­ fected by the use of r»octor Pierce'» Favorite Prescrip­ tion, that they are generally cures of chronic diaraiea. A woman suffer* with disease» peculiar to her sex, she takes medical tre: U ent, gets no better, and has no hope held out to he. of improvement, i h< n in her di-'ouragement »he turns to Dr. Pierce'» Favorite Prescription and finds a prompt and lasting cure. "Fa­ vorite Prescription ” establishes regu­ larity, dries unhealthy drains, heals in­ flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Summer, Fall and Winter Read ing Free! Free!! trout released . NOM ON We have arranged with lbs New York World to furnish this paper with a limited number of subscription« for a limited time to its great Monthly Edi­ tion. We are st abled to offer ten numbers of the Monthly World Maga­ Jones Lever Binders zine FREE ten month« to every one The Liable»! Draft and Moil Durable Machin« year paid iu advance new or old »ub- in th« Market scriber to the W eekly GUARD, and four months paid in advance •ub- Jones Chain Drive Mowers. scribers lo the D aily G uard . No Sid« Draft and Fitted With th« Very Beit Vetch Gathering Device Made. WHAT THS M '.«THLY W0B1.D KKrilOll >»0- AZIMS IS In Eugene. Have Been Placed in me Necanicum. -pee 1*1 to the uuard A storia , Ore, Aug 1.— Before «uo- dotau Ibero will be »0,010 young trout reka-xl in the heed water* of the Ne- earii. uni by A E Gebhardt, secretary of il Oreg"' A»b and gam- awe-cia- tloi . Mr G-bha’dt and two aeeietant« arrived do* ti on the uoon traio with ..DON’T HISS T his SNAP Linen Towel them and proceeded to Seaaide, a here State Superintendent of Public arrangemeul» ha»l teen made to have Jones Hay Rakes. The Monthly World ii a «2-page magaxln Instruction J II Ackerman hae them taken to the place* where they with colored cover. It 1» copiously illustrated Hand and Self Dump, None Belter. with pen drawing» and hall-tone reproductlona issued a oircular of information to will be turned loose. t Of these tl«h 80,- of photograph! 'he lllmtratlona are the re- • uflof the best artistic skill, aided by all the Old Hickory Wagons. the leading school book publisher«, o00 are eastern brook trout and the re­ latest printing prrM appliance!, making a magaalne unrivalled In ths quality of la con­ None Better and Price» are Right. in compliance with the laws of Ore mainder rainbow trout. The fl-li are ic nl! and the beauty ol 1 la appearance. Each Issue contains a to tea al reinance, love. gon, and as directed by the state about two and a half inch«« in Dug1 b Adventure, travel; stories of Action and ol tael, Buggies. atorlea of thins, quaint and curious, gathered board of education. That portion an«l in good condition, very few hav­ Th« Beit $75.110 Job in the Market. « r from all over the world: ths results ot Mieulioc research, and interesilua editorial re­ which relates to the prices of the ing died during tra- np< rtatlon. It 1« view. It numbers among its contributors the Mitchell Spring Wagons. leading literary men and women ot the day. books which school children have exp< cted they will re»ch a sufficient Its comic pages will present 'he work of famous comic artists. There will be funny paragraphs Art Made of the Be»t Material and Finest to pay and whioh is now in effect, size for eport-uieu o l atch In a couple sad pictures. Finished. vear. at"» my health began to fail.- A feature each mouth will be the large first In plain, colored and fringed border, on sale for writ, . Mrs. Nellie M Keycraft, of Glenwood. ie as follow»: of year« The ti«h wer »«cured PM" portrait of the most famed man or wo­ W • hingtim Co Oregon "I hart a very heavy Bicycles. of the moment In the public eye “The exchange price is the price ilraev'iur ami weight in the region of the uterun, man In collecting end preparlug lor publication through ths effort* of the tisu warden, ONE WEEK ONLY Hartford and Columbia. Strictly High Grade- ................ k M-l 1 uta. ■ -ulil not lift anything literary matter and art subjects for the pupil must pay for the new book he.vy. rest ot niuht very poor; .tomach de­ the Monthly World no expense Is spared. It leone who pronounce» the Nennifum an rang'd One phyardan said I wa» overworked, the most attractive publications issued from when he surrenders an old book another »aid 1 had <..n«e»tion ami falling of of Hay Tools. the greet city ot New York it furnishes high ideal stream for the purp >«e a d at the iiterua He treated me niue month» and said I class and widely varied entertainment to many Hay Carrier». Hay Fork», Fact Every upon the same subject and of the wmld not l>e well until I had pasaed the change thousand readers throughout North America. same time ea«v of aece»« to the ma- of life. I »M only twenty »even year» old then Thing in the Haying Tool Line. I he alee of the pagee of the Monthly World ia same grade, heretofore legally I became diaeonraged. and la-gan uwing Doctot ten and a half br eighteen Inches. jori'.y < f Ay flaher* of the state. Pien r w I’avorite Preacription Took a tea- SAMPLE COPIES ol the Monthly World adopted and in actual or contem­ •p.« nfld three time»a day : began feeling better Newspaper Oils. Magailns will be sent free ua ap­ right away Am using my third bottle now plication. Write a postal card and ask lor Engine, Caitor Machine and Axle Greaie of all plated use in the public schools ot and feel I am in g'rod health. I Irelieve Or one (all For County Warrant«. Pier e • t o Ol' > ■-•criplion haa restored u.e Kindi. Address all orders to 0UXRD. Eugene, Ore. Oregon. The price remains in force to health if -ufferitis women would give It a lair trial they woubl give it prat»e.” 1’ H:—The World baa «elected the Notice is hereby given that the to December 31, 1901. It is hereby Hardware, I)r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical G uard a« the only paper iu Lane following warrants will be paid on intended that a family having Adviser, tiaper covers, is sent free on county to make thia offer. Tin Wart. Granite Ware, etc. presentation at my office on and after children attending a public school receipt ot JI one-cent stamps to pay August 1, 1901. Interest on same expense of muling only. Address Dr. Sickle Sections. shall have the right to exchange R. V. lherce, Buffalo, N. Y. Natron Items. will cease August 1, 1901: All Lane For Binder» and Mower» of all Make». county warrants from registered num« old books in their possession for her 8589 to 8769, both inclusive. July 31.1901. books ae above itated .” Repairs. trout, during the month«of Novem­ Dated, Eugene, July 30, 1901. Born—To the wife of Myron Wal­ For Plano, Wood», Minneapoli« and Milwaukee The introduction price ie the A 8 P atterson , ber, December, January, February lace, at Ja»p< r, a 12} pound eon. Harvesting Machine». price pupil must pay for the book County Treasurer. >r March, or to ti«h for ealmon Mr J E P Wither« ha« disposed of Binding Twine. when he has no old book to sur­ hie large «took farm near thia place. rout in any other than tide waters Plymouth, Beit Twine in the Market. Residence For Sale. render in exchange. The period ot Mr» HD Edward« has returned to during eaid month«. introduction expiree Deoember 31» To fish for any trout between one her home from Blue Itiver, not Im­ (UVB US A CALI.. WE OLIAR ANTEE x-, My on the north side of 1901. SATISFACTION ANO BE ST PRICES proved iu health. Fifth street, between Washington and hour after euneet and one hour be­ The retail prioe is the price at Jefferson street», 1« for sale. For tetrns Misses Ollie and Dollie Hmlth have fore eunriee. apply to B F Dorris. returned to Hpringfield accompanied which the hook will be furnished to G eo A D orris . To sell, offer for Bale, or have in by their sister, Mrs Clifford Power«. the pupil during the life of the poeeeesion for eale or exchange, Mrs Walter Hmlth, the merchant’« Chittim Bark and Wool. contract. Willamette St, any epecies of trout at any time. wife, will «oou leave for Miles, Wash­ The publishers agreed to take up Eugene, Ore. It ie aleo unlawful, under penalty ington, near Medical Lake, to make Bring all your chittim bark and Join the procession that marches regularly to all new stock the dealers had on wool to W Handera, Eugeue. He will of line of not leee than $200, and quite an exteuded visit with her par­ Green’s Grocery for supplies. No short hand March 25, 1901, and not dis­ pay the highest cash price. Office at imprisonment in the county jail ed*. White Man Turned Yellow. weight, no trashy stuff, but good wholesome D bbiiemona . posed of prior to July 1, 1901, dis­ Ax Billy’setore. and for a Becond offenee, by fine, Groceries at the lowest possible prices. placed by the adoption of any Great consternation was felt by the not leee than $1000 and imprieon- Local Market. Lumber for Sale. of their publications, on the friends of M A Hogarty of Lexington, Telephone Main 25-1. ment in the penitentiary, to ex­ basis of dollar’s worth for a dollar’s Ky, when they saw he was lurniug August 2, 1901. plode or cauee to be exploded any A'l grades of lumber for sale at El- yellow. His skiu slowly changed color, worth. They will pay all costs of Butter—25 to 40c per roll miia. From (2 50 to (10 per thousand. giant powder, dynamite or other also bl« eye«, and lie «uttered terribly. Wool—12}c transportation on new books sent 8 H S tephens , exploeive substance whatever for Poultry—(3 50 to (4 50 inn dozen. HIsm .lady wa« Yellow Jaundice. He from them and on all new liooks Crow, Ore. was treated by the best doctors, but the purpoee of catching, killing or Dried prune«—3 to;,5jc and old books returned to them without bet.tfit. Then tie was advised Flour—76 per «ack. deetroying any trout, salmon oi during the period ot exchange, and to try Electric Bitter«, the wonderful For Sale or Rent. Oat«— 40 cent«. will allow tile uomci zv |/va ww a « any food fieh, or tor causing or Stomach and Liver remedy, and he Potatoes— 90 cts per bushel. permitting nuy ______ », i;,n„ the exchange price on new books writes: “After taking two bottle« I —1Ö 2-3 nonia One hundred well-bred goats. In­ medicat'd bait or otiier eubsta wheat- 45 cents. was w holly cured.” A trial prove« its quire at residence 13th and Willamette during said period of exchange. deleterious to fish, in any of the matcblesH merit for all «tomaeu, n Biretite*, Duguu«» Hope—12 to 13} cent«. Heotion 13 and 14 of the act re­ and kidney troubles. Only 50c. Hold waters of this state in which food P. P. P almer . lating to the adoption of text-books by W L DeLano, druggist. fishes are wont to be. Sheriff s Tax Sale Notice. A BARGAIN.-646J acres of land; 10U makes the use of the new books Warning ie given that any person cres In cultivation pest in open prairie, adopted compulsory, and are as Cupid to Blame. Notice is hereby given, that I will, violating any of the foregoing pro­ weil Heeded down; plenty of running follows: on Monday the 1211» day of August, water year around; timber abundant; visions will he prosecuted accord­ 1901, betweeu the hours of 9 o’clock Section 13. It is hereby made Kansas City, Kan«, July 31.—A 9-room bouse, aud barn that bolda 103 a m and 4 o’clock pm to wit at 10 ing to law. the duly of all boards of school o’clock a nt on said day, at the south special to the Star front Oklahoma tons of hay; place 2 mile* from depot* west door of the County Court House City, OTHayr: pos’office aud good public school; (jireotors to cause the text-book» In Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, sell Minerva McClintock, aged 25 year«, (12.50 per acre; for further particular« A Nevada editor «ays he “hates a to the highest bidder, for cash, all the »d op ted as provided in this act to of Oklahoma City, drew claim No 9 in At Prices From 55c Upwards, be introduced and used in their hyp icrite” and adds: “There are a lands to which Lane Couniy or other the Lawton district at El Reno today. inquire of 1 L Campbell. G uard public corporations lias acquired title at The Racket Store. A ttempted R obbery .— John B respective schools within i5 month« few hypocritical scoundrels in this by virtue of sale for taxes. She was married here yes i er day, and Coleman informs u« that acme person town who will go in at the hack Dated tills Sth day of July, 19J1. by thia act she has forfeiied her right from the dale ot adoption. W. W, W ithers , to make homestead entry. Her chance unknown attempted to rob him of bls Section 14. The text-books H im ' d »or of a saloon and in at the front Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. it Is estimat'd, would have been worth (150 dlamoud abirt itud the other may be adopted under the pro­ do ir of a tueeiiog house that are as evening. They Item the fastening, a (10,000. visions of this act, and none others, -ure to go to h------ us a dime will bar, to a considerable extent and aleo Pure Home Made Brandy. tore the front of bls shirt. He thiuk« shall be used in the public schooli- ouy a ginger c.ike, S ime people Belknap Hot Springs. he got off lucky. of this state hereafter and it shall won’t like this talk, hut it’s the For liver, kidney or stomach trou­ o A.» TOUT A. whole truth." bles, colds, lagrlppe or biliousness there be the duty of school officers and Ed Howe has leaded the Belknap Baars tk 11« Kind You Han Always BogM Is nothing Is'tter than Francis ’ pure teachers to oom ply with the provis­ Hot Springs for the wsmiii ol 1901, and Blgiutare —— brandies. All orders promptly tilled ions of this act concerning the same. «r James Ebbert, one of the oldest with piune, apple or pear brandy at patrons of this splendid summer and resort may expect good treat­ If any teacher shall wilfully violate and beet farmer« tells us ‘‘Lane 75 cent« per quart, or (2.60 per gallon. health ment at his hands. Orders by stage or expreen wllltiese- any of said provisions, he shall be county has more wheat than ever cuiely Isixed. Made and sold to con­ Splendid camping grounds with fine Daj & Henderson, Undertaker! and mountain branch water lead thereto in Embalmers. Cor. Wil. and 7th its. deemed to have violated the terms before.” She is also nearly sure of sumers only. and pipe«; wood convenient. Board and I M F rancis , of his contract with the district, or a splendid hop and fruit yield, lodging oil reasonable terms. Address Fifth end Blair stieets, Fugene, Or E d H owe , parent or guardian of a child attend­ while the hay cut thia year was • Belknap Hpiings, Oregon. ing a common school in any dis­ very large one. Got the Lamps Free. trict, shall be deemed to have such EMBUMERS ini FUKUL OIREC1ORÍ a beneficial or direct interest in For Sale. At m r store. A ticket free»! The lucky buyers of Crescent and the enforcement of this law con­ It Dazzles the World. each 25 cent purchase, gin Stearns bicycles who received Holar cerning text-books that he may 176 acres of good level land, Good you one vote in the KIMBA1 lampa free were; 100th wheel KE Wil ­ bring any pro|>er proceeding in n WOOD No discovery in medicine lia» ever houses, Larua and orchard, 2U mile- court of competent jurisdiction to created one quarter ot tire excitement son; 110, Abbie Allen; ISO, Moody Neet: east of Eugene on the main travel road PIANO CONTEST. oomi>el the board of directors of hie that ha« been caused try Dr King’« 13 I, Georgia Parker; 140, Eriyth Kerns; over the ni >untains, to the spring» and district or teachers in his shool to New Discovery for Consumption. It'» LW, Wm Davis. Who will get the the Blue River mines. Term» easy. Those who have promised and W PC hrbhiu . perform the duties enjoyed U|>on , «evervat teeta have treeli ou bopeleae 1601 li wheel? The Crescent bicycle those who intend to furnish the Corner of 9th and Oak. Eugene, Or. them by this act in relation to text- victim« of Consumption, Pnrumonla, stands up. See them at F L Cham. bere*. GUARD with wood on account Itooks. Hemorrhage, l’leurl»y and Bronchitl», P roperty H old .— Yesterday E J thousand« of whom II lias restored to will please notify u> when they Frasier sold the Samuel Colvin farm on Corner in Potatoes. terfect health For cough», cold«, OREGON TROLT LAW. the Moliawk, c mtaiiiing 127 acres, lo can bring It and the kind of wood aathma, croup, bay fever, hoarHcne»« and whooping cough It 1» tiie quickest, Cincinnati, July 30. — The dry E E Comstock, just from South Da­ Please inform ua at once. Don’t As few ejvortemen hare a copy of -itrent cure In the world. It 1» «old by weather lias •<> diminished the supply kota; consideration (2DJ0. Also the neglect this the Oregon game laws, anil as these \V L DeLano, who guarantee« aatl«fac- of potatoes ttial It has been poaeible to Peter Darvllus farm of 163 acres, situ­ O matter what the weather, our customers g1’ ated in the Mohawk valley, to T C laws oover eo many pages that few »11 or refund money. Large Dottie« corner die market. Prices ran up to- Isam, of Brownsville, Liuu county, Campbell Bros and ceme as regular as clock work. We give 50c ard (■ 00. Trial bottle* tree. today to (3 25 and (3.50 per barrel care lo eearch them thoroughly, the Oregon, and today he «old the Wil­ value received and satisfaction with every purchase for the better quality. Oregon Fieh and Game Association liam M Sherman property, oontainlig or money refunded. Do you know of a store that 14 acres, 3* miles north of Eugene, to OUK BUSY TIME ^ef. has had a brief synopsis of the law« To Travelers. Shatkev Will Meet Jeffries. gives more ? VV ho can do better? You get your George Mherboudy from Seattle, for in regard to trout-fiahing printed money ’s worth everyday in the year. If not al­ >1200. I» now here, and we are Atting If you want to make a trip to moun­ Bonlou, July 29 — Tom Sharkey to» on cloth to be placarded in every upaome of the nicest rooms ready a customer give us a trial', we will try to tains. mine« or McKenzie Springs, »re day accepletl an offer to meet James J 5>r notile of OUr nicest people aecliun of this «late for the informa­ scalp B ounties — Total bounties please you. Al Montgomery at the Mh neeota Jeffries, before the San Francisco Ath­ P'-y »11 mu-l have a room tion oi the public. These read: House. He lias a first class rig 111 tlie letic Club, in Slepteuitier. The detail« paid amcr the new law went into tute<1 with M^tne of our new Ide... Now I. the tim/’ It is unlawful, under penalty by stables r in Iu connection with the >f the match will b* iq>eedilv ratified. effect by all countie«, four months, make your selection. |71, 694. By Lane county (4iw. For hotel. Remember, very rvaaonable fine of not leee than 120 nor more Aehland Tiding«: After hor-ee with the last six months preceding, by the than 9100, or by imprisonment in charges HitfhMt market price for country produce. hats, that am common in the East tn ita'e, 21,71»; by Lana countv (197. the county jail, or by both tiue D hessks L ost .—T wo dre*eee, one of ward off the fierce ray» of the burning and imprisonment— W anted — Intelligent young men, black «aleen and the others black call­ • ut>, what? I>><» with «hors, apparent- To dsb for any trout by any en, both MW, In on« package, were Iv. A woman on on« ot the 8 P c«’« from 17 to 19 year« of sge, having com­ The Enjoyment of Soring mean« whatever, exoept with book b»t near the Cnlverslty or In t>< rth-bound traiur, at th« Ashland mon school edu.-ation, to learn me­ chanical trail»*. For full information station yesterday, clad in one of thos« Fairmo'inl. Please leave at thia and line apply or write to t’nlon Iron Works, TOTlr h«*rt ! To take, catch or kill, by any office. The owner la a widow and the dm tv frocks that tear with looking at, 222 Market alrvet, San Francisco. O»nt«nt when you hare a imod com «'moat, had a tiny King C oar les ilrvaetw are quite a lo«* to her. means whatever, any Eastern brook •psniel In her arm«, and on it« feet 8rriT »CL» F ound . — A pair trout, Loch Leven trout, or gray­ F or H ai r . —AM acres of land; IM were shoo«. Tli« object, of couree, wae •f»ct«cle« found on the street. Owner ‘»•’»ty. for C tnf. rt and acres In cultivation, the reel feature to keep ble claws from shredding bar nan have same by calling al this office ling, before April 1, 1904 Iwhtaea te «aR all teu. and aI¡ and timber; go <1 (1200 botasi 2 good fi ck al «very touch. Th« «hoe* were and paying for thi« notice. To take, catcb, kill or have in Kamember w« W|1 th, wagoa. t*atire; g'sat 10 acre fruit orchard; one- >f kid- hardly more than a big thumb po-eeeinn any trout, char or salmon A correspondent write» the G uard hal mile from depot. For |>articulsrs n »1««—neatly sewed and ia-vd In lee« than five inrnes in length, or Inquire at inis office trout. As th« dog wore tbs eh.we in from Newport, that a to take, kill or capture more than «•iking, a« well aa clawing In bis bow at that reaort. I vamfok MLi-Ou* team heavy Seven I Ii «trevt 1« now newly graded n.islre««' arm«, th« kid was black, and 125 trout in one day. horeee and 3¡ Sctiuttl«r wagon, fur Mie in «fleet lb« ahoe* w«r* Ilk« diminutive with cruahed root tr>>m Blair to Wil- To take, catch, kill or have in » ebrap. Ed .McC'anaban. RtueMBiM. lamelte »tree«. poeeoation any trout, except salmon Our Regular 25c Pure Linen Towels 15c JOIN NOW. J. U. Green & Son. P. Frank & ¿on <1. W. HAÏS fURNiruRt CO 'V“’ Groceries V) Mill Feed L Yes It’s Hot Weathers N. T. Wilson Overton S. L LONG