r’uV‘r‘‘’ •¡ 0-‘V- » o I 4 tSTULltIKB MR THE I1HK1IUTII1 OF DE1GC&ATIC FUNCIPLBS. IMP TO MH iN IORIITLIÏ1X0 BY THS SWEAT OF ÜLU BtHW * VOL. 35 LETTER FROM IOWA NO 1 JULY 27, 1901. EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY SALMON EVERYWHERE. ANOTHER RICH STRIKE Literature to Advertise Our State McCauley’s Morning and Even­ ing Claim at Bine River. and County Needed. BOLD vac IN WHITE PETTICOATS 50c VA,L.U.ES 25c CALL AT ONCE!! HAMPTON BROS. WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. LANECÖÜHTYBÄNK CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers - or - EUGENE, OFFICE—East «ide ot Willamette street, be­ tween Seventh and Eighth street« TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. OREGON. t«t»bli»h«d In ISS2. Oldest Sank in th« County. General Banking badness in all branches transacted on iavorible terms A G. HOVEY , Pre ;dent L. G. HULIN, 12.00 . 1.00 .50 i OwYaar....... Sii Munths... Three Month«. B. H. HOVEY. A»-' t'm-hicr. EUGENE AdvertWna- rate« made known on application Aildreu all busine«» letter» to '1 HE GUARD, Eugene, Oregon. Loan^SavingsBank L WHITSON, DENTIST. Hiving purchased the office and fixtures of the late deceased W V Henderson, I ain now prepared to do anything in the line of Dentistry in the above said office. WCroirn and bridge work a specialty. PIL T 3 LUCKEY, 0 D^UI Clock«, Watches, Chain«, eiry, Etc. WRq.airing promptly don«. ST All work warranted. Of Eugene, Oregon. PaiG Up C-rA Ca."* !1 - Surplus • - • Draft« issued on the principal cltle« ot the United dtale« «nd foreign countries. Inter««» allowed on Demand Certificate of Deposit when left Hated period. Collection« receive our prompt attention City and County Warrant« nought. t BKOWN. rrsaldent.; f. W. OSBURS. C WOODCOCK, ATTORNEY-* T-LA W. C<«hl«r. Office One-half block couth of Cirim Block, 0. A. »AINE. vice Prttiaen1 W. W. BROW» • >>t Cathlii first --- Euour* Olmos. ■ ■ maxxlxt loaari i waltom yyALTON A OVERTON, ATTORN E Y3- AT-LA.W National Bank Will practice in all the court« of the «täte. Office—In Walton Block. Euaxxx, O r « oon . w L. CHESHIRE, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Chrisman llg. Eugene, Oregon. W BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office-Upstair» in Chrisman Block. WHonr»: 9 to 11 a m ; 12 to 2, < to 9 m. p Of Eugene. Paid up Ca.h C.-i*«1 OOO Surplus - 850,000 Eugene, Oregon. A wrtTHia. D es M oines , Iowa, July 17, HUI. E ditor G uard :—A few nave «looe I met a gentleman from northern Iowa who was goltg ibe Epworth league convention at San Francisco. He »eerned anxious to know something about Oregon, «nd in the thirty min­ ute» or ao we travel, d t>geth'r I im­ proved the t'rne to the beet of my ability. He knew all about Califor­ nia tor he had written to the offloee of the leading railroad companies lor literature concerning ths Coast, but|all they had wa» California. Imagine a ma know lug all atHvut Mt 8tia»ta and i nothing about Mt Hood, the Three | I Slater», the Willamette valley, etc. In coming to Iowa I traveled with a gentleman from Wl-con»ln, who had »pent several weeks In Lane county and wa» going home well Impressed I with the country. Several of bis neighboia think of moving to the Cosat. Did that man have a line con­ cerning Lane county to give to «ny of i hose prospective homeaeeker»? Not » bit of II All 1 could give him was a copy of "R-eource« of Lsi.e C' UUty,’1 published b, < ur “Immigration Com­ mittee,” whatever that may be. I-it any wonder that beople do not flock to Oregon in greater number«? 1 know that till» matter of advertising the state and county more thoroughly has been talked ab >ut, but to quote a hsckueyed proverb, “talk 1» cheap.” Whether thia brief note will accom­ plish anything I do uol know, but 1 have become tired of atisweriug quee- tlon« about thestateand not being able to give any literature to back up my woid- and to carry their influence Into wider sphere. I suppose many Ore­ gonians away from home feel the ssme way and I lielieve I voice their feel­ ing when 1 say that an impaitlally written description of Lane county placed in the proper p'acea in the East will pay for Itself time and time again iu the eta»» of people attracted there. The W eekly G uard 1« now coming regularly and 1» eagerly read. This summer is one of the hottest ever known In l»wa Coin 1« burn­ ing up in the fields. Hay and oats are being harvested and are af«ir crop Yours respectfully, J ohn H andsaker . GENERAL B.’ -(KING BUSINESS A. I»«ne »•> r»A- ust.lr Unn«. Sigh ¿aft« on Chicago, S»» Fr»»c»co »nd Port- ^iib’T^hsnue «"M on fotviga -"»nJ”* Pejxai*« received «abject to check or certih To the wan that «aya it « e»»T «nongb to take a »I »•! «['»** and jut it in (,.•.! wo.kmg order. Oaly tie F.«i*rt with the proper tool* can do st weu Bicycle Repairing _ , if Should not I« »'teepted - at how» your wheel look« ol M «nd .habby, have If it ia ou* 'd or hr ‘rams enameled, have it «et right Th« cw* i» either < mm will ba trifling. We have four Experts \bo R.n»ir »4 Maaufartar« Bicycle*. Compel, nt n et who I »’» ’ K Oh», mio.», Mi-o,iri, Ken«^ Mexico. Idaho an i <»>»-A11 ■*" ex ». W« also repair gun* aad «ewing Mv cw Barker Gun Works. ARRtRItt «NO COLD STORAGE CR0WD10 VISIBLC th« Calapoola »Ide of ttie The strike la iu mountain. »on of 1808. big cateln s are reported Speaial to th« Guard. McCauley’s double i by »very boat. All eannerle« aud claim, the Morning and Evening, be­ cold storage plant« croaded lo fullest ing on both side« of the mountain. A capacity. Price? »till r» main at 6 to tunnel extends 240 feet Into the moun­ 7 cent« per pound. At llieee rate» the tain from the Calapoola »ide and In ' tl-hermen are making pocketful« of thia tunnel the strike was made. A 33-f >ot ledge of splendid quartz lias b en uncovered, the yellow melai plainly visible to the naked eye In moetofthe sample» of quarts taken out Considerable excitement has t>een caused by thia latest fiud. gold. EXHAUSTED LEMON SUPPLY been made In the Clatnct, thia time on day is the largeel since the great «ea- Hti«liie»« men »re now happy. C hicago , July 23.—The terrible heat has exhausted the lemon supply. Brices are increasing rapidly. It seems that people are nearly compelled to have lemons. YELLOW JACK NEAR HAVANA. Special to the Guard. N ew Y ork , July 23.— Five eases of yellow fever, all Spaniards, reported twelve miles out of Havana. This BLUE RIVER MINES. causes considerable anxiety in the city. Mr Sparks, Proprietor ot Blue BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS. River City in Eugene Bpecial to the G uard . Miners are B erlin , July 23.—A Gorman professor announces tbo transmissablo to Dally Guard July XI (ticking to the Blue River district In 8 C Hparkn, the proprietor of Blue discovery of bovine tuberculosis. It is not large numbers, aud it 1» destined to tie- River City, arrived In Eugene this forenoon, after a load of provision«. the human system. come oue of the most celebrated min­ He says lar e numtier of mluer* are ing camps on the coast. SITUATION. going Into the mine« daily. Hi« hotel I he werk of building the >30,0.0 R crowded to overflowing nightly and 8pucHl to th« Guard. electric j laut for the Lucky Boy mine »ome guest« nave to occupy chair» and P ittsburg , — strike remains commeuced Monday aud will lie CO III- all »»»liable place« in hl» barns. The about the same, Possibly the are ru«h la fairly on and new »trikes in the pleted before winter. little. niinee are of daily occurrence. It la saw null la running steadily and getting out lumber for patron« and for SHOT AND Ida newly proponed hotel. A force of Kpeclal to the Guard. men will soon atari up on the hotel tockholm , __ . —A petroleum r ________ _ r _____ on Lytle, of Eugene, and he expect! to finish it this fall. American schooner, Adelaide, the b.y He is «tarting to build a bunk house. STRIKE July 23. The strikers situation weakening a FATAL EXPLOSION. KILLED. July _ 23. __ explosion Louise caused death fire of eleven of the crow and four Swedish officials. S Andy Formerly Does the Shooting. P rineville , Or., July 22.—Emmet Egan, »on of Jam?« Egan, of Lamonta, Or, who wa» shot Saturday morning by Andy Lytle, died at 9 o’clock the »ante evening at Durham’» saw mill, near Hay Creek, Crook county. After the »hooting Lytle gav« himself upto the deputy sheritt, the »herlt! having gone to the aoene of the »hooting Ar­ rangement» have lieen matte to hold an inquest. Country Flooded With Bank Notes Printed From Plates Thought to be Destroyed. TROWBRIDGE PIANO VOTE. Second Count Made This After­ noon. Justice of the Peace C A Wlnter- Hisirr, H E Morris and Otho R iberts thia afternoon iu Mr Wlntermeier'a o flI co madt the second count of vote« in th« Trowbridge piano contest. The student« and friends of th« High Bcbool have been working dili­ gently and have auejeeded In polling a much larger vote than any other or­ ganisation. Following are the four organization« receiving the highest vote «o far: High Rcbooi........................................... 14,711 Foresters of America........................ 6 411 Knights of PythlM............................ 4,602 I O O F Orphan«’ Home................ 1,359 W ashington , July 22. — Chief Wilkie, of the Hecret Service, has re­ ceived a number of bank note» printed from the original plates u«ed by the State Bank of New Brunswick, N J, over 50 years ago. The bank went out of existence «ome time In the'bksand II Items. was »uppoaed that the »teel plate« from which Ila note« were printed were destroyed It «eems, however, that Mortgage'............................................ I 574 00 these plates have fallen Into the bands Mortgage............................................... 200 00 Kill. IHTITITRAKOI««. of pardes who have printed from them Urge quantities of note« which have I I M Frrnci« and H C Francis to Con­ been put Into circulation from New rad Myers lot 1 blk 6 Cheshire’« addi­ York to Ben FraDclaco. A very large tion to Eugene, 1100. James Castle and E C Ca-tlo to percentHge of the notes so far discovered are two», although some ones and fives Allee Goff 1 acre in tp 17 ■ r 1 w, 1260. U 8 to Paul Bo««man 160 acre« In tp are t>eing »ent in. Inasmuch as the notes are not 17 • r 2 «, patent William Pre»ton and C E Preston to countertrit» of any United 8t«tes note» or obligation the maker» and passers Mary E Gilman lot« 8, 9 «nd 10 In blk cannot be prosecuted under the United 2 Hbeltou’« ad to Bkgene, >126. Htatee laws, but It 1» said they can tie I Joeeph V Fleck and Nettie E Flfk i punl-hed for fraud UDder the state to C C nturtevaut et al 1 07 «ere« In tp law-. It appears that the note« read­ 18 ■ r 6 w, |275 J B Dunham and Eliza Dunham ily paa-ed along the Canadian frontier as the takers think they are the notee land In Eugene, >1. Hot Weather in the East. Special to the Guard. The following 1« from an Iowa |>a- an rancisco , 23.— per juat received: “Incubators will aoon be a dead 0. R. rates water raised ­ leaue,” said a clerk at the McRae but­ tween here. The aro the as have ter and egg house today. "The hot published by the press. weather 1» taking the hualneas all out of the hand« of the setting hen and the IT Incubator. Laat Saturday evening we had proof of It In the store. Oue egg, Rpi Clal to the Guard. retting peacefully In a case, euddenly apetown , —General believes that broke and ibe chicken came cut juat ae tliero is of intervention and that lively ■■ though he ha I been ex' acted must fight the bitter end for weeka It wa» a cute little yellow fellow, and he i» a» healthy »" th« DON’T LOOK THAT WAY. average chiob born in soch hot time».’’ Hp.cial lo the Gusril ".■Some strange thing» have bapi ened L ondon , July Balfour before parliament during the hot weather. The aun hae no more appropriations for the war asked tieen ao tiot that our cook didn’t have for the end. to build a tire to cook dinner. All «he had to do was to eet II out In the aun WAVE. and the cooking was aoon finished. When a mule atarted to bray, th« bray 8|>ecial to the Guard. t July -At o’clock the would melt tiefore It left hl« mouth ■nd run down his cheeks. You could thermometer registered were ­ see suits of clothe« walking through where. Up t<< this twelvo deaths been the «(reels, not a thing In th«m, th* man hud melted out." Court House °*Alicollection« entruitel to r« »ill receive pr .mpt attention. P. E. S modoxabs . T G H xndricxs , Casl.iar. of the Canadian Province of New President. L. H. Poma 8 B E axis . Brunswick, the words "New Jersey’’ A Mutant. Vic« I’r—i lent being printed in small letter«. The not-» are printed on bond paper and are quit» as good In every way aa the original*. It 1» »aid that poe«ibly |J,(KO,000 of ihe»e notes are in cbcula- Don’t Listen RLAIRLV Pally Uaard, Jalv 23 Bpeviftl to tlie Gi' ard . Word cornea from the Blue River Asi ori Or, July 22; 3:03 p tu — mine« that another rich «trike ba« The run o( ha I iiptii >ewterday and to- S50.00C 5,000 TWO MILLIONS QUEER MONEY. A UCNCRAL BANRINO BUaiNlSB TRANS AOTCD ON FAVORAULX TIRMB- W hot tion. Sumn er School Students. The following course of general l«o- ture-will be given at 8 a m, in the Modern Lancuags room. Deady Hall: July 24, Wed newt ay; the High thori »—Mat be malic« School. July ®, Thursday; Dr Schmidt— Modern Languages io the High rtchool. Ju'y 2«. Friday; Profe««or Dann- Latin and Greek In tb« High Mchool. July 2», Monday; Dr Strong— Re- cent TendeDCle« In MecoDdary Educa­ tion July 30. lueaday; Dr Lochman— Phy.ic» and Chemistry In the High «o' ool July JI. Wednesday; Proftww.r -chafer—Hl«t< rr in the High Hebool- August I, Thursday; Professor Glen I — English in the High Hebool. S F July Southern Pacific rates rail and N. by have been be Portland and rates same heretofore been MUST FIGHT OUT. C no hope Boers July 23. European to Delaney the independently of all. states Boer 23.— that as S Louis, More Trusts Forming. will bo same is nearing an THE HOT 23.- 2 this afternoon 103 degrees and men tumb hour hail ling ovory reported. Light rains are reported in portions of Kansas, Mis­ souri and Arkansas. In Texas it is cooler. TEAMSTERS’ STRIKE. If the trust formation continue» the time 1» not dlstaut when almost every­ Special to the G uakd . an F rancisco , July 23. teamsters’ thing In the country will be controlled hour. a wagon is by them. Whether this would Ite i’eueflclnl , to the oouutry or other­ wise, we are not prepared to state. There 1» one thing however, that can Hpeclal to th« Guard. D enver , —A Grande never tie controlled by a trust and that wrecked this near Marshall ’ Pass. 1« good health. The beat menans of obtaining this Is by the use of Hoatettr’» rolled completely over. Many Htomach Bitter». This wonderful medicine continues to cure all «tomach, liver and bowel trouble», the same ns II ba» done for the past titty year«. If you are a sufferer f-om <1yj>»|Hila, in­ digestion, consumption, flatulency or nervosnesa, do not fall to give It a trial at once, as It will surely cure you. It will also prevent malaria, fever and ague. S ing every —Tho strike is gain­ Hardly moving today. RAILROAD WRECK. July 23. morning Rio passenger train was s Two coaches passengers wore injured. She Didn't Wear a Mask. PROHATM COURT. Iu the matter rf the estate ot Joeeph Htewart, decee«emmlg««. Below Cubt All Our Wrappers... Wo want to close out, ami which wo have ma