The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, May 04, 1901, Image 5

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epscial !• the Quart.
W ashington , I). C., April 27_ H
has been
gon. Mr. City,
is a appointed
W of r
of Ore"
son, the Portland millionaire.
^»vid P. Thonip-
Special to tbe Guard.
S an F rancisco
II {LVufc
SyStem , April
ÍU the 27.- President of
gpeehl to the Guard.
1 .
G alena , Ill., April 27.—Tha 7 »tL «.». •
birth of General U. S. Grant waa celebrated" hJre today6
SeorS GUnSaulU8"“ the
The city wa. g^
Special to the G uard .
N ew Y ork , April 27.—A rumor is circulated that
Win. J- Bryan will make the run for governor of Nebraska
at the next election.
Special to the Guard.
S an F rancisco , April 27.—Minister Conger, to China,
will start for his home at Des Moines, Iowa, tomorrow.
Special to the Guard.
N ew Y ork , April 27.—The Cunard line intend to equip
their steamships to London with wireless telegraphy. Their
success is generally predicted.
Special to the Guard.
N ew Y ork , April 27.—Match races for cup have been
arranged between the yachts Independence and Constitu­
tion, to sail off Newport.
Special to the Guard.
N ew Y ork , April 27.—U. S. Attorney General Knox
has begun proceedings to secure $750,000 stealings of Cap­
tain Carter, located in banks.
Special to the Guard
P aris , April 27.—The office of the American Express
Co was robbed today. The burglars decamped with 30,000
Special to the Guard.
L ondon , April 27.—Kaiser Wilhelm enjoyed a visit to
Bonn Joneid today. His old corps donned the white caps
and other insignia.
BROUGHT J144,013.84.
The Salem Electric Plant Sold at
Sheriff's Sale.
Gov. Whiteakcr Sells tbe Minne­
sota Hotel to Geo. Gross.
Just a» we go to press we learn that
Gov Wtiiteaker b «» sold the Minneso­
S alem , April 27.—The electric light ta Hotel pro|«rty to Geo G Gross for
plant w»i gold at shentl’s »ale today to $3500.
Tbe lot Is 160-160 feet on tbe
tbe London & San Francisco Bank for corner of Fifth and Willamette streets.
1144,013 84. There was one other bid.
Special to the Guard.
Pleasant Hill Items.
Segar Will Hereafter
Jauc ton c'ttjr
duct ibe House.
batty Gsara April-«.
TN Hegar' tbe welt known fruit
turn, lias leased for aleriu of y»ar«
from f eptien Hrneed the Hotel Eu­
gene, aud took charge of the SHIH» to-
Mr N. gat. who ha* had oansidersble
experience th tiie hotel busiuee» in
N»w York state before o>miog to Ore­
gon, h»e purchased from H F Holleu-
twek, who»«- l«*a«e on tbe building has
expired, a J ibe furniture aud fixture*.
of tbe (hotel, will also purchase a
large am->u it of new furniture and
will contiuue to couduct a tlrst clax-
Wheu the contemplate)! three-story
addition is built and other improve­
ments are mails this summer Mr H- -
ar will have oue of tbe best appointed
hotels in lhe state.
The work of building lhe addition
will l>e pnoli'-d a» soon as the weath< r
permits. It is the iutxullon to put tn
a steam lisa’tug plant. Busltie»« will
t>e continued right along duriug the
erection of the addltlou.
M B Wallis ba« acsepted the position
a» cbief clerk of tiis hotel.
Daily uaard. April 27
rtil» afteruoou on the track at the
University campus is being held ths
tryoat to decide upu the beat three
meu for tsob event to represent the
University tn tbe big interstate at ii -
lettc field meets with California and
Washington to be held In this cty
Mav (i'll and lktii respectively.
1 tie 1 rack Is in good condition and
the wrath) r is ell that Is <l»elred
Quite a crowd of the athletes admirer»
<re iu n't-udanoe and tbe winner» of
each event are heartily ebrered.
Iralmr W O Trine is very much
pleased with the work being done this
tfleruoon and thinks our boys will
make a »pieudid allowing against Cal­
ifornia and ought to win from Waal.,
The events began shortly after 3
To the Asylum.
The official« are:
Prine, starter; Dr A Lae liman, Prof C
Daily Guara, April 26
A Burden, Fred Zeigler, judges, B E
Sheriff Withers and Deputy Bown Harner, C W Uritnu, CN McArthur,
took Perry G Condon, the iu«ane ma.i ti-io-keepers; W Lewis, referee.
from Cottage Grove, to the axylum to­
The winners of flrat, aaeond and
day. He is ag> d 64 years and the ex­ third place» iu each event will repre-
amination for insanity was msde on -col the Uuiversity iu the big meets,
complaint of bis wife,
and the others will go out of Valuing
Condon has been sick several year«
l'he foil 'wing events have takeu
ami has bwu very irritable and »1 place up to | res» time;
times violent, and hard to manage fur
100-yard dash—Heater 1st; Lewie
a long time. Last summer Mrs C >n- 2nd; Blocb 3rd. Time 10 3-5 seconds.
dou wrote to tbe oouuty judge to have
880-yard run—Payne let; Russell
him removed, but afterwards decided 2nd; McDaniels 3rd. Time 2 minutes,
to try to couiitine to «'ate for him, hop­ 14 3 5 seconds.
ing that he might recover. Recently
Broao jump— Heater 1st; Knox Jud;
-he has made several applit stions and
the neighbors have also jollied iu le- Riddle 3rd. Distance 20 feet 8 luelies.
Mnot put—Smith 1st; Wagner 2nd;
questiug that the couuty take charge
of him. He Is partly paralyzed but Is Hale 3rd. Distance 84 feel 6 iuetie».
very violent, al times Uireaieuit.g »
2-U-yaid dash— Bloch let; B'arrUud;
kill his wife and him-elf. He repeat-
*dly threatened to chop her beau off Redmond 3rd. Time 24 4-5 seoouds.
Mile ruu—1’oley 1st; Blilvex 2nd;
wilii an axe but could u t g< t up to do
it. However, he would throw a 11 ii Casteel 3rd.
Time 6 mluutee 10 rec­
Iron, which waa kept iu bed to kee, oil de.
him warm, and a pitcher at tier fre­
High jump—Knox 1st; Heater;
quently, and strike with biswell liaud
when being fed. As th« re wax sonic rout 3rd. Height 5 feet 6| indie«.
doutil as to what actiou could tie laken
120 yi r t t unite—Heater lei; Palmer
it »as considered best logo to Cotisge 2nd; William» 3rd. Time 17 eeconda
Grove and examine til.n before trying
to move turn. He was taken to Hslem ' Dir" us throw — Wagner, Thayer,
on a stretch« r and it takes two met t ' Tout. instance 91 feet 6 Inches.
manage iiiui on and off the ears.
E ugkme C ertain .—Pendleton E O:
"PeudletoB will have a free city mail
delivery if tlie inspector reports favor­
ably. The receipts aloue are not «uth
cient. A city mu.-t have sidewalks,
streets, lights, etc, in keeping with • lie
business for delivery of mail by car­
riers.” Eugene baa every requirement.
Over $10,201)receipts, the best sidewalks '
and street» of any town In the stet-
and about 25 arc street light» Ur
Hpsclal Agent, of Washington, D C,
you are invited to visit Eugene at once. |
l)ally Guard, April 27
BIG H ogs —Bud Kompp, living a
few miles northwest of town, this
morning brought to Watkiue <k Miller,
butchers, two young hog», dreesed,
which weigh extraordinarily heavy
for bogs tbeir age. One was six
month» old and weighed 134 pout'd»
dressed while the other was eigbl
mouths old and weighed 185 pounds.
Hon. K. à
Short Adjourned Term Held This
Dally Gaard, April27
E xtremely R ick .—Nugget: James
Sear» just arrived from tbe mines and
R ecovering .— Geo Carr, who wa« -late« that tbe work on the Vesuvius
hurt by a tree tailing upon him whil>- is progressing steadily and that the
employed in a logging camp five miles recent strike made in that property
above Dexter, about ten days ago, wa~ lias uot been iu ths least exaggerated,
carried out of ths camp to John in fact the development brings to the
Guiley's, at Dexter, Bunday. He is
eyes of the beholder richer ore than
that reported lest week. Mr Heers
Cottage Grove Is Iu debt $715 63.
»aye alongside of the rich base ore
which has heretofore been mentioned,
good showing.
1« a streak ot almost pure gold nearly
Corvallis Is going to have a free 1«rry four inches wide and extending from
across the Willameit- al a c st of $806 the roof of the tunnel to tbe floor and
ax far as can be seen In the face of tbe
per year.
Tbe excavation for J H Mc( lung’» I tunnel.
Seuator Bomb, a1 tu.ugh »erviDg hi»
fire! tirtn, ranked »a >>■<» ..f me lead
lug nismlem of tho »'ate ~eii»te.
ba« splendid bu-ln».«« q :»1 tieatiou«.
always cool ar.d «1« liberal« ill actiou,
positive slid gentlemanly in advocacy
ot those measure», th»' met hi« ap-
I roval su't thone he < , ;4>»< 1 « «re n t
with sound logical -irgucuent« «> «flic
Uvs in joint detmte
Hewa» a close
student and every bi'l ( o«iue up t r
consideration wax vote i upon Intelli­
gently. If a lull was overlooked In
made all necessary Inquiries tiefore lit
reoordtd hl« vote. When a certain tlali
bill wa« up for conaiderattcu, the same
old bleunial fight tietwien tiis upper
and lower Columbia, a tew Interrog -
lions from Senator Booth, tangled up
one of the senators • > lamentably tli»t
he wa» glad to t»llr > tr. in t ie llel I.
He 1» a gifted s| < k«r. ills voice 1»
olsar atnl pleasant; articulation
clear and sharp ami eve y word is re-
evivtHi at it« full vitlue. His name
has been frtquently used li connect Ion
with gubernatorial Imuom aud it 1»
quite po»«ible Dixt He nomination
may be tend« red him in the near fu­
Senator Booth wa» chairman of the
(Ximuilllse ou aseewimeiil an«l taxation,
aud a better »»»ignmeiit couki uot
have l»en made Our asasMUiei t
law« have needed revision for years
but none of the measure» pmposed lor
a number oi »e«»iou» put iu»t with ap­
proval. The new law •ii«cted 1« th
plau suggested l>v Senator Booth, and
although the authorship 1» ersdite I to
another, Senator Booth Is entitled to
the full credit of the measure.
new law is yet to la» tested, but It-
provision« liave met the approval < t
those who have made a study of tbe
mode« of assessing and the Oolle<*tlou
of taxa».
Iu the great senatorial tight wbicli
»earned to overshadow a'l other issues,
although kept in a quiet ebb Iu order
not to tuterfere with other important
and remedial mea»ur<», he took posi­
tion and maiiitained his stand in Hie
»anis quiat dlgnitied manlier so char­
acteristic of the man, aud although
many of Ms associates tqiially zealous
An adj >urned term of tbe Lane
county circuit court was field in the
court bouse tills morning, Judge Geo
H Burnett, of Belem, presiding,
f illowing ca»e« were dlep< sod of:
R M Day and T M Day vs Mtate
Laud Boaid, etal; motion to strike out
part of coniplaiut allowed.
Thoma» J Fergueeon et al vs Mary
E Clark et al; decree of partition.
Wm Perman vs Oua Ferman ¡divorce
Court adjourned until Friday, June
21, 1901, al 9 o’clock a m.
1 Girl,
Italian Swears Out a Warrant
Against His Partner.
< '< I I «< • G ki . vk , April 26. —Malta
I'vtiu . I aliau, at Divide, south of
tb « city, »wore out a warrant before
Ju»ti. . of the Pes«*e Vaughn for Paul
- , Italian, charging him witb
ae-sult with intent tn kill.
11 •• men follow rai r'« m 1 wood cim-
tr Cti'o;
1'1 < treul le ha» existed for
•everal weeks. Perlnl allege« that
l> sra-i elo««ed him ou several oooa*
si >n» w i li clubs and a knife,
1« -aid i > t>e a dangerous mail. Deputy
l.'. ueti.bie McFarland le iu pursuit of
the < tteuder.
R - buri R. view: Melia Perlnl, an
Itnl sn, who for many year» lias re-
»uted mu.r Comstocks, was over Thurs-
l«v evening iii charge of L M Perkins
to be examined for luaanlty. He bad
twen having trouble with one of bls
Ita Ian neighbors, who tie said bad
chased liim with clubs and a knife on
»i v, ri.l < eei.«loiis Brooding over the
mat er bi« mind became deranged. Oil
i lamination by C >unty Physician
Hoover, before Judge Thompson, it
wax found the man wiv suffering from
paranoiac Insanity. Tills le the relig­
ion» pliru-e Wliile here he bad fauoled
that lie had died and now had super­
ns' oral power«, som« times referring to
bimaelf as Je»u» Christ
He was Iu
the a»y It m for a tliue about 15 or 20
«' hi -■«. " > ie was taken to Belen ii last
night by Hlu ritl Parrott and L M Per-
Commissioners Court.
M ry Haifka witness Htate vs
« 50
Mrs Pohl wlliie»« Htale vh Pohl 6 50
Al Montgomery witness Blate vs
Jack Frost............................. .
1 70
Hldi ey Scott c Datable fees Blate
vs Cbli ken et al......................... 2 40
J H Hille» constable lee» Hlate vs
Burglar......................................... 1 75
Geo Cronsr constable fees Blate
vs Rnmbler................................. 3 60
C A Wlutermeler Justice fees...... 34 45
Irwi i Hodson C o prlulli g.......... 48 60
Isaiah Hnytrr tn« rcliandis« for
pauper Usntrsll.......................... 5 20
Lee Bailey roadwork ................... 6 00
I. ll )»t"i February »alary as fer­
ry niau ............ ............... .............. 30 00
J W Vaughan Justice fees.......... 3 25
J R Yates nierehandiae tor John
Ogle pauper................................ 5 00
H M Wagner constable fees...... 21 40
C D Lee work on road list« ........ 24 Utt
11 D Edwards county commis­
sioner ......................................... 42 00
J R Hill county comminsioner ... 28 00
All x Lamb for keeping pauper... 15 00
(i.o M> Conley rent for pauper
|24, disallowed............................
W M Miller sa'ary Bounty school
Huperlnteiident ......................... 1 100 00
W M Hhermau Janitor ................ 40 N
In the espousal of the c*uw of another, W II Eaton ferryman ................. 26 (Ml
bs attracted their admiration and was E Bowen ferryman........................ SI 00
held In high eatosin, although seua • John M Williams taking Goldie
DeBow to Portland...... ...... 15 80
torially speak lug, were ai rayed Hgainst
W Chapple bridgework... ..... 20 60
As he represent» tbe count is» of G
1 E Herliert bridge work... ...... 150 IMI
Lane, Douglas and Josephine, lie hail Eugene Water Co water ... ...... 54
a volume of business to transact. 11» J ' A Jeans roadwork .......... ...... 11 00
worksd and studied at night and Id- i'aeiflo Htstas Telephone and
Telegraph Co services............. 9 w>
face was seldom seen In the hotel
lobbies and other placis of political W W Withers board of prisoners 52 56
resort, but his whole time was em­ Griffin A Veatch hardware.......... 13 75
ployed hi tbe inereats of tiie district lie Dr B F Ru»»ell care of paupers...116 00
Geo T Hall & Hon Groceries .... 6 00
so ably represented.
Hon Rotiert A Booth, who repre- (I W Kuril hardware..................... 5 70
»etited Laue, Douglas aud Josephine T J Htephsna constable................. 1 00
counties iu the Renats, le a native son Fred Fixk deputy »herift............. 75 00
of Oregon, born In Yamhill county, Harry Down deputy eberlft.......... 50 00
May 16, 1853. Hie father was Rev Geo B < amp deputy sheriff...... T 60
Robert Booth. The family iwmoved to John Gardner hauling tools...... 6 (X)
Douglas oouuty Iu 1867, and young W M Mi ler »tamp»,ex pressage... 11 90
Booth grew up largely In that country. A E W healer real estate transfers 65 00
He receive«! bls education at tiie Ump­ A H Patterson stamps................. 2 00
qua Academy at Wilbur. He also Hhermau Heller blacksmithing... • 55
graduated from Heald's In Nan Fran- J W White grocers........................ 1 05
•I«ooinl879. In 1880 Mr B<s th weut W W Withers stamps ................. 3 00
Into business at Yoneolla, remaining Cha» Hadley deputy sheriff...... B 00
In merchandising ami lumtwrlng for Eugene G uard printing.......... 28 73
six years. In 1886 ba went to Drain, Eugene Register printing.......... 24 60
where be was vice principal of the Or gon Hate Journal printing.... 15 15
Normal Bahool for a year, ami princi­ H H Hie vens lumber....................... 40 04
pal in 1887 and 1888. He resigned in Geo It Dorris legal services.......... 150 00
« is an
onal ac-
is told
.as had
r. She
e role of
’ Cigar-
he was
nee at
«ou, ac-
• rain-
• well
Ion to
>u tbe
3 SCUt
it was
» am!
s wo-
to b's
p the
ill 1 Ug
■ lenty
»« in
4 rove
i at-
!<« in
3t Of
Ion -
A to
1 to
• at
April 22, 1901.
Grain crops look nice this spring.
Another Rich Strike in Lucky Rev D C Kellems Dreached to a large
Boy—Much Snow on Summit
sudienoe last Bunday.
Roads are cry and in exoelieut cone
Dstly Guard April 27
dilion up tbi» way.
Geo Fisher returned last evening | Edward Doering, of California ar-
from Blue River where he has been , rlvid here last week. Hie family has
looking after his mining properties. beeu here for several weeks. Thew will
Mr Fisher states that the snow ha» all »«»oil leave for Idaho, where they ex­
disappeared at tiie Lucky Boy mine
pect to reside.
and surroundings, but that near the
Alman Hem“tiway, of Cottage
top of the mountain it is very deep aud
Grove, 1» visiting with friends and new brick has readied a depth of near­
still covers ths buildings In tho»» parts
Dally Guard, April 27
I relatives at this place.
ly eight feet.
Mr Fisher tells ns of another rich
B i . l ’ k R ibiion D ays .—The Flr»t Na­
L E Parks is on the sick list this
The Water Company is laying a tional Bank haa a blue ribiion that
strike having been made recently in
main on Olive street from Tenth to doe» service In connection with tbe
the Lucky Boy mine. The quartz week.
A number of our people expect to at­ Eleventh streets.
ledge which bav been 30 feet wide Is
daily balance ledger. As the ledger
now 36 feet and the ore taken out is tend tbe Bunday school convention at
W Banders had a bicycle tire to ex­ shows a high-water mark of resaurcse,
very rich with the sparkling yellow Goshen next «aturday.
plode on Willamette street today that capital stock, bond», deposits, etc, the tbe fall of 1888 aud went to Grant
J D Hamlin, of Junction City, is caused considerable amusement.
rlbt»>n is attached to ths bottom of Face. He was t»M>kkse|>er tiiere for tiie
Much activity is already noticed in visiting witb Daniel Reed and fam-
E Bangs is building a platform tor that particular page, where It remains Huger Flue Door and Lumber Co., and
the mines and when spring fullv ily.
wsgous just west of tils livery stable. uatll another day shows a greater vol­ succeeded to the management In 1836.
opens In the district there will be more
Vergil Cornelius Is very aick with Later on be will build a roof over tiie ume of business. The blue ribbon was In 1890 heorgaulzed the First National
miners and prospectors there than has
moved lorward yesterday, when the Bank of Southern Oregon at Gran«»
ever been before.
ledger showed tbe Isrgeet **resources’ Pass, and wa* cimseii cashier, which
Prof Dalton Baughman,
J H McClung lisa received tbe plsn«
position be field for ten year«, resign­
W atts W as B uried —An item wa« ton, was »een among bis old friends for bls new business block, corner In the history of tbe bank, $706,308.
printed in Thursday’s G uard , clipped again last Bunday.
Willam-'tte and Seventh street». Tli»y
I 1 Kl> —Marlon G Wallace, aged 19 ing and being elected president.
In 1897 Mr Booth orgaulz.ed the
from tbe Albaay Democrat, to tbe
W C Renick lost a One horse last were furnished by Delos D Neer, and year», eon of Marlon Wallace, died at
effect that a letter had t»een received in week. Tbe florae dropped dead while i are quite handsome.
the faintly home at Natron, Friday, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co with a capita*
of $50,000. Tiie capital stock has I sen
Albany from W B Gibson at Dawson driving from work to the barn.
The Halem Btate«man reprints an April 20, 1901, from pneumonia. Tbe
Increased three times, and It 1» now a
City stating that the body of C W
R esidence H old .—John B Harris Item trorn the G uard concerni-ig the
million and a quarter. It le the largest
Watt», who died In that city a year
development of a Lane county coal m and interment will take place In the
ago baa Dot yet beeen buried on ac­ today sold bis handsoms reei<lence and prospect and beads it, "Lane County Wallace cemetery, Iter R G Callison to lumbering couoern In Oregon. Hsnator
Booth Is Its manager. Il» headquarler«
count of the man having left no money furniture, ou Fitb street, to Jacob Jail.” We fall to see the connection. conduct the ceremonies.
are in Eugene, but It bss mills at
for burial expenses. J D Matlock, of Berger, tor tbe sum of $2,600. Tbls
Mr and Mrs L B Rowland have
R leeburg Review: Tbe oil prospects several pointe in Oregon. Mr Booth
tbls city, who was a partner in busi­ a gre.t bargain a« tbe bouse and lot
sold their tiou»« and one let on the In Dougla» county are attracting at­ has also extensive stock Inter)■ » In
ness with Mr Watts, tells tbe G uard c, -• Mr Harris considerably more than
t ■« amount. About tbe first of June corner of 1 Itb and Ferry street to Mrs tention even twyond our own borders. Hotithern Oregon aud owns m veral
that this is absolutely untrue. Mr
I Elizabeth Morden and will soon build A party from Eugene waa here this
Matlock was in Dawson at the time Mr and Mrs Herne expect to remove
a neat residence fai-lng 11 tb street in nr ruing conferring with the officers
Though be baa always taken an In­
of Mr Watts’ death and say« that
tbe rear of the bouse ou tiie « ruer.
of the Umpqua Valley Oil Co. terest in public affairs, tbls Iu l>ia Are
he was
given a decent burilal
ET skneites .- A "Ladiss Club” baa
Albany Ilemocrat: Tbe Albany The H 1* R R Oo haye also had a man office. He 1» au ardent republlcanl
Immediately tieeu organize<l at Salem. Two former
Rathbones returned tbls morning looking »'t*r reported ooal croppings He le ready In dst.exe and able In eoiiti.
after bis death,
ladles and _ graduates of tbe U
He died
from Eugaoa
v - - -------
•* - - R
r» Bl from Eugene, where they organized a of a promising nature. With the In­ ell. He le «»neldered oue tiie shies-
pneumonia and daring his illness O are the principal officers:
lodge of RatbboDo r*l»tore durlug the terest now being awakened it seems business men in Oregou. He ties a
bad tbe beat of care and attention. Beno, president, and Mrs W T Eakin, (
night, of seventy of Eugene’s beet that the mineral reeouroee of the wife and three children and teeidee in
The body being held In the D*w«on secretary.
a flue time and county are soon to be thoroughly in­ FSugene.
I They
_ reported
City morene Is that of same other man,
B«'K5.—Near Lorane, April 24, 1901, ap,atidid treatment.
a» Mr Matlock is positive that Mr
1 to Mr and Mro Chas Weetse, a sun.
Watts was buried.
. has
1 to
m F
lb.KN.—At Paisley,Oregon, on April
ljth, 1901, to Mr and Mrs Harvey Vln-
cent, a daughter. Mr and Mrs Vincent
are well and favorably known here,
having lived most of their lives in
Lane county.
O Idfellowslilp was Introduced into
the United Bist a from the Mancbee-
ter Unity In 1819, and the grand lodge
of Maryland and the Unite«! States
was constituted February 22, 1821. At
tlrnl the piogrma of the order was
slow, but its principles spread with
great rapidity, arid It now rivals In
membership and influence the Man-
chester Unity, from which it severe«!
it» ' ')iin»i tlon In 1842. In 1843 It le-
au-d a u »peneatlon for opening the
Prine* of Walt s Lodge No 1, at Mon­
treal, Canada. The American society,
including < 'anada and the United Btatse
ha» it« lieadi|U»rtere at Baltimore. In
1 1900 the meml-erehlp iu America was
M2,723. Within the las decade tbe
progress r f the order lias been both
rapid and substantial. Its tnember-
■ hip has twen steadily increased In
iiurut» r, and its influence and impor-
| lance grown iu volume and value.