Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1901)
0 4> N I ‘ISS FlSJffll {«ISIS II ¿7 MACHINERY TRUST- FAR special to the Gua I. N ew Y ork , April 25.—The principal manufacturers of farm throughout the United have ___ — ©*“' w-r *a* wv* K7 States VCBWO lit* > W -1__ A - machinery . > about perfected arrangements for the formation of a trust. All branches of the farm machinery trade are inter ested in the trust except manufacturers of mowers and reapers. Shoo »I Low Yoran’sShoe Store. For County Sunday scuvui Con vention to Be Held tn Eugene. The follow mg ;• the | 8>g- ih <1 >lie Lane County Ktinda) Hch*» 1 conven violi to tie be d tn Eugene k*»v I and 2 & ir^e Stock to ¡led From^ PROGRAM We will give 50c off ou each Man’a wniygstnY aftkmmx . x . Hull for Ten Day« only Thle makes 2:!u. Devotion 1 »xercive ; Mr» G O our extra value $3.50 only $3.00. Linn. Ladle«' Shirt Wat«'« to close at Ju»t 3 00 Opening i f c uvei tioi Dv the One-half Price, or $1 waieu 50cor 50c president, Mr»01*raJ Bond. 3:30. Addrem* of welcome; Rev cc waist» 25e. Htinxit. Remember we have some 5”c neck R»»pon»e; R»v 8 H Skidmore. ties in our 15c aeaortnient and many a 4:00. Repo t of diatrlct con veti I Iona. good $1 GB hat for only .>0c. , Appointment of commit ev». Atiuouucemeuta. DON’T FORGET TO 8;(i0. Pfaiae service; W G Hr*, ti?. Addrene; Rev Mae H Wall •o*. THURSDAY. 930 Devotioual aervicee; Mi- ( la'» Etsoo. 10:00 T-niperan.-e lu the 8 8; Mm Nora G riielictiui. 10 30 Home uepaitmeut; Mrs Clara E«eon. 11:00. Th* mls»ioti of the 8 »; Prof F 8 Dunu. Open discuesiou of all aubjeeta 1:30. Rougher* ice Bible »lady. 2:00. The whole Bible; Mr» Mark Bally, 2 «0. The history of the Bit Ie- »tia» Delia Logan BiM 8yaietuatio study of t e Bud»; Rev E A Child». 8:30 Business eeaalon. R-port» i f committee». Electlou <>f officer», etc. 8:00. Hong service; J J Handxxkir Address, Field work of t i Oregon State KHA; R»v C D>t»on Adjournment. Every Sunday school in L»u couu’y is Invited to Joiu In thi» association Each schoo) should t><* r< prtseuied by its sui eriuteudeut and one del-gate, with an additional delegate for e' ery 25 members. April 24. All are cordially invited to attend Mies Etta Faw ver ia visiting her aunt the meetings of tl.e association in R; riukfield, Mrs J H Casteel. BILLY The Bargaiu Cash Horn*». JAPAN’S CRISIS. ÌTY and county APRIL 27 jl'RDAY icon'« Feed Store 9tb Street. Hour and mill feed our speciality ioo ’ i Feed Store. Wall p»p«i of al mis t every design io w iwsu at F L Cbsmtiers. got-rust tinware 1» guaranteed for «years. Try it at F L Chambers.’ jcuiao Mi'let, all kinds of gr««»es, I, fre»b line of garr'.-u seeds in bulk, thill’s feed store, 9 h rtreat. igre clean Imported Dwarf E sei p-esd, 5 cents per pouud at Moou's i »tore 9th street. fill» not convenient to come to pre all mail ord-r« have prompt Litli'U, and • I «e-t i r net, a' F I, iambet». WBMoott, *be Ninth s.ieet fied We man, has a new delivery wagon ta»»tresis and hereafter will d<- -rataown goods to customer». V I r i 1 r' > » e 0 Special to the G uard . Y okohama , April 25.—A financial crisis prevails throughout Japan. Twenty banks have closed their doors. Serious domestic disturbances are apprehended. So far, foreign trade has not been affected. CUBAN POLITICS. 8(>ecial to the Guvrd. W ashington , April 25.— It is unofficially given out that the commission of five uelegates from the Cuban con stitutional conventi >n now in Washington for the purpose of conferring with President McKinley regarding Cuban affairs is of the opinion that the better element of the Cu ban people is in favor of the Platt amendment guarantee ing the future independence of Cuba by the United States. The opposition to its acceptance comes from the sup porters of the revolutionary war. HOTEL EUGENE Mohawk Items FL Chamber« lias ju-t received a iload of Racius iiuggles, also a car- Joe Huddleston 1» planting a large The G uard is glad to anuounce an id of Bain wagons. It will pay any- watermelon patch this spring. He In rtoexamlns tills mammoth stock other big improvement in Eugene's tend» to «apply tbe Wendling market. business district to be made till. BUtll- tether they Intend buying or not. Rev Woodward, of Portland, i» a Wzutsd to correspond with parties mer. cteplieu Smeed, ow ner of the Hotel gue»t of D»ve Weddle. He intend» to nog good timber land claims on the Eugene building, has fully decided to hold a protract'd m enng at Plug jalaw river and Its branches, with a commence, a« soon as the weather set- Yang In th» near future. iw of buying the same. Claims Mr Bert L. n on, of Saginaw, re t ex for tbe season, tiie erection of a rth of river preferred Address brick addition to the rear of bis build turned horn« M udav after a short orge A Hart, Lock Box 371, Eugene, ing, extending toe entire width and visit at tis uncle’s, Mr L P Fawver. tgiin. clear baek to Park street 44 feet, and to i MrsMax Jackson of Ping Yang, has rbensstest little two or four paseen» be three stories in height. a new wheel. We hope the lady won’t t that has ever beeu in tbe city is This addition w ill give a great deal ' have any trouble iu learning to ride »trap now ou exhibition in h' L more room for the accommodation of it. •tnber»’»how window. It has all guests which baa been a need for a Walter Sharp is carrying tbe mail >convenience» of tbe English trap long time. The plans and specifica agalu. tii built oo the American style. tions have not ax yet beeu drawn for Mr Wesley Rtrublu is »till work, the new addition but, as we uuder- j ing for Mrs Max Jackson and .intends stand it, the inteuliou ia to devote the For Sale to work there all summer. lower floor to sample rooms and the Mr Delphla Barr is working at second and third flixirs will be divided inland belonging to the estate of off into suites of rooms, 24 tn uumber, Wendling agaiu. J Rseney, deceased, consisting of making a total of 59 sleeping rooms iu Charley Hayden can flud bls lost gresofas fine farm and pasture eat by inquiring at Mr Frawver’e. the entire hotel. di Mean be found in Lane county, Il is also Mr Hmeed’s intention to A dance was given at the Mohawk 0 improvement-*, situated about put in baths, au elevator and other restaurant last Saturday night. «-quarter» of a mile from Goshen, modern and up-t -date conveniences Mrs Hickman, of Parson's creek, I miles southeasterly from Eugene), and when the work lx completed the will preach at Ping Yang the third io» offered for sale on very reason- hotel will be second to noue in tbe Sunday in May. le terms. ■ tate outside of Portland. ill 00 J B Keeney residing on farm, The party that spoke of Plug Yang It is also probable that tbe present adilrsss J M and B F Keeney, ad- needing a missionary is off. Ping glass front of the building will betaken nirtrators, at Jasper Oregon, out and replaced by plate glass, but Yang don’t need a mteslenary, but the people that live around Ping Yang this has not Deen fully determined do, and we hope they may he able to upon. have one The amount to be expended on these Mr Mulkey is quite »fek at his home, improvements will be iu the neighbor hood of $19,000, and It is thought the but is improving some. H ay S eid . work will be commenced about the oe ttleek Only il e- M Of ie. id J irs n. an '<• 'ar en ile ill ile ess ist kX BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE. wo wr- FBt re ad. ¡m Bt- ty. nt. W *r- od . >10 iy». >be. me. I be Ic't i » d - luW THE FAHOUS I I L 1 $3.50 Walkover Shoe For Men. Hold only by DAVID idHK... F L Cbsmbers bee appointed 19 1 agent» a. follow»: Wheeler A Scott, Cottage Grove C F Hurlburt, Junction I ity. A Bond A Son, Irving. Hazelton Bro», Creswell. P L Brietow, Pleasant Hill. Genuine Oliver extra* to be bad only at the above placet. For Sale. COLLARS. Velvet stock Satin stock with gold bands Dot swiss stock Plain silk stock Plain satin stock Linen collars in all styles 2 for .35c .35c .30c .25c ,25c .25c New hosiery just arrived. Plain ami fancy colors. The drop stitch ami lace strip in both silk and cotton. Latest Paris styles. WHITE GOODS DEPT. Added this week a beauti ful line of washable fabrics, plain and dotted 1 swisses Mulls, Organdies, Persian Lawns, French Batiste and Imported Dimities, Make your selections early I n I Wash goods specials. Our 36 inch light and dark per cales at 11c. Domestic ging hams. Pretty patterns and new tiesigns, 7c at 6J, 10c at 9. I21,c at II, 15cat 12| cents I per yard. Shirt waists in all colors. Latest styles. Striped and Persian effects. Come early. Linen skirts and duck suits just tiie thing for spring and 50c to $1.50 each. summer wear. You should purchase now while the stock Ladies’ and Misses gloves. is complete. We can fit you with any size, color and price. Special this See Hindow. week. Our |1 gloves .75c. 1 S. H. FRIENDLY A Modern Chiffonier n .'•1 a more ornate variant of the cheat of drawree ofjoiir forefather«,but t he gowi people of ttxiay prefer it hence we Rtipply it, in size, *ha|>e and atvle and price to BtiiU After all, its but tyj*i cal of our entire «Cock, which coin pri«ea the varietic« vf furniture goo«l w < mm I and gootl woo I worker* can produce. K I Í • ! toi Bureaus $7 to $20. DAY & HENDERSON I X ARMORY BLOCK You Get'What a> The greatest eave of blowing that haa •ver come to the nolle* of the Lous*, keeper is where people have failed to buy »creeii door» and wludows from F L Chambers, the fly doe» the work. come JUST TO SEE university. While alway» an ardent republican, th» doctor wa» never a can didate for political office until hl» elec tion a» »enator, though he wa» aoine year» ago elected mayor of the oily of Eugene. lu 1898 be wa» nominated for aenetor by the republican» of Lane county aud waa elected. Hi» »pecial lalxira have lieeti directed lu favor of educational meaauree calculated to in- creaae the efficiency of our »cliool ay»- tern. At the aeexlon of 1899 he formu lated and paaaed In the aenate an im portant bill for the regulation of leg a- latlve clerk him and correction of it» •buaee. HeuaUq Kuykendall waa ohairman of the way« and mean» com mittee. and a memtier on education, and alaoon election» »nd privilege». Horses Strayed. o 5 SdQQF ° free 4 r to Trade. $11,309 7 Oliver Plow Agents Our Stock of Ladies and Gents Furnishings is Complete in Every Department and Now Keady For Your Inspection. Hemlock Bark middle of June. and With these improvements with tbe several other brick buildings Automobile« are to 1« used a« army now in course of construction and con templated, beside» numerous new resi tratiaport wagon«. Trial expertmenle dences, Eugene will experience a in France have proved ooovincing. bigger building boom this summer than It ie odd to note the different uaee to which nature and »cience are put. On has been for years the battlefield they tight for the de struction of life. while throughout the Pleasant country Hoetetter’» Htomach Bitters one of nature’» most acieutiflo medi April 22, 1901. cines, fights to preserve it. For fifty Grain crops look nice this spring. years the Biitera has teen making Rev D C Keilems preached to a large strong stomachs and curing dyspep»ia audience last Sunday. indigestion, roneiIpation and bilious» t Roads are dry and In excelieut con ne»s. Iu the spring when the system dition up this way. is usually ruu dowu this wonderful Edward Doeriug, of California ar medicine will be helpful In restoring Only of Record. It will rived here last week. His family has your health and »trengtb. been here for several week». Phew will also prevent malaria, fever and ague Through courtesy and Justification aeon leave for Idaho, where they ex and as an appetizer It is unequalled, to other real Restate dealer», excepting Hee that our private revenue etxmp 1H tbe »elf-boasting E J Fraeler, who pect to reaide. writes In tbe G uard under big bead Al man Hemenway, of Cottage over the neck of the bottle. line«, that «alee bad been consumated Grove, la visiting with friends and through him Fraater) to the large sum relatives at this place. of $48,125 during tbe past 30 day», we LE Parka is on the sick list thia From the Ware place six mileaaou'h- a»k tbe G uard to make meulion of week. weal of Eugene: Two roan msree; 1 the following fact*: After having A uumber of our people expect to at cheanut sorrel mare »trip In face; 1 light searched the record« we hnd only tend the Kunday act x>J convention at •< rrel horse, 4 years old, »trip In face. $11,30V <>ut of the <a'e» mentioned In Goabeu next Saturday. Ale*' • 8 year old bay mare colt, white yesterday's G uard on record, and J D Hamlin, of Junction Chy, la in fat*-, w:|h one white bind foot. from g<’*«1 ami redab'e authority, we visiting with Vaniel R-ed ai d fam She is very gentle and may have got find Mr Frasier ti >t lu-tru'nerital in separated from tbe «there Mathey are making only a part of loose ily. Vergil Cornel us is very sick »Uh wild. Tbe hunch of horses were »eeii The obj.ctof these B oacth , which on tbe r ad going n«rth Tuesday, are primed from lime t* time by Mr pneumonia. Prof Dalton Baughman, of Thus April 9 Frasier, la to eircu ate tbe opinion ton, was seen auoug iila old friend» A suitable r-ward will t>e paid for among our citiaeu« that he Fraaler) la Information a» t>> nr tor recovery of tbe the otily real eetate dealer that la do again la»t Honda/. ing any bu«ine»s, w en the fact Ie, W C Re 11 lek li»t a flue horse la.< laal mtmtloned animal. Ad'1re»e CHARi.m Ku'sif*, Eugene Ore. that several of tne r»*l «»laie dealers i week. 1 tie hoise dropped dead whiis I driving from work to the barn. M arkikd .—The marriage of Mr in Eugene are trat-ssc mg tqually or more« durit g tbe year. Il ia -*amuel M Godard, of Trent, to Ml»« Wanted. N.llle G Addington, of Dexter, oc therefore no more than Just that the curred at tbe residence of tbe offlofat- public ab'-uld know the truth of these Farm«r» and teamster» to put up yoq» I ing clergyman, Rev C C Hmoot, on statements which cannot be backed Itoraee at Warnock’« feed ja d He by recorded fact». Pearl street, ye-lerday. Tbe coop* want» your pouitry and egg« and wt'l Reeiiectftolly submitted, will mske their future borne at Wal- pay the b'gbeet ca-ti pri'Y tor Ihem Et'UURk Rkt I. F trTATlt 4 L w 'T <’n. Huy y<«r ff >ur and feed of bim. He | tarvllle. J A H arkuk <b C«. will treat you right. Di kd .— Word haa been received In Per tf T P1.ANK. W J WanNOCB, Corner S'b and Feen etr^ete, o; poaite Eugene that Mr» Hurpri»e, formerly F L Chamfers las Just received a court br»o«e. Mi»» Ma»y Hill, of Irving, died In large shipment f g-»r iteware, txioght Wouldu'l th>l jtr y. u! I meen Kan-a« recently. Hbe went to Kama« nt tbe loweet pceett'• ; rice. It W all •om» ol t i-e o d t icy l e. Avold b* • fro-n Lane conn tv eotje ten year« ago marked so aa to give every customer IngJ Ir’tl.wav l>r v»< ing on» •nd wsa well known by • greet many the -dvintage r>f g -«J g'xida at cheap will be peioed to bear of her f tbcee Cmb ob .■ <-y . ee al F L I ii • • Chamber». Hill Items. Ulna 1) G augnr $1 00 «11» pink beau» .25 ldoz nutmeg» .05 3 pkg« weeh powder .15 1 pkg envelope» x x x .04 1 pkg wood tooth pick« .04 31b pkg« gold duat waah powder .20 4 bx ball bluing .25 3 «tick» candy .01 1 pk envelope» .04 3 lb no 1 dried peechee dried peaches .25 lib gixxi dried apple» .05 30ln go d rice _ 1 uo lib goo*i corn or gloea atarch .05 7ib rolled oata .25 One Wixxi'* mower, need wheat, two Oliver Chilled plowa, two wagon», one «• t blacksmith tool», one ► t-el harrow, one wood barrow, several »et of tiarness, five Poland China hog», nine head of horse« weighing from 1200 to 1500, one c*xik stove, one-half intereet or all in threshing outfit, two buggies, two tuilch cows and other thing» two numerous to mention. J. R. Y ates . 8<i acre tmot of laud 15 miles west of Eugene in Noli valley. Partly im- ;r>ved. Good spring water good sol and gisxl titulier. Ne»r »email. Priel Junction city Time.. $275 cash or $325 on easy term» Address H F L a NUKNOUK, Kiowa •Senator Kuykendall 1» a native Ore- Colorado. gouiaii, born at Wilbur, Dougin, ooun. ty, March 1, 1855. He w»n educated People «ill soon prepare for their at the old Umpqua academy at Drain, summer outing but they never will be and graduat -d in medicine in 1878 at prepared until tbev buy a nice tliblng Cooper medical college, at Han Fran- outfit from F L Ctiamiier». deco. He practiced hi» profesaion ten ye«rs in Dougin» county, then moved Wanted. to Eugene, where he liax practiced the la»t ten year» with emlneut sucoeM. Watded, 600 conia of hemlock bark, Enquire al the tan Dr Kuykendall has been the grand $10 per cord. nery. physician of the Women of Woodcraft W W H aines A Co. for tiie Pacific coast states since the organization of that order, and baa Piano and Organ l<een professor of gynecology in the medical department of tiie Willamette I want to trade an orgau or piano for body fir wood split coarse. F A R ankin , Heventh St. Ul« ui FUNERAL OIRECTQRS Automobiles in War. For Sale. Dr. Kuykendall. ». MAVS filHNITUttt GO 1ay & HewlBtsan, Undertakers and A^ers. Cor. Wil. and 7th its. New To Day— 10 Days Only. -hi à £ ^*-5 -< »*' You a»k for at our grocery. An order wiil be fllled wlth flr»t ctiolce, wIdoli oould not be tiel- tered by rii export in fixxi pro duci» wlth a full aseortment of evurythlng lo pick troni, knowtng preclaely what le wanted by careful housekeet»- er», we tiuy auchthlngsaa i tally wlth thè standard of good llvers. Brlsk bualuee», •bort i prh'ee, uothlng cheap. a ■» ■ I J-. J. U. GREEN & SON Talaphon« Main 2S-1 When in Want : of any farm machin ery it will pay you to see our line of Grain drills, Plows, Garden cultivators, Harrows, Disk harrows, Wagons and etc. Given Away S. L LONG. : á A pAckagt of Chit Loaf Sugar to every |>ur< haaerof our Celebrated TEAS, COFFEES, AND SPICES, Over and alxive are regular handsome J>ree*nU, couNiating <>f ('hina,( Jrockery rlaeeware. Re men :ber, we lead for beet goods and luweit privet. Fine Roasted Coffees 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 cent« per pound Extra Fine Teae 35, 40. .50, i»0 anil 70 cent« ;ier pound Pure Spices 10,15 and 25 oente (>er can GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA CO. 1.argent distributer* of Tea«, ( ’offer«, Hpioen, <»n the Count. Operating KN) etoren throughout the Pa cific < ’-oa«t ala ten, Great American Importing Tea Co 1« NINTH ST. BCTWCEN WILLAMETTE AND • AR, AUQKNK, OREGON* Free Cui Loaf Sugar. Come Just to See là Vinegar A sour bargain, But a good one. iSCts per gallon, 2 for 25Cts. Eor a short time only; quality A-regular price 20c Don’t ruiss this, hut bring in your jugs and kegs. If you have none, will furnish one at bottom price. 4 «¡ L C SKEELS- T 'LL — I« RACINE RUGBIES. 1 ? I Another car just received of the most durable buggy built Bain Wagons We are4W'aiting. You are wai'lng to view tbe 'Bleat and most nobby deelgne In wall papers wblcb we purchased direct from the factory, and which we will baveondie- pley at nor Mg WALL FA PFR OPEN I NO o« er alxHit rl. 10'fa, Onrttn Kmt «nd Wall Pepar Co, Eighth Street- Another car iust in. Get a Bain and you know you get your Money’s Worth. Every Vehicle Guaranteed. F. L. CHAMBERS. t M ? ' h t