Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1901)
< I I ■OA « XXWXWLQ * A '/I <1 I l I 1 4 _________________ //T\X\\\\\ w N'X v N\ x V»X x \XXN xy 5NXN\N\N\ x \ v x XXXN xxn N NNNV_ The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which has be«» in use for over 30 years, has borne tiio signatnro of and has b*en marie under his per sonal supervision sir.-« its infancy. Allow iro one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and •• Just-a*-g«»<Ml” ar«* but Exprrriment* that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experkuce against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria ia a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It I* Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm» and allay* Feverishness. It cure* Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve* Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilâtes the Forai, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. .ui, SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Creswell District Assembly Convenes at Goshen on April 27* The annual convention of tbe Crw- weli District Bunday Be i«s»l Associa tion will convene at Goshen al M E church on April 27, 1901, at 10 o'clock a m, with the following program: Bong service— Led by Mr Bradley, Go-ben. Prayer—Rev Snyder. Ad<ir«-«a ot welcome—Mr* Mathews. }teaponse to addr«*«»a of welo* me— Miss Anna Howe, Creswell. Appointment of omimlttees. Heading of niinur«*. Unfinished bust new New buaimwa. Repor’a of schools t*y secretary. Bong. Papvr—••Whatabell we teach and bow," Prof G W Milam, Pleasant Hill Diwusalon. Bong. Bong—Bpencer Butte school. Report of enrollment oommiPee. Pajier — • Mother« and Bunday achool,” Miss Louise Cruzan. Recitation—Walker school. Bong. Paper— “Little Tiling»," Ml«a Clara Hager. Recitation —Mima Hine». Paper — “Influence of Bunday school,'1 Mr Jake Parke. Discussion—Led by Rev Bnyder. Chlldren’a exercises—By the Goshen sotiool. Election of officer*. Report of committee on resolutions bong. Benediction. Daily Guard April 1*» M B Wallis lias rrturued from <'«»t»ur<. J M Howe 1« io Junction l »lsv 00 businesa H of Waltsrville, was io Eu gene today. A ■ Powers, of M* K-i sle Bridge, 1» In P<>r l«nd. Hens tor R A B *..tb i* n-me from H.n Franeieeo. J H ftorth, of the Roseburg ¡»□<1 offitw, 1* in tlie city. F E Dunn went to Portland Ibis af ernoon on bu-iueM Cba. Cochran retur >e<1 thia I after u«M>n from Cvttare Grove. F A Toaler, of Coquille city, I* 1 visit Ing b>. family iu Eugene Dr W W O,<le«by, of Junction, ettnv upon the aft^rU'sm tram. A thin .Itin of Ice formed on .t«n<l- ing waler In ve—»1« last u'gut A, ib f MAKES MwA -c-.'-fhaof , V*«- 'AOVLTS « FKT A a p ■*' ’('..«ORE** ADULTS L a 5 F at a S • ' k V** - ’ ■ I 7----- ZFCSMP'ï'iONJS Grove’s 1 tisiciess Chill Tonic 'f bottle — hence you The formula is plainly printed on every you are taking when you take Grove’s. ' Imitators know juft what their formula knowing that y ou would not buy do not advertise Grove’s contains their medicine it you knew what it container.. an« ’ , is in a Tasteless roportions iron and Quinine put up <n correct j. v Jrc .**«. Qjininc drives the • form. I he Iron acts as a tonic Any relia ’’.e druggist will tell you that malaria out of the $v<tem. 11 other so-called Tasteless Grove’s IS the Origin • and that r other c i ll tonics shows A n ’n Chill Tonic’ are imita »ns. respect. You i ever i. à . that Grove’s i- supei •r superiority •’■ove’»— ts i A are not experi uentnq Grove ’s is the 'lshcd. been ong excellence havinp and cnii’c malarial section» ol only Chill Cuic No Cure, No Pay. Price, 50c. the United S'ates Tbe front of Bterner A Wright’, grocery store Is being repalu'ed. H N C H-kerlme 1 tl this afternoon for a business trip down tbe valley. Mn 1» R Cbrlsruan returned ibis GENUINE ALWAYS afternoon from a visit iu Portland. Hon J H Booth, receiver of the land Bears the Signature of office at Roeehu-g, was in the city to day. John W V rney, formerly of Lans county, writ*-» from Los Angeles for tbe G uard . •Mr Bliiwell and »on, of Cr* swell, went to Eastern Oregon t'day to wi rk I during liarve.t Mi.s Htella Bean returned home to In Use For Over 30 Belem today after a pleasant with ▼ws e««rvAua «o«»aiiv, rr ■ vruav vtmict . ntw »os* crw. Both steel and chilled. Harrows, Discs and friends in Eugene. Seeders. None Better, None ( heeper in price. Mohawk Items. Norman Gray, of Baker City, Is vis Our farmers BLACK LAND BLOW guaran it 11« at the home <*f his grandmother, April 15. Mrs J G Gray, in Eugene. teed to scour in any soil. Weber Wagons need Ping Yang school house nee«ia a coat President McKinley has acted Mi.-es Marie Bradley and Mildred no advertising. See and buy. AN EARLY MONTANA MAR wisely in acceding to British de of paint badly. Ll.ter left today for Bay (. ity, Tilla Miss kerns is teaching the Ping mook ou*iuty, to teach school. RIAGE. mands for neutrality of the Panama Yang school. Mr« Alice Calkins, of Seattle, ar canal in case of war. War abro We have got a woman preacher at rived on the afternoon tram to visit ---- TO----- The following story is told of a gate. treaties between combatants, Plug Yang. her sister, Mr« Leonard Gross Montana justice of the peace named and is sufficient excuse for a disre Ping Yang is badly in need of a little (I W Griffin and Geo N Frazer left JT.PRiJl, DULUTH, MINNtAPOUS, CHICA6I Reed, who administered justioe and gard of treaties with friendly na missionary work. fi r Hiu-law today to attend to their Au all points East other things in the early seventies: tions should the exigencies of the Mr Morgan hsa put In a platfor n at logging iiuelnees in that country. Through Salic* and Tourist Sleep,rs. Judge Reed performed a marriage occasion demand. In the event of bls own expense al tue Plug Yang rail Attorney and Mrs M O Wilkins W.S.MOON PttOP Dining end Buffet Smoking Library Cere. ceremony at Belknap, in the winter a war in which this country should road crowing. leave soot, for Woodlawn,* suburb of DAILYTUAINS. FAST TIME. The far tiers living near Ping Yung i'orlland, « lire they will reside. 1S78, that is classic in Western an be engaged requiring the control of SEKVICEAM) SCENE rVY UXEQl'ALi aw James Miller, of Aurora, is visitlrg nals. He made the bride swear the canal against the enemy we say that the fall wheat don’t look Tickets t" p«-’nt F ist vi i Portland and the the family of ins cousin, Pnil Miller, tbat she would support the con woold take the canal, then make well a* It might. GREAT N< » R . i I E K N R Y.,on sale at South- Tbe goat weed lias got a big start on in tills ciiy. rn Pacific Ti< ket < ft ce, Eugene, or Not Made by the Trust. stitution of the United States and the apologies afterward. The geo G RE vr NORTHERN Ticket Ottes the parture lands near Ping Yaug. MitsM.ud Gordon has accepted a organic acts of the territory of graphical conditions give the IJ tilted IF YOU have pride then take a ride on the M r. Hickman, of Halt Lake, preached position as saleslaily in Ax Billy's 122 TRIRD STREET ■ beautiful, beautiful, Snell Bicycle. The Montana; that she would lie ever States every advantage. We are at Ping Y»ng yesterday to a full house. store, r-he goes to work in llie inoro- PORTLAND. frames and frame lugs are made of the huest loving, faithful and true, and right against the canal while the grade wrought ste*l. 1 ne spokes are tht For Rates, F- biers'and full information W. learn Dial Mr t ele, of Msrcola, ing. famous Excelsior, ami we give you any kind of sailing EaaterTrip, call on or address, would lie ever willing to defend— European powers have an ocean Ititends starling a branch store at Ping Walter Dill *rd and R«illy Roney, of a tire you may wish, also a big option on sad A. 3. C. a AEHMSTCH Goshen, went to rortland today to dles ami handle bars. These wheels are ma le Yang. with her life if necessary—the between it and them. City .and Ticket Agent I ort) an by the SNELL BICYCLE CO,, of Toklo, r* pre-ent Goalieu Tent Iu tbe kOTM Ping Yang is located about 12 miles honor of her flag. Ohio. '1 he shops cover over 7 acres of laud, the buildings are of brick, two ami three east of Eugene, it Is going to bj great state convention. The bridegroom was compelled The way the trusts and combina Btories high. '1 ne quality of the Snell Bicycles Mr and Mrs O Q Cartwright left wood depot in tire near future never Lien questioned. to swear tbat he would split all the tions roh producer* and consumer* this afternoon f« r southern points for Everything quiet at Ping Yang at wood, carry the water, shovel the is illustrated by this extract from a Prices for Juveniles the ben* Ut of Mr fsriwrigbt’s health XV irrante I in every tespect. < »fit <1 present. $20.00, $22.00 and $25.00. (• vrranient Certificate attacheu u» snow, build the fire, and under any California pajier: w hich is very poor if the entartalnment that was had at Prices for the standard sizes tv» ry package shipped and all ciroumslanoee try to be a per Miss Edna Hadley Is visiting in Two year* ago producers were tlie Met owan school bad tieeli held ai $27.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00 FRUIT AND feet gentleman. Instead of returning getting twenty cents per gallon for Ping Yang a good crowd would have Portend. Nbe may make a visit to ORNAMENTAL TREES -an Francisco before returning to Eu- YVe tr.uie f»r ol<i wheels, and sell on in«ta llinent her devotion with slurs and soowls brandy in this state; today it is ail twen present. Vines Flowering and Fruit-bearing We w ul I like for you to call an i see these I geo*. b hrublery— Plante, Roses, Etc. P1NU Y anoek . he would repay it with kis*es and I in the hands of a trust and cannot beautif ul Snell bicycles. Yours most re-pt. CroWi and for sale by the hirst I lie had for less than eighty-five \ erne O-tiurn, w bo was Injured by a National Nurseries, Rochester, N Y kind words. If he ran sby of ' cents in quantities, and four dollars falling t ee on the Fiddler place south A new live-inch rille just tested kieses he was to call on the justice to the consumer. This is about the of Salem Thursday, died from his in Agent for Lane County. of the peace, who was long on kisses, I condition all down th* line; the by the government developed the juries Saturday. I Cslifor.ii* prune grower gets two astonishing maximum velocity of but short on girls. Reed wouud up Mi-s Maude Bilyeu, after a couj 1« of this unique ceremony with a crack ents for a |>oun<i of prune*; the thirty-three huudred leel a second. weeks' visit with Mieses Hina and Ada I noneumer in Ohio pay* eight to ten « l . . •—« LOST vigor ot a revolver and a pop of beer ■ent*. Something is wrong some- That is equal to the distance from Orrell in thia city, left for her home at .nfeu. ; i, i/TAM. «1ANHC0? Belo tills aternoon. the Eugene railroad depot to corks. i where. If the manufacturers can 3ures Impotency, Night Emission.ani Coming Out in Style. Tbe next eclipseof the sun will occur combine successfully why not the Twelfth street—one block beyond anting «1. ; effects se1’ on May 17th, on which the great orb We Bfl .rd unusual opportu producers of brandy and prune*? the Central School building. And will be out of eight for six aud on« -half CTWy abuse, or excess ard inai* nities for pleasure driving to ’ > t ion A nerve tonic and a titty-pound ball tired that distance minutes. thorn* who do not poasos th«* ASIAN WHEATFIELDS. blood bn.ilder. Bring* the means > r th«* facilities for keep Mrs Carrie Nation made the in oue second! It is sotuelhiug 11 - interior of Davxi Cherry’, new R '/M* pink glow to pale cheeksand ing a pm ate lean*. birr«* you I Commenting on lbs proposed de- mistake of going over into Missouri wondtrlul that the chemist has building Is being painte«! in readiness s the fire of youth. an procure a stili-h turnout v I.« ma 11 Ms per box: 6 boxes for an h* Ur, a day or a w«*«*k velopments of new wheat-fields jn io preach temperance ami the formulated ail explosive agent that for H«ri»ert I.»*igli’s new assay office or F3.5O; «vif .» written guaran- Perfect Io appointment, sati-- smashing of the bottle* and demi acts so quickly and with such which lie will sawn opeu In tbe build old Asia “Bradstreet’s” says: f«Olor> In every reaper t ee to cure « t refund tiio money. ing. johns that Missourian* are credited astouishing power. A group ol German, a group Ashland ridings, April ,15: Capt I) NCR , TA MEDICAL CO. with loving not wisely but too well. French banks and a syndicate E Yoran, of Eugene, adjutmt and nton i JacKson Sts., CHICAGO, IU. Belgian capitalists are at present It was in the Missouri part of Multi*-uiillionaire Rockefeller in-i ector of rid* practice of the 4th oooupied with the opening of the Kansas City, and she was soon gives titteeil thousand dollars to a regiment, O N G, la Iu Ashland today Eugene. near Titus Block. Hold by Linn Drug Co. vast territories of Turkey in Asia in-prcliiig I tie rill ■ range of C * B near by the construction of railways warned off the streets under threat Chicago church, but is veiy caretui depot. The aim in view is as in the past of arrest. Mrs Carrie thereupon to let it be known that this especial Mr and Mis J M Hhelley went to Minnesota, Dakota and Buenos quit Kansas City, Missouri and church ia the worshipping place for Ayres were converted by the con rode into Kansas City, Kansas, on a uuiut>er of the protectors ot hie Yoncalla this afternooa lu re-pons* to struction of railways into great a street-car. That part of the town Chicago University. No others a telephone meeeage stating that Mrs Fred A| | Icga'e is dar ill near grain-producing countries from be BUT is prohibition and if she can find need a ppi y. h t place. Mr Applegate is MrsMbel- ing waste prairie land, so in a ley ’ s son. any of the Kentucky article, or similar manner to call into ex andjroktn glass can i auit it Dr DA Paine li*. gone to Portland istence the dormant agricultural chemical com|>ound that goes bv A Seattle murder r tiler sentence Buy a pair for your wheel and you’ll appre wealth of the Euphrates valley by1 the - - Mtns name - she will lie allowed -••----- J of death for ti e murder of hl* uncle 1» make arrangement, for a^trip to Eu ciate this: and besides you will be able te ride rop . where he goe. to lake clinical providing an outlet for its produce tosmssh to her heart** .■nntent. t rokedown and cried like * child. le*-tur « >n surgery of the rye amt ear ALL THP TIME. Then too, there will be no I b«iTtoL-5t crcAUoffefne on the international market. 1'iat tir ught tears Yet th-« brain repair bills, so you'll be mcney ahead by the in I. d. i', Fdiuburg. and Paris He It would spjwar that Asia Minor Those Englishmen who recom ¿hormAKcra ari end of the year. is destine 1 to rival, or perhaps mended the relinquishment of this provoked the hand to commit il»o expe t to go a. far south as Italy, Za I ff ral Mise, ri Ade itwtai We are talking about displace, the United dlates as the awful murder! 1 Could theie tie a and w ill r>~ gone all rumin* r. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought Years. Canton Clipper Plows^^ Shortest and Quickest Line ' RSERYSTOd I Barker Gun Works, 0. J. FOSS, WEST BROS. You Can Cut It With an Axe great grain-producing country of the world. Acoordmg to German authority in Babylonia, renowed of old for its fertility, there are sixty million acres of rich alluvial soil admirably adapted for the pro duction of ceieals. I TWENTIETH CENTURY MARTYS —AND DEVILS. I» » The martyrs of the first centuries | of Christianity find til companion* ship io this vaunted Fwanlieth century. Rev John R Hynes, •gent of the American B hie So ciety in China, in his annual re port, just given to the public, says “more than forty thousand native converts, including Roman Catbo- li«w, met death with heroism worthy of the best age of the church.” Such wanton sacrifice of human life—and the past is not wanting io many such instances—leads one to the belief that the so-called di vine origin of man is really st ir i but* bls to the devil. Northwest to the United States for the sole reason that the ‘‘blasted’* salmon would nut rise to a fly lived before the spoon book ar.e. The seductive, twirling, sinning bit ot metal now lure* the sslmou to death at the Oregon City falls, furnishing great sport for fishermen. A sick man, destitute and neg lected, cared for only by a brother of unsound mind,died from lack ot ears within four mile* of Portland the other day. It was the old story, The case was reported to the au- thorities but they took their time. And the man died. Li Hung Ch «ng trust, th* Ameri can*. He a-k* General Cluff-» to leave enough soldier* tiehind when he depart* from Pekin to police the city. Lt i* suspicious of other na tionalities. Portland gambler* do busine«#, though not on the c.psn-d.x’r plan. They ahi. tile and deal the seductive pasteboards behind locked doors Ot course anyone who baa the least desire to gamble can get through the door*. Harry*—I bave * suit «>( clothe* From east to west Oregon ia 370 '• every day in the week. «eroe* muss across, sud 270 mile, i'srrye—Why, every tim* I see from north to south, giving it an % « i V hi have on the s«me suit. area of 05,000 square mile*. Th* i »ri \ *— Well. ibis is th* one. acreage is greater than that of all A N* * York newspaper Ivlier the New England states, 5» ret Vir- gioia and Delaware added, or written the week after Easter says greater than the aggregate of New "many of the ladies of fa-hion are York, Pennsylvania and Delaware, this week in retreat in some of the or Iowa and Ohio, or Illinois and religion* born«* " Vv hat mu*t be Louisiana, or of th* total area of thought of eueb religion that may , l>* put ou and off as a cloak' England, Scotland an I Wales. J eajjiíd greater con’raat? THE GOODYEAR fr~.Tspi’2 ' borough bred Jack * Prince" will • tatid the -ea-on of I mil at Hpnngfl«ld » <1 Cloverdale. (thr**e mile* eaat of Crvawell.) TERMS** IS «aa Ira Robert Schmutz, Creswell. Or. BICYCLE FREE ” -T' THE GOODYEAR TIRES RlTIBER CO.. AKRON, 0. Snell Yale Cycle Co. Dislrib-tcrs. Oregonian Building, Ptrllard. Oreg. ■ rw. *n Wiot-* ww Desuno tg m*w tkes va itr .C.irOTZIANôCO MONUMENTS ARRIVED ....A CAR HAHUFACTSRt H 5 » 5T.PAUL.Mirj» LOAD.... Direct from quarries in New England. 1 wo more cars on the wav. None furnish better work. None in th.* val'.ley handlff in larger quantities Hence ouk prices ARE ---- — RIGHT. Write for booklet. —AT— EUGENE GRANITE AND MARBLE WORK Julius Goldsmith’s W. W. HARTIN, Prop • •c«o i» Anni irr apirndid line Bffiìar correct inòpie ansi risai m price ' There’s no reflection so 1 dainty, no li^ht <0 , charming as the I mellow glow that T" A f —— - - comes from .CORDOVA Wax Candies «.'or tints ith »ar <11 n i n < L Boi4 Mad« bffZ; Q0 ‘ A rf»-