Eugene SATURDAY in Danger. Guard APRIL 13 I KILL FILIPINOS THEM TO FREE War department offioials are of the opinion that Filipino fatalities have reached fifty thousand einoe Rather a began. the war big prioe *0 PM for being brought under the “flag of the free’’ and into the “home of the brave.” And eight thousand miles of ooean separate the Asiatics from thia kind mother oountryl And what prioe will this republic eventually pay for unjustly bolding territory to which we have no valid title exoept that gained by force of arms? Our title from Spain Wil merely a quit-olaiaa. She had virtually been driven from the ielands when Dewey came and wiped out the only real authority Spain had—a fleet of warships. One of the British agents, who is purchasing horses for South Africa military eervioe says bs expects to gather twenty-five hundred from Oregon and in order to find out whether the horses are worthy to be taken to that hot country, they will be transferred from this slate to the hot malarial districts of the Mis­ sissippi river, where it is expected twenty per cent of them will die; those that go through the ordeal and are in good condition will then have the privilege to see whether they can lie killed on the ocean and by the hot climate of South Afri ta before they are compelled to lace the bullets of the Boers and JInglieh. Judge Kinoaid informs us that the county court will endeavor to prevent further cutting of tbs bank of ths river in the bottom a short distance above Judkins Point by filling in large piles of stone at several places along the bank. Tins may prevent farther erosion», ■till we consider it doubtful ae the bar on the opposite side of the river is steadily being extended up-stream every winter, thereby throwing the current across to and along the dirt and gravel bank. Another winter will take out the road if the rock fails to bold the river. A New York magnate, name not r?i>orted, will build a one million dollar reeidenee, exclusive in ooel of interior decorations and furnish* iuge. There may not bo any right ful oomplaint against such lavish expenditure. The building, and furnishing give temporary employ­ ment to rnauy laborers, while the maintenance of ouch an elaborate establishment requires the service of many people, with large ex­ penditure«. President McKinley has stilled the importunities of auolher of the Mitchell Republicans. George Col vig, of Josephine county, gets the Barranquilla, Columbia, consulate. The town 10 situated ou the north coast of South America, near the isthmus. George will have a merry tiiae fighting mosquitoes, keeping cool and trying to escape the fever, tie will hays nothing elee to do exoopt draw the salary of a couple of thousand dollars, or lees, a year. Every one 1» la danger who neglc» ts tbe warnings of declining heal tn. Tbe warnings are nut aa startling as the su»i- den sfinek of a kaomotive, but they are just ax ominous. When the body begins to loee in flesh, when the check is hollow and tbe •kin «allow it is Nature's warning that tbe lady is falling of proper nourishment. 11 is a condition of ■ weak ” stomach, and " weak ” stom­ ach soon involves other organs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery _ cures diseases ot > the stomach and t other organ» of digestion and nu­ trition, and cures through the stom­ ach diseases seem ingly remote, but which have their origin in the disease of Ute stomach aud its allied organs There is no alcohol in the " Discovery” an»l it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics. - Brforr I em«»bet eleted et lb" piael- cl» for bop«—e good price bring a '‘Want” of health. end e good crop. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the Bciiool begen at tbe McCowan school one and only specific that h use la»l '••»»u »y. Ml»» Maud I will remove all blood humors K rn», of Eug-u», i« teachi ug. Hebo. 1 b k »» Malay at tbe B afford and impurities, thereby Pit­ wbool hou-e. M >•» .Sergeant, of Eugene, ting ycu into a condition or will be tbe teacher. perfect health. Farming is progressing very »lowly i'he hr* Mrtb»»1i»ia are bolding a , »»reeled meeting el the Fer«on I We are glad to state that tbe eight of Mr Geo Guiley, on. of our moot re­ spected pioneer-, seems to t>e improv­ st the t rcaeul on account of ao much rain. ing. Mr Aleck 1-ewi» was a passenger on Aleck McKenzie, of Pleasant Hill, [•asses tbrougli Trent each day on h>. Thursday’» daily. Mr Lewi» ha» been way tn his school at Dexter. We learn out of rhe valley on bu»iu“»» affairs. be is conducting a successful school. Louie Morgan and moved to Winbetry. family have Fail wheat does not look very well. John Klssenger and Geo Warr er, of Fall Creek, were in the neighborhood Almost all the farmer» of thia locality yesterday in company with some gen­ «ay it will 1« a failure. Farson Creek school opened la»t tlemen from Michigan, who are look­ Monday with an averaza attendance. ing for timber claim*. 4i>u> Be mention. J. R. Y ates . Oliver Plow Agents I GLOVES. CORSETS, SILK AND SATIN WAISTS AND MEN'S CLOTHING. ' H ..»•• • '.vr 111» tl-v i on Irrtum»» .kn with H. oát The land belonging to the eetete ot The ‘‘Manila Itch” 1» »till fl luriahing A J Keeney, deceased. consisting of at Wendling Very few people of our 575 acres of as fine farm and pasture lands as can be found in Lane courtv, locality have had it yet. Walter Thompson had the ml»for- with improvement«, situated »bout tune to gel bi» little toe maehed last three-quarters of a mile from Goshen, week. He waa handling a horse at (six miles southeasterly from Eocene), Die lumlier camp of the Booth-Kelly is now offered for sale on very reason­ Co, when the horse»teppe. premium rout Portland, Halcnt and Albany. I want to trade an organ or piano for body fir wood »pill coarse. F A R ankin , Heveuth Ht. M r .» A l K irkland , River road, Eugene. A gtHxl lantern, 45 cents. F L ( 'liantber». F lax Haxt». —1 have revived a car­ load of flax seed. A!1 farmer» »li rwr ’ k«. ' \«wYoet Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Bab­ els. > H druggist» refund the money f It fal.s to curs. E. W. Grove’s signs- ure is on each tyix. 25c. lows for Sale. About 70 goral dairy cows for sale at my place In Noti Valley. B B B tkphxns . L ange F arm H alls .— E J Frasier, the real e»l»le dealer, sold two farm, today t the prices aggregating $11,400. They were the Weav»r and Easton firm 342 sere» six miles west of Eu- g-ue, and kuown a» tile Ha-kell place, to E O Temple, eonalde itlou $. b Also the farm knew*, i.n the l> E Knight place 12 ruile. we»t of Eug»ne and containing 540 acres to L W Win­ field, late of Missouri, consideration $7600. Mr Winfield had »11 option ou the Hrskell place but relinquished it wlieu tie learued Mr Frasier had an op|>oituuity of selling it, and bought the oilier instead. Mr Frasier informs a O varii reporter tiiat hie «alee the past 30 day» wouki aggregate $41.»-MJ and promised to give an Itemiz'd list of the same as »«i'll as two l»r»e deals, the papers for which are iming pre­ pared, sre completed. Hors.—Today’» Oregouian: Only iiiult-d amount of new crop conirvct- log is refiried, si d grower» are aaking higher figure». The o d crop ie prac- tk-all.v all out of tbe way iu till« stale, and there are very few . n the Pacific ixwut. Conditions up to the pre-ert time arv quite fav<»r»bie for the ar 'W- ingemp, aud the field» are »aid to ag- gregate fully UM> a«*rve more than th»>ee for last seaeon. The vines arv much farther along than they wrrv at date last year, and are Io per ft dtlioo. • F or s i baled bay. A B oni » A Rmv. Irving, Or. B orn .—On tt»e Uowlenek firm tn-ar Irving April 10,1901, t > Mr and Mrs Gen Hick», a 10-pouo»l •»«. S3.00 5.73 4.75 4.50 3.25 3.75 Men’s Clothing. Navy Blue Flan­ nel Suits $5.00 Blue and Brown Check Suits 3.50 Grey and Black Striped Suits 6.00 Blue Grey Cassi- mere Suit $6.00 Grey Cassiraere Suit, 6.00 Black Striped (’ottoiiiide 3. K3>-’XW'~. Don’t Lister To the man that says it's » mt enough t take a wheel apa« and put t in good w„rkh» orcier. t'aly the Expert with the proper tool,can doit w,U Bicycle Repairing Should not be ait«n pted at h |f your wheel look» oi l and -hsbby h,n rame . rum led. If it in ,,,lt oU-i. have it »et right, 'the cost c ‘ in eitht n. caused me to tike Hood’s SarsW“*- ft shopped ell feint trouble.” Chenes ^o^ er. (Pens Fells. N. Y. in ! Sow Q|oveS. Regular Mr C »le, I«ai»l'» enterprising mer iiaut, ma le a bu-ii.e»» trip to Eugene Wedt eedsy. A» mercury will tturely destroy the »enee of »med aud completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous »ur'acee. Huch articles should never tie u»e»i except on prescription» from reputable pbyei- ' Local Market. ciane, a» tbe damage they will do I» ten fold to tbe good you can poealhly April 12, 1901. derive from them. Hall’» Catarrh Mia» Myr'le H u«rt ie borne again, Butter—25 to 40c per roll Cur», manufactured by F J Cheney A he lias been teaching school over on Wool—16c Co. Toledo, O, cotitairis tie mtreury, Poultry—$3 50 to $4 50 |nu dozen. and I» taken internally, acting directly the Hiualaw almoet all winter. Several of the Mohawk Woodmen Dried prunes—8 to>,5ic upon the bltxMi ami mucou» euiface» ot Flour—75 per »ack. the -y»lem. In buying Hall’» C »larih went down to Eugene to bear Prof They all returned Gate— 40 cent». Cure tie sure you get the genuine. It Meakin lec'ure. I» t’Ken internally, and made in Tole­ well pleased. Potatoes—60c. oaab per 100 lbs. do, Ohio, by F J Cheney A Co. Testi­ Eggs—11 cents. Tbe H P lias establiahed a flag sta- monials free. Wheat 60 cents. Hold by druggist», pries 75o per boi- I t on at the cross road» near the Me­ Hops—12 to 13j cent». tie Cowan ectiooi house. It la to t>e Hall’s Family Pili» are tbe beet. c illetl “Douua,” In honor or little List of Letters. > totiua Jackson. Tbi Kind You Have A'wap Bought With all thio daily report of formation of trusts we have vet to hear of a workingman’s trust. They are the fellows that must pay tue piper. Treni Item». Dr. Pierce’» M^Jical Adviser, ioo8 large pages, paj>er binding, sent free on receipt of XI one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only, or yr stamp» for it in cloth binding. Address Dr. R V Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Tbs l’acifio Farmer eaye: Fruit Bear» the trees have come up to tbe prioe in which tbe nurserymen are making *st nobby d.-'L’ii» in wall papers which we purchased direct from the factory, and w inch we will have on dis­ play at our big WALL PAPER OPENING on or about April lOib. Overton Paint and Wall Paper Co, Eighth Street Our 15ct assortment of Neckties are all right and our 50ct job in Hats is a corker. Over <500 are now sold and being worn by the Best of them. P. FRANK & SON We Have Not Heard any complaints a« to the csrrfohe ana pmtnptuew of the wav we till 'voe for staple groceries. Contrsriww, ■ frequently receive the moot f’.ttew encomium» a. to service, curtesy»« the good, themselves. Mod.stlyi«» ing, we think we deserve it *ai * best efforts to please and satisfy* every time will continue. AX BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE. ’I J. Ü. GREEN & Sd Telephone Main 25 ' TO CLOSE OUT AT COST .0.0 l R entire stock of heavy goods, includ­ ing our boots and high cut shoes. Every thing in heavy goods. Nothing held back. T. A. GILBERT Chrisman Building Eugene An Easter House Beautiful. ri.a term c- j ... » h .uw can e«e