I LIVING ON MONKEY MEAT. There ftre 2400 -jers inciJcnt w hum‘n JJuch • m»jority .re caused or pro- poKdby impure blood. Th« remedy U simple. T«ke Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tins medicine radically and actively purifies the blood is known druggist, known to hundreds / thoiDsmh of people who themselves r by their friend* have experienced it* curative powers. The worst cases of scrofula, the „n4. ionizing sufferings from salt hcutn and other virulent blood dis- r are conquered by it, while cured of boils, pimples, dys- ptic and bilious svmptoms and that ifred feeling are numbered by milftons. Hood’s Sarsaparilla W1U so you good. Begin to take it today. A* It Seemed to Her. u, ciubman—I never was a jury- man but once, and then the jury was 0Uvr*81 Clubman—How you must have wJyed it!-Poston Courier. Jtopa th« OoupA and Work* OH tha Cold. Brone-quinine Tablet, cure s cold in MU», No Fay. Prie« 26 cents. . Supremely Restful. -I wonder if there's any lazier occu- Mtlon than fishing." -Well, yes—looking at people fisi! M."—Brook 1 yn Life.______ There «re » «>»">' remedies hui liiere I« one U1 K1 lor a poor complexion; that is ’.«rtleld T,.» winch cure» bv piiril’inx th* bioóil. Ih U» reuioviiig lhe rail»«. A Reminiscence. “One time,” rematr.ed Wragson Tstters "I got lnto a soft snap.” •Did'yer, honest?" Inquired Perry Pstetick. "what was it?” “A poor ole watchdog dat hadn’t no teeth left.”—Philadelphia Press. BOW’S THIS. f.ofier One Hundred Dollrr« Pevrsrd tor any ^¿ofCstsrrb theican no', butursl by llsll'» Citarrh < j. ( O Props., Toledo, O w. te/under«i|{ned. buve known F. J. Cbenejr L'pi.t Invests, and believe him perfectly h »orsblc in all butln »• iranaaction and tin- ¿neial’ • able to carry out any obllgr uon* mad. „uelrlim. WBRT4TBriX> Who esalc Drux-lais, Tclclo, ’. WaLBI.Mi, ’'. i . nnin A Ma-vix, V< nolerala Drug ista, Toledo. O. EsH’iCatarrh Cure lit ken n rnally. acing .'i-M I t on the blood and in cous surface» ut iteiyil m. Fri « -- >*-” '» Ea-'1 . * *rur;!»U. Testimoni is free tree, pili ■ Vsm.lv Pul • r th i«sL Glad of It. Mamma—Why are you so quiet. Robbie? Robbie (aged six)—I was dess thinkin’ how glad I am Christmas doesn t come in the summertime. Mamma—Why? Robbie—'Cause I wear such teeny- weeny short socks In the summer time. A NEW ACCOUNT BOOK Of Articular Interest to Threshermen Tenor* in Offlea. OLD-TIME RAILROADING. Dr Printing of Germany deciares Woman that marriage prolong* life. This gives How Track« Were Constructed andl some smart bachelor an opportunity Train. Kun S str hr.tr« Ago. la Able to Help Slot Womaa Living in Mexico I* often a disas­ to rise and remark that marriage Irving D. Cock. v. bo lives near South | When Doctors Fall. trous experience to the foreigner wbu ;* makes life seem long to a man*-—Bos­ Byron, recently repaired a barn on the I uot acquainted with localities and eu»- ton Globe. old Cook homestead that was built Tfow I gladly would men fly to wo tutu*. In the case of John Bascuu aud id di did they but ssdenUnd a many years ago. lu laklug out a gran man » aid Pawing of Yellowstone Park. bl* compauion. au EuglUbuiau named ary. some timbers found 'n It* construc­ woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities, It is said that the her family phy- Stomach Bitics. It also cure» aio mach biciun. She cannot bring herself to tiu Haye*, aud we had three burro* disorders. Try it. in the bead Y’oti first strap rail was milled or spiked on. tell e very thing, and the physician is may hate catarrh ol laden with good*. \Ve prospected all The Imprint of the two-inch iron strap the langs, or stom­ Late Realization. along the Hue to Totieludo, and stopped ! 1* plainly seen. Mr. Cook'* recollection T ach. or liver, or kid ­ now realize. ” said the pig. aa tor oue week w ith au ludiau at Teuu- | of the early railroadiug Is very clear, neys and es[M-cially they loaded him into the __ _ autepee. V\ bile there we leurued that bound for the butcher’s, “I now wagon. as the road crosses bis farm. realize you may have catarrh iu the district up to Touelado there veeii Table* Turned. which he had pauued out at a eertaiu lie obtaiued from farmers near by. preaching this doc ­ "The first time 1 tried to smoke a point somewhere iu the region of Sau 1 These stringers were hewn on the upper trine (<>• tlie tail (ortv Pablo, iu Oaxaca. \Ve traced the gold cigarette it made me awfully sick. years, but there are a i catarri) I side, and on the under side were "You are getting even now." along the streams for sixty miles, aud va*t nui titn-le of notched where they crossed each tie. “I don't see how.” women who have never heard it yet. On these stringers and running in the reached as far as San Miguel. We "Why now they make everybody else Catarrh may attack any organ of the were very hungry by this time, having sick when you smoke them.—The body. Women are especially liable to same direction white oak scantlings ruu short of provisions, and. going rung. There | were fastened. When the ends of the la t* Candidate for catarrh of the pelvic organs. _ _ across the mountains, were told that t lie Presidency. are one hundred cases of catarrh of strips of iron met, a short piece was we should be careful, aa banditti were Mrs. Belva A Lockwood, late candi­ the pelvic organs to one of catarrh placed so that the ends of the rail, if numerous. boon after two men met us date for the Presidency. of the head. Most people think, be­ 1 they might be ealled that, would uot in Mrs. Belva A._ Lockwood, the emi­ cause they have not catarrh of the 1 dent the wood. not far from San Miguel, and the both nent barrister, of Washington. D. C„ head, they have not catarrh at all. had rifle*. They ordered u* to halt, There were no section bosses III those but I pulled a revolver and took their WONDERFUL CURE IN I STUBBORN CASE is the only woman who has ever This Is a great mistake, and is the days, and handcars were unknown. been a candidate for the presidency cause of many cases of sickness and guns away from them and marched Tlie first repair gang consisted of three of the United States. She is the best death.” OF RHEUMATISM. them on in front of us. When we ar- known woman in America. As She Mrs. T Pelton. 562 St. Anthony avc- men, who carried a few spikis, a chisel, rived at San Miguel one of them enter- pioneer of her sex in the legal pro ttue, St. Paul, Minn.. wTites: "Peruna au auger, a hand saw, etc. In a handled ha* done wonders I basket. Thefew heavy tools, like a crow­ ed a complaint before the jese politico Ths KVIend hours in advice has brought happiness J. Dalton, and his statement to a re- Sfiih year, and I find it an Inval­ ed a mozo to guide u to where the fully recommend the shade of Mr. Cook’s sugar bush, ad health to countless women in the U.S. Peruna to all suf­ Joining the track. Trains were iufre 1 Englishman referred to found his gold, 1 porter regarding one of the most im­ uable remedy for told, catarrh, Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, III., portant events of his life carries with it ferers affiicteii with quent. and a roadtnaster's pony » u un-1 whose portrait we publish, advises all but when we got there the mozo would the greatest weight. It is unusual for a hay fever at d kindred diseases; catarrh. Mv moth­ known. sufferini g women to use Lydia E. Pink- nut stay, as it was known the English­ person to be afflicted from childhood also a good tonic for feeble and er is never without hams Vegetable Compound, as it Among the locomotive* first usisl man hud returned and died there. We with rheumatism but It is even old people, or those run down, Peruna. When cured her of inflammation of the ovaries for freight and passenger service were found Ills skeleton, wtth the legs and wonderful that there is a remedy so and >vith nerves unstrung." one is tired and au.l womb ; she. therefore, speaks from arms eateu off, and the mozo, being exactly suited to the tratment of this Mrs. T. Pelton. generally out of the I.ouls Brooks. Whittlesey, Asa knowledge, and her experience ought Yours truly, stubborn disease that one hundred sorts, if Penina i« Sprague mid No. 4. tlie last being to give others confidence. Address Mrs. fearful he would see the ghost of the Belva A. Lockwood. taken it Immediately removes that kuowu as tlie Iron Engine, because no I’uikhaiu's Laboratory, Lynn, Mass. dead, left us to ourselves, We went | doses were sufficient to eradicate 11 in a case of twenty years' stand­ tired feeling. ” Peruna cures catarrh by removing wood was used in its construction ex­ across a river and camped In the ad- ing. The proof that such a remedy factory results from the use of Peru jacent woods. Along the stream we is within the reach of an rheumatic the cause, inflamed mucous mein an, write at once to Dr. Hartman cept in tlie cab. These engines had only branes. Would Not Submit. one drive-wheel on eaeli side. The first prospected for gold, and in two weeks sufferers is found in Mr. Dalton's own Dr. Hartman, the compounder of giving a full statement of your case Johnny—Doesn't Uncle Henry Ilk» Fourth of July after the road was con ­ we found gold which went about 25 words. He says: and he will be pleased to give you his Peruna. once said. In a lecture to “1 had been troubled with rheuma- women: "A great number of women valuable advice gratis. structed and in running order was ob­ plum pudding? cents to the pan. We remained there Mamma—Yes; but the doctor won't | tism al! my life, even when a boy. consult me every year. I often have Address Dr Hartman. President of served by the railroad company by tir­ about six months, and all that time we him eat it. ' It attacked me in the legs, arms and Hartman Sanitarium. Colum­ ing n cannon from the rear platform of let Johnny lived on monkey meat aud green ba­ | shoulders. The pain in the latter occasion to say to these patients: the —If I was as big as him. I'd tlie last car on approaching stations. like to see any doctor keep me from nanas, and both. too. without salt. Just was particularly severe. I, of course, ‘I fear you have catarrh, madam.’ bus. Ohio. The passenger cars were short mid think of It! Nothing but monkeys, and took medicine for it. but did not eating it.—Puck. much like the body of a stage couch. One day occasionally a fowl or two, and not a obtain permanent relief, Accommodating Old Man. Becoming Personal. Too Much Imagination, tortilla or common hot cake. ell. sir. about three years ago while reading Mr. Saphed—Aw—do you believe He—I asked you father’s consent Some of these passenger cars liml an up|H*r story, and from tills upper deck The gentleman whose claim to a by telephone . tny partner. Martin Hayes of London. a newspaper. I saw an advertisement thawt monkeys talk. Miss Smawt? Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Dr. .................. Florida island, . based upon a Mr. Cook saw Martin Van Buren climb whole ____________ Miss Smart—1 know they talk—I She—What was his answer? England, died four months after from of i People and determined to give them I He—He said: "1 don't know who down to shake hands with a crowd Spanish grant, has been adversely the privations suffered during that a trial, I had taken but three boxes have heard them.—Ohio State Jour- I nal. you are. but it's all right,"- Harvard when he was rutinlng for tlie presi­ considered by the supre.me court, tnay time, and I don't suppose lii* wife or of the pills when the trouble, which be consoled by the fact that there Lampton. dency. Tlie conductor was then called are numerous people who have found family ever heard of It. But we got had been my affliction from child­ Be Beautiful ! >1 collector, mid passed along on tlie out sad defects in their titles to Spanish mine gold, all right, and monkey meat hood. entirely disappeared. A clear, clean complexion in the foundation In the Affirmative. side of tlie ears on a running lioard that realty, principally, however, in the "About a year later I had another ot all beauty. C h » aieta ( amiy <- athurtic inahv would have been all right for me. If we The body of tne latest mysterious All diu*- ».ui keep th* skin u t » mi , only bad some salt.—Chihuahua En­ attack of rheumatism which was gl»l> disappearance having been found at extended tlie entire length of tin* car. matter of castles in Spain.—Baltimore We. 2x ‘ , .'tOC. • brought on by working in a damp the bottom of a creek, we pause long The putting of name* on engines was Herald. terprise. place. I remembered well what Dr. enough to ask whether the mysterious discontinued twenty Uveor thirty years Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People Compensation. To be Expected, disappearance ought not to stop dis ago, the last to run on tin* western <11 vi HE FEARED ONE-MAN POWER. had done for me, so I immediately "You fellows.” complained the king appearing.—Philadelphia Inquirer. “Yes,” said uie author, "when 1 son being the Demi Richmond, which purchased some. Strangely enough, of beasts, "don't seem to be properly get Btarted writing a novel I do lose That Wa« Why a Detroit Man Got Out just three boxes again cured me, and impressed when I start to describe CiTQ Permanently <’urr«l No fit or rurToimne« was No. 147; the Azariah Boody, .Inuit« considerable sleep over It.” a Warrant for a Neighbor. Whitney, James H. Kelley mid Gen. 11 I have been entirely free from rheu­ my adventures.” ■ I IQ after limr -i.»» * |»r hltaa’u (ìrrat N«rv» “Oh! well,” exclaimed the critic Ke-UTer brini tot FK K l¿ 00 trial Imtth amt treat- II. Baxter. Rochester Democrat and After the applicant for a warrant had matism ever since. I have told a num­ “Ah!" replied the diplomatic hyena, I ím who had a neat way of disguising a . Da. K. 11 K link . Li«t . vii ah hSt., Philadelphia. Pau been admonished two or three times to ber of people about Dr. Williams’ “your stories are wonuerful, hut then Chronicle. bitter dose of sarcasm under the In the New South. stick to the text he was induced to pre­ Pink Pills for Pale People, and they we know you are a lion."—Philadel­ sugar-coating of apparent flattery, A federal gunboat has been ordered "what is your loss Is your reader's Th»» Heavy Sister. sent his grievances In a connected man­ have taken them with most bene­ phia Press. ficial results.” to Memphis for the special delectation Come in, Sister Muudy don’t «tan* dnr gain."—Standard. ner. (Signed) W. J. DALTON. of the old Johnny rebB during theli TO Cl’RK A COLP IN <>NK DAT by de do’— •’What I'm claiming, Judge, is that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Take Ltxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All approaching annual reunion. How the main thing we've got to guard People are sold by all dealers, or druggists refund the money if it fail« to cure. "things has changed" since 1861 5! — De fiddle des a gwine, en de white san’ on de Ho’’. against in this country is one-man pow­ will be sent postpaid on receipt ot E. W. Grove’s «ignaturv Ison each bux. 2uc. Louisville Times. De «inter in de center— »hr weigh two er. We've got it in the nution. we've price, 50 cents a box. or »lx boxes for The Secret of It. hundered pouu’, got it in New York, we've got it in 12.50, by Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Too True. Ann 1 Eliza—There goes Mary Ma- Eu de prize is for de deacon dat’d swing This signature is on ev«ry box of th« genuine Schenectady, New York. Be sure Nodd — How do you like your Philadelphia and Pennsylvania and it you get the genuine; substitutes never loney. She’s ih‘ styllshest dressed dot Nister rouiT! Laxative Bromo-Quinine T*bi«u country home? looks to me very much as though we cured anybody. the reu>«d/ that curve ■ eul* Look for the full girl of 1 any of us. Todd — It ’ s a great place, The Maria . Jane—An’ small wonder. Her Don't you heah de music? had it In Detroit. Do you believe in It, name on every package. missus is th’ same size ’s her, 'n em­ only drawback is that I can’t sell it. t'ome en jiue de ring I What he had Hsard. Judge?” — Harper ’ s Bazaar. ploys th’ best mobilst in th’ city— Ain't dis halleluia? Jarring Mr*. Von B. "Certainly not, but what has that to Tommy I'm glad I don't live out In Swing y o’ pu’tuera- awing! Mrs.Von Blunter—My children have Philadelphia Bulletin. North Dakota. do with the case?” I or Catalogues been to school now two terms and Arthur—Why? "I'm coming to that I only wanted lleull collie Deacon Williams lie'll win I do not believe T’ iko ’ s Cure for Con­ have made scarcely any progress. Tommy -I have hoard that they to get a general expression of principle Mrs. Witherby—How sad! And It’s sumption has mi equal for coughs aid ont, I be boun’l have thrahsing machines out there. from you. You are right, judge; en­ such a good school, too!—Detroit •olds,—J ohn F Bov »a, Trinity Spring*. But, oh! dat heavy sister doue Hinged —Somerville Journal. Ind.. Feb. 15. 1900. tirely right. What Is wrong in nation­ Free Press. Br ’ er Williams down! MANTLES, Still she standiu' lonesome fines' gal in al, state or municipal government, is Even There! Rather Unkind. The Beat Prescription for Materia town; wrong to the end of the logical se- Gusher — My wife has promised to GRATES "Miss Vinagre«. they don't haze the Chills end Eever t> a bottle of Grove’s TasteleM Eu de prise is fer de descon dut'll swing quence, is It not?” Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine in w’ait for me at the gate of heaven it freshles at Vassar College, do they?" a in the claea of thoae «K-Utl and substantial In rushes to the fire marshal when any of buy cheap you can't atltiitloiis in which a «-tty lakra pride. ( Itisens Swing y«' pa'ttiers — awing! Chicago News. be nure Take no chan» *« — us want to make some slight Improve­ CANDY 1 point to it as one uf the old reliable and tbor- —Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. t«t Ferry « LHairni every- I uuglily progressive vstabllsbnienta. au instltu- CATHARTIC ments. ■ (Ion with a definite purpose and au unques­ wbt re «ell them Writ« "Now he knows better than you do tioned status , . , Reforms in German Language. for I'JOI seed Auuual— In »onneitlon with commercial education BXallM fr.-< how 1 feel on this pne-tnan power busi­ The Allgeiueluer Deutaeher Nprach the name of lleald'a Is a household Word on the Pa< Iflc Coast and throughout the country at ness and when he rushed over before For Infant* and Children. vereln is a German association to en­ larg«- In its own field of effort It la as widely (J M FERRY & co., known as Btanfttrd or Berkeley, for It enrolls breakfast to tell me that the snow wds OttroiL Mich. courage the simplification and purity atudeut« from the four uuartere of the globe. not properly cleaned from my walk. I of the German language. One of Its In lMitW every county In California but four had NtudcDts tn Heald’s Business College The four just tunied loose and kicked him half alma I* to make Itotli spoken and writ­ not represented were Itei Norte, l^aeaen, (Grange Bears the and Ventura. The register of the college the length of the block. He'll lie out ten German simpler, not only by using that in I WK) atudrnts were enrolled from shows Pleasant, Palatasi«. P 'Knt Tut« Good Do Good. the R«v«r Nicken Wsakeii or Grip«. 10c. 50c Write tomorrow and I want to get a warrant Signature of shorter and less involved sentences, following Ntates aud Trrltorles outside of Cal fur free «ample and booklet oo kealtb Addrr«» tfornln in many caeee there were several r»p- MmrllM »••♦«r ■oairval, Tar*. 32»a i for him as a one-man nuisance tiefore A guarBnicsKi guaranteed wir« Cure io» tor v-Bwir.u Catar.ii and but by the elliiilnntlon of the use of nsentativea from each Nevada. Iowa. Wash­ --------- , —w CblMfa, w—• -— strange Obatinacy. ing!”?!. Oregon. Montana, Colorado, (tab, Idaho, _____ work,” re- he can get at me for assault and bat- foreign word* In the Ms-Inl. business Artaona, “It's funny how things Kansas. Missouri. Pennsylvania, New tery.”—Detroit Free Press. maked the fluent man. "I have and scientific worlds. The headquart­ Jersey. Vermont. Virginia and New Mexico. In 7-— tried - P. hk ) students came directly to the school from everything for insomnia without the ers of the anaoclatlon are In Berlin and Mexico, Canada, Japan, the Hawaiian Islands, least relief And the other evening Where He Was Weak. Territory, Alberts and Central America. then* are branches In Milan and many Yuk<-n Enrollm» uts were also made from England and Mr. Jowder» looked gloomily at the 1 merely mentioned a few of the ex­ part* of Austria as well a* in London. S u . ■ I. ti Ita large body of alumni conatttuie a m>xt letter to which he had Just painfully pedients I had tried, and every man fennldabM promoting force, and the steady in the room was fast asleep before affixed bls signature, and then cast a I had got half through.”—Boston Lighting a Lamp with a Hnnwball. growth of the college can in? attributed large»/ the commmilng v<•!<•»• of these ihouwanda of When a small piece of potassium, the to dubious glance at hl» wife. graduates, who know whereof they speak Transcript. information write to the college for "Ito you want to just run this over size of half a grain of corn. Is dropped the For HO full pare catalogue and college journals. Address K P Heald, Freaideuf, 24 Post before I send it to son James?” he In­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦444444444444 Into a tumblerfill of water, some of the oxygen of the water leaves Its hydro­ street, San Francisco, Cel. quired; and when Mrs. Jowder» shook $65.00 AND UP. gen. owing to the intense bent which her head, be hastily folded the sheet, His Philosophy, which bore the marks of hours of i the chemical notion produce*, ami coin She—I wish I could be as contented Ä j blue* with the metallic potasalunL as you. toil, and thrust It Into an envelope, He—Oh' I sln’t contented—only I 17 canning a violet bluish flame. When which he sealed with trembling expedl it? don't think it's worth while to worry the piece of potassium I* plnr-ed on the tion. and then leaned back in bls chair to; wick of a coal-oil or alcohol lamp, the about it."—Puck with an air of relief. 1 •> “ Haute produced by touching the |H>taa- "I was afeard you'd want to read It. alum with a bit of snow. Ice or water, 4 and tbf*n moat likely 'twould be all to * a T sAi will light the lamp. ♦ do over «Kain, mother, like the last ♦ ♦ “ But I'm glad James ♦ • -=r. one.” he aaJd. ♦ Age at Which They Married. ♦ ♦ wrote h<* didn t mind « word mi**pelh'd ♦ / Royal pernonnge* almost Invariably ♦ here an* there. There'» some thing* I : : marry young. Queen Victoria was not .wn do?but 1 never eottld sewn to get a ♦ »»-Tn to be the heritage of the 21 at the time of her marriage; the ♦ human family everywhere, via good ptirchn»e on the system of spell­ Is htrt to stay, It is the Most Economical : I’ritK-e of Walea was rather les* than and Powerful Engine built. ing. someway. 22 when he marrieil the tieautlfiil Alex­ : Iron rorn^rw on bod iex of $11 <»’** Heua«y and “As I view It.” continued Mr. Jow- Bee Lin« Buffi««. Heud lor < a ta lug, andra. The King of Italy wa* 24 when . XX BLACKoaYILLOW der* "there's some word* you can spell Write us for full particulars. he married 111* eeventeen year old brl<|e. ♦ by the looks, and some you can spell by ♦ MITCHELL. LEWIS 1 STIVER CO. sad The King of the Belgiana wa* first mar ♦ the sound; them lean m<»t gen lly ried nt the agv of IN, mid the Emperor Firti and Taylor SU. brillìi. Orafi«. manage. But when you come to spell of Gertnnny *>a* 22 when he married PORTLAND and SPOKANE, Ing by judgment and main stren the. tlie Em pre*», who i* a few months his my chance* are about a* slim as they senior. POULTRY NETTINC nottitry »* d 4 ifit'. fr>r I mo« ’em.** WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES Itraits toWtoicto >n Americas Free- pector ka< Reduce 1 in Mexico. and Farmers. Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the dealers in niHchiuery on the Fscific Coast, have just issued Ht cod - iidirsble «X|>ense a neat and very mm- piste account book for up-to-date thresheimen, etc. The lie oka are lor ires distribution and all people who ssnt them should writo immediately to Russell