I CASTORIA 9 oo D rops For Infants and Children. CASTÜRIA AXégctabie Preparation for As­ similating the Fax! and Penula Ung die Nlomitó» and Bowls uf trotters Dali: » ; f I nfants /I hildken Bears the Pendleton East Oregouiai : Our own ex-Senator George \V Mc- Bride ba. been given a po-itiou on the St Louil exposition commission at a salary of 15000. Those who stand by the king will be stood bv at tbe expense of the people of the country every time. > I I ■ I Aprrf«-rf Remedy forConstipa Bon. Sour Stonwh. Diarrhoea Worms.( «urolisions Feverish nest tuxl L os * OF SUEP. V lacSurile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER THE HALO. “One London dealer in birds ceived, when the fashion was at height, a «ingle consignment of thirty-two thousand dead hum­ ming birds; and another received atone time thirty thousand aquatic birds, and three bundled thousand pairs of wings.” Think what •« prlc • to p»y, r‘'ac«-«i so bright aud gay, Just for a bat! Ull Fiowtrs uuvi-ited, mornings ■uog, tSsa-raiikes bare of the win«* that o'er- swung,— Bared Just for that! Think of the others, too, Others and mntliers, too, Bright-Eyes in !iat! Hear you no motber-groau Ibiatltig In air, Hear you no little moan,—blrdllug-' deepair,— Homewbtre, for that? Caught ‘mid some motber-work, Torn by a hunter Turk, Just for your hail i’lenly of mother-hearts yet lu tin- world, All tbe more wings to tear, carefully twirled! Women want that? Oh, but the shame of It, Oh, but the blame of it, Frloe of a hat! Just for a jsruiitltieas brlgliteumg th« st reel I Thia Is your halo, O fa'*" so sweet,— Death, aud tor that! —W C Gaunett. OUR LEGALIZED ROBBERIES Hida m JouriMl Tbe rapid amassing of wealth through monopolies like the Stan­ dard Gil Company has a demoraliz­ ing effect upm the public oon •cienoe. There are |>enty of ignor ant and tinlraiued minds reasoning thut:—If Rockefeller hae a right to amass 120,000,000 a year out ol the necessities of the people, why shall not my necessities justify my robbiug a bank or a railroad train? Armour with all his rectitude ol character could not keep his sub ordinates from bribing legislatures, and corrupting those tn authority over public affair* in cities and publ c institution. Bank robberies aud crimes will increase until legalise«! robtieries ot the people are suspended by an educated public conscience and, as President Hadley says, politics ceases to he played as a gtma. INDIAN BESTS CARXEGIE. A detailed statement of Carnegie gitte place* the amount al $24,904,- Bfto Still thia ie not on eo gener­ ous a ecals as that pursued by Alaska Indians when they get in the generous mood and make a big “potlatch.’’ Then the wealthy Indian, as wealth guse among that people, makes no reservation but In Use For Over Thirty Years It will come as a eurpnse to matiy middle-aged and e.derly per­ sons to learn that the author of that famous declamatory composi­ tion, “Spartacus to theGlaiiotore,’’ is just dead. It was wr turn by Rev Elijah Kellogg of New York. MSmH Mr Nation says .Vlre Nation will stop crusading. A« that lady has not announced any in'ention of retirement from tbe saloon e n«su­ ing business we shall learn who really is boss in the Naliou house­ men? Economy, humanity de* hold. mand that convict« and inmate, The death of HarriaoQ leave, but of hou.ea of detention be given em­ one living ex-preeident, Grover ployment. The only question ia Cleveland. He ia healthy, in fact about the kind of employment— ha. experienced enough political that which will leaet interfere with abuse, regardlee. of party, that he free labor. should be extra tough—a good rirk A Walla Walla court is trying to yet for a life ineurance company. straighten out a domestic tangle. The new law makes coyote scalps A few years ag > Emma Clark, a worth two dollars each. The scalp widow with a grown daughter, must consist of tbe ears connected married William L Brown. After by a two inch strip of tbe skin two children were born the couple I that grew between them. separated, and Brown married his 4te|rtlaugliter, Susan Kots. As the Commissioners Court. relations now stand, Mrs Brown is ths 1 revent stepmother to her March 7 — >«n half-brother and sister, and 10 50 the wife of her own stepfather. The E Hanna livery Eugene Electric Light Co ligl ta 22 l«6 hit Iren are in d >ubt whether they G W Kinsey brldgework........... 4 00 iroud to live in hi. adopted country, he i. a naturalized American litixnn,) and maintain, an English nuntry villa. Perhaps if King hi ¡ward baa bad luck at card, or he racetrack he may furnish Hick” a title. Then “ Dick” could aot do lea. than give hi. majesty t tip on a race, or a subetantial prevent. How would “Richard Croker, Huke of York,” sound to Americau ear.? Two Frenchmen have been ex- pelltd front Switzerland for arratig ing a duel on Swiaa territory. The difference between the blood-tbiraty gentlemen occurred away back in 11'99, on the oix'asion of President Faure’« funeral. Another case of ’‘nursing her wrath to keep it warm." Out Weal they oouki have net a dot»n limes before this late date. That is pr widing each duel «bonld have been fought according to French precedent—no one hurt A rich New York woman with seventy-live summers to ber credit married a young mao in tbe early twenties. She wills«! him nearly all her proj vrly, nearly half a mil lion. A rontret of the will was ns le by h«r lelatiws and the omria now hold that the will caunot na s«t a«ide on «oevunt of the May- lleoember sort of a marriage, 11 >thing else allege«! as to her being of unround mind having been proved. gives it all. As Carnegie iscredited wito b-mg easily worth one hundred million »tJÜ be still has $76,09’>.1X3 with wbicb I y me to keep the wolf from the door. oarpenl The Indian still bolds front rank buildin inch liuihrr fell and *ir as a good giver. carpenter on the he«d *’«« Labor unions loo often are un­ very painful ecslo • und ” reasonable aud exacting. An ear|>ent»r mu«l have a hard inatanoa oomee from Cbi 'ago. That ale-» it uoul'1 have b»en a oily prrptMee to enlarge ita brick­ wound. yard to a capacity of eight milliou Il is reporieii that gatuMere have a year, half enough to supply city won »11 tbe in.tney worth winning demand a, whereupon “organise! at N ..ue, N w i< ti ■■ *>r the labor” object«. Must tbe prisoners miners to mske a round-op of be subjected to tbe wrong and tor­ gambler* an«! get their trewsnrv ture of twin?kept in idleness, « all other industry istaiei for their back. It would only I e * lifFeronce support, just to mske profitable in method from that pursued by employment for a ew hundred the gamblers. Hr-» HAKFS '■ MltDRÊ* adults AS T a T A C M Collier survey I ng.................... 4 50 H Adama lumber aud building bridge............................................ . • M Hregon Btats Jouiual printing etc................................................ .. 13 H Adam* bridgework............. .. 4 L C Hkeela pauper »uppllra.. •• 7 H R Klnoald county Judge. ,.. «6 A B t'attereon treasurer..... .. 66 W W Withers sheriff.......... ..166 E U Lee county clerk.......... ..166 E L Glt*t>s deputy clerk...... .. 75 Itoy Koos deputy c>uniy cl«rk 50 W M Miller OoUOty school super. Intend'd........................ 100 W M Bhermau isnltor. <0 W H Eat tn ferryman 26 37 S C LXittôn ferryman 00 N 75 U 65 65 65 00 00 oo Oo 1.0 75 Cottage Grove Items. Nugiet. At the City council Monday nlgbt an or«tlnan«'e wax passed compelling rags and offenders to work ths slr«-eta. Billy Purinan thia w«ek purchased the half Internet of Wm .Martin In the Exchange saloon. Mr and Mrs Martlu left thia week for Salem. rtie old Bohemia hotel property has twen lease.! from L Lurch by H 1> Hardy, a well known «Dd •tM i'essful note« n an of Port Townsend, Wash. Mr Hartly toox poes i >—ion ot the build­ ing Tueeday and Immediat.ly eoiu- ineoi«ed renovating. It la announced that a change in tlr* ownership of the Griffin, Veatch Hard­ ware Co, of this city, will take piacw this week. Harry Wlnne, a |>o|- ular and well known business tuau of thia city will purchase tbe Griffin Inter­ est. The bouse has enjoyed a splendid patronage during Ita sxtisteuoe here, and the Nugget wishes the new firm unb>unded sucoses lathe future. Attention Comrades of G A R. , I The formula is plainly printed on —hence know just what vou arc taking when you take Grove $. *- Imitators do not advertise thur formula knowing that you would not buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove $ contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove’s 1$ the CHgiiutl and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics are imitations. An analysis of other ch 11 tonics shows You that Grove’s is superior to all uthers in every respect. take Grove ’ s — its superiority are not experimenting _ when I J /oil long been established. Grove’s is the i and excellence having only Chill Cure bold throughout the entire malarial sections of Price. 50c. the United r,',t«s No Cure, No Pay Not Made by the Trust. There seems to be no limit to the varied possibility s of tucks, and now we have them In fnr, as If it were not expensive enough without doubling up In Its value In that manner. Briet- schwanz Is the one pelt which can be successfully manipulated In this way. but tbe plan adds very little If any to Its beauty.—New York Sun. grade wreught »teeL The apoke* are the famoua Excelsior, and we give you any kind of a tire you may wish, also a big option on sad­ dle* and han«>le hare. These wheels are made by the SNELL BICYCLE CO., of Toledo, Ohio. The «hope cover over 7 act«-« of land, the building* are of brick, two and three •tories high. '1 he quality of the Snell Bicycles ha« never been questioned. Price» for Juvenil»« $20.00, $22.00 and $25.00. Pneu for the standard mu $27 00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00 We trade for old wheels, and sell on inetalluente. We woul i like for you to caH and t»oe theee beautiful Snell bicycle». Yours moet re^pt. ST. Pm, DULUTH. MIINtAPOLiS, CHICASI Barker Gun Works, Ticket» to r int- Ea»t via Poitlard ami 13 HEAT Ni >KI H ERN RY.,oo sale at So< ri 1 e* I - • • I k> t * o GRE «’• Nu HE1.N Ticket ( 122 TRIRD STREET PORTLA« 0. For lusten, F> kb re an i full iuformutif u eadinw t ■■ atei Trip, call on or addrm. ;•.<«$! \ i ’-t t At tL1 1 . rJ*H DAY & HENDERSON’S ß HIGH GRADE NURSERY SW Make your bride, your wife, your.iater, your daughter, happy in ita ownership and*, make voan.lt glad. Ot course our »lock is not limited to he.lri.om furniture we t out parlor, dining ro..m, sitting room as wall. Warranted in every respect. < fticiai Govvr.in.ent Certificate attached to every package shipped FRUIT ANO ORNAMENTAL TREES PdOPLE WHO PLOW I hate just purchased the Farlin A Orendorff Co's “Canton Clipper" plows, disc and peg: tooth h Harrows, ll.rr««»a, formerly sold by C C McMakin of this city, which 1 will close out at cost, viz An 8-lncb, all s'eel, one horse coru | low A 10-inch, ail steel, stubble plow A 12 inch, ail steel, stubble plow A 12-incb, all steel, black land plow with extra share A 14-lneh, tP. 40) full chilled plow with extra share A 50-tooth steel, lever harrow, with evenere $ 6.00 9.00 I 0.00 13.00 9.00 12.00 Ths sb. vs is only »n index. I have s full lias o f these celebrated Roods to be closed ou and ths prices will apply to goods on hand only. If yon wish to buy good implemeute at a iMrgain—BUY NOW. Yonrs truly, W S MOON, 9th 3t Feed Store. MONUMENTS ARRIVED ....A CAR LOAD.... Direct from quarries in New England. Two more cars on the way. None furnish better work. None in the vallley handle in larger quantities, Hence ovr prices are right . Write for booklet. Vines, Flowering and Fruit-bearing Shrubbery—l’iaute. Roses, Etc. Grown and for sale by the First National Nurseries, Rochester, N Y 0. J. FOSS, Agent for Lin* Cositf. Box 330, Eugene, Oregon. ' n M«»in«ra VTTAt.l LGS’-VGC- f*afcT AANnC-..’ - ures Impotency, Night Emission- anJ uiieaaeg, ail effects c* se' abuse f; ard lnii> er-* A nervetonicaud b! »off builder. Brings tat ok glow io pale cheeks and restore« the fre cf you’-b e BymailSOcper box; <1 '»oxa for wit’ a written guarM* <■« to cure « r refund tho monej. NFFU't rA MEDICAL CO. Hi't’- A Jacason Sts., CHICACO, ILL Hniff by Linn Drug Co. EUGENE GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS W. W, flARTIN, Prop GES )T '• ijî. 4 WSS ■ ■ fl ■ jri 11--- ••X: n . .1 dl-WUTk, *»rr*«..í < r *. C« 'fx’d'j.i H r. ? .’•• » /e- ” M - . ’ *. % 0 w»v f««n t. ... i. M- ••« »•■.:•«»».• r» ,■ V 3“ ■ KlC beurturst ere ait •■•fiw ihirmwer» art / b iiPAl ¿JMe.nctdc lawcai w'WA*ir INDIAN PILE OINTMENT c Blediugand lliliiuir Pile*. Itabsoitxt L Ik at -nue.iuaa a poul?«® ■ C 1 « ■ W Pn arol for Pile and Twimi'oTt ij —PrtTaM'Every box is w.-in-anted. Judge C < • il I II cured . Ky. says: " I’r W, nn-u»' Indlai ‘»j, • • Ma L me atwr >ears of suffenne '• Sold by d- tra - ■ ITEMS OF INTEREST. nark. DAI1 Y TRAINS. FAST TIME. SEKVKEAND SCENE K Y IN EQUAL! which nio.f cm cL'ht hour, ont of th. twenlv f'.ur should be lainty. artiatic, th. epitome of th. dcorner a .kill. 8uch furniture is to be aoen at ■ There are nc taomeopatblc physician« In tbe metBcal «-orjA of either tbe army or tbe navy. A novel «Ign has been exhibit«*»! by a LotMlon abo« bl»< k. It runa tbu«: “If you like my work, tell your friend«. If you don't like It. tell me." Au enterprising wine and ha« engac*«! au aeronaut to rle* of ball«M«n n»crasl«>n« and w hll«> aacend ng to drop sms pie twtth-e of wb ky attached to mln tature parachute*. An all points!Ea.4t. Through Pateco and Tourist Sleeparj Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars, Bedroom Furniture STAGE GLINTS. A one ring circus is a late feature of vaudeville. Sarah Bernhardt gets $1.000, It la said, for every performance. Joseph Ott, the comedian, who died recently, was the brother of Theresa Vaughan. Churl, s Frohman has five different companies at present playing In the English provinces. “The Two Orphans” Is said to have had more performances In this conn- try than any other play except "L'ncle Tom's Cabin.” At Beerbohtn Tree's Ix>nd<>n theater the length of th«1 Interval between acts and the time of Its conclusion are placarded at the descent of the curtain. A bloodhound In “l'ncle Tom'a Cab­ in” at Brownsburg. Ind.. became so realistic In his a. ting that a man In the company bad to be sent to a hospital and the tw-ast to a grave. “Riding to Win," a cycle racing sen­ sational play, and “The Worst Woman In London" are two of the new piece recently brought ft :u the other side of th« water for production here. The authoritative ml g Is that Qttex In “Tbe Gay Lord Qttex" is pronounced Kwex, and not either Ex. Kay. Kux. Cooks. Quick. Cue. Quiz. Queeks, Kiss. t>«iueak or Cake«. The hero of “The Stowaway" tried to commit suicide at Oklahoma City, tbe heroine took an almost fatal dose of morphine by accident at IXxlge. the vil­ lain disappeared Just before a per­ formance at Oakland, and thereupon tbs remainder of th» coirisiny d.sband ed. GO EAST F YOU bare pride then take a ride on tbe I frame« beautiful, beautiful, Snell Bicycle. The and frame lag* are mara.iee who cannot attend tn tbe evening« of second and fourth Fridays uf each month. Please let us baw tall Barri. Marr* altendaoca. We will meet In the bar • A FartTLas«« Tiur.—M»r»hal Brsdv qoetfrnnm of Frank** ball, Nln'h dt<1 not dod iheFtewart boy a Cottage street, Eugene. Gmve yrat« rday. The boy arrived la K F C maphas , Eugene at the »ame m<«aieot Mr Br-dy l\»l C'«miarxWr l»»ft for tbe Grvve to bring him bw«-k Attest; R A BanTi.rrr, Adju John Holland t>-<>ogLt h»m o.-wn on yeeterday af»e n«*w»'e train and the Halen* HtateeaaaBt Tbe Eugene maral.al of C»”«< Grave tailed to w t np^w river r-atiird*y a/ten><» me logs fnr the boy wss turned ver t«’ h:« fsl ’ r wh- - psudlnje. igglng company, of New­ took him te hie bo«» on Spetoer berg, 10 which Arm site now twlooga. Grove s Tasteless ChiII Tonic. every bottle you record The number of new standard per­ formers for Ibixj and those that bare reduced their record« will foot up to a little over 3.500. John McCullagh, New York state su­ perintendent of elections, has pur- cbas«^1 a farm near Goaben and will breed trottera there. The largest individual winner at the New Yerk horse show was Frederick C. Stevens, who carried away 21 prizes and a total of $1.940. Sargent Burns (4), 2:2414 at Lancas­ ter. O.. Oct 12. Is a new performer for Bobby Burns and is out of Dolly, dam of Mascot Jr., 2:10%. Stranger, who reduced bls record from 217*4 to 2 12*4 »t Lexington, brought $2.060 at auction and will be used on the New York speedway.— Horseman. Irish lace is very popular for milli­ nery ne well as gown trimmings. Pannes In Persian colorings and de­ signs are much used for waists, as also are figured velveteens. Russian ribbon belting Is very much worn, since It not only encircles the waist, but the collar band as well. Soft felt bats In very pale colors, trimmed with black velvet and flowers, are one ot the new features of milli­ nery. Castor gloves are very fashionable for street wear, and then there are the In avy dressed kid gloves with pique stitched seams. Bolero Jackets of Irish lace edged with a narrow band of fur are worn over blouses of cream oriental satin, with skirts of cloth In palest gray or bl cult color. one of the latest varieties of hatpins is an Irregular shaped pearl set around With diamonds and filigree gold If It Is g< nulne. But the Imitation pearl set with rhinestones is a much cheaper edition. Demand for the new art Jewelry seems to be Increasing. Tbe gold Is tinted to harmonize with whatever Jew els art“ used, so tbe effect of color Is charming. Belt buckles are espe­ cially desirable, but of course there is tbe usual variety of brooches and trin­ kets. C’IU.DRf'l “•-ADULTS AS VAT AS THE 3 EST PF?ESCfHPT!ON IS nt J 10*4 at Santa Rosa The Salem Journal get. aarcwlic July 5, ia tbe ft. - tent. Ik« Wilkes, 2.12%. is expected to and remark, anent the charge that the Intercollegiate oratorical prix- swi-ep everything ou tbe snow this winter at New Haven. was won by plagiarism, that *'w>- The largest winner among tbe trot- should not expect too much of our tera at tbe national borae show wa« young people when we cone der Daredevil, who won a total of $900 In now little attention hat been paid prizes. John J. ftcannell. tbe new owner of in Oregon for some years to tbe The Abbot will have tbe champion prepared at tbe Village farm for a 2:UU study of English.” Signature Promotes Di^cstionCheerruf- ness and Rest Contains nei (her Opaiiii^fc^jtluii«- nor Muterai I N otî MS vh c otic . >w\ana- Chill A Portland nan tell» b«»w he got THE TROTTiNG RECORD. rid of carp. He waited until late K. 2:16>L is the fastest horw in th« summer anm the wa'er »»- Cwusd iti Fortlaud. Me. Tborua i W. Lgw “ U woa $1.410 m low, then -«owed lime ou the pond. prizes at the New York horse show. Tbe sluggish car«» became acliv-i, isterk.ua Ohio “oil man" k>-'t ru-Led about, and lit.« • juo.pel $3X on I’raytell, S-tABs- lie sold for out on tbe grass/ b» ik only to t* $4.IMAI. Contralto. 2:10, tbe champion 4-year- met and devoured '4.500. story tba> I Among tbe 15 rew 2:15 California ta b »»• W ■**! on rece I 5cent, »d $?.«%« For .Sale by Linn Drug Cn te aboi hrr apiendld line ••te&rererreci insijw and ri8*t in price Wtu Wtot-a-wwae DcAktS» 1 rras er sealer is anew tkiea w'MWA»mo«’ V.ÇrOTZIANôCa ^PRINCE^ Trv a JI i$CI The Jack ► tar.i ? foe ataron H«'l at Kpririrfl