I SIISI*»' SOTES. tbe rtn we« well known •» a fr.eod of the people and an so vocale of clean politic». Finally, however, tbe chairman of the caucus said: “Tbe gentleman ia welcome. We Hatchery at Mapleton a Success —Other Notes from “The West.” will now proceed with the icquiry. Mi«a Stuart wbo baa been t-aebing tbe party sab's . on Fiddle eresk, t.»" returned to bar b<-me in Eugene. reorsted by tbi» caucu* A special meeting of the votera of Haye you always voted the Florence •ch »Mdi»'r- t wen b-ld a' tbe straight ticket?** •«boot b-Hi«e M ni«y afernooo, at “Yes, when tbe candidates wer* which a tax of flve mill» wee levied for the maintenance -t tba n-bool during clean men.” “Do yon appear a* a candidate the current yeer Greenleaf eorrsspori'ls»»«» Feb 4: Mr* favoring tbe intereeu of the X, M William Whee -» r >< • i»t er »eelsnday AQ railroad?” from ber alepiatu-r, Tl»«-o««a let«», of “1 do not. I do not appear in the Eugene, summ' nma er to bie bed­ in teres la of auy railroad corpora­ side, a» be 1» very ill. Hs began tbe letter with bl4 o.n bind, but could tion." not floieh It. Sbe w-nt <>o< today. •‘Have yon proper reference« Greer.leaf corresp udeuce: A rail­ . trom the Slambang Oil company?" road tnspelM >r Who W»4 I swing up tbe “I bave not. I do not admit feasibility <>f a r»-d through the Neiaou that the Blambang Oil co tn pa a y. »alley receu'Jy, »aid be r >und au easy Kes from the iieai of Nele'O creek lol uor any other oil company, baa any G< I feori, aud that there w>» a pd** are but with and emlangrr the health of Experience agaiuat Kxperimeut. CASTORIA substitute for Cantor OU, Pare- intf Hyrupa. It I» Plraaant. It , Morphine nor other Narcotie » guarantee. It dr-troys Wurms . It cures IHarrlxra aud Wind ing Troubles, «-urea Constipation i in i latea the Food, regulates the iving healthy aud natural sleep. —The Mother’» Friend. 5TORIA always Che Signature of Have Always Bought • Over 30 Years. ». w bums » miiT b « wv — —ru domination, public extravagance circulation and it exercises too and govern men U1 collusion. If much power and exercises that too elected I—” mmi- continuously, for the beet inte»sts of But at this juncture the sergeant- in » tbe Oregon portion of tbe North­ at-arms, acting upon a signal form Fully west. It baa been, and always will tbe chairman, aeixed tbe preeump- nited be, an organ and an organ is never tuoua fanatio and threw him over politic. 1 the of benefit to tbe body tbe transom. ry, b There will be a paper there eome “This,”aaid the chairman, after oded” day. There are two ways that a the dust had settled, "seems to be a ! with p«per can be established there. ease for tbe lunatico inquirendo, Two- Either a paper must have unlimited not for this caucus. If there are is tern meant back of it or else it must be no objectione tbe candidate who * from started by some one wbo has tbe gently hinted that he couldjdo a few >rairie nerve and plenty of stick-to-itive- things with tbe Slambang Oil ‘UlM, oeaa to start on a small scale. An company will be recalled tocky opposition pajier would at onoe re­ ,further questioning. ceive a hearty support in that city There were no objection». neisia •uH throughout the elate. In the W M M. iru?ee past Portland has only — i*n~a«r-l -them the starling of journals by some A GOOD "AD.’ lining political wing. Such journals can south not be expected to live. A good The New York Central linee are idanl. live daily paper, even were it short doing some effective advertising qaeetiont" jw r , - „ . Before the serges nt-at-arme of “Here s your flour, Mana, be the caucu» oould reply there was a said, “I didn’t forget it." " knock al the door, and upon the White had been supposed Io be door being open«d a gentleman deed, but it seems that he had been walked in and add reeved tbe caucus, in the West, where he ha« acquired KIMI SQUARE AT Julius Bildsaith's He was one or America’» fleetest president» and was and is beloved by h s poop’.». «»OUT OU» cu»««| * Rambler 1901 Roadster $35. WE V»’ ANT TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THEM e . E. M c C lanahan RAMBLERS” 1898-1899—1900—1901 e*r Tbe foothill residence of Jaa Hol­ gate in tbe Bulpbur Springs neighbor­ hood, was destroyed by Are Bunday. There wye no one prevent at tbe time therefore particular» are lacking. It was a fairly good country boase and la quite a lose to Mr Holgate. M»t of tbe bouaehcld goods had been moved to thia city where tbe family ia located for school porp<«es. There is a »mail amount of lu-urauce. Suffrage Amendment Killed. HO, acco ding to a Sunday taper. “AKES * iilor £’’ CNllDRE" ’ adults AS fat a adults FAT AS THE BEST PRESCRIPTION IS Grove ’s Tasteless Chill Tonic« formula plainly every — The is printed on bottle hence you know just what vou are taking when you take Grove’s. * Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains Irnrr and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a I tonic while the Quinine drives the malar« out of the system, « Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove’s is the Original and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics are imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows You that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect. take Grove ’ s — its superiority not experimenting when you arc Grove’s is the and excellence having long been established. only Chill Cure sola throughout the entire malarial section» ci the United States. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 50c. • Some Reasoi Sorosis Why You Should insist on H»' HARNESS! EUHcM U qualed bv any other. F enoers hard leather soft. fc-;eciallv prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. H arness All Styles All Sizes All Prices Notic our corner Window for Display of these Beautiful Goods. Au excellent preservative. R■ cost of your harne* Never burns the leather; its E .-.enev is increased. Secures best service. S '-itches kept from breaking. i T X i O il |s sold m all Localitie. „„urve.rgV •«•War« Oil <««• He mu»l have been a guy. ____ IiC Hom. »bow arm It wa» feared wvwi wool a ! I*w»r have M»i Baciarr rarrrci InsCl ani right in pr»c< I P« tnav eaia w«nwn»J C.G otzianôî MAHUf ACmRtfÜ 1 ______________ ST^AUL.HJ* MONUMENTS ARRIVED •... A CAR LOAD • • • • NERViTAZ^ Direct from quarries in New England. Two more cars on the way. None furnish better work. None in the vallley handle in larger quantities, Hence oub pbi « xs are right . Write for booklet. » Cun• impotency Night Fa-** disease*. ali «’ l-*. Lr exc'M ' cretion. A nerve •••y t.lood bonder. i . .ik glow to pair -teres the fre c- ,-r- 54 kr ' * ‘ .4»; » » » wriit.T.g* t i ur- « - retuud the •* : , ,»ij T X» -ÄF EUGENE GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS < WH* 8» ■ SM HAKES J D Hamlin ha» pu'chased a half in­ terest in tbe Moffit butcher business and donned a new jacket ready for business. Bnice Robinson, well known in thia county, died at Portland Bunday. He pass ed so a musician and while not ot tbe claaelc order be had a knack of producing a melodi. ua note. Tbe Telegram acd Oregonian ti* » pSctarvof M im Amy May, wborwwotly moved to P< r ami fr >tu Harr.eburg, and ^>mp 12, by Mulkey r*gulatin( sale! •ebool land», S B No 98, by I’orter, thia body." Tba member« of the cam-os were rrducing salary rourty judge of »tricken dumb lor a moment, for Clackmas ounty, 8 B No 119. bv Smith, ot Yambill, mim. w iamnui incorporano» ino poro* og per, probibiling SBndav barbeneg. Sets The Pace Junction Items. ot the on telegraphic matter, would receive nowadays. Here is what they say r Im a welcome in this field it due notice I ■ bout Oregon: Tbe booee defeated the resolution "Millions of acres of tbe beet paired by tbe senate a ran ting equal tree« and consideration were given to1 local, mu n.ci pal and state affairs. lands in tbe gift ot tbe government mrtraee to women by a »< Le of 'JS to 21, are—in Oregon. Soil that yields ateeot 10. Mr» Dnnolway wbo baa Sime Jay it will come. id al-i from three to five harvest of wheat teen lobbying in tbe h.tereet of tbe ore» is’ from one seeding—in Oregon. Ovrr bill waa ilw ded.y dwappoiuted in tbe A FATAL MISTAKE. result, which was uuexpeit-d. Tbe y are 2,900,000 acre« of forevt«, that pro­ meaaure waa pae»e>f gentlemen who bad been men- «beep and 2,200-pound catti n B vccbsbvcl . O pbbatiom .—A tele­ forests of the Amagon and Conge tinned in connection with tbe sen- ' ,r*gom More tb»n 14,000 square - ' phone tueaeage waa received tbi» bating. While tbe jungle of the milee of mineral lands, neb as tbe morning fn m Err:land ttaling that a a to rehip. i ricbeet in Colorado, California or tropica may be deneer, tbe tree« are *‘l suggest,” remarked the gentle | Klondike—in Oregon. A climate •uco-*»(ul ojeratloo waa performed on by no mean» aa large, nor do they Mrs Joel Ware at the Good Samaritan i men from Squedunke, “that we in­ that is unsurpassed—no winter cold, contain aa much lumber. Favor­ Hospital, aud mat the lady >■ reeling vite all wbo are candidates to ap- no summer heat, no bdssaids. no : ea»y. Tbe btwp tel pbyeician» are 1 able climatic condition», a cool, pear before us, one at a time, that drouths and no crop failure«—in very hopeful of bet compl-te recovery.! uniform temperature, with »light Oregon. Mr» Ware’» ailment wm proven to we may question them.” variations between the season», ba tbe *atne ae diagnosed by Dr He- | “If the gentleman from 8que- oopious rainfall and a humid at­ SENT AFTER FLOUR lover, of tbi» city, ibat of gallstone. dunke will pot bis suggeation in mosphere aooount for the luxuriant Mr Ware, wbo la quite Hist bis boms the form of a motion I will »eootid Fredria White, of Coventry, N Y, in this city, i» some better today. growth. This heavily timbered it,” aaid the gentleman from Squgee. has returned to his borne alter so area extends in Oregon and Wash­ L og R un bh - oppsd .—Tom L Gil­ Tbe gentleman from Sqodnnke abeenoe of sixteen years. One day liam, tbe Mobawk log contractor, is io ington from the crest of the Cascade hastened to act upon tbe suggestion in tbe spring of 1884 his wifs sent Eu«*De- He »ay» bie run of logs 1» range to tbe Pacific coast. and the motion was duly made and him to tbe store, a short ways off, | •till In tbe Mobawk and i* »topped on 1 account of extremely low water, tb» carried. Thereupon several candi­ to buy a bag of fiour, saying: river being at a eummer »land. He dates were ushered in, one at a time A CRYING NEED. "Don't come borne without that bopaa another rai u»e yet, however. _ far __________ and cautiously questioned. It look flour, dear.” Ex-Kiog Milan, of Servia, m dead. Hillsboro Argus; The crying several hours to exhaust the list of White promised to do as sb« re­ Jaliu» Gok1»tnlth i» oooflned lo bi» need of Oregon is a daily paper in avowed and known candidates, but quested and itarted off That was tsooi» with tb« grippe. Mr Iietmer- Portland, the state’s chief city. Anally the end was reached and the ths last seen of him until a few ing I» attending the »tore. There is but one journal of sute gentlemen from Southville asked: | days ago, when be returned, car­ A prominent Eugene bu«tneee man "Are there no more oandidatee to rying a sack of flour on his »houl-1 WM robtwd is Portland last weak ot Trv a "EYE OPENERS” FOR THE 20 th CENTURY. W- W. HARTIN. Prop I H i, 4 DEDICAI- C5 c a Jac--on a«», CHiO* “ ■ V l.irn Dr..