Conclusive Proof, EUCEgE WEEKLY GUARD. BUG ENE OREGON. Citte, that want a library "touch' Mr. Carnegie, and be do«*» the rest. sow knelt and prayed every day for six months Love tor bls wife was th« one absorbing passloa of bls life. For ter be arre «ted a great furtuu* trum trade He honored ber and tv •p«*ct«-d her If ever rwo people J» served long life and continued nappi tress It would -*-»-m that they did. But suddenly be found that bls money was not bl ng It cvuldo t purcha»«* b«silt|>. tbe luxuries It could provide fall«*«! to tempt a dying womau. bls wealth didn't delay tbe visit of the grim spec­ ter a second. Ami so tie paid tribute at the grave of a good woman When It rained tbe dro|H« fell on the bare bead of a man l*e*l lug» «bat Ars V-heer aud tbe several pages run right fnl «o Old or »oung Funny h«l«*’ In the regular order.”—Pbilade.ptux Press. «ion» thnt Everybody * IU Enjoy. Mitt hap to uu Obituary. She wept. “Oh. you editor» are kef. Professor ^returning home at night. sears nolsei—1» someone there? rid!” she soblatl. Burglar tunder the b«d>—No. -What is tbe trouble, madam?" ¡j. was Professor—That’s strange. 1 qulred the editor. positive someone was under my bed.— "Why, 1 boo boo—I sent In an obit, vary of my husband, and—boo—t»oo_ Tid-BItx. a id said in it that be had been married Cynical» Binlcus—One cannot believe every­ for twenty years, and you—oo—o<>_ bo-vboo—your printers, set It up 'Worried thing be hears. Cynicu.— No; nor everything one for twenty years.' ” Sue wept. But tbe «*dltor gr!uued._ doesn’t hear. About half of what one Baltimore American. takes for granted is false.—Puck. MASTER bas th. right to be lug to fear. Everything was what the proud of bls ship, and mine Is a doctor ordered up to eight bells. 1 It 1» poetic Ju»tlee that a trust wht*-b dipper ■» "wlud Jammer:” but beard the w atch vhaAged; then oue bell, makes brleka should be bit with some- I've left many a flrst-elas* tramp astern two bells, tbrea bell», four bells At thing bard. of me. yes, and liners, too. 1 haven't last 1 got sick of bearing tbe halt-hour broken any records; I can't claim to | stroke», and went up on deck lu socks One of the best things about a col­ have »ailed 4.'!3*/4 statute mil«» In a day. aud pyjamas to take a look at tbe night. lege education for a girl Is that It ena as did the Ely Ing Cloud, or even 419 I All seeiued well. The mate was at the ble» her to bav« bridesmaids from out wiles, the record of the Sovereign of the gallery door, alpplug bls coffee, aud of town. Beas. Record» like those were made • mail blame to him fur getting it good when ships carried a big crew, regard­ I aud hot. His fare was turned towards It bi said that the American girl Is less of ex|»-use, ami «plead out their i me, his back to ibe forecastle, where tbe moat expensive In tbe world. Hard- stu u s'is and luisiu v* iupers until tbe | something stirred lu the shadow—a up foreigners will uot be likely to bw bull was uo more inn panel with their I mau coming up out of tbe »cuttie lleve It. though. «-auvas than tbe basket is to a balloon. Diego Ramirez, who ought to have But my bark Daisy doe» all thut can be 1 been In bis bunk, »u«-aklng quietly up The DeluleJ Canine. Something l.ike it. Tbe Vanderbilt taxes Lave been expected witb b< r crew of twenty-one I tbe ladder to the forreastie bead. 1 "Tbe dog 1» oue of tbe most lntelli. boost«! from 1400,(JUO to $ltl,(XM).OOO lawi, and my owuers gave me a gold felt half Inclined to hall him. but why gent of animals,” remarked M U.( Tula will afford considerable latitude watch and chain when I lieat the giant should my bo's'u steal about like a cat, Wishingtou. for a compromlae. Fran«-« on a dear run across tbe U ext­ •link in the shadows, Instead of going "So I have beard,” answered M; m A POLITE HORSE. ern ocean. about like a mau? 1 thought 1 saw the Cayenne. Apro[s>s the death of Michael G Mul­ 1 was loading timber In Burrard In­ I gl«?am of u knife in bls bauds. Then I hall, the great statistician. It Is remem­ "And be is the most loyal admirer x Anecdote Somewhat Out of the let, Just up th«- harbor from Vancouver, | ran full pelt along tbe lee side of the An Usual kun. bered that he estimate«! the census of man can have.” the western terminus of the Canadian deck, for if the man meant mischief it the United States at 7(i.2UO.OOO. It was It la seldom that borses show their "Yes. 1 never could quite reconcile Pacific Railway. I was feeling pretty wa» time I kuew. 1 took the steps at intelligence In any striking manner, 7fl,295,000. those two assertions.”—Washington The chemist se«-ks always for fresh good, because, since my last visit, my three jumps. . but they sometimes do things that Star. Wbeu I galn«*d tbe forecastle head 1 would make tbeir mental processes ex­ A new use baa been found for the teats by which be may re«-ogulxi* most lnv«*stment of $5o<) In town lots had Only Natural. R etttgen rays to detect smuggling A easily the elements with which h<* turned Itself Into a good $1,500 with the saw nothing at first. Yes, there be was tremely Interesting If we could under­ She—Sometimes 1 wish I had never radiograph was taken of a package en­ deals, says the Chicago American, We growth of the city. And as to over the bows, his bead Just allowing, stand them. I once owned a beautiful married you. tering a South American port and tbs humans, dealing with each other, are moving from side to side as though he gray horse named "Douglas.'' and in He—That's but natural, my dear, contents were shown to consist, as sus­ forever striving for sure means of were at work. every way be was essentially a fam­ We generally go back on those things pected, of watches 1 bent down over him. and found him ily horse. He generally knew what knowing each other with tbe least ef­ that we have tried hardest to get.— quite unconscious of my presence was required of him, and would try fort and greatest certainty. Here, for The North western Railroad officials Life. slashing with a long kulfe. cutting to do it. He was so gentle that he your consideration twe say nothing have dei-lded that hereafter they will away tbe most vital gear In the ship- ' could safely have been driven by positively ’ ), Is a test of human polite I r res poo-1 bi 11 tv. hire no more men who are past the age the gammonings of the bowsprit! I means of two pieces of strong linen new; Two men are talking earnestly "They say,” remarked the very cyni­ of 85. They d<> not apply thia rule to flew at his throat, half strangled him. | thread, and be was so thoroughly trust­ women, probably, because all women about nothing In particular and are Mamnta Bobby, do you remember cal person, “that iu this corrupt and aud dragg«-d him from his perch, uu;:l , worthy in regard to standing without of course deeply luterewtwl in the sound superficial age the great obj«*ct is not are under that age, anyway. the text last Bunday? I bad him hanging over blue water , hitching, that we left him anywhere of their own vole«*». Both l«egin to talk Bobby—Yes. ma’am. 1 think it was to tie found out.” But I was too late. for. with an awful 1 we pleased, entirely by' himself, and "That shows you have very little ex­ An ancient philosophic said that tn at the same second. Both stop sud­ “ Many are cold, but few are frozen.” crash, tbe gammonings parted, tlie , perience with bill collectors,” auswervd •leep every man has a world of hla denly ami each says, with that amusing were always certain to find him In ex­ bowsprit flew Into tbe air, rearing Th it lirx Corner. the impecunious friend. "My great ob­ own; when awake, all men have one affectation of courtesy that mark» us actly the spot where lie had been left. straight on end. A yell froth me sent "What do you think of the plana for ject Is not to be found in.”—Washing- world In common. Ko Is It also with all: “I beg your pardou." When this We had such fuith In him In this re­ the mate to tbe wheel. ton Star. nations. When China awakes, she will happen, you will tin«! that one of tlie spect that we got into the bad habit, that gigantic corner in eggs?” "Luffl'T shouted. “Luff!” •-I think they are well laid.”—Cleve­ recogntee ami share In the privileges "I beg your pardou" gentlemen usually i w hen we were visiting at a bouse, of Wanted It Had. But before he could bring her bead I > land Plain Healer. and blessings of the larger world which means It He really does stop to let “Scribley asked me to-day If I would to tbe wind, she gave one heavier roll leaving him standing at the door and now seems so small and unreal to her. the other go on. The other one dot*, Ini ourt Circles, give him a bad character.” than usual, aud with one tremendous thinking no more of him until we came go on, ami talks ahead happily. He He—Ob. yes, when 1 was in England "He's after a job and afraid you'd smash all three masts, no longer sup­ ,out. One afternoon my wife and I dlratlons Brooklyn Flat. but on foot. In the world, for It Is tils tendency to wu» a good talker, vv a» Joues, aud made release. Benham—There isn't room here One of them remarked to me that I At once I bad all hands at work to Impress himself upon others and to Ulimmlf out a proper hero, especially This tendency of outraged communi­ •w ing a cat. ties to lake the law Into tbeir own assert hla will. Gf Bit* two who said ”1 I among the women, who, bless their deal with tbe disaster. One watch had a very polite horse, and as I did Mrs. Benham—Then we won’t have a bands la alarming In Itself ami In the beg your pardon” each doe» good One souls! don't know a man when they *e«‘ riggevi a sea anchor, witb a cask of oil. not understand this compliment to cat.—Brooklyn Life. Itouglas. she explained that when they bored with an auger, which we put covery. apread. Ho far the crime of the ment. The other do«*s good through and apes tlie naval officer. Anyway. overboard to windward and so broke reached the house they found my horse “Dis Is terrible.” said Meandering lynchers Is concern««! It is Immaterial setting an example of politeness. Oue Jouea' bragglug made me so sick that I the seas. Meanwhile I got the other and buggy entirely blocking the en­ whether their victims are guilty or In represents the driving wheel, tin* oilier challenged film to start tbe same day — watch to work cutting the wreckage trance; and as they stood wondering Mike, witb a deep-drawn sigh. what they should do. the horse turned "What’s de matter?” asked Plodding Doeeut. These re»[>ectable citizens, for the ball bearing« that make life’s mo- We were isttb finishing our load» ami adrift as iwst they could. Only when daylight came had 1 time his li«*ad. look«*d at them, and then Pete, In alarm. only r«*»|M*ctable cltlxena do such things tlon smooth. How varied are our dlf race uie home for $2,500 a siile He wanted to buck out, but the challenge to go forward, lluie to deni with Diego moved on a few steps in order to give "Here's a nice piece In de paper. It of late, have no more right to kill the ferenl missions on earth Judge—When the gentleman cried for wan made al tlie shipping office before a Ramirez, Esq., my bo’s'n, caught red- them an opportunity of entering. says we’ve got muscles inside of us objects of their wrath than they hare crowd of masters aud merchants, and handed wrecking my ship. Even theu I have nothing to add to this anec that keeps up an Involuntary action. help, why didn’t you run to bls aid? Marrlc«t H title t’p n Tree. to shoot the sheriff to death or to bang Officer—Well, sor. it war across th' Wbeu tlx* minister aud the two lor Jones bail talked to such an extent that I could appreciate the fiendish cunning dote, except to say that It must have Dey goes on workin’, whether we th«* lending minister of the place. The members of a mob are murderers In era, who were having a tiff, were all bls friends forc«*d him to stand up to of the man, bis masterly knowledge of l>een a very strong sense of politeness, Wants ’em to or not.”—Washington street, and not exactly on me bate. tr«*«*d by an angry bull there followed me like a man. I've heard since that seamanship. The chance had beeu a or else a word or two from one of the Star. tlie sight of God and man. One Way to Tell. tbe queerst wedding on r«*cord. Char be was lu «lesperate hard straits, so thousand to one against his being ladles, which would have Induced I Henderson (who has Just bought a Ina Hurry. caught, so simple was his plan, so cer ­ much »<> that tbe loss of that bet would Douglas to move from the place where The Duke of Manebeater, who prac lie Bling« and hl» sweetheart, Emma "How d'ye do?” said the busy man. new pipe)—Can you tell me. professor, tiers what be preaches, says that for Svvanzer. left their home, near Mont menu sheer rulu to him; but be bad tain Its success. No masts ever built I had left him.—Frank II. Stockton, in if this amber is genuine? “ Will you marry me?” clgti noblemen marry American girl, rose, a town not far from SiiMquehnnna, talked too much, ami the Vancouver could have borne bo sudden and so Youth's Companion. Professor—Oh. that’s easily deter- "O—er,” she gasped. “This is so sud­ because they are beautiful, witty, Pa., one evening recently to go over to people would have chaffed the life out tierce a wrench. It was a comfort to mined. Soak It In alcohol for twenty- den; I must have time to think. I ---- ” me that I had mark«*«! Diego Ramirez of him IX he tried to sing small before graceful, high bred, original, InniM-ent. Great Bend to atten«l the wedding of Wolseley Merely a »«tripling. •Say. don’t keep me waiting too long four hours. If it’s genuine it will then audacious. Intellectual and practical. one of their friends. Charlie was feel me. We planked down the stake», the for life, But I had not kilh'd him. nor It Is pleasant to come across old war would I while he could be held alive in riors who. having fought in many or I won’t have money enough left to have disappeared. Glasgow Evening That Is to sa.v because they are the Ing n little flirty that evening, amt his first mau home to cable to tlie stake­ Times. sum of all the virtues Itut Isn't It odd attentions toother girls whom they met holder. claiming the whole amount. evidence of hl» crime. clinics against many people, are still buy th«* ring. I came in an autocab and they charge by the minute, you know. ” I put the mau In irons, with nothing Then, I guess, Jones felt alck. Bar ac ­ Shrewd. that practically all of the girls sought put Kuitim out ■» much that when Hi« bale ami hearty. The other day one "You've Iteen In a tight,” said his by tbeoe foreign gentry are rich? There time came to go home tlie pair were on cident». the man couldn't possibly beat but bread and water, and on the third of England's veterans. Field Marshal —Philadelphia Press. mother, reprovingly. are deail loads of American girls wlm very poor terms with each other, The me sailing, and I never suspected foul day he confes»e«l that Jones haoy down first. It's passers, and wh«*n lie <*harg««l down on could have glveu poluts to the lot. Now, he was desperately wounded. The undeveloped au trees Jones ha*l a regular champion, a For- the only safe way.”—Chicago Evening His next campaign vvaa that In the mind loves a practical Joke that causes Charite was In the l«*ar«*st«*d enough to prao them that here waa a chance to have a drop a hint that I'd pick up valuable hla own. Sir Frederick rapped his cane Pastor Did your busband die a nat­ tlce baaing merely for the good of tbe r*'ord-l>rvablng wtaldliig. and then and men wlto'd run from such masters as Had a Sweet Sound. on the floor and shouted: ural death? ha«*«! rules» the baser, could get there tlie marriage cereuiouy was ¡«er Jones, ami stowed away In the Daisy. Small Jimmy Say dem lubly words "Wolseley! Wolseley! A clever lad. The Widow — Xo. sir; a doctor attend ­ Sure enough, before I'd been a day out their elemental kind of enjoyment from formed. Pretty soon th«* owuer of the once more. It, they would «top it ami look for "fun” bull came «long ami itrove the animal 1 fouuil Diego Ramirez aboard of me. reaching England ahead of me. claim­ I'll admit, but a mere stripling, air. a ed him. — ber Pioli. Smaller Gladys-I said I don’t want ing the $5.dW from the stake holder at mere stripling! ” As I«>rd Wolseley Is elsewhere. That basing Is uot necee away, when lb«* III» rated ¡«arty went at mighty |>oor lu spirit, hutuble an«! will you to l*e wastln your money on me Purely Pessimistic. »ary In order to make brave men la on<'e to the horn«' of the bridegroom to Ing Naturally, I w»sti't going to lose Vancouver, and cashing the check be­ only (17. that setth'd it, of course.-Pbil- I "That next-door neighbor of yours for ice cream and sweets any more. - time handing the mao over to Jones, so fore 1 could Interfere. As to the mon adelphla Post. shown by the fact that tlie American mabe merry. Boston Globe. deserves a great deal of credit.” ey. 1 had no redress, for the law would I I algn«*«l him ou the books as A. B. He patriots who made Valley Forga Ini ' For what? ” asked Mr. Biykins. not back me In a gambling transaction, The Singer and the Porter. aoou proved Hie best sailorman In the mortal were mostly •■based farmers A Matter of Hearing. How Philpot Curran Got Ev.-n. "Why. for being so neat, lie is al­ but I swore he should be ptinlsh«*d for I M A. T tells a story of how. once Ami th«* Boers, who will l*e famous as Suburbanite You ve got a new babv John Philpot Curran, one of the wit •hip; such a goo.I mau. lu fact, that tny wrecking my ship. ways up in the morning cutting the upon a time Sims Reeve«, the fiuno^s fighters for all time. have known noth- Beat lawyers who eier fac«*d a >*ourt «»wit ¡«-..pie werou't jealous wlien I pro at your bouse. I hear? Well, from tbe moment we lost our tenor, waa stranded nt a country Junc­ grass on hla lawn or shoveling the Ing of the basing folly. The cases of was once arguing a ca«a before Lord mot«*«l bln: over their lieada. and made Townite—Great Scot! can you hear It Broth and B*s>x should he enough to Clare, tbe Irish l«>r»l «-haucellur. Clare hint bo’s’ll. I waa proud of Diego Rs masts 1 bad all hands, including my tion. waiting for a train. It w»« cold snow off his sidewalk.” away out there In the suburbs? self, working nlgbt and day. saving "Oh. be doesn ’t do those things be ­ mt«! miserable, and the singer was nat­ compel the West Point authorities to <-herlahe«l a cordial dislike tor t'urr..ti mires. If I'd ouly known! 1 Me start«*«! fair. Jones and I, and all what could be saved of the wreckage, urally not in the best of tempers. While cause he Is neat. He enjoys the thought A Stitch In Time. stop the practh e. and. tn order to show hla contempt for He—Miss Rusty is awfully old, isn't the city turned out to see the start. A and using tbe spars, tackle aud cauvas chewing the end of disappointment, an that his noise is worrying the neigh­ that gentleman, affected to |>ay no at she? A Cincinnati Judge, bellevlug that tbe tention to the argument amt devote«! 17.U)U-mtl« race 1» out of the common; to Jury rig tbe ship. I had thirty feet old railway porter, who recognize«! him bors."-Washington Star. She—She Is just my age. present met hist of naturallsatlou himself ««» fondling a mast ft wli ch hr the papers were full of It. and at the of foremast, eighteen feet of mlxzen. from the published portraits, eutered For Protection. and six feet of tbe main to build upon; He—Well-»>h. 1 b. g your partion Um, wbeu »» cast off tbe tug« th, bet ­ the waiting-room. makes little Impression utxm the In­ had brought with him to court I'rrs "I wrote to Aunt Tabitha about our "Gnml evening Mr. Situ» Reeves," be robber.” coming foreign«'-. has iutruduc«*«! a rally he «looped .towu uatentaMoualy to ting was five to three ou Jones. 1 took and. if you'll believe uie. I turned tbe The Art-Bo-. more formal ceremony Amid profound pal the nog inatatitly t'urrgn stopped care to be abroaat •« bexi we passevl the Daisy into such a rig as was never said. "Well?" "Why. Madge, where are all the tas silence and the r.wpectful attention of •peaking The Ion! chanrellor looked city of Victoria; I took more care while seen before in the world. We rigged "Goo«! evening, my man." replied the "Rhe sent us a guinea ben; she says seis on your new chenille boa?” all In tbe court ro««m. tbe candidate la up and said "Go on. Mr Curran " "I we ran dowu the Straits of Fu. a that I her as we went along un«1er a Jury fore­ vocalist, getting ready the necessary they always make a big fuss wbeu’, "Oh. I stepped on some of them, and sail, and before we passed tbe Western ahotil.l round Cape Flattery ahead of made to kneel aueg your ion!«hip's pardon,” replied tip But the tnan sought for Inform»- stranger comes un tbe place."- Indian­ other people stepi»*d on some." American Hag He Is likely long to re- Curran, “I thought you were engage«! him. The l*etUng th««rv was five to three Islands I had turu«*d her Into a sort of » tlon rattier than tips apolis Journal. on me. Jones did all he knew, and as four masted Jackass bark, with a sprit­ member the act. Far more notable, In ronauttatlon. "They tell me you earn a heap of Now Will Yon Smile? far as speed went then* wasn't actually sail under her Jury bowsprit, and even •aoncy." he remarked. however, was the recent naturalisation Gneernmental Interfc ence. Mrs. Kemlal is nothing if not Impul­ much t«i choose between our two »hips; booms rigged out over tbe side to carry In a Western Court of a little group of "Oh!" murmureil Mr. Reeves. "Here s a portion of the President's sively genial, and the Imperturbability Thousands of Them but for seamanship, well. I'd t*e sorry small sails. My sa lortuen laughed uu full blooded Indiana. Through the cua “And yet." pursue,! the porter, "you message Intended for you. Carolyn.” "Ree here.' •al1 for, each of them, of ant who bad serv ed her with a friendly spars, rope ami sails at the breakfast table. ■tally naturalise«! as American cltlxena eat rtMlent tn tbe swarm "Eighteen shilling« a week all th. «nd not too much. I roundel th*» Horn to add to my rig I even hoisted salla "llow long bare you Brest In this i-oun "Flannel cake»." repl ed the wife of "Good morning" There was no reply year roun«i." said the porter. "It la." without ■ n-ef In my tops'l«, to. n reach on the boats in a ay davits, and Trovl- In that hard working damsel’s busy try?” was the orthodox Inquiry of the Sin»» Reeve» opened bls cheat- ' "Do. bis bosom. "Ah. new I know what's meant hr deuce helpesi me witb Just tbe winds re. ml -A ~ “Flanne! ? They ma le a m stake and career th« re was no time, probably, for Judge "Twenty tire years." came the widow's mites ‘ Gev whlaa! Just l«s>k •d sway to catch the trade» f 1-onte he «ang. the last note b» We were howling along toward« the I wanted, I kept my bands In gooo •old you rlglnal luhaMtants of this Perfuming Gloves. When a mol fire la lu use for h«*atlng close rrefel top gallant sails, w nd Since we had N'en (telare«! at least shall remain here until you country standing before a |>etty official and the <*le«-trtc light for lighting an —. do" *• wa. ! To perfume your gloves mix well to- •1«-* ,*»«!«"1 from some Irish or freah course up Cbaa ma.-e, - and - a * quarter of «0 onn.-, of beating and llghtlug. the top gallant sails | knew what th, nel. tbe time being Just after ing. she said, ami burst out laughing break frankincense ria«-e thia h> Haan, pa- Daisy coulm!s«xl to per and My It between the gloves Faenara .-Ina. below at 10 octaw k I toM the second Baltimore rometery and tbe twvfy of go tn to suppasr with some one else. Mr. Mr Prancer l'm sorry I'm such an ance at the store in question was tbe my dear friend Jone« It wss a len.- Chas l*a««ow was loner»! to Its last Htauque. but I'll lutnwlm-e you to a •« t to call me for le«a than a light gale Judgment. In my mind, for be'd been Tbe men alao get new ttmlerweur •wk ward da - Miaa Park las signal for an outburst of geniality.— But I could not altop. and that • , driven eoutb by a gale we Just ni «»ed when they marry, but they don't a«iver resting placa. It was not a lonmotue very handsome aa«l clever girl “ “Hut Pii ladelph:«^', iegrapb. grave. Near It was another pike «M I don t want a handsome aud elevet queer thing at , blown clean I b * o tt.e A:. sr wall Mr 1 ran er Fr« bm j „ u > rk • wake, extwet ng danger while, an far garth by the of which Visa. I*a» gtrl, I waul yeu. No man should object to thick »ole» • round :. t. w fhlQ fhll w_.b u;her tic. where be found a berg In a f.< Dt Htta A well t>lle«i cupboard la tbe beat •a mortal m’nd an tell, tbero is noth on hi, sm*», a» tbe objection« will ^« Í ri» lu»! t*« Ji'tiruAl. I v ay way bore no was round ng L'sbaat I .■