Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1901)
OUR PETITION FOR STEEL BRIDGE CLEARANCE SALE Across The Coasi Fork ai Cot tage Grove. NATRON RAIL VAY NOTES Steam Shovel at Work-Snow at Went ling. For a long time It has beenappar ant that the old wooden bridge aeroee Special to the Guard. the C met Fork, connecting the two natural divisions of the town of Cot W a 'U iv . oon , D ('.Jan 1' —Senator Teller, of ’ tage Grove, has seeu its iie*i days and Eight full carloads rado today presented to the Senate a memorial declaring needs to be replaced by a new oue ad just received for Filipino independeance. The document recited that equate to meet the demands of the the Filipino ought by every argument be free ami that the heavy traffio thereon. Today a com I0O MEN WILL BE THBCWH OUT OF WORK mittee representing the citizens of Phillipine Islands should be a republic. Grove consisting of R M iXl*eel»l Corrosi und»nee.) Senator Hawley, of Connecticut! called the memorial Cottage Veateh, Dr Snapp, Ben Lurch and S prisgfield , Jan. 9. a treasonable denunciation of government. Ciiaa Vauderburg, presented a petition Th« enow at the B'-oth-Kelly mills, to tlte Bounty court uow in session, til Wandliug is al» ul seven inches THE PRESIDENT IMPROVING. a«king that body to authorize the I deep, and !» Interfering with the Special to the Guard. building of a modern steel bridge in work, the t amwaya beesmiug blocked place of the old structure. Th« lieti- from the same. Ul I Ï AND COUNTY W ashington , Jan 10.—President McKinley is improv tion besrt the names of 13d representa steam shovel east sf Springfield ing nicely from his recent illness and will soon be able to tive citizen» of that town. The court had The a done call from l*eing badly dam JANUARY 12 resume his duties. SATURDAY took the matter under advisemeut. aged last Friday. While loading the oars a cable became fastened and BOERS STILL WINNING. Seasonable Recipts. 11 pieni the shovel over. As this Is Wlntr, weather. Special to the Guard. very expensive and heavy machinery Know, rleet hii I r»t.i. A reader of the D aily G sard , whose it tark car» and labor to replace It to Toe I I’irlature e invauea Monday. C ape T own ,’ Jan, 10.—The Boers simultaneously at desire it to do an much its proper poaition. It was not dam Comnn stoners court in section. tacked three British garrisons. The British losses were 83 l’ttle harm ax possible, ag-M. A blizz. ir i i-ragl' t in C dorado. men. following receipts: A safety semaphore ha» been placed For a cough.—Juice of four lemons, one-quarter of a mile weal ot Hender MrsJM Shelley is ill with pneu SAME OLD STORY. a tea cup or sugar and a pint of hot son Station. This is a good improve- j monia. water. Mix aud give doae until relief uient, as it shows the traiumeu by day Jo i. H Griv ha» resigned his posi Spec! il to the G uard . is obtained. or night if the track on these short, tion i . Ax Billy’a store. P aris , France, Jan. 10.—The powers have declared to Another.—Tea made from flax seed curves is clear or blocked. Uu mteed Dexter cross-cut saws ia excellent. The tilling of tbe trestle ea»t of F L Chambers.’ transfer peace negotiations to Washington. Chapped Hands — Those affiioted Springfield Is atiout flubbed and tlie Rock Island Pious. with chapped hand« should never Oiling of the McKenzie trestle ba» be l.OUGHMILLER A PETER. OREGON TRIPLETS. wash them in cold water If it can be gun. Yesterday 70 carloads were Dr J S Dale has moved his office up avoided. When they become »ore tike dumped iti the McKeuzie All, t iis Special to the Guard. over Loughmillt r A Peter’» hardware wheat bran, pour boiling water on the being the liegtumug ot this till, store. W oodburn , Jan 10.—Mrs Annin today gave birth to same, then while it is still hat bathe After the trestle ea»t of Spring- Every man baliev*a he can run a three girl babies. the hands for 15 minutes, rubbing field settles it will t> ) reti I led newspaper or manage a political cam- i them good, which will clean and aud ballart rd. paifn soften the akin. Mutton tallow abould THAT DOG. A NEW ENTERPRISE. Since tlie holiday« the 8 P Co ha* A bill will be in'ro lu i d in the leg- I TTDliDTUD MIIDDDD then be rubbed on the hands and it it experienced a lull lu the trafilo depart 1 LAID AT REST. islature by Senator sweek c >mi*e)!iug [All [jlll I 1 rjU III U R LHjlt ie mixed with eome camphor gum it inent and nearly all the extra trains Henry Schwerin# Gets Decision barber »bop.» tocloae on Suuday«. la all the better. If this ie applied to wil! be taken oft. This will throw ICO Company Incorporated to Develop Over Andy Taylor. Funeral of Mrs. Narcissa White Natural Gas. Genuine Oliver plow extras to be the handa while clean and before going men out of temp* rary employment. badotilva' F L Chambers*. Kinney at Portland. out to work, it will be of great beiietit. bally Guard, January 9 I The 8 P l o has established a steam 1'ry it. Ml»« M ry M liter, ’aughter of George It has been known for a number of JuaticeChaa A Winteriuier rendered water system at Natron. The' and L'sctien Mi>l<r is lying quite L*w Portland Telegram, Jan. 9: The years that oil and natural gas abound hi» decision thia morning in the [bally Guard. January 10. watt rat this Uriuinal was formerly i funeral services of Mra Narcissa White in Western and Southern Oregon. A celebrated canine case of Schwering with typhoid fever. T he C reamery .—Ex-Sheriff J E pumped by baud and windmill, but | company has been incorporated for the vs Taylor. i Kinney were held thia morning at 10 condition in con- Mr« E What tarn’s since so muoh water Is used here, th» Noland, of Creswell, was in Eugene o’clock from her late residence, 315 purpose of sinking walls In at least six The Judge's verdict give» Schwering aiderably improved, Tbe lady is r«»t- today. Mr Noland expresses interest company has put lu a permanent! counties, Including Lane. The Grants the dog wliclh la a valuable Irish Set I Twelfth street, corner of Clay lug tin r« easily today. water plant. Rev Dr Edger P Hill, of the First in the new creamery soon to be estab Paas Courier has this concerning the ter. A few good tia-galne in »eooud-band It is rumored that the S P Co will company: 1 Prewbvterian churob, Mrs Klnuey’a lished in Eugene by C M Elspaae, of The case began several months ago bugglee, cart», wagon» and plows at pastor, spoke of the wonderful beauty Portland. Mr Noland says the termers close ita Natron offiae, but It ia gener “ A recent Incorporation Is that of the F L Chambers’. when Schwering missed hie deg aud STABBED ecus times . i of her life. Although Mra Kinney’s in the vicinity of Creswell cau furnish ally thought that the office will tie I Oregon Nalaral Gas, Oil and Mining it was found that Tayltrbad him, John Davies, who has had a siege 9peclal to th« Guard. heart was always overflowing with as much or more cream than those made a telegraphic office before long. company, in the sum of|t,(XX),0 i). In- thinking It was his own, wbioh had with la grippe, is improving, the S alem , Jan. 10.- At 12:30 o’clock enthusiasm for tlie great cause of tem around Eugene, and thinks the cream This would necessita'« a change, aa oorporaton, Scott, Griffin, Ora Jewett also been miasiug. Schwering got G uard is gl**d to announce. | this (Thursday) morning, Murray perance, she never lost confidence in ery will be a great success aa far as tbe present agent ie not an operator. and Arthur Morrow. The object is to poMesalou ot the dog and Taylor sued J S Stiles lias been cm Sued to h's mankind. She was ever gentle and procuring plenty of the butter-making »ink a number of wells at different for it> return. Taylor wou the case | Wade, son of W L Wade of North Sa room with a lame back. He is sole to charitable, and lifelong friends bear article 1» concerned. places in tVenlerti au I Southern Ore but agreed to let Schwering have it by Paris Exposition Prizes. lem, committed a murderous assault be around again on the street». testimony to the unfaltering sweetnes» gon, with the object <>f »ecoiing a flow pay ing tlie cost« of the suit It seems < j « a .« t n x . Chop your own mill-feed. Choppers on Will G Evans, salesman in the and strength of her life. i « • » that Taylorin some manner again came Ths Uuited States received more ' of either oil, gas or artesian waler. _ yf Th Knd You Have Always BcugM from $7 to $35. F L Chambers’. boeR store of the W H Burghardt An impressive feature was the service, Bears the “ Mr Griffin has be« n for some time In poaeessioii of the dog and Schwering prizes at the Paris Exposition than denature The while cost <f plaster is being Company, by knocking him down aud led at the clone by members of the of any other nation excel t France, The in correspondent*« with oil capltal stj sued for it» recovery and won the cane, put on in the interior of the upper stabbing him four times. Women’s Christian Temneranoe total being 1,981. It It also a remarka lu Indiana, who have sent repte-enia- which was heard ye-terday, the judge State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) story of the Chambers I lock. Tbe explanation given of the awful Union, who recited verses of Scripture ble fact, that though the inhabitants tiyes to examine tlie dold. They st em t iking the matter under advisement to Lrucas County, j 88 25 second hitud aii light and other and ) laced upon the coffin clusters of Frank J Cheney makes oath that be of every cotin'ry Buffet from digestive favorably impressed w th the api*ear- delilierate over it before giving bis de« I occurience by friends of tbe injured beater». Prices low. white blossoms and ferua. The ) i is the senior partner of the firm of F J troubles, and though every clime anoe of the country and the scheme to cision, wua in favor of Schwering F L Chambers. man, is that the assault was the result National W C T U was represei ted by put down six wells in its many difler- The caae lias caused considerable Wednesday'» Roseburg Review: of jealousy. It seems that a young Mra Lucia Faxon Additon. M s Kin Cheney A Co, doing busin»»» in the offtrs some alleviatne therefrom, it ent counties, to a deptli of 1000 feel or comment aud has cost perhaps a dozen remains for America to produce an City of Toledo, county and state afore Gen Kililhagen left for Drain and iady, to whom Wade baa been paying ney’s name will live forever, not only said, and that said firm will pay ONE absolutely reliable remedy for such less if the required commodity is found times what the dog 1» really worth. Eugene this morning on a business in the annals of local, but also of It la likely the case will go to the »erne attentions, was escorted to tbe HUNDRED DOLLARH for eacli and common disease«. 'ihls remedy is at a less depth. Each stratum ot rock trip. national temperance work. She at circuit court. passed through is to i>e a»»u ? ?>t and Hostetter’s Stomach 1 ittars. Half a The “Bis-s” washer is the bots. At hall of the Entre Nous Club In the tended all the national conventions, every case of Catarrh that cannot be Classified. century ago, it was p aced upon the cured by the use of Hall ’ s Catarrh redutail prices at l’ioga block, last night, being accom and was one of the moat prominent Strayed or Stolen. “Ths stock is placed on »ale at $2 [ter market, and from that day to tills, it Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. F L Cbamliers.’ panied by the young lady’s sister and members of the executive committees. share, 19 per cent of which 1« to l>epaid has never been equalled. It baa aii Sworn to before me and subscrilied R HlD.lpb, station agent at Goshen, at the time of purchase, Io per oeut Fr >m my barn in Hprlogfleld, Dec. the latter’s escort, O V Allen, After in my presence, this 6th day of De almost unparalleled record for the w hen the machinery for drll'lnir 1» on who recently went to Sacramento, I 15, 1900, on» light bay mare, weight conati- A Frightful Blunder. went our« of dyspe|>sia, Indigestion, tbe dance the two young couples cember, A D, IBB«. the ground and the remtlniu : 50 per C»l, to »liter a sa ii i rium, is danger about 9uo pounds, with creaceut on pation, sick headache, sour stomach, ceut at the completion of tlie a* II ’’ A W GLEASON, to a restaurant fcr refreshments, leav- ously 111. left shoulder and star In forehead f RKAL | Notary Public. belching, heartburn, nervousness, fa Will often causa a horrible Burn, New Monitor drills, Lest on earth, for the ladies’ residence about 12:30 Leave Information at G uard office or tigue, Insomnia, ar any other dlslurit Heald, Cut or Brui-e. Bucklen’s For Sale. with ioice teed. See them at alic» of the stomach. He sure to give at Rack< t Store, Eugene. o’clock this morning, going up Cbe- Arnica Halve, the best In the world, Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure is taken inter F L Chamber».’ it a trial. W W CHESSMAN. meketa street. Mr Allen and bis eecort i will kill the pain and promptly heal nally and acta directly on the blood Good oat straw, on Co'lege Hill. Steel aim chilled Syracuse plows, and mucous surfaces of the system. ahead it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, walked about fifty feet guaranteed to scour. F P C lose . To Cure a Cold in One Day No Cure No Pay. Send for testimonials, free. L oughmiller A P etek . — k of the other couple, when opposite the bolls, feloriB, corns, all skin eruptions. Tronx zx. . O F J CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tatt That • th» way all druggists nail Groves Walter Griffin’s br >od of iucuba'or- residence of Hon A N Gilbert, corner Beet pile cure on earth. Only 25c a lhi Kind You Ham Always Boufhl Bold by druggists, 75c. Tasteless Chill Tonic for Chills, Malaria and lers. A It druggists refund the money Bantit box. Cure gurranteed. Hold by W L hatebe t chickens are growing fat and Billioueueea. It is as pleasant to taks as if It fal.s to cure. E. W. Grove's signa- Bigutara of Ctiemekft* and Liberty streets, DeLano, druggist. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. I.ein<>i> viup. VI rents »auev. Walter Is evidently a kind tor«. I« nr < actl box. 25c. ■r Murray Wade suddenly appeared by !S9B — fos’er fnther. Dr W L Cheshire is r reparlng to the side of Mr Evan», and with aome move ills office into the rooms recently blunt weapon, believed to have been a vacateiI by Drs Pslne A Kuykendall club or a rock, knocked the latter in tha Chrisman block. down, »tunning him. The next ln- I'oatl and corked horse shoes ready »taat Wade throw himself upon his to natl on. an I ».I kinds of blaekstrn'b tools.' M'» ney savers for faimers. nvc prostrate victim, and drove a knife them nt F L Chamtiers’. blade Into his right b'east, inflicting a The Roseburg Review says R 8 wauud over an iuch deep and 3j Hbsrid in hss Ju»l returned from incbee loug. A aecond blow struck | South* rn < taltforntn end that he found the road.» near Bak»r-fltid as dry and Mr Evans’ side about 9 inches below tbe first wound, cutting a gash an dusty as in summer. Tbe Get an A'kins cross-cut »aw for al) incu deep and two inches long. kinds of work. They »re the fastest third penetrated the calf of the unfor cutters and ea te»t runn* re built. tunate man's.lelt leg aud a fourth drove ; F LChambers. A Salem p>per says; "With the the blsde into tbe right leg below the convening of the next legislature will knee, the steel penetrating an inch come hu Intiumerab'e crowd of male into tbe bone, when the blade broke. I and female aspirants f<>r clerkships. Wad» waa apprehended and is now Him» will have ‘pspa’ pull«, others w 11 have no pulls at all but being at- in tbe hernia of theoffioers at tbe city triBtlve females, will depend upon hall. He waa found at home in bed. thel'- vood looks t > catch some ‘cow LATER. cent t ’ representative or senstnr’s eye Evans will recover. Jealousy was <i ti’U« ire* *o b* committ-e clerk.’’ the cause of tbe murderous aaeault. HAWLEY CALLS YOWS SHOE STORE. IT TREASON Oliver Steel Oliver Chilled Every one Guaranteed Murray Wade Stabs W. G. 2i ur Genl On all Holiday Goods for two weeks only. 10 per off on Men's and Boys' Clothing. Cold Steal Or Death. “There ie but one small chance to eave your dfe and that ia tbroogh an operation,’’ was the awful prospect net before Mrs L B Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wto. by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frigh'ful case of stom ach troubles and yel'ow jaundice. Ha didn’t count on the marvelous power of Electric Bitters to cure Stomach and > Liver trouble«, but she heard of it, took seven hottl*a, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and fw*la batter than ever. It's positively guarante-d to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at W L De- Leno’s drag store. 60c P* r *'t01 10c ’’»ch tor a set of nioe China cups and saucerf. Plain aud fancy teapot* at cost. AX 3ÎLLY DEPARTMENT STORE. C hakge of N ame .-The H t* Co h». chsnerd ine name of the vi II «ge <M I «ab» I, "B the Mohawk, to Mwrcnia An »fl rl wl.l be made to have th» pottoffloe changed to the Mme name. L