The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, December 29, 1900, Image 8

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All tbs minister»
dgned the joint BOM.
iïms or mt mi
Pekin bar«
England 1» a armai or er tne Rjer
iavasioo of Capo Colony.
The •»!••«■ —«Bittee made
change* in tne array tall.
itlf NOOK mt
Fats of $«4t CoateMsd
A»»*»» *-
Oeltass baa Mgrtditary liuaiutv
Kalama Waeh.. Dec tl.--Guilty
a* charged” was the verdict of the
Pay Eizagui Indemnity jurv at 9:80 o'clock tonight in the ca*e
zi the »tat* of Washington against Mar­
Claim of $5.000.
tin stiekel for the murder of William
The Morane, of Benttt», will not get
B. Shanklin.
the e> mt re ct for new warahip.
Stiekel i* tbe most notorious and
THE RESULT OF A STRONG PRESSURE cold-blooded criminal ever tried in the
Speaker Henderson to opposed to en­
courts of Cow it* tuntv.
-A year ago
largement of tne Portland poetoffice.
last November. Wi.iiam B. Shanklin
The river and harbor bill will not be Turkey, however, Refuses to Agree to the
A .-«restait C eitert ira» of Item Fr« the
eras killed at bi* home near Kelso,
made public until after the holiday*.
Two Hemisphere» '«'reseMed « s
Claun of the United States end Ad­
and bis house was burned over his
Martin Sticks). the self-coofessed
CoMensed Form.
dewi body.
He wa* ‘n'’‘ •» nl*Q‘
ministration Officiai» Give Up.
Castle Rock a»*»*», will be banged.
while eating supper.
The ea-e was
khrwuded in mvstery, and no • lew to
A company ha* been organized is
Loot lent to France will be seasar-
Washington, Dec. JO.—A message
Iowa to build a fish cannery in .Alaska. from United states Consul Gnmmeri, tne murderer could be obtained. Gu
tbe evening of November M> 190G.
Attorney-General Griggs baa con­ st Tangier, lil' .rms tne state depart­
American wheat visible shows a do­
aid Mrs. Cornelia» Knapp, an aged
cluded bis argument in the Porto Rico ment tnat tbe M>jn«h g.verumeut ba 1
er ease.
couple, liTlig - BUT Castle Rock, w re
settled the claim of the United State*
The Monroe doctrine may be applied MM.
kille-i whl.e at tne supper table in the
Senator M Bride ba* asked for large fox (5,000 indemnity on account of tame manner a* shankim was one year
to France.
sppiopristion for
service the murder of Marcus Eszagni, a Bat- before. It wav evident that tbe same
The Boer* were daleatod in a battle
nralixed America 1 citizen, in Morocco
laun a at Astoria.
. man ha i
committed Leith crime*,
at Orange river.
last spring.
sheriff Kirby and Detective Sam gim-
The Ibotb-Kelly Lumi>er Company
Eszagui was of French birth, but the
A third negro was lynched by the
will change its headquarters from sag- fact that he was naturalizes! and an mvns tr-av-ed the crime to Martin
Rockport, Ind., mob.
»ticket, who lived cn a scow near the
maw to Eugene, Or.
American citizen relieved, the French
In ti.e sinking of the Gneieenao, 186
moutn of tne Cowlitz river, stiekel
An 1a E. Smith, was appointed post- government from the necessity of join­
per«>n* were drowned.
wa* arrested. He maintained hi* in-
m in trees at Camas valley. Or., vic* ing in the demand f r indemnity. Th*
uocexiee until confronted with the fact
There i* no prospect of passing the H. Allison, resigned.
Moorish government
pleaded as *
that hi* watch and key* had been iden­
subsidy bill thia session
Thomas Parker, a native of England, basis for it* first declination* to pay tne tified n having belonged to snaukliu,
The steamer Alpha was wrecked on was frozen to death near the month of
Then he made a
Afoorish officers, but in a right witn tae murdered man.
the Vancoover island coast.
White river, Klondike.
partial contessi n, and implicated bi*
tbe rubble. The claim for indemnity,
Major-General John G. Parke died
Sam pl s of two dangerous eonntei feit however, was based on the failure vf neighbor, Ed Pierce.
at his home in Washington.
After bts preliminary trial, he was
• liver coins bate been obtained fiuiu the Moori-h government to make any
tas<-B to the Pierce county jail for safe
Th* Porto Rico case is lie fore the Portland aud Sopkaue.
effort to am st or punish tbe prepetra-
There be j- ioed tbe Salva­
United States supreme court.
The navy depart­ keeping-
A colli i >n occurred on the Sumpter- tor* of the murder.
tion Army and made a full confession,
Congressman Boutelle was placed Baker t ity road in which, two locomo­ ment, at the instance of the atate de­
sdsiirtmg tnal be did the killing in
tive* were slightly damaged.
partment, was making si rangements to
on the retired list of the navy.
bo*n toe »haaalin and Knapp murders,
The military com miss ion begin* its
Memorial services were held at the moral support to the demands of the
« :cas be w-»s al ne in the matter.
investigation in tbe Boo* hazing.
Oregon university iu honor of Henry
When arraigned in the »uperior court
American consul for a settlement.
Fre*h instruction* sent to Conger Viilird, one of the college's greatest
The president today apyx/inted John today, cn the adivce of bis counsel he
will clear the way ol all obstacle*.
G. A. Leishman, now minister to Swit­ p *>«.jed »:* guilty, and hi* case was
tr>- up«iB the evidence, which was
A care for strike* was discussed by
It i* announced tl at the total tax- zerland, to lie minister to Turkey, it
agaiitot him. The de-
tbe arbitration oouferenec at Chicago. aide property in the city of Haleru, 1* recalled that when Minister .-truuev
-_»e zi*ie an snsucceiefiil attempt to
Preparation* are being made for de­
'u tiaat tbe man bad inherited a
resigned in disgust at his inability to
velopment of natural gas near Rosalia, less than last year.
close np the Turkish claims, the im­ rix.i* d.-pcsitun to tne extent that
A pitched battler is imminent be­ pression was semi officially given tnat *e vu not acC-tintable for his action*
A Washington county farmer was tween tbe British under General < fo­ no imnister would lie camel to succeed r n Bttaer testhed that before bis
murdered by a shot fired through his ments, who has been reinforced, aud him until the Turkish government had H-th and during gestation 'she was
tbe Boer* under General Dslarwy.
met our demand*.
After waiting a mad at everybody and that the child
The official report of tbe finances of
The clearing house bank* at Tacoma, long time, the Turkish government wa* born nek and wa* alway* an un-
The jury wa* out but
the Paris exposition, shows a loss of have decided lhat after January 1, itself was obliged to take notice of tbe nat tai child.
2,000,000 francs.
they will accept Canadian silver at par. diplomatic manifestation o' the dis­ one hour. Tbe prisoner was sentenced
by Judge Miller to be hanged on a date
The Oregon supreme court decided Heretofore it ha* been taken at 5 per pleasure of the United States, evi- to be hereafter fixed, not sooner than
I danced by the absence of Mr. Strau-*
that the Portland vehicle license ordi­ cent discount.
- from Constantinople.
Therefore, it 30 days nor later than 90 days from
nance was invalid.
All attempt* to float tbe Britiah caused the announcement to be nie't date.
Five cases of what is believed to be Jteanrer Laura. Captain Yule, from Sa- tiiat it bad terminated the ministerial
bubonic plague have developed in Tuca- VHunah via Norfolk for Bremen, ssliore office of Ali Ferroub Bey, the minister
An Auitrisn Airship.
on the coast of Holland, near Pettou, resident here.
man. iu the Argentine Republic.
But to prevent the
New York. Dec. 21.—A dispatch to
have been unsuccessful.
■ issue from becoming too aente, it at the Jouninl and Advertiser from A i-
The officials of the Hants Fe and
The steamer Sarah Dixon collided the same time named Sbekib Bey as nna say * an Austrian engineer, Wil-
the officers of Hie different trainmen's
organizations will hold a conference iu with the breakwater neat Mount Coffin, minister to Washington. But »hekib ’ liam Kiess, b»s invented an airship
on the Ixiwer Columbia, and now re* ■ thus far ha* not left Constantinople, which is pronoun ed to be better than
The emperor's attention
lu 15 feet of water. This ia the steam­ and Ali Ferrough Bey remain* in ’ Zeppelin's.
Seven hundred Boer* have crossed
Washington, although, a* be frankly being called to the model, be has be-
er'* second experience under water
from Orange River colony into Cape
Mtate*. he is nothing more than a •ome much interested, and expressed
Colony near Allwal North, aud have
In I’anay, 21,000 person* have sworn charge d’affaires for the moment. It
’he belief that it would be sucoaeaful.
reached Kaapdal.
is expected that Sbekib Bey now will Kress did not have money to I uild a
Morocco pays the American indem come to Washington, or that the for­ large ship, and the emperor said he
President McKinley expects to ar­
mer minister will lie recommissioned, would fix that, and contribted (1,000
range bis Western trip so as to be in nity claim.
Han Francisco to witness the launch­
Ashland, Or., voted against licens­ which in either case might be taken | out of his own pocket.
as a sign that a settlement had been .other* followed suit, and Kress will
ing of the battleship Ohio.
ing saloon*.
reached of the mission claims, under
The war revenue bill bae been passed
The Boers raided Cape Colony at two the purchase of a warship, or iu some 1 build the ship.
by the house.
separate points.
' other unofficial manner.
That Telegraph Error.
telegrapher* threaten to
The misunderstanding at Pekin was
Turkey Will Not Psy.
Washington, Dec. 21.—It is now
boycott tbe Hants Fe.
due to a cable error.
New York, Dec. 20.—A special to I learned that the entire misunderstand-
Lord Kitchener has called for all
(Inly 85 lives were lost iu the found­
[ ing which ha* delayed the consumma­
the Herald from Washington says:
available English troop*.
ering of the Gueisenau.
Payment of the missionary claims tion of the agreement at Pekin wa*
England has awakened to the new
The French chamber of deputies pending against Turkey ia no longer ' caused by tbe change or omission ol
seriousness tn South Africa.
adopted the amensty bill.
expected by the administration. Al­ 1 the single digit in a complex group of
Colonel Tulinck'* expedition failed
The return of volunteer* wll cause though the sultan entertained ths offi­ figures making up one of the cipbei
cers of the Kentucky in truly royal uie-sages of instruction to .Mr. Conger.
to find tbe Chinese treasue.
renewed insurgent activity.
style, he did not let the presence of the Cun usly enough, the change in this
At Rockport, lud., two negroes, whe
Colorado capitalist* have bonded the
battleship have any effect upon hie single digit exactly reversed the mean­
had murdered a
white man wen old Gem mine, iu Eastern Oregon.
1 pocketbook, and still holds the (90,000 ing of the entire message, so that .Mr.
Reapportionmeut bill yported gives which Amerlcau missiouuries assert is Conger, in opposing tiie English view,
The Herman training ship Gnelsenaa Washington no extra congressman.
the value of pere< nal and missionary was acting . exactly contrary to the
foundered uear Gibraltar aud 100 were
hailway brotherhoods will ask the property destroyed six years ago. The spirit of his instructions, though in ac­
belief of the administration is that cordance with their letter.
Santa Fe to re employ it* operator*.
Turkey will not settle the claims aris­
A large Boxer force is said to be
The naval construction board recom­
ing out of the reported purpose of
approaching I'ekiug with the iuteution
A Germain Censorship.
mend* four award* for warship con­
Great Britain to pies* the missionary
of attacking it.
Berlin, Dec. 20.—Tbe Deutsche Co­
claims of her subjects against the sub­
Tbe senate cannot considered th*
lonial Blatt publishes an order of Em-
Superintendent < albreth, of Oregon lime porte.
It is stated that if an­ peror William forbidding officers and
army aud appropriation bill* until
insane asylum, ha* submitted hi* an- other nation begins to press its claims,
after the holiday*.
! officials, including those on tiie retired
nual report.
the saltan will probaldy decline to set­ J list in the colonial serivce, to print
John Addison Porter, McKinley’s
Farmer*' institute w*a held at Staf­
anything about the colonies without
former private secretary, died at bis
ford under auspice* of the Oregon agri­
the consent of the minister of war, ot
home in I’utuam, Conn.
TWO HIGHWAYMEN KILLED. the minister of marine, who must first
cultural college.
Tbe British admiralty is arranging
obtain permission from the imperial
Washington countv, Oregon, has
to test various inventions for steering
offered (500 reward for the arrest ol A Mexican Miner Thereby Saves $3.000 in chancel llor.
torpedoes and submarine lost*.
Currency While Going to Hi» Mine.
tbe uiurdeier of Andrew Dahlberg.
The Oregon Historical Society pro­
Not So Bad as Reported.
Two transport* will start in a few
Chicago. Dec. 20. — .A special to the
pose* to hold a fair tn 11*05, in
days from Manila lor ban Francisco I Record, from l’arrail, Mex., says: G.
Dec. 20.—An official dis­
commemoration of the I^rwis and
with 1,000 sick aud wounded soldiers. 1 E. Keernsy was going out tn his mine, patch from the protect of Malaga
Clark expedition to the Pacific coast
The schooner Pioneer, lumber-ladeu 20 miles from Parral), Friday, to pay show* the I««* of life by the foundering
100 year* ago.
for »au Francisco, went ashore on tbe I off his employe*. He had aliout (3,000 of the German training frigate Gneise-
A* a result of a mysterious poisoning
Nestucca beach durlDg
the receut in Mexican currency, which he had nao off Malaga to lie less than bae
case at the Forsyth mines, near Mar­
tied firmly to the bottom of his wagnu, Ieeu reported. According to this dis­
ietta, Ohio, four persons are dead, four
put hi* pistol in bis coat sleeve and patch, 85 fatalities resulted from the
dying aud two other* serirously ill.
Associate Supreme Court Justice started out.
accident, and 100 persons were in­
When he had gone about half way jured.
Five unknown men wb»| asked th* George U. Ludlow, ex-governor of New
marshal of Brighton. III., for shelter, Jer-ey, died at his residence in New two Mexican* suddenly confronted him
and ordered him to get out of the wag-
in the calaboose, locked him up anp Bruuswick, N. J.
New Mint Regulation.
He obeyed and tbe
then broke luto a
bank aud two
The stranded bark Poltalloch, on un.
Washington, Dec. 20 —The senate
Wllhpa harlior, withstood the receut searched hie persou with no result. committee on finance authorized a fa­
Telephoning without wires was suo- gale good. In fact she is in better po­ Knowing he must have some money vorable leport on the hou«e bill giving
they proceeded to search his baggage the superintendent* of coiuage al the
«■«••fully accomplished by trausimit* sition than before.
aud other effect*. W hile they were at mints the right to exchange gold bars
ting the voice across the Mississippi
Fire in blast Providence, R. I., de­
river, at Minneapolis, a distance ot stroyed a wharf on which there was this task Keernsy drew his revolver for gold free of charge or with charge,
from hi* coat sleeve aud fired. Hi*
The present law
over 1,000 feet.
2.000 ton* of coal.
The loss i* esti­ attack was so sudden the men diil not at their discretion.
makes the charge mandatory.
Advices from llo llo report that the
have tune to act, and both were in­
American troops have Iweu northward
Two highwaymen who *top|>ed • stantly killed.
Dissatisfied With Von Waldersec.
and westward for several days and buggy near Portland, upon discover­
Water Storage in Nevada.
St. Petersburg. Dec. 21.—The Novo-
that detachments of tbe Sixth, Eigh­
ing that it contained two ladies, apolo­
Washingtoc, Dec. 19. — Reptesruta- Vremys observes that there are evi­
teenth and Twenty-sixth regiments gised and allowed them to drive on.
tive Newland- t > lay introduced a bill dence* of discontent in all the armies,
have lieen active near their station*.
United State* Senator W. V. Sulli­ for the construction of reservoirs for including the German, with
The insurgent* losses during the last
10 days there have lawn five killed, van, of Mississippi, aud Mr*. Msrv tbe storage of water on the Htunl>o)dt Marshal von Waliersee's brutality.
seven wounded and 40 taken prisoners. Newman Atkins, of Washington, werv liver, in Nevada, au<l for the disposi­ The j>a|>er supports the demand that
the parsonage
of 81. tion ami Reniement of public lauds each army act benecelorth on its own
The American* have lost two killed married at
w ithin reach of the stored waters.
Htepheu's church.
aud three wounded.
No Duty on Chritim«» Pre »«nt*.
Twenty-five terra cotta statues 11
The agricultural drparlmment hai
Washington, Dec. 20.—The war de­
the Boston luuveutu of fine art* prove establish»! at Washington a lals>ratory
to he bogus.
Io- tr-tmg ali tort* of road material* partment has issued au order providing
for tbe admi-sion into Cub* au I the
To the naked rye not more than
The immigration bureau ha* al­ Philippine* tree of duty of packages
6.000 star* are ordinarily ivsilde. A lowed contract laborers Iron Porto snd article* cleatly intended a* Christ-
owerful tolesuopa will reveal 5,000.00 Rico 11 laud in the U ilted ntatee a* mas present* f< r the officer* an I en-
stars at once.
li-ted men of the army and navy and
In China aurone who write* an im­
The mat of the public schools ol for otlier *11 plovse of this government
moral Issik I* punished with 100 blows Greater New York for the year 1901 now serving in these island*. Tbe pro­
o* the heavy bam!* > and bamslnueBt will t'* (17,700. 78.
The number ot vision will t- nuinate a* to Cuba Feb­
for life. Anv ue who toads it is atan pupils iu t ie schools is estimated at ruary 18. and as to tbe Philippine*
March 15 next.
There are 40 islands In the Srilly
The c ffee-growlng industry in trop­
isles, with * total area of 55 ejuare ical Africa It developing tremendously.
A Pittsburg firm h*s contracted to
Finnish immigration, which reAcbeu «hip 450,000 ton* of coal to Nantea,
■ high-water mark last rear, la likely Franco.
to allow a great falling ff thia rear.
Paul a
church st
The fennels of the steam-r <' osmo Schwenksville, l a., ha* been oelebtat-
are of such gigantic proportion* that irg the 150th anniversary of Its found-
two tram car* cos id pass thrvegb S*|OB.
them, side by sole.
Hurver* are being made for a rail,
Mis* Antoinette Kock, a Naw York mad from Port Valdes, Alaska, *n
heiress, broke her engagement to wait I agio City, making an a«l-American
Haron vob Hte> how, bevauar be would 11' • from tbe 'Mean to the Yukoa
But lb* in America.
Cruihvd ia a Cosi Mia*.
Crushed to Death by a Train.
Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 21—While
attempting to board a gravel train at
Barnet, Charlo* McFee was thrown
un ler tbe moving train, tbe cars pass­
ing over hi* stomach, cru-bing him to
Patterson’s Nomination Confirmed.
Washington. Dec. 21.—Tbe senate
ha* confirmed the nomination of J. M.
Patterson to be postmaster at Tbs
Dalles, Ol.
Six Hundred Werv Killed.
Washington. Dec. 21.—Tbe state
lepartment ba* received a cablegram
from United States Charge d’Affaire*
D’An pre at Bogota, stating that a great
tvattle has l<een (ought in Magdalene
river district. Colombia, which lasted
two days and resulted in a decisive
victory for the government. It is re­
ported that 600 were killed and msnv
hundreds wounded.
Other victories
by the government force* of th* utmost
Importance have
The senate ha* ru plied several small The government is celebrating tbe vi*
Tacoma, Dec. 19.—A telephone mes­
sage from Carbonado says:
Nels Johnson, a Hwedlah miner, w*a
found dead Sunday morning, buried in
csm I at tbe bottom of one of the chutes
of the North w.-tern Coel
Companr. Johnson mn«t have fallen
into th> chute Saturday night, while
at work. Ills tody was badly bruised
*ud crushed.
Me Kiel ey'» Plurality. According to the Present
figures. Was 859.824
™ IS tllltn
New York. Dec. 24.—Tbe Times this
morning publishes a table showing the
Have Turned the Tide by Enter­
popular vote for presidential elector* Senate Approves May-PiUnc<.
in the receut election. Minnesota was
ing Cape Cdony.
the last state to declare its vote, this
not having been done until yesterday.
Sonth Carolina, there were the nomi­
nation* of tut two parties, Republican
Gsncrsl KAchsacr Is S*»d to Have Demanded snd Democrat, upon the ballots; in All Amendment», Except Tho«
sther state* there were three or four,
Heavy Reinforcements —A Pitched
Committee on
snd in some eight.
Battle Seems Imminent.
The total vote, including 6,211 scat­
Voted Do**.
tering. was 13,967,299. Of this Mc­
London, Dec. 22.—The war office Kinley received 7.217,677, and Bryan
Washington. Dec. 24
Woolley, Prohibitionist, ing the greater yurt ,f the
last evening could give no information 3,857,858.
regarding Uio reports of a Boer inva­ received, *0 far as reported, 207.368; in
considering th« IUt r” N
sion of Cape Colony. The officials ex- Barker middle of the road Populst, 50,- treaty for the uio-lincaUon oi
prv«se-i the opinion, however, that tbe 188; Debs, Social Democrat, 94,552; ton-Bulwer e. n.eut;. u o( 1^,QÍ
newspaper accounts were exaggerated snd Maloney, Social Labor, 38,450. senate consumed cnly on* c/' *
and that probably the troops who nave McKinley's plurality, according to the ten mínate* in amending it
been employed in chasing General figure* of the Times, wa* 859,824; Mc­ mg it as amended. bBna/t’*t'
Dewet will be diverted to deal with tbe Kinley's majority was 468,055.
there were several roll «¡7
In addition there were votes re­ voce votes.
invaders. Having regard to the cus­
tomary methods of the war office, this turned iu five states for the candidates
The first five of the roll
can only be interpreted a* confirming of the National Union Reform party, only ameDdmeut* offeree br in * **
enatow and the last „ue o(' J1’*
Seth H. Ellis, of Ohio, for president,
tbe report.
Lord Kitchener, in the meantime, and Samuel T. Nicholson, of Pennsyl­ lion to ratify tne treaty 4I J**
keeps a tight rein over the news, which vania. for vice-president, and in two All the amendmeuts exc»«
public disquietude. »tate* for the candidates of the United fered by Foraker and repnru^*
There is a persistent rumor that be ha* Christian partv, J. F. R. Leonard, of committee on foreign relation? *
Iowa, for president,
and John G. voted down by majority
demanded heavy reinforcement*.
According to the Daily .Mail, private Woolley, ol Illinois, for vice-president. about 19. The ratification
was adopted by a vote ol 55 t, G*
telegram* received in London yester­
day depict the situation in Cape Colony
The senate was in executfo
WILL BE $400,000.
fox about an hour before the -7“4
a* somewhat ominous.
It seems that
voting arrive.1, listening tonJi
tne invading Boers are receiving con­
siderable assistance from the local Amount Settled Upon for the Improvement ol by Thurston, Gal huger, W J**
the Columbia River.
Dutch, aud that tiie troops at the
Bard, explanitory oi their ,lur.? *
Tbe first roll call wa, upon'txa»'
dispxal of tbe British are not sufficient
AA’ashington, Dec. 24.—The river
to cope with any serious invasion. It and harbor bill will contain an appro­ amendment declaring that
ie believed that the government has at priation of (400,000 for the mouth ci contained in this treats su» ¡T?
last awakened to tiie seriousness of tbe the Columbia, and a further provision stiuetl to prevent the United
situation, and is making great efforts that thi* improvement be placed nuder from acquiring at any time
to have Lord Kitchener supplied with tbe continuing contract system until sovereignty over the saínete,.^7
horses and mules.
completed, it ie understood, however, defend, fortify, protect and coau, '
The British losses at Nooitgedacht, that the total amount of the contract canal or for any other ¡wrticuiua»
according to the official accounts, were will not be as great as that recom­ United States may dwm beB1I1
82 killed and wounded, with 44 miss­ mended by the engineers.
It will own interest." It was lost, a feg
ing and still unaccounted ior. It is re­ probably be in the neighboriiood 01
The o»her arrieulment mil a
this afternoon that General (1,500,000.
This cut in the estimate , as follows:
Knox has been forced to abandon the is very favorable to many other states. I
Ou Butler’s amendment to straeu
pursuit of General Dewet, owing to tbe I
Chairman Burton was anxious to section 7 of article 2, prohibiting n
situation created in Cape Colony by have some repeal legislation to qualify ficatiou—26 ayes, 44 noes.
the Boer* crossing the Orange river. the large amount in the river and har- |
Upon Mason's amendment a-.tter» i
It is said that 3,000 republicans have bor bill. One of the items which he [ ing such protection of the Ctu
entered Cape Colony, and a similar wanted repealed was the Dalles boat > States to discriminate ia the a»
numtier have
reached Philipstown. railway.
The Oregon delegation in­ traffic’, 27 ayes, 44 noes.
The report adds that Dewet, with sisted that it should remain until as­
On Tillman’s amendment antas»
about 4,000 men, is northwest of Lady­ surance of some other project for over­ ing defense and maintenance by *
brand, and that an attack on Wiuburg coming the obstruction could be had. United States. 27 ayes, 44 noes.
is mometarily expected.
Allen's amendment amending r
This contention now prevails.
tide 3 wa* voted down sits we» *
was also an amendment suggesldh
article 2.
Foraker within« 3
A New Branding Bill Is Suggested That Will More Stamps Are Soon to Be Added to the amendment* because tber ven m
same a* those reported by the Mas
Save Them Many a Head.
Present Milling Facilities.
tee on foreign relations; Psnime,»
Portland. Dec. 22.—It has been sug­
Blue River, Or., Dec. 24.—A new cause his were practically tiegna
gested that a bill tse passed at the next body oi rich ore has been struck in
with Elkins', and Beveridge, teaa
legislature compelling cattle-buyer* to the last crosscut from the middle tun­
his was covered by the second oft»
brand stock either in their regular nel in the Lucky Bov mine.
Thii- committee.
All amendment«i.jis
brand or a road brand before driving crosscut has b co run in about 20 feet ed were voted upon, and the«ci■
them out to the railroad.» This i* a towards tbe hanging wall.
A fine committee adopted.
matter in which all the stockmen of body of treo gold rock, some uf which
Allen asked for the readingiita
Eastern Oregon are interestei. aud shows gold to the naked eye, is re­
treaty as amended. This reqwm
which should be agitated by men iu vealed. A new tunnel has been started
complied with, and tbe vote »»as
that business.
on the level with the top of the mill, upon the treaty itself, resuitiof»«
The lack of such a law is a source that will soon tap the pay chute nearly
and 18 against ratification.
of much annoyance in that section, 100 feet below the tipper tunnel. This
every season, and should be reme­ will soon be connected with the two
died. Representative Geer has signi­ upper tunnels by an upraise, and thus FIGHT TO THE BITTE/? M
fied his willingness to introduce such a be ma le the main woiking tnnnel.
measure, provided the stockmen will The tunnel can be extended into tbe Ths Santa Fe Telegraphers SiyTWy V®
get together and give him an outline of mountain for nearly 2,600 feet along
Up the Strike-
what is detired. The Harney County the course of the ledge, gaining a per­
Chicago, Dec. 24.—ThsrtriiinjNb)
Stockmen’s Association should take pendicular depth of nearly 2,000 feet,
graphers on the Santa 1« ro»J irclut
the matter up and formulate a bill, a* from 20 to 30 feet wide. Hundreds ot
that they will continue the ¿¡»
it is of particular importance to the thousands of tons of ore can be taken
against the road to the bitter end vu>
members of the association. It should out without expense for pumping 01
ont reference to tbe ri-s '.It* cl tae w
have their immediate attention, as it hoisting.
An additional nun'her o. ference held here recently Iretweenta
is not long until tbe legislature meets stamps will be added to the present
committee representing tbe 0:»»
in January.
1 mill the coming season.
ganizationsiof the r ’ad and Tl>:r us
It ia not a matter that the stockmen
Crushing of oro began December IS President Barr.
This anne ■:*
of Harney county alone are interested last year, au 1 the plant has neve
was made today by President LiipiA
in, but -Malheur county as well. The I stopped an hour, day or night, since
residents of that county should be except for slight repairs or to clean up of the telegrapher*. »Iter recen»|i*
ports from Galvestoii, lort Moria fr
heard from as to their ideas and pleas­
peka and other points «Fug the wik
ure, therefore the time is none too
Mystery Surrounds Boy's Death.
short to begin at once.
•‘We regret that tbe nrgsoiatio»«
Chehalis, Wash., Dec. 24.—A boy
named Wilson met his death in the not feel that thev can give active ■
Take» No Stock In Charges.
1 Chehalis railroad yards in a mysterious j port, but we do not propose#"
He was found about 2 any controversy with them. Th"
Paris, Dec. 22.—The French govern­ manner.
ment has given the moat emphatic de­ o’clock, still alive, and carried into1 no cause for the complaint m*»»
nial to those French papers which tried the depot. He had been badly bruised some of the members ol th* cot»«
He died a few bourr that we did not notify tbeui ’i"“*
to involve the American embassy in on one side.
lose to strike.
We »er* Dul ,
the Paris disclosure* in connection after being taken home.
upon to do this, and there w«t* F
with the United State* war depart­
reasons why we did not.
ment's knowledge of French govern­
Negroes for Hawaii.
ment gun secrete, by offering the cross
Chicago, Dec. 24.—A special to the
Prevented a Ly»chi»(
of the Legion of Honor to Lieutenant
Record from Nashville, Tenn., say*:
Dallas, Tex.. Dec. 24 -Al tss»
W. 8. Sim*, the formal United States
About 200 negroes will leave Nashville
naval attache at Paris, whom La Press
in tbe moruing for San Francisco, at Corsicana of Andrew Norns.
describes as the person guilty of dis­
whence they «ail for Honolulu. The charged with the murder of t «•
closing the gun secrets.
negroes are going to work on sugar J. L. French, a white farmer, s "
led by the dead woman's ho»»*
tempted to take the prisoner_
Umatilla Lightship to Be Replaced.
courtroom and lynch him-
Scotch Steel Industry Suffering.
Astoria. Dec. 22—The lighthouse
iff'* forces saved the prisoner
tender Manzanita has received instruc­
Glasgow, Dec. 24,—Clyde shipbuild­ nor Sayers was appealed to»»
tion* to replace the Umatilla reef light­ ers recently placed orders for 150,000
panv of state militia is
ship as soon a* practicable. Tbe light­ tons of plates in the United State* at
the prisoner, courthouse an ja*-
ship. which broke adrift some days ago, a saving of £30,000. The depression
is now at Port Angeles
Captain Greg­ in Scotch steel and iron trade* is acute.
Row in Spanish Chamh*
ory has all the necessary appliances on Fourteen furnaces will be damped at
Madrid, Dec. 24.-During
board, and will leavs out on bi* mis­ •he end of the year.
The steel works
cussion in the senate oi t e ~
sion at the earliest opportunity.
«re talking of closing indefinitely.
sage announcing the msrr F
near future of the prince-s 01«-
Spanish Royal Marriage.
Washington Man Dead In Dawson.
trias, heir presumptive to - -
Madrid, Dec. 22.—In the senate to­
Seattle, Wash , Dec. 24.—Advices with Prince Charles
day the royal message read by General
from Dawson state that Elbridge Bart­ Count of Caserta. »en-’r ' _, 4,
Axcarraga, the premier, announcing
lett, aged 48 years, died there Novem­ publican, raised a
0 ' -gf
the rnamage at an early date of the
ber 25 of pneumonia, after a week’s recalling tbe cou^pirx- v
princess of the Austria*, heiress pre­
Illness. He was from Pnyallnp. He princess sgainrt < »h’-r L -
sumptive to the throne, with Prince
has daughters in Puvallnp or Taconia ists. which be feared
Charles, second sun of the Count of
would have a tendency »
Caserta. was adopted by 157 votes Bartlett was a memtier of the Odd Fel­
Amid insult.« frt ■ »I1 J*
against 49.
hut with only moderate suecees.
house the s|>e»ker gav* up
Christians in Turkey Massacred by Moslems.
Advance to Raisin Grower*.
New Wsshmtlt«
London. Dec. 22.— A dispatch to
Washington, Dec -4—yi4,4
Cal., Dec. 24.—Local bank­
the Daily Express reports recent Mos­
lem excesses against the Christian pop­ ers ha»« a; ranged to advance to tlx ing Washington postulate,
ulation of Turkey, in which 200 Chris­ Raisin Glowers' association (500,000, appointed:
as required to fulfill its contracts.
O. N. Erickson. •»
tians have teen killed.
Sales have been slow of late, owing t< Sutton, at Dole.
Chile Will Exhibit
the sluggirhne** of the Eastern mar­
The Invasi«
The packers have taken 1,700
A alparaiso. Dec. 21.—The chamber kets.
Cape Town, Dec. 24.— --*
»f duputies has passe 1 a Fill appro pri­
nting (500,000 for the Chilean exhibit About 500 car loads more have been of Cape Colony to *] *•'■'
at the 1‘an-Amencan exposition in packed, but there da a dispute be­ ported that the I ' ■
tween the growers and packers about Colesburg, near tbe « T*ng«
tbe grades.
ony frontier.
Russia Sides With America.
Blooded Cattle for Northwest
St. Petersburg. Dec. 22 — Discussing
Yakima, Dec, 24. — Hon. A.
the Nicaragua canal, the Novxse-Vrem-
J. Bplawn, of Cowyche, returned from
y* says Russia is not interested in
Chicago yesterday.
He had l>een al>-
the matter, but naturally si.lus with
•ent about three week», attending the
Chicago livestock
Choate Will Not Resiga
brought back with him two of tbe fin­
the United
London, Dec. 22.—United State* est Hereford bulls in
Embassador ( hoate denied the report btates, and breeder* say there are pro I»- J
that he is about to resign hi* po-t, ably none better in the world. They
which he say* 1* based on tbe belief are under a vear old, hut cost Mr
that tbe death ol hi* partner. Char e* »p’.awn over (2.500. H- i* the lead­
C. Beaman, would necessitate his re­ ing breeder of Hereford* in the North-
w. ,-t. and these animal* will be added
turn to his law prsctlc*.
' to tbs herd on bis ranah.
Lena Wdl Costs*
Columba*. Ohio. O
man John J.
•nD"n0' . ,n , ,»««"
would contest the -.»t in
gress of E. Tompkiu*. - r fl „s
defeated at the ‘*‘‘ •*7^, *
jority oi 18 votes.
to have evidence
u«e of money to se<*®r
Mr. Tornpkm«
h» a*1
Tbe latter is
ably worried o'er t»
eontesftnsy r*'** “np