The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, December 29, 1900, Image 7

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Mr Edward B Whitney, of Boise,
Idaho, «nd Miss Laura M
Brumley. Married.
Salem Stateainan. Dec 71,
Commences Wednesday,
One of tbs prettiest wedding» of the
January 2d. During thia
•eaaou was celebrated last night at the
sale we expect to sell a Special to the Gurtrd.
residence of the bride's mother, Mrs
great manv shoes at big
C hicago Dec 27.—Mrs Jenkins was awarded $4000 Margarite Brumley, ou South 12th
damages, in a suit against the sheriff of this county for the street, it being the marriage of her
Shrewd buyers will do lynching of her husband while in custody of the sheriff.
second daughter, Mira l.aura M Brum­
well to call early.
The plaintiff contended that the sheriff’failed to take ley, to Mr Edward B Whitney, a
businera man ot
proper precautions for the protection of her husband I prominent
against mob violence; that he had ample notice to have re­ The large double parlors were beau­
moved the prisoner to a place of safety, else defended the tifully decorated in laveuderaud white
festoons of ribbon loojied with belly
Guaranteed Dexter cross-cut saws
F L Chambers.’
1 be trust will raise window g’aas 16
er cent January let.
Special to the Guard.
L ondon , Dec 27.—The Trince of Wales may attend the
American cup race which will be sailed off Long Island,
¡New York.
Special to tbe Guard
RocK Island Plows.
L oughmillek A P etek .
L ondon , Dec 27.—General Kitchener reports four
divisions of the British army engaged with the Boers under
Genuine Oliver plow extras to be
ad only at F L Chambers’.
George M
Miller left Portland
bristmas day for tbe Porcupine min-
ig district in Alaska.
Chop yonr own mill-feed. Choppers Bpecial to the Guard.
otu *7 to *35.
F L Chambers’.
P ikin , Dec 27,—United States minister Conger has
signed the peace treaty with China, though with an im­
portant reservation.
t Tbe brick work for the first story of
lie extension of tbe Berger A Born-
nerville buildiBg is up.
The "Boes’’ washer is tbe boss. At
Kiuced prices at
F L Chambers.’
Bpecial to the Guard.
B Grant County Gem: E E Cleaver,
M arietta , Ohio, Dec 27.«—Abraham Johnson and wife,
both octogenarians, were bound,torturea and robbed at their
home near this city today.
of Baker City, who owns some valuable
mining claims near Alamo, visited tbe
property this week.
New Monitor drills, beet on earth,
With force feed. Bee them at
F L Chambers.’
■ Miss Mary Miller, daughter of Geo
M and Lischen Miller, of Portland,
Who has been dangerously ill with
Vl «hold fever, ie reported some better. |
“Steel auu chilled By recuse plows,
guaranteed to scour.
L ouohmilleh A P eter .
A few good bargains in second-hand
haggles, carts, wagons aud plows at
F L Chambers’.
Special to the Guard.
S alem , Or, Dec 27.—Judge Boise of the circuit court
granted an injunction today restraining the state of Oregon
from wrongfully appropriating water from Mill creek for
use at the state penitentiary.
The Salem Flouring Milla, owners of the water rights
and franchises are plaintiffs in the suit.
Sometimes a newspaper
man is
properly appreciated, as In tbe case of Special to tbe G uard .
Editor Llgget, of tbe Prineville Review,
ondon , Dec 27.—The British
who has just been elected mayor of bls
a stubbornly fought battle
f Get an Atkins croes-cut saw for all
kinds of work. They are tbe fastest
cutters and ea-lest ruuni rs built.
F L Chambers.
8,000,000 FEET OF LOGS
I Win J Bryan spoke at a banquet in
Iducoln, Neb, last night, given by tbe
Jefferson club to 350 persons.
He is
still a firm believer In the Chicago
- |M*fi rm.
fcowburi; Review Dec 26: Mrs J E
Bateliaw and little son, of Farmingtou,
Wtoti., who have txxin visiting about
♦ ■onth with the former's parents, Mr
Md Mre J J McCoy, In this city, left
fcrlbome this morning.
H'.ntington Herald, Dec 22:
Kat criue Pattere m, principal of our
ICituola, was presented by her pupils
ywterday with a beautiful medallion
pkBting, “8t Evangeline,” as a token
Ct the high esteem in which she is
held by them.
B ■eecond-haud air light and other
HMter-. PriOtM low.
F L Chambers.
junction Times: J A «Vinter, tbe
Hfiptxr photographer of Lane county,
^ija visitor,here Wednesday. July 4,
I WM, lie photographed Reese Howard.
I Vlfcand baby Mollie (now Mrs Harry
MlUiorui. Mr WlDter located
■ffgene in tbe early fifties.
^■yoii would have an appetite like a
aud a relish for your meals take
berlain's btomach and Live,
te. They oorrect disorders of the
ch and regulate tbe liver and
s. Frloe, 25 cents. Samples free
L DeLano’e drug store.
1 and corked horse shoes ready
I on, aud ail kinds of blacksmith
Money savers for farmers, bee
at F L Chambers’.
Floated Down the Siuslaw Riv
er in Two Days.
a « seat taousrav
During tbe recent high water on the
Siuslaw river, 8,000,000 feet of logs
were floated down from the logging
etmps on tbe upper river to Benedict’s
booms at Acme.
These logs made a very suooeeeful
run, having started Saturday and Bun­
day, the water being high enough and
the current strong enough to float
them down without tbe assistance of a
logging crew, as ie required on the
Willemette river. It Is rumored that
about 600,000 feet of the logs broke
through the boom and went to sea but
this rumor Is not substantiated.
Tbe logging business on tbe Binelew
ie a greet Industry. At 14 per thous­
and, which is tbs pnoe paid for the
logs, a great deal of money Is distrib­
uted by the raw mill owners among
the Inhabitants along tbe Bluelaw and
tributaries where some of tbe flnrat
timber in the world abounde. To get
an idea of tba amount paid for logs in
that section, this run of 8,000,000 feet
brought *32,000, and this ie only a pert
of tbe amount of logs used by tbe mills
on tbe lower Btuslaw.
The river last week was quite high,
at Tailmen’s showing a rise of nine
Dally Guard Deoember 26
The fiue monument donated by the
county to mark the resting place of
the body of Charnel Mulligan, the
pioneer who donated 40 acres of land
on which the city of Eugeue a as built,
was put in plat* at tbe cemetery near
Bpringfleld today, under tbe direction
of W W Martin, the Eugene marble
Tbe monument ie made of Vermont
granite and is a handsome piece of
work, Mr Martin having executed tbe
artistic work on tbe same.
At Saginaw, Dec 23, 1000, Mr C O
Pearson aud Mira Maggie Whitsett.
Mr Pearson is the station agsnt at that
place, and the bride is a popular young
lady residing there.
Mr W R Doak and Mira Maggie Far­
ms n were married at Lorane, Bunday,
Dec 23, by O W Fidler, Justice of the
Mr Herman Ray and Mias Minnie
Conant were married at the borne of
the brlde’e parents, Mr and Mrs Cbaa
Conant, at Lorane, Dec 26, Justloe of
ths Peaoe Fidler officiating.
Mlicustiese, headache, dyspepsia and
A New
pUsjlaoon follow. If you wish to avoid
Arae ailments keep your bowels regu-
There le one book everyone should
br by taking Chamberlain’s Btomach
an effort to jet, for the new veer.
tod Liver Tablets when required, “Tntoine eimpie’and vaiuable biota
1b«y are so easy to take and mild end
ItMUe In effect. For sale by W L concerning health, m.ny amusing
anecdotes, and much general In form a -
lion. We refer to Hosteller’s Alma-
Year Guide.
25 P» Cent
Jt 14 Off
p 'n all Holiday Goods
for two weeks only.
(per off on Men's and
I Boys’ Clothing.
De per set or ]0c e^ch
f a set of nice China
Ips and saucers. Plain
kl fancy teapot? at cost.
nac, published by tbe Hostetter Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa. It will prove valu­
able to any household.
Sixty em­
ploye« are kept at work ‘»“¿J“’
The ’raue for 1901 will bo
ble book. T—-------—
over eight millions, prints«! in th »
English, German, French, Welsh
Norwegian, Bwedish, Holland, Bohe­
mian and Spanish language« It
contains p.oof of tbe efficacy of Hoe
tetter’s RtDOOBch Bitter*, th* jrrs
remedy prepared by the publisher»
and is worthy a careful preservation.
The almanac may be obtain-d free cr
cost, at any druggist or general dealer
tn tbe country.
W eddino A nniversary .— Mr and
Mr« PJ Burr celebrated the 20th an­
niversary of their rnarrUg« at their
bom- on t ollage Hill. Saturday even­
ing, Dee 22. Those prewit were Mr
and Mrs P J Starr, A N Striker, H H
Stick Dey, F P Close. C W Burr, and
wives. MrsC H Davis, Mrs Ko w land
Mrs M J Andrews. Hairay and Mira
Connie Cora. Elsie Davis, Audrey
Close Wilds Starr, Edna Starr. and
Carl Dev • and Elmer Burr.
Erected Today Over the Dead
Pioneer's Grave.
^ftone can reasonably hope for good
i unless bis bowels move once
^^^i»y. When this ie not attended feet.
kisor ders of tbe stomach arise,
troops have repulsed the
at Burjhersdorp.
and mistletoe hung from the ooruere
of tbe rooms, meeting lu tbe center
under which were the chandlers dec­
orated with mistletoe and ribbons.
All about tbe rooms were pieced beau­
tiful potted plauto and Oregon Grape.
Promptly at 8 p m the wedding
march, played by Mrs Mary McCarty-
Charlton, sounded through the nx>au
aud Mira Dell Brumley, sister of the
bride, followed by Mias Nettle Whit­
ney. of Albany, eutered tbe parlor.
Immediately following came tbe bride
who was met by the groom, accom­
panied by Mr R 8 Brumley, brother
of tbe bride, and J J Whltuey, editor
of tbe Herald, of Albany. Tbe bridal
party took tbelr places in tbs large bay
window under a beautiful true lovers’
knot of whits ribbon, and here Rsv
Ronald McKlllop pronounced the cere­
mony which made tbe happy oouple
man and wife.
Only tbe relatives aud most Inti­
mate friends were Invltod. Tbe young
people a,'« well known, both of them
having been raised in Eugens. Mice
Brumley, now Mrs Whltuey was a
successful school teasber, having just
closed her eeceud term of school in th
same district.
Following the wedding the Halem
Military Band serenaded the oouple
and tbe boys were called In and served
with refreshments.
Many beautiful aud costly presents
ware received.
Memorial Resolutions.
We, the mem tiers of Co C, eomradee
of private John H Brewer, wbo was
killed near Manila on the 30th of
October, 1900, desire to record our ap­
preciation of bls patriotic spirit and
devotion to bis country.
T hkhkfore ; Resolved, that we ex­
press our sympslhy and offer our con­
dolence to the family lu the lose of their
dear and beloved eon and brother, and
our esteemed comrade.
We hope that they may fln<i>trength
in our Heavenly Father to bear up
under this affliction.
R ksolved , That a copy of these
resolutions be furnished each of the
dally papers ot Eugene lor publication,
and that a copy be sent to the family
of the deceaeed, also that a copy of the
Mine be spread upon tbe minutes of
our company.
H G W cbtrbook ,
W B D ii . lxkd ,
O F F ord .
Cold Steal Or Death.
“There ie but one small obanoe to
eave your life and that ie through an
operation," was the awful prospect set
before Mrs L B Hunt, of Lime Ridge,
Wle, by her doctor after vainly trying
to cure her of a frightful case of stom­
ach troubles and yellow jaundice. He
didn’t count on the marvelous power
of Eleclrlo Bitters to cure Btomach and
Liver troublea, but she heard of it,
took eeven bottlsa, was wholly cured,
avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs
more and feels better than ever. It’s
positively guaranteed to cure Btomach,
Liver and Kidney troubles and never
disappoints. Prlos 60c at W L De-
Lano’e drug store.
How to Cure Croup.
Llst of Letters.
Kemalnlne in lbs poetoffira al Sox«»». Ors,
Mr R Gray, wbo Ilves near Amenia-
Eugene, Or, Dec 27, 1900.
Ducberaoounty, N Y., says: “Chamber
Conger, Mrs Roes H
Iain’s Cough Remedy is the best tuedi-
Lyons, Mira Elva
eina I have aver ueed. Il le a fllne
Martin, Mrs Ales
children's remedy for croup and never
Macklnile, Thus A
fails to cure." When given as soon
McAdams, Mr
as tbe child becomes hoarse, or even
Parker, Bob
after the croapy oougb has developed,
Potter, F M
it will prevent tbe attack. This should
Smith, B I Miae
A ebarx« of ons e«nt will to mads os all lai»
Ira borne in mind and a bottle of the
ton r"’1 ooL
Haranna wbra railing for
keP‘ •» h,n<1
•Iton will ploara Mato «baa edaanlaxl
three eymp-
H F M c O okhac K, P M.
for Instant us.-soon ra ---------------
tome appear. For rale by W L
L amp , drugstore.
A Monster Devil Fieh.
Dally Guard. Dseeubsr 77
Y oüthpcl
R umawav ».— Night­
watch R E Eastland arrested two
small boys last night. Ono gave bis
name as Hurel Hendee, aged 7 years,
and the other George Leng, 10 years.
By information this morning, Marshal
Brady found they belonged at Harris­
burg, and had run away from home.
They were very anxious this morning
to return home and the marshal
turned them over to Mr Schooling, as
I be knows their [«rents, and be will
send tb-m track.
Among the tens of thousands who
beve used Chamberlain's < Ougb Rem­
edy for colds and la grippe during the
past few years, to our knolsdge, nota
single case has resulted In pcsumonlat
Thoa Whitfield A Co., 240 Wabssb
svenne, Chicago, one of the most pn>m-
Inent reUli druggists In that city. In
speaking of this says; "We recom­
mend Cbsmherlain'e Cough Remedy
for a grippe In many cases, as It no
only gl»«« prom pt and complete re­
covery. but Slao noon la reel« any ten­
dency of la grippe to result tn pneu
For sole by W
L D b
I L aro , drugstore.
Destroying Its vlstlm, le a type of
constipation. The power of thia mur­
derous malady le felt on organs and
and nerve« and muscles and brain.
There’s no health till Its overcome,
but Dr King's New lite pills are a safe
and certain core. Best In the world
for Btomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Only 25c at W L DeLano s
drug store.
Choice City Property Bargain.
It Is a Grand Suxess—Entries
Eight full carloads
just received
Ihiliy Guard I eoember 27
The fourth annual show of the
Willamette Valley Poultry and Pet
Stock Association which opened in
ths old Christian church building at
Ninth and Pearl streets this uiorulng
i Is a decided suocean. About 600 birds,
Bsigian hare«, rabbits and Qulusaplgs
are ou exhibition and they are eUli
arriving. The exhibits are said to ba
the fluset ever seen here and are as
good as any ever shown tn ths stale.
The room is crowded with people ad­
miring the exhibits and they
satisfied. Mr W W Browning. of
Ogden, Cull, wbo was Chorau as
judge. Is already at work awarding
premiums aud tbs work will not ba
fluished until
Prominent among the exhibits ere a
number of paua of blooded Belgian
hares owned by Prof F L Washburn
and other local breeders.
Plymouth Rock chlskene seem to
be predominant at tbe show aud sums
ef them are veritable moustere In else.
Some floe Hacks and geese are dis­
played, also several coops of turkeys,
and Geo Fisher’s game chickens are
The show lasts two days more and
It woo Id pay anyoua to visit It.
A list of merchandise “specials"
douatsd by the business men aud
women of Eugeus for tbe poultry
show to be held Dea. 27-29:
J O Watts, eight day clock..........
Griffin Hardware Co, coffee pot...
Wing A Lang worthy, • lb rib roost
F L Chambers, 1 ax....................
J W Kays Furnishing Co, easel...
Linn Drug Co, Indian aud frame
B I) Paine A Co, pocket knife.......
J V Kauffman, umbrella
K Hanson, umbrella .
F C Potto, pl[>e............
Hampton Bros, bat....
J L Page, gravy txrat.
H G Miller, gent’s wa let
Yoran A Bon, pair eb >ee
E Bchwarzecbild, boot...
8 H Friendly, umbrellt...
W L DeLano, feather duster
T A Gilbert, pair sli tee.....
Geo H Smith, box bo i bone.
Geo T Hall A Bon, salol set...,
Preston A Hales, 2 gal. Corboll-
neum lloe killer ..........
F E Dunn, pair shoe«...
J 8 Luckey, butter ki Ife
A E Wood, glass pltc ler
J H McClung, sweat« r.
J alius Goldsmith, pips.
J A Maurer, sugar ahe.l.
Misses Walton, street hat
J U Green A Bon, octree pot.
H A Miller, set Rogers' silverware
VlnoentA Co, cash.........................
Watklue A Miller, 10 1b can lard
L O Beckwith, shaving mug.......
J B K»y A Co, bottle pepper sauce
J W White, package each ot lloe
killer poultry cure...............
Mira 8 C Rankin, ladlra or mu
hat ssoeooseeesooeoeeooo»seoooseooeoeo»»o
F A Rankin, muele book........
D P Deming, pipe.......................
L A Overton, eon Neal’s enamel
B M Barg, cash...................
Misses Learned, child's bat..
E H Ingham, gent’s that.....
H Gordon, toe pot................... .
P Frank A B ob , pair gloves.
Winter A Manville, tea kettle
A Yerington, hair brush.......
W KBcarborougb, 1 quart maple
Htnlth A Moon, eaok Perfection
flour.,,...—•■•••••••«■■ •■••«•»w,..,,,.,...
R Mount, knife sharpener.........
Gilstrap Bros, Weekly Register 1
»•• e»s»»» ••••• se»»*» ••»•••••••»»»•« *s •«
L C Bkeele, china cup and saucer
Bonbontore, box bon bone..........
Barker Oun Works, Colombia
tber._.... •••••••• ••••••••••••*•••»••••••«
Qulnsr A Bitter, pair gent's gloves
and package Pratt’s poultry
food sosoeeoBOO«eteseososoeeoeeeoeoeeeoosse»•»
Mira Haiti man, hat.........................
Loughmlllsr A Peter, family
cleevor •••> •••••••
A K Patterson, 6 lb oan lard.......
Campbell Bros, W kkklt Guxen
1 year.
Geo W Downs of Portland,
piece salad set............ -............
Amer I oan White Ply moth Hook
Club, membership >rartlfloate...
Had our Urns ¡»rm I 'ted our making
tbs second call on tb<»o who were not
In when cauvara was made, the list no
doubt would havs be« o much larger.
On behalf of tbs sm «elation I most
heartily thank tbe do tore of tbo above
valuable articles and • «sure them that
their aeel»tance thus endored Is fully
Respect i ally
I F K kbnkt .
Bupt. of show.
Oliver Steel
Oliver Chilled
Every one
8th GRAND 8th
Commences Wednesday, December 26tb,
and will continue for
Big Bargains will be given on LADIES’ TAILOR
must go as we will need the roomier the beat lino of Spring
Goods we ever had.
This is a ‘bona fide sale”.
A word to the wise
is sufficient
Court House Items.
Chattel mortgage............................ M 00
The renders nf thia paper will be
Chattel mortgage......................... M 00 pleased to learn that there Is at least
Mortgage,........................................ 30 i 00 ooe dreaded dleeeee that science baa
Mortgage <eeee»»eee»»sseeess»»esese<sssse 75 00 been able to cure In all lie stagea, and
that le catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la
K E Lilly st al to J R Nixon, "Bur­ the only positive cure known to the
prise” mining claim In Bohemia dis­ medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
conatltutlonal dieease, require» a con­
trict. *100
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
J H Perkins at al to B Pleurel, 10
cure le taken Internally, acting directly
acres in tp 20, e r 3 w. *260.
upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of
John Logaa to Mrs P FIramb, south the system, thereby destroying tbo
j of lot 1, In block 1, Bcotl’e sd to Eu­ foundation of tbs disease, aud giving
gens. *100.
the patient strength by building up
T J Riggs to M J Rigg», 40 acres in the amelllutlon end aeelelliig nature
IndoIng 11» work.
The proprietors
tp 16, ■ r, 1 w. *100.
| have so much faith in Ito curailve
John W Btnllh to William A Bmlth, rower», that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any ease that It tails to oure.
M acres In tp 16, s r 1 w. *5oo.
Hand for list of taetiuioiilate.
The Eugs is Wstor Co to <' M Els-
Adilrew, F J CHEN EY A <X>,
Toledo, Ohio.
pora, lota 2 aud 8 In fractional blk “A"
Bold by Druggists. 75c.
In original plat of Eugens. *200.
Hall’s Family Pllie ere tbo beet.
U H to Irawrenos Millican, 162.45
aorw in tp 16 s r 2 w. Patent.
rnoor or labor .
No Cure .No Pay.
Pure Home Made Brandy
Wm Harris, sgent for Wm Mae Mus­
ter and C H Biswell flies proof of la­
bor on Baid Butte, Wild Weet and
Grover mining claims, Black Butte
Lewie Hartley fl Ira proof of labor on
Mexican claim, Bohemia dlstrlcl.
A Frightful Blunder.
Will often ewura a horrible Hara,
Hack Ian’a
A fl ds reeldsnea pleee of property for Heald, Cut or Br lias.
sale ai a trargaln. Corner lots wlth Arnica Halva, tbe bra in the world,
Improvsd strrete. Ans shnibtwry and
shade trese. fnagnod netghborbood, will kill the pain an< promptly bra I
and cunveolent to tbe t»osin«ra por­ IL Corea old surra, fi ver sorra, ulcers,
tion of town.
bol la, felons, corns, al skin eruptions.
Inqnire of or addrea» J R I ampbell, Bast pile rare on sarth. Only 26c •
G ta an office, Eugaoe, Oregon.
box Care gurrantowl. Hold by W
DsLaao, druggist.
íioo Reward, fioo.
For liver, kidney or stomach troo-
bles, Colds, lagrlppe or biliousness there
le nothing better than Frauds’ pure
brand 1«. All orders promptly tilled
, with piune, apple or pear brandy at
76 cents per quart, or *2 60 per gallon.
Orders by stage or express will bo se­
curely bused. Mede and sold only by
R D Elliot, of Walurvllle flies stock
I M F rancis ,
brand to be ueed on <*.ttle, same being
Eugene, Oregon.
letter “F.” enclosed Io a triangle.
E ntertainmknt at J aspul — Tha
Helen Fisher of Yellow Medicine,
ladles of the Riverview Circle No Sil,
Mino, to J R McMurry, of Evgeus.
of Jasper, are preparing an eu Urtai n-
ment to be given at tbo school house
Oscar R Psge and Mies Allee Hlie­ on New Years eee, amt an oyster sap­
mao, J W Mlnuett, eltnera.
per to be served at W O W ball, to
Fred W Allen and H im Mabel War­ both the people that palmólas tbe
enter tel urn ent and the daoee that Is to
ner, E E Ellsworth eltnras.
be given in tbs Welsh hall by Frank
Sylvester ou tbe same night
proceeds.of tbe supper are to to- used
with towards furnishing tbe Woodman
Chamberlain'» Paio Halm and uound hall.
to the affected i«ru I« superior to any
When trou'ded with lame
bark or ebrat, give It a Inal and you are
cartelli to bo more than pleased with
the prompt relief which II affords.
Pain Haim a sn cu ra rheemati>m
One eppileatl’ n give« relief, Fur sale
by Unni-kN A Dliaxu, drugstore.
The Best