hangQ, ife. METHOD of EDUCATING INDIAN CHILDREN. Progreww Made by tbe Introduction of Manual Training Into tSchool«—Grati­ fying liesuit» of an Es périment Tried by Mia» Eateile Reel. Minister jJ • tor- e^J w»m, »K, taI7 li.yg ■' 11 le hu-^jl ■t, if U|(l i- :<;«■> I lent 1 of tbe^c. I I tem I t«»«*k .11« 5, I Ji« e Hlii*te;w I I the -»,«1 bl«. tr»|| xo eitn«| is blo-xl, *g| thertbepn.1 uate tri trial •Ts uiewi.HI ones. and t**l ly nieutioail nth TuiJ October >, J hinese ¡g«u would eijeu their jaOi i otficiilfib ilemuii kl >ade, s HuntlmÁ nittei uk A tbit be is d ited «ms I II eUerMdl u 1;:.-. .iiail lentil nine by «i | ike ciiusd»| , it is icuai ueut il J» I in this mat ~ mui« ad I t he anud* rtment Mi in o! liza ; to :• JU I ;h c:t®l , and ts«M t, aul •-‘t* ENALTA Since her appointment as superinten­ dent of ludiau schools Mias Estelle Re I bas accomplished w uud« rs by the Intro­ duction of manual methods in agency schools scattered throughout the West­ ern States aud territories. Early in her career as superintendent she be­ came convinced, as she herself express­ es it, that “among aU chddren, luulaus and whites alike, the shortest road to tbe bralu is through the band.” lu a perfunctory way manual training bad been lu operation before Miss Reel re- jreived her appointment, but since then it has-revelled cluse attention aud the ¡results have been gratifyiug in the extreme. In the early days of the re­ public most Indian teachers sought to lift tbe aboriginal mind to the plane of Christian enlightenment by means of [texts and sermons, catechisms and iu [junctions, aud too commonly their ef­ lfort» ended In the sad realization that [tLe seed was sowu on stony ground, hlalf a century ago some teachers be- Igan to realize that the chief need of tbe ■udiau is for practical education Involv­ ing manual training ami actual iutro- Ljuctlou into tbe arts aud industries of [their Caucasian neighbors, auu tbe ef- ports of those teachers who adopted kbls plan were always more or less ■rultfuL It was not uutil the advent kf Miss Reel that the system was given Is really fair trial. Tbe result bas been L satisfactory that doubtless the wflrk Lili be still further developed iu fu­ ture. Observers of educational prog­ ress are Impressed with tbe increasing­ ly practical character of instruction iu kur own schools; the kindergarten has massed the experimental stage and be- kume an Important educational factor; kianual training has been substituted jor the dreary grind of word drill, to ■he immeasurable benefit of pupils, and kature teaching is rapidly replacing tbe Busks of dead knowledge iu every uni­ versity aud in all the better normal kcbools and high schools, as well as in ■tauy of the primary schools through- Hut the country. 1 In speaking of the benefits accruing Vein this system of education Miss Heel said recently: "Tile benefits of H1I* educational revolution to the chll- Bren ami youth of America have been Berv great, yet tbe advantages of the ■oilern method are Incomparably fceater to Indian children than to their Mucaslan contemporaries. Allowing Hr exceptional cases, the Indian child ■ of lower physical organization than He white child of corresponding age. ■is forearms are smaller and his fin- Krs and hands less flexible; the very ■ructure of his boues and muscles will H»t permit so wide a variety of man- &1 movements a* are customary spuing Caucasian children, aud his Arv instincts and modes of thought Ae adjusted to this imperfect manual t'on. when completed, will constat of ' the Urge examination and office build- 1 itif. a restaurant, laundry and bath- a power house and a hospital am?a pby»i. lau s Louse. All of these are to be flreproof. The goverum« nt does not Intend that the catastrophe " hich destroyed the old station on the fight of June 15. 1897. and threatened the lives of between 2uu and 3uu immi­ grants, shall be repeated. No wood has been used in the construction of the main building except In the floors of the offices on the second story and in the trimmings. 1 he architects have adopted a color scheme In red brick, Indiana limestone and Maine granite. The design is pick ed out ly the light stones and accentu- ' ated by the contrasting tints. The big building is further accentuated to the distant passer-by on the water by four towers. The exterior In some respects suggests an exhibition halL Owing to the absence of any buildings not in har­ mony with it in dimensions and design. tlsts was John Sweeney, the »a ef a well kuown livery man. During the evening it was suggested as an additional means of eutertalu ing the guests that some one be hypno tiled. Young Sweeney, who is quit« a powerful young man. offered bls serv ices, and was soon under the influence of a young operator uamed Cook. In a few moments it w as seen that the young man was completely under Cook's In fluence. The company became annoy­ ed and suggested that the spell be broken and the victim released. This was attempted, but tn vain. The young man cut up all sorts of antics, in hi» efforts to release bis patient tbe opera tor was terribly slugged and several of his front teeth knocked out. Sweeney manifested wonderful feat* of strength At times half a dozen or more men at tempted to seize and bind him. but could not do so. The services of a stal­ wart policeman were called upon. When be got withlu reach of tbe latter’* flst IMMIGRANT HOSPITAL. ELI.IS ISLAND. the eye does not convey to tbe mind an Idea of its size. It covers oue and one-half acres of ground aud is 11*5x490 feeL In order to provide greater isolation for the hospital aud furnish a basin for the anchorage of the steamers used in trans|>ortiug the immigrants, a uew islaud, about three acres in extent, has been made southwest of tbe main isl­ and aud parallel to it The two are connected on the Jersey City side by a crib. The hospital is being built on tbe Jersey City end of this new rect­ angle of land. The physician's house is to staud on the southwestern extrem­ ity. The other buildings are on the , main island, the restaurant, laundry [ and bathhouse adjoining the main ■ building on the northwest end and the power-house occupying the north side ] of the island. All of the buildings and the landing piers and ferry slip are to lie connected with covered passageways, so that I from tlie moment he lauds on the Isl- I and until he leaves It the immigrant is | not once In the open air unless he is permitted to walk upon tbe broad prom- ' euade on tbe roof. There are no loop­ holes by which he may leave without the consent of the officials. Ellis Island has been used as an im­ migration station since 18111. Shortly after Congress relieved New York State of the supervision of the European 1m- he received a terrlfle blow, which sent him spinning away more than twenty feet' Sweeney, under the peculiar In­ fluences, app«*ared to Imagine himself a prize tighter, and for a time It was well that few disputed this point with him. A physician was Anally »imiiiiouwl. ami after a long struggle the young man was handcuffed. He was removed to a hospital for treatment. Sweeney remained in a stupor until tbe next morning about 8 o'clock. T im » Many Fried Messes. Dr. Jacobi, writing in the Medical Record, says that in the United States there is one physician to every t»00 peo­ ple—proportionately twice as many as in Great Britain, four times as many as Erance has, live times as many as Ger­ many has and six times as many as Italy has. And Dr. Jacobi might have gone on to show that we take an inter­ est In patent or proprietary medicines and In various other forms of extra-pro­ fessional treatment which is almost non-existent in Europe. There must be some explanation of this American craze for doctoring. Cer­ tainly It is not that we are a sickly and an ailing race. On the contrary we are exceptionally hardy and eudurlng. It may be that our backwardness In the art of cooking lias a great deal to ■r«r Bun 1 ■ ■.''"•I v bis tieifl "'I ilisrly !*■ ig paid»td| I. it »»«»I of the ®n!H itcb to the ■ around tbit ater a Iteflj Mt life ’«j ie doomed II lines shrtwl r bekw»*j of hi* '**■ line to tint «■ho M«R Union «»I ilane« of ,rv Mt «•' nil the r? bout ttt* lly «’ •* i. Gr®l’ " t the fin • cotuu»^1 their «?' . they alter«»* R,I“T' «1 ui perot WW teiiiyt»1 , faM T , «•»nfF’l „comp*"*! ,( Sa« '*2 crowd b®J r batch*' * atm' h '* with «* eaved EDUCATING YOUNG LATTER DAY SAVAGES. telopment. In like manner hi* face Without that complete development berve and muscle which gives char- rr to expressive features; bls face ■n* stolid because It is without the rhanism of free expression, aud at same time his mind remains meas- [bly stolid because of tbe very ab- Ite of mechanism for its own expres- k. In short, the Indian Instincts and kes and mnsdes and bones are ad led one to another, and all to tbe |lts of the race for uncounted gener­ ics. and his offspring cannot be ■bt to be like the children of tbe jte man until they are taught to do I them The children of our aborlg- ■ land holder* are now wards of the Bon. and In the mind* of most right iking people they are entitled to ■ly consideration.” I ._______________ _ ■ HERE IMMIGRANTS LAND. tnsive Qnarter* Being Built Kills Island, New York. on |rly next year the Immigrant who in New York Bay will make hl* landing on free soli In one of a set Melon* buildings which are now in ► of erection on Ellis Island. New I Bay. The new Immigrant sta­ migrants entering through this port a wooden building 750x25«) feet was j erected on Ellis Island as a station at I an expense of between $500,000 aud : $«¡00,000. It was opened on New Year * Day, 1891. On the night of June 15, 1897, the big nondescript building, de­ scribed at the time as a veritable tin­ derbox. was burned to tbe ground, for­ tunately without the loss of a life. The immigration office was moved back to It* original home In the barge office and preparations were made for tbe construction of a serie* of fireproof buildings to replace the old building*. The cost of these Is over $1,000,000. I HYPNOTISM AND PUGILISM. Efl»r Subject Become* a Tough Cus­ tomer When Under the Influence. One of the most remarkable caws of hypnotism yet reported Is attracting the attention of medical men here, says the Baltimore Hun. Tbe victim, too. for a time made thing* lively for about twenty person* who were attending a tea in the West E d <1 last evening. The scene of the singular actions of the vic tlm of hypnotism was at tbe residence of W. J. Gilman. No. 922 West Marsh all street. The subject of tbe hypno- 1 . do with it Outside of a few highly- favored center* tbe effort* of cooks are directed chiefly to tbe concocting of sundry fried messes that are Interesting to th«- palate but productive of that lumpy feeling In the pit of tbe stomach and afterward of all manner of disor­ der*. from a general sense of gloom am! dissatisfaction and need of some sort of medicine to complete collapse and a tierce struggle with death. A good cook can come pretty near to keeping tbe doctor out of tbe house.— New York World. French T«»t»aoc«». Many French m<-di al men are «ban doning the use of tobacco, owing large ly to tbe government monoimly of that commodity. According to the physi­ cian* the cigar* of tbe “Regie** (those made at the government factories» are so uniformly bail and the tax on all other brands Is so prohibitive that tbe only sensible thing to do Is not to smoke at all. A girl may keep quiet on the subject of her Intended's income until after their engagement Is announced, but that la tbe turning point for boasts or walls. FASHION PLATE OF OUTDOOR GOANS FOR AU I LIN WEAR. Science vention Imperial Chine««* troops, whom be de- »igue«! to u»e (or boldlug me place* won by himself aud bi* soldiers of for­ tune. This time be captured tbe city altbougL outnumbered a buudrvd to one. The ouly reverse* he encountered were lu two *u«ve*slve attempts to capture Slug l’o w hile th«* defender* were eummaml«*d by an Eugllsbmau uaiuetl Savage, lu the first assault Ward was wounded lu the Jaw Brought to trial by the forelgu consul' of Shaughal for violating th«* neutral­ ity law* of bl* country, ha e»cap«»d by swearing that he was no louger an American citizen, but a Chinese sub- ject. He met a hero'* death lu a pitch e«l battle mar Ning l*o. Shot lu the stomach while* leading a charge, he re­ fuse«! to leave tbe field, but remained, like Wolfe, to urge hi* men ou to vic­ tory. The Chinese burled him In the Con­ fucian temple, which was a unique hwuor for a foreigner. A »lirlm* was reared over hi* grave aud declared miraculous. Some year* later the 1*«*- kiu government proclaimed him a joss, New \ork World. THE BREECHES BUOY. HOW A JAP WROTE ENGLISH. At Last Proper Heepect 1» Shown for the Feeling» of Women. *l>oimen .»( tbe LanuUNge »» Eletn- |tl i tlx I 1») .1 \\ r i f t r. Bu»t«*n »«utiuicut. a* rvdvct«*i in cul­ tures! circle*, ba* alwuys Mt in strong against the brewehe* buoy, aay* tlit Marin«- Journal. As a life saving ap puratus the brwehe* buoy bas It* stroug point*, but there Is a lack of uimlesty about It* operations that has often brought the blush of shame to tbe cheek ot beauty on the Massachu­ setts coast. This ru«le device will do well enough for saving the life of a mail, but the mere thought of rvseuiug a B«»stou woman lu such a fashlou has l»«*eu known to send a chill of horror up ami dow u the graulte splue ot Bunk er Hill monument We are gratitie«! beyond measure, therefore, to recortl tlint Prof. Peabody, of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. aud tin* l»oar»l ot lit«* saving ex- ¡»ert*. of which he la president, have taken steps to veil the lmmo«Iesty of the bre«*cln•« buoy. At th«* last meeting of th«* board It wa* recommended that a canvas bag skirt be furnlahed all sta­ tions, to be used hereafter in taking women ashore from shipwreck*. Whether th«* skirt I* to I»«* t!oun«*ed, bang plain or "bell shaped" I* not stated. 1'he garment Is not lut«*ml«*>l to take the place of th«* breeches buoy, though heavens know* the cause of morality nml gm*! government would l»e greatly advauc«*d If something were devised to *uperse«le It. Therefore, ttie b----- a will be continued In use. shock­ ing as th«* thought is. but the canvas skirt will encircle both the b s and th«* woman, and. although the former seizes the chaste limbs of the latter w 1th all the familiarity of an old friend, th«* whole world may uot look ou aud •Dicker. Tlila Is a great and noble thought, ami doe* Immense crodlt to the head ami heart of Prof. PealMaly and hl* as­ sociate*. The feellug* of a Bostou womau cannot be t«x> much re»p«*cte«l. Tliey are tender and ea«lly wound«*«!, nml tin* etlquetto of shipwrecks has uot entered too soon Into the midnight studies of th«* thinker* nm!philoso­ phers of Massachusetts. Too long ha* the shameless b a b—y b**en per- inltted to go Its Indecorous way. Too long ha* Its shriek of exultation been heard al»ov«* tbe storm w lien It saw a ship drifting on the rock*. To be sure, lu case of accident, the bre<*< he* buoy Is still “then* or thereabouts," but th«* public doe* not know It. That till* innovation will be a good thing (or shipping Interest* goes with­ out saying. Then* I* no telling how many Bo*toti women have beeu deter­ red (rom taking sea voyages through th«* - leuce ns though I was a mass of clay Insensible to disgrace and pain. "1 could not reconcile to forgive him for such a cruel assault, nnd would have avenged tin* Injury with the same weapon In* wlehled to my full gratifi­ cation. if otherwise a bystander med­ dled In and forced my highly strung nerves to ordinary coolness. "However. 1 have no thought to let his brutality l>l«l«* from the eye of the right nml Just, ami so I have taken some trouble to writ«* these lines, and ask you ¡»least* to glam*«* over It at once. Very respectfully, your olwdlent servant. J. N." The Chinese are not mentioned eith­ er lu the Old or the New Testameut. It Is not known from which of tbe «on* of Noah they descend. A* a un­ ion they date several thousand years jack. By arrangements with the two gov- I »ruments of France and Germany, a ieleplioue service ha* beeu inaugurated Jetweeu Paris. Frankfort and Berltu. The charge tor tbe use of the w ire l»e- ;weeu Frankfort aud Paris is 8o ceuts .’or three minutes, aud between Paris uwl Berlin $1.25 for the same time. Thiugs grow very fast lu the short : Arctic summer. As soou as tbe snow­ melts off in mauy places the ground is covered with a vlue which bears a »mall l»erry something like a huckle­ berry. porwong It la called. It la sour tnd bas a pungent taste, and the lu- ilan* leave off work and go porwong LAW AS INTERPRETED. tunting, cramming themselves with ;he berries. An agent w ho forwards collections to The theoretical velocity with which a sub ag»-ut and directs hitu to make water flows under a given bead Is 8.93 any other us«* of tlw* funds than au »¡r times tbe square root of the b«*id. l'o plication thereof for the benefit of the lud the pressure In pounds ¡>er square principal la held, lu Mlltou vs. Johnson nch of a column of water, multiply (Mlnu.l. 47 L. It. A. 529. liable to the the height of th«* column in feet by prlucipal for such misuse of the fund* •434. approximately; consider that ev­ by the sub agent. ery foot of elevation Is equal to one- A person excluded by a co tenant half ¡»ound pressure per square inch; from a mine In which he bas a lease this allows for ordinary friction. of au undlvid««! Interest Is held, lu A new submarine cable is al>out to be Paul v*. Craguas (Nevi, 47 I.. R. A. 540, laid between England and Germany to be entlttad to maintain au aetlou for This Is the fifth cable, and a compre- damages and not to be limited to an bUHflve idea of tbe Increase In the ca­ action for partition or an accounting ble traffic between the two countries of rents am! profits. may be gathered from the fact that, An intention to convert real eatat«* whereas In 181HI. vv h«*n th«- fourth cable into personalty w lwu bought by a ¡»art was laid, tbe annual number of cable­ uership Is h«‘ld, in Darrow v*. Calkins grams was 1.8U7.8tl8 l»er annum, no (N. Y i. 48 L. R. A. 2P9, to be manifest­ fewer than 2.4d5.i*Mltlon, tbe chemical that a decree s«*ttllng over a part of composition of the embryo has l>»M*n th«* property to a life tenant In fe«* slm- completely altered, and it I* no longer capable of development. The dormant pie in a ¡»art It Ion ease I* wholly void. Garnishment against an executor to life of tbe seed must long ago have ex­ pired. ami M. Gain regard* this ob­ reach a debt of tlie «leceileut before »!«*- servation as entirely dis|»oslng of the cr»*«* f«»r distribution of nssets is denied *l»oerypbal statements that tiles«* sees]* In Hudson vs. Wilber (Mleh.l, 47 L. 11. ■an germinate after thousands of A. 345, In tin* absence of statutory ¡»er- mlsslon, although th«* debt lias been years. Sir W. II. Preece «ays that one great plac«*«l In judgment In a suit revlv«*d The numerous advantage of electric over steam trac­ against the executor. authorities on the qu«*stlon of garnish­ tion on railroad* I* that It Impresses a continuous ami uniform tor<>*«*1. unless *uch Is the Intent to tie When lie must Hear n shiny ha( Ter keep hi* idee* in, bring a railroad train up to Its great­ Inferred from the whole purview of tbe It went* ter no* that I'aruin' la est *pec*d much more «julckly than Is statute. With this case la a note re A (oily an' a sin. [»osslble with steam traction. This ad­ viewing the authorities on the liability vantage Is especially valuable on city of an employer for Injuries to servant* I sec the college chap* In town Ines, when* stoppage* art* fr«*qm*nt and cauN«*d by want of blocking at switch- A swellln* round in style, ea. distance* Itetween statious short. A-lookm' mighty dandified, As though they knew ii pile; Under government encouragement. It FISHING IN CHINA. An' then f read, when I git hum, I* said that Sllierla la gaining 2110.000 O' how they've done some trick farmers per year. Amoug Its export* Itow tbe Piscatorial Art 1» Practiced That would have put ter shame th« l»y Cunnln* Celestial*. are cereals, butter, wool, leather and brain* In this country the fisherman I* a lrleopu- lar Imagination I* apt to picture a* n in following bls profession and folks floinetlniea I see them college chaps A marchln* up ami down rast waste, tin* abode of frost ami snow would stare with wonder to se<* him and misery. I* becoming fnlkts! of a* a start off with a flock of bird* to help With nightdress*« an' nightcap« on— They call um cap an' gown— (MMsIble competitor with the well- ' In catching flab. Yet this Is done In known cereal-producing countries of China. There the Chinaman may be All' some uv um go in (or sports. An' kiiiu * go In (or canes; the world. A member of tin* French 1 seen in his xampnn surrounded by cor­ It make* you feel real sorrowful bureau of foreign commerce estlmat«** morants which have m-en train«*! to That umre don't try for brains. that, on the basis of th«* ¡»resent popu­ dash Into the water at hl* order, seize the flail and bring tliem to the boat, lation of Russia In Europe, Sllierla enn My notion I* that heart an* head Should both be uniform; «ustaln HO.BOO.WKi Inhabitants, although flhotild a cormorant capture a flsh too now It has not one tenth of that num­ large for It to carry alone, <*«* that a cow down there dl«*l Gordon afterward owe«! bl* fame. Ward, the Yankee soldier of fortune, 1 to his shell. Struggle a* he will the from drinking too much wnter. It 1» was the only foreigner ever delti»*d In turtle cannot loosen th«* grip of the hop«*! thl* will l»e a wanting to other China. He won till* «acred regard by *u< ker. nn«l the Chinaman has only to «•ow». We have t«»t«*l waler for a cow bl* military genius, for to film mors haul in on tbe line, bring tbe turtle up onrwlve*. and when, after turning up than to any other Individual was due to the l*>at. and take him aboard.— Iter no»«* an«! sniffing around a* though the crushing of the Tat-pIng ret»elllon Washington Post. she didn't think much of water any­ that bloody convulsion which for way. and we might go to hade* with It, Poor I*»'» liellglou* Hyatem. years devastated the richest provinces she imldenly chang«*! her tnlnd and So tienign was the religious system of China ami cost million* of live*. swallowed a bucketful In two gulp* and He wa* born in Rulem. Mass.. In 1828, of the Imllan that each department of kept on doing so for t«m or flft«**n tlm«** the animal kingdom wa* provides! with and from boyhood sought destrate ad­ ami called for more, w«* Ju*t w ha< k«*«l venture*. Balked of a West Point edu­ a little divinity to look after Its nf Iter over the head with the empty buck cation, be went to sea. At tbe out­ fair*. Thus the flplrlt of the Great <*t am! I io | h *«I that *l«e might bust an«! break of tbe Crimean war he joltw-d Hwan l«x>ked after all swan*, the flplrlt | bleat to her! We are mighty glad to tbe French army, but after bis arrival of the Great Turtle controlled *11 tur- get that Item from Harlan. Gaylord, at the front be had a «.uarrel with bl* tledom. am! *o on through the list, ev­ Kan . Herald. ery kind of an animal having ft« own superior officer and was allowed to re­ sign After taking part In Walker’s protecting spirit to guard Its lnt»*re«t» Burl«-«! t'ltle» In Central America. filibustering expedition against Nica and punish Its eenmlM. These dlvlnl The list of buab-roverrd ruin* In Cen­ ragua he shlpp«*! a* a sailor on a vessel tie* who are under the control of the tral Amerl» a I* steadily ln<*rea*lng. an»l Great flplrlt felt a great Interest In «ollie of tb>* *culpturei| tetuille* re< ent l»ound for China. He reached Shanghai In 1859. Tbe the human race, am! any one of them i ly tim*arth«*l or. rather, nnjtingled in Hty was In s panic, «'hung Wang, the might l»e«-ome the ¡»rote«'Ung genlM of the neighborhood of Han Kllzario’, Hon greatest of tbe Taeplng generals, bad any particular man. dura*, dlfft r from th«»««* of I xmal only reached flung Kaing, eighteen mil«*« In point of size The elatmratlon of or­ Hlrength of the <»«»l«lcn E.agle. away. Tbe foreign power* were dm Tbe golden eagle has great atr«-t»gth nament !« the same, the arcbltiH'ture re­ Ing nothing In despair tbe merchants It lifts and carries off with ease a semble* that of the Yucatan forest of fllianghal proclalm«-d a reward of town In all Its characteristic«, tkclu«!- go Tapping«, but retreated when an­ It * .- y natural to Ilka nioft No woman ever Itkoliae« a man uo- other force attacked bl* flank. on bls next expedition from Shang­ than one kiud^f pie, but death to G m l»w* aha is »elf e has gone back; tier great laml grabber ami her great Cecil Rluxlea was call«*! Yamak, and he pen­ etrated ate! annexe«! the great part of Siberia for the czar of the day. and Russia within tbe last few month* bar chrlstem*! Iter most powerful Ironclad after this great explorer. The counts of Mouravleff. uncles of tlie late minister of foreign affair» ts the present czar, are known In history, one as th«* mau who annexed tbe great­ er part of th«* Caix-asua for the czar ot his day. ami the other complete«! tbe 81- berlau annexation; and their successor, the late Count Mouravleff, wa* follow­ ing In tbe footsteps of bls sn<-«*«tors. The Russian minister of foreign af- fslra acts ln*l«-|>eu«l*-ntly. sometliuer wlttmut consulting any of bls col­ leagues. and very often witbout con­ sulting tbe exar. He always employs men who have been train«*«! In the de­ velopment of the Kusalsn empire, at the expense of otb«*t pe >ple. Ixindot Express. Female PoH«-«. "There ought to be about fifty women polb-e on the New York city force," said Mrs. Elizabeth Cady fltanton. "They ought to Iw of discreet age, and a principal part of their duties should tie tbe looking out for young girls com- lug to the city a* strangers. And some of them ought to patrol tbe streets at nlgbL to look after women going home from work or tbe theaters." Wise !» the young attorney wba pw .«was eid buvaa.