The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, October 27, 1900, Image 7

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The Would-be Murderer Thought
to Have Cdhlempifftel
the the time to buy.
Albany l*rinoci<
Jleavy Shoes
f,r Winter Wear
and when you
want anything in
the line of
forget to call at
Il till1
Special to the G uard
N ew Y ork . Oct 25.—Pretended agents of the national
republican campaign committee did a neat bit of work here.
They collected $400,000 from the treasurer on forged
checks and escaped before the crooked nature of the trans-
i action was found out by those in charge.
Bptcial to the Guard.
> an F rancisco , Oct. 2*">.—Captain Emery, manager of
Merchants Exchange, is dead.
1- uda Y............. ...OCTOBER 27
Special to the Guard
A urora , Or., Oct. 25.—The sate belonging to the Hurs-
Mercantile Co. was blown open last night.
The robbers were interrupted by Mr. Saunders, a clerk,
who slept upstairs. The burglars knocked Saunders down
and escaped.
Special to the Guard
■ Of Paxton, republican elector, will
^Hir. < lutage Grove Monday even-
|nty second baud buggies and
. >5.00 and up. Bee F L Cbam-
M ansfield , Ohio, Oct. 25.—The interment of the re
mains of John Sherman took place here today. All places
of business were closed, Hags half-masted and emblems of
mourning displayed on every hand.
The ceremonies at the grave were of the simplest na­
|ny has made • contract for
p street light« of 2000 caudle
Special to the Guard.
¡at $60 per year each.
icar loads Bain wagons sold this
W ashington , October
IE L Chambers’, and another Conger has been authorized
It received and ready to sell.
Chinese envoys at once.
F L Chambers.
i, swtlling and lameness
nothing as good as Cbamber-
atn Balm. Try it. For sale by
urg Review: The Rweburg-
eld stags company have taken
r vehicles and are (lacking the
horseback. They prefer to get
I through in time to attempt­
carry passengers over winter
25.—United States Minister
to begin negotiations with
Other powers have issued similar instructions to their
Grand Bryan Rally.
B>utg Review, October 24: At
Pa»s last night the southbound
over a tramp, cutting of} his
below the knee. The acci*
irred in the yards while the
trying to get hie blankets oil
ike rods under ti*e car where he
harrows and Lever harrows,
. No advance tn price as long
d stock lasts.
F L Chambers,
change remarks; "The news-
a law-book for the indolent, a
fur the thoughtless, a library
>oor, and an admonisber to the
It may stimulate the most
nt, it may iust'uet the most
d; but it cannot be published
cost, and mailed free to sub*
arger, who»« home 1« in this
le near meeting with a violent
cently. Having occasion to be
«•lure of H F Vaughan, be
eked from the rear by a vicious
icked down In the mud, and if
tai had not been dehorned he
»ve been gored to death.
the effects of tbeencouuler for
' js Oliver ulow extras can
■ought at F L Chambers.’
«imethlng about a former
«an, from the Harney county
October 20: "Jake Comegys
to Burna Bunday from the
ountaih country where he has
Joyed since spring. He will
In Burns this winter and ply
o bis trade, that of a merchant
e has opened a shop in the
omlng the store until recently
by Rac>ne Bros."’
ree days and nights I suiter-
untold from an attack of
|tn »bus brought on by eating
rs," Hsys M E Lowther, clerk
trict court, Centerville, Iowa,
bt I should surely die, and
'Z-n different mediclDes, but
purpose. I sent for a bottle of
isin’s Colle, Cholera and
Remedy and three doses
m» entirely.” This remedy ia
y W L DeLano.
x Billy...
Department Store
for Du I mjm
Will Bt Bishop Barkl^
and Col. Holman.
sarusDsr, aov
M, 1 ABO MO P, M.
o’olosk in the evening, at tbs Csurt
The Speakers for the occaaiou will be:
B ishop H enry L. B arclay , the
silver tonguni orator of the Pacific
Coast, a Hilver Republican, auJ a re­
cent republican member of the Oregon
legislature. And
C ol . F red V. Hoi. man , of Portland,
a Gold Democrat and a supporter of
McKinley for the presidency four
years ago. He is oue of the men whom
the Oregonian has criticised eo harshly
for supporting Win. J. Bryan eo oor-
dially this year. Come out and bear
his reason a for the change.
These two gentlemen are among tlie
teat s|>eakera In all Oregon.
The people in the country are eapeci-
ally invited to attsud the afternoon
meeting. Farmers, make Ibis a grand
Court House Items.
Mortgage..........................................30 CO An Admirer of Bryan Lies Inder
Sat I*, fact ion ot morlgage.............. 200 00
an Electioneering Epitaph.
Satisfaction of mortgage............. 400 (XI
Satisfaction of mortgage............. 750 00
M kxk », Mo, Oct 23.—Tbs frtendsof
I'liat'el mortgage........................ 100 00 B H Norris, who dlsd In April, have
Mortgage....................................... 125 00 ordered this unique and significant
Mortgage....................................... 200 00 epitaph for his monumsnt:
R'ne wal of chattel mortgage.... 85 00
"To the memory of H B Norrie.
Kind friends f’ve left tiehind,
Cast your vote for W J Bryan."
Matiel C Fuller to Hermau Roth
The tombstone man says II beats all
9 27 acres in tp 17 s r 4 w, «600.
the epitaphs he ever heard of In bi
J G Conger et ux to Bamuel Watson
317.01 acres In tp 18 s r 4 w, «6330.
J Cnriian el ux to J H Kennedy 80
It Happened in a Drugstore.
aeree in tp 17 » r 1 e, «500.
I> H Hemenway to Lizzie C Thom­
“One day last winter a lady cams to
ason 100 acres lu tp 20 a r 3 w, (1600.
Boott Lyons to W J Thomason und my drug store and asked for a brand
of cough medicine that I did not have
j of 132 43 acr* s in tp 18 s r 7 w, MOO.
In stock," says Mr U R Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N Y.
Charles Brown vs C F Candiani el al. “Hbe was disappointed and wanted to
know what cough preparation 1 could
J E Mitchell vs C F Candlaui et al,
recommend. I said to her that I could
th am bar Iain’s
J F Mitchell vs C F Cai.diani et al, Cough Remedy, and that aba oould
take a bottle of the remedy and after
J H Fletcher vs C F Candiani et al, giving It a fair trial if she did not And
it worth the money to bring back the
J H Fletcher v» C F Candiani et al, bottle and I would refund the price
|f l
paid. Jntbeeoursv of a day or two
Charles Brown va C FCandlani et al, the lady cams tack in oompany with
a friend in need of a sough medicine
J A Brook» va C F Candiani et al, and ad vised her to buy a bottle of
Vhamtwrlaln’a Cough
Remedy. I
consider that a very good reoommen-
datlou for the remedy." It is for sale
Geo T Hall A Hou ve 0 FCandlani, by W L DeLauo.
I udgment is a-ked for $297.99 and for
costa of action.
Especially invited to the meeting
in the afternoon.
Don t forget the
Bheep poisoning got 49 more victims
out of a tiand of 900 tine Merino bucks
tieionglug to Hugh Fields, up Hlutou
creek, says tlie Heppner Times. When
our lufoimaut, John Busick, came l*y
there Monday morning be ssw 49 ol
tlis auimsis lying dead In Hie corral.
About 200 head out of the band had
besu poisoned, and others were dying
right along, so that It Is ptohabl« the
whole buncli will tie Inst.
The sheep
were undoubtedly polsoued from lick­
ing a certain mineral sebstaiic« which
appears ou some of the rocks through
out the country when lhe hot sun
cemee out Just after a heavy ram. This
sutxtanoe Is very poisonous and make»
quick work of its victims.
1’wo years ago McCorrigal, on Batter
creek, last 586 head of sheep from the
same cause, five years ago 31 head t*e
longing to Ed Day were destroyed in »
similar meaner, two years ago John
Busick lost 12 bead, and many others
have lost smaller numbers from lliu»
to time, but knew not what caused It.
It would bo a rather difficult m liter to
t prescribe a remedy for this evil.
Clyde Vaughn Gives No Reason
for His Fiendish Deed.
Scattered Bands Directed By
Searchlight Will Play in
N ew Y ork Oct 24.—One of the
rri'et novel musical features eve» at
tempted in this city is being arranged
for Friday night, at Madison Hquare
Garden, for the demonstration io
Givernor Roosevelt’s honor. A sco-e
or more of bands will unite in playing
"The Htar Kpangled Barmer," and the
time will be is-aten for all the bands
in sig tit of Madison H«|Uare by a sea re*
light on the tower of .Msdlaon Bqusre
Garden. This giant baton of li. It
will he mar>lpQla'.»d by an ex| erienc i
mu-ic director and tbs volt me < f
music is expected to te a>.n.»tbir g
Cold Steel or Death.
Georgia Showers.
The Georgia shower Is a peculiar
one, and sometimes a single day ba» s
•cor* >f them. It Ison you before you
know It. For a few moments the
ligl. plug flashes, the thunder rolls and
the sin falls, ai d It la apt to oeaae as
suddenly. Out comes the sun again
as »iniling and serene as though no
great damage bad been Mons In the
There la something else that
conies on one unawares, and that Is
ly pej-ia. Many people have suffered
yean from this complaint, because
li V have allowed Indigestion, oonetl-
■at on and billou>n»»« to t*c**me
t.r mlc. Hostetter’s Htomach Bitter«
id I♦ taken at the first sign of
tion. It will strengthen your
-■ ii si b and produce sound sleep and
v< »f health must naturally follow.
"There le but one small chance to
eave your life and that la through an
operation," was the awful prospect set
before Mie I B Hunt, of Lime Ridge,
vVIe, by her doctor after vainly trying
to cure her of a frightful case of stom­
ach trouble and yellow Jaundlee.
didn’t count on the marvelous powers
of Electrio Bitters to cure stomach and
liver troubles, but shs heard of It, took
seven bottles, was wholly cured,
avoided the surgeon’s knife, now
weighs more and feels better than over.
It’s [ineltively guaranteed to euro
stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
never dieappolnta.
Fries 50c at W L
DeLauo’s drug store.
B«.r. tk.
A Monster Devil Fish
lE-stroylrg its victim, 1« a type of
ion. The p**e«r of tlila mur-
deiou» malady Is felt on organ« sod
nerve- end mo-cles and brain. 1 her»
I» po health till it 1« overcome.
Dr King’» New Hf» Fillo are a safe
B**ot io the world
«od «ertelo care,
for stomach, liver, kidney« and bowels.
Only 25 cents at W L DeLaoo'.drag
To Core a Cold in Voe Day
Take T.axative Broom Quinine r»b-
A a. A -2X. •
1^. r .1 druggtets r»f*m l the n ■ >ey
-1 «i n ta(N
¡Î7 <ai.‘. K. -or- F. W Hr’, signa­
ture is *n each u ° a
Sa« mill Property for Sale.
Two hundred and twenty-elgbl
aereo of lend, abOMt IJOO.UOO feet of
timber, «awmlll and good water power,
bouse and tarn, all tor
of limiter adjo/ent. Inquire of John
WlLieoried. Creswell, or of E O Polier.
No Cure No Pax.
Precinct Committee-men
Morrow County Sheep Losses Let
Through Licking a Rock
Hou J 1) Malin. , and J G Btevenscti,
Every river fisherman knows that
the state of the weather baa every­
thing to do with the way trout bite,
although they may be feeding on the
bottom of the river and not depending
on surface A im and teed. It seems
that salmon, too, become Inactive
during stormy weather. Wedneeday’s
Telegram says:
‘‘Btete Fish Commissioner F C Reed
returned yesterday from Astoria. He
rejairls that tlie severe storm of the
past few days almost stopped fishing
on the lower Columbia entirely. Con­
siderable of a run Is expected to follow
thestorm. As the fish, however, will
tie in a hurry to get up stream, some
Sol J Davidson to J A Maurer bill of ue.u.......
Bile of Jewelry store, furniture and lively fishing will have to be done by
the fishermen to take advantage of the
Sxturea in Cottage Grove.
autlclpated good run.
Comet claim. Blue River, H Thorpe
Sentinel claim, Blue River,It Thorpe
Thorpe claim, Bine River, A W
Thorpe locator.
W W Withers files itemi annual
statement aa tax collector allowing
money received for laxe* from March
.31, 191*0, to Bept 30, 1900, «128,544 '34,
and vouchers of tranaier to county
Mats I C Fuller to V R Fuller.
How Weather Affects Fish.
Grass Seed,
Oliver Plows,
Geo itine Oliver
Dandy D isc
Tbs Bryan forces In Lane oouuty
will hays a Grand Bryan Rally Io
Eugene, on Baturday, Nov. 3rd, at
2 o’clock in the afternoon and
JXFFBMO!*, Or, Oct 24—Clyde
Vaughn, tbe would-be murderer of
Miae Lulu Jones, was arraigned before
Justice B T Johnson at 10 o’clock this
He would make no plea,
feigning insanity.
father, Eli Vaughn, waived examina­
tion for him, and the Justice Oxed his
bonds at «5000.
Not being able to furnish this
amount, be was taken to Salem and
placed In the county jail. As stated In
the di»patches printed today, b« made
a full confession last eve-Ing, admit­
ting ths crime, bat a«efgr.Ing no mo­
tive, saying that be did not know why
he bad committed the fiendish act.
»iste cut on half.
There le do doubt that tbe grounds for
walate 25c.
defense will be InsaDtty
In waists .50c.
Tbe feeling here is very bitter against
« waist* toe.
chewing tobacco 25c-
Vaughn, and no credmce whatever is
n‘ag chewing tobacco 25c.
given to tbe report that be 1« insane.
from 10c up
Tbe victim of Vaughn's unreasonable
’• fast or I a 25c.
k or bayo beans 25c
jealousy lies In a seiul-conscioe» c*o-
»id-feck tobacco, perplug, 2> dlUon. but tbe attending physios
novelties In shopping hags 35c.
is believing, our baodker- bee no hope of her recovery.
m-nt cant be beat.
All Cuts.
Ml»» Lulu Jone», the victim ef lì*
tragedy in the school bouse at.le)bw..<n
ye-terday, continue« to live with a
chance tor life, yet with some doubts
of her being able to pull through
Clyde Vaughn, the young tl-ndwho
perpetrated the act, was captured
about two miles from Jtttersou by
Frank Libby.
He wa* on his way
home. He made a coufeesu n, accord­
ing to which, wbeu heculled Lulu Into
the hall he tried to get her to go with
him Into the basemeut.
Vpou her
rt fusing he struck her, knocking her
insensible, and then dragg-d her into
the basement, filled with v »ai, «here
be struck tier ks she partially lay. hit­
ting her over the right eye aithttie
poll of the ax. Tlieu lie fird. The
girl was found partially sitting up.
Home small piece« of born* aeretakeu
from lhe skull in dressing It and the
pre-eure from the bruin was relieved.
There are different opinions about
Vsughu. It Is said he »m go.*d in his
studies i»u*i kept good company, but be
hml melancholy spells and twice tried
to drown himself. He wrote the girl a
uo:e recently ttial she would be sorry
if she continued to refuse to like lii.u.
After the tragedy he went to his home,
told bis mother that someth ng bad
hap|*ened and then tie.I toward tlie
river, it is thought with a view of sui­
cide, but be changed bis rnlud and rau
Into the country.
There was iuteuse Indignation at
Jefferson, aud bad Vaughn been cap­
tured lu the city it is possible there
would have tieen prompt justice, it it
said insanlly will be the defence.
E«q will s|» uk at lie following places
aud dates ou ths | "lltloal Iwus of the
day. Kiieuklng al eoli place at 130
o’eltH'k lu ttie aft* *oon:
Lorane, Friday Oct 26
Hadlevville, Haiurday Oct 27.
Hmlihtleld,T’hiii »day Nov 1,7:30 p m
Elmira, Friday Nov 2, 7 JO p m.
Lee M Travis and Leon Edtuiud-
son will address the citlseus of Mo­
hawk valley at Ping Yaug school
bouse Baturdsy evening, October *27,
ISGO, at 7:30 p m. Everybody Invited
to attend, especially the ladies and
Hon W H Pierce, of Pendleton,
Eugene, Friday, Octo tier 26
Hon W F Butcher, of Beker City*
Junction, Friday, Novetiber 2.
Each of the above three speakings
at 7 30 |i m. Everybody Invited.
Hon R. M. Veatch:
Hagiuaw, Friday Nov 2, 7:30 p id .
Cottage Grove, Hwlurday Nov 8, 7:30
P m.
Lee M. Travis and Leon Edmund­
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars iu-
ward tor any case of t atarih that can­
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F J C heney A co, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F
J Cheney for the last 15 year», and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
WEST AT hua X, wholesaledrugglsts,
Toledo, O.
W aldino , K innan A M arvin ,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hail’s Catarrh Cure la taken Inter
□ally, acting directly upon the bl<»a
and muoous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free. Price 76c per
bottle. Bold by all druggists.
Hall’s Family Fill« are th« beet.
Will speak at the following date«:
Hpriugtield, Friday, Got. 26; 7 JO
p m.
Coburg, Mouday, Oct. 2»; 7.30 p m.
Waltervllle, Tuesday, OuL 30, 1.30
P nt
Thurston, Tuesday, Oct. 30; 7:30
P a.
Goben, Weduiwday, Oct. 31; 7:30
P m.
Pleasant Hill, Thursday, Nov. 1;
1M p m.
Creswell. Thursday, Nov. 1; 7:30
P m.
Cottage Grove, Friday, Nov. 2; 7:30
P m.
Walker’s Htatlon, Friday, Nov. 2;
1:80 p m.
Weudllng, Baturday, Nov. 3; 7 39
p tu.
Irving, Monday, Nov. 6; 1 JO p in.
U nion C om mitt xr .
Notice to Taxpayers.
Divinity School.
EuukNk. Oregon, Oct. 16, 1900.
It has been the cuatom and require­
ment of the law for the alienti of lhe
county to serve tax warrante for de­
linquent texea nn the prejierty of th*
delinquent taxpayer—but owing to the
ppaasge of a new law such notice»
hereafter will not be served or posted
on delinquent property, Lutacertlli
out. of levy will lie filed with the
county clerk, and then the cust >m*try
notice of aa'eof property for d*'llnqn«nt
taxes will tie puhllstieil in one oft he
' county papera. The levy will Is* tnsde
1 Nov 1,1900, and advertising »' isnne -e
Immediately thereafter.
In order to save eX|*eu»e of levy hi .d
advertising should pay their taxes ut
W W WiTHKua,
Hiienff and Tax Vollect**r of Itene
County, Oregon.
A number from th« school here will
attend the Cottag* Grovecon ventlou of
tbe Christian cliu * ii that meets today.
The Infant eon of Prof D C Kelleme
Is daugerou*dy ill.
There will i*e no school tomorrow on
aecouut of the Cottage Grove conven­
E R Moon ha« returned and re­
entered scliool. He «peeks highly of
the work of V E 11oven as a summer
pa-tur at Kelso, V. mh.
«•xra tk«
Tn H im
List of Letters.
Ksmalnlug lu th« , .toffio« «I ka««nr. Ore.
October 15, 1900.
Brown, Alvlu
Heckner, W L
Campbell Jose F 2 Corneliu», Tom
Night of Terror.
Hayden, W H
Purvee, Chas, 2
Raydal, Bam
Rbodea, Ml«o
"Awful an i let y was leit for the
Htauiang, Ray
widow of the brave General Burnham
A eher«« ot ‘tee e»til will hs mods o« «II let-
of Machiae, Me, when the doctors lara (Ivan oat, l'arem» when esina« tar
(euer, will p irose aiau whan ed »arti»— !
said she r >uld not live till morning,”
H F M c C ormack , PM.
writes Mrs H H Lincoln, who atteudvd
her that fearful night.
* All thought
she must soon die from pneumonia,
Coast Fork Bridge.
but she twgged for Dr Klug'« New
Dull headache, |wins I d various parte
Discovery, «eying It had more than of the b<»ly, sinking at tbs pit of the
The bridge acmae the Coes* Fork ot once saved her lite and had cured her stoaiecb, Iran of appetite, feverish Dess,
lhe Willamette river east of Graben,' ot consumption
Afi»r ibrae «mall pimples or sores, are all prwltivs
1« twin« repaired by a force of 10 men d<wee she slept eaaily ail night and Ite evidence of Imp re blood. No matter
under the supervision ot A N Htryker. farther nee completely cured her.” bow It breams so, It must tie purified
It will be several day« yet before the This marvelous medicine la guaranteed in orier toootalu good health. Acker’s
bridge will be *q*en to travel. It was to core all throat, cheat and lung dl- Minori Elixir baa never failed to cure
Hcmful>x>»or Hyphilittpoisons, or any
iu a very bad condition, many ot tbe •»«•»«.
Trial •Eher ’ Irsxt'll» s- a. It la certainly a
Only 50c aod «1.00.
tlmt*»rs having decayed badly.
bottles free at W t, Dslteao’e dt ug »ori* ir fi* I reri -dy si 1 we »ell every
The work being done is reported to etore.
otti» • ••- a i»-In »e uarantee. For
■el« k> W I.Del.»""
r*e «atisfacton and la rushed along.
Tbe river 1« rsialng right along, and
Farm Fui Sale.
A Frightful Blunder
the ford becoming deeper, but no dan»
ger is anticipated from that »core.
160 scr»e KM) teres u. del cultive*
Wi'i ohm *-»u«s a horrible burn, cwt
Uoo. B .l .uce pasture and wiMsi land. or brul*.
Hu*hten’» Arnim Halve,
Organs for Sale.
th» best in th» world, will kill the pein
rante New house and barn. Ibinr
i ulne water near bonne; 20 m I»« wost and promptly h»el It. Curve old sores,
Two fl rie Weaver oggsae and o
'•ver w»r»e, ulcere, bolls, fp'ona, corns,
ot r'igeo», 6 miles «est of Finira
Mason A Hem in, cheap lor esab or •
all »km eruption«
li«wi pll» cure on
J. M StTtVMU.a,
es»y («ynienia. Mu>i bn sold.
earth. < ><i(y *5c « box. Cure guaran­
Liaairs, Ore
M orris 4 I naw, 9Ui HCrsst.
teed . Hold Uy W L De Lteuo, dru<gtet.