Eugene SATURDAY Guard Out and Hear Out and Hear Out and Heer Hon W H fierce Hoo A H Pierc- Hon w H Pierre Court ; House Court I House Court > House Friday Evening at 7 JO Friday Eveuing at 7 JO Friday Eveuing al7 JO Everybody Invited Everybody Invited Everybody Invited Tremulous Hands OCTOBER 27 A NEW YORK PROPHECY. New York Journal October 1*. “Mr Brvaa’s triumphal toar through New York has made man- ifest to the public wbat haa been growing increasingly familiar tor I When the nervous system is weakened, the body gen­ erally shows the symptom of tremulousness in some of its members. The hands shake, the lips twitch at the corners, or the eyelids quiv­ er involuntarily. Such a condition calls for medicine which feeds the nerves. Dr. Pierce's Gohlen Medical I>. O'.erv, acting directly on the stomach and organs of di- gestion and nutrition, has a won- derful influence in restoring nerv- ous force. It quiets the nerves not by drugging them into stupor but by feeding them into strength. The " Discovery ” has restored the health of thousands of those who were utterly hopeless, giving them liock natural appetite, phy- si d vigor, he: ithful sleep and men: il strength. There is no ah ol-.ol in "Golden Medical Dis­ covery ” andet < ontains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. some time to those in touch with political movements. It has made it clear that everything ie converg­ ing toward the overwhelming suc­ cess of the Democratic candidate. “The tremendous registration might have meant anything. We are learning what it actually does mean. It means that McKinley polled his last attainable vote in 1896, and that now the Democrats are taking their turn. The Repub­ David liUKL'ini. E«q , of tones, Ohio Co, , K-nlu. ____ ky _ ______ ____ _ I write»: «When lican managers have shot their bolt. Co began taking Dr. Pierce ii.i— ’s » Golden uuid.a Medical D im ovei ry - 1 think - - 1 had They reached their limit four years nervous or general _ __ af debility« debility of _ three year- duration. I took three bot­ ago, and now the Detnosrscv is tles of the ‘ Discovery.’ During the time I was taking it my sleep be be- ­ came more refreshing and ,,od I gained aboat to establish a new record.” fifteen pounds weight and also The Clam Crop. I I I I I I I J Pure Home Made Brandy gained strength every day.* THE FULL DINNER PAIL. Cblcafo Am.rtcan. Free, on receipt of »tamps to pay r ex­ pense of mailing only, Dr. Pierce's Med- M leal Adviser, louS pages. Send 31 oue- cent stain;« for book in paper covers, or 31 stamps in cloth binding to Dr. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Pure double distilled brandy oon- ains neither fusil oil or prussic acid, nor any other poison except what is contained in ths fruit. Neither is it necessary to rectify the same before it Is fit for nae, as hundreds of men, end dozens of old distillers who now live in Oregon can testify. Distilled liquors ere always clear In color, not red, uutl age give« them a yellowish cast. I will sell you pure double-dis­ tilled prune, apple or pear brandy made near Eugene Oregon for |2.60 a gallon, er 76 oenta a quart. I M Francis, DtotUler. Fifth and Blair streets, Eugene, Oregon. “Mr Hauna haa repeatedly de­ dared that the full dinner pail argument ia sufficient to lead the Some ancient history that prove« working maaeea to vote for the re­ men's natures have not changed: lie election of Mr McKinley, “Calendrino, a painter, bad not bolda that so long aa the dinner much common sense. He was pail ia full the working man haa no l*ersuaded that the stone named interest in inquiring into the Eliotropia, found in the plains of methode by which Mr Rockefeller Mugnone, made invisible whoever and other trust monopolists pile carried it in his pocket. Buffal- rnacco, knowing that Calendrino up milliona of dollars in profit« had an Eliotropia in bis pocket, every year. threw stones at him and kicked him. “To thia sort of argument, which Calendrino, sure of being invisible, Local Market ia much older than Mr llama, or and of having, therefore, no reason lor complaint against Buffalmacoj, Mr Rockefeller, Abraham Lincoln said nothing." October 26, 1*00. replied in a a;>eech aa pregnant Rutter—86 to 60c per roll borne modern times people will with homely truth aa an Aesop Wool—18c ' not allow themselves to question Poultry—«3 60 to 64 60 par uozen. fable. This speech was delivered the value of nostrums and faith Dried prunes—3 to 5}c September 17, 1859, at Cincinnati: cures. Like Calendrino they will Flour—75 per sack. “ *1 bold, it the Almighty had submit to abuse and ridicule to Oato— 40 cento. ever made a eel of men that should . Potatoes—60c. cash per 100 lbs. do all of the eating and none ol | Provo IheirJjutlL Eggs—26 cents. the work, he would have made Wheat— 60 cents. them with rnoutha only and no What is claimed to lie tbe largest H^pe—12 to 13j cento. hands; and if he had ever made campaign banner in the oountry another claaa that he intended should do all the work and none hangs acrons a New York street. It Appointments. of the eating, he would have made I *8 G8 feet across and hangs forty feet them without mouths and with all I below the wire that sustains it. Eugene Divinity School appoint­ hands. But, inasmuch as he has I Some idea of the size of ments for Bunday, Oct. 28: chimen to men the way he has, ii t|ie banner D C Kellams, Brownsville. may be gained anything is proved it is that those E M Patterson, Halsey. the statement that hands and mouths are to be co-1 0 E F Beaudreau, Hebron. ofierative through life and are not wuulu a little more than fill the M F Horn, Harrisburg. to be interfered with. That they I street between the fronts of the F E Billington, Cottage Grove. are to go forth and improve their | Matlock store building and the David Olson, Wendling. condition in the inherent right new Eugene Loan and Saving« C R Moore, Irving. givtn to mankind directly by the Bank building, and till the apaoe maker.’ ” Bicycle Stolen. from the street to the top of the Matlock building. The banner THE JEFFERSON TRAGEDY. was hung in the intereat of M o ­ A 1000 model Ramtiler bicycle, 24- ineb frame, drop handle bars, stolen Kinley and Rooaevelt. from residence of E J McClanabau. Anent that attempted killing ol Return to Rambler agency and receive a young girl at Jctlerson by a love­ Daniel Webster in United Blates )5 reward. sick youth, did the reader ever tak< Senate, March 23, 1848: note that it is almost exclusively “Arbitrary governments may Guaranteed Fan Mill. the trail that consldeis the killing I have territories and distant posses- of the fiersou of the opposite sex, «ions, because arbitrary govern- Will take out the wild pea and every­ who refuses his love attentions, as I menu uiav rule them by different thing else. Bring in a sample of your proper and justifiable? Il very I 'a’’8 ‘Idlerent systems, Rus- grain for a test. F L Chambers baa ,. „ . .. . .. »ia may rule in the Ukraine, and them. seldom happens that the woman ,i,. n j ,,,, , *1 , th« province of the Caucasus and kills the man shs loves because Kamtschatka by different codes, or- Sheep for Sale. he fails to reciprooate. Yet it is dinances or ukases. We can do no not for lack of courage, for it is not 8Uoh thing. They must be of us, 000 choice ewee for eale In lots to suit an uncommon case for the woman l‘arl of u,<» or el™ Btr»ng*rs." purchasers. Also about 600 weather lambs. Write or call on to take vengeance in her own hands M W1LHELM, when basely wronged. I ypar8 has a candidate for Monroe, Or. Tbe insanity dodge should not I'^ident injected such personality To Trespassers. be allowed to save the neck of tbe | *n*° a camP*ign as \\ m J Bryan is doing. Take up the Oregonian, or emotional idiot who kills tbe per- Positively any person hunting ou ■ jd for whom he claims a consum­ any other leading Republican paper our premise« will be prosecuted to the of the oountry, and you will find it ing passion. fullest rxtent of the law. “Bryan” from one end to the other. D ouglas A Co. McKinley is hardly mentioned. ROOM FOR TALENT YET. Spitzenberg Apples. Bryan has a wonderful personality. The interest taken in him by his Who says there is no room for First-class price paid for good ship­ talent in this country? The teller opponents is a good index as to the ping apples. Peters’ warehouse, on of the First National Bank of New mental stature of the man. railroad, Pear) street. T N 8au ar . York has just disapfieared, and his Hope—Today's Oregonian: “The cffice companions announce that hop market la flrm at full price*, with DON’T GET THIN an investigation discloses the fact a fair amount of busines reported. Up that the bank is short the pretty to data the higeet price reported Is tof Get fat; get nice and plump; cents sutu of 1700,000 through hie wrong per pound, whlcn was paid by a brewer, but dealer* have generally doing. It seems singular that such there is safety in plumpness. plac d their llmlto around 16 and 15 j ¡■eeulalione extending over a |>eriod Summer has tried yo'’'.’food­ oenls per pound. Grows ■ who have a of years could have been kept con- works; winter is coming to choice article are not selling freely aa eealed until the thief brought die they were a short time ago, but the try your breath-mill. Fall is crop I* moving al a rate sufficiently covery through flight. It seems that banks should hart the time to brace yourself. speedy to aaeure a thorough cleanup by •ante means of keeping track of the tbe turn ef year or very soon after­ work of their trusted subordinate«, But weather is tricky; look ward." In another place It says not a- a matter of espionage, but “Hope continue fl rm at highly satls- outi Look out for colds espec­ factory strictly as a matter of business. price«, with the outlook qulte it AGAINST JEWS AND AMERI­ CANS. I be will of J l> Clayton, son of the late me inter of the British pa • Lament of tb«t name, has just been )>r >b«U*|. By it he leaves his (wo daughters a fortune of £144 000. (17200001, with the curious provision that the money is to be ptyable only if ti er attain the age of thirty-five year- without marrying either a cili/en of the Uuited Stoles or a Jew. The reason for this proviso is r>< • given. ially. Scott s emulsion of cod-liver oil is the subtlest of helps. It is food; it is one of the easiest foods in the world; it is more than food; it helps you digest your food, and get more nutri­ ment from it I >on t get thin, there is safety in plumpness. Man woffian and child. w .11 «to pm a Unto to try. k^o* Eka o rr a buwna . rwi are«. N« y « b . N ew Y ork , Oct 25.—W A H Mar­ tin, of the university of Pekin, who 1» at bi« home here, said of the China problem: “Tbe best remedy for the »ituatiou is the re-wuablislinieut of 1 tie young em­ peror, who of Racine buggtee alan soother car of Bain wagons at last V«ar's price*. F L l hamera. A nsw remedy fbr blllouaoeas is now on sale at W L De 1.a no'» drug store. It tocalled Chamberlaln's Btomach and id ver Tableta. It gtvee qolck rwltwf an I wlll preveot the al tac k if given aa •oon as ihe flrst Indi catión of the dl«- «i» ap;*ars. Pnce 26 .'•uto per box. Haaiplre frse. ^This is as true of the spend- thrift of health as of the •waster of money. Do not •waste your health by allow­ ing your blood to con­ tinue impure, but purify, vitalize and enrich it by tak­ ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, America s Greatest Medicine. A I 0 says: The sdi ! of aqtl -etion as to who shall build a yacht to defend the America’s cup which is perplexing the officers of the New York Yacht Club, is likely to be the formation ofa syndi­ cate to build the new boat and the memt>ers of it will be of the younger generation of yachtsmen. Great hope is expressed that at the meeting to­ morrow night, which by the way, will be the last regular meeting that will ever be held at the Madieon Avenue House, something official may De eaid about the new vessel. A word would be enough to relieve the great anxiety of the yachting community, and it could be spoken without the least damage to the cause. Charles Band, of Monroe. Monroe, Oct 24.—Dr Charles BaDd, a druggist of this place, died here yes­ terday of pneumonia. His death was sudden. Dr Baud was an elderly man, without family. He came here from Crete, Neb, where, at one time, he owned an opera bouse and one of the best business blocks in that city. H ops H old .—Ed Holland has sold aerop of hops, consisting of 32 bales. E C Smith, for Horst Bros, purchased 20 bales at 14 cents and T D Linton 12 bales at 16 cents. Saru Howard has sold 20 bales of hops to 8 H Friendly tor 13 cents per tx>und. Mail orders promptly attended to. S. H. Friendly Eugene Oregon. 1 •••••»•••••a Choice Young Ewes for Lease. F or SAL«.—One of tbe best all around ranchee in Lane county, 320 acre». Don’t Delieve anything you Seven hundred young ewee to lease bear, but come and see it tor yourself. 2j miles west of Walker Station, 16 for a period of two or three years. AH tulles south of Eugene. Address bred to Lincoln bucks. For terms of D P S heridan , lease please address J H Beckley, Eu­ Walker, Oregon. gene, Oregon. These sheep will be in F or B ale —220 acres excellent farm Eugene about November 3rd. B ogaht & B eckley . Ing lands. Inquire of J ohn V an D uyn , Coburg, Or. Now ie the time to do your dry plowing. The Oliver plow will slay In the ground. F L Chambers has them. FCR SA LE CH EAP.—10-rooni bouse, bath, hot and cold water, lot 80x160, Iota of fruit on place. Nicest location in city. Inquire of W. Sanders. LAND FOR BALE.—Seven hundred and seventy-five acres of land, one mile west of Creswell, a part of the W J J Bcott estate. Will sell the whole or a part. Address F. FBcott, Creswell, Oregon. FOR REN 1'.—Fifty acres of good farm laud, no buildings, adjoining tbe corporate limits of the city of Eu­ gene. Apply for terms and particu­ lars to I L Campbell, G uard office. J. W. KAYS FURNITURE CO EM8ALMERS and FUNERAL 0IREC1GRS Strong Line ...of... Hen’s Heavy Shoes ' T Cole’sAir TightIr:sx'2ïïtu Charter Oak GRANITE WARE. KITCHEN UTENSILS LONG The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bigrature of Day & Henderson, UndertaKsrs ana EmLalmers. Cor. Wil. and 7th sis. Special Sales The Secret of Our II On Jaekets and Capes Great Success Seem to be the order of the day just now. We will not only have Spec­ ials. But we will give you some immense BARGAINS Come and get our prices; they will be in­ teresting. Quality, Style, Fit. Finish and Price, are a good Combination. IS BEING the LARGEST DEALERS on the coast, having 100 Retail Branch Stores 100 And Importing all OUR TEAS AND COFFEES Thereby saving onr customers the middlemen’« profit, which is fully » • PER CENT . 20 In dealing with us yon are buying direct from brat hands, and have every variety of both Teas and Coffees To select from and but one SMALL PROFIT TO PAY Our Teas and Coffees are the finest, our prices the lowest. All goods guaranteed to please or money refunded. J. V. Kauffman GREAT AMERICAN tea co , '• 15 6 NINTH 8T, ST. BETWEEN BtTWCIN WILLAMETTE ANO OAA. EUGENE, OREGON. We are giving Gilbert i and $2 00 to $3.50 importing ' g All Kind of Heaters... CASTOR IA For Infanta Children. BHINGLE8 FOR HALE.—I have 35,000 A 1 shaved cellar shingles for sale. Write HW Jones, Jasper, for prices, etc. FOR BALE — Some thoroughbred Cotswold bucks; also some thorough­ bred Dnrham calves. A J Cruzan, Pleasant Hill, Oregon. 2 TIMES AS MANY Premiums Free. ---"-----—-------- 5 We Have Not Heard any complaint« to the care fulnees and promptneea of the way we All order« for staple groceries. Contrar­ iwise, we frequently re­ ceive the most flatterlog en con I urns •« to service, courtesy and the good» thenieelves. Modestly -peaking, we think we de­ serve it, and our beet effort* to please and satisfy yon every time will contiuue. SomethingNew.... —AT— Day Cut order Carpets. Come and see Them. Extraordinary u. Telephone GREEN Mein 5 25 SON- 1 Hen • • •• The Season’s Delicacies Hr skfast, disasr ne taachene. ia all kinds ofhot WMihrr toads la ,-eretto. sad oaaoe.1 meat«, turkey and chicken eann. ' •alte a, -y-ter* sad chip beef we keep M all times ia clerk >f fancy gy enee, free!:, kwh grade ao.l appettila«. WS have every- I ì A m Mirilo on ten-pt the |«late ia k •seih-r, m >4 oar butter to ch ute and twee ae a sul «• well it* onr fine haa.. and ba. «. CAPES. Having decided to reduce our __ stock we will make Great Reductions in the prices. Call and see the great bargains you can get for a little money. husbtnd doctored a long time foe dyspepsia wtth only tem­ To Milk Consumers. porary relief. The first bottle of Hoof s Sarsaparilla helped and the second cured Owing to the advance in all kinds of him. It cured my sick headaches." feed we are compelled to advance the ¿Mrs. ¿Mary A. Clark, Wimington, Vt. prioe of milk accordingly. After November 1, 1000, we shall charge as follows: Retail, 25 cents /Vever Pioppo „its per gallon; wholesale, 2t cents per gallon. Hood • Bill« cur« 1 iver Lilt; the non-lrrftotlng an4 When spring feed makes our feed only cathartic to~uln; with Hood’« Sar—parill^ supplies cheaper we shall reduce prices accordingly. Defended by a Syndicate. M P eterson , F B D avidson , F G V aughan . NEW Y ork , Oct. 23.-The Herald promising for a continuation of the preeent strength." 5 F or H als on T rade —One double barrel shot gun, one 1803 Winchester repeatlug shot guu, both in fine order. Racket Store. " Who Gives to All «fflWWIWWWWW«» Denies All/’ Dyspepsia— '"My High tide* at Heaelde on the coast near the mouth of the Columbia river during the past two weeks have washed iu myriads of tiny razor clams, and sea birds are having oholce food in consequence, telle the Astoria Newo. The people down there expect that next season their staple article of diet will be plentiful. Clause were ecaroe in the vicinity of Reaside this year, and the campers had to go aa far as Gearhart when they wanted a eupply. The high tidee also washed in a large number of skates, and all the gulls around the Clatsop coast seem to have oom* to Seaside for the feast. I K | \ ?• V ' I Emperor Should Rule. » í j* 7 i? .λ ¿ nr '¡«I« >a »nv w»y- bu&n «iwitHMtb*tii call for are h*rl «««t- they Amento ’ * d‘Hhln«' bat “«» ia C. A B. i to fit, after alh They change thair minda aathey changa fren the old an it to the new. 1 Er»rythir.g to pwfact fitting cloth g for enti nnrv ». well aa aitrw.riinary tn-« ’ p. FRANK <& SON