The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, October 13, 1900, Image 10

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They say prosperity is with us.
' Is it? Yes, a bomeopetbic d «se
First, what tirciu^ht n?
U’e know of noth-
better than
Inflation of th« currency, largely,
to tear the
which the Republicans in 1896
your throat
and lungs. It is bet­
told us would ne dishonest and
ter than wet feet to
wicked beyond description.
cause bronchitis and
pneumonia. Only keep it
Big crops at home; famine
up and you wi'.l succeed in re­
Tlic Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
ducing your « .^ht, losing your
in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of
appetite, brinr ;ig on a slow fever,
For how many of these causes
__ anil has been made under his per»
andniakingev rythingexactly right
sonal super» islon since its infancy.
for the e ms f consumption.
deserve credit?
Allow no one todeeeive you In this.
Second, who gels the bent fit of
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jwit-H»-good ” are but
Experiments that tritie with and endanger the health of
this prosperity? How is it di­
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
vided’ The Chicago Tribune of
May 2nd last nave figures to show
that Mr Rockefeller’s share would
be about $75,000,000 for this year
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
addition to the millions he
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l’leasant. It
kills coughs of every kind. A 25c.
already pos-essed. »Vhat is the
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
bottle is just right for n ordi ry
cough; for the harder coughs of
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm»
share that falls to other representa­
bronchitis you will need
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea anil Wind
tives of thf plutocratic class?
bottle; and for the coughs f con­
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
sumption the one doll r size is
Hundreds and thousands and
and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates the
most ecou mical.
M v rough reduced m to a mere »kele-
millions of dollars of alditional in­
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
ton. I tri'4 many remedies, b t they all
failed. After using the ( berry Pectoral
come; automobiles, private yachts
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
1 immediately began to improve, and
three bottles restored me to health. I be­
summer residences at Newport,
lieve I owe my life to it.’’
M abau F. M oroam ,
tripe to Europe, Belshazzar feasts.
Oct. ?, 1K9S.
Browntown, Va.
What is your share, workingmau?
Do you have a summer vacation
with income undiminished and
everything that money can buy?
Can you, like Steel Trust Gates, go One of the Noted Women of Chi­
to Paris and throw handfuls of
money from the top of the Eiffel
The Chicago Sunday Times-Herald
tower to the people in the street as
Sept 80, 1900, baa lllustiatioDa of a
you would throw corn to chickens?
number of women headed: “Chicago
In Use For Over 30 Years.
What do the Republicans think women who have won their way in
tmc cttrraui» company , tv M urray ctnccy , ncw yorr city .
your share 'Ught to be?
public life.”
Tn the center of the
First, if you don’t offer.d your group ie Dr Florence Hunt, a netce of
John Cogswell, of this city.
————— '
“- masters, the glorious privilege of “It also contains tliia explanatory
working like an ox six days in the
I porary Chinese capital that the week.
“Dr Florence Hunt la a member of
emperor has issued a decree de­
Second, the luxury of eating a the city Ixraril of health, and also of
New York World.
nouncing the Boxers and ordering cold dinner out of a tin pal); and, tbe state medical board. From 1885 to
“When the multiplicity of issues the execution of nine ring-leaders,
like the horse wi’h hiB nose bag, or 1889 she whs amemiierof the medical
in this campaign is bailed down," at the same time acknowledging
the negro slave b» I re the war, eat­ stair of the county poor farm at Dun­
ning, 111, serving part of the time aa
says Senator Hanna, “there is his own fault, and rebuking him­
ing enough to keep up your a-sietant medical superintendent. In
really only one issue—McKinley- self. He places the chief blame
strength that you may contine to 1897 the state board of health sent her
ism or Bryanistn.”
upon the princes and nobles who produce wealth for your masters.
to Russia uh its oHleial representative
That is a most accurate definition participated in the movement and
How much do the Hanna- at the international medical congress
of tlie situation. But there is a protected it.
Morgan Republicans promise you which was held in Moscow at that
time. Upon this occasion she was the
new McKinley and a new Bryan
for keeping them in power, main­ only woman to sit upon the platform
since 1896.
The paper mills at Oregon City taining the luxury of the rich and prepared for the most famous physi­
The new McKinley stands for furnish one of the best illustrations
enabling the trusts to get possession cians and surgeons from all over the
imperialism, militarism, monopoly, of “McKinley prosperity.”
In of the earth? Just what you are world. Dr Hunt la one of the oldest
for exploitations near and far in 1898 wages for common labor were
getting now; not a cent more, not and tiest known members of the Chi­
favor of the privileged few and in reduced from $2 to $1.75 per day,
cago Woman’s Club.”
a right more, not the glimmer o( a
hostility to the industrious, peace- and subsequently to $1.50. Another
chance to enter more latgely into
loving, opportunity-seeking many. descent toward the “pauper labor
The Pacific Monthly.
our “prosperity” and to enjoy more
The new Bryan stands for justice of Europe” is therefore probable.
fully the opjiortunities and bless­ The Pacific Monthly for October
at home and abroad, for enlight­ But while wages have declined ard
ings of American civilization.
presents what is probably the most
ened and civilised and honorable
living expenses have risen about
What do the Democrats think of attractive number of auy monthly
|>olltice of world-power and world- i 25 per cent, the price of print paper
this? They think you are robbed; periodical ever issued id the Pacific
comineroe, tor equal rights, free­
I has advanced 60 per cent. This is they think the trust magnates get S’orthwesl. The cover design, which
Is new and unusually striking, is done
dom, true republicanism and de­ trust prosperity.
rich out of wealth you have pro­ in two colors of bronze, gold and green,
duced and ought to have, and they and the entire contents are in keeping
A Chicago inventer has devised a propose, if elected, to do their best with this beautiful cover. The articles
The Philadelphia Times, one of canteen for the use of soldiers in
are all timely. There is one on “Ore­
to stop the stealing.
the leading papers of that city, eu[» tropical countries, or anywhere in
Workingmen, are you satisfied gon Writers,” by Eva Emery Dye, of
Oregon City, whose book on “Me-
ported Mr McKinley in 1896 fact, by the means of which the
with your share of the McKinley Laughlin and Old Oregon,” has
though Democratic in politics. It water is always maintained at a
prosperity? If so, vote for tbe attracted attention throughout the
has "repented and recanted.” Here pleasant temjierature for drinking.
Hanna syndicate: if not vote for country. The illustration of Harvey
is its latest utteranoe: “In the This is done by means of a coating,
W Scott, of the Oregonian, is as nearly
sudden critis that divided the the composition of winch is the
perfect as art can produce. The mag­
oouncils of the Democratic party, patentee’s secret.
A Portland taxidermist has the azine Is replete with short stories and
descriptive articles, and its eleven d<«
and for the time being seemed to
hide of an enormous sea lion in parmeuts make it unique among tie
have checked its great career, it
Cortland milk dealers claim that soak in brine in preparation for magsr.lnes and a credit to the Pacific
seemed better to the Times, as to
everything else is going up, and mounting for the Free Museum of coast. Dr W R Holt, In "The outlook
many other leading Democratic,
are pieparing to give milk an up­ that city. Two la ge stuffed sal­ In China,” sums up the situation in a
masterly way. Altogether this num­
papers, to sustain Mr McKinley’s
ward hoist. This will be an ex­ mon will be held in its mouth.
ber marks the greatest stride forward
election as president rather than
ception in the milk business as all
that the magazine lias yet taken. It
that of Mr Bryan. The decision
1« an excellent number.
other movements thereof are down­
was made in good faith. The re­
ward, even to the pouring of water.
sult has shown it to be wrong. It
He Says Wm. J. Bryan Will be
Political Speaking.
is repented and recanted.”
The Salem Jcurnal recently crit­
Dally Guard October»
icised the state school fund man­
Portland Telegram.
Hon Dell Stuart, of Portland, pres­
An Albany man who visited agement and the board has pre­
Ry I veeter Pennoyer has hopes of idential elector, addreesed a large crowd
Pendleton the other day brought pared a defense. It shows that
Bryan’s election. At the Bryan head­ at the court house last night. Mr
back the important news that altogether the state has taken 237 quarter« the for uer governor unbos­ Rtuart is a public speaker who im­
twenty-one saloons were required farms on sale by execution and has omed himself on the subject to the presses bis hearers by earnestness and
in that city to meet the demands of disposed of 86, leaving 151 on hand. edification of the members f the com­ sound logic. The issues before the
voters of the nation were fully dis­
imbibing citisens. Also that gam­
"Upon New York hinges the elec­ cussed and ably presented. The trusts
bling ragee, a darkey having won
It takes some coal to supply tion,” declared the sage, "and 1 (relieve “benevolent avs:rullation,” the colo­
12800 at a single game a few days United States vessels in foreign Bryan will carry It. Republicans are nial policy, the imperialistic tender cy
ports. Over fifty million tons are making a great tight to c rry Nebras­ of i he present- day republicanism all the
scattered over the world for that ka, and the democrats are doing tlie evil« which threaten were brought out.
Chinese diplomacy has as many pupose, the largest pile tieing at same with respect to Ohio. It would Mr Rtuart Is an important factor In
Ire one of the most stupendous jokes of the Oiegon campaign.
twists and turns as a coursed fox. Manila where twenty-two thousand the century If McKinley lost Ohio and
The latest comes from the tern- tons are reported.
Bryan lost Nebraska.
Hberotan Hays is buying bops for
THE ti
Groves ¿iste
cnee you
not buy
Grove’s is
rial sections 4
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"1 believe Oregon will show as great
a percentage of democratic gains as
i any other state in the Union. There
is no hope of carrying this state for
Bryan, however.
Many republicans
will neither vote for McKinley or
Bryan, and this will assist the latter's
•The full dinner pall, the batt'e cry
of the republican«, received a set-ba k
wheu the strike of tlie coal miners
began. The miners certainly could
not have a very full (llncer ;>al| oti > 240
p-r year and support a large family a'
the same time.”
Cures Impotency,Night Emissionsand
wasting diseases, all effects c
c* ( self
abuse, cr excess ard indis
cretion. A nerve tonic am!
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail BOc per box; <J boxes
for $2. .50; witT a witten gtiaran-
tee to cure vr refund the money.
Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILI.
W I. De I .ano I >ruestore.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Amen-, a
Bears the
Bigrature of
Through S»<ece s«d Tourist Sleepers
Dining and Buffet Smoking Librar; Cai
F,>r Rates. Fol.lerv and full information
esding EaaterTrip. call on. or address.
A. 3. C. DENNBT >X.
. and Ticket Agent Portland
Palter A Nels on the road. Yesterday
lie bought 1'20 bales al Oakland.
ts to loro childrsa. and no
h.m» con bo completvlv hop-
M L Wilmot, formerly of Rprlng-
fie’d, 1« the president of a soldiers’
Bryan club at Ralsm.
eipotfoat mother mul pass
to nasally so full o( .uttering and clangor that aha look« forward totha critical hour with appro-
Roseburg R-view: The county debt
heaatoa aaddmd Mini*« nirao, by Ito penetrating and aoothtng prcjwrtlaa allays aatiara,
is shown to be >94 853.09 while the
ntiYownm and all un 1« awant feYlAtga, a»d *' prrparaa the avatem that ahe pusfi tbnmgbth«
event aafelv with but little »uttering, aa nambera have testified and aakl, * it ie voctA Ita weight
statement of one year ag > reported it
in gold." It »• wM bv all drug
at >86,415.60, an increase of >8,537.49.
giata. Fcok enntaininij vnlua
bte information to a’l. mailed
It la reported that Prof J M Wood, |
free. «r**n apt heatv n to the
the blind violinist, bad died a short1
B badfibld R bqvlatob C vm -
fary Atlanta > ■
t» ■*
time ago at Fresno. California, of heart --------- ‘
di»eaee He was well known In Lane
<•( tu, -a. «M *•< «
—. »tau
.«al. * - r r • • .
, • h .-A x . • • » c-0
ad I» c- M,
I IBIBB* Alt It L*. *!»•
I. r and
Ch ckens were selling at >2 a dcsen
Roseburg today, and a man with a
VniufMiy Note
couple of bogs could not sell them at
all Thia is probably McKinley pros­
Otvgou Weekly, Oct ».
perity—it would be misleading to give
Herbert R Mui eh, '98, will do gradu­ |t aoy other brand.
ate work this year.
Tbs state oratorical coolest will be
held at Corvallis thia year.
The fence around Kiocaid Field is
being rebuilt. New bleaclirra W III also
b put up.
SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.f Chtc^s. in .
Max A Pluilib, formerly »««la’ant In
Chemistry In the V O Las now a like
position at Berkeley.
Of < igars for sale.
I'rreident Strong haa posted a not lev
forbidding political tueetli gs in the
University buildings and forbidding
any other meetings ot student organ!-
I eallooa during rvcitalion ps-nods.
Woman’s Nature
Momer's Friend
AT Julius Goldsnith s
.if CO.
I f
N* 1 W,
Chicago. Ill,