EUGEHE WEEKLY GUARD EUGENE OREGON •wonld not pay" where labor 1« cheat» Efforts to lutiodu<*e the trolley car f<*t I pa-eeuger aud freight traffic lu th* West Indies encountered au ®beta<4< which the American promoters bad not foreseen. Tbe ten cents for wbteh th» company would carry a package Or« utiles or mure -a rare that would in­ sure generous support here-did not seem small there, for the simple rea -on that many a native could find M -asler way to •-aru ten • euts than by . walking the five tulle« six! carrylui * tbe package uu Ilia bead. If "a work­ man is known by Ills chit»».'' be 1« al»« known by his tools. High-priced men do their work with high priced machln ery. Tbe <-tiglm*er of the mammoth locomotive whh b 1» puflltig hundred« of people aeroM country In a fast ex pre»» train 1« well paid; the i>oor Orl ental. drugging hi« »tugle pg»»enger In a jlnriklshk. gets barely >0100x11 for hl» sup|i«r. Not only do«-« the high-priced worker create the uece»»lty for me chanlcal Improvements, but ths me­ chanical Improvements tn turn aug­ ment productiveness. The leaaon, then, for nation« ami for Individuals Is to make tbemaelvea worthy of good tools. Human muscle« were made for something liettcr than the work which a few lump« of <-oal under a boiler will do more easily. Science vention ' the sandbag that It took five minute« to extract It. "Tbe secund time Plunk cam« to bat be drove tbe ball eight Inches Into the ground. Just Ut front of the plate. The pitcher and catcher dug frantically, but before they could exhume tbe ball Plunk had scored. Every ball be bit be banged to piece», and »even new ones were used in tbe course of tbe game. "Tbe Whistling Thistles were so ner­ vous after that that every time McGug- genbeimer batted they threw them­ selves on the ground to escape injury. And they were so generally upset that we easily defeated them by tbe score of 49 to 7. "At the end of tbe game McGuggen- helmer had driven tbe ball Into the ground three times, and had knocked four boards off the center-field fence." MONKEYS India," „¡J a -« .il cently completed « jOurll world, "I was « J ut°*J J with tbe slmost bumVaJ monkey^ monkey» there, there. y, You ., M molested. « . . . ’.'J birds, and they are „ ***] The Insect Vedalla cardinalls. Intro­ duced to Califoru a to feed ou »cale In­ sect», baa succeeded so well In its work dent a, .. . . that there Is nothing left for food—and ' I remember that .,«» »- After s pret her hat made a married they are now lu danger of disappearing ** were sitting h; Ur couple one they each Immediately »et through starvation. veranda of our hotel ,UdZ *1 to work to timi out which la the one. The earth within the Arctic circle K* the Misto«« . ! . . supports a considerable population, but main street of th. . In view of various »torte» that come tbe Antarctic circle Is without trace of of long-tailed monkeva from the Flowery Kingdom, Il 1» not 9 human life. Upon eight million square •rlM, I . I always well to accept a bure rumor tor miles surrounding the south pole, the ut every !<■;,, d -d the naked truth. pulled J foot of man ha» never trodden. In the Islands near Singapore a new I- I.., . The man who announces that he lias STT? OU »ay you don't believe In fate. graph office, aud thither, therefore, we SOLID BRICKS OF YELLOW. While we leftt ... -’j Industry has been developed, that of a method of making old Ismes a»»»m- \/ you fellow»." »aid young Fred . went. producing pure gutta percha from the anti.,.,, . _ U ble themselves and come to life prob­ Gold Cubes as They Reach the Mint Julian, as he enu-rtalned a party ” 'I don't think I'll send a wire, after leaves of the gutta-percha tree. Tbe solemnly lined up on the 1 Need Not Be Avoided. ably Imagines that be has a rattling of boon cbmpanioiM In his bachelor all,’ she said beaitatmgly, as we found leaves are ground up and pounded in A paragraph In the New York letter watching us eat. made ./I good thing. rooma. "Wall, that’s because, at pres­ tlie place. boiling water. Dry leaves contain as of the Ledger stated that there had food and ha l quite a flurtuuity of " ’Why not?’ I said. In some surprise A trade journal estimates the Amer much as 12 per cent of sap. been received at oue of the banks a tlve servant befure tbej »J Judging from personal experience.' ’ “ ‘Because- because I think I'll gu l wheels. More "But tbe monkey» Of iDlJ . J weighing 7,897 ounces, in shape of a rua of voice» " 'But think of the anxiety of the ever made have t>een ordered In this thun 100,000 are exported, and about cone, 13 Inches high and 34 Inches lu the most lrre,p.,hS|t,|e country for a foreign government, aud "italber! It was a little Incident that poor chap.' 1 Mid feelingly. ’Why, be 700,0« 10 were reserved for home con­ occurred about six mouth» ago. Inter­ may be thinking aU kinds of dreadful will give an electric spark forty-flve circumference at the base, and valued world," coutlnt.. .1 the ,M *1 sumption. Yet the bicycle Is now no inches In length, expending euergy at 1133,275. At the United States mint them people I m . ause tl,„ .J esting to me, at JeaM and if you like things have happened to you.’ novelty. It looks as If the people who lu this city it was stated yesterday to dleroua counterfeits ,,f ¿0. 1 I'll tell you all alM>ut it. ” "She stood irresolute for a moment; amountjug to three or four-horse | h > w - have sup|K>sed and declared that “Do,” »aid his friend», and the young then »be picked up a form and wrote, er, and having a [mtential of half a a Ledger reporter that it was unusual In many of the old tH.. “'4nl wheeling wa» merely a tem|>orary fad to ship gold lu such large masses. It monkey settlements. I mau louug«-d l>a< k in ids chair ami with aud, for the life of me, I could uot re­ million volts. would have to own themselves beaten, That there are too many studies In must have been cooled in a crucible, In particular wm. b wa, bia eyes on the tire commeuced bl» uar- of the It is said that the nut trees sist looking over. All that »be said and aim their dismal predictions at the public schools, in all grades and all ’ ratlve without more ado. world alone could, if necessity arose. which was broken from it, judging simians. There was: the motor-cycle and the automobile. departments from the primary to the from its shape. No such masses bad sands of the creatures andIJ "It was oue lovely day In the July of provide food ail the year round for a ’ ’ 'I have changed my mind. -Phyllis. ’ high si'hool, In nearly every State Wi 5,900 had recently be« J ■’ 'Of all the cool cheek, that la the total population three times greater ever been received at tbe mint. No person in the civilized world who the Union, is the general liellef ot last year." he began, "and I wa» »tart­ The usual form of gold bricks Is that the woods to get rid o’t tb 1 than the present. It has been |H>i';ted reads of the touching funeral ceremo schoolmen who understand ami cor lug Jubilantly off for a mouth'» holiday coolest!’ 1 thought. "But 1 stepped back and pretended to out to tbe Washington Department of of au ordinary brick, the very largest this temple I saw little xlnuu J nlea over the Ixtdy of Italy’s niunlered rectly apprehend the theory of educa at Scarborough. Knowing my luxuri­ ous habits as you do, my friends, you being valued at about ?30,0rt of the «dement- will not be surprised to hear that when timetable. ment after all. and that It makes a ary school committee of the '‘citizens' 1 reached King's Cross I »elected a cor " ’Now we must find out the next sands of tons of them are wasted every bricks are not easily bandied was eas­ Chrlstlau mother. I veotcwl J noise out of all proportion to Its size. educational «■ommlsslon," appointed by uer »<-at of a first-class smoker, and train ba< k,' 1 -aid, as she turned again year; with eocoanuts it is tbe same in ily demonstrated by the reporter, who up one of the infants tbxtvM J was allowed to lift from a truck a about, and lnstautly tbe baby J There Is no hope for the anarchists In the Civic Federation to Investigate th* provided myself w ith plenty of cigars to me; aud then we will have some many centers. the universal mounting tor the dead Chicago Bchool system. It is gratify aud magazines. To complete my antic­ tea. You must want some badly.' Every sufferer from nerves knows brick from the Denver assay office, typical Infautlle squeal and tbed ruler, and the unanimity with which Ing to note, however, tliat Hit* commll ipation of a pleasant Journey, just as 1 " ’But y ur train—you will surely that a gloomy day affects him unfavor­ 8x4x3% inches in size. It was Just the mother came to me. chatters J the peoples of the world protested tee's report affirm» what lias already settled myself comfortably aud the lose It,’ she murmured. ably, while the tirst ray of sunshine size of a building brick, only three- I put the Infant down, and the J against the stupid crime Is a greater been pointed out by progressive edu guard gave his w histle, the door o|>em*J Tlie committee Is also In line with tlie Uw daintiest little figure in the world. very thankful, that »he had been pre­ In winter months tornadoes occur of every thousand deaths during the I frowned at the loudly dressed young vented. It seemed like fate, That was only lu tbe Gulf States, but in sum­ Is offered. It usually contains more or Isirlng forest a troop of uu»M most progresalve educational sentiment first quarter of this twenty year pe less silver or copper or both metals. It tered the field aud beganarrraJ the summary of her remarks. when It declares iigalust tlie teaching mer they occur in tbe North, in Ne­ dance, taking bold of hands ufl rimi, five hundred and twenty-two were "There, now, you fellows," broke off braska. South Dakota, Iowa and Min­ may be relined at the assay office, but is of foreign languages In the grades. The Ing a large circle, then dandg] those of children under 5 years of age the narrator abruptly. ”1 needn't tell nesota. Tbe average is twenty-five a usually relined at tbe mint. .Many­ time and mouey thus expended could During the last quarter the number you much mon-; <>niy that we each ex­ year. They are simple examples of bricks shown to the reporter looked like aud round and chattering gleeM be employed to better advantage tn the has been only three hundred ami thir­ changed cords, agreed to see one an­ vortex motion. A mass of air rotating silver, the proportion of one-third of study of English and civil government. LAW AS INTERPRETED, ty-eight. The gain I r attribuiti to the other in London, and that we parted at a low level runs Into a vortex, and that metal giving them that appear­ The plethora of books in the schools diligence of the Board of Health In ance. Some small bricks, worth about cheerfully at York. ” results from two cause« tlie growth Constitutional mandate of eq J a tul>e is projected downward. The spreading a knowledge among the poor­ "Anti did you fulfill those promises?” velocity of the lower end of the tube $5,000 apiece, were shown which had taxatiou as near as mar be j J of the "cramming system" In the public er [teople of the best way of feeding schools, an«l tlie continuous and per­ •aid one of the listeners, with interest. may reach two hundred miles an hour, been relined to 908 parts in 1.000, prac­ Drew vs. Tifft iMinn.1.17LLil Infants during hot weather, and to the sistent pressure of the sc I iihi I book pub­ “Oh, yes! We have seen some little and it is the ¡»artial vacuum caused by tically pure gold. These were for a to be applicable to inher^iMB establishment of day nurseries, steri! prominent watch case manufactory for lishers. Oue evil logically follows tlie of each other since then.” the whirl and the sudden inrush of the and to be violated by Ixed milk depots, floating hospitals and use In its business. Chemically pure other. Having engrafted tlie cramming Ami her name?” outside air that causes tbe disastrous which discriminate betweeiM other admirable charities. gold Is made only for testing purposes. classes of persons. system upon tlie schools, the demand Will soon be Julian," said the young explosive effects. I — Fhilailelphia Ledger. man promptly. Penny Pictorial Maga lu his address at Cambridge Mr. Bal for Isxiks Is constantly enlarged, and An assessment for a ’te-» J The black sands containing gold zine. four, who Is one of the many scholarly the Issik publishers engage in fierce which are spread along the shores of ment under a resolution dMM HEROIC CURE FOR AN ITCH. and somewhat erudite British »fates competition to supply the demand. The Norton Sound, near Cape Nome, Alas­ improvement expedient ¡8 beiM result Is that the schools are loaded SANG THE SONGS OF FREEDOM. men, professed a fondness for the ka. are said to differ from similar Berio-Comic Experience of a Man Held folk vs. Young (Va.i, 47 L 111 i down with Isxiks atwl the old notion eighteenth century. In those days men l'l> by a Road Agent. to be unconstitutional for lad<1 John W. Hutchinson ot a t-'amou» Fam­ sands found on the c-oast of California 1 which regard««! education ns a “draw- occupied themselves much with the fu Whatever difference« of opinion may process of law, where tbe axl ily of Singers. Hnor Carroll I>. Wright for sary to develop tlie mental ikjwci -» of complains that hi» worths w ill not leatl a child. lutud, and a look of severe displeasure been recently revived by au attempt 1899 on “Hand and Machine Labor” row, with their hands high over their a nee. Authority of railroad coni::/«« to any economy In the use of coal noy came Into her face. made by the children of Joint W. Hut­ sets forth some very interesting facts. heads. One burly ruffian stood guard will they Increase the slender precau " ’Are you aware, sir,’ she said, aus­ chinson, the only survivor of the origi­ Aided by machinery, 4.500,009 men over them with a double-barreled shot­ to order a company to build xaiw Narrow Gage. tlous that are taken for the preserva­ terely. ’that this 1» uot a smoklug car­ I nal "family,” to cast him into an insane turn out a product which would re­ gun, w hile the other engaged in tbe tain a depot or station bouse»»6 The Lewiston Journal reports a col riage ?’ tion of the forests nor lend to a move­ asylum and gain possession of bls prop­ quire tbe labor of nearly 40,000,000 pleasing task of relieving them of their State ex rel. Tompkins vi. Ccid ment for lea« wasteful methods of ng Halon dowu In the State of Maine, In " ’Isn't It?’ I answered, looking up at erty. Tlie attempt failed, for the Judge men If produced by hand. In America valuables and spare cash. This partic­ Paul, Minneapolis and Omalix W| which no one was Injured. the window. ’Why, goodness me. they rlculture. ular traveler was nearest the man with Company (S. D.l, 47 L. H. A. "il A certain old man who does hand must have forgotten to take the label before w hom the case was beard decid­ the advantage derived from machinery conferred by a statute the shotgun. ed lliat the veteran, although past tbe is about twice as great as In Europe, Men usisl to look about In deserts and some work with the fiddle at country down.’ them to notify the company of™ While the ceremonies were In pro ­ allotted years of man, is still mentally so that the actual population of the wlitlerneMcs for the fountain of youth. dances Is "great on time," but unless The girl followed my glance, and at capable of caring for his estate. United States is equal in productive gress his nose began to Itch ami instinc­ merits which they adjudge tobeB lie 1» argued with he will play "The Latterly they are more sensible, and the sight of the purtfally obliterated Power to deelde between cuB lite family was In many respects a power to 130,000,000 Europeans. With tively he started to lower one hand to look each man Inside of himself. Front Girl I la'ft Behind Mo” from eight letter», half concealed by tbe blind, her remarkable one. There were sixteen lat>or-saving machinery, one generation scratch It. "Hands up, there!” came for Justice of the ]>eace who teaching how to lie young at 60, they o'clock till twelve, for every dance ex fare crimaoned with mortification, ami, brothers and sister», all gifted far of men can do tbe work of four or five the stern order, and his hand went auto equal number of votes is held. :tl went on to teach lmw to be young cept the Virginia reel. biting her lip. she took up a paper hur above the average with musical voices. generations of band workers. matlcally back Into place. But that Crow vs. Kramer iMoa. 4> LI Some of the old dancers were on the though a nonogenarlan, and then how rledly to hide her confusion. Itching redoubled and again he essayed 551, to l>e in violation of tbe Cd It remained for thrrs- of the brother». to retain youth's vigor for a hundred floor not long ago, atnl l«etweeu dances " T have made the same mistake, my John. Judsou and Asa, with their sis­ SOME EXTRAORDINARY BATTING the relieveful scratel* "Say. what's tlon. willed provides for the elertj one of them went up to the tiddler, who years. A ml now a man has written a dear,” «aid a kindly matron on her ter, Abby, to blend their voice« lu per­ the matter with you. anyhow?” de­ such officers without any pro' w Issik and a mighty plausible book It sat rubbing the rosin on Ills bow. right. 'It diHwn't matter much; a lit­ fect harmony. Tbe emancipation of the How • BaaebHlt Game Was Won by manded the highwayman. "Are you deciding the tie, while it d»e*lj "Uncle," said the dancer, "nil the Is on “The Feasibility of Not Dying ” Fierce Operation» with the Stick. tle smoke won't hurt us, will it?’ wishing to become a lead mine?" "My such provision In respect t« oti8 slave and tbe prohibition of the liquor Why not Uve forever! the advance folks on the floor want you to play old "When 1 was playing right field for nose itches so 1 can’t stand It any long­ cers. With this case there n • ’ ’ No; I must change at the next sta traffic became their watchwords. 'Speed the Plow' for the next dance. s<»ltool Is saying. Is not the body re tlon,” «he returned, sweetly. \\ hen the brothers first started on the Hurtling Lilacs.” »aid the niau er," tearfully explained the sufferer. ”1 on the decision of a tie vote a. Can't you give It to us?” Hewed throughout every few years? Is “ 'Excuse me.’ I broke In, 'but thia Is their campaign» of song they entered with tbe sandy whiskers to the man simply have got to scratch it.” "No. tlon. The old mail tucked his rosin Into tils It not merely a machine? Cannot prop an expre»» train.’ Into a compact to abstain from the use with tbe sun-burned neck, "1 was con you haln't,” ungrammatically corrected vest pocket. er care and Intelligence always replace Made a Strong H* I " 'Do you mean to say it doesn't stop of tobacco and alcohol and demoraliz­ sldered au exceptionally strong hitter. the knight of the road. " ’cause I’ll do It "I »It'd like to ’commodate ye fust­ wornout parts with new |mrts as good The spread of education in ing associations. The compact was But all records made by me, or by auv for you.” And with that he proceeded rate," he said, "but the’» suthln’ »Ing*- at Peterborough?' as the originals, or even better In many •’ 'It doeau’t stop at all,’ I »aid, 'until never broken. John Hutchinson's voire one else that ever pretended to do to scratch the offending nasal organ Is rapidly developing tbe negnjj lar 'Itout that tune of 'Speed the Plow.' cases? Why not abandon the whole we get to York.' things with the stick of hickory, were with the muzzle of his shotgun. You highest ambition Is to be ¡* Je»t as noon as l ’Speed the 1*1 ‘low’ 'long superstition about the ms'esalty of dy cast in tbe shade by the performance can wager your shoes that that partic­ a »tatesmau. Oc-asiontilf J ’’ 'till, dear! What shall I do? 1 must • little ways I run right Into ’The Girl tug? There was an account In tlie I lieft Behind Me.’” of a tall young man of the name of ular nose stopped itching with great ab­ ertlons get him before tbe get off at Peterborough,’ »he exclaimed new a reccntly of a youth of upward ” ’I’m »o sorry.’ I murmurisl, turnlug Plunk McGuggenlieimer. who played ruptness. Troy Pres«. earlier than be plana. of 89 wlwv was making century runs »on. Esq., w ho bad rei-1 1 one day with the Lilacs. I had seriously to the girl, ’t an 1 aaalat you In any Belaying III» Jaws. down in Pennsylvania. A wagon ran Mealing His Thunder. way? If it Is a case of necessity, you hurt niy thumb while running base«, found himself before Shark stories, with some rea won. are over him and broke several of his The indignant-looking passenger was some little Irregularity know, we <-uu communicate with tbe and Plunk was engaged to take uiy bones. He wns In the hospital a few commonly received with Incredulity. A guard.' about to speak, but the conductor head commandment. Tbe case place. well authenticated am - dote, however, weeks and then rreumwl bls century "Guilty," said the JudP’- J "‘Ob, no that Is I mtsti I don't The day he covered right for it» we evr NR a Illli, who was standing close to the mil, The drinking water tastes as If it hadn't Sam. grandilo'i’ieu i.' ' "The elderly matron smiled. I had games to our credit with a clean record girl at her first txt It, and who Is also a grabbed a belaying pin, and without all 1 could to reprcMi nty amuse g "The game Ix-gan. and the Whistllug been oft the kitchen range ten minutes. me guilty on de fa< ' daring horsewoman and la only kept hesitation jumped to save the sailor. nient. while the loudly dresHed young " x tj Thistle» went to bat first. They had The car doesn't loot» as If it had been I re»q>ectively ma : The great brute was just turning on from lumping the rope anti rolling the man in the corner sniggered aiatlbly. three men on bases, when the batter swept for a month, and It is full of cent on de teciiuercalitiea -• hoop by the entreaties of her great Ills back to bite, when lllll drove the " ’Oh. well. 1 shouldn't let tliat worry _ ____ - 1 knocked • line ball toward third. Those idiots who Insist on o|«enlng the win­ Life. Iwlaylng pin right through Imth jaws. graudchtldren. who do not think It dig me. If I were you.' I said soothingly on bases thought that It was good for dows when we go through tunuels, so Both men were got on board again un Russian« 1 irfl 'it'« disappointing, but they will be Billed. To reoolve to live forever Is a a hit. and started to run. but our third that the cinders can blow It.' liar uieil Jl'IIS W. Ht. K H X «OS. There is no country in 11 * , laudable ambition. It Is a good Idea to able to tlx it up all right without you ' The passenger caught his breath and baseman Junq>ed Into the air and "perhaps that fellow won’t want an '' (- "Tho bluslH-w dee|H-nceful of triple play unassisted. lug at 70. ~ < anti l*e happy. But I've got to stay ou it in* The coldest Inhabited country appears •aid ’It wouldn't lw* a wedd'ng with doing more public work. He is a very evl on nearly half the d»F "The umpire had called two »trikes this train for hours every day of my A Russian arcbl’rvt who I win to be the province of Werchojansk, In out the bride I’tu sorry for you. but forcible »peaker, with an irresistible tnd the result Is '* - **' . on the first man up for our «ide when life.”—Washington Star. traveling In this country to study Oriental Siberia. The mean altitude you muatn't fret portance to tbe pn>Hb* it ctui’t t* lielped fund of humor, ami bls ¡u-wers of mim the opposing twirier made a tremen­ American building methods was great­ of the terrain Is about 107 uicter» tab ut m>w aud you must scud a w ire directly lery have assisted greatly In* M. Deiblrr. In river, lake and «•» 4 dously wild pitch, the ball going about ly Interested In the elevator which he 390 feet* above the sea. A Russiau »a we get to York.' 09.000 people with M. Delbler. the French executioner, a mi Impressing an audieure. }|e was four feet over the catcher's bead Our saw Used for raising brick In the cou »ant pa«s»il one entire year In this In "Tlila ses-me«l to raise rhe girl's »pir always of a peacefal nature In matters batter had the pre. "Uce of mind to ha» accumulated a fortune of 300.990 lee's Magazine. ___ struct ion of a great apartment house hospitable region and kept a dally re. Its. and »he la-gan to laugh, a little relatiug to himself, though qntek t o re i »trike at it. and he ea lly made first b< francs by his skill in working the guil­ Irrigation f » '*’rlh7^I He e»eu photographed the device. In ord of the temperature, which be ha» hysterically perlmps at flrat. Then she sent aud battle I against a wrong to' fore the catcher could recover the ball lotine At an execution In Faris, some The extensive ari l order that be might have visual eV I recently pnbll«bed, and from which It tlianked me pr*»ttlly for doing nothing The second man let the ball hit him. time back, he had bis little son with dem e of It to show on his return home appear! that the daily mean of tbe en ami begged me to smoke, and declared and the third singled, thereby tilling him. from which It Is supposed that tie ern Mexico are to be ■ Tbe town of In hl» country no other method of tire year Is 2.74 degree» below •ero •be really didn't mind the smell at all. founded l»y the I the l*a*es Then MeGugg/nhelmer intends him to follow the same profes­ from aid eitendvd .' State governments. hoisting brick Is In use thsn the prlini The daily mean for January, 1MM, «a- but rat Iter liked It. When the train IW’». 1» a flourishl came np to hat. and we not iced that hi» sion. live one of carrying them aloft on the t ill .4 degrees below sero. ruatoNl through Peterborough she steadily grow ing club was re enfori-vif with steel band». Coaaacks Despise Trade. The costliest carni shoulders of men. Much Incidents are laiigliwt more merr ly « ill. ami was »<■ During the '<«>'» the first tvall pitched. Plunk hit out. d he Cossacks rarely become mer- begins when a glrlj - * ” ( of common occurrence. Many of the No Austrian Colonie«. eharmmg ami unaffected tlwit long be I ted England and and. to the Consternation of the This­ - bant*, ritough tjiey maintain **.000 n lien «he I» -'t> Ji ber u* laltor-saving devices in use In A inert Austria Is the only empire in tbr f -rv w e res* !»♦»! York we w ere ei>at and la-fore many tle», It could not be found While they rtghtiug men. and can muster 128,0m |u a month min* ra are unknown elsewhere. Our own world which Ita» never had ,-oloaies. or ting togethev like old friends. We that country. Harriet Martineau. John "ere . ha«lng wildly around looking an emergency, there are but 44o of their what ’ countrymen traveling !u Europe, and even transmarine possessions In any found out then that we l>ad mutual Bright and t'harles Dickens were loud tyr It all of our runners arored. Just a« own people engaged in business. Some one '■-- w * -*"» bos’* more especially In Asia, are astonished quarter of the earth Her ambition bar • --qua i uta ure». that our respective in their praises It is • party wb.ere,' 1 l*n of their musical gifts. Flunk wa« croaalng the plate tbe fir»t • t the »low and toilsome mcthoiU th, re hitherto been purely continental. < »utspeed» a H.irw, bodies were situated but a few nfles worry l about ------- sheets ss Among the «onga with which the ba«emaa dlsonered the t>aiL Mvsilig employed A failure to make use of ’‘«triches are not tbe only swift run­ cloths. fnwn each other, and many other luter Hutchinson» delighted large audience« genlmimer bad driven it out with such lal»>r saving contrivance« is not always rls »*' A lady who has tiren a widow three est tig facts were "Tenting Twnlght on tbe Old force that It bad penetrated the canva« ning animals that can outstrip tbe If • man meets « x * due to lack of enterprise Many of times »ays a good pla.-e tv get a bus “ th>tr< n drew up I pro;*.-- I t'amp Ground” am! "The Fatherhood <*f tbe first base and bad lodged inside -¡»■eil „f a burse. There la a land crab .tWl** of tbs day. «re <*■ b “ Ute Uneutiuua must useful to us baud .» by the ear. I to a»».»t bvr tu out the tvle of Gvd aud uae Brvtbetbuud of Mata” the Lag, H wU w irmly lubedde-t lu In Cuba that - an rival the ostrich, an J mas»” gu mush faster than a bvrsa. According to ths Medical Record (her* Is In this country oue phys an to »very tJW ¡ copie. The Bride Who ; ? Changed Her Mind ; » Í j