The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, September 08, 1900, Image 3

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    ................... .i
Illustrated by a Case Hap A» ful Deed of a
penine >n <»ur Midst.
Bei \< i
Special to the Guard.
S outh B end , Ind, Sept. 1.—William J. Bryan opens
thecampaign in the state of Indiana at this place tonight.
Banners and transparencies are hung on every side.
The city is filled with prominent politicians from all parts
of the state and Mississippi valley.
The enthusiasm display« t is intense.
Special to the Guard.
G lasgow , Sept. 1.—Another case of the plague has de­
veloped. Eighty-three suspects are held awaiting develop­
Special to the G uard .
N ew Y ork , Sept. 1.—The Hamburg-Bremen ocean
liner Deutschland has smashed the transatlantic steamship
The Deutschland made the passage from Cherbourg,
France, to Sandy Hook, Long Island, in 5 days, 12 hours
and 29 minutes.
For several years the record was held by the American
liner St. Paul, in 6 days, 7 hours and 6 minutes, but the
Hamburg-Bremen liner, Kais r Wilhelm der Grosse, re­
duced that time to 5 days, 17 hours and 37 minutes about
one month ago. The Deutschland now makes another
ItpMiUl« Journ»:. ; i. >•«•
John Brown, a native of < ornwall
! Euglaud, 72 years old, aud a highly
ssteemet citizen of Lane county, re
turned last week from B- knap8|>rttig»
He brought with him some river rock«
winch he imagines contain» fabulous
quantities of gold and allver.
ledge is five miles wide aud he ex|«cts
to bring down leu tons sewn and seud
Il to Tacoma and gel a tou of gold. Ou
complaint of John Davie«, another
English tian. Mr Brown waa arrested
and brooght before County Judge Kin-
eaid last Tuesday on a charge of in
eanlty, Dr» Brown and McKenney,
Derut v District Attorney Harris aud
Sheriff Wilbers toeing present,
doctor* prououuced him iusan on that
particular subject and signed the pa­
pers but they regarded him as being
entirely harmless, and for that r-»»< n
the Judge did not commit him.
There are entirely loo many people
in that institution now for the good of
the state aud for some of those im»l
deep.y ceuoerued, aud no more »Lould
be rent to that tuelilutlou or to the
misnamed “reform" school only u1 der
•uosl urgent necessity. Mr Blow n aud
bls wife, who Is also living and tn poor
health mentally, came herefrom Eng
land long ago to live with their mu , and I
Special to the Guar \
L ondon , Sept. 1.—England accepts the Russo-Ameri­
can agreement to withdraw troops from Pekin in order to
allow the Chinese government to rehabilitate itself and
establish order and authority so that it may be able to deal
with the international questions awaiting settlement.
'Die withdrawal of allieti troops from the capital would
place China in a position where she could not make fu-
ture claims of coercion should she desire to abrogate what-
ever treaties may be decided upon.
W ashington , Sept. 1—Russia reaffirms her decision to
withdraw representatives and troops from Pekin. Ger-
many adheres to the original program of the allies to hold
her troops in Pekin until order is completely restored.
Court House Items.
Attracting Much Interest and Are
Largely Attended.
A'e Gilbert file« al og brand, od »
ctro e wl' •toother, to t>e u»ed on
Siud.i» tivirarttl ttll.utarie«,
COB» t>er i»»ue« a chattel mortgage
on the crop of hl» 4 acre hop yard on
■ •> t> r-k to H H F riendly.
er l*“ue<. «chattel mort träte
n rt,e i- t. f hi* I'op yard ou Camp
< > '.
S H Friet.dly.
i l.e J >• Buneell Co filed a hop COD'
’r«c' witlt Strode Bros, on tbeir
nop .- op. Five cents p^r pound to be
adv. need for picking
Tl.e J M Rua. el I Co file I a bop con­
tract with 8 rod* A Cartwright on
their hop oro». Five oenta per pound
to be advanced for picking,
At 12.30 today the Fourth Regiment
band played a of »elections on
the street before leaving for Bi g«'
park, wbeu th* ’’«ee meet is t>ein^
The attendance was larger limn ye»
terday, and the managemen; i- k -
erally praised for ita work.
It is regretted that the en’riis for
trotting and pacing race» scheduled
failed to fill, for there Content» aie al
ways interesting.
Cobweb Billy, A VV Ream, fi-et,
Nancy Conner. A Abbott, sec o:d.
Time 36 J second».
te ve to
Barrata, C A Cline, first.
Me, G Adamr, second. 'Time. I 04
Independence Maid, first; Naucy
Conner, second.Ti a -,37j
Game Laws iqoo .
Lawful to kill—
Dear—July 15 to Nov. 1. Cannot be
bunted for market or with dog».
Ducks—Hept. 1 to March 15.
not be bunted at night.
Grouse, Pbeaeaut, Mongolian Plies* -
ant, Quail or Partridge—Oct. 1
to Dec. 1.
Snipe—Sept. 1 to Feb. 1.
Silver Grey Squirrel—Oct. 1 to J t . 1.
Trout—April 1 to Nov. 1.. Honk and
line only. Must not be »old.
Elk—Protected until Feb. 25. 1915
Bong Bird»—Protected at all times.
F imoer T aken O ff .—Hon V K
Hale, of Hale, Oregon, got the m‘dd
finger of bis left hand in too ch»
proximity of hie threshing nis t io>
last week and it amputated it at the
first joint. He hail it dressed and it it
getting along nicely now.
H ops .— Hope are being contracted
for at Halem and North Yakima fr
12 cents per pound.
That piles ba«
beeu offered here for aeveral day»
without taker».
rENltl.rTON. Or.. Aug. 3) - Ari hur
Kelly, not quite |_
, n d,
brought here thi« afiern<)>m by Deputy
Sheriff lllsklev for the •i.iirdet of hi*
father, fortv five mil.
t ,.t h ♦•eat of
Mil OII, Oil I u-el y. 1- r t.k Kelly,
th» mur-iered men,
ut g i year»
old. and lived n f w nd e» fro u Mil
He »nd Arthur h»d l>*en In the
mocintaine for Hie |ivt <v.» t. but
Arthur returned home Wrduewtay a nd
»fated hl« father had left lnm.
BI'M h I
wa* found on tlie bl»uk«t* the boy
brought back with him, and an inves­
tigation wa» aiade. Th. hoy then «aid
bl» father had killed hin self with a
This afterni»')), bow *ver, he conf-M
ed to murder log lil* t 11 > r by »!<<» >tli>g
him with a rifle, s»yt g hl« ratli. r liai)
sbu«ed him and bad t' r>atoned to kill
bitu. Ik'i’eaeeii leaves a wife ai d nine
children, the toy told the terrible
details of lhe crime evtnciug neither
emotion nor colloustie»«.
•» ito opp.>«ed Tc
116 le » than
wereca«l for D»l>, Klionre and 8ear»
New tipll, If II:.». « , <>|>p<wd
1' tigne tasi Ju r «li
.»|- —• McKitt*
lev In Novetutor a <t vote t i B.tatt ■*
ttirpdld iu 1896. Mr Hr> «u wtll lenti
McKllley 116 majority in Lane couu ■
ty. Bui wb<> dare »ay Inai Itryan » ili
uot carry Hit-cnuuty hv an Incrvn«.e
majority over hi» VtMe ut l«Mf
Tltoee are my figure».
Who will
di*pute IhetL?
Iti tlteabove calculatiou I bave uot
noticed thè l'al net v te But iu case
l did thè re*ult «ottld uot materiali)'
di Iter.
J. F. A.
Adair, Southern
Agent. Observing
L G Adair, tn charge of the Southern
Faeifi • office In thi» city, i» today cele­
brating an anniversary.
three year» ago Mr Adair took charge
of the Eugene office aud lias contln-
u >u«ly held the [»wition to the present
time. There 1» but ooe man in Oregon
with a longer service record—Agent
I ‘skinuar, of 8alem.
Durlug three twenty-three year» Mr
No License Required
Adair has seen many and varied
changes lu the bualuesa.
Wbeu he
Au Illinois paper pub' the fol
took the elation the services of but one
Oregon h»s lilt upon a new experi­ mm were needed to attend the offiae,
ment to kts p her citizen» »otter. Every ami do everything from operator aud
man who tirittke is cbllgsd to take out aelllng tickets to attending to freight.
a license ixwtiug $> 4«r year and uu I. m Now five men are regularly on the
• rrued »I’ll lite Uocumeil canuot be pay roll at this office, aud aven thia
served w ith liquor at any saloon or
hotel. Every »ix months ilia name» of force is taxed often to attend to hesl-
During this time the volume of
ttie |<er»ou» u ho lake out the liceu»» neM.
are to lie pubhahed.”
buslnesa ami o cel pls ot the office have
Don't defer your trip to Oregon, more than quadrupled, and are ln-
brother, ou that account.
If you creasing constantly.
land here with only a "»hurt bit”
When Mr Adair took charge of the
you ixd get yo ir It irst >l»Ked in a office one mixed train passed Eugene
Some Election Returns.
lonely »ort ot a ay, but if you are a dally each way, and a freight every
»ocial cu»»
and have two bile other day. Now we have two through
TO the E dito *:—It may not t*e
with tl>e beat of IM over laud passenger trains each way
ami uh a present to give the rmuit of
That lice ee »tory wa« started by a dally, a through freight daily,aud local
th<* June elecdutiH for Laue county in
1896 and 1900.
tn give tht "aiiforuia liar In a vain attempt to freight every other day each way.
Mr Adair <•»« the third scent at tbs
Eugene office.
The fi at waa H F
Stratton, who iwlgnetl to enter the
mercantile bu-lt ess with the late F B-
The xcond wa* Ora Tibbetts,
well known b.v old thuetB.
Thirty-four years has been the length
ot time Mr Adair lie» tieeu In the rail­
road tiUHiue*». He started out with
lhe Penuaylv«tila road, which com­
pany l.e wa» With for seven year». He
occupied h po»u»>n in the dispatcher’»
oftiotaai Pt tsburg, t ioclnu«'I and Ht
L<>ul», and was one of lhe luoet ex-
pert operatore ou the road. He waa
afterward with the Rvan»v<l|e, Tore
Haute A ludlanafor three year*, and
with the Big Four for one year, before
leaving for Or gon.
Mr Adair hn« seen Eoy tie grow
from a tow n having l>u' ll ee brick
bu»ine«< tiuu-e» t > an »ctlve modern
and up-to-date Western city with
hlta-k* of flue brick and stone
buildhn» and mire beteg added.
During these linig year« Mr Adair I «»
attended fell hfullv m the <t>m|>«'iy's
sfta'rs. slid «» a tei-itie*» man rank»
among ttiiwe li'rhest tn tl.e iii hk ,—
ment of large inter-»' - In the \\ >llaiu-
ette Valley His record Is one which
can tie looked oil with »atlafao.ioti hy
himst lf anil hl« man) friend», »» • >n
as by the oompany which he »■ *b.y
W< i <> d G a .*> ke .—J I Barliet's
cord» nf wood now till» the mill
He lib« delivered Koo cords to
U of O. and
an elevator (Mt Ing out HI cord»
day. It I» a tliilsy anil can tie
near the foundry.
rtiilHfaCtion of mortgage...............
The tepublicniiR have o|e-li»>
headquarters iu Portland.
litor Had
■ut Was
ct Health
, Cholera
or a long
>aat being
nd money
ry that I
pall hopes
eault, but
of Cham-
at moniale
cures had
, I decided
v doses I
•uble, and
ty readers
>m a bale
•el ns well
4 .M oo R k .
y Move.
t 5.—The
3n Milla at
love tbeir
hernia, to
ua of $30,-
II be made
ng lota at
> a tract of
Part of It
te, leaving
There la
e matter,
hat their
•y have a
the cloth
Hamuel Handsaker lies sn liHenol-
Ing article In lhe Meptenih-' n u<»»r
of the Oregon» Hon oil '"-o'l'h-
ern Oregon Indian War.”
Coltaye Grove Nugget: O I* KioZ
j and family will take up their reentotlce
In Eugene'hl» coming Week, where
they will reside iltitll their son and
daughter Itulsh al the (' of O.
Cottage Grove Leader:
Brown, of Eugene, was a visitor here
till» week. Dick 1» looking for a • u»t-
ne»» location and may poa»lbly locate
The Balfour Iuveatment Co to Ize-
Tbe Corvallla Time» 1« In error abou
retta C McCutcheon, land in Lane
Judge Hamlltou »eiiteaciiig hie fir»t
county tp 17 « r 5 w; $3000.
ma t, Gillespie, to be hanged.
t hia 1»
Thia picture gives some idea of the interior of the British legation compound, to which the foreign ministers end
R M D >oly. trua'ee, to Annie B
their wives and children fled. Tbs compound has a high, thick wall, la partly protected by n broad moat and was
Arnold, 320 acre» in tp 18» r 4 w;
'The Albany Democrat tell« about 254
Ntllie B Forba» to Annie B Arnold,
of oat» tielog hauled to that
107.85 acre« in tp 18» r4 w; >618.10.
In a few year» after they tame the result of the presidential election for divert some of the crowds now flock­ place al one load.
Oats In Oregon
8 a'eof Oregon to Robert M Logan,
eon was killed by a man in a potato the year 1896 In Idme county, as the
weigh 36 pound» to the bnshel, there­
4<t ac ch in »ee 36 tp 28, a r 6 w; 860.00,
field, ju»t acroa» the Willamette river name may furnish some data upon Oregon, brother.
fore the load weighed 9144 pounds.
from Eugene, In a dlvpute about the which to bane some calculation aa to
T he B est T own .—Horace M cKIn
Brownevllle Ttanee: The work pro-
Mary E Franklin va Geo H Frank­ potatoes. The mother ha* never fully the protiaule result of the pending ley, the well known limiter land »pec gr*»»«e very Mtlafactory on the Blue
recovered from the »hock caused by presidential conteet to come oft In ulator ef Michigan, 1» in the city. He River wsgou roa<l
Wednesday a load
M R Puts ve Allie Eaetbam. the death of her »on, and the father 1» November.
«ay»: “Eugene lathe t>eat town In all of supplies and another large tent were
Judgment naked for 8550, Intereet at 6 •aid to have been worrying lately over
At the June election in ’I«, Mr • of Oregon. Her thrift aud enterprise taken up.
Quite a numtier Intend
p-rcent from April 15, 1900, and onet» financial embarra»»ment»— perbai-r ot Tongue btul a plurality of «44 voles at tb • lime aie remarkable. 8be baa going up there to work in a few day».
of action.
very large one«; but »mall thing» hurt That la. he had 644 more vote« than not «rily grsiu liehlud her, but great
While excavating fora place to erect
Allie Eaatfcam v« Frank M Burnl- aa bad a* large one», and the po r man Mr Vanderbarg, who tied 1270 vote», ■luantitie« < f timber, rich mlue« and
a new bunk lint tee at the Lurk y Boy
eon. Certificate of attachment of real suffers •• much from the I om of $100 while Mvera, the democratic candi­ cattle raages. It) time »be will tie the
mine a new letige of free milling ore
aa the railroad king doea from the !<••• date, had KH'< and Cbriatonsen, prohl, •ecorid city in Oregon.”
has lieen uncovered, It ie <o feet north
nf a million or the emperor doe« from
K nows the H oksb .—The Albany of the old one at tbe the mlueaudle
the loee of an empire—and while Vanderburg, Myer» and Christensen
E I> Polll and Eatella M Hyland.
Democrat has
till» at*>ut Hbentt very rich. Thia cauaea the Lucky Boy
brtodlng trver hi» condition he e..n-
"Mr Frazier, owner» to »mile broader than ever.
oetved the idea, a» many men have minority by 400 of the popular vote.
who lain the city purchaalng cavalry
dooe before, of getting a million dollar*
Medford Mall: Cha» Williams, a
A Govd Price.
Tb» result of the vote for preaident
out of rock».
home« ha* been buying horse» here for Eugene miller, waa in the valley thi»
The only uoueual thing about the
about twenty year«. He ba« bought week opon buaineM.
Mr William»
Friendly today made a bop idea la that the rock» he »elected have the oi i».«ltlon to Tongue in June must
ou# time a rraldent of Jackaon
uo trace of gold and are not likely to have oppose«! Mc'vinley and voted for more horses than any man In Oregon
f • -c* with a Lane county grower bkve, while tboee «elected by moet
Bryan, a» Bryan’e malorlty in the and know» the »»Imai from hoof to ,„unty, having li vol with bl» parents
other m ner», who are ».eking for­
.it Jens t»r pound.
,,n th» place now owned by John
tune«, etlher »how a trace of the county we* juet 460, If I am correct In
LOOt.lSO 4 Ot.TRAX.T -Tom UUttM. ArBoW- H" !’ft her« M
prei itdw metal or »re from a ledge my recolkction of the return», for I
l.AHT Acr.-london Globe« which 1» expected to produce •< it
I. down from the Mohawk.
He In. ba. not .In« t^en In tb. v.lley-untll
have not the return» with nr •.
• i i qo-r *r »ectloti of lend lying In thing va uab e when pnqterly .level-
The result for Ooligrese io thi» coun­ form. u. that bo I. getting along ,Mt
tin can v n mhi 'I. of town belonging to I oped But, after all, there la not mu. h ty in June, i'JOo, wa»: Tongue, 2329, .plendidly with hl» imnlract of 4,.lW»,-|“on ,h“ “,er’ ha” b*n
difference In method» in the mad race
the J A Lina estate wa» »old by the after wealth, and a very tbi > partition Daly, uiiton, 1822, Elinor*. proh I, 168, ir ofe-tof log. for th. B oth RallyU**1 t,m*
«e ministrar or P H 8teph»n»*gi. last twtween »anity and eo called insanity. Hear», fwople», 217, giving Tongue 410
lie IO,, are ~Mr "
- 1 m.l a fewf th.m,
Hata rd a y to (' M and J B “mtlh, th» The rider« of m«ny bot.bie« in the p.urallty, and 50 vote» le»» plurality tobad.ilvMe.lac l oborg.
»«umul.twl a
fair amount of thi« world'» ^ood«
......•»ration bei'ig 8340.ÿ.”
Linn varioua eatk» of life are not e under • ■ «• • »-I m i- N.
menially than other» who ar* In mad-
B orn .—To Bev aud Mrt J KClay- n«« an lotereet in a large tfourlog mill
wa» the man *o foully murdered on bo w tdveuae they mauifeet their
Putting the vote» of Daly, Elmore
the »cmrnit of the Cascade amwotaiM weakue-ee« or pecullerltiee in a differ »I.©« - ketlier We have _4*l7 Vote» oomb, IB Eugene, August 2F 1900, a at Eugen» and ie doing a Sourtchlug
! June 15, 1899. by Brantou aud. Green. ( Mt way
Cleti with
<>t breitete
■ 's Cough
q late nor
y t>e given
s» to an
that ha»
aiment of
for it the
• received
re and In
le by W L
ue buggfea
(ona at last
a turned y
sim plain la
he greater
For »ale
telle Broa,
prunes for
Thia will
i of dried
•«Al, the
drying m
let ) Chris-
e may ■
rital »enee
The world
doee; God
f Haleru, is
by jeering
I be Imme-
among hie
t by tuie-
inong the
illey. The
roach per-
>f Hags A
g t<> brand
ends may
•tided for a
i Umpqua
><l branded
■a a mark
> partially
e driven to
in dr rr*