xxn county un vnru rnnn nri/iv GREAT BOER VICTORY. MINISTERS RESCUED AT PEKIN Special to the Guard S hanghai , August 18.—The international command attacked the gates of l’ekin on the morning of August 15, and they soon gave wav before a well directed artillery fire from the Japanese corps. The Chinese made a desperate effort to prevent the entry of the foreign troops through the battered down gates, but were steadily repulsed. The legations were reached in t ■ evening, and the ministers, foreigners and Christian ( dnese refugees re­ lieved from their weary siege. BRITISH DEFEAT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Special to the Guard. N ew Y ork , August 18.—A Journal special from Dela- goa Bay reports that the Boers under General Dewet at­ tacked and defeated the British forces under General Kitch­ ener. The British lost heavily in killed and wounded. Four thousand prisoners were taken. PLOT TO ASSASSINATE THE PRESIDENT. Special to the Guard. N ew Y ork , August 18.— A high government official says the secret service detectives have evidence that four­ teen anarchists came from Italy with the intention of as­ sassinating President McKinley. They were confined in the detention prison awaiting further developments. FURTHER ALLIED SUCCESS. Special to the Guard. P ort A rthur , August 18.—General Fleischner cap­ tured Hai Cheng and Afi Cheng, August 12. The Chinese lost four hundred men and a few guns. EX-SECRETARY POWERS GUILTY. ru CALAPOOIY WAGOX ROAD. the point . NEAR WENDLIN BLUE RIVER MINES Elected ludge.J Cottage Grove Nuggett. Hou H R Kincaid ia now county judge beyoud a doubt, the recent con­ test ca«e settling that point. There is satisfaction tor all parties concerned, in that Mr Kincaid and his friends are «atislied that lie holds the office honorably and legally, while Mr PICNIC. -- r THEIR MELA ACHOLA LOT. Valuable Information Imparted b\ They Catch Every Disease—Pigs Gioweis of Experience. tor Professors to Practice ou. \\ oik to be Started at Once to Reach Gold Hill. Krowi sville |«-t Tuesday held a meet »ng to t>u Id a wagon road from that pi- « into tlie Bhie River mines. rt ■ 1. owtisville Tinies of August 17tli says: "No sooner had the meeting ad- j >ui u> d l han the c immltlees colu­ tueuoed work, mid tile result has so far been highly satufactory. Mr Els- wick auil Mr John Arthurs, Who »a- selected to assist Mr E «wick in vetting the tool« i . i ,<1 commissary iu shape, are about ready for work, while Mr Coshow report« excelleut progress with tbe subscription paper. It is expected that about 13 or 20 men and a team win tie al work ou the new mad Monday, and more men and team* will be «ddtd as fast a« they can be -reuieit. It is the intention to push tin- load through as far as possible this fall,aud if not finished thia year to complete it early in the «pnng. Last mouth the county had the road aur- ve ed aud view« d ami ordered opened, ami now In order to open it money must be used, and there is no doubt but tha tlie prople of Linn eouuty will lie as liberal, if not more bo , than ilia people of Lsne, who liave just raised the sum of *5241.50 for improving the road up the McKenzie river to this district. "Substantial assistance lias also t days’ run with5 stamps. Huckleberries are plentiful here this season ai d they are more than flue In huckleberry shortcake. The Lucky Boy company is busy grading a place to build a bunk house, which will be 2D by feet, lj stones high, with a partition ruuniug through the room making a sluing room 20 t-y 20 feet. Tt.sir new sawmill,will start up the last of this week. rtixxi n li!de|s»u«lont, August IS. Corvallis B iun , Auguit IN. The hopgrvwera' picnic held iu Sima grove, Butteville, lust Saturday, was very largely attemle«!, and much inter­ est mauitesi,.I in the tun and educa­ tional proeveuiugs. People were there from many sections of the state. The hop was discussed in all it« points. It was decided that poles were the cheap­ est, trelh««» produced more even color, aud while twilling c-nt most, it gave the finest quality. That it wa« t>est to cultivate deep, twIiN.* each »ay, then sbrliow, «juit early. Maiiuuug Increases tlie lice. That paying picker« by weight is the correct method. That pioked hops should not be un- neccesarlly exposed; pick dean, pay for hop« lu box or sack; put ou kiln ilr as soon as tli«ie 1s enough to cover the proper depth, 18 or 20 inches, lay loose and even, dry with 135 to 140 degree«; use sulphur, but no other chemicals; let them thoroughly cool, then remove to store room. After flooring is laid, start tire in stove«, having previously «wept stoves aud pipes, start sulphur In paua on plat­ form I iisi le of kiln«, keep proper heat, ’ burn at> ui j p< uud sulphur per box of hop» if green color, if ripe use less sulphur; hop« must not lie stirred; thev will usually dry through, anil be , lenity to com» oil lu 15 or 16 hours— must but remain after being dry— exjierienee necessary. That dealers want ripe, clean picked hops, free from mold or lusect peats, unbroken, of a bright color. That 35 ceuta per box be paid to pickers. “One of the ablpiueuta received Mon- lay was 25 guinea pigs. They came from Jacksonville, Illinois, and are for use at the Agricultural College. They go iuto the bacteriological department, where they will die for the benefit of humanity. Their texture and organ* istu la much like that of the huntau family, and that is why they will have to die, Eyer v old disease of goats, chickens or other domesticated aui- muls or fowls that comes along, and about which information Is wanted, will l>egiveu to cue or more of the newly arrived pigs. “From au affected part of the dead or diseased creature the germs of the malady will tie, if possible, taken. A culture will tie made tn which th« germs will grow, and then the live germs will be put in the illfated guinea pig. If the thing works out all right he will get the disease, and then It will be known that th« oorreot germ has been secured. The problem theu, 1« to And a cure, in the program of which half a dozen guinea pigs are liable to forfeit life, health and earthly happiness. The process is naturally ruugli on tlie guinea pig, for if he live« long enough be is sure sooner or later to be a sufferer from all the going dis­ eases from itch to tulierculosis. “The true importance of the guinea pig iu Hie world Is not Indicated by his appearance. He is about as big as a good sized rat. He is shaped like a pig with fashionable snout and the cus­ tomary fold iu his tail. He would be white if his person were not adorned with small spots of about the sama color as tlie butternut pants that the Southern soldiers wore In th« Civil Court House Items. war. In «ome instances the spots are black. Chattel 'mortgage........................ JJht) 00 "The newly arrived lot came from a Chattel mortgage........................ 65 00 farm in Illinois, where their produc­ Satisfaction of mortgage....... *1500 00 tion is made a specialty. They were Chattel mortgage........................ at 00 I shipped In a double crate with a dozen in each compartment. Their cost was REAL ESTATE THANSFKK.M. *> per dozen at the farm or *10 for the Edward Crede to Adolph Harr, King Hee, Pekin mines, Blue [River lot. The freight wa« *10, making an average cost laid down of 83 cents district; *900. each.” 10(1 LIEN. Voltaire Gurin y .claimant vs Clarence L Brenton, defendant. Lien U|s>n 274 Junction City Items. «aw loirs, t«eing all the logs put In the Hiu-law river and now »float below the Times, August la. head of tide having tlm mark xx Glenn, the one month-old baby bey stamped In tlie end; amount of lien of Mr and Mrs Otis Trout, died in this Special to the Guard. *2.1'».50. city, Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock, of G eorgetown , Kv, August 18.—The case of the state DIVORCE SUIT. consumption of the bowel«. against ex-Secretary of State Powers for complicity in the Nancy Jane Rodelheim vs L Attorney Hklpworth had a legal call helm; suit for divorce. The couple to Albany Tuesday. Mrs Hklpworth murder of Governor Goebel was given to the jury yester­ w»re i: ar led tn Portland March 2«, acootut>ani««l him. day. 1883; d'S-rtlotl Is alleged, There are Mrs Robert Clow has vacated the A verdict of murder in the first degree was reporter uo children. Jerome Kn«,x appears a« residence near the mill and has Mored this morning. it torney for plaintiff. her household effects. For tbe present The jury was unanimous in the recommendation that she will make her home with her chil­ PROBATE COURT. a sentence of life imprisonment be imposed by the court. Estate of Geo R Redford, dei-eased; dren. Two electric cars, billed to Portland, Smith Carr, J F Holbrook and Rufus Wood, appraisers, reported: Real paseeil through here on this morning's PACKING ESTAL1SHMENT. MEN WEAR SHIRTWAISTS. prope iy, *620; |H-rsoiial | roperty, *158. freight. Wonder how soon Eugene Motion filed to set apart personal will be able to support an electric Chicago Sets the Pace for the Gray & Son Deserving of a Large property tor benefit of widow and line. We trust It will not t>« too long. minor eliihlren. Fashion. Murphey, Grant A Co, of Han Fran­ Patronage. cisco, tiled suit Monday in circuit U ni ihtunate A ccident .— Mrs Portland Telegram. Cottage- urove Nugget. Win Vaughan, generally known as court against W L Houston A Co, for "Every other man io Chicago wears REAR ADMIRAL KEMPFF ANO THE CRUISER NEWARK. "Grandma Vaughan” fell at her home 1230 with Interest ami costs and at­ A growing enterprise Is now nlci ly a shirtwaist,” explained Janie« It Ju« at Thurston, Thursday, and broke her tached a part of the stock of goods on tice, a former newspaper man SHe«slon forts would turn the Chinese army into allies of the Boxers and Imperil tbs revenue of I he average farmer of Lane to be up again. T he old lady is prised at first at the number of shirt ­ probably tlie Monday and stored the slock for ine waist men, but I soon fell in line my - county many dollars each year. The Peking relief force, he did not join in th« assault. Later developments prov­ 91 years of age, present. However, C P Houston Is ed that his Idea was correct. oldest pioneer in Lane county. new ente' [ rise is a meat packing es ­ self. still doing business at the old slaud. i "These shirtwaist« are really nothing tablishment, owmd and operated by A G ood Y ield .— Thurston G :od- more than negligee shirts, made fluffy, Isaac Gray & Bon, who only recently K dox and his friend« are aware of ptmiure, who lives back of Kpeucer F armer W oodcock . -- From th« DAWSON CITY NEWS. or loose, about the waist. Some men retired from the grocery business in tbe fact that Mr Knox, although Butt«, threshed his 20 acres of wtieat following In lodsy’s Oregonian it wear suspeadere with them, but most that city. J b Gray, the junior mem­ running a close race, whs fairly beaten, j and oats this week. It made 25j would seem that Attorney Woodcock do not, tha trousers being supported ber of the flrm, was iu Cottage Grove While Mr Kincaid was uot the Ideal bushels to the acre, 193 bushel« of tbe would have to do seme work for Meals Come Down, but the Prie» this week looking after the interests of with a girdle of leather. Iu every man for the place, from a republican lot being wheat. Farmer Woodcock: “AU Woodoock shirt the same pattern is shown, broad bis bouse, and gave a Nugget man point of view, judging foul bis past of Whiskey Remains Firm has sued J O Rinehart, iu the U B 2,300 C ohdh or W ood . — J I Barbre ’ s some insight iuto Iris t usinées. Mr strip«« of blue and gray The men public »ervice It 1« fair to presume that court of Portland, to recover *160 on 2,.'100 cords of wood for the Eugene frequently carry their coats on their Gray sajs that they can furnish the he will give the people of Lane county account of 600 bushels of potatoes Sold very best of smoked meats tu the mar­ a fair and honorable administration, Tbe latest advices from Dawson City Electric Light Co, Eugene Water Co,' arm«. by plaintiff to defendant in Lane “I purchased a couple of negligee ket in direct competition to the East­ and this 1« all that is expected of him are that a good meal can be had for 75 and Eugene schools ha« about passed county in November, 1699.” Lawyer shirts in Minneapolis before going to ern bouses, and eave the buyer the or any other man. The Nugget con­ cents, and other things have cheapened Jasper. An occasional stick Is arriv­ Woodcock, In this case, should b« Chicago, the shirts I bought » odd freight from Chicago. The new pack­ gratulate« Mr Kincaid, and wlshe« proportionately. Wages are now on ing In Eugene. careful, bow large a fee he charges have been perfectly in style in Port­ ing bouse turaed out its first "smoke" him a pleasant aud successful admin­ an average ot 80 cents an hour, which A Greenleaf, Lane county, corres- Farmer Woodoock. in most cases Includes board, arid pondent reports that land or anywhere west of Denver. July 16, snd thus far has placed 24,000 istration. forest fires are there is any amount of work. Whisky now raging and much When I walked the streets of Chicago pounds ou the market. The oniy valuable timber There Is said to lie danger of some drawback to be contended with is the is 50 cents a driok. On tbe way down with those Minneapolis shirts, how­ H e S tole a H orhe —Friday's Rose­ ' from Dawson th« correspondent saw 1s being destroyed. growers picking their hope too early. ever, I felt snd looked like a country scarcity of pork. Mr Gray says that H on Hugh Brattain, of Hpringfield, It Is to tie hoped growers with slight tl.e farmers should give the matter of burg Review. Bhrlefl; Parrott arrived the steamer Clifford Blfton stranded pork raisiug mere attention, thus doing here from Eugene this morning with on a bar at Thirty Mile Creek, and all who was stricken with paralysis atieut experience will consult with veterans away with the necessity of shipping youug Bert Bice, of Riddle, who Is of her cargo had to tn unloaded to float a mouth ago, Is now able to sit up a In the line, aud not commit this error, Salmon Pack of 1900. dally, The G iahd hopes Green hop« are not choice, and II ia iu the pickled product. The firm has wanted for horse-stealing. It seems, her again. Hbe had a cargo of 2000 little according to tf * Information filed, that gallons of Hootch whisky for Dawson. he may permanently recover. desirable that as large a proportion of started on a small scale, but a safe one, "The Columbia river salmon pack he left his home about three weeks Dallas Itemiz.er: "John Grove« and first class bops as possible t>e put on The famous Dawson wood pile, which and as soon as farmers raise pork this season was approximately 290,000 azo, riding a horse that be helped is utilized for the punishment of of-| Isaac Yokum have 150 acres ef ho;«, tbe market this year. case«,” said an Astorlan the other day enough they will enlarge their busi­ himself to in J J Chadwick’s pasture Corvallis Times: Geo A Houck fenders against tbe law, Is still doing about one-third of them at iJallas, a ness. Their smoke is bard wood, using "The biggest year was in 1894, when near Myrtle Creek. Hie description a good business. Fully 50 men are yard at Bridge;«>rt,and another on the cam» down from Eugene Thursday. none of the liquid preparations gener ­ the pack amounted to 600,000 cases. was oent to officers north of here and Big Luckiamute.” Ike used to be in Of the band of 1000 goats recently Notwithstanding the small pack this ally met with in packing establish­ Sheriff Wither», of Lane, located him "bucking” wood or digging drains, the same iiusluen« iu Lane county. brought from California, about 700 whereby to improve th« sanitary con ­ ments, and the product of ths Dew year the canneries paid out much In Fall t'reek precinct and arrested dition of tbe city. have l>een placet! on Mr Houck's farm house Is of a most excellent kind. R>««burg Review, August 16: Hher ­ more money this season than in 1694, him. Yesterday the two sheriffs near Monroe. A number have tieen Me -r« Gray A Boo enjoys spleudid iff Parrott up to lest night collected when they had the big year. As a found the stolen hen« which Bic« bad let out on the share». The goats are cone»quence, money has been as plenti­ repu atioD a- swc-ssful business men, •old, and procured evidence enough to B rownsville ’ N oteb . — Tim