THREE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. LATER NEWS IS UP TO TRANSPORTS SAIL. CONGRESS. TOFT ISRAra..................... I Warr»» C«rrl.« O.»r <»»• Troops (o Chios. TU«u»»ad Fort Shermau. Idaho, is unsuitable Columbia Kivar. San Francisco, August 20. —Three for an ludlau «chooL CàMIUlll Bill», froprl.lur.. Washington. August 18.—More than transport» sailed for the Orient. The i Chinese Made an Ob|t- Ex-S»crutary Boutwell announce» «ver before is it now necessary to make Warren carried fie headquarter», band that he will vote for Brvan. The Frink Slate Adopted by an improvement at the mouth of the Figures Will Approximate »nd OREGON. EUGENE two »qu^irun» of the Ninth (cpl- Resistance. 35,000,000 Bushels. Seven persons were killed in a train Columbia river. That ituprovemei^ Washington Republican;» □ redi cavalry, under command oi Col­ wreck near Grand Rapids, Mich. ha» always been necessary, but when onel McGregor; 75 hospital corpe men, The Frink »late went through the it is pointed out is the report of the | under command ot Surgeon-Major Ive»; ENTRANCE WAS By Ka^ Washington Republican convention. naval board that it is desirable to have EAKLY ESTIMATES TOO HIGH 188 recruit» for the Ninth infantry. a drydock on the Coumbia, that makes The war departrneut publishes Fili­ 166 driven and other government em­ the necessity for the great improve- j pino correspondence captured by Fun­ ployes and also a detachment of hospit­ rialds on H.«>r l.a«i» W»r« Casati» innt according to the latest plans of ston. al corj» men for Manila. The Warren A factory (sail Light l.aiol» I’ro- the enigueers greater than ever, aud Pritchard Morgan sav» the powers also carried $1,500,000. According to it ixiw devolves upon congress to pro- ' ducr'l Itecord Yield». have decided on a uew form of govern­ present arrangements the tioops will vide for such an improvement in the ment for China. t>e transferred at Nagasaki to a trans­ next river and harlior bill. The Unit- j Washington. Angnst o0 Portland, Or., August 18.—The time- port that will take them to Taku. The General Chaffee reported the alite« Congressmen — W. L. Jones, of Y'aki- ed Mates has fleets upon the oceans. honored saying that a big wheat crop Warren will then pioceed to Manila department tonight A site has been chosen for the new * *t Ma Tbu. 30 miles from l’ekin, three ma; F. W. Cushmau, uf Fierce. cablegram lru J1 “* h It has naval vessies, it has army trans- is always overestimated, while a small with a few officers and men together lowing Fort Hall Indian school. or four days ago. Governor—J. M. Frink, uf King. porta, besides the growing Pacific com- crop is underestimated, holds excep­ with freight. There are 1,100 troops Remey: The Russian minister will not leave Preparation« to extend the railroad Lieutenant Governor—H. G. Mc­ mere» carried in vessels owned by pri- tionally good in the case of the croj "Taku, August 39—Bur«.. . and civilian» on the transport, aud the l’ekin before his comrades. down the Yukon from White Horse to Bride, uf Skagit. vate corporations and individuals, now being harvested. The early esti­ cabin accommodations are taxed to gatiou, Washington; p»kiB The besieged foreigners in l’ekin have Selkirk are in progre»«. secretary ut state—3. H. Nichols, of These vessels must be caret! for in the mates made on this crop were nearly their full limit. It was neeessay to tured ou August 15. j ’** h food to last them only a week. government docks, and it is neceaasry all record breakers, some of them st leave considerable supplies ou the dock, tions are safe. Deuil. foliow^* China will -end a high official to Snofiomisfi. Treasurer—C. W Maynard, of to have a repair station where they can much so that they were ridiculous. Bryan’s Speech of acceptance will be Tung Chow to arrange for delivering owing to lack of room. The acting secretary of1'1,??' Lewis. reproduced by phonograph. be taken care of in case oi accident. State Grain Inspector Wright, of Taco­ the foreigners to the allies. The Aztec sailed for Kobe with 500 Auditor — J. D. Atkinaon, of Chelan. The interests in the far East have de ­ made public the followlu, * * Twelve persons were killed ami 4C ma, an official whose emoluments fioin horses and mules for China, ami the Foreign ami domestic wheat market« Attorney-Generul—W. B. Stratton, veloped. Instead of beiug less, thi-re injured in u train wreck in Italy. the wheat industry are sufficient to Siam sailed for Manila via Guam with from the United States ooniul .T?" have a downward tendency, aud the of Pacific. will be more ships, and there will tie warrant at least a small degree of ac­ boo: •* '4i 5,000 tons of freight. The empress intends to leave Pekin local situation continues dull. 1-HUd Commissioner—Samuel A. Cal­ more naval vessels on the Facifio "Che Foo, August 20.— curacy in his statements, early in the at the Presidio The general hospital before the foreign triaips arrive. Oregon supreme court decide« that vert, of Whatcom. coast than there are today. The neces- season led off with an estimate of 30.- " is to be enlarged to accommodate the State, Washington: Japan, sup>-nnt<-iideut of Public lustruc.iou sitites are greater. We shall always Appropriations by the laHt session district attorney's fee must Im dejsisit- reports allies attacked P ho . 000,000 bushels for Washington alone. extraordinary detachments of sick and ed with clerk when divorce suits are — IL B. Bryan, of Chehalis. of congress were $710,150,882. have armi>C in the Philippines, and He has since reduced his figures t< wounded on the way here from the 15th. Obstinate lesistance i "* tiled. Judges of supreme Court—Wallace they must have supplies, aud trans­ The ameer of Afghanistan is pri pir- 25,000,000, but there is still plenty ol Philippines and China. Fifty wall Jajmneee entered capital with*1' Mount, uf bpokaue; IL O. Dunbar, oi ports must carry soldiers to and from leeway for lopping off 5,000,000 to The transport Thomas, which left forces. Immediately surround?* ing to cross into Russian territory. Thurston. those distant shores. When this mat­ 7,000,000 bushesl and yet lie in nc tents will be erected inside the in­ tions. Inmates safe. jaban '* The annual convention of the Typo­ Nagasaki August 10, will bring 316 closure at the rear of the hospital aud Presidential Electors—Chas. Sweeny, ter is made plain to the men who have sick aud four insane soldiers from the over 100; Chinese, 300. ^"* * danger of having the figures too low. graphical Union o|a*ued hi Milwaukee a large tent to nerve as a ward. of Spokane; J. M. Boyd, of Okanogan; charge of preparing the next river and Philippines. Whitman county, Wash , and Uma­ Previous information wdi'ich hl!' F. W Hastings, of Jefferson; S. G» harbor bill, there ought to be no diffi­ Several cannervmen were arrested Severe tl.Hxls have occurred in Japan Cosgrove, of Garfield. tilla county Or., are the banner wheat The Seventh Artillery. for |>aeking salmon alter close of sea­ culty in making the Columbia river counties of the respective states and ■ ud it la reported that 3,300 persons Washington, August 30.—Light bat­ received here showed that th. ** son. improvement one of such profound im­ , have been drowned. Railway traffic is Tacoma, Wash., August 17.—J. M. portance by leason of the proposed both of these big counties will fall tery M, Seventh artillery, which has took possession of Tung (. hew By mistake British and Russian ar­ interrupted. Frink, of King, was nominated fur building of a government drydock and from 30 to 50 per cent short of their been stationed at Washington barracks inst. From that city to I’ek’u tillery shelled Hie Americans at Yang Three litres were sacrificed bv fire as governor by acclamation at the Repub­ naval station, that they will make record yields. In a few districts in for seveial mouths, will leave here tance is not very great, not Illur, Tsun. It e the result of an explosion of natural lican state convention today. Every proper provision for the improvement both Oregon and Washington the yield F riday for San Francisco, en route to a dozen miles. Judge laicombe, of New York, re­ gas 111 Thirty-fourth street, Chicago. candidate on the Frink slate was suc­ of the mouth of the Columbia. This is above the average, aud in Idaho aud China. Light Battery F, Second artil­ therefore, that the armies halted 1 fused to sign a writ of extradition (or Three other jx-rHous are supposed to be cessful. All were named without con­ naval station and dock are absolute Oregon, there is a considerable area ol lery, has arrived here from Cuba to re­ time at Tung Chow, probably (A' test, with one exception, the candidate necessities in order to keep pace with new land which offsets the large lieve Battery M, and will garrison the purpose of giving the men Neely. in the ruins. amount of summer fallow which is aresnal post for the present. At San preparing for the attack uionthe for superintendent of public instruc­ About 30 farmers near Salem real­ Secretary Gage, of the treasury de­ tion, R. B. Bryan, of Chehalis. Pro- the progress and development of the idle this year, but which was not idle Francisco the triaips from Washington ital city in force after waiting ized 58 cents per bushel fol wheat i>y partment, «uys that as long as the Pacific coart. in the record breaking year of 1897. will be joined by light battery C, also the rear of the advancing host« .¡Jj lessor Bryan appears to be objections! pooling the same. United Mates maintains the gold stand­ While this improves the situation from of the Seventh artilley, snd will sail arrive al the front. Possibly ,1^ to many leadeis of the state, who are I RIOTING IN NEW YORK Export of gold from New York is ex­ ard and keeps the public credit good it not satisfied with his former admiuis- | an acreage stand point, it is iusulti on the first available tiansport. The delay was the result of negotiation,* pected to relax the financial tension at an retain for its own use all the gold tratiou of the office, aud a very sharp ltaee War Carried on With a High cient to make up the shortage due to a equipment of Battery M. including gun by the Chinese official, * it needs. European capitals. Hand Many Injured. light yield. In the course of a 1500- horses, haB been »hipped to San Fran­ the delivery of the ministers fight was organized against him. It | A severe hailstorm destroyed 40,000 resuite.I in nothing except an acrimon­ Chinese or other escort. R J The state department replied to the New York, August 18.—Such a furi­ mile journey through the principal cisco. tions were attempted they tnust^ edict ap|s>inting Li Hung Chang a acres of the finest grain in North Da- ious discussion in the King county del­ ous ebullition of race hatred as found wheat districts of Oregon, Washington Second Infantry Hurrying Writ. kota, even that cut t and in the shock egation. Several delegates insisted ou I vent in the rioting that occurred here aud Idaho, a press representative in­ peace oouimissiouer. failed, as the army continusd ua . being destroyed. . Many of the hail- voting for Professor Layhue, ami ap­ last night, the outgrowth of a murder terviewed upwards of 100 representa­ Kansas City, August 20.—Five march and attacked the capit»| tb» Two government pack trains leave Vancouver to take a transport at Seat­ ■tons were Iruui three lo four inches in pealed to the convention to be permit­ a lew days ago of Policeman Thorpe tive wheat men in their respective lo­ hundred and fifty soldiers of the Sec­ lays after reaching Tung Chow diameter. ted to cast their votes, despite the unit by a negro named Arthur Harris, has calities, wheat buyers, wheat growers, ond United States infantry, destined The officials here w-e awsieofui tle fur service in China. Maurice Brennan, who is under ar- rule enforced in the «-cattledelegation. been uot equaled in New York in many threshing machine men ami a number for service in China, beiug rushed fact that the stronghold of the Bcieu The report that the Cauadian govern­ I of others directly and indirectly inter- through to Sun Francisco from Foit was in the Chinese city »ndfottj, The King county leaders violently pro years. ment has abandoned the royalty on the rest at St. Louix, charge,I with being tested, and a very lively row ensued, As a result of the disturbance, which seted in the industry, discussed the Thomas, Ky., arrived here from Chi­ allies to attempt to force tbeuw»v s dynamiter, was indentified a» one of Yukon gold output is not correct. Au the men connected with the blowing to the edification of the convention, raged from midnight until 3 o’clock matter in detail. The net results of cago this afternoon, with their officers through into the Tartar city, m export duty is under consideration. up of the stieet cats in the southern and the great delight of Fierce county, I ami hurst out in a flame of passion aud this inquiry indicate a crop for (iregon, and equipments, and were hurried on the legation comisiund, are lung l’arejita, well-known Cuban bandit, part of the city several weeks ago. who was seated near. Brvan was violence Ht intervals until daybreak, Washington and Idaho of from 32,000,- west. might mean a great loss of lif«ui was shot and k lied at Palma Sorito, nominated by a small majority. there were alaiut 50 persons injured by 000 bushels to 35,000,000 bushels o- possibly a defeat It was also h,,,t Eli Frank, formerly a merchant of COLOMBIA ’ S TROUBLES. 3d miles from Santiago, by a corporal pistol balls, razors or knives, rocks and the finest quality of wheat that has that the imperial troops who The Plntform. is missing with $800, of the rural guard. This outlaw had Victoria, B clubs. Of these, one negro, Lloyd Lee, ever been produced in the Northwest. sided with the Boxers were. n.u* j which he collected in Dawson for Lenz lite following platform was unani ­ President H»» Resigned and the Vice- been terrorising the country for »ex eral may not recover, and Foliceman Ken-, These figures, of course, may beI them, in or near the Chinese dty’ig Jt Leiaer, of that city. He failed to mously adopted: Prwahieiit Succeed® Him. years. He has committed il utilero uh liedv is also seriously injured. l«ee changed by unfavorable wheather con­ that much of the artillery and nj visit Victoria on his return from Daw­ •'Four years ago, the Republicans of is alleged to have made threats against murders. New York, August 30.—A cable which has been poured into the ditions later on. son. Tim jHilice traced him to Port­ Washington met to mourn over uni­ the life of Kennedy because he was the There is still considerable late sown dispatch was received here from Bo­ tions had been from the wall, optniiq A pitched battle occurred iie«r < ¡TH- land, Or., and lost the trail there. versal calamity uud despair under particulai friend and associate of spring grain in rhe Palouse and there gota. announcing the resignation of the two cities. ham, N. M., between a posse, under Democratic rule. Today we meet to Theodore Roosevelt will uot visit the Thorpe, the murdered officer. Thorpe are also several thousand acres of grain President Sauctlemete, of the republic Deputy Sheriff W. K. Foster, ami two These facts were evidently conum» rejoiie over universal prosperity and I was the third white man murderously in the shock without the semblance of of Colombia. Vice-President Marro­ cated to General Chaffee aud the otw bandits who robbed a store in Gtalinm Pacific coast. happiness under Republican rule. General Methuen is in touch with Democratic theories become dangerous assaulted in the vicinity by negroes, a a cap sheaf to protect it from the quin will serve out the four years that commanding officers of the allis in broad daylight. One of the robbers race prejudice having been engendered. weather. If Providence is kind to remain of his term. The action of Realizing these obstacles it ap^ul was killed. The other was wounded, Dewet'» rear guard. when coupled with political power; but he escaped. Shanghai ha.« word that the Pekin le­ ami they are not improved by a mon­ In less than an hour from the time the these shiftless farmers this wheat will Seuor Sauctlemete will bring about a that the allies decided to attacitb ’ trouble began last night, the whole of figure in the above totals; if otherwise, change in the political system of Co­ Extreme hot weather continues in ngth'll» were dcs|d lombia, and may even end the revolu­ city by the east gate. There art!« gates to the city on the east, two lai. ust 8. vagaries They can In* tendered harm­ the East. street to Longacre square, above Forty- hog feed, although hogs are scarcer tion which has been in progress for 10 ing to the Chinese city and two lotto less only by maintaining Republican In n collision near Colorado Springs, second street, including Eighth aud than wheat in the Inland Empire. mouths. Prince Tuan is preparing to «■»cape Tartar city. Just which one of th» Colo., two passengers were killed ami rule in the nation, state and county; Ninth avenues, was in an uproar. from Pekin. was selectevl as the attacking putt and to such maintenance vve pledge our five injured. Intervention of Conti la. COLORADO FOREST FIRES. Forty or more arrests were made. Dur­ Consul Fowler’s dispatch doet noi ls strongest effort. The Klondike gold yield this year in Colon, Colombia, August 20.—The ing the riot it is estimated that 500 President Kruger haa applied for a ’We are proud of President McKin­ An Knurmuua I.ews Caused by Carries« tollowing is the full text of the state close. $3 5,000,000. temjsirary asylum in the American ley, and indorse his able, fearless and police were on duty, and ambulances Contrary to the press reports of» Cam per«. ment regarding the alleged inter .'en­ Several persons were killed by a cuusulate at 1-ourenco Marques. from every hospital on the west side day Consul Fowler’s dispatch «bon patriotic administration. Under his Glenwood Springs Colo., August 18. tion of the foreign consuls during the storm in New York. that the attack on the city met with C. P. Huntington, president of tlx leadership protection and reciprocity were kpet busy. A police estimate of :—Glenwood Springs is enveloped in a Governor Roosevelt will speak ID Southern Paclfie railroad, died in the have again been restored to their prtqair the result puts the number of wounded cloud of smoke today caused by the recent fighting in Panama, as contain­ strong resistance. The JsiMnra hn» ed in the official report of General Sa­ Oregon in September. Adirondack», N. Y., of heart disease. place in public law; the Hawaiian at 50, the number of arrests. forest fires w hich surround the town on lazar, commanding the government engaged with the adavnee, accordiif islands have become part of the Union; Nrien ('arloMiln of Ammunition. Seattle fnaugurates a move (or HU The army of the Philippines elected three sides. These tires are raging at forces, General to Alban, civil governor to the understanding of the ortiviait New York, August 17.—A special to Grizzles creek at the back of Mount ami military chief of the province of here, numbered 10,000 men, «1 tto International fair in 1904. Geueial F. V. Greene president, < >en- Spain has been compelled to lift her loss suffered by them was over 1 per There is n great demand for timlier eral O. Summers as second vice­ heavy hand from off the Western hem­ the Tribune from Norfolk, Va., says Lookout and at Sunset peak and are Panama, who whs in command uf the isphere; Cuba has been made free; what is regarded as one of the most supiiosed to have originated through garrison when the city was attacked cent. Allowance is made for lomiii preaideut. and l«rm lands in Oregon. the forces of the other armies, but it 4 Porto Rico is happy under our ting; The clothing factory of K. IL Olson the Philippines are rapidly learning to imputant orders receiver! at the Nor­ the neglect of campers. Last night a by the revolutionists: Hot weather killed 39 jiersons in presumed that it was in proportion# folk navy-yard since the close of the gale blew the fires over the summit of ’’The revolutionary leaders, after it Co , of Chicago, was djstroyed by New York and Philadelphia. appreciate and accept that kind of lib­ Spanish war was one directing the Sunset peak in full view of the town. taking positions around Panama, placed that of the Japanese. fire, with a loss on buildings and goods erty which is known and understood sending, at once, to Ogden, Utah, of The magnificent spectacle was watched Bryan has decide-l to make a general themselves in communication with of $95,000. Summer Resort Burned. ouly by the American people; our seven carloads of shells, powder ami for hours by the enter community. campaign tour of the country. Mackinac Island, Mich., Augnst 30. Contractors Hre making close exam­ army aud navy have been ably sus­ projectiles. It is reported the desti­ For a time it was feared that the several foreign consuls, hoping that Sealing schooner Minnie, of Victoria, ination of the route for the Klamath their intervention would lead to the — Pine cottage, one of the larw h«rt- tained; the honor of our flag has been nation of the ammunition is San bran­ sparks would be carried across the was wrecked in Northern waters. surrender of the city. The interven­ Falls railway pre|siratory to signing maintained at home and abroad. cisco, and from there it is to be for­ river and threaten the town, but the tion of the consuls produced such dan­ ing houses of the island, wa» burned» King Victor took the constitutional the contract. the ground early today. The fiaiues. '•Wo indorse the Republican national warded to the American warships in wind changed and the fire spread to­ gerous and pernicious effects, morally, fanned by a strong wind, threttenei oath before the Italian pailiament. Steamer Deutschland made the run platform adopted at Philadelphia, and Chinese waters. The tun across the ward Four-Mile creek. that only the resolution of General for a time to destroy many buil-imp. General Randall is given authority to from New York to Plymouth, England, commend it to voters of this state as continent must be made in seven days, Crestone. Colo., August 18.—A great Alban averted serious consequences.” The loss is estimated at $25,060# send destitute persons out from Nome. in 5 days, 11 hours and 45 miuutes, an able exposition of Republican doc­ which is considered record-breaking $35,000; no insurance. Willum Til- forest fire is raging in Crestone can- trine and of correct public policy. time for a freightjtrain. TTie ringleaders in the Pretoria plot breaking the record. ‘‘We unreservedly indorse and ap­ yon. just off Baca Grant, Ao. 4. Hitch HEIR TO MILLIONS A PAUPER. Ion, a member of the tire department, to capture laird Roberts have been ar­ Boli Fitssininions and Tom shnrkev Te»l«‘» I.«leal Invention. was seriously injured. prove the work of Senator Addison G. winds have caused it to spread with rested. have been mat- lied to tight August 35 New York, August 18.—A patent great rapidity. Unless a heavy rain I Fill» rauper'a Grave llreau«« or the Foster and Congressmen W. L. Jones Belgian Glaa» Workers l.nrke» •»•!. General MacArthur sends news of before the Coney Island Club for a and F. W. Cushman in behalf of the lie been granted to Nikola Tesla for an should fall in a day or two, millions l'rovl»l*.'ii» of « Will. Washington, August 20.—Vsitoi the suriviider ol a Filipino eommaud purse of $35,000. Charley White is to state. invention that he claims will prevent of feet of valuable timber will be de­ San Francisco. August 18.—The Ex­ la> referee. of 173. "We favor the building of railroads the es* ape of electricity from a wire. stroyed. The whole San Luis valley »miner says: Asa Packer Wilber, one States Consul Roosevelt, st Bru’W#. Twelve hast prostrations, with one within our state as an essential means Tesla’s invention, it is claimed, solves has been filled with dense smoke ail □f the heirs to the $20,000,000 estate has informed the state deprtment ol» Jefferies is anxious to meet Fitsaim- lockout at the Belgian glans wurki. the insulatiou problem by insulating week from fires on both the ea»t Hix! mens an-1 bliarkey in the last week ot that will prove fatal, is the record ol of it» development and growth. left by Asa Packer, the Pennslvania one day at st. Joseph, Mo., which was ''We stand for the loyalty of the Hag; the wire by passing it through air west ranges, ami great damage has ' railroad king and coal baron, has died The union of glasB workers, numben« August. 8,000, says the consuls, recently so®- the hottest of the season. Thermome­ for the gold standard of value for all kept at a low temperature, producing a already been done. | in poverty in this city, and yesterday tied the manufacturers if their air» on the (iregon at home in­ owned, operated and defended by the. rent. Many American «oldiers were pros­ stead of In Japan has been dlacusseil by United Mates; for the election of Unit­ announcing the shutting »• veloped in a dense cloud of smoke the «lumped From » Bridge. trated by the heat in the advauce on some of the authorities ol the navy de­ ed States senators by direct vote of the | Toledo, August 18.—The Lake Shore result of forest fires raging on Flat Top tervals for J. P. Bogard, proprietor of a works August 1. I dramatic jiaper, to whom he assigned Yang Tsun. partment aud may re«ult in her beiug people; tor the further enlargement of fast mail train No. 8, due here at 1:45 mountain, northwest of Long's peak half of his prospective estate. Csar Wilt r«ri». Chinese viceroys want the Uuited brought back to the Pacific coast. our trade and commerce; for the im­ | A. M., was wrecked at Bay bridge, just It is reported that mnch valuable tim­ He was a nephew of Asa Packer, Paris, August 30.— It is oflei»!'’ ber has been destroy ed . States to prevent the lauding of troops mediate rescue of our peopl« imperiled west of Sandusky, alarnt 1 o ’ clock this whose will made over his immense announced, according to the Pen* The official rejsirt of the Colombian at Shanghai. in China, and for ample restitution for morning, caused by jumping the track. estate to his children, but contained Bleu, that the czar w ill visit Psris, government eouuiiandar in the recent Denver, August 18. — A special to the Fifteen persona were killed by rail­ battle at Panama says the rebel casual­ loss of life and property therein. | The engine passed over safely, but the New» from Almoea. Colo., nays a forest a eiause that should they die without riving at Cherbourg, veptembe’ ‘‘In com ludiug thia address to the next cars went down the embankment road tiain striking an omnibus m ties were 6D0 au< I those of tile govern­ fire Is burning east of South Fork, from issue the estate was to revert to two reaching Paris the next day »■>’' rr voters of the state of Washington we into the lake. Pennsylvania. Particulars are very ment 100. Die oominauder lutunate« five to 20 miles wide, ami is destioving brothers, named Elisha and Jeremiah niaining here five or six il»" ' invite their aid an past politi­ some seriously. the next house. Elisha Wilber bassy, while in this city. and pernicious. miles, aud the damage will run into their direct heirs. cal affiliation«, in the firm lielief that : Encouraging developments are re­ took charge of the I-ehigh Valley rail­ miliums of dollars. Hamburg atrlh.r. Protest. The detective bureau of New York the liest conduct of our public affairs ' Veterinary Snrgr*»n llr»»«»«. ported from the Suuipter -listrict of Citv, is looking for Antonio I'es-e, a road and the Packer coal properties llllnol« Town r*e«troy«<1e Hamburg. August 18.—An indigna­ will be assured bv this convention.” Eastern Iiregon. London, August 30.—>*r and operated them, increasing the banker, with offices in that city. He tion meeting was held here today bv Peoria, III., August 18 —A brief Simpson, veterinary surgeon *’ six peraoua were killed in an Italian has mysteriously diaaplveareiL Fort Snelling. Minn., August 17.— the dock latiorvra who weut ou a .trike n-e-sage from Mnithfield, a town of value of the property. Score» railroad wreck The king aud qurru of excited Italian de|si»ttors have The depot battalion of the Eighth in­ atarut a month ago and have »luce been 1,200 people in Fulton county, at 1 < >ne by one the Packer children queen aud ex-president of the h0' College of Veterinary Surgeon». •* weut to the acene. thronged Peace's office», au-l it is re­ fantry, United States army, started for locked out. to protest against Emperor o’clock this morning, annonnce-l that died, leaving no direct heirs, until only An advance guar*! of the luternatlon- ported to the |»>li<-e that the lainker J China via San Cianciaci» today, under William*» characterisation of them as 16 buildings had been destroyed by fire one daughter is left. She has no chil­ drowned at Datehet, Buckingham’ al column has puah«*d on Iroui \ äug lias gone to Italy, takiug with him | command of Major W. L. 1'itcber. “fellows without honor aud without a end the flames were then beyond con­ dren. and her life 1» «aid to l>e all that where he owned the >outh "-e* '"’u! *• "* -tan ls between tne Willier family and He was lairn in 1843 and Tauu to occupy I'sai Taun. There were 500 men in line. trol. $16.000. father land.” the Packer fortune. time mayor of Windsor. I'niidiitt <>f Minister«. I'etmleum fields of some Important* Paris Ksposlilnn Du»« Par. John «I. Ingall« An Atlanta jury decided that a wife Philadelphia, August 20.—Three London. August ' — Washington, \ugu»t 17.—The state­ are lining opened in Japan. I. responsible for the burial ex|>eu»vs New Yoik August 18. — A dispatch freighters — the British steamships Rey­ ian government, aeeotding *° * Atchison, Kan., August 18. — Ex- ment was made tonight on reliable au­ Belgium la one of the few countries of her husband. to the Times from Pan« says: The re­ nolds, 1r*-vanun ami lUtbumur—nave patch from Vienna, has »‘ie chartered for a the arrest of Sarefow. president ■'< a, res remain. armies at Tung Chow ail-1 ««rer with ion. field. T he new» came to the Ingall» twice the numher admitted the best «iniilar purpose. The miners’ strikes revolutionary committee at ' ba­ them on some measure for the safe An addition of two miles will short ­ Iliree women, the wives of fatiious home h* re in a telegram at 10 o’clock day of the last exhibition. The great m Gensany and Austria have resulted the stuiprt-ssion of the org iniz»'1' a husbands, have l«-en a< corded the honor ly la* made to the tine avenues ou the conduct of the member» of the foreign today. Th<* funeral will be in Atchi- - >* taaMtei tai.lire rr ■ rl.e m a scarcity of bituminous coal in legations in the capital. Information Berlin. August 20—With ,!l* of burial 1U Westminster Abfwy. They »au Manley, and has adopted a plan for selling eggs by j The t»op yield of California is re­ traghi certainly the visitors are not disap- endeavoring to secure »hips in England of opening the tombs of th* Mrs. Gladstone. pointed. ported to l-e sh^rt. weight instead of bv the down, and this country available for carrying emporers, tinned in the Latheut*1 feel, h is »aid that 1.000,000 tons of Sprie», ha« cummencv-1 ■ Representatives of nearly every large 1 he Chittenden hotel at Columbti«, Kurth > irrst «» h Hrltleh ri"! «s»>**«l King «IbrW. .4 Winds« file«« l*ivi«lend. Ran Into a Fielgt" Trai»- publishing house in t inerirà met in O., wa« soli! to three Cleveland capital­ lxvndon. \ugnst 18. — A routh al •nt »oft coal have been contracted far and London, Augu-t 16.— The British for Pittsburg, tv. go st 18.—The Amm­ that the entire order will be Kansas City. Augu-t ........ 2 New York and took .tepe lor the for- ists lor a consideration uf $650.000. tilled at eign office has recen rd a dispatch from an Window G tout Company today de­ •JO year» old w»» arrested at Leipsic Ksn.. this port. It is believed that the fuel to the Mar fivm Goodland. t—------- ination of a national publishers' MwtQ- I ’ Nicholas ' ) ’ l on nor British amlw Yesterday, according to a »rectal dis SS- Genetai Stren'wrg *mv« 100 addition­ clared a .1'» per cent dividend on it» ■ 6, I”* - p®. ate . •. Rock Island pes-enger N elation. dor at i' usta ut inopie, announcing that $4.UO0,<>00 <1 preferred »lock. Tin» I» pateh frmu l>rhn. who admits having al medical officers, graduate« of repute-' t, ’ ‘ r E* • Denver and Colorado Sprin< In her first spee-l trial th» new H i«- Ide colleges, are ti.-e.le.I for dutv In the the British « ennanl at Van, while travel- the second of the kind this year Th* c»n»pir«d to kill King Albert, of > -a X- ' incinnati. August 18.—In th« ease ms Citv, crashed iut s freig ght trsi»* I sian cruiser Vanag. built by (ha I’Mllppinea ami China. I >»g near I Ik. was tired on by Kurd«. pressed glassware faetorie« throughout "ny. He sav» be was api« iiit«s| by r lot of the t lie»«peaks * Ohio Fuel Com a curve in a deep ut a mile west ■ Cramps, proved herself the fastest war­ The the country resume-1 work t< »d a % 0 g i \ to peri mi the deed, but that his our- Jame. B'’’* 'll»- 1.1 l. Rav dan. iter d Dal« , and his dragm-m was wounde.1 age fallad him Ills Mentite bas m>t pauy. clia-ged by the gvvernment Bethune, early today, ship of her eiaaa art- at, attaining a A Kay. recent I v made United Mate« ) consul got ht» party away with dirti- lug empk-vnient to over 13,000 men. with being a trust, in violation of the engineer, and Chris Kimu cully, and hi« • sgvtage « as lost. »)a*e*l of 24 knots an hour. The ' • ■■ ' ■ and United 'late. Matute. Judge Thompson both of the pa«eengrr. wer» a»ri0*V marshal of Hawaii, has la-en ap|*olnted William Goidanuth, watchmaker, I'Mdevl revolvei were found a bi» , .embassador ha» . lodged I “ a »trug protest P»r- The king of Corea ha» let a <-ont«tc| deputy marshal to het lather. toda» decided in fever of the govern- an-1 perhaps fatally injure«!. lhe *• ha« f-Cn relur ed nm-iq««e-l as a me • son. 1 with the Turkish government for $ 1,000,000 to a sau Iram-iMvo man t ensus figure«, it is believed, will 1» men’, finding that the com pa nr 1« con­ seng«rs were rolled "ut mt*' the »'•»* be« uf the hou-e of key a for Not th wn*^ for moving tire eemeterv 15 miles be­ a disappointment for the Westeru O A petrifle 1 (oreat in a «amisten» for­ tkiugla«. Isle of Man The gondola, «t Venire are rapidly ducting its business in violation of the and bruised, but wne w»» This gives the cause astrologer« told him the dead state«, where there lias I a I little ini mation has t «eu«^iscoi «r»d In Kontl temperance party a clear majority ii di«apt>earing. giving p sew to anti t.ust statute«. The fu.l oompanv hurt. The fiasm-nger engine «•Di' queen*» »pint was uual-ls to rest. eounty, California migration during the last 10 wars. incide» »me 14 coal ewupuiee through the caboose, but t*> t-a electric lana he». the bouse. ■Kirtly in W»»t Virginie. freight train was injured 0