EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD LATER NEWS. A CHEMICAL WONDER Il Will «avs the FarlSe C»all Millions Q..r Dollars. me TSIN (APTTRED FLOT TO CAPTURE “BOBS.” V tadd Boer Ceasplraeg Nipped iu the “ Suit. The Russians loot 300 killed at Peit O London, August 18.—The Daily fang. New» ba» the following dispatch from It is impossible to estimate th« ielded More Demo-rats opened their national amount of monev expended annually Allies Are a Quarter of iht I’tWoria. dated August 9: Imperial Chinese Troops Fir­ on OREGON. EUGENE campaign. “A plot to »hoot all tbe British offi­ th« Pacific coast, or even in Oregon Year Tb- Wav to Pefcin. 1 Ran ta. ing Upon Legation cers aud to make Lord Kobetta a pna- alone, fur the replacement of wooden Fire in a Butte, Mont., mine caused uer has been opportunely discovered. articles caused by atmospheric decay. $100,000 damage. Ten of be ringleaders »ere ariested The humidity of our climate produces There will be no yellow peril, so far J fish were of UBJEf THE POINT OF ADVA NCR and are now in jail. msrtelos growth and greeuess, but it CE KTAIN DEATH iU LEAVE PEKIN as Japan is concerned. also causes rapid decay. The growing "It is probable that it is pait of a Wisconsin Republicans nominated tree with rap filled veins endures for conspiracy of which the attempted ris­ iz.ran.d of Robert M. la» gollette for governor. Centuries, but the felled timber of com­ City Will He Held as a Ba»» for Fur­ ing at Kannersburg was the first indi­ Pro* l«l«»n« C ‘ ,Ch '» * “ ■"».ni,' ther Operation» Slsty Casual- merce, rapidly deteriorates whether The postotfice at Colfax Wash., was cation.” ________ »to... ut lM( ti«« A ujuiik ÄiuericMU«. employed on land or in water, in con­ burglarized aud $40 iu stamps secured. Det.ll» ut th. Plot. tact w ith soil or exposed to the air. A telegraph line from Valdes to Cape Pretoria, August 13.—Everything Astoria. August 13 The truthfulness of this assertion Nome, Alaska, 1» under construction. Washington, August 11.—The cap­ w is prepared iu the plot to make Lord •on just closed ou the , * Washington, August 9—The follow­ ■annot be denied. It is within the Democrats sweep Alabama. LieiiteiMut-Colouel Hoare’s garrison ing cablegruq fr-• n Minister Conger knowledge of all who use wood; from hire of Yang Tsun, the first objective Roberts a prisoner aud shoot the Brit- has been a remarkabl. , General Miles volunteers to go to at Eland's river has surrendered to the was received touigut by the state de- the taxpayer of Portland, w ho sees his point of the international forces, was ish Ortn ers, and the conspiracy was only )>artieulais. Wh -- China. The has been light stidta.?V’ pattinent: Boer». bridge timbers, trestles anil paving the supreme news of importance re­ discovered at the last moment. New parasite discovered which louspiratore numbered alout 15. They com pared with that uf “ Tsi Nan Yemen. Aug. 9. — Secre ­ ceived today ou the Chinese situation. blocks drop with sickening rapidity Bryan aud Stevenson weie formally ■troys aruiy worm. tary of .state, Washington—We are into the limbs of tilings to be repaired Tiie first word of this capture, effected had planned to »et tire to the houses iu price of raw ffah tu, T**! notified of their uumluatiuu at Indian­ still besieged. Our position is more st his expense, to the farmer on his last Munday, came t > the signal office tiie extreme western end of the city, more money has (^n Prince Tuan and Li Ping Hoag art apolis. ' precarious. The Chinese government at the war department from Colonel h .plug that the troops would be con- in oontrol of affairs at Pekin. » General Mile» says the situation in is insisting nu our leav lug Pekin, which ranch, who is constantly lamenting the Striven, the general office! at Che Foo, eeutrated there. The plan was that ermen, trapmeu aUll 'Ihe allies were defeated in a battle China is serious. He says tiie move­ frequency with which his fence posts, labor than for several would be certain death. There is ritie hop pules, house supports, barns aud saying: lie conspirators w ire forcibly to enter quality of the fish e*,^,**' with tlieChiuese at Peit bang. ment of troops is difficult. tiring upon us daily hy tiie imperial sheds call for renewal and an aggra­ ‘‘Che Foo, August 11.— Signal Of- *11 houses occupied by British officers ceptloually good, ,., Tran»|«>rt Logan arrived at San Fran- Heavy rains in the Yellowstone Na­ troops. We have abnndaut courage, vating outlay of time, work and money. fi -e, Washington: August 6—Yang aud kill the occupants. The Boer sym­ highest market figure,"^ Cisco with refugees from lien Tsin. today. Wire up. pathizers were acquainted with the •tauding the advance la^, tional Park completely extinguished but little ammunition or provisions. Are these ill» remediable, or must i----- T.un captured Rich strike made in the Concord the forest fires which had burned for Two progressive memiiers of the Tsung they be endured by future a» they have N eed own transportation. All well. fot, aud several had been told off t- packers have »old thel. li Yamun have been beheaded. All “SCRIVEN.” group of mines iu Sumpter district. ■ some time. «eenre the person of Lord Roberts and prices which netted then * been by past gent-rations ? This is a connected with Irgatiou of United Half an hour after this message a to burry with him to the nearest com­ ter profit than they recenec*; The a»»a«»in who had designs on tire question of absorbing imjxirtance to River improvement will precede and life of Italy’s new king was arrested. a naval station accompany the location states are well at the present moment. urban and rural dwellers alike in the cablegram came from General Chaffee, mando. Horses had been obtained for Thus, while the pa.-k.k2 '•CONGER.** humid Pacific coast belt. F'ortuuately giving additional details of the capture this purpose. The affair has created a falling off from thatof i»«?1 The British are slowly dosing in on of a government drydock on the Uoliim- The word ‘‘Yamen” following the au encouraging response may be given ano showing that it had been at the tremendous sensation. | bia river, Or. of 1900 can be regarded a,? President Hteyn auil General Devvet. name of the city Tsi Nau, at which cost of about 60 casualties among tbe cessful one so far as the D Pretoria!!« Involved. One man w»i killed and four ser­ the cablegiarn from Minister Conger to the inquiry. < iood prospect for Southern Pacific American troops. General Chaffee ’ s A certain German wood preservative Pretoria, August 13.—The plot dis­ directly engaged in 'the ?’’■ railroad to build a hue to Klamath lously injured in a collision on the was put on the wires, as understood known aa Avenarius Carbolineiim, ab­ dispatch is as follows: concerned. ‘ ! Spokane Falla aud Northern, near here, probably refers to the official Falls. “Yang Tsun. August 6.—Yang Tsun covered to make a prisoner of Lord solutely prevents decay anil extend» Official figures »how them 8|sikaue, Wash. Roberts and shoot all the British offi­ building or residence or building from occupied today. Wounded — Second States are nego- Russia and the longevity and usefulness of wood on the Columiba river for th. General MacArthur’» official report which it was transmitted or at which structures from one, two or at most five Lieutenant Frank R. Long, Ninth cers, included a number of the towns­ ths integrity of Gating to of 18lit to have been rvuj people, who were in communication it was received by courier from Pekin. of the sickness in his army on July 31 China. years to at least twenty. Avenarius infantrv. Casualties, about 60 men. with the enemy. It was arranged that While it is in possible «ths Ninth United States infantry. Four ­ is as follows: Sick in hospitals, 8,755; Carliolineum is a chemical wonder aud Telephonic communications l>etweeD TOWNE WITHDRAWS. the capture and killing should take get exact figures, a earth,;., sick iu quarter», 1,081, is so recognized by governments and teenth United States infantry and bat­ place on the evening of Tuesday last. estimate places this se»K. German and French cities have been tery F, Fifth United States artillery. It is M. The third battalion of the Fifth in- !>«<• 1 i n the Piipullet Nomination for individuals all over the world. opened. Intense indignation prevails throughout 262,000 cases. Thi. estu^,' the Vice-Presidency. astonishing that a remedy of such value Nearly all from Fourteenth infantry. tile army, and the general opinion is basis of four dozen ons.«Z tautry, stationed at Fort Sheridau, Illi­ Ex-government officials claims re­ nois, has been ordered to China to join Duluth, Minn., August 9. — Ex-Rep­ against timber diseases should have Names later. Many men prostrated by that the leniency of the British invited the case. About 40 per centuf ports of disease in Cape Nome section CHAFFEE.” General Chaffee's command. resentative C. A. Towne, who was nom­ only recently found recognition in a heat and fatigue. It is considered tel pack was put up byfco are untrue. Hardly less important was a dispatch such a conspiracy. section where its services are so im ­ inated for vice-president by the Popu ­ The Columbia Southern railway is that no measure for the repression of River l’ackeru* Associatioa e from General Terauchi, second in com Japanese government prohibits the known as the combine, wh extending its telegraph line through list convention, held in Sioux Falls in peratively demanded. such plots can be too strong. nianil of the Japanese staff, sent to the emigration of laborers to the United Applied with a brush this remark ­ of a combination of 10 caunk Harney county, Oregon, which is May, lias sent the following letter to war office of Japan and transmitted to States and Canada. able preparation |ienetrates to the very HOT WEATHER IN THE EAST. sides the above, there were ¡m thought to be a good indication that the committee oil notification: *'Gentlemen'. When on July 5, at vitals of the article treated, acting like the legation here, statiug that the in­ Mrs. Carrie N. Walker, supreme the railroad will shortly follow. or what would equal 5o.utj.1{_ living sap and not onlv fightsoff decay, ternational army would total 50,000 UI fltM'ortl* Broken in Chkago-Muny salmon shipped bv the commander of the Maccabeaa, died at The wife of Dr. A. McDonald West­ Kansas City, 1 had the honor to receive I but adds a considerable percentage U men August 15. to advance on Pekin. Dealha and Prostration«. from you the official nomination of her residence in Detroit, Mich, men. The estimated paek0! water, of Liaoyung, Manchnira, com­ the tensile strength of the structure This dispatch stated that on the 4th, Chicago, August 13.—Hot weather vidual canneries, coapinj ■ Li Hung Chang has officially notified mitted suicide at Arma iu consequence your national convention for the office when it was forwarded, the advance It is apparently exempt from evapora­ records for this city were broken again estimate at tbe close of Is,!» the consuls at shanghai that the min­ of tneutal depression caused by her ex­ of vice-president, I requested, in view tion. as the whittling» of a stick had not begun. This was nt first in­ isters left I'ekin under escort August 8. citing experiences at New Cliwang of the anomalous and delicate circum­ treated exhibit moisture years after ap­ comprehensible, in view of the fact today. For 25 years, or since the as follows in cases: weather bureau was established, there stances in the presidential situation, Canneries. Dennis Coghlan, the wealthiest man just before her departure from China. that you permit me to take the subject plication. Now that actual experience that fighting has actuallv occurred. has been but one term ot hot weather Union Fishermen’s Co-operative ». “ When bids were opened at army under careful advisement before an­ in this territory has been added to the But tiie later statement that the inter­ in which the mercury reached 90 for .Sanborn................ in Toledo and Northwestern Ohio, is Columbia River I'ackingCo ’"'ure dead. Ills fortune amounted to$l5,- headquarters at Chicago for the trans- nouncing a decision. This request you knowledge affoided by foreign testi­ national force would total 50,000 men five consecutive days. 'J The average Booth PackiiiR Co............. jiortation of troops from Fort Sheiidan were pleased to grant, and now, after monials, Avenarius Carlxdineuin is cer­ on the 15th appears to make clear Gen­ uiaxinium temperature for these five McGowan. Chinock ....... ........ ““ ’--J 000,000. A collision occurred on tiie St. Ixtuis to San Frnnciaico, the Chicago »V ■nature consideration of all tiie factors tain to become a staple commodity eral Terauchi’s mesning and to recon­ days was 92. There have been now M cider.................................... 1’illar Kock Southwestern railroad, near 1'iue Bluff, N'orthwesti-rn was found to be the low­ involved, that concern the welfare of saving immense annual outlay in re­ cile it with General Chaffee’s dis­ six days on which the temperature has Warren, Cathlann t.......... ' -J 'Ihe present movement ef gone above 90, aud the average max­ Warren, Cascade«............... Ark., in which five men were killed est bidder at $< ]s r capita from Fort the cau»u of political reform in this pairs and adding very materially to the patches. Sheridan to Ogden. From Ogden to country, and my own duty thereto, 1 purposes for which our leading pro- some 16,000 men doubtless is viewed imum for the six days has been 93.5. Seufert............................................... aud two seriously injured. River Pat ker* Assuc.t. the coast the troops are carried by the am constrained to inform yon, in all duct, timber, can be employed. in the light of a reconnolssance in Today was the hottest of the present Columbia tion, Astoria........................... jjn. The count of the pipulation of Buffa­ Southern Pacific. This is the lowest Columbia River Packers’Aiwcii. force, tiie main movement of the army season, the mercury reaching 95 iu the tiou. Cascades.................. lo, N. Y., just completed at the census bid ever made for the trans|s>i tatlou of repsect, that 1 must decline tiie nomi­ CUBAN JUDICIARY, of 50,000 to follow on the 15th. This Auditorii m tower at 3 o’clock. nation tendered me by that conven- The Dalles Pa« king Co. On office is 352.219. The population in troops. makes clear the meaning ot General the street it was two degrees warmer V\ iiliam Hume tion.” The Hm ana Pre«» Accuse» It of Cor Buekheit Packing Co 1890 was 255,664. Tho increase is Chaffee’s dispatch that Yang Tsun was than in the tower. St. Ixiuis strikers blow up a car with ruptioii. 87.11 I*’r cent, Mac Arthur for Leader. Totals......................................... the objective point. The war depart­ dynamite. The prolonged heat is having a seri­ Havana, New York, August 9.—A dispatch tc August 11.—The pre HP ment has been puzzled on this point. A destructive forest tire is sweeping ous effect on business. AH those who Harrismith surrendered to the Brit­ the Tribune from lamdon says: The unanimously criticises aud condemn! Battle With Handl!«. the timlier area lietwcen the Upper It would appear, however, from Gen­ Goodland, Kan., August 1 correspondent of the Express at Tien what it terms the corrupt condition ol eral Terauchi’s dispatch that the first can leave the city for poiuts along the Geyser Basin and the lake in Yellow- ish August 4, Bold foice of 16,000 men, having opened up lake shore and the woods are going, two men who held up a Utnm Russian troops looted, tortured and Tsin believes that the advance of the the Cuban judiciary system. atone National Park. The line of tire allied troops on the capital will be Ohaiges have been made by the news­ communications to Yang Tsun, brought and many have materially curtailed passenger train near Hugo, (J 1» 10 miles long und spreading rapidly. murdered at Tien Tsin. papers that judges and other mem tiers forward supplies and established this their hours of labor. Gangs of labor­ Sunday, killing Mr. Faya»; Towne declines the Populist nomina­ strongly resisted, the time consumed Chicago packers have been asked by in international conferences having en­ of the court have been receiving tees advance base, the way would then be ers all over the city laid off during the ing the passengers, were kiiltd the government to furnish 2,000,001) tion for vice-president. abled the Chinese to concentrate au for eases coming to trial in the courts clear for the advance of the lamer force afternoon. There were four deaths due bv u sheriff’s posse at thb |siunda of meats within 30 days for the to the hea« and 29 prostrations, three mew ranch, three miles esss Li Hung ( bang says the Chinese enormous opposition. The Shanghai and which they themselves have to de­ on the 15th. American soldiers in the Orient, I In- must tight if the allies advance. ot which a.e expected to prove fatal. place. The robbers wer« Iw corree|s>nrte. much meaning, as it is explained at danao. French expiditionary corps, has actual­ were their clerks befoie they were on showing that there is telegiaphic com­ increase being attributed entirely to to death. The posse then hyl A passenger was allot dead by train the bench. These clerks arrange the munication with the army in the field. the heat. There were 465 deaths last the house in whicbjthe remaju Governor Geer says he will offet ly been appointed. roblwrs in Colorado. details of representing the old clients Aside from the assurance this gives, ol week., and with the present ratio of ber stood guard with a Wild Oregon troops if war shall be declared Trad«* Pnlon» I'nitcd. < lermany is pre|mring to send another against China. of those judges aud arrange the fees, sjieedy transiiuMion of news from the increase there will be 600 this week. ami finally succeeded in ecttux New York, August 9.—One hundred etc. large body of troops to China. I he ratio of deaths, according to the the building, which was da front, it gives the additional assurance Fire in the heart of the city of Blue­ delegates representing 75,000 building “In this way a judge u|s>n a bench that the line is intact back to the first coroner, will increase steadily as long with its occupant. The Nbben Four men were killed and one mort fields, Nicaragua, did damage to the workmen in New York City and vicin­ decides a case at issue while really rep­ as the hot weather continues. ally injured in a Missouri feud. not yet been identified. amount of $175,000. ity, have brought about the amalgama­ resenting one of the parties to the suit. base of operations. The capture ol Yang Tsun the day following the but ­ Cost of llie Mnllneaus Trial. War department forwarding war Three people were killed and 11 in- tion of the Imard of delegates of the an,l the result may be imagined in each The Hot Wsv.. tle of I’eit Sang is regarded as a highly supplies for six months to China. New York. August 13.—The convic­ jured in a collision ou the Monon United Building Trades and the Build­ instance in which this is the case.” Philadelphia, August IS.—Ite successful military achievement, and tion of Roland B. Molineaux for the ing Trades Council, who have been at Chinese attack Tien Tsin after alliai route, near Lafayette, Ind. tense heat today resulted in twoi The Suit Against Neely. especially in view of the fact that it murder of Mrs. Kate Adams, it has moved forward, but were repulsed. and 20 piostratious. The nm Conger cables that the situation of loggerheads (or two years, at a recent was looked upon as a stronghold whose New Y ’ ork, August 11. — Genera been ascertained from an authentic temperature, 98 degrees, wb » Boxers and imperial troops fought the ministers is piecarious. Imperial conference in Central Hall. The new Henry L. Burnett, United States dis­ capture might give the foreigners con­ source, was obtained at an expense to at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Ti* body was named the United Council of together against Admiral Seymour. troop are tiring ou the legations. siderable trouble. New York county of more tliau $100,- mum was 80 at 4 o’clock tiuDW the Building Trades of New Y’ork and trict attorney, returned here today General Chaffee has started for I'akiu Battery O, with its 7-inch siege vicinity. General arbitration among from Washington. He had a confer­ 000, says the Herald. One of the At 8 o’clock the mercury had it Hurricane in a Colorado Town. w ith the British and Japanese forces. guns, the largest in the atmy, and 175 all buidling union« and the doing awav ence with Secretary of War Root and Denver. August 8.—A special to the chief causes of this enormous expense the 85 maik, and by 10 e’dei A tire at tax Grande, Or., consumed men, have left Fort Riley, Kan., foi with general strikes caused by rival Attorney-General Griggs as to the fu­ News from Sterling, Colorado, says: A was the large amount of money de­ jumped to 92. .At noon three..Ml organisations is the pur|svse of tin ture course of the government to bt terrible and destructive hurrii-ane manded by handwriting experts. pro|ierty to tiie value of alaiut $25,000. China. al degrees were noted, »nd at h Memorial serivcM for Humbert in a amalgamation. All unions refusing tc taken in the Neely ease. General Bur- struck this place at 6:15 this evening 96 degrees was registered. Th Chinese government orders that th« Could Not Hear the Whittle. uett said that the suggestion -in Judge accomupauied by a cloudburst of short arbitrate voluntarily will lie forced to Catholic church at Washiugtion augut ago for the past four days m ministers have proper escort to Tien Pendleton, Or., August 13. — The Lacombe's opinion will lie followed better relations between the papacy submit to compulsory arbitration or lie duration. An unusually heavy rainfall Tsin. higher than for any similar pin anil the criminal charge of bringing continued a greater portion of the fist mail, east liound, struck the wag- expelled. aud the Italiau government. ■ecord. Many large fsetone» tui Feeling against Boise, Idaho, water m of J. C. Saltmarsh, a farmer driv ­ •tolen funds into the United States wil night. The Catholic church, a large It is stated positively that President Brooke I. mw Kovoked, company may lead to municipal own­ lie discontinued. Ju the civil suit foi editice, was completely wrecked, and ing a four-horse team from town today, out the city are working ou b“-: ’ Kinger is willing aud anxious to sur­ Havana. August 9.—The new mar- wrongful conversion, the order of ership. throwing him a long distance from tiie the heat of the afternoon being» render, providing a satisfactory promise riage law, revoking the decree issuer1 rest against Neely will be vacated, ar- leveled to the ground, and several resi­ track. Saltmarsh suffered fracture of for the employes to endure. but Senator Teller says congress should is given as to his ultimate destination. in May last year by General Brooke, the suit itself Will be pushed for the dences and other buildings were wholly the skull, and will die. He was deaf lei cali»l to deal with the t.'hiuese sit­ Floods In New «»»<* ’•'* or partially ilestroyed. No persons anil could not hear the A. 11. Zeigler, of Santa Crus, Cal., will go into effect next Monday. Tht recovery of the money. numerous uation. Victoria, B. C„ Augn«t were injured. Telegraph aud tele ­ Brooke law prohibited eocleetiastical formerly a justice of the peace in w histles of the engine. brought from Australia by tne« phone wires were blown down aud the General Dewet is said to be so hetn- Idaho, kill»*«! his wife by cutting het marriages, recognizing only the civil Tried to Kob a Dying Man. Aorangi is to the effect th»!* railroad wa» blockaded with overturned ined in that esca|ie (lorn the Uritish la throat, and attempted suicide by hack­ ceremony. Alter much consideration Sealing Schooner Minnie I.o»t. New York. August 9.—A dispatch cars. floods occurred in New Scud im possible. and taking into account ths best to the Herald from Lima. Peru, says: ing his own throat. \ ictoria. B. C», August, 13.—A during July, as a result of «i»i Barupsan Preparations. opinic.u of ecclesiastical and political letter was received this morning, via Pedro Villavicensio, a rich house The United Stat«» civil commission Fire at Spencer, Tioga county, N London, August 9.—The Sebastopol Seattle, by Mrs. Jacolieon, wife of the I hundreds of people wererenH«* • will take charge in tbe i'liillipiuea, Y., destroyed the saw mill, grist mill functmus here, Governor-General Wood owner of thia city, died last night, directs that the ecclesiastical ceremony leaving au estate of 3.000,001) soles. correspondent of the Daily G rapine owner and master of the sealing less, while the property ■'* September 1. aud the lumber yards of A. Zeelev, the be recognized a« on a basis of legalitv < >n the eve of his death some of his em­ savs that the Russian government will schooner Minnie, in which was report­ enormous. People had to lives from the flood», while t*,- Naval officers are favorabl« to ll>* Grove hotel, the town electric light like that upon w filch it rests iu th« ployes tried to get the Bank of Peru to •end 125,000 additional troops from ed tiie total loss of that vessel iu Behr­ Construction of a drydock ou the plsut, the Lehigh Valiev railroad sta­ United States. From Moixlay next, cash a check of 20,000 soles, (rearing I Odessa to the far East before tbe end ing sea. The crew was saved. No de­ of year» of labor was swep)*” tion, ami other propertv, entailing a therefore, parties wishing to marry few hours. Hawkesbnry *•“ Columbia river. Seuor Viavicensio's forged signature? : of the year. Berlin dispatches say it is tail« are given. The schooner aud loss of $150,000. pean valley suffered ni' may go through the ecclesiastical ot rumored there that an agreement has The fraud was dete< ted by a clerk and equipment were insured for $4,000. Towne will announce in a few dayt are being made for aid thru» Rev. Father Stem mans, seeretaiv to civic ceremony, or both, at their own the accused employes were arrested. Iwn reached lie tween Emperor Nicho­ whether he will stand aa a caadidst« Archbishop Chapel)«, arrived at San »trail*. ______ option. las and Emperor William whereby Get* British Force for Chime. for the vioe-preaidancy. Francisco on the transport Sherman Ula»» Fm tore-« ”*■' 1 *. man troops will lie permitted to pro- Mule of the llarp«*r Plant. Simla, August 11.—Including the Gctltl MtMmlaril for Hayti. In the Philippine«, a small Ameri­ from Manila. Father Steinmans has in Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug»st 'V" - New York, August 11.—The Harper ’ eeed to China by way of Siberia. Fourth brigade, the strength of the New York, August 9. — A special to can command, under l.ieutsnant his charge four Filipinos, who came Chinese Floodetl the Country. force proceeding t«i China is 4^6 Brit­ ticials of tin- \ the Herald from Washington says Bros.’ building iu Pearl and Cliff Altxtaetter, was captured. here to be educated. Three of them streets, together with all The printing Tokio, Augnn August IE — ,\ A (liHpatCh dispatch !•- ish officers. 1,064 non-oommissioned Company announce tb»t 11. — will go to the university of Ann Arbor, Minister Powell has »ent to the stat« presses aud other api«aratus on the A bridge near Edilyville. Or., col- eeived here, describing the capture of and native officers, 13,970 meu. 11,850 ies in the country cv»ntn>li while the other will attend the Santa department from I'ort-au-Prince th« premises, and with all the rights to lapsed, carrying dowu five persuus, on« I'eit Sang by the allied forces, con­ followers. 1.150 drivers. 2,520 horses, combination will be »tsd* text of a law now before the chambers, Clara, Cal., college. Ihe young men of whom was killed outright. publish the I lari"'1* periodicals, were firms the previous accounts and add» 4.300 ponies and mules. 12 guns, 14 tember 1, with the excrp’> 3 which proposes to pay the bonds and are sons of wealthy Filipinos. Thev sold at the New York Real Estate Ex­ that the advance of the Russian and Maxims aud 1,800 imperial serivee plant in this city. No deb- A party backed bv E. II. Harriman, are Santiago Artlaga, Juan Tocson, luterest of the sinking fund as they fall change today for $1,100,000 to Alex E. 1 rench troops, numbering 5,Ovo men, troops. It is ex|M>cted that the entire fixed for a wage coufrreu * the railroad magnate, is looking for lairensu Guru bio and Vluceute Qui­ due in gold instead of paper, as here­ f>rr, chariman of the reoragnixation has Is-en prevented by the enemy fluou? force will have sailed before the mid­ employes and tbe wind'* ! tofore. ivpjier ou White river. Yukon territory. ogue. lug the country. dle of next month. corn mit tee for the publishing bouse. facturers. British Territory InwMtle«!. If there enters your soul a sense of I'hlllppOie Fu»tal Wert Ire. London. August 9. — Replying in th« If you never begiu a task you will Cut Iu Piece« I'ntler a Treia. Walter Ku««ell Johiuton l>»ertluou« contused iu your past, that is God. organist of St. Paul's Methodist Epi». partment to the effect that all offices the Pullman I’ala * * "r ’’ office. Mr. Broilenck. said the authori | Some time ago the Princeton, N. J., doge in Nebraska are tanned and made copal Church, is dead of heart dl-esse. in the Philippine islands hereafter train three miles north of here this $11,085, which it 1« eiain:-1 '■ ties I t the u.-tigo Free -tote admitted university prem-nrel to the British Into gloves. t his might give a valua­ Although he had nei er received any »hall be under tbe control of the gov forenoon, aud was cut to pieces. stat« a.» an incorp rate’“ ble hint to many laige cities wliere museum .' ¡0 specimens of North Ameri­ that British territory sieve Albert Ny- regular musical training, U haleti was intoxicated, and was steal­ company is incorpiTsted m ■ Mr. John- ernor-genreal, to whom duplicate- of ing ansa had b«*eu laided by Congo tnsip. a ride. great numbers of stray dogs sis killed can birds’ eggs—many of them of rare »ton was ccnsidered one of the most all reports are to 1» made and to whose and that women aed cattle had been for only $ liH\0'>". «hile aunually. Huudieda of thousands of species. Now the British museum re- proficient musicians in this city, Hi» incorporated with a efi 1U r Two Death. In Pltt.bnrg, earned off. Mr. Broderick added approval the action of the director of dollar»' worth ol canine pelts are Im­ < Iprocatee by preweutiug to the 1‘noes- masical , arver began »» hen he wa» oiilv p««ts in the matter of a, pointnient« are that the Congo Free Stale suthontie» ' Pittsburg, August 13 — Todav the 000,000. The suit is Fr ton university 2,000 mounted birds, in ­ ported annually for this purpose. dvg- 8 years of age, at which time be plate I ■itta -i |g gl.'ii- bM matr iie • | cluding brilliant apacimana from India, had apologised foi the raid and sought in M. Mart's Episcopal Church, subj-ct. A similar onier was is«ne.i temperature registered 94 degrees. the company to incorp nt"‘ ‘ to pum«h the invaders. - 'me time ago relative to Uutaui iu»ul Iwo deaths and seven pnetratious were «nd pay the ineorp’taL"0 Australia and the Malay islands. gloves. Brooklyn. affairs. reported. entire capital. ■ot W«ath«r in ihe ~ t ---------- - The difference between the tallest In the New Hebrides hutnau life has Heron Ku»*eO •*r*U' Milwaukee, August 9.—Three deaths Wrufflod Over n Revolver. been made aater by the introduction of and shortest races in the world is one and four prosttations resulted from th< ; Lonaon. August ts 1' " I'iF1!1 * ’ ' «1 . \arf„»t ,.,r. Yellow Fever In New TerU.O B ise. Idahi. August 13. — Mito Bov- pigs into the Island. The cannibals loot four and one-eighth inches, and intense heat today. of Killowen. Lord (hi«' Il" Fo t* ex-i re»! lent of SaB nab »«tor New r York. August II.— Miguel Pa tkin was accidently shot today hy his are said to prefer roast pork to roast the average height is file feet four and lotst', who was removed to swinburns api«ared before Justice of the Peac¿ tit tber while they were scuffling over England. di«d thi* n mm- one half inches. Kansas City. August 9. — Two pros man. Rus-Il had been I 1 » ' “ rations from heat and one death, that Island from the 'paoi-h steamer Alon John >>tet*>a m to a citation the of • revolver. The ball Drama* | lay<-«i in luha generally re of an Italian laborer, occurred here to­ •errat. , which arrived from Havana, ou an orler of examination, requiring -netrated the right side, passing clear Yesterday an pearti n «»• > Dr. A. Ihinaldenn Smith, the Ameri­ G can explorer ahu has just returned .¡uir.- .-■,»• Augii't 1, has yellow fever of a ver» hun to *n«wer question, as to hi. prop- it' gh the bodv, and coming out near which the paltent • *‘ day. from a trip through Central Africa, is forniance. The curtain gi«e» up at 9 lull J typ». the kit hip. He is not expected to have jvaseed thro1 gi> Chicago, August* —Fourdeaths and This operation, im mg '»en found agntaag hiB. II« lire. accorded a place alongside Stanley and o'clock iu the evening soil remains hl. death It '♦ r mi-ruing People seven prostrations were reported today Starei that be had ai.«oluteiy nothing Livmgaton by the scieutiflc men of bois«l ■ New M<»»«rrr« In < tel 1.1. Orders tar rartrtages. Treves. Van. us f , with wn ch the judgment might lie London. During his last trip Dr. who attend the plats take th»ir beds as the result of the exceaaive heat. Lyons. Angu»t 11. — The Cstboli- , Bridgeport. Conn.. August 11.—The circulated a« to the rti»>-- Smith discovered tour new tribee of with them and enjoy a good, long sleep b. pa of i Httabnrg, August 9.—One death Journal announces new Massacres and Metallo c-rtndge Com pa nr is the lord chief justi • or iu re n. w that h