DKliriltTIC Film l%F». l-'t TO fli.' IN EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY AUGUST 0, 1900. losing Out Sale Serious Penalties for Those Who Cause Coatlagr;itioHs in Oregon. M’’r t be Closed (Ji , by ~^==^ YELLOWSTONE PARK ACIRE- IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR Special to tbe G uard . CiNNEBAR, August 7.—Timber fires are raging furiously [throughout the Yellowstone National Park. Outside insistance is necessary to protect government buildings from the Hames and to subdue the tire. Loss of life is feared. RUSSIANS DOING BUSINESS. ill give you excellent values SUMMER GOODS. Special to tha Guard. L ondon , August 7.—It is reported that the Russian army detachment defected the Chinese at T’asi Chow with great slaughter. Three thousand Chinese were killed. The Chinese refuse to surrender the forts at New Chwang, on Russian demand, and the Russians will lay siege to them. BRYAN GREETED BY THOUSANDS. ... CALL AND 5EE US ... Irertifing rates ms-le known on application Jdress ali business letters to THE GUARD, Eu--ene. Oregon. BHUA J WALTON N E MAKE LIT y ALTON 4 OVERTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 'ill practice in all the courts of the state. See—In Walton Block. E ugkne f O regon . L WHITSON, DENTIST. sving purchased the office and fixtures of the late deceased W V Henderson, I am Dow prepared to do anything in the line of Dentistry in the above eaid office. FCrowu ami bridge work a specialty. S LUCKEY, 11KALEB IN lock», Watches, Chain», Jew ® klry, Etc. repairing promptly -lone. rAll work warrante-L C hicago , August 7.—William J Bryan arrived in Chi­ An Important Decision Awaiting cago today. He was greeted at the depot by tumultous Wheat in the Black Ware­ cheering of thousands. No speeches were made on the occasion. houses to the Farmers. Vico-Presidential Stevenson joined the Bryan party, ITICE—East side ot Willamette street, be­ tween Seventh and Eighth streets TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. « Year....................................................... 12.00 i Months................................................... L00 ree Months..................................................... Special to tbe Guard. THE CIRCUIT COVET. AMPBELL BROS., Publishers «and together they left for Indianapolis this afternoon. OOM PAUL READY TO SURRENDER. Albany Herald: In the T J Black warehouse suits, being the case ot H C Davis et al vs the Portland Flouring Mills Company et al Saturday in the circuit court. Judge Boise rendered a decision m favor ot the plaiutitls. The effect of the decision is to aw aid the grain in tile w arehouses to the farmers, and that those who buy wheat In a warehouse must know that the ware­ houseman lias authority to sell it, and that the risk is tun by the buyer and not the storer of wheat. Tlie decision is against the Portland Flouring Mills Co for 9296 bushels al 4!» cents and against the ¡Salem Flour­ ing Mills Co for 3977 bushela at 49 ecu's. The w heat stored in the Derry warehouse and sold to Balfour, Guthrie & Co was tv stipulation not made a rte counter claim pat t of the case, of the Pori Ian I Flouring Mills Co for $5695 and if 1 he Salem Flouring Mills Co for $2110 f .r money advanced to T J Black were notallowed. The ease will no doubt be appealed to the supreme court for a final decis­ ion. Special to the Guard. Thirty Per Cent, of the Members His Townspeople Turn Out With of Plattsburg Club Will a Brass Band and Give the Change Their Vote. Candidate a Good New York World. Send Off. P lattsburg , N Y., July 80.-A B loomington , III., Aug. 4—The democratic candidate for vice presi­ dent, Adlai Hisveuson, returned to his native city today. Till» is his first ap­ pearance siuce bis nomina'lon. All the citizens turned out, irrespective < f party They formed a carriage pro- ce-Hion he»de«1 t«y a band. Thousands follow«-d on foot to Franklin Park where the welcome was prepared. Mr I Stevenson felicitou ly replied. Narrow Escape. LANECOUNTÏBANK National Bank Esteolished is IBS! Oldest Bank In the County. Towne Welcomed Home. A genera! Benlcr.g tusmess in all tranches transacted on favorable terms. A. G. HOVEV, President» L <». HU LIN, < »»hier fl. H. HOVEY. Asst Cashier. EUGENE Loan^SavingsBank Of Eugene. Of Eugene, Oregon. $50.000 2,500 Eugene, Oregon. GENERAL BACKING BUSINESS I S as >a r* * ••>■!* t»H..s. Sigl.t A drafts no Chicago. sa FrsoHsc-' »0'1 P"rt ■»•I. Orvgna. RUI» of ssctiaagv <*ld oa fi r*w» ' •.ntrv*. I **1» dito rsssaveil • ibject t-chock «»r esrtifi ~»to nf «ispoait. ___ A.l aàlscttoas «Btrc*»! p. a» wi «svin te“«.;.» au»üu ,c. TGHxNDweas. Pr-w t«et 8 li E axis , VicaPrsrtk. F. F- S»or-.i an4 < « t ssowa. F • OTBL'W. O* « Aio«« AtSt C Wendling MiU Bryan club was i organised here to- night witli more than a hundred mem ber». The following cfficeis wer- elected: President, Dr J H l.atocqtie; vice presidents, H E Barnard, M V B Tur ner; secretary, Halsey H Roge.s, treasurer, William L Pattison. j,More than 30 per ceut of the mem­ bers of tbe club voted for McKinely in 1896. Junction City News. J unction C ity , Aug. 6.—J A Bush­ nell ba» received at his warehouse, from Portland. lO.tKXI w beat sacks. He is getting reaily for the new grain. He was the first to »hip new grain from Junction to Portland, last Tuesday sending several cars. Dally Guard AugtiiC 6. A telephone riiessage to tlie iiead office <>f the Booth-Kelly LumtxrUo m ttii« city about noou today from the mill Mt Wendling brought the new» of the accidental death of Cha» Holt, a 16-year old boy in the employ of the I company, and a request for the coro­ ner. Coroner G W Griflln started for the acene of the accident at once, ac­ companied by Dr W 1, Cheshire. From Information received at tlie head office of the company U la learned that Holt was found dead »«me dis­ tance (rout the mill lying under a sled with which he was using to haul waler. Holt had been away much longer than u»u»l and some of the other workmen atarted to look after him. Tlie laiy bad been In tlie habit of riiting on the frout of the aled, and it is presumed that the home started ”1(hl].„'|y> t |,e boy slipped and fell, the e given an opportunity to assist in bringing tlie trade of ttils rich section to Eugene. It is not necessary to urge tlie im­ portance of concerted action and that all participate equally in tlie profile to accrue. This lias »heady been done time and time again, Il now remain» to till up tlie sulwerlptiou paper, and get to work on tlie road Those who have placed their uan.'es all tile paper so far are as follows: Griftin Hardware Co................ $100 (id F L Chambers............................ 100 00 First National Bank............... 100 00 llaiupton Bros............................ 100 00 P Frank A Sous............................ 100 00 J W Shumate................................. l Geo T Hall A Non...................................10 (0 Washburn A Son........................ 50 00 Eugene Mill A Elevator Co . M 00 Eugene Loan A Savings Bank.. 50 00 F E Dunn........................................ 00 0 Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.......... 60 00 J V Kauttman 00 00 ■ B mp ...................................... "" ** Eli 1 iq-ham............................... ■ > 00 J I’ Green A Son............................. G N Frazer......................................... 25 00 Sterner A Wright............................. 25 00 W M Renshaw ............................... M o' W t > /. igler...................................... 2 - OU Prsston A Hales................................ 20 CO W, hi Bros............................................. 2 I io F, Hanson............. ............................. 15 00 T he H. P. C o . at W ork .—The Southern Pacific Railroad comp»'y h«» b<>rn »pending a great deal of money improving It» main line in Oregon during the fast three years, and »till !«»« a large force of men em­ ployed in ballast'tig track and strength enlng bridges from G-ant» I '• ss north as far »» Woodburn. The ties now being put down are expected to last 15 year». Old rails are giving place to new 62-pound steel n il« on the line tietween ¡Salem an«l W..... II.urn , a distance of 3D miles, the ex'r . I ■ avy traffic In that portion ot the ii-itlla Willamette valley rendering the stronger rail« necv»»ary. Eighty cars are kept busy hauling gravel from the company’« ph» at Myrtle < reek, to tie useel In ballaMting the track north of it«M«ebiirg. Tlie grade will be inlaed several inches, as the new dre sing is, applied to the roadbed later on. A , giasl many wooden trestle» l»tw«eni Roseburg and Grants Pass I imv «« h«en relieved of responsibility by a filing] DULUTH, MInn, Aug 6 — Hon ( tian A Towne, who was nominated for Vise President by the Populist party, returned to bis home here today. He wan royally received by hie friends and neiahtiors, and escorted from the depot I to his residence by a procession and t>ras« band. He will remain here only a few day», when be will start for the East to begin campaign work in that section. REPORT CONFIRMED. J P Milliorn received a letter tistay from W U Lawrence, an old resident of this place, who is n««w at t ape Nome, Alaska, confirming tl s report of the death of Mr Lawrence’s i.rother, Andrew, who was lost off the cow of To I nspect RotTBB.—HaJem ¡States­ Alaska, together wilt a comrade man: "Piwtmaster Edward Hirscb named Hpeers. i yesterday n>-ived a letter from H J M aking L umbem .—Tbs Eug--t ► Ormsby, pcetal inspector for tbe Rural Mail routes, to tbe effect t*>t th» »aw mill »awed a little lumbar today The writer would start from bls borne In the fir-t Ml - t' • ih.aetrouk t. Great Fall», Wisconsin, for tbe onset, machinery worked as well a- could ta­ in here to lns;A-t a number of new routee. • k(acted under the circumstances He will first stop at Boise, Idaho, where a few days the mill will »tart up on a conpls of rootee have to be Inspected ito regular run. P atronize G ray A H on .—Oar bus- In»»» men should patronise Gray A Hon In their en.'eav >r to liUlid up a meat packing establishment in lu- g-i.e 1 hen our people ought to buy -aid meat. Wh« n you cali for ham», l a on and lard, call for "Gray ¿ Son'».” They manufacture the t>eat. Woorxv.< k ’ b C hop — a C Woodcock, the .awyer farmer, ha« Just oomplsled the threshing of his fall grain He bed in 120 aeree and It yielded a little over 12j boshels to the ar re. Tbit is oneof the best fields yet beard from. He al»» ha» about 150 aeree in aprir g grain, that will I* lhrt»b«-«l yet for several days. H op , —The hop yards In Lane county are in fine condition and ver­ min i« very scar«». Nearly every grower bss splayed, although they generally think it was u-eless. Pre­ dictions locally are for a two-thirds crop. TO CA\ PEAKS. Eugene Cannery Will Be Oper­ ated by (he Allen Packing Co. Saturday's Salem Journal: “C Nieman went south laut evening Eugene, where he will go to work tiie uauuery there (or tlie Allen Pack Ing Co., ot thia city. Tlie Eugene can­ nery will t»e operated by the Salem firm and a large Dumber of pears have already been engaged. "L E Abbv wiil also go up, probably tomorrow, and tlie plant will oe put In first class shape. " The cannery here will handle tlie Bartlett pears from the Wallace or­ chard. “Tlie blacklierty crop Is now receiv­ ing the attention of the force." Court House Items. Satisfaction of mortgage Satisfaction of mortgage Chattel mortgage............. Chattel mortgage............. I 500 oo HKALUTATB THVNSFKKS WH Lackey to I, J Henderson, 80 acres in sec « tp 22 a r 3 w; $750 00. U H to F R i’epiot, 180 acres In sec 35 tp 16» r 8 w; (latent. I N Baker to Tboe Bowers, 10 acres in Patton d 1 c, Laneoounty; $160.oO. O F Knot et ux to Thus Bowers, 171 97 acres In aec 27 tp 20 s r 3 w $300.00. Ella N Waite to W H Withee. 160 acres in sec 24 tp 15 a r 2 e; $560.00. H C Rankin ami F A itankiu etux to Martin FoeU r, 27x160 teet, Beventi! and Willamette streets, Eugene, $3000.00. Martin Foster et ux to H C, F A and H E Rankin, b< i d lor dvtd; (f>(.((>.00. MINING I.OOA1ION “Ths Padlock ’ claim, McKentie River district; F A Ballard, locamr. CIRCUIT COUHT. E T Peters« n vs ¡lie Golden Fugle Mining Cort al, demu rer io ><>m- piali t. Ge<-F.sher sud W T Campbell va the I ugene Loan ai d Having« Bank et al. Reply of plaintiffs tn defend­ ant’» answer tiled by plalntlfTs attor- neys, Thompson A Hardy and I. Bit- yeu. John Strome vs J a ai d Nellie Mc- Failden, transcript of judgment. J M Williams vs Geo I,ea, trans­ cript of judgment. New York Yacht Club Races. G len Cove. Long Island, N Y, August 7.—Today the yacht raws of the New York Yacht Club are l-elng sailed of!’ this port. The principal event w ill ts> sailed this afternoon for of decomponed gravel being dumped die cup offered by Commodore Lewie around them. These new filling» are Cass Dedyard, for the competition of somewhat more ex|wn»lve than the schooners and sloops timber treatle», but they last for« ver. Dally Guard Augual 7 Most of the company’s de;>ot gr« .ind» R urikd AT T ubnkr .—Today’s Ha- have now tieen treated to a six-inch lem Htateaman: "The funeral of coating of decom|>o»ed quart! from the M P Berry, wlioee death at Eugene banks near Merlin. waa announced In Hunday morning’* C ar of G oats —Lee Perkins now has bls carload of goats, received Mon day fiom California, at his home on Hpencer Creek, about seven mil»» southwest of Eugene. Tiiey are very finely bred and will yield a larK» quantity of hair. C abin B urned —J. H. Luckey's Iiatly Guard, Aux>i»t 7. cabin, near the Haginaw saw mill, was Coroner GW Griffin and Dr W L DIVIDEND DECLARED. burned last week. A fire had lieen set I Uheablre arrived home late last night out to burn some slashing by ths saw In the famous Glow milling case, W from Wendling where they weut to mill hands and It got away from them. C Washburne, cashier of the Farmers’ I investigate the death of young Charles Mr Lackey's damage waa atsrut $50. and Merchants’ Bauk, receiver, a first Holt, the 15-year-old boy found dead dividend of 14 ceuts per bushel ba» : under a sled he had been hauling been declared anti is now being paid water on for the Booth, Kelly A Com- j on storage receipts, Negotiations are i pany mill. to have been ........... Il »- appeared pp —.~ ~ -~- now under way with the plaintlfls in people holding 4,urH‘y “n,i *he tbe suit whereby tbe jury summoned by Hie coroner brought exchange receipts can come in for a in a vsrdict to that effect: J V Moor share in the distribution of money re­ bead, J T Hair, L W Kaufim»' , E M ceived from the sale of wheat. The Lance, W Pennington and I, Wentr. exchange recel; is are numerous and Th» body of the taiy was brought to held mostly by tbe poorer class of Eugene by F F Hui>l-ard, tVm Footer, farmers, who bail store«l »imugh wheat M B Wood and Will Duryee, employee» to run them In flour until the next of the mill, and taken to Harrisburg harvest. on the 1:06 train belay. The funeral TRANSFER OF MILLINERY. will occur at the Muddy cemetery to- 6’ rs J A Hlbts-tts, who has conducted morrow. Dr ¡Smith and wile and >1 a mil'inery e-tabli»hmeut here for a Wilcox and wife, the ladite belai number of years, has purchase«! the Meters of the Holt boy, accom pan led millinery stock of Mrs Milliorn, and is the remains to Harrisburg from thia moving into the store oecuple«! by tbe point. latter. he will next go to North Yakima, and txily Guard. A oguat a. Freewater, Washington, and to Grs«h- •f am, Oregon, after which he will c< e L/1MI Atilt iìg> F Craw to Ha.etn. and twgln the active work ol«l tie dcnelof Jerry l>am, recently damaged by witboat delay, i be time »abort. fire. - ; i »'.tot.uoe esrrauw ts uxhu malicious srtting of fires . "It kitidletl maliciously,not leaa than $20 nor more than $260, or by impris­ onment not lesa than three mouths nor more than twelve months. "Willfully setting fire to any wooded country or forest, not more thaullOOQ or Imprisonment not exceeding one year or both. “Section 21. The said game and for­ estry warden, or any sberlti, deputy sheriff or constab'e, may without war­ rant arrest any person violating any of the statut.« now or hereafter enacted and iu force at the time, for the pro­ I tection of game, game birds, s«>ng birds and forests, or any of them, aud take 1 such persoc before any court having i i jurisdiction, who shall | roceed with j out delay to hear, try and determine the matter, and give and enter judg­ ment socording to the allegation» and pr.siis " A GREAT CHANGE. WELCOMED HOME. C laims B onded . — Grant's Pass Miuing Journal: "Corliss A Ben Rush, whose rich strike we chronicled PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. in lust week’s Journal, hav» Just bond­ Iffice—Upstairs in Chrisman Bloek. ed their claims, the Double Engle, from which tbe rich rock wus taken »■Hour»: 9 to 11 a tn; 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p m. out, and tlie Lucky Queen for $10,000 to a Mr Brown, of Colorado. Mr C WOODCOCK, Salem Journal, August 4: "W D Brown will immediately start in to ATTORNEY AT LAW. develop tlie property in Colorado McGee, [formerly of Eugeue] who Is Office—One-half block south of Chrienian style.’’ employed by C A Whale as an organ Block, and piano agent, was injured In Lane S tore P urchased —Mesasrs T H county, ftiur-day, by going tbrougli a JtUGKNK, ORI ü ON. Quiuner and F H Bitter, recently bridge. Workmen were lepairing a from Minnesota, have purchased ttie bridge near Drain and a temporary | E BEAN, s'oefc fgoodaiu the «tore on Ninth bridge was constructed for use until ATTORNEY AT 1.AW. a r.«t beloi ging to tlie es'atee of ttie tlie main bridge could be repaired and 8j*cial attention to eollertion» and matter» in 1st« A V’ Peter» and I K Peters They McGee drove over the temporary­ Probate. Money to loan on real estate. have taken |s>»aesslon and will con­ bridge which collapsed. tinue business at the old stand. Orrin With A C Woodcock. “McGee and his outfit were thrown overboard and himself and tioraea bad­ w L. CHESHIRE, M. D ly bruised up but not seriously Injured. The organ and wagon were somewhat demoralized C A Whale went to PHYSICIAN and surgeon , Drain yesterday and brought hissgetit Chrúman Bldg. to this city and be w as taken to his Eugeno, Oregon -or- home In Yew Park where at the last account be was resting easy.” It means Douglas county Instead of JIRANK J. VAN KIRK, M. 1>. OREGON. EUGENE. Lane. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. . 1HST- - Now that iuterest h a been aroused tn the question of the setting of forest fires iu Gngoti and Washington moun­ tain», the text of tlie law will be worth reading. Game audj Forestry Warden Quimby is sending out copies of the law as follows: "Any person maliciously kindling a tire « n ins own or other land, which shall injure the personal property or wooded timber lands of any other per­ son, shall be punl»lie«t by a tine not lesa than $20 nor more than $100, or by imprisonment not less than three months nor more than twelve mouths. "Kindling a tire without malice on any land without consent ef the own­ er, which shall spread and damage any property or wood or timber land not [ Ilia own, not less than $10 nor more than $100 and costs. “Eutering upou lauds of another person for the ;iurpose of huuting or fislilug, and without the consent of tlie owner, kindling any fire thereon, uot lesa than $10 nor more than $100. L ondon , August 7.—It is authoritively reported that President Kruger of the Transvaal is willing to surrendei should the British guarantee his personal safety. No conditions will be granted. Unconditional sur­ CHAS. HOLT KILLED. render will be exacted of the president who has lost his country. Ran Over By a Water Sled at the W BROWN, M. D. Special attention to < lei eases of the eye, ear, »'•e and throat. Office-Fir»t National Bank Bnildinv. Reai-leno Mr» Whftsakee, North William- ette Str. et. COMMITTEE Daily Guard august T ur Summer Goods — BLUE RIVER ROAD FOREST FIRE LAW. COMMENCING JULY 16 WEEKLY EUGENE CUARD NO 55, took place In Twin Oak cemetery, at Turner, HuDday llellgloua aervlcm were conducted by the paator ot tlie M E church, of Tur­ ner, al the liome of Mr N W Hllver, father ot Mr» Berry, after which the laaly waa given over to Pearl Lodge, A F A A M, of which deceased was a member, for burial. The oeremony at the grave wm conducted by Dr W T Williamson, of thia city. In a very Impreaelve manner. The Maocabes lodge, lu which Mr Berry carried a policy for $1009, wm also In attend­ ance.’’