[ o o V(»L 33 O o PECIAL : SALE u 11 y i ni 1 1 ) NO 51 Y BOOTH-KELLY CO. EUGENE SAW MILL. DEADLIER THAN WAI À This Week t ON [Ì1 _• dies MEANS Special to tiie Guard. Bonnets * * * * * * * F0R 25c IAMPT0N BROS. The Siuslaw & San Francisco Lumber Co Increasing Tbtir Capacity. PBELL BROS., Publishers £E—East «ide of Willamette street, be­ tween Seventh and Eighth street« TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. West July 6. The schooner Danielson which ar­ t«r.......................................................$2.00 Luti»................................................... 1.00 rived here last Sunday brought in a .50 I M od ths. large quautiiy of new machinery for the Siuslaw and Han Francisco Lumber toiilt rate» made known on application Co ’» mill at Acme. ■ all huainesB letter, to THE GUARI), ge, Oregon. There were two large boilers, an engine which are to be placed in the k : WALTON N K M AKKLÏT mill Immediatly and will increase the sawing capacity to 60,000 feet per day. ALTON A OVERTON, This means a demand for several ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW million teet more of logs eacli year to keep this machinery running and will Bnctlce iu all the court« of the Btate. LIn Walton Block. furnish employment for more men to E uoknk . O bxoon . out the timber and get it to tbe mill. L WHITSON, The milling budtiesa of tbe Biuslaw is growing rapidly aud is helping to DENTIST. to purchased the office and fixtures of build up tbe other industries. LV' KEY. DEALIB IM I, Watches, Chain-’, .lew ® f, Ktc. epAiring promptly done. U work warranted. W BROWN, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. b-Vputaii» in Chrisman Block, lour»: 9 to 11 a in; 12 to 2, » to 9 p m. P artial C lean -U p . — Ashland Tidings; July 9tb: Henry E Ankeny, one of the proprietors of Ankeny A Look’s famous Sterling mine, too» with him, Thursday, to Jacksonville, nine real gold bricks* . representing 1276 ounces of the precious metal and valued at $23,000. This is i tie second large clean-up made during t lie past few weeks aud it will require more .hau a month yet to make tbe tinal ciean-up. It is expected that the Sterling will give up ov r $100,000 ibis year, and its proprietors are to be congratulated ou their good fortune. A nother C all .—County Treasurer Patterson today makes another call for county warrants. The amount of ATTORNEY AT-LAW. (10,219.94 is set apart for this purpose k»-Oae half block «outh of Chrisman * « at thia time. C WOODCOCK, Ei-auix, O kxuon . The G uard is doing a large lot of job priuting. From the cheapest that’s good to the best that’s made. Your order promptly attended to. E BEAN, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. i*l »ttention to collection« »nd matter» in »bate. Money to loan on real rotate. MEN AND HORSES FORWARDED. I ANF nilllNTY RANK - or— SURGEON. naaBMg, EUGENE, OREGON. Eugene, Oregon. ERBEUT LEIGH, I f ..trai itakioi business mall branches ASSAY OFFICE, «ccnrate roturo, guaranteed. G rovb , O mson . tr¿nsac*ed C” fanorable terme. . G. HOVEY, President L G HULIN, Chæhier. B H HOVEY, Asst ( ashier. EUGENE - uger d up Cash Capital 850,000 ’Du« $50.000 'regon. I GENERAL packing business ■ hr. n rrw-naMe torma. Sight ' Magro, «a Ersuche*. «od P rt- k '-'r-V’n. • '4 svetoaMV .44 on f **ir® cenntries. ' ■ *• •*-iv«d .abject to check os csrttfi- ’»••eh. “* a tri»V JI to c» will rec«ive M «trotto*. P. E. Sg' !cct«d, and tiie weather just warm there yeaterday after s|ieiidiug severa morniug for China. enough t<> make the boya work hard. days investigating progress. A good during the winter, and tiie company I> is something unusual for many of many rich prospects are being opened will mh > ii begin shipping concent rates. the boys to get up at 5 o’clock, make OREGON TO BE‘DOCK ED. The company has decided to add a up, lie says, in additiou to the mines Is de, eat breakfast, wash dinhee and do upon which stamps are working, and 110-more stamp to tiie mill, and will a half days work by 9 o’clock, but also put in n small saw mill. Special to tbe Guard. he expects lively times there this sum­ A contract has been entered into be i they accomplish it all, and with no mer and fall. Recent raids have ren­ W ashington , I). C., July 9—The Battleship Oregon dered tween Joe White, owner of tiie Sunset gtiimollng heard. freighting and packing into the has arrived at Chee Foo. She will be docked for repairs at mines verv difficult, hh roads and trails I mining claim, and Dr Caudianl, of Running the lines at night is a popular pastime, especially Willi the Kore, Japan. are slow to dry. Even tiie wagon ■ Portland, whereiu the latter is to re­ i road In tiie open country, to Cottage | ceive a one-third interest in the Hun- PhillppitiH boye. They teach many new tricks of soldier life to the Grove, Is in bad sha|>e for tran»|>ort • i set in consideration that he erect a IN SOUTH AFRICA. “rookies” as I he new soldiers are called. five stamp mill on tiie property. The Ing heavy loads of provisions and, Tiie Fourth Regiment ha» already machinery needed in tiie mountains, machinery for tiie mill Inta 1« i Special to tbe G uard . 1 ordered. The Bunset is located on the created a very favorable Impression but after a few weeks dry weather a i ii ad waters of Quarts Creek, on tiie ■ alid li’Velliethe distlnclion of go ng P retoria , July 9.—Mounted infantry reinforcements gisxi deal of hauling will tie done. Gold Hill side, and la 01 e of tiie most lout in review tommorr >w (Tuts ay) under Mahon, drove 3,000 Boers east to Broenkerspruitt. Tiie Helena live stamp mill is tun-j promising claims In tiie camp. night when Governor Geer makes Ills ning day and night on good rock, and official visit to the camp. The boye British casualties, 2 officers and 26 men wounded. Messrs Rice and Graham canit- the number of stamps will be increase*', are working hard and Eugene will, to 10 in the near future. The Musick down from G >ld Hill yesterday v ili nave occasion to be congratulated in a collection of ore which fairly spsri.h ■ j 10-stamp mill shut down ou July 1 for I The »»curing the band. n few days’repairing, aud the stamps J all over with the yellow metal. Tbe loss of one of the Portland boy« ■ rock found by them is said to tie the will be started again next week. by drowning 1« a very «aw. preparing to resume work shortly. A Orange River Colony, July 10. — The Boeis S euekal , The entire camp Is attending strictly rich vein lias liven struck on this prop­ D kath <>t E dwin H thatfokd .— to duty. Company drill at 7, guard have evacuated all positions in this section. They still erty and a atamp mill will probably le* Roarburg Rrvte«: Edwin W Ntral- mount at 9, regiment drills at 10, aud seem determined, and it will take some time yet to subdue erected this summer. ford «"ti uf R-v J L and Emma Strato I orade at 7, gives tiie officers arid men them. At the Grizzly mine, owned by the ford was born in El Dorado, Kaiisna. oppertunlty to learn much of the Burns brothers, a 300-foot tunnel fol- ' i Mer-'ti 11, 1B82. and •!!•-«» ■ t the ii.-n,.- practical part of military life. Large crowds of Halen, people are lows a rich ledge of copper, gold and ill ! :• brolber-ln law, H 'II'.\ Mi. n tire groutnls especially of evenings, A GREAT MEETING. galena. The vein Is three feet wide at at < omsti ck, tills ioii .' i . M u. > ■ uid taku a lively interest In their I ' pesent depth. Bleats. H. W. R. svn Ing, July Sili, of measles, i il ■ , Special to the Guard. Professor Fairbank,of the University I was employed lutile Western Union H orton ’ s T hunk .—John Zimmer L incoln , Nebraska, July 10.—Thousands of populists of California, is making a geological i tetegrxph (’dice in tills city up to > t w Inform« us that most of the valuable celebrated the action of the Kansas City convention today tour of the mountains of Oregon, and moil'll« »go, and wish quiet studious articles th»t should have lieen in the is now making investigations in the I m > v wtio made many friends atnoi g late Mr and Mrs Bert Horton’s trunk, in nominating Bryan and Stevenson. Both the candidates Cascade range, east of here. ■ Ills assoclat-s, and gained the reapect consisting of jewelry, diamond rings, were present and were enthsiastically received. A quantity of *>re brought down by and confidence nf all. His early death ■“•Id watch, gun«, etc., were mining. The democrats will hold a grand mass meeting tonight, I Mr Gibbs, from Wall Street group, In a sad tier* avriiieni to his parents, The trunk received, outside of a ring assays $350 In gold, and 25 ounces ini aud the sympathy of the oonnnuuity ■ >r two contained nothing of value. at which the candidates will be present. silver. Tois might be called “surface] ■ goes <>ut to them In the ful e»t measure. George Handeni, we understand, has rock,” he -aye, as it was obtained at a A STRANGE PROCEDURE. received a letter from his home In Wm Preston has lieeu elwted presi- deptli of id feet from tiie top of the ■ dent of a liaruess manufacturing es Dakota, Haying that hl« wheat crop la ground. burned up. W» also learn that he will Special to tbe Guard. On the Confidence group a 2tJ0-foot ■ tabllshmeut in the city of Portland move back to that slate eoon. tiie largest one on the Pacific Coast. tunnel is following a vein of rich rock. L ondon , July 10.—It is officially announced that the property is ou City Creek, lower Empress Dowager holds the reins of power in China. Sheng, This iluwa the mountain side than tbe Wall the premier, claims that legations are safe, but the fact that Street group, and Is therefore ealser of ministers are not allowed to communicate is considered a access. strange procedure. Many doubt the statement of Sheng. Colorado men, he says, are taking a good deal of interest In Bohemia, and quite a numt>er are in there already, al­ SEMI-ANNUAL JAPS GOING TO PEKIN. though the enow has only just disap­ peared. L ondon , July 10.—Japanese representatives claim delay about getting in Pekin, They STREET IMPROVEMENT. think twenty thousand men, with what allied forces are on the ground can effect an entrance to Pekin. Contracts Let Yesterday for the \\ Ork. U. S. SOLDIERS FOR CHINA. M anila , July 10.—The Fourteenth infantry and Fifth artillery, U S A, leave for Taku Friday. HORTON MURDERERS PENNED WILL NOT PICK HOPS. Indian Slayers Taken to McNeil s Prices in Prospect Allow No Profit Island to Serve Their Term tor Handling Crop. Of Imprisonment. Loan a Savings Buk • BICM, Pwtoeu 1 J*-*« lb , Croskto.«. SaiBIER 0 A NUN ACAIS Special to th. Guard. THE LICK Y BOY MIXE. Ttie street committee of Eugene, lias let contracts as follows for street work: MONHoK STHKKT. J F Brabham, grading.............. I St) 56 C F C'ronrr, graveling............... 193 56 THIKTNKNTH BTBEKT. — FIRST — Eugene, »LAVINO MERE IN BOHEMIA. Special to the Guard. Special to the Guard. I too» NEARLY Work on tiie new Eugene saw mill, on the river bank, Just west of Skin­ ner's butte, is being t ushed vigorous­ ly. The boilers are iu position and the engines are partially set and all the other machinery Is being gotten in read'uess. The tlrst ioor of the mill 1« already about completed. It is confidently expected that the mill be sawing logs before the first day of August. The log drive, for (tie mill, 2,000,000 feet, will commence arlviug against tiie boom within one week. I I • ornai EUGENE LflliL UUUI11 I UflllR there will be no L. CHESHIRE, M. D. !'« »n TO Hon R A Booth, malinger of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company is In the city looking for suitable rooms for head offices of this company. He In. forms us they will tie located In Eu­ gene prior to August 1st. The private telephone lines will then be connected up from tiie head offices to the Wend­ ling, Baglnaw, and Coburg mills and all tiie t-usinesH of the company will be directed from this city. This will virtually make Eugene the headquarter« of this great corporation, and will mean much to our city . The G uard I s glad to learn this ini- portant news. _ Special to the Guurd. Itl-With A C Woodcock. ’HYSICIAN AND • L ondon , July 9.—Saturday’s more hopeful reports from Pekin saying the situation was greatly strengthened by the rumor that Prince Ching is fighting in legations. Such allies will greatly assist the powers. On July fitli, 1900, Chinese attacked the foreigners with 12 guns, but retired after six hours, bombarding from guns of British cruiser, Terrible, operated by a thousand mixed men. MUCH Two Accidents at Camp Geer Yesterday-Oae Fatal. Special to the Guard MACHINERY ARRIVED. WEEKLY EUCEHE GUARD. ¡»U droea*sd W V Henderson, I am rprtpar which they Paid Op Cash Capital were •>m*itte< by Judge Brown. 2,500 They Surplus were take« to the pri^n last Friday by Uoitc« States Maiabal . atatsai. banning business tna «S- Bboup Tbeir total sentences is 172 actio o» ravosaaug rasata- year«, u follow«: Kicbltoo. o0 yeeni; William», 50 Draft* on tbe prior’pal eitle« of tbe rn:t*l «nd for>- uld make died of consumption al 10 p. m., July it unprofitable to harvest tbe crop. 9th Hhe wm the daughter of John Hopgrswera in that section do not Benson, who cams here from Minne­ favor pooling their crop with the Htat<- sota scout one year ago. The funeral will t,e hold al 4 p rn , July loth, at Hopgrowers’ AaeeciatloB this year. the family residence one mils weat of --------- --------------------------- Eugene; Interment to («made In i O O Union Hcout: We have received a F cemetery. copy of the Jure number of the 1%1- veraltyof Oregon «<>utbly. It I« a high grade Illustrated publication ami Prineville Review: W A Booth ' Ik prettiest picture in It I« the ground» leaves today f.»r Eugene, where he of the University of Oregon with ite goes to meet bls father, who will ac­ buildings and sur round mgs.| ® company him home. CLEARANCE SALE THIS WILL BE GENUINE- NO HUMBUG. All Ladies’ Tan Shoes and Colored Shoeswill be reduced from 26 to 50 per cent. Ladies' Oxfords, big cut. Mon’s Men’s Men’s Men’s Straw Straw Straw Straw Hats, Hats, Hats, Hats, worth $1.50, now $1.20. worth $1.25, now .95. worth $1.00, now worth .75, now .60 Men’s Clothing... Big reduction on Summer Suits. Boys’ Clothing. .'•Iiirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Shirt Waists, worth $2.50, now $1.95. Waists, worth $2.00, now $1.60. Waists, worth $1.75, now $1.50. Waists, worth $1.50, now $1.20. Waists, worth $1.25, now $1.00. Ml SiiiniiK r Dress Goods at Cost. .. Summer Corsets Reduced ...» F. E. DUNN