PROCLAMATION Eugene City Guard .Al tR NEWS REPUBLICAN TO VICEROYS PLATFORM. ls.u«d Barty*» Ptlnrlplr. Adoptr.l by Ih« Philadelphia Conveatluu. Philadelphia, J ud « 23.—The follow« b» IB« Ber.l»» Tabu. AdaMral» at BATTLE OF TIM Hunter’s advance column occupied »tep« London, J ud » 25 —Th» admiralty Krugertovrp without opposition uu bat«*** has received the following dispaUh 1 June lb. o ing ia the text ot the platform adopted Eight Hundred Arner -^ i to r«cu President McKinlC^i1 Renomi­ from Rear-Admiral Bruce: EUGENI QTY OREGON, lo*’ Admiral Schley’s squadron, which Russian Force Is Storming t-7 the Republican Nate nal convention. “Taku, June 25 —No communica­ the Fight. nated at Philadelphia. The RepublicansOof the United has been in quarantine at Montevideo, the City. tion from tbe coniaiaiider in chief in c wot# States, through their chosen represen­ baa been released. o seven day» or from Tien Tsin in tive go tatives. met in national convention, o A RuMian admiral was In com­ dav s The allies allle» bold hold the Taki» Tak* fort» tr nsug | looking back upon »11 unsurpassed rec ­ rOBBI«»«sUEHAlD Pu , mand of the fleet that bombarded and ATTACK I PON THE LEGATIONS “□ securely, and tney will ROOSEVELT FOR VICE-PRES1DIKT and Tong Ku to' Irift in ord of achievenieut and looking for- _?'vance°to the relief of Ti«flt Tsin when destroy«*! ths forts at Taku. glow a<: I ward into a great field of duty and op- O ,J arh« in sufficient strength. Troops a»* ex-® o. Ih. w Railway and telegraphic communi­ I portunity, and appealing to the judg- Sp««ch«a vt th« Day W«r« Mad« pticted from Hong Koag tonqrww »aid cation between ( ape Town aud Pre­ » la «..k!,’/’•» ' ment of their countrymen, make these all th« Foraker, Depew and the tui- SOU from Wei Hal Wai tl® follow 11« toria is uow completely restored. . declarations: > live® 1 > »»•- uire itale Uuveruor. dav. It is believed thj«t tighaijflia di­ th» Thieves cracked the safe ol the Gam* The expectation in which • s’! stantly proceedltJB am41«I Tl®. Tsin. brinux brewery, in Portland, Or., and American peopl®, turning from the dren Our garrison therw s*boal< b* tto'WF ’ Ixindon, June 21. — The Russian re ­ escaped with betweeu |>>00 and f 7U® lu Philadelphia, June 23.—President Democratic party, entrusted the power unes 'b , lieving force arrived outside of Bekiu ot the United States four years ago to a McKinley was unanimously renominat­ 3,000 men. cash. "Th» folio». «> {•*" bvriut»* «W- this morning, says the .Shanghai corre- »0, «’ ed for {.resident of the United State» Republican chief magistrate aud a Re ­ A young man named Robert Jackson, brin]» s|smti*^ agreed to th® niorfli-H» *> be of Riddle, admiral8 tQGi HUR tÄ shall two aides, employing numerous artil­ sembled at the polls, after a term of 1U minutes later Governor Ruosev®lt, Qantly killed. ring alli«d i*ChiM lery, The force apparently arrived in Djmocratic legislation and adminstra- □f Ne»v York, v>s unanimously sel®?t- «<* of th* - ------- — ®»-0> ,----- By the death of David D. Wells, son the nick of time, for the Chinese assert tion, business was dead, industry par* ad to Btuud beside him in th® coining a »lite to make ki*J*-a te all vieto.ys to« of the late David A. Wells, of Norwich, that the attack upon the legation* had «lyzed and the national ciedit disas- battle. authuritie® al">< t® c.tUto tori la sto k*tat ba®to» I Conn., Harvard Uuiv®*ity is riRier been successfully leiiewe-l. The night ■ trously impair®!. The countiy’s capi­ such unanimous »leinonstratioflk in citile Ttel provile»» of Chi® stot «bay WK p*B® M »1® litoti* at * W1 by about |37,OUU. inflflsd te use Brmed torse «triy ;flkaa»W of June 16 the Chinese troops, under tal was hidden away aud its labor dis­ honor of the nominees of fl lflvtfl 0>-< The Perno­ convention have never la1 fur» bff-a tb» Box®* ®l pwfltottotojflpoM tot®» «y» Ito. Stoteb.1 . rr-«.«, After July 1 the office of Indian < lenerals 'l'u Fuh Siang and Tung tressed and unemployed. IMI* B b |MM vrii’li®. oo ) agrint at Warm Springs, Or., will be ' hing, altacktsl the legations and set rats had no other plan wiffli which to equaled perhaps in the history of flflli- oa their mari® te I’4»ia fcr tto rtHP®» _“tetd tote H-pp.OTaop ,0 J .IlHpeflsed with, at which time Agent on fire five European buildings. Noth­ improve the ruinous conditions which tics in this country. of to®ir feltoie co«aaiv*a* It wa® a lov» » uoooveopv b . a TMB late t*»» »a® tovid»** ing definite fls known as to the result, they had themselves produced, than to feast, a jubilee, a ratification mOdtu»'. James L. Cowan will la) dropped. <«•»>«»« sad toittebsite th/ 1 1’except that the Chinese were disap­ coin silver at the ratio of lfl’to 1. The •-■t off irò® Titoa i» to» p to»> Ito» There was a tine setting for to.i®y ’ * Hawaiian» have met in conv.-ntAn r*»«»ted. I* ® imi . Mil.l» t ‘1 *be«f *» at l’ahia. Th® tolda»®- «ari >'»«■• ■*»* Tb® i®B»n>>axi® « pb »« s ® '1 '•> to«t*e of Wanhington presented the foreigners in Bekiu. 1 it® * • by means of two legislative uriasures— and fro like the wings of a crofld of «id te l>» a®»-«« rmet >•*••. «nd co «otti» «v va» i o 90 Nariàvilte «a Chi» i-IJt i ‘ o> «to city of Pans by the Daughters A modi tic-1 version of the rufliora re­ a protective tariff and a l^iw making alarmed gulls beating the air. Tlrin* th» Cbitto» aiata-bue of UM A®wri.en Revolution has arrived r.-ived at Berlin is that the French as gold the standard of value/ "*l value. The peo- were no preliminaries. The wraflflB to be «nputsd 1 a Sto-sloMtor Fritoo» ritento« te 'teongtoi. 00 •*•!-» Th® pedestal has already well as the German miuistei* has been pie, by great majorities, i»*®i to the expected over the question of r»ffuciifl» T sm is all«®«d "> buve statuto tori Tto*Cbia»»s qs. «essi ti® # Orito ®s4»>angB. afld the unveiling will killed. The English at Shanghai Republican party a commission •- en- the representation in the Soflth VW buraed rito palnse. Ito «no p«a>*® 1* «•* » l*-®.n«l®l’BrSt®1!tab, ^ fli<® , 1'a.tii» w-ffBri >f f l for nine hours’ vice in organizing the defense«at Taku, been executed, and the Republi-afl at« Qnay’s proposition. enipM* ri «t|to»rwri»»d «»- ■<« <•«•- - “ ri I to («•■< ■■a»0o w riiy ri uBlaflit th»» totolin» before 15,000 eagej faoflB, ooBmitttd seicato. All thm p«rp «OH-, ima 611*4 ®» v ,e< T«o»»MaA> C.agoptov, »• Great North- connecting with the harbor miB«* were we have ever know» • 9 foHowto the* flavfll in hflnd, announced thflt nonni»«- to have bea® coaluiawd va a loter frena M.-S l«l»®L«a ' i.npany, tls' Canada- cut by the Ismts of the warships the enactment». tio®. for president of the United Stetes Pekih received bw a high ito-- m *1 Chi- Fto««®», wto a», «ri’lly iX," There is no l<>fl»er any co»t»>versy as Atria®««, tto to ll Teh'rit»'* Company. night before the Isimbardinent. It is in order. The rtoding clerk al- nana® at Shanglni, whou it is toped control of tto Chig»*« tB>.a Ovsr Ma nto to»e quit vvrk owing now r>’|*>rt<‘-l at Shanghai that it was to the value of any gover»emeflt obli- vfluc»l to the front of tha platform. thè d«e®erate stranie berqwo thr are wctekia® ttotosal i» •> tc , >e m®» Mtfseal of the i-oiapawvM te ac- on board the Russian cruiser Korletz, gâtions. Every American dollar i* H Ha was about to call the roll of stataa leader* and thè dove.«®®- etiipaens Bill and chworix® fi* tl® n itovwsa te tie; appeal S sfl cosa mbmwmM«.;. PBtoCM WITM TAixAL«. BKtoàs BsystMri’4 a tragtov ut®'' * of Jiav>-* bT'«4ka»i* aad Mullet. fewer than .OOlJhim s» were killed i> employed, and everywh*® l®bor in • -a>- and surra'toed the first right to to *»«»8*. < W . «to 4torsi «®.i«a i profitably occupied. a» Fekia, to.unto >r®is®ly s>BBk to Ohio. A flutter of l»v®lk^ Inwoo Woo. of tbe immigration the forts. a» WiooOO. *jgv»H- C»<-« Mfln«4. M< Kiiil»’^'® A0ibinistratio|. Th<- Shangtoi corr®*pouo---a»e*»' <• uto. ri-».« ka •-1 «ooo-ooo a a> tto groutd that, I hilly Express «ys he is officially in- Adulimi toymon», .omnuiB.i« c J Maflila, Joo® »5.—Two howW-'d fil- uwoi-an»’«»«: rtlwf colui»» i» no» -4*.®- Use «ori to- inatte*i*y ® rivv urg I'«rit convicted of felon, ib con- Iormi-.l that lapan is mobilizing 25,OO0 William McKinl»y. Its ac® hgvs pit, »* Senator Ftnflki», of Oh»’, tos iifl ipioah aie» <«kw iiopuum ia Inalbi w l»d in a» la formato* a bee» established in wisdom a» P in • Bard th» platform oooteari d ss Mie »wlteto «ri wiri Or- ■e-anam «iKh «to raai-Oaa of Isir.l Cav- men for imniediBte tran*|>ort. Tiie|Bntish cruiser Undaunted ar­ patriotism, and at home and abroad it tfioo a>->.«' 1«.%» 0 a» 3 te all <• «so oo pò», wnrioo-ri .«to T koaias Hi try Brice, in A» th" «Ifid of a hfllf ® 0'« apMrb. a-Mn'hiua h<'B coBMBgaaMBly, «wtor. «mato tir 3 aisthods »tr so-sriag peu*«, ftaa re paltoes un hto vay ani tb 800. «p >to fi«*- ut Itee teiop- s» l'ta> l’wk. Irildia. in 1HH2. they rived nt >haughai yesterday, electe d for h.® distinctly elevated ami axteu-iBd ov seifftir plflcBd McKinlBy ia n ® q _ »De .leaUnis, W oo(D colhe« o-eooos-x* b« permittetl to land in this action and risik up a |>osition command­ the lntlueflce of the American ufftion. ii®tiofl amid entorusifl®!! >ifllio«»’ted. ml® wire ksbeiimd titte Stearns h potete of MrtWtttel S »Iti %tin J ing the Chinese forts. There are three Geopnal MiacAr»hur, Sto avespifed Bar- t>o> sd. tee- «1«4 s* «mNaa okwooro*. KABO® - 00 laantrato fl la»*. Walknflt untried p»ths and fading un- x®4 MO usm ®». Th» c< 1*-U»® a Se&toling sps»<4®- aarfl ii.tola by Chinese cruisers in tlu- harbor. The fors.-.-n res|s>nsibiiities, President Mc­ T»».dorfl K.siflBvelt, .*anflB* Tkarnto®, them, 'fto Smksri of tosnxMMtiqf Will hw >«111 bel®'*« tl® for»ig» n„".d t-Steoowaa ooo» u»S*se-' Th»’ .’«uxn oaoal of arm* I*, v a u.-w Chinese cruiser Hal Haug, built Kinley has been, in every situation, «51» vlair influence to ihiiace Agsinxldn opjbosom teev«i lateo bri a «rtoasM Sb g) «> toan W’sri op by tato IS-ito' at i’rB»''ia. by the Armstrongs, h*s been taken into the true American patriot a®l uje-ighB John W V.rh-fl, too . rflter f«o® tto Bo accsp» tha asnisqtsmsaws. If tri aw aes «no»c T moos Bflp-nr«. >«c»i*»4 »«> Bine Grflto state, and Govflr®>r Moua*, fl»- «>y tls- British and l statesman, clear in vision, stro»g in of Indiana bat before tl® lh»M> co®- tn» «pcoiM.fal, w tlwy hi«p« tM ba. to»* wp to J ub » 15, 100 f'tete..-« J & .1. tbs' «svolte, MS y-s Hiasa»> uria < d Awomai® oo-i^s »ill gr te Taka at Russians. I judgment, firm io action, in­ clurltei th» convenBio® ®.« lppM’ignt they tialia.'e Afuianlto will oeans B 'fl® rising has spiring and deservilfll tiff- < <011*809® of for® vote, «is tO Brfll times ft-rid to -4 te ibv . s » auttauitatb or th* , ot>«to® «Í H- mb I i - BAP Fl BE AT NPTflUft riMOkvwm -toift- W'A » pus* io th. bi-en gathering force for stiverai days, bi* countrymen. hogl but do®«. tìa.0® <4*' eatedrariMi «4 thè l’ias» la» »<>BnB Ase«y- ties- ton Chi- 680 Christians have btitiU attacked at dotate om to '«» teMwvsasto* oa» tdn- Gib» bamritoai». m tori -xa^oe. Calling l|. (loll. the I r. iieb missB’fl settlement, many We renew our allegiance to riu» ifTin- The naepiiot wto-h to® thu twrflr ol OMHiMge to Ov ar a qouo «ar -a » «¿J at r.akt- aaDviB, 3U mito* fs'M» F>«<*ax, wbo I TWn thfl roll of stfln® Vas <(fll«*d the kito stare foto days of tto Filippo being put to death. Th# French con- ciple of the g. ld standard, a»d decltre qo«> B.®Ma”«» A Hpi o « b I -«o o oo of •<0Qpli*e< »Ul' I'I Prt»4»arg. Jauo 25.—Fi» in -»I sul and three iflis.-ioteir«■* ar« gill ib our confidence in ,'the wisdom of tltfl flifll delegation after delegation rosa i» co ®. t »- w , was c•< .MOd •tekflto I to- MBOOITOO » 10 «O' OU 1 i»t prison. legislation of the I ifty-eixth oflere«. noli-i bio. fl- aud .

« a-n * o a»u*r J 'Od ' «Mll S00OM0OM. «4 I’><• <*> Ito' od 4«*00O- te OQOOOoUO» -• When Chairman La «to­ l-sing lacking. Thirty politimi primm­ today «««se u lo* of RJ59,000, Hie disorderly elements h®ve »ecured by which the parity of all of our McKinley. *03 « '»•««•’ss. ( »«>"> tea- >«to*''teri- tl«< upi’.-r hand at Wa llai audCsechuu», money and the stability of our cur- mada the annminn inflflt that tl® ¡rssi- er« were r«-l.svsel from jail tbit inora- lag -terirt. Iteikdinga. coBtaiaàiK al Tria*» of trio. » «te- at ;».« ito 1,1'OSO Ite l'ite wd«< «d KM' la- totedv A -ttroveO by »0» boml>ail. I'aterao offkfl BKMUts. TT» ,4pr«M« .11 «Oooto to nattori- qsiU sooa be dooflks. b-tgilining March 4, 1901, thars vsaa )trended and Protection. • teoo» »«*«<» toips, aad the British ve-.- imtssnero.l. o\ thousand Boxers have bina» anulo, rto anee will ttouo cover theuixd briO'to rriri»iips «».’d fuar Chiw-so toris-do boat*. gathered on the outskirts of Tie» Tsin. We renew our faith in the polio» of tha same Wild storm Which had a»en originusr of tto moeeao». -ewr Tto ire Iteodat int ia the tut J A«riri «ba-« rie.h 0*.t B® quid b* Hire shanghai corres|*mdeut of the protection to American labor, lu thflt raised bfl Foraker, and als-n it was Flor*, G«®wal l«iti dbi Pilar, (uawonl Ek'hliunm Cinapagay’s prissuig • is. Ik-v.x olgt 1 '. * iff of United States . Oadteadi'd «a ria» Ite’)*', ( ad. Sasaslor Rsvmtto»' of l*lbifla. died in Daily News, telegraphiug yesterday, policy our industries have b®-n eriab- over Roosevelt’s nomination for tto Garcia, GaoMial Miseabaloe, Mel .»ka-r lbrimMmdl, mppossdly cawed ri -ul (''s ito ri’»»* «■< •( k «a Ostri so- a Mikritui tri Diw-ville, N. Y., of says: lishe-l, diversified afld maintained. v ice-{residency evoked a succtWaioO of prominent revolutioaina ♦.«» prw-em. U«®.«»» cimbuiten®. Th. hichxnl “The Chiifl-sa officials lfl-re a*ert By protecting the home, competition similar demonstrations. 00 Ri a ! -«a tawve keen Isas acd. It pointed out that ria- -qoa*«*in» bnildlna; fr.mwd 00 Fifth tvctne.l rifail«»-. uco» bito l'«<® ill «eviflal that they have news from I’ekin up to has been stimulated and prodffctflin Lafe Young, w ho Was With RooSBvslt to be coixntosd we»e military ato tow dtxrs below Wood «rwt -n.l .8« «orami si’ri-i«« «4 «toga«--ai oooq b" oo»Mri» , Jun« 17. The situation was then very cheapened. ia Cuba, nominated him on behalf It civil, tkn. military eomernad with a Ktorris bigb inxd rin« tsm.ttol ri I MM.ito d awsOsg to Ma- 'ìsmi se qim Half <4 I®* rioo i® s< p-irt«®of th. serious. Beyond that tl«-y claim to We commend the policy of the Kt- tha «tato which had originally eflm» tb c-wats® of b0« - I» b > q te* to’ Itesi» aroooon » Bt«- scpriO» s "I '«0» a ® t l®ainess block- that di-patches have been withheld. cieucy of the civil service. TI® ad­ lOation Was seconded by Delegate Mur­ ■oaitss of the Ftlipimi*. Thu inwed- Electric Company tto thitd rl.«r lei "la a «to r a- «toooa wsttoXi «*l tri- court bosse, wvr. “Although 1 am not willing to adopt ministration has acted wisely in ita ray, of Secretary Long’s state, anil Del­ Site object ef the meegin« was to effect fore rito Areno® cowid du moch-i-fl-l Firn rhratroyedl Mie ll.sra»’ ter Ae ®>Mroy.-d b. It«, wikB loss.-. e*u»at<-eiae, tori cohaequently So» toto-rs iw w.tric rito »re h.d coiiiiininicare d I ra nffless obildrea >0 Lea.lvilbi, Col»., iff f 1,000,000. gathered from the consuls and Chinese Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the came here for Bartlett Tripp. IChflun- couhi cotwelt With the civil omuiM- the Excbakn®e Nattoual Bah), bo: »«»». tbe tei«b «f f»»roi to' Neg.flaitio®- hr a commercial treat? authorities, is that the worst is to be Philippine islands only those whose cey Depew wound up the oratory on Hii® a« te politicHl atuMtr*. It -^aa next texjr btoow. i«*'l iute trine k ni Admiral Seymour’» fitness has been determined by training liehalf of the state which declared for evident th»«t Sewr Patvao wae cob * Hassey taildin®. adjt.inih).. -.ul 9 Fra®ci» of (Wleiriis, Braice of < JiAn- with Frato-e tfl«-e tula natisfactunlv feared in Bekiu. Depew’s speech arousal vincBd that 1® coaid ulataia A go anil- tatev«ody tto »re hxb iried toJml ville, a.ili of tbe late Louis 1 1 ’biliflpe. concludt-d by the brazilma minlit.-r of column is now in the middle of an arid and experience. We believe tliflt em­ Woodruff. France plain, with no food aud no good water, ployment in the public service in tln-se the most dazzling dreams of the coun­ king of tlm Freneh, ia dead of 1 pBeB- Bir.-iga affairs at Rio .laflviro. do's ««nctioB •) a phare tused op.® tto 1’iatn's «ik>OB attri o’»»iiirunt «M. I will graBt a reduction of 20 per ceBt au l surroun.fl d by hostile forces.’’ territories should be confined, as far ® try’s During every pause, th< following eevea ciaos««, which, after M Mur.tock’s flosst stefle "Otneof monili, ag««t 82 years. A di*|>atch from Shanghai announces practicable, to their inhabitants. t tl»' dsty ofl Braziliaff coffee. t®nd played hut one air, the tuna four hours, w - t B «OtoitoMdy Mrcepted pei toh», ff.ri a tima tlw enti" u Tliree persona were kille-l th°al the United States transport Public movements l.avkQig to a per­ which Colonel Roosevelt had heard 10 as compatible With an taateutbtos i «naB: liouatted by fifth avte«e, Wooii-twt The Pai-i»<- Oil Works Com puff y was seriously iujuied *>v a colllsion b.tweec Thomas, with^ for Manila, was manent improvement of the roads and tig- trenches before Santiago. Fir<—AmiMMty. nord Market nffaefl **::■ an expres» tram and a traili tilled witB iBcor|««B race-goer» near Iaiudou, England. laku with 1.200 meu. pmr cordial approval, and we recom ­ had done the unparalleled thing of » gulch, alinoKt in the heart of the cans to tt® Filipifcis of cc®t«uutel brands were chrriril by tbe wind'. I G. B. Rumnielin, a well-knowm mend this subject to the earnest 'consid­ nominating both the candidates for property. city. Sample oil from outcropping in­ building» >• all direction*. nierchant of Bortland, Or., Mas unir* Killed |u a Train Wreck. eration of the people and of the legis­ president and vice-president unani­ dicate rich deposit. Work will be Third—Eniployrfltat of revolaticnvry The greariMb excitement preva: ' I Mildred dered in New York city, presumably Lebanon, Ky., June Fl — Two men lature* of the several states. mously, adjourned. prosoeufetl at ouce. generals in the t»vy agni Œilit». wba» rito rooms of Driff’» Business <’< Mr roses. l- 1 ili" purp' M. of robberv Hi* tliroat” wre killed and five seriously injured We favor the extension of the rural Governor Rigisevelt drove from the established. whgBB 50 rri morn < b I cb » « fl *- L 'n No was cflt fnmi ear to ear. A dispatch from Lor(f Robert* sent in a wr-«yk thia afterniam on the lamia- free deliver’#'service wherever its ex­ convention hall with Mr. Odell, -■•«ted Fourth—Th» appliietot» of the Fili­ Wk. Tto extetei'® of the rc » o«r If you in the rear of an open landau. He A native rlslng ha* oc.-nrred in tha from Pretoria, J uffe 1U, gives an official ville A- Nashville Railroad at Cavalry, tension may be justified, o pino reveauBB te sacco weeIy Filipij® «oto so mp*d tdtot D b «- people ’ 0 you all The killed We favor home rule for and tffc ffirly liftoff his broad-brimed hat to the con* soldiers. Gamlda colonv, West Africa, ami two version of an attack on a British post six miles from Lebaiiou. run f.r ttoir liv*, not hav w tiMi I ’ Aud 1 Britlsh colli misaiouen and aix memi-era at Zand river, June IB, by KOO Boer*, ar?: George Mullins, of Mount Vern­ admission to statehissl of the territories tinuoi® salvos that greeted him as he Fifth — A (im-astM te the Filip®.» ®«*bw- prri w « n rftb that «».*»1 »tito* Iflires, to I carpenters. Thirteen homa. street, like a conquering hero fresh, 011 thè South Lanka of Gambi» Kuox, with a mixed force, drove off the both bridge We favor the construction, owner­ from new victories. Tonight the face« <•< rded •> Amari-'IUMI be ttov o-OOXFtn- b id ptote-bed, herit to k»own t?W i»-'. but liver, l.y Manding.aia The l>arty hau Boer*, who left four dead and four pris­ bridge carpenters were at work on the tion. thariidl ««’-pod unhart. wants to gene to Sannkanndi to setti« a questioi; oners on tile tield. The British loss bridge that crosses Rolling Fork River. ship, control aud protection of an isth­ of McKinley and Roosevelt are on all sixth—Eflfcblixbwent of civil gov was Major Seymour and two men killed The pitssenger train was in the center mian canal by the government of the the badges, and their names Ibon’t yot ot locai ad ministra tion, wlieu tlie Man- are o» ernmqpts at Ma»ib and ■ tfe prov­ Aorecce*. Dr®«'"'- of the first 100-foot span when the Unittol State*. every lip. dingo«* suditelily attacked and unir- aud uine wouuded. "Can M LMbn, Jut* 25.—The Timn •" inces. In the interest of our expanding com­ dered th.«m. "Thank The French government will have bridge gave way anil precipitated this merging: ”5uto 9 the goienu»-» Robert« Found Guilty. Seventh — Expulsh® of M- friaiB. almost the entire train ¡to the tied of merce, we recommend that congress ■MM 4 of Morocco det a formal ilemM"1 The Mexican government, (ollowing 4,200 troop« at Taku when the rein­ The statai»«»t of the stefftoti proti»- Salt Lake, June 23. — The jury in the the river. The last coach, containn»; create a department of commere«. and ! t» I'd h thè example set by Texas, ha* quaran- forcements just ordered have arrived 20 passengers, was *eft hanging over Kbb th® FrUkcfl govaiflment for h«' I"1 industries in the charge of a secretary ease ot B. H. Roberts, on trial for un­ iot was voci f«Buer l«afl Ta«iers. Mon’' notici* to thè contrarr 1« given. al) per­ Juue 30. The dispatch of a cruiser pel.” of guilty. Ro'nrts, in an agreed state ­ ^Ve approve the annexation of the • nts. 5 sona who bave been in San I rati. 1 eco division, which was dacided upon, damaged until after its occupauts were Hawaiian islands to the^ nite-l States ment of fact* putd-efore the jury, ad­ coat«®-Is tbw 4 n Yellow Fovor •> Cu> coraaiflM®Auace Witfl the Algerun I' 1 Ml. lieeat within a periiai «>( 15 day» will not 1.« will give France a strong naval force, taken out. mitted that he entered into a polyga­ Hava», Jug® 25.—TU BBOallv Tlir Philippine*. [her whtel IsnIiiK it> Fight African Natives. allowed to paM thè lairder uutìl tliev oriislstiug of seven modelu cruiser- mous marriage with Maggie B. Shipp heavy rains tha» I®.® t-toB falling (Turkish gov«ra<*s of Algeria * ’ In accepting, by the treaty of Patis, Kingston, Jamaica, June 21.—The have remaiued in quarantine (or a »ut- three of the first-class and four of the Ml® I the responsibility of our victorie* in aud lived with her and his legal wife, throughout Cuba hav* caused yellow tha trench ccfcquest of I n :!'1 «•* Ipulllng tli tìcieiit lengtli of time to make up thè second class—four gunboat» aud a dis­ West Indian regiment today received sively provir® that the < 'a-is • ■' Sarah Louisa. It is claimed that Rob ­ orders from tig- war office to hold iteull the SpHuiah war. the presi-leut and the erts relies on the supreme court to re­ fever in places wffere it has been un­ nearly equal distant from M 'W” 15 day». The Mexican quarantine patch boat. Ing Mr. B known for years. Fortunately, except senate won the undoubted approval of relates to paaseugers o^ly. The lairder I i*‘»y- Princess RadUwill, of Russia, WHR in readiness to proceed to Gambia, the American people. No other course verse the verdict on technical grounds. at Santa Clara a®) Quemado«, the Algeria, Tunis and Feizati. t’" authorlties have thè matti-r in hau.l. I Brownl robbed of jewelry worth £10.eeials from tow ns in South­ hotel in laindoli, June 20. Among the and a Maxim gun for service against sovereignty throughout the West Indies Quema.los two cas» are repor*!, lizesl flv tfle flflglwfl*ors of I Gunnison, Colo., [June 23._ Tl> I k|ug. M west Nebraska tell of violent I rain Mild jewels was her historic rope of l.’>0 the Aehanteee. About 775 men of the and in the Philippine islands. among the members of General L® m •tfla.” Colorado A- Soufiern Railroad Com­ I i-rf- r® wind storms with some (vail, At Sy ra­ pearls, each weighing 22 grains, and a Kingston infantry militia volunteered The largest measure of »elf-govern­ fftet-lv ».Qui»- .<> Al***«- staff—Major Kean, chief «nrgeo*, a®I pany’s iron bridge across the Gunnison ® OflUifllB ». June 25.—It 11 1 ! I please, t< «•use, 5 k « HichtiM of ralu has ffilimi in bracelet of emeralds, the gift of the ment .¿insistent with their welfare and Captain Hepbnrn, signal officer. Cap­ (or the same service yesterday. river. 2 S rapes above this town, was I dinners, i 21 hours. Damage to cn>pa U heavy, Ameer of Afghanistan, The princess our duties shall lie secured to them by­ tain Hepburn's case is serious, but o»t B®-* that Governor Bnciy wrecked by an explosion of giant pow­ Beck Itrtiii Want« Keiininliiat iB>>- The Little Mehama valley is one \HNt was about to start to Paris, but wl.ll« law. To Cuba, independence and Major Kean’s is light. Mrs. EdniMds, ka. will retnr» •> Alaska ina e” ” ‘ I '•»rrlag.-s der early ths morning. The explosion lake, and many families have lAu at luuclieou she left the jewels lu their Frankfort. Ky., June 21.—Gov er not «elf-governmeut were assured in the I complain wife of the late Major Frank Edmunds, Off May 18 the Republicans "I ' compelled to a I taii< Ion their homes. cases, locks*I in her wardrol>e. On Beckham, the youngest governor this same voice by which war was declared is believed to have l>een caused by sym­ is convalescent. She has not vet bee» asaemble.1 in convention declate I tude itse pathisers with the strikers at the coal I tolay. I F might train. vemor in the United States, issued a tory and upon this declaration of its { mines, to prevent the running of trains has developed only three cases thus far, was inimical to the interest» cf ' I aiblr nisi to the mines. i reek, at Weeping Water, Cass county, teetive. have thus far proved unavail­ statement tonight, formally announc­ principle* and policies confidently in I "It res' in spite of the gloomy prediction of The governor blame* congr«’* ■ /’ l* the highest known for 10 year, aud ing. Fortunate)«- moat of her diamomi-, ing hie candidacy for the Democratic vokes the .xmsiderate and approving what would occur as soon as the rainy legislation, and believes that I Mr Krov The animal that first succumb« to were lu a sale at lenti-. bank. ’’ItaeüB» I »1 ghtly. Missouri l‘a< itlc trains are delayed. nomination to succeed himself. Judgment of the American people. -• a- n, from which th.-J ity did not suf­ make explanations that will extreme cold is the hone. fer last year, was really at hand. ly satisfactory to his people- “Of | fatal 1 rnrinmt llotiar fire. Pnrtable Sawmill Hlrw I’p. I lew.-d m TO tobacco trn«t ha* established a Bv the death of Thomas E. Terrible Tragedy In Saw »'ranclsro. Buffalo, June 21.—Three deaths have Bebel» Ba®»«- 1 Mlal.t«. Drowned Whll« Bathing. Hamburg. N. Y., Jun* 22.—A boiler I gir." virtual boycott on independent dealers in New York six theater* and a resulted (nun a tenement-house tire San Francisco, Jnne 23.— Henry E. Caracas, June 25.—The ( on ff of a portable «team engin» need to pro- Sonoma, Cal,. Jnne 25.—The Rev. revolutionist« have occupici 1 •’ I "But n iug burina«* in New I Tig I and. fortune are left to hi* 15-v here la>t night and a fourth will fol- Bike, a bookkeeper, shot «id killed hi» pel a rawmill exploded near the village F. H. Bart let, pastor of the Epiecopal low. live I’he dead are Mr». Mrs. Guliana former wife, and then committed sui- statirtiQs of the criminal ]*q?ulatmu daughter Edna, Ills sole heir. manga, on the Vfl®n»W ",n T r ‘Dt* CI I I «nd papi of Eden. Erie county, tin* evening, in­ I Bn-wnin of the United Stata* shows that only clde tonight at the home of Mrs. Tike. church of St. Mary the Virgin, of >an Cuicnta, a town in the d< : art A iiionumeut to Maj. Gen. John Mi landa* and her *on, aged N years, stantly killing three men—John Flem­ ha* l«en accidentlv I Sol.ttide Bike left a letter full of abuse of his Francisco, Au infant six |w-r cegt of the total uuuiber of Sedgwick has been set up at hi* biith- aud a -laughter of 5 yeaite San&nder, also on the ing. Alexander Fleuiiug and Bert Maui- drowned? while tvathing, in >onomk “You» criminals arts women place, Cornwall, Conn , and 11 UMS child of Mr». Milan.!»« wan l-adly former wife. ac. using ber of many un- frontier, continue, in po»* 1 *» 1 D u creek. ln user. burned, and lA-anuot survive. nroprteties. Bike formerly lived at "No." revolutionist*. The Montreal Star claims it has evi* dtwlicated on Memorial day. "Wbat dence that the Clan-na-Gael piatili«*! Taoocna will offer a $150 silver cup Denver, where he was in the employ Berlin |»>slal authorities estimate Captain Rvorgr T.wte Dvafl. Printing • -lj<>"rn«»- ¡ "No. 5| the Welland canal explosion as a re­ no fewer than ItiO.tHHi |«-«tal card* ►r a competive drill between tbe 12 of the Denver A Rio Grande railroad. New York June 25.—The death to Milwaukee, Wis„ June 25 -T"'u«l|iaadel®*>n*trjuig” I tmairm. lnrr»a»e«l p*y fur >B,a| x » b . o ag-d H.’>, 1« the oldest living gradual» ia the Flemish won! for ant.-m- bile, Roti © June 21.—Signor Saracvo, ha* lauel the following statement: Js|..n Treat, th« Wound«*. Washington. June 23.—The navy Cklrago students Oolnfl Io r*r» Ol «up| " The examination by expert account­ of Yale, ot which hl. father and grand* Wouldu't that make you stick to the president of the Italian senate, who Yokahoma. June 25— The Rnrik dejsirtment has issued a general urder. Chicago, June 25.—A n 1 n brr * ant* of the treasurer's office from the father wen- also aluu.ui He la .till a old re I ia lil» b.««f was «uiiiu’oned to the quirinal vaster- sails.I for Taku yerterday. The gov- student, of the University date of its inception last year ha* been nuder the term« of the last appropri®. practicing lawyer. in a«* A laill.x'n honse ia being built at day after the rv-ignation of the cabinet, completed. The offi, r wa« found in ti. n act. increasing tbe par of naxa) ernment has arranged to ro.-eive and re about ready to start if The san franct..*. Call state« that Fort Myer, near Wa«hi®(t ii. ami ex- has evil intrusted bv Klug Humbert treat the wounded of other power«. the Paris exposition. As « •ffi.vrs on «h.ire In Buert. Rico Cub* excellent coadithxn. It ha* also hv©i ex-tdtt**ri Lilluokaianl ha* decided to tensive ex|**riment* are to l-e made bo with the task of forming a new minis- The Russian wounded bav» already ar . M l the Bhtlippine island.«, can ill afford to pay the usu ----- . Hawaii and conclusively proved that the charge of Icing rail against the Untied *taten th« government Im.king tosard the U«*’ trv to su - e-l that of General Be<©ux. Alaska by 10 per ci ■ent. — aud for the en- need. Ships belonging to the stand- incident to st-j-h a trip the? Fr ? extravagance in thy^uatter of salaries c government for the restoralviu o( tbn of the balloou in warfare to Americans {mi l from island fund« is I i*te-1 men of the marine corps i aebora ing squadron are assembling at Kase- work their wav across the '* ,D” *r<>wn land« and revenue«. at tb ” er pie- es 20 j-er n. Tbe «Ion# * The navy dejairtment i« arranging tucky c- ®t ot appeal», if an» oue an* fact of the ease is that the highest ■ rea-e is to be computed from May M Calcutta. June 25.—Fcurte^i tran. have wheels will take them I « tb«» last. do their land journeying up 1 »* the fortification of Drv Tortuga«, tx-ys a dog while the la eating salaries {»id in the island are pai l t. PJta will convey troop. from iDdia to 1‘riarl hart**. Ban®. Batago and Guam. aud gets bitleu as a -ouaequenee, the Cubaus I he re|«-rts of extravagant« The Great Northern railroad ■ in- Mi«» Helen Gould ha* With 'hear. Alaska and i avite, Amar* vlctliu 1» guilty of .¿vntrlbut.-ry n*^lt- m trau*{su aud tbe like at» »ba«’ secútate a fast (might System port. The Nerbuoda and Balamlevtta (•et» een will protMbly H|| >onJaj B1U1 ,,.T the Berrian colle, tv® of work* 0 lea would dominate Uw Baciuu g«U< e aud vMUU’t racX’ver la msg««. Uitely false.” Mattia and Vk balcom. montali« to the N«a York puLlK “ mftontry^ a. CÀÜFBKLL, Fropr1»l»® Si <7-