T H E KXTABLISHEI» EOR TUE imMlllTION OK DB IO'.’Li TIC rilttlPLEl. IIP TO Rm IN RÜ1H»T LITIWC RT TRE SWEAT OP OIR BROW EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE, 9 1900. NG Ki Paraso s! Parasols! WAR’ IS ENDED o Cajfiial Storv of \V. W. Saunders 30 Pretine^ tow In. lean State Ticket ChAAA All the new things. See window display a. . Rise to Atìluence. — VV. \V. Yaunde th , formerly of <’«»r. valli» «bo «hot and killed Charl^ t'nKnplj, 1« tow h prosperotlV InvByer nt Spokane. Hie crime, arrag,, e«e >|>* to ABJ-a Bj> ctfyd, recaptui*>, JnSu >af *a«A he championed, are Jell fnoy* throughout the ’•lllglg» te »alley, ai d are recalled bjk a recant di^pattli •> th lioaj>csi Specl»l lo ite Guar i» ixntM» k> kfc 4r<4)*>ty dlght*«, in a .(Matry rf» wikb n«»n- " P*«* Whick tl«> Dtfch ù a »fr­ uì so»! »o wgll how krf'frtify tand i»*'ti ^he lutili» ootsh* thkr t». ms * t»> eantiir> and il hi» emMi.d * of t»>* . He had u rival, and one morning ¿jU.' rival was found Head iu a luouiiTalu path, where It was -aid Saunders bad been sesti walking on the night previous. Il was a plain Case of mumer. Circum.tanjlal svi- deuce accumulated sjyiiiùét Ba^uder. almost as rapidly £i hi. friend, de­ cried inni, Wilftlti a few hoàr. he f»» uuSfer a;rre»jj, <1 s-g?»uii^i|»> Sir 11». lliwMfea'j». Ulin<»JI a uef triM *»»» 14» gtoW.I< iliHfltl» IvtifciMy ■» t<> t»B lteYCs hot»»».» to* frtottb igttMO« *«¿11 H» Jur>. U reft rasMMd d U1> -vs<»4l tfel, but tot Wito tr> hang Itorlq» ■» thQ, tlimato, *» JWtNki Jouiat »*• ggeat to kg. IMS». egu*. ito« ttoa- prosMswi to stonMOu lit» te b»a a llleAne i^ aw* be. Diet« [rsHstsu wag, bl saghi ts berfb lo carry luto ettect aiikiy << tl» UbliM* wdiich tiare tieen «»re thte rtoEdbe t»* fflMHN Eiy;li.«i prlmha»», i»< thWUt. ''Ho t*‘- Guani. Mo«oi.i iy, dta» • — a • <»«»* «r RB» i» atm«») l|i»s oe.CriM ina»- a loci indicate thè prfl*iieg i< ih» »»«»l» »» Wl Tlie hdllh autln»itiee b.gia* (‘».natici. 1R7 ,.15d> i Boxa»* io,tato» Specilli to thè Gnard. Bua*1*'«!. Jun| 5.— O*|»»- h Kia* <• «u«m trrwki* hgh i»tied I *|| re, in Jlilch to’» d«*1 •n’ X»». • •• Si« Ifl • BkA A —a. ttif -he «IlT fgi'S all b*.»« r»h< thaii in «il rg « itti III« II om »», igM «> OtasRb * . 16CH tigr «■ «he i~ C'|ieeri*l tl'ey hi.** *>«1 .1(13.1 and « III continue to bave full e*« m »«M» .............. .. . ......................... .176« warships. O ‘_______________________ «ta «taSfl,.. .1612 >«•»* id«. Jl«»> ♦ mm Illi .1717 ............................ tr............... .1763 » smh . • e"................ • M«r I G«« r<>4MPLAt»t J I LVCT»» ¿Iny, Bfcc. ♦»a/ta* .. HA-..*......... LICKY BOY CLE#»gDP. Teentv-thiW l’ouid* saf (»II ia Eittten Days. ................... 2136 Hally Guard, June 5 ................... ............................. .1687 F E Hliurkey brouftkt taitas th» «k4aa lM4a»y Boy mit», RM- Har, Isdny 0 .1«7H 28 poandta of »* >t< a rental h of a cliam-ay igfrei a !«■••»*< »an. '*M««On. I'hv *H(j instavi of tbh tod» Ik ifaust t-4T>*Mto The prflchWs snMI in ■» eta- hlbltli« in lb» wiadw«w .tf ehs- j. «*«Jvy dire of d • Lmfay, msm I hpwm M M b of g»»*'. uwitLts >m ftkutl «ido» min. Ih*» Ml SW< with piaW, just aerosa tbt1 »(age line, in Or. eon. Five yeara aReriArd |lr. Mtmudera wi* giliee J »Me of Spokane, mid he ia now one << the letsling atturneya of the city. Ti» only incident for which any Ms»l”S. of the bur nave ermi Hed tilgi loto, pl»'* in the police cogrt daring h|p larly atrugUlea here He wig. dl'Miding a n»n m euaed of vagranay. *1 tiiat stage of Ina caneioeviry (••» V<* counted^ Haundera eaid to th* gohse Judge ill the coui.-e id Id- | g*a “I kaoW this chi ul ol giiiie. 1 kgsw t»S fig’ threw mouilla l e pe N t»‘« ti» harde-t kind of m i,i».| »gor. I »> tvabimony of Ilie police Un* » yill sig V'ork la quite antr «'." It **■ an Uutggnil uglgiui, i»d bM UtoBHruge apid: “Year te-tlSMsiy g< -affiekmt to acquit 1dm, and it Ia ulf tlato la lu li» favor. By tig- wa/, Mr. .'♦»ink»«, where did you kuof Inni?" "lie ifiS. aiy oell»ute In the Ore/« W ppMiteattevy, your* Hoigor,” replied A .*>»*> -HohMyia NMQan Htakwhtori. The idlense tig- followed the HSewib an»: “A pytol J «sa Is tefe) on «ft? w» uncomfortable stitil ttae es art HuMet» team Mid tKr «ftftiflnflfl» jnjt apologized for the qaetofcin. t-hamter»' • WciHijg jaist beieae hire >hnt gmfrwji* ■ms'war igi» ths drat intia»» 'Mb cfari«4 tn MtfgfVi» »wsr.d to^s oí had SSB- ,**•«*’. tort. Itoti! xmi-try nr.iig lata piM, Mhortly uAita tbw, «**e«*ed u»«n Hre «IVjee^aftAk faa a toar a ht M- ptaa t.li, a re> *«w i I the a fear msm N'M ts Mtotoch- a crbñ¿k sraie ia wlsi«to toe we- . dok-uduag, IM. bmU IfeMI». Hi)«> rijftfujfti stars-d bs by hie »**•«■• «■*< wM a I*- “'«•»«ic.*»i- *ii>* *tvj¡« giVJXB wto- contoiietl«g{ the VH»s»aagp« Mai* PM'N himm tt.Mt» «1V^ w.erjw t>Tn> ■a.*»- hlSta p<4tae Jstogp-, J sfar stoea- wrMMaM*aii«eHftQi1h ‘n»ilíflH» dbtaa h a Te««* by Idrtk* Ms- hi daw to­ F»«dM tted, stasi tohesbe th«- typtoto rdsitotoPM XWiMnt>b.n»«4 «toegfitiT «tolfWjMiMQjN M p i taid. >*la ss«-« lana«*«.,' pvy. id ai- HWrelfli COIRMI mint» to wants.' JtMtff* hto«e vwsM tmd ttow t*s- Mh-my sg h ** h >*4. M«*4ito4mtTeto!f{iiV»l.>ronfl^jBiíi¡lM todsl s» h km sa y I h I sg. Mb«» hh tre»- ’'*'•*<••***► WriArifMfbjNtvn^M MMujk 0*41*1)1 ijfmílAXMjl « 4S> irttyhi ■aav essaye tston ttoe sei«» *d, M»d ha- h «he sm M to he uM*-e to di-imdgg H, >ist »twwHfwmib injix^tir jfcm4tyngM$& iv.-.‘.ran?i>;r.‘ n¿ de «■*- fa Mh to w «uto Hases- hswsst»- «toeiSM. I » as Ume to titas», hwMMtaV, b» wft-r W.Ke lí-itHlfr. en0>j»dl Hl> ayrtlc ths* «J tlwalB’1 ( tanggta Sr sab to .« ssm ■**«*■** *»JWI?a for (ha* i*B killed ar statai 14 Y «w. OI mmw Ifcwh. ess« Hato tasar hr, hr war* to Ntohnas (•bgpss wkhta a yeas» mm , mid • WMIhh affiíl» ierulss «pytas-d ar haw sitale. Ufa rswad wtotto »Wes, «oM k»K*n. U» theater aufbe hkdhdy iptatai« »R.*br M» i—lMMd w»N» gutfMV rft •Ebitÿ.nv.i ar. no» ««^maatotaisy «sla»- kg- sea*»» aMAl i*Mwr»ta‘ «rt> VtojB.tf ’- at Portland, ■ wMaim a Hhamfr HtaSe hr hrsaau» sto" ffcr MaMfea^k». «ind Mi» Carter Uvirstn fer Hre hswud «tf th|e w«fti tff El’SKXK NIC# SlimiM HWÎ nm row * k W* iHRW. National U (rl«HilM{ ExtfCMRl Will Db IWI’ TmHUVrrrt^ >\igl^ Mr < he-t?r Austin; erwaar, Alte Clara' Of Eugene. l»i4lt.-«NMN«Mt,/(kM»»W, th Ai.fltobt, (Mr, J»1 «.—July’s ©»- w-Mt * SM««> democrat, for prosecuting attorney,, Thoma», and Mr Augu«t Kent. Manila. » «Mt sttam»B. •---------------- I The JudU'-x of each event will render I fjupkd at W»J(DL15G.— Fred wlllbeabou' »50 votela head. Entire itheir deHdon at the close of the HEmaim». P. t. ♦wvnWiafc ' union county ticket Is elected by from® ier. Iks""“- Rm-ell wa« injured l«-tl evening al program. 8pee^l%iusg®wlll (»-pro­ » * »«IB, L. ML Forra», Wendling«y falling between two logs , 1(X) to «J00 majority. L *’’* Presldcat. vided by «tudents of the High school. Am t < which cloae<^on him. Hla headTwas An adn.iMion fee of ten cents will l.rui«ed, and the right knee wrenched be charged. painfully. -Mr Ru«aell wax brought Doors r>i«n at 7:30; program begins A Dew coin three cfYit piei^ has down and taken to the home of bia at S p. m. been authorized by act of congrese, Capital - $50.030 parents three mii’es north of Eugene Istabllsbsd « iati. An Oregonian correspondent from The injuries will cause Mr Russell to to take the piare of the old coin which • or - waa so much like a dime that Ils Halem eaya of the excursion: ‘‘The tie laid up for several week». 4 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS­ coinage was stopped. The Dew turee- •slrxm» ran wide ',d»n whl^Slthe ex­ fuqene OREGON. ACTED ON FAVORABLE TERMS (' orkwt .-Albany Democrat, June cent piece Is ordered to be made ot cursion i«u» were here, but the crowd Dr»fuA««u»d n tbe rrir.c*pal ritte» of th« 5: ‘‘There sheuld be a la» against Dickel, tbe size of tbe old brooze cent, wa« very orderly Haloon men say Untlrd Biikt«« and fcrrlf n r<> ntrl*a. Rw«’ Jar.kirj burnii nail brLV.hH lawrsst sl ow : . ■ - r«n i Orti .esito of railroad* [»rmittlng more passengers although thicker. I d tbe ceoter is that the crowd ir. town »pent more lM«eit «ben lef ’’»ted Tertixi. r«<*aÌYe <*’>r DH-mi’* attSBWMI. - on a car Iban ran be comfortably seated. Io be a bole noe fourth of an Inch in money than any crowd that has ever city «ltd < ouDiy w*rr*.»tA fioug* u It 1« not right to load a car until paee- diameter. This will make the coin vl»ited Haletn on a similar occaaion. *M’4drt n fawabli teems. engera bare to bang over tbe edge, as raelly distinguished by eight or touch. They consider this an evidence of o A *AI*F. *• it HOVEY, Rresident vas done in the trainmen's exrunuon | ft will I» some time, however, before increased progperlljt.” That’s strange $ffc< P t «« m M. • M. KHRi MH. Caahie’ W. * HSIO** reasoning Indeed. yesterday.” this coin will ba io circulation. fi H HOVEY, A»«t t'asuier. a » m CaMHtr. ’• á us Cash Caprai S50.000 Wui • - $50,000 We pay the highest Cash price CUGINE I Loan^SavingsBank ILARE COUNTY BANK Paid Of Up Cash Eugene, Oregon. Surpib! . • • • * 2,500 New Wrappers Shoes Shoes F. E. Dunn