A LIFB ON THE OCEAN WAVE. (An tbu U _£________ For Infants and Children. A • The Kind You Have Always Bought CASTO RIA o ÄVefle table Preparation for As - slntilatmß the Food and Reöukt ting thesuwiAchs aiillJuvwb of Bears the Signature I nfan is /< hilpken Promotes Digestion,Cheerful - ncss and Itest Contai ns neither Chnutn, Morphine nor Mineral K ot N ahcotic Ones more ng of our heart« «hall be. While the wind and the waters rave, A home on the rolling sea, A lite on the ocean wave! —Epes Sargeant. »¡»I »ivi He Wished She Had $ ▲ Tai* of Disappointed Ixjve. V 9 BY GlfMDOLEN OVERTON. » | Atrrfecf Ki twcdy forCu^slty.i H«. •<*una JLoaMriaicaaJewitar ticss ondali ïtâ (£E MIXE» TJß«Simia S^öUtajtf who b* wtt and that be had been down Mit tWO years and 1 DR UP t< > San Fran chuirn who A Purtland Man Gives au 0 ‘It's an old ian Reporter a Talk. La ting from our college__ e agreed then that Oregonian Mav >• whichever should marry first the other should come from the ends of the earth, “L M Kuigbt, a remdeut of If necessary, to see him thr lgh. Tom laud, who has just returned from sent for me, and here I am.” Mis* far- trip to the Blue River mine*, in L rar asked what Tern’s other name oounty, »*y» » nutub*r < f i might be. It was l «ion. Brooke for­ properties are being developed tbi got about himself jam long enough to ask if she happened to know Bolton, and that the district will shortly c m but he dl6 to «10 think of that. He went on to tell her a day with a mortar and pestle. This s<®nethlng that had happened between old miner 1* uot nsnxious to sell to he Tom and himself at college, something can mortar o»t >11 the money lie iij>3b In which he figured rather tlore cred­ any Afce ft®’, but several guiniug |®«>- itably th* the v«li^c|f Y>® ay ftii watched the delicate yellbw old fflnsl ¡tr<»*vtjk, h>we tsrta trying coast of Lower California, fonskkUn ojf to |k*t A bond 0:: it. On’y l ite'. weA G*<1 »rito! man, of all but th» s«e<«li® •*ladh a«l th« Whipping v*»v-»$ * *»«•«»•* ¿»'JU |fc!®A ato tka* tlw iwr lev«*/ *■•»«■ *■»'.«> 1» >•»- «A << atalilgta» at M t w. tot invar -MM/M' Vow Br*»k«, Wlr **M p*wa M vbA* intata ns * m wi*a < 1* world stands higher in noble aim, Knights of Pythias. That order is do .1/ written a rill cowhand 1 At ntioii because i muruce of th* of the promu.-Dce writer. It 1fo’l'ow?:7Jt, ch ••M-isrs. W. II lo oker & Co., New Yo ,'sr a serious, lon-.i—tanuing throat difficulty and extreme­ ly hard cough. Had used many well-sp ken f prepara­ tions without relief. 1 can honestly say that Ackers l Remedy removed the dmiculty and stopped the cough. I did not purchase C ache I. L e F evre . Mi ron Ohio p»-^ or use more than three bot­ the last is still ou hand. ------- I also --- con > tles and at least one-ha'f of (Signed) C C allie allie I. LL, S-. an- with no permanent results. (Signed) U| “ The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevr«, refers «1 having sucre,-». ]■• ■ sh Remedy is Mr- W. B. Chiltojt, Srifo. of the president of ■ , u ;or Co o: T Ohio, whero- this remedy’ hap «c^npl-ft« ,:1 rh-.at and Lung Troublw* .1« cwtfrarMtfon1 wiA 1» «nd thaY. ht'J at;-.- amour t ewer ence fith A«'** •. »to»l’>sA toovtoly «1 hi, c. thirdto they cannot d--1®;’ l-b-u^.- «itki*t it. A. k. r-s Ers-U-b RerKdy is sold by all dri««», -3®? a WHi.fan , v , , , . „ ■: .ir .ed in - .is-iot failur«. .... <« a3j |r • a-,1.1. In EneW»4, IS. *t. «. <4. anti ,>. 6d. '*’• ♦ e >«8,ri:<' **« CO., ISif n-ao, 3?o® sale by W. L. DeL^ne, Eugene,1 to WLJoiûME^' 'ioräMi w ill curs Blind, Bit eding and Ihbiug File«/" tune allays »he iu-lii»^ ut *nee, act* in* instant reliai, irepaaud o»ly for UilstmV s* l*a«*i r.-r.v hw< w iwrrrMted. Jni» sville, ii.v.,,»i.vs: “l»r. Williat»«’ tetra* ■•• after ye*s od sutarwg.'' Bckj. .. st hy ■.» * »••**»< ta «sc«. 5» For On* Q«, Wit « n.% ..wi- - ' ,,'c ;„L„ ••l-.vt.ml?" ’!*.] '.»,C.'K by ' el-ta’ f ■ el- 'It «'■•> eqi to I -tirhln -ai • • ® ■ta-o-to- .•..¡•-4IY > ijita,- Fricetot.tat «9 * ■ !gi ' l .’() I o'l.' 1 w»oh »<• n- mtwh m ¿aaM.tat tie ka*w In- did ant bta • it J*1 ¡^li*ratke- -ta»’ 'ta-A ari-1 the I burn your <15.-'>0 a.>y Gay you ..f N.-v,!. - r».ri||fi( • • a" ful.t i » A • • ••• J .1« ■ frit»'">"»»-»■' fl - • " * > I At.UfÄ- lwh I.’.-'O*'. lb- *• • • Y I >•> <.■>.•••• I •»!.»-< F ! • • *F T, t .» llh.H A to HIT« THE Iftli .•<»>•• Ijll-bflUULM _ bt*! •->»: r< In A mortai •Sh rt tto («4 tobtet. Airito «a* b-» . • • er »! ■» r»i».'a* • fou l Ù ■rTRiiousnamer C- er« • • it crii .• 1 in our ► - . -------------------------------- * to be UMd « th< rop< • With fall length table « y ♦♦er«. «C»-st ' ' • ».. . la. • •' M.-L .in< ■’ " - 1. -self .r:i r . l-lÿ) .toletewfre^, r.: . t k: ,«e; (¡»y- 11« th ir'>n jcfind ta- aàinif vibrât ¡»utent tan*. >n ni It •t i il b,,r. *•!««.' 4ew>«toe4 Mid Ofl to* IT’bBD tbf li-’lde« *. tlu* «• Ls.1 cum* >w fror* MK* So. (Wtcr th «UlM ts/ Wit* ■ ta , * t« |>.|»e assma VlstNi , Was l« o*k tk< ibeMssA o* «aa* peuple or a.inctliii^ •**« <« e o aMW itaçMrti HOptorvwVto «WM qW ■ervoiM «¡Meatout*. ’Weit* Mtoniow, 1 WtotodtaMkm. Wabeétok^s, luAt Vii evfl (taeiwMf*. k*p«tÿ«i«y tvnd v&asiiil »r e«9etsft. CoaaWwr^aooplii« ! I mm MM**«. îfttn*s.-.s t he pale andpm y «tarnte* lu vest SI per box: •< tnrtd. iftlfft a wiaM*vn ormoney^rtfui R5*<>*ka, Fini» wrspjter, wf toacsHM sttwndi n*sk \o charge for '■ niulla^ tien*. Sbldtbÿ Ojir agent«, or adda®*» MkMtaü bMD v! bHÙLtatji, a KV .1 bgÇ)8 B T KNÄ H i or you» cyes? prescure i l.your head? And are «• • e '« t aed Jizzy ? I» youa ava»i:e c«*a ? Fax ta.s •» ia »our mouth? And doee you» tnovdiaMssyou? Aac you n«n«*e »nJ irritabler k)s yo* oft»® heve ta» Rlue»? And «re you wonbled .■<«•* »letfiag? Than yousliverV «• Katthsr*ia*eur*. ’Tia iK.s'v» V*T«kt Ft»- LWT »ISO» «KM 4MMM»V4r o HIE a F» i ll-ATIt*. .Hiwtr It! (« m W»- '«Mt 1’sgikltg o o » «taOXh dtoirfljc Batoi emsusta<»i. Th»«® is a joker in tbip. County warrant® are worth lj joer eeiit premiuM, t»ni a per- gX'.nirg |w»»®>jRrion of a warraijt gijcitiis the eKtra psjwiuwt. Hq wMkM fWn th® tee value <* the wagnqkt, ia cdbh.^ver to lheerigb?-! who Ito® woald — tl.jp ■ ■■ A ad other pa:nful and aerioua ailwienta which •o ruanv mother!» «tuffer, can l»e avoided by __ __ the use of "hloTHaa'a FaiKND." Thu SLg retried» is a God send to women, because it Av * As* ^Fw iftto w carries them through their moat critical) ordeal with perfect safety and no pain. No who uses "M o TWBB'S F b IIUCD •• ueed fear the suffering and danger of rth —for it toba Ibis ordsal of it* nd insures safety to mother and child. >k, “ Before Baby is Horn,” is svorth bt in go. to every woman, and will free in plain envelope by Bradfield Atlanta. Ga. MOTHER'S FRIEND SEND ONE DOLLAR iku. •r .. —Z 2 T • ISM *»* I ÉytfiMia. For OD 1 o • th« St«ndas* vi. ia)•• Iws 1 “ I Mv<‘takf’ii A ver < IT - r- ' i •to monito ! ! h have rea i « *•<<•*• !•■ .«.I I . it ; ¡,. g. to tw-> to f<»ar mu' # u irli ‘ ’r i- tir- ■! "T » to a )< ’ m . • àOt ö 8. E. W ai v * o > a , Julyl3,4IP9 Kahm. 1*4» Dyspspi» < 0 GO E t»r «I. J Digests, what you It artificially ft gestst'iefood asi ta*» I»AII ft.tt u Wtt.ure tn strengt boning and recc*- RY. 263 MOM'S«« For R»te*. Foy»»»tah! MrditiR Eastern 1 rip.e>u A. B. C. <«ty T am . »od T«- last naiue? New Maid Hailing. York Tribune. The rail mart com pan y a» the depot have a new (>*«•«* truck. "’heat and hop* half price, taira douIllesi. That’* what all* u*. Linn munte tar payer* «etile at the rate of 14| mill«; Lane'« at 1®. Why ’be different»? IVAala Ttwy tm d .«•?»» or th« liver. Ttar cur* constipation, biliou*- »»a®, aick headache, nausea, «ad structingthe exhat 't< 1 iigestivb or- gans. Itisthelat'i d-covered digtoh Sl.t©.. and Wald. O ant and tonic. N i oft er preparation Mistress- So your first name Is Clo- can approach ’• in effi lency. It in- rlndiv Well. It I ill yon by stantlv relievePuid your last uame while you are in my Pyspipsia. Indigt Flatulence, S-mr St. mach. Nausea.'! •ervice ¿a SickHeadaclie.Gastral; a.t'mmps,and New Maid V.-i nell ft a ¡1 m. 11. itl;er-.'esultsof imt - rfectdigestioa Mistress By the nay. wlut is pr«»ar«d by E C 'A Co, Cblcagn. RISING bi fa a w ««•»«• «• .«■ ,.«w> ta» prensitm. TH’h ct»«Mty c^talnto « rjfifc» to (hilivtF » * Cititeli»’ nominee fey jujjice of the writ»« order. If 4£r Le* di.^ st* peace for th® Eugen® d'Äjnct. Mr it is at his peril. ( srw»r''”,“j2J,r“i e,ult l.y eaoeo iWistl'n. >-■-y " •x,rv» ‘'■**'^2-^’1 *MU>ry e*< W-11 se w. ,r >■;,.«**■. With * •» «tat*«* I ful “owner J JOO ■Ti> Vr »»■«“* the fl** •< yiwtk '»■» Mftstr Imerrif« 4» puns to i»- put Sie of a hint od hla lutentauas. •■«ay I I'fcll toalght* h* **»ed. IA« * lltt« «totd lataw* tantomivw to* Ta««'« ban» ,iI. Mi« tartar Wuthed awl be«itAtad. lie 1 »■■*»«*■—«I it tr wtataent ar»l »«• «> ld»»*aal that ha V»*M » littB farther. “1 «*** * was yi«a a»l« «lone da«r.” •T’n »a fully”- ata 4’* m * a ttaa a» tint wonMnt the jaiiftpiaa» >« «>- *M»d. *td the rtiMh tmgtn. Hh-iu;?» followed tie Fi$taiN| dp>l, citaryi!« hl« «Vt «11K «wa ns«H l«»r l*Mt “•o you t>o ctme on the tom* ttoatr Tdm «»- toy It*, «nd M M« tio^ll’toi St» han« |ll tl£ time to®. “I A wk * «sfrhnps y<1A might Of coangh yo« knot«,” he beam«« upon tbttn both, “titat Brooke Is to be our be*»t man. A'lnlfrvdr’ ‘‘Yea,” Winifred said, she knej. ( ''It's funny you strttok the i Mine 3' ’boat” Tom Insisted. “1 wish 1 I bad thought to cable you. old fellow. that Ml*» Ftjrar would I m - aboard.” ‘•Yes, said Brooke, “I wish Clou had.”—Arguuaut o 9------------------------- Ntndie* In the Vnlveraity and palili® »Choo's ceeee.1 eiaminatious. Workmen ar* iratting th* Divio* building ready to ni"»»' th* same to the rear of the lot. ♦I*.-® k. ■ I«)K>tency,Night rmissioR» im wasting diatMM» all effects «•♦ self I abuse, ev excess an* indi, ereti in. A »*»(* in a is» «*■»» -, tauutv. livings tilt eMF ff iik • ’>> w tc> chtaeks aw) * hSMbsaatis- twee wie* t’euaty Ctafte L mt tar «e-tart*»« to taw* W *»*•»■ «It «H tta oHOC^Mb 10 tab tamt <4*1 it* taaaw I .'i® ta •• -ta-toed, tow tetr lr to toe totay-ftta ttaataw towM'H to rt*fi«<<*d to ptbftw <* tta URiMK tab ttaaaA te*dl«' ■»*»•-< teref with ^dbvy 1’tWb Kiw law. 8ho«Id the tjQ.Q'r to be sp cwy6i«d¡'¿¡J«- he is liable jo Imve lib wroygfnlly places! on til® ofleial ballot, to his . 1’atftwr« Sir co«ijty treason». to»- orfrat • Trv a KISOI SCOW 65C •u: re«®« ItoUbaMi "w» Br* M RMtoMY FA»' aa*^A«Ttt ti ' Mcdcb Y<»r* fi»vrr* •4. onf CORSET CO. «Out M 0 -ofACTUFtRS. SOLD SV AX BILLY