f A CRUEL FROST. FAMINE FlAb GROWING .'ib.jj Cash ami <15 Pledges Re­ ceived Since Last Week and .so Sent Direct Shoes NOT OVER ISO PRESENT. The India fam I ue fund continue« to grow. Two meetings were held last ^jHuuday, one at Brown » school house and one at Creswell. The following funds and pledge« have t»e. ii received by the committee. CASH. LANE COUNTY MINES Wonderful Riches oí Blue River and Bohemia. H«S NO EQUAL IN OREGON Mrs. R H. Shacklett. Mortgage release....... Real «-state mortgage. Real estate m«irtgage Real estai» mortgage Release of motegsge Chattel mortgage...... » 508 TO') 500 1,000 200 130 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ,V1 0” oo on 00 50 Lord Roberts Pursues the Flee Boers. U Ira N Baker to Addl« D Berger land near Collage Grove; $1(9. Clarenc* H Grunnig to L G Brown, one half Rainy Day mining claim, Blue Rivt r; $1. Grace M Kweet to John W launer, j lot« 2 at <1 3 block 3, Cox’» addition to Florence; $200. Wm lH-an er aud wife to G G Heaton, ' 20 »crew in tp 17 s r 4 w; $800. W L Beckner to C H Talbert, one- eighth interest Great Eastern anil , Great Western minlug claim», Blue River; $100. j Ira Early and wife to Peder J Heil'* »en, 40 ae.e» In tp 18 » r 5 w ; $150. circuit court . N A W Howe v» C B Johnson et al, application for au order to perpetuate testimony. H M Milliorn et al vs Caroline t-low, admini»trator of the esta'e of Rotiert Clow, deceased; summons served. Emile Rotiert» «s P H Markley, whose full Christian name ii^ un­ known and J K Markley, whose full Christian name is unknown; to quiet title. I N Harbaugh is attorney for plaintitt. George Fisher and W T Campbell v» The Kugene Loan and .^A-ing Bank, a corporation, and E O Potter, W T Bailey and H D Edwards, being the Commissioners and County Court of I.aM- county, Oregon; motig/ to strike out part of complaiut. The motion relates: Comes now tbe defendants, aud move» tbe court to »trike out the the names of E O Potter, W T Bailey and H D Edwards, anil the worda “being the co'Qity commissioner» and the tx>|(jity court of Laue county, Oregou” from t i?t Itle of said cause, on the following ground: Haid persons »re improp'rly mailt* parties to till« suiQmd Improperl.O Joined a» defet*) ilants with ihP Eugene Loan and Savings Bank, anil are not necessary parties tod» (ermine tlie »ubject ^«tler of the suit. Also to strike out some other port ions of tlieeomplaint on lire following ground: The saM w Q-I h are redundant and r« fer to iV' »aid Potter, Bailey and E twarihr. Geo B Dorris and A C Woodcock appear a» attorneys fo^defendants. Mrs R. H. bhiii'klett died at tie ,amiiy home in th*- oily tl.i« morning at 6:22 o'clock from dlatwte». Hlie li rts the order progressing vrsy pu’1‘1«- United Btates aud county, and their i Junction C ity........ ...................... 5 ill much pleased with the prospect». Tlie rapidly in this section, wit It prospects department today: pr»y nialsfitD deputies, county candidates, a sprink- Lorane.................... ..................... , 5 00 10-stam|> mill ou the claim lias already of an increase in membership, tieeides F L Chambers. Bi»Al.KKKi, May 10.—My forc«shave tbe institution of a numtier < 0 new IlnPof ladles, severil boys (who were Central ......................................... 4 00 turned out about $16.000 and tbe vein »r an Oliver plow and you can present to escape the curfew law), aud (’ W r Q and Jr. C E, of Eugene is growing broader »s it goes down, crossed the Zand. The cavalry and cabins. Christian church........................ 13 50 aud is likely to prove a second Com t,yg ratiori day. ^_}ine« were brokeu up ami the 'I tie raad closed its »e»»ion 'oilay Dr Klug’s New Discovery tor Con- editorial» from the OregouiHn burning yellow color. A regular brick bronzed ok 8 a LE -220 acres excellent farm him up for his action» at tbe Astoria members wandered here mid there oyer would be a dose imitation. It without iHsuing anything of intereg toQumplIon, which completely Qre«i me. »tub. Inquire of J ohn V an congressional cft'etQon two years searching for food, tagging of does not look very heavy, buQwhen I w >uld not J m without it, even if it the^nbllc. rs, Coburg, Or. ago in trj ing to defeat the gold whomsoever they could, digging roots one tries to lift it suddeuly he is sur­ cost $.'> a botM. Hundreds have — o°o lbs Anna Awbrey !» ill at the Tam- for food and searching refuse heaps standard. prised at the weight, it seems glued (ton my reciiQimendation ami ijl say bome in this city, being threatened After about two hours of this kind of numtiers of them died. Countless fast to whatever It ia resting upon and it never falls to Qflre tliroai, chest .SC b pueumonia. O SA 1) NOW’. talk, the »mall crowd adjourned with­ numliers, countless because they died it is pretty hard to get a tinger bold Çug trouble». O guiar i-ize, ¿40 >& C o mite a run(f)-r of Eugene people out cheer, and silently departed for in the fields miu jungles, were under it $1 .00. Ift'sl bottles fie,C3 ' L De- devoured by the vultures ami jackals Farmer l\i , ^ Qs > |ÿat $125 ,t yw to Coburg this afternoon to their respective homes. REGISTRATIONS. O O CO Home samples of the ore from which Is |0iio's 0 »'Or anywhere. To be had at Wily 3 o'clock train, glad to get out of town Sunday, ícv u. grind out such a gold brick ill 20 days more are allowed In which t£J-egister. f LChainliers. and remitted $50,000 and is loading shows how wonderrully rich the gold At the presidential election in 1896 taxes tislay to the -liflill. auioUfltiflJO before it froze harder. to about $125. He was was^>rtnK»4l 0 rjl _ _ th" iQininion«’ photo gallery is at O It is said the legiQtivec >Q: ¡dates two ships with grain. This money must be. the total vote cast In Lane county was o ¿JiQ ry BJ'QTJP -Tii(5o(PC' am«) Q'> “ l Q lie hlQl been rflfljiqjt t'O' Lalatiiml corner, Sixth and Wil- in Lane county will ail support tbe ha« come In in sums from a lew cents the Mr Jenniius i» thinking soagp of 4,928; at the state election In 1898 G B o ÜWJ» Ö 300» Regiwt' [later, which claimed Ills taxjg to several hundred dollars. sne »' . Fine»t pho'iis 50c anil | McBride - Mitchell - Fulton senatorial putting the brick on exhibition in u vote cast for secretary of »late »HD c R l8o®e— L<0OOT'. ° 011 *®' “But whoso hath this world's goods safe place, but lias not completed the 4,030; for senator»A877, for sheritl 3,910 would t»> Q' hh l)0Qi Ii9t I)per dozen. combine, if elected. ^1 ® ¡»di tersoti— 0iQ>" prop^ty. O and seeih his brother have need, and Come again, Charlie, after June 4, arrangements yet. q Llbanv Hera d: ('rill Burkhart, a for clerk 3,913. “lQiw 1» this, (Qr H90iff? I aft« o F E Billliiut.m—C.frugffi sbutteth up bis com pas-loti from him, At the presidential election in 1896 live of Linn county, ha« gone to and see bow hrge a msjority the o V 3 Hov*« -OToflAs®. Qpayin© ©early ©y. ®<©e taxg« <® I®« how doih the love of God abide iu Bryan received a pluuil O' o' iQi'iflt I »fieri' lie /■till reside. His Citiz.'Q’ ticket will pile up. $ 3 flao-n bricoötiio. O Spanish Buttons. ® him?'' in Ha» 1 r lii'i r l.PfJQfloQ ^fZ 0O>”0Cj'Qa)50'Cj? tic i 'i® rx? ,.o ill follow linn in a few week« I 3 3 B-'.anôa-.cP- ÿtfl I’m week Fletcher Starr refused were captured at that time. One of convention at Pleasant Hill May 17-20. Cash........................................... $ 72ft«2 flanii tbat $126 i« JQJW tlQQ" $®5. I t©>d i^OOXiOg 0®* tremorrer°TXi LtPQi'. U'for his residence and Mrs Church them was brought home and this This will tie a mass convention. It I» Good notes....0...................... 2, !,21i¿)Ml itOiflilOR to flQy I3fl, tfcty oougttcy Mrs. N. J. Stowell was born in L.«ed $3000 for her home, from one of expected that the churches, Bunday Hurry county, North Carolina, on tbe splendid old bronze, cast in Spain liujre Doubtful notes aQdfiQnflO1" *>Mt 78 CitlzeQi’ t®QC frO/i t^JJ to R'Qt&m. ijDxyJB, Q fss t*]b. Il wQJ l*e ‘Danish colony that Is settling near than a century ago, 1» now being niSiie WiQbless notes...... ................... schools and Endiavor societies will 22ud day of March, 1829, t 21.. 45 it is pieQS'i * eaanpu©* a io»i stOfl^Q?b'-iar ICt <*iQj ^5 iflotllgßJö ©to, l°1 Sbto »«/uveuir buttons by a oommittee send a large delegation. Tbe reception 25 00 ©ate »©¿Q©. Vh© <® 1 <*iQj< C Pony aQi saddle...... .................. J*eburg Review, May 9: “Fred committee la preparing to meet dele­ Tennessee with her parents, when a of tbe volunteers, and the button» are Bed and bedding... .................. BcAHorW FicttiQt.-lp>r t®t tjffla 8 00 Q'0'ff. etc? (ffltti-By.” ttenon, the contractor, left this gates at Goshen, and to furnish free child, then to Missouri with her par­ beirg sold for tbe benefit of the fund Real property, 340 K Vieres......Q.76O 00 ttaS* wltblQ t!A> i 0'«<4& jO'iOr tbe Q O ents tn 1847; was married to Jobir-^B. ---------- ------------------- irniug for Yoncalla, where he will entertainmen’ during tbe convention. to erect a handsome uuil artistic qStXttitit- t»eeO pJhce'1 C lift Ann Aw- Guardianship of Amelia . Stowell in 1848; in 1851 came across monumenPto the memory of the tin work on the Daugherty brick Ctiße Of tQe fUjnily re>oa(05oe JI J W The convention program will cm* the pla\/ with ox team to Oregon; in brey; filial aocount allowed, lieQIpt» ildlig, for wli\Z he has the con« »1st of church work Thursday afternoon soldiers of Oregon who lost their Ilves WllsOn, corner of NlulQ t®3 Olive Glorious News BalQce 1854 they went back to Missouri on tn the Hpanish and Filipino war. The $1823; disbursements $1438 ict.” s©eete. The <»se tlgfr U'O* I« agaQi and Friday forenoon. C W B M horseback; in 18-56 crossed tbe plains to (Ju hand of guardian, $392.12 button Is made^ith a button back for' Qfliet fever tQS IU'’ Bfl- nth», colds, grippe and all throat Locomotives Run W ith Oil. Angeles; In 1878 moved to Eugene, in as every adult and child in Oregon ceased. Receipts $40; jiald out^40. Terrible sores would break out on tier burn, have g^po to CottageQlrove to d lung diseases, Vincent A Co., face, and the l*t doctors locaQi in the Iwv busings«. They are i which city she baa resided »luce that would be pleased to possesS, especially Claims presented aud allowed $1360. head am£) truer Drug Store. I give no help; but tier cure Is lawyer« of ability and good «landing Oiie of the largest railroads on the time. couTU aw the entire proceed» ot the sale will No fu^is ou b®*- jvimplete aud her health Is excellent.” at tbs bar of Marlon county and should Pacific coast has decided to substitute Deceased was a memtier of tbe Con­ go to erect a splendid monument to O COMMITTMENT. This shows jvhat thousands have be weloome additions to the profession oil in place of eoal as fuel on its gregational church. Bhe was tlie enginesBut whether the experiment mother of seven children, six of whom serve aw a peiyAtual object lesson in Mrs Helen Flscht© was examined pOved—thatPEIectric Bitters Is tbe io Lane oounty. will prove a success remains to tie are living, James aud MiltotQ8towell, patrlot'am to tbe vouth of the state. this mo-nlng before Medical Examin­ beet blood pur tier known. It’s tbe o W ekkly C itizen .—The Weekly seen. In this respect it differs from of Eastern Oregoo, Mrs. Allie Calkins The buttons »ell in any quantity at 25 ers D A Paine and F E Helover on the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,salt cents each. The secretary of the com ­ the famous Hostetter’s Stomach of Heattie, John Btowell, < f Ban Fran­ charge of Insanity and was ordered rheum, uloer», bolls and running sores. Citizen, under tbe management uf R Bitters, which has made a decided cisco, Mrs. Maggie McMurry and Miss mittee is Captain H L Wells, box 347. committed. It will he remembered It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, H Miller, Br, made its first appearance Portland, Oregon. success In ita 50 years of cures of Hattie Btowell, of this city. that her husband, August Fischer expwls psilsons, helpsi digestion, builds today. It proclaim« Independence but ftir beat per sack stomach ills, such as dyspepsia, indi­ committed suicide uearHpencer Butte, up the strength. Only 50 cents. Bold not neutrality. It 1« a 7-columQ Funeral services will be held at the How’s This It» g.awl i iregon beans. gestion and biliousness. Do not family residence on F >urteenlh street, by «hooting himself In the bead. by W L Deljano, druggist, guaranteed folio and 1« quite bright and readable. Dixie Queen tobacco We wish Mr Miller success financially experiment with unknown remedies between Mill and Ferry, at 10 o'clock, Hh< rtly after her husband »hot hltnse 'ttD We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re- No 1 stuoklug tobacco or 1 lb "»nd otherwise. when this safe aud reliable medicine Thursday, May 10th, conducted by she imagined she saw spot» of blood at Planet Jr. garden tools at la/T years’ I*1 st»r chewing tobacco ........ can be had of any druggist. Try a Rev. Mac H. Wallace, pastor of the ward for any case of Catarrh that night which worried her. Later no prices, at F L Chambers. I mprovement .—F. Hemp* Is hav­ cannot be curtd by Hall ’ s Catarrh •H regular size white plates.... bottle and be convince«!, it will build Congregational church, assisted by she saw dogs, bears, etc, and evil ing bls old house moved to the rear of Rifle a Rambler. q *t handle«! tea cups and saucers Cure, q up your debilitated system, strenthen Prof. I ondoti. spirits, which tried to Influence her to CC M atuh k . his lot on Bixtb street, end will erect a F J C heney A Co., Prop*, Toledo, O. your weak stomach and make it do wrong. The Bcriptures told tier to l'Sggt>|* warfare. Btie is very restless at times. ‘•DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are tbe We carry up-todale sundries. lb good walnuts............ ........... very lie»t pills I have ever used for cos lieve him perfectly honorable in al- — O must naturally follow. O Ttie unfortunate lady was taken to C c M atlock . e’cher castoria (genuine)...... tlvenes», liver and bowel troubles. ” t>u«lne»e transaetion», and financially K enna , Jackson Co., W. Va, Balem on this afternoon’s train by “I used Kodot Dyspepsia (?ure In my Mgood ate up........................ Vincent A Co., Corner Drug Store. able to carry out any obligation marie Atiout three year« ago my wife bail Bpecial Ilepilty Bherif! J M Howe and Pleasant Hill Picnic. Re®e*ul>er to clone one book “Tbe dalntle«t little wheel that ever family with wonderful results. It an attack of rheumatism which con­ by their firm. q gives immediate relief, Is pleasant to W ebt A t A lax , wholesale Drt^ists, guard, Mrs McMurray. was ” — A Rambler. fined her to her bed for over a month The lady Is also tbe mother of two The annual picnic will be held Bl take and Is truly the dyspeptic's l*»t C C M atlock . Toledo, O children, a «fSughter of 16 years and a Pleasant Hill, under the auspices of and rendered her unable to walk a step friend,” says E Hartgerink, Uverisel, W alding , K innan A M arvin , E. 8. Masters, of Crawfordsville, limbe ta-itig without assistance, tier son of 12. They are being looked after the C E society, on Saturday May 26th Micb. Digests wf%t you eat. Cannot Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, t>. after losing about 120 worth of chick ­ 1900. Arrangements are being made swollen to double their normal size, Hall'» ( atarrb • ure 1« taken inter­ by J B McMurry for the present. Mrs ens and turkeys, succeeded iu kil Ing fall to eure. Vincent A Co., Corner on my u»ing Mr. B. Maddox Insisted nally, acting directly upon ttie blood Fischer’s mother was insane and com­ ■ IV for a splendid time. I pu re based al <1 mucous surface« of the system. mitted »uicide and a brother was also the thief, the proper way to diapttU Hold by I all . Insane. most enjoyable time I* assured to all. druggist*. Testimonials fr*e. some one whose life has been saved yearling, measuring five feet. MINING IXXJATIONN. Biand privelejyx»re for »ale at ten to the direction* and the next morning Hall’s family pills are the best. by Cb«mberlain’« Colic, Cholera aud Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says- “ We she walked to breakfast wittxou' assist ­ $2.45 GOLG PLATEO dollars each. PlTigram will be announ­ ance in any mann-r, and »he b»e not A full line of tine rishiug tackle at Jubeft claim, Bohemia; by never feel safe without One Miu te Diarrhoea Remedy, or who ha« been ced la er. | Renlan, loca’or. I Cough l ure in tbe house. It saved cured of chronic diarrhoea by the u»e bad a similar attack since—A. B. the Rsmbler agency. Crongie claim, Bohemia; by Gil) iny little boy’s life when he had tbe of that m*«ticine. Hue I ; W. 1 j . DeLano. The Appetite of a Goat Meadow, locator. tetwrer oppor­ | pneumonia. We think it la'the best • point of telling of Lewis Ackerman, Go-hen, Ind., O — •uay be Bids Wanted. HILL OF KALB. tunity offers, Hoping r , i medicine made.” It el Ano'sdrug store. on wsgon at place of destination, and *••• *• aa<1 th«»«a* »»ub'sr 12.45. Experience I« the beat taachec^Use and a doctor bad failed. It Is tbe best It la the only narml**«» remoly that CM M f’UI 1» work to ue completed by or before May —_ < a«* r •***w Ra*t bb 4 ©*»* • We have aold 136 Rambler» this year. liniment 1 have ever known of.-J A j Acker’s English Femedv in any case produce« Immediasr result«. Il cure« but Insist on genuine; in red wrappers i wind and *»t.©wi4 ©4a?*4, ht'i feona with crown tra■ o o 9 O o o O 0 o o o — 0