Pinkham PACIFIC COAST NEWS Commercial and Financial Happening» O» Iatereat In the Orowlng Western State». In the country surrounding Stella, Cowlitx county. Wash., it has been known for a number of years that crop­ pings of coal have been discovered, and some prospecting and development work nave been done. The coal assav- ed well, and it was comparatively easy of access, but for some reason it was found difficult to interest capital suffi­ cient to mine and ship the coal on a large enough scale to make it profita­ ble, and the man who owtwl the most valuable properties in that locality had not the means to do so him^lf. Al>out six months ago the following capital­ ists of The Dalles became interested in the property: Hon. Malcolm A. Moody, J. M. French, J. B. Mcluernv and J. Nicholas. They employed a practical mining engineer who had had experience in this character of work, and had a thorough inspection of the properties made. The result was that they formed a company giving the owner of the land a half interest in paid-up, non-assessable stock, while they agreed to furnish all the money necessary. They purchased machine!y of the latest design in the East, and most of it has arrived and been set up. It is the expectation of the company to have coal from its mine on the market within 60 days of a quality equal to any that is now used in the Northwest, and at a price very much below that at which it is now sold. In carrying out their present plans they will build a railroad from Stella, four miles up Cold creek to where the mine is located. The Big Buffalo Sold. A Confederate*» Idea. One of the most important mining deals ever made in the Northwest, whereby the former Big Buffalo mine at Buffalo Hump becomes the property of Charles Sweeney, the Spokane capi­ talist, has bt^u consumated at Grange­ ville, Idaho. The sale embraces the Bert Rigley, Toting and Robbins inter­ • HIAKI INTO YOI'K q SIIOKS ests, representing one-half of the mine, Allen'* Foot-F.ase, n powder for the feet. for $ 125,000 cash. Sweeney had pre­ It tares painful, swollen, smarting, nerv­ ous fret. «11'1 instantly takes tiie sting out viously secured the other interests for The uinuui It's the greatest which he paid about $75,000. „iiifort di-, ..vers- of lite age. Alien's Foot- deal on the property has been pending I or wakes tight or new shoes feel easy. many months. “Io succeed in war,” General Miles jbeerves, "is to get ready before you commence hostilities.” One of the ^federate g^ierals in 1861 said his ide* of success was “to get there fust- : ¡st wi'h the mostest.”—Detroit Free! Press- _______________ It ;, a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, i«r»ting. callous and hot. tired, aching frrI \Ve have over 30.000 testimonials. Try it (-- Sold bv all druggists and ; ¡110» Stores By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FKEE._ Address, Allen 8. . . . I.,- Roy, N. Y. No able-liodied men need be idle in Sew Zealand. The government gives ¡very applicant work, and pays him the rate of $2 a day. ♦ Arvertising is not a luxury, V i but rather an economic busi- } ness proposition, recognized e !by all trLe b st and most sue- A cessful business men othe ■ | world over. p AND ■ •tsl Markets Coal for Market. mrs, Pinkham person- attends to her tro- mendous correspondence wMh suffering women. Her trained assistants ^e all women. letters from women gra opened by women only- They ere read by wo­ man only. They are answered by women and only women. ® correspondence Is gacredly confidential. Write for a book Mrs. Pinkham has just pub­ lished which oontalns let­ ters from the mayor of Lynn, the postmaster of Lynn and others of her own city who have made oaretui Investigation. Mrs. Pinkham has helped a million women who suffered with female troubles. She can cure YOU. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. IRON New Blue River Leilje. The newly discovered quartz pros­ pects un the Blue liver, Or., reported about *wo weeks ago, are attracting a great deal of attention. Miners and prospectors are heading that way from all directions, and already a lively mining camp is there. The discovery is in the vicintiv of Blue river falls, several miles northwest of the old Blue river mining camp. It is easily acces­ sible by a horse trail from the main road up the McKinzie, and no difficul­ ty ^experienced by miners taking in ■applied. To&Plant Tomatoes. The Davidson Fruit Company, at I it vva wvwi Hood River, Or., has furnished about tomato plants to farmers who | A new automatic machine gun is be­ ing tested by the United States army. are coing into t'51 business of growing It weighs only 12 punds, can be car­ toiiiMftoes for the canner^. I*. F. Brad­ nal by one man, and tires 450 shots a ford has the supervision of the growing of the plants, and has visited the farm­ minute. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sootb- ers and given instructions about setting npvrup the best remedy to use for their the plants. The plants are furnished thildrei» during the teething period. free and the farmers have engaged to A new method of preserving tele- plant about 30 acres for the fruit com­ pupil poles is to surround the portion pany. Next season if 100 ? res of peas In the ground with an earthenware pipe can be secured, the company will put like* drain pipe. Into the space be­ in machinery to hull and can green tween the |K>le and the pipe is poured peas. i mixture of sand and resin. Mohnlr Pool Sold. A *>ool comprising 2,931 fleeces of Will Cure you. Dr. Plunder’s mohair has been sold at Corvallis, Or. [¡REGONffLqODpURIHER' The purchasers were F, L. Miller and S. L. Kline, merchants of that place, A popular remedy for the bite of a and the price paid was 28 cents per mad dog, at the beginning of the 19th pound. The total weight of the lot -entury was lor the victim to take an would be about 10,000. The pool is innce of the pulverized jawbone of the the second of the kind sold there this dog that had bitten him. After the season. A former lot of almost the •dniiuiatOtiou of this remedy the ani­ same number of fleecesUsold recently at mal whenever known to bite any one. 281k cents per pound. Rifle clubs are being formed all over N^hwMt Notew. franco to perfect the members in Fred E. Wilmarth has purchased an marksmanship. The system is in imi­ tation of the custom so long practiced interest in the Burns, Or. News. A new saw mill will soon begin by the Boers, who instruct even their operations at Alba, Umatilla county. children in the use of firearms. The material for the Fossil, Or., waterworks, weighing 100 tons, will bs hauled from Arlington by team. The new bridge crossing the Coquille river at Myitle Point has been com­ pleted and opened to traffic. It is the best bridge in Coos county. The Sugar Leaf Creamery, Coos county, has resumed operations. It will handle 10,000 to 15,000 pounds of milk daily as soon as the roads are good, and will make cheese principally. George Snodderly, a pioneer of Grant county. Or., died at Long Creek. He was 69 years of age. and went to the Canyon creek mines in 1860. The body was taken to Susanville for An Excellent Combination. burial. The pleasant method and beneficial Field Superintendent Larson, of the Weets of the well known remedy, Jlst p or Flos, manufactured by the La Grande beet sugar factory, reports »i.iroKxtA Fio S yrup C o ., illustrate that there is a total of 700 acres of he ralue of obtaining the liquid laxa- beets planted and the ground is pre­ principles of plant« known to be pared for seeding 800 acres more. “edicinally laxative and presenting J. F. Birney, of Everett, Wash., has 1'“*® in 'he form most refreshing to the and acceptable to the system. It gone to Snohomish to survey a logging ,1 e ne perfect strengthening lax»- camp for Campl>ell Bros., on Batt's sing the system effectually, slough, where 700 a- res of timber will r?1'."" ,lf c"^8- headaches and fevers r'nt.v vet promptly and enabling one be handled. ne habitual constipation per- At a Port Townsend custom house *Hent y. Ita perfect freedom from sale of seized goods, consisting of silks, T'*ry objectionable quality and sub- cigars and opium, the principal bidders ‘,*n *. and its acting on the kidneys. _”r and bowels, without weakening were Chinese, and the opium brought r irritating them, make it the ideal $10.50 a pound, the regular market laxative. price. ‘B ’he process of manufacturing figs Over 500,000 shingles were floating use I, as they are pleasant to the *■ "lit the medicinal qualities of the in the bay and strewn along the I each ue.iv are obtained from senna and at Port Townsen-i as a result of the iwr aromatic plants, by a method capsizing of the scow towed from Dun­ “nwn to the C alifornia Fia S yrup geness with 1,000,000 shingles on ,. ,.'n ■*' I” order to get Its beneficial board. Many have been recovered, but v *nd to avoid imitations, please IM‘m'*r the full name of theCompany the loss will be heavy. _ ■ -n the front of every package. A cattle buyer was on the Lower Co­ STEEL Ill.t'irb LOWER. Srrenlt» .r th» I rsde Sltaatlon. TOO MUCH INTRODUCING Wbat an Englishman Hs. to Bag About Our Mat ho J. "It took me aorna time to grasp the Bradstreet's says: More rather that less irregularity in the trade and pries American point of »lew In regard to situation is to be noted this week, part­ letter» of Introduction." said au En­ ly in the result of weather conditions, glish traveler, chatting over American but partly in the case of the'iion and cbaracteristlca. "When we give a man steel trade because of the continuance a letter ^f Introduction at home, w e of those efforts iu the friction of lower consider that we are vouching for him prices which have been such a feature . socially, financially aud every otbei of the iron and steel trade of late. * w ay, so, ueedleaa to say, It is never That the basis conditions of trade re­ doue except arnoug relatives or the main on the whole more favorable is, closest frieuds. Here you don't seem however, evidenced by a mimler of to take the thlug seriously. When 1 features. Railroad earnings continue was iu Washington last week I was in­ heavy, and the decrease noted in bank troduced to a very pleasant gentleman clearings ir chargeable largely to relig-1 lit the real estate business, aud chanced ious and other holiday observances, and to mention that 1 wus going to Nash to restricted stock speculation. vtlle next day. ’Oh, Indeed!1 lie said, It has been a weather market for the •then I'll Just give you a line to au old cereals and most agricultural products, | chum of mine there,' and Immediately these advancing early this week, but lie took out a pad of paper aud began weakening toward the close. writing. ’By the way,' lie remarked, Wool is weak, but there is rather after Jotting down a few words. T more inquiry, and uow, as one yeai illdu't even know my name struck me ago, relatively highest prices rule at is the proper spelling?’ The Idea of a poiuts of production. stranger giving me a letter of Introduc­ Backward weather conditions have tion to an lutimate friend when he affected the luuilier trade demand but didn't eve uknow m.v name struck me in this as in a number of other lines as very atruuge and amusing. How­ the advanced prices denamded are cred­ ever. 1 took It with thanks, and later ited with checking business. found the Nashville man n very charm The pressure of heavy supplies is re­ Ing fellow. When I left In- insisted on sponsible for the slight weakening giving me a note to a friend In Mem­ shown in the price of raw sugar thii I phis. who proved equally charming, week, while the refined market re­ and wlm. In turn, supplied me with an mains unchanged. Introduction to a prominent clubman Wheat, including flour, shipment! here In New Orleans. for the week aggregated 3,898,945 bush- I "The last letter 1 haven’t presented, eles, against 2,896,653 bushels last and don't intend to, because It contains week. a glaring, though Inadvertent misstate Business failures in the United tnetit in referring to me as an old and States for the week number 161 against cherished frle,»l of the goodmatured 152 last week. gentlemen of Nashville and Washing Failures in Canada for the week ton. The process, as you see, has built number 19, as copmared with 85 las/ me up an entirely fictitious character, week. and 'pun my word. I can’t understand PACIFIC COAST TRADE. why such friendliness la not continual ly and outrageously abused by Itnpos Smit)« Markets. tors. I’m sure it would be on our side Onions, $5 per sack. of the water.”—Baltimore News. Lettuce, hot house, 40@45e do«. Why He Got It. Potatoes, $16t«17; $ 17@ 18. Beets, per sack, 75@85c. There Is a sentiment common to the Turnips, per sack, 40@60o. most of mankind which makes one's Carrots, per sack, 5O@75c. own home and neighbor« the best there Parsnips, per sack, 5O@75c. are In the world, and even a stranger Cauli!»wer, California 85@90c. who halls from the home town the most Cabbage, native and California, welcome friend to be met away front $1.00 @1.25 per 100 pounds. there. Nevertheless, such an Illustra­ Apples, $2.00@2.75; $3.00@3.5«. tion of It as the following, told by Gen. Prunes, 60c per laix. Sir Reviver« Buller, Is rare: Butter—Creamery, 22c; Eastern 22e; The story was told the Rev. S. Bar dairy, 17 (d 22c; ranch, 15@17c pound. Ing Gould by Gen. Buller himself, and Eggs— 15 @ 16c. Is narrated In the author's words as far Cheese—14 @ 15c. as possible.® Poetry—14c; dressed, 14@15c; Sir Redvers was on his way, with a spring, $5. regiment of soldiers, to ?a®ada. Off Hay—Puget Sound timothy, $11.Ofc the entrance of the St. Lawrence the @12.00; choice Eastern Washington vessel was enveloped In fogs and de­ tllliotliv, $ I S JHH.l I U.O0 layed so that provisions ran short. Now Corn—Whole, $23.00; cracked, $28; there was a station on Islet with feed meal, $23. supplies for shipwrecked mariners, so Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, Sir Redvers went ashore In a boat, to $2U. visit the si>re and ask for assistance. Flour—Patent, per barrel, $3.25; When he applied he found a woman blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra­ only in charge. “No,” said she, "the supplies are for ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat those who are shipwrecked—not for flour. $3.00; rye flour, $3.80@4.00. Millstuffs—Bran, per ton, $13.00; such ns you.” "But this Is a Government depot, and shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed—Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; we are servant« of the crown." “Can’t.®help It; you're not shipwreck middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, ed." per ton, $30.00. There was a very recognlziSile into Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; nation In the woman's voice. Sir Red |x>rk, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8*»@ vers at once assumed the Cornish ac­ cent, and said: "What, not for dear 10c. old One and All. and I a Buller?” Hams—Large, 13c; small, 13 “What, from Cornwall, and n Biller? breakfast bacon, 12 ‘»c; dry salt sides, Take everything there Is In the place; 8c. _________ you're heartily welcome!” Portland Market. Wheat — Walla Walla* 54@55c; Valley, 54c; Bluestem, 57c per bushel. Flour—Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats—Choice white, 85 @ 36c; choice gray, 34c per bushel. Barley—Feed barley, $14 @14.50; brewing, $17.00@17.50 per ton. Millstuffs—Bran, $13 per ton; mid­ dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. o Hay—Timothy, $9@ 10; clover, $7@ 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6@7 per ton. Butter—Fancy creamery, 40@45c; seconds, 45c; dairy, 3O@87^»c; store, 25@82!»c. Eggs—12c per dozen. Cheese—Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.50@ 4.50 per dozen; hens. $5.00; springs, $2.50@3.50; geese, $6.5O@8.OO for old; $4.50@6.50; ducks, $5.50@6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 @ 11c per pound. Potatoes—80@50c per sack; sweets, 52 @2‘.c per pound. Vegetables—Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab­ bage, 1 >»c per pound; parani;«, 76; onions, $2.5o@3.00; carrots, 60c. Hope—3 «t 8c per |>onnd »'ool—Valley, 16@l8c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10@ 15c; mohair, 27@ 80c per pound. Mutton—i.ross, lest sheep, wethers and ewes, 4 1 ac ; dressed mutton, 7 @ 7 *»c per pound; land's, $2.50 each. Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light an.l feelers, $4.50; dreesed, $5.00@6.50 per 100 pounds. Beef—Gross, top steers, $4.00@4.50; cows, $3.5O@4.00; dressed beef, 6)»@ 7**0 per pound. Veal—I-arge, 6Si@7j»c; small, 8@ 8 ‘»c per pound. Tallow—fiirtS’je; No. 2 and grease, 3 *» @ 4c [>er pound. Origin of Hod and Lina. Obviously the answer to ^be conun drum, "Who discovered rod-fisbing in the^sea?” is the first man who found he couk1»not dangle effectively a hand line over the edge of some precipitous shore, with rocks projecting at the foot. Later, when this noble savage began to burn out trees to make boats, the fisherman of the period doubtless boomed out a line on each side of the craft of the period so as to euuble him to work four lines. Go to the wildest portions of these Islnnds and we find the same practices continued. Iu the far north, little barelegged Highlanders sit on steep rocks bobbing for cuddles, rod In hand, and without doubt much the same thing may have beeu seen n®y summer this century or two, as long, Indeed, as< there have been cuddles and laddies to catch them. Go to the northwest of Ireland, and there the descendants of wild men row or sail, with bamboo rods, stuck out from the sterns of their boats, like <]ulll stuck by wicked pupils In wig» of eighteenth century pedagogues. Flies, mind you, at the end of the lines. Real fly-fishing In the sea, and catching glIssauties (youthful coal tlsh) by the hundred. And this done for ages; and people want to know who discovered or introduced rod-flshlng In the sea! Why, the practice 1« as old a* the hills, nietaphorlaclly speaking [>er- haps older than some billaO Fishing Gazette. The Bride and Orooin. “The wedding ring complete« the dr trie, typical as is the ring Itself of the perpetuity of the compact." writes Mrs. Burton Kingsland In the Ladles' Home Journal. "iDsIde the rljig always a plain gold one *re engraved the Ini­ tials of bride ami bridegroom, and the date of the marriage. It Is placed on Aan Franritco Market. the third finger of the left hand tie Wool—Spring—Nevada, 13@15cper cause of the fanciful conceit that from pound; Ea-tern ilregon, 12@16c; Nal­ that finger a nerve g'*a straight to the ley, 20@ 22c; Northern, 10@12c. heart. Hope—1899 crop, 11 @ 18c per “Someday that the word ’obey' In pound. the marriage service Is an anachronism Butter — Fancy creamery 17c; and bolds only those who choose to do seconds, 16«t 16‘»c; fancy dairy, lie bound, but American women do not 16c; do aeconds, 13@15c per pound. often feel their chains In »ome prov­ Eggs—Store, 14c; fancy ranch, ince« of Ru«»la the bride's father give« 16 4c. Millstuffs — Middlings. $17.00 @ her a little cut with a whip, which In­ strument of correction be then pre­ 20.00; bran, $12.50@ 13.50. sents to the groom for future emergen­ Hay—U heat $6.50@9.5O; wheat and cies. oat $6.'Mil*9."9, liest barley $6.0U@ "The kiss formerly given by the alifornia fig syrup co quille river the past week buying and alfalfa. $5 00@6.60 per ten; young hustwnd to bls bride after tbe torr«-. »««"CISCO CAI. contracting for calves and young stock straw, 25@40c per bale. <„ .?’TTLL« «T "BW TOM. W T words. 'I pronoun«-« you man «ml * Iff »11 Druggists—Price SOc. per bottle. | for parties in Fresno county, Califor­ potatoes—fj«rly Ro*e, 60-4 75c; Ore­ nia. He made contracts for some 6'" gon Bur'sinks, R ock $1.00; nver Bur- wife’—for which so many rehearsals head of calves at $8 per head, to be de -anks, 40« 70c; salinaa Burlianks, were necessary has gone out of fasb- ion. livered the first of September. su< @1.10 per sack. •*lt Is a tlm*-honored otmrrvance of < itrus Fruit—< rrangea, Valencia, The Republic company has 52 teams, wedding etiquette that the bride »ball HTALTN PESTO Ait manv of them six horses, on the road $2 75@3 25; Mexican limes. $4 00@ California lemons 75c@$1.6O; not lie »ecu by tbe bridegroom on the USE IT! freighting from Republic to Colum la. fateful day until she appears coming B. C. A six horse outfit hauls 8.000 Io choice $1.75@2 00 per box. Trupp al Fruita—Banana*. $1.50» up tbe aisle to meet bim. Hence tbe pounds, and makes the round trip in • %»a per tbe altar. Tbe br dal proeesalon Is for _____ ia ’••• in,a uv There are 219 na. <>nal banks io biiu not a pagraut for tbe goenta.” pc'U«d. operation in Illinois. C . Totijotir» I.a Pol!te*nea. A Guilty <’f»n«c Rastus—Whad yo ttnk is de niattah Wif ute. doctab? Doctor—Oh, nothing but chicken- w pox, 1 guess. Rastua (getting nervona)—I dare on mah houah. doctah, 1 haint bin DU* Judge what 1 could ketch dat “During a recent aharp skirmish,” ' ■tya " lhe sphere,” ‘‘an Euglt»b officer i Ji South Africa noticed that one of hit funs was in danger. Calling an officer 1 to his side he requested him to go and I lelp the captain to try and bring it iu. Pardon,* he added, as the officer turn- | »d to obey, ’perhaps you do 2ot know ( .lie captain.’ The officer had not tbe l pleasure. ‘I’ll introduce you, then— .'harming fellows’ »aid his lordship, I tud. regardless of bursting shells aud puff* of dirt which marked the pitch sf bullets all »round them, he can- ' lered ab-ug ©the hillside with him. 'Captain, ’ he shouted, ‘let me iutm- luce mv friend. Mr. B., Captaiu A. | lie will lend you a han I to bring iu :hat gun; hope neither of you will be mocked oxer lading it.1 ”—Collier'» Weekly. «too It FW Aim «too. The street ears of Havana are heavy, cumbersome, old style ears, drawu by three ponies, one in the lead of a span at the doubletree, all of them hitched The reader« of thi* p»jwr will be pleated to $Mru that re s al Iva*I oue dit aoc. itrength by building up the constitution and j In San Rafael? Cal., is is illegal to I«»-ting nature in d> ug ns work The pro ¡irietora have «o much faith In ita curative H»w. ra, that ’hey offer One Humtied Dollar* ' shoot game with a repeating or maga­ Incurable. ** or any ca>e that it ta lttocure. band for list zine shotgun. >i te-timouiala. Addresa Wife—John, you have a very nunov- F J • HFNKY CO., Toledo, O. The short«-»! Qeiiersl'aS-olkg Title». ing habit of saving "What's that? ’ Bold by drugfiata. 7Sc. Hall’« Family 1*1!la are the ‘'Bobs, who is sometimes known as whenever you are spoken to. Can’t a ________ _________ _ A*doctor of BrvHlati has been experi­ Lord Roberts, has, next to the royal menting with hena, and he gave 40 of family, the longest lists of titles iu Here is his official them gout by feeding them on horse- , Great Britain. lieah without fat. Then he partially designation: Baron Roberts, of Kan K.P., relieved ♦hem of the gouty paina by the dahar and Waterford, P.C., G.C.B., G^C.S.I., G.C.I.E., V.C . idiuiuistiation of powdered egg sheila. D.C.L., LL.D. And yet he is the shortest general in the service, Should A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. he lie triumphant iu South Africa he New York City, Fob. 15, 1900. may count on a few more letters to his My Dear Carlton:—1 know it will name.—Collier's Weekly. please you to learn that my homeward journey trom ^in isco whh more I than pleasant, one ^striking feature that added very much to mv comfort was the dining car service on the Rio Grande Western ami the Denver & Rio Grande. This is the finest service of this description 1 have ever seen any­ If yon haren't a regular, healthy tnorempnt of th<* where, either in this country or abroad; ' bowels »very day. you re sick, or will bv Kwp your the food ami cooking was all that could bowels o|x*n, aud b£well Fores In ilieihapoiif violent physic or pill poison la dangerous I'ho t>e desired, and at very moderate prices. smoothest, eaalvxt mo«t perfvi l way uf kevpiug the If you haiqs-n to know the Rio Grande bowels clear aud cleau is to lake Western people, I wish you would say i CANDY to them that it will afford me the I CATHARTIC rreatest pleasure at all times to bear testimony anywhere to the above facts. Very truly yours, (Signed)J. ADDISON BAKER, 2nd. BEST FOR THE BOWELS |-*ll Lake Tribune J The Rio Grande Western Railway uow operates through I'ullman sleeping cats between San Francisod* and Chi­ cago, without change. The route via Salt Lake City is uneqnalled iu attrac- tiveneb9and wealth of novel Interest. Three through Akins daily. Write for information, rates, etc., to .1. D. Mans­ field, General Agent, 253 Washington street, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W. Heintz, General I'ussenger ngeufj) Salt Lake City. Drut li- I >«•»»! Ing I ii« t ru in rn I a. you break yourself of it? Husliand—(reading) — Eh — w hat's that?”—Tit Bits. « ------- •--------------------- Tn» Maker« of Carter’» ^nk Say: “We can’t make any better ink than we orer ink, but we won’t.” Carter*» Ink is the best. I* _________________ Tlqije is a time in every Hie when one n’.'ust concentrate or fail. It is s«^ in bu'&tiess, in the choice of a profes­ sion, iu respect to religion. — Rev. D. C. Barrett. The British government keeps 11 vessels at work sounding and charting the ocean bed» to tiud out where dang­ ers lurk. Last year 10,006 square miles were carefully charted in differ­ ent parts of the world—Asia, Africa aud the South Pacific, KeiuMu, choottt) and endure! They are truly the great thingN of which thin life of toil and nutTering are made.— Rev. I)®C. MacLeod. • The r*g pickers of g’.’aris, of whom there are aobut 40,600, are enraged be­ Pleasant. Palatable. Potent TanteQpod Do Good, Never Sicken Weaken, or Gripe loc fiftc Write cause th^new rubbish boxes, just in­ for free «ample, aud booklet on health A ldrex« Burling Rsmedr < anapa»;, I’blMfe, »•■ireal. Saw Yerk. SKa troduced in that city, cannot l>e opened ' . KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN by any one but the cartmen who are employed to carry off the contents. — 1 f Malaria?™! J SoapleTs Sam—1 see dey’s been anuddet drownded in a bathtub, I'etev. Perambulating Pete — Yep; de§i t’ings is a dangerous ns trolleys.— Philadelphia North American. Cures Talk The Ideal French Tonic immedidte Makes the BEST PUMPS for IRRIGATION and RECLAMATION. MINE DRAINAGE. Capa­ cities from one gallon to 100,000 gallon« per minute. Great Fame of a Croat Medicine Won by Actual Merit. The fame of llood'n Sarsaparilla has been won by the good it ha^ldoiie to tho«e who were siitlering from (iisease. Its cures have excited wonder and ad in i ration. It has caused thousitnds to rejoice in ttie en­ joyment of good I ivh I i I i , ami it w ill do you the same good it has dune others. It will expel from your blood all impurities; will give you a good appetite ami make you strong and vigorous. It is just the medi­ cine to help von now, when your system it in need of a tonic and invigorator. Sores *'La«t spring 1 had sores on my face I began taking Hood's Sarsa­ parilla and continued with it^lilil the sores were all gone and I was stronger and healthier than ever before ” J ohn E. MoUNtioVAN, Point Arena. Cai. They alao V DAP II TWO STAMP MILLS, build tbe fl nllllfl Cement Gravel Milla, and the Celebrated II kikk A mai . gamatok . Special Machinery for CAPE NOME, Send for Catalogue. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. M ar la .iiaary nini Mii|»plt«*o. (TAWHTON A CO.; KNGINKM, HOII.KKN, MA- Chmerjr, mippliea 4» 60 b Irat Nt , Portland, Or. JOHN Hood’s Sarsaparilla In America’s Greatest fiedicine. O rroof . atirpaassoo richoat Klnndyka IrtMur«« •!'■> rooh invoatwl draw« lira uor cont Inloroet flea jtarx, worth |HM1) lh«tn. yield« >e»t thereafter lend moot fertile, title aooniuto Tan dollar« monthly witbast Istorool auftl- la$M Ila»», «re­ name ronuIta. nooperatire plan, Hnaih eaaoeto uiipni'1 ¡mUllmnii'» Bsfo« 'li»n «avitw bank Or life Innuranno. crop failure« iinpoMtlkle, l«r»er inroot manto eq .tally profitable, other crop* »■M>ut oure nouroee of wealth, Intilmilna coltb«r« do not poa-e-n. mailed poot|>aiile, »4 weary Street, Han Franrioco. I'al Out thio out A L A MACHINERY, am . kinds ...TATUM A BOWIN... tl Is 3» first Strsst A T N E P ortland , Rubber Growing in Mexico LABABTINFJ H the original ami only durable wall coating, entirely different from all kal- aumlnea. Heady fur use in white or fourteen beautiful tints by adding cold water. ADIES naturally prefer ALA- BASTINE for »*11» »nd *F !• ob­ viated bv alahastînel It can be used on ¡-lAStorsd wa-Ilt, Wood ceilings, brick or cao- vas. A child ran brush It on. It does not rub or scale off. ST RUSHED In favor. Sh in all Imitati r «. A*k paint deal- rr or druggist for tint card. Write na for interesting bo<'«- 1« tre- ALABAHTINB CO.. Grand Rapids, Mich. POOLE. enn give you the beat bur* 4hi*t in general machinery, engines, boilen, tanks, pumps, plows, tielts ami windmills. The rmw Mt*?l IXL windmill, gold by him, is tin« equalled soin«N0 OK, BUFFALO PITTS CO. MAÜUFACTVRF.RM OF Now Ikotable Cylinder Farm !.«»<»•»- mutltaa and Thrrahlng Mnnhlanry »V a .Impla leM <>l th. wrist you esn line up the ruttar bar on Hie Write for Catalogur. I1O K. Yamhill Mt.. PORTLAMD. OR. (Mention thin paper.) iHTRFlt oil ► FE WEFUNOEO. I'atrnt adv. rti-. . other points too Mr nd for < aUlogue. F.ntah. 1*4-4 RI7 14th Rt.. W a *HIN*> t - W 1» <' Branch Ofllraa < hi« ago, Cleveland, Detroit. Champion Draw Cut Mower MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., rORTLANI), ORKGOW. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Building or remodeling realdancen ami nterea. Ue carry a complete line uf Watib'h, Gratae and Tiling, Tile Fluering, Flit Wa*u- aroting. Andiron« Fender*, Ncre+nit Kl’Ctrtc, Gas and < om bl nation thandeiiwta. and nil a up- pl ten pertaining to Eleetrlc ai.4 4»aa Lighting. Waalno carry all kind« of Hatwriae. Bella and Ind i rat er« Photograph« • to arftil ly went ok appliiatK.n FICl>K II kkl.t tlH K a $ o W aehlngt«n Mt.. Fortland, Ahr. CURE YOURIELF1 f a* RI» for «nnajural 4t»> har»*«.lnflarr i-.nt. Irritata»« or «l< «rati na <>f ai a cosa a»mbr»n*« Paini«-ao. an i n »1 Miri»- r»nl «r p>4o»aoM. bg ■»r'agfflota. ST a»at io plein utapget. l.y »1 prosa. prmgaHl ft,r »1 r S lw Itiao. gf Circolar «ont os rosoeat BAD SPRING BLOOD keqnirea anma sort of a ton <* that « h ans out the .mpuriilaa Ona that really d«iea thia- and more- is floore’5 Revealed Remedy And doe« tt thoroughly. Fieasaat to tale fl UQ a If igg'at • YOUNG MEN! F«r Gs.nnrrh.ea end Gleet wet Pah«»'« ' >t«» Ik ta the <»N| > metterne whtrB will ura 1» «aU ev«*ry ffa-v MO ('»SB km>«m tt bee ever (aile.1 fee eure, m- niAtter h.»w *rl xm << f h »w h « a -«u ite *«e« «HI aatofOnh yx» It i« «aim.utely «afe. bevevate terk ture, M l ran he tek-n ln<*œw atoare and l»i'-n«w*e frxn ,»n«tn»-e by ail pvtlahto dmrwtota ->r neat prvfwal by plain y •raepe’l. »e it f pt*-, by pak ,' t < Hina »»redil. I g or protrwdiM Pi e» are < arrdbv O\Roeanito’o Rn« Pilo Romody. •vpe HabtMr aad b eed ng Abeort-e tu mora. W. a Jet at «ira«