Eugene City Guard. LATER NEWS. .» TURKEY MUST PAY IT. ÌIEGIRA FROM JAPAN WESTERN GOVERNORS. erasee* Agsi"»« ”»• L...I»« »< Publl* Arid Land«. I ImerlcBu VialuaB Can no Longer lio Cn- Civil government for Puerto Kic<| •ettied, will be inaugurated May 1. salt Lak*. April 28.—C-v.»rnor Lee. Washington, April 21.—The new» of of '«outh Dakota, and Governor Poi n­ Philippine Army to Be John Hoffman, a Bridal Veil, Or., EUGENE CITY OREGON. logger, was drowned in a pond. Senator Hoar Eulogized the the flrm attitude assumed by the state How Islands Are Scoured for ter arrived todav and took part lu tn* plied W ith It. department toward the Turkish gov­ proceedings of the governors of West­ SB Steerage Passengers. Tbe election in Louisiana resulted in Philippine Rebels. ernment in tbe prosecution ot its claim ern states, who have met to discus» a sweeping victory tor ths Democrats. for damages to American missionary subject* of interest to this section. Tbe Ameer of Afghanistan warns property caused something ot a sensa­ After a general discussion, tbe com­ FRESH England of Russian aggression on In­ ROLL CALL OF DEAD STATESMEN tion in diplomatic circle« today. Three PROMISED JOBS AND GOOD PAY mittee appointed to formulate resolu­ dia. ■ ucceseive American ministers have tions against the leasing of public arid prosecuted these claims; each received lands bv the general government and Iinpoaaiwr.ity nt Fru.(J|n< Harry F. Allen, defaulting clerk of Ar« a promise of prompt settlement, and 10,000 Already Booked for Paclfie demanding the cession of such lands tc Aa Interesting Collection of Items Frei th» Hoof or B»frl(»rat.r a..r t* Denver county treasurer's office, was Coast of America aud Twice as yet not a dollar ha« been paid. With the several state* should any change it the Two IIrmlipherea Freaented arrested in San Francisco. der Kxlstln, Cou.lluuu, Many More May Lome. European diplomats that is an old ex­ In a C’end wnoed Form. the present system be made, reported Canada will repeal the alien labor perience, and they have consequently the following, which were adopted: law which was aimed at American Washington, April 23.—w»r been somewhat surprised at the an­ Tacoma, April 21.—According to an “Resolved, That the people of th* Congress will adjourn in June. Washington, April 19.—For more miners in the Atlin district. nouncement that Die United States /ffieer of the Northern Pacific steam- states here represented are opjosed »'>- ment officials have been comp, Lj than three hour« ttxlay, Hoar, the senior War taxes will not be reduced at Great battles have taken place be­ government is actually going to insist ihip Goodwin, over 10,000 Japanese solutely to anv legislation or any action resort to the use of canned Ihis session of congress. tween government troops and rebels in senator from Massachusetts, occupied upon performance, instead of promise. sere booked for passage to this coast in of anv kind looking to, or having for it» ’or iue subsistence oi tli. aruir , the atention of the setiate with a speech Minister Angell, after trying his Kobe and Yokohama, in the two weeks object, the leasing of the public land» Philippines. This is due to ¿j* Great Britain will levy a tax on the United states of Colom Im. in opposition to the policy of “imper­ mines to pay the expenses of the war. Thirteen persons were drowned by ialism” U|«m which he maintained this hand at collection for two years, rec­ , preceding the sailing of the Goodwin of the United States by the genera) that it is absolutely C"—ntial th. soldiers shall l>e served with freik ommended that a United States war­ irom Japan. Of this large army of government or any angency thereof. A burglar entered a saloon in Che­ the capsizing of a boat while crossing government had embarked. As pre­ and because of the impos»il4|lty ship be sent to «eize Smyrna and col­ joolies, over 3,400 arrived on the sound “ Resolved, second, That the present the Rhine, near Bingen, Germany. halis, Wash., and took $500 in silver. pared, the address was 50,000 words in lect revenues at the custom-house there viding refrigerator licet or eattl* Work on the dam at Croton Land­ length, but Hoar omitted much of it, sufficient to meet our claims. This Inside of three days; the Riojun Marti laws providing for the control, man hoof under existing conditions. £ Four men were killed and several in­ having 1,300 aboard, the German agemeut and disposal of the public aric owing to an incipient attack of la ing, N. Y., has been resumed, under jured in a drunken riot of coal miners suggestion was not seriously entertain­ »teamer Milos 1,014, and the Goodwin lands of the United States are best the bulk of the army was 1,„ grippe, from which he was suffering the protection of the state troops. near Johnstown, l’a. ed, nor is it now. In the first pl ice, 1,117, while the Braemar is following adapted to the needs and requirement; seashore and at easily iic<-«..5il,la Lora Roberta sharply criticises the He apoke for three hours, and, while it according to the state department offi­ with 1,016 of them, and several other of the country, and conducive to thf there was no difficulty in p Heavy rain and snow storm« in tbe was a tremendous strain upon him, tbe vicinity of Denver are causing much ability of Generals Buller and Warren. more important passages of the argu­ cials, the most important business in­ »hips clearing for Portland and other settlement and occupancy thereof by them with fresh meats, but co London papers maintain there is noth­ terests in Smyrna are in the hands of sirts containing the remainder of this have now changed, an 1 the delay to railroad traffic. bona fide settlers. ment were delivered with force aud ing left for Buller but to resign. foreigners, not Turks, and a bombard- irmy of coolie laborers. “Resolved, third, That if it shall b< scatteretd among 16o points in i»* John Hannigan, aged 63, one of the vigor. ' ment by a United States fleet might Orders have been given to turn the According to this officer, immigra­ found that the present laws affecting parts of the archipelago, a gTBat best-known horse trainers in the coun­ The speech was brilliantly written, trans [orts Tartar and Westminster was illuminated with splendid rhetori­ result in a pretty bill for damages tion agents have been “working” the the arid lands are not satisfactory tc of them at considerable distant try, died at Mildale, Ky. over to their owners. The government • cal figures, aud was rich with citations against us. Then, as tnere is still a igricnltural districts of Japan for re­ the congress of the United States, ther the nearest shipping point. n1W( Two Mexican outlaws held up a bus no longer any need for their serv­ from history. One of the notable parts remnant of a Turkish navy, the United cruits, telling the Japs that all they we favor a cession of the said arid land; no cattle available, and the re, gambling house in Johnnon, Arizona, ices. State« would have to send a squadron, nave to do is raise $60 in gold to be to the several states wherein they art ated beef which has heretofore I of the address was the eulogy of Agui- anean statesmen by precipitating a final white merchants in the ports. cal trade and adopted the convention duced in the Asiatic race, a race which of large companies, syndicates, copror- found to meet the requirement«. sister, have fallen heir to an estate in crisis in Turkey. With Bnch bright prospects in view, The suggestions for its use with the United States. the Canary islands, valued at from handed down to us “the Kcriptures of Therefore, the important step to be the parents'of a large family of boys atfons or wealthy individuals in larg< originally from the suosistence the Old aud New Testaments, the quantities, to the exclusion of others, Fourteen thousand people have en­ $10,000,000 to $20,000,000. taken by our government will not be ire induced to borrow money on their poetry ot David, the eloquen e of and under such conditions that the sev­ in the Philippines, and the chief gaged ]ias»age from Pacific coast porta The Sultan of Turkey for the third Isaiah, tbe wisdom of Solomon aud the warlike, but will still suggest in a farms, or to raise it by mortgaging the eral states may have the income aris­ missarv officer at Manila recently» to Cape Nome, Alaska, on the first most dignified manner the indignation earnings of the lioys and the farm for bled a requisition lor an iinniedute 1». fleet of steamers, which sails alxiut time announces his intention to in­ profound philosophy of Paul.’’ felt by the United States at the betray­ (60. The agent engages passage for ing from said lands to be devoted tc livery of about 100,000 cans of crease lutien 3 per cent. The power* < )ne of the most effective parts of the the reclamation and improvement May 1. will address another note to the port* speech was his fancied roll-call of al of Turkish promises. How this at­ them in the steerage of some of the thereof for settlement by bona tide citi­ beef and subsequent deliveries att Two hundred or 300 families bought stating their objections to such au in­ titude will bear upon the Turkish min­ trans-Pacific steamships for $30 each, rate of about 50,000 cans a some of the distinguislied statesmen of 1,200 acres of land near Eugene, Or., crease. ister in Washington cannot lie foretold the balance being his commission; but zens.” the United States on the question of Governor Lee, of South Dakota, wa; Acting Comimssarv-General We with the intention of dividing it up at this moment, lie has so far abso- I which he can only oollect after the lie presented the matter to the secretin A party of three scientists have the retention of tha Philippines, into 40-acre tracts and working on the lutelv been iinentangled in the negotia­ »migrants have arrived in this country, the onlx one who opposed the resolution. began with George Washington and of war with a strong indoriemen: J sailed from Han Francisco to explore His opposition was simply because be colonization plan. tions of the American claims, but that is the law requires each Japanese to he proposition. As a measure of g. the unknown portion of Northeastern closed with William McKinley, each ' believed that the demand for et-ssioi Burglars at Toronto, Ont., dug Siberia. One object of their trip will in a sentence giving a reason for his fact might not save him from being have at least $30 on his arrival here. to the states should be put first. A ■erne caution, however, Secretary l.,( made the immediate victim of his through the nine-inch brick wall of be to determine whether or not the vote. Every vote was in the negative, ' Not one of these men come to this form of letters to tie sent out to othei decided to get a personal opinion in, the vault of St. Simon’s church with American Indian 1» descended from except that of Asron Burr, who voted country’s laches. The minister, how- I country expecting to clear the forests governors was adopted. .Major-General Otis before taking tai ever, is very popular in Washington. crowbars and picks and stole $1,175, Asiatio stock. or to till the ground, but every one has “Yes,” and said: "You are repeating j action. A cable message oi inqugy The proved claims against Turkey in­ been led to believe an easy position at THE YAQUI WAR. the Easter offering. was forwarded at once, and Genenl The mountain which overlook« the my buccaneering expedition down the Conditions in faminn-stri'-ken India town of Klappi, in Bohemia, where a Mississippi. I am to be vindicated at clude about $300,000 for the destruc­ good wages in white men’s houses Mexican Indian Bebels Still Full ol Otis’ reply was received today. ]« tion of property alone. To these, awaits him. are deplorable. Sixty millions of peo­ landslide recently occurred, has under­ last.” When the name of William: text was not made public, but Its«, Fight. ple are suffering and 80,000,000 are in gone a seismic disturbance which is McKinley was called, he replied: which admitted of practically no dis- j This officer says if something is not San Francisco, April 23.—Henry oral character may be dearly infmsj pute, there was added the Lentz claim done soon to check the influx of Japan ­ dire distress, and only 5,000,000 are spreading throughout the entire prov­ "There has lieen a cloud before my of $10,0(10, which was presented by ese before the year is out at least 20,- Hoahstey, of Oakland, who has re­ from the fact that instru tion» h»n receiving government aid. been sent to Colonel Alexander, ince. The heights of the Bohemia vision for a moment, but I see clearly Secretary Olney. 900 more of them will be booked for turned from the seat of the Yaqni war, commissary officer at Chicago, tor In New York, a school of voice cul­ middle range are moving and houses now, 1 go back to what I said two in Mexico, brings advices as follows: this coast, as there are fully 100 agents ’Forcible annexation is ture was begun on a portentious scale and churches have collapsed in some years ago: STORIES OF REFUGEES. The Mexicans sent out word that th* range for the immediate dispatch i:i in the various provinces ol Japan, work­ st Carnegie Hall, under the direction 80 villages. Railway embankments criminal aggression; governments de­ war was over, but at the same time large quantity of roast beef to Sa of Giacomo Minkowsky, called tbe have been moved, streams diverted aud rive their just powers from the consent Boers Sahl to B*« Preparing to Destroy ing up the lower class of Japs to raise 4,000 troops were hastening to th* Francisco for shipment to Manila!» f60 each to reach a land where they Johannenbiirg Milieu. of the governed, not of some of them, i Metro|»ilitan School of Voice and Sing­ roads sunk. the first available steamer. Spe&. but of ail of them.’ I will stand with | London, April 21.—A cable this I can make moie money in one year than fiont. The Yaquis have about 6.00C precaution will be taken to secure t» ing. Edouard de Reezke and Mme. The proceedings of the naval strategy the fathers of the revolution. men under anus. They have Reming­ i .hey could in Japan in a lifetime. 1 will I Nordic* will give scholarships to the bourd will be secret. morning states that the Natal Mercury ton and Mauser rifles and Isiws and liest quality of beef and to insure:» stand with the founders of the Republi­ publishes accounts of newly arrived I»wt gifted pupils under Minowsky. prrows. They have two cannons that proper care and preservation at 11 ARREST OF STRIKERS. The Ohio anti-bicycle law was de­ can party.” Maurice Grail and Andrew A. McCor­ refugees, who tell of elaborate prepara­ 34 Yaquis captured from 200 Mexicans. stages of its long journey to the I’hiLp- The effect was dramatic. As Hoar ’ tions which are being made for the de­ mick are lending their influence. Min­ clared unconstitutional. Lively Day at the Croton Valley The Mexicans keep to the roads and pines. kowsky is a composer of note. Democrats, Populists and Silver Re­ pronounced his peroration, the stillness struction of all the «hafts in the mines Dam» towns, while the Yaquis hold the Sier­ KISSED THE BIG GIRLS. in the chamber was intense, Applause around Johannesburg. The scheme is publicans have fused in Nebraska. The Paris exposition was formally Croton Landing, N. Y., April 21.— ras. Mexicans estimate the Y'aquis at swept over the galleries, but it was being carried out under the supervision opened. Fire in a tenement house at Newcas­ hushed quickly by the president pro This was by far the liveliest day in and 15,000, but the population of Sonora i- Agaiii«*t a Reedvilli of the state mining engineer, who has irouml Croton valley since the strike at least 120,000, and half of them an Charge Made Teacher. Filipinos are again active near tle, l’a., caused the death of four per­ tern. requisitioned all the copper wire in the began, 17 days ago. The civil and mili­ Yaquis. sons. The Indians have a peculiat Manila. Hillsboro, Or., April 21.—A «won town for the purpose of making connec­ tary authorities played a very import- system for keeping their treasury ÌD complaint, signed by N. I’. Oakeran The second day ’ s debate upon the Republican party leaders have agreed One man was killed and a boy fatal­ tion«. mt part in the day’s proceedings, and funds. The warrior« alternate betweer and 11 other patrons of school district ly injured in a $4(10,000 tire which oc­ U|«>n planks. Expansion will be th* naval appropriation bill in tho house Week* must elapse before General today was confined closely to the «ob­ Carrington who has arrive.! at Beira, he result is that now 26 Italians are the firing line and working in the miner < 5,000. begun sweeping the town. The subse- ' Wright, bicycle tire manufacturent, In some valuable papers aixl told him h* brands on his cattle. They threaten»! under consideration the debate con­ top of the hill and in little Italy. Twelve hundred Tagalos attacked quenl street tight lasted 20 minutes. was fatally shot by a woman m < hb ago. tinuing on the llansbrough alien min­ this round-up. which lasted nearly four would shoot him unless he kept bit to shoot and he retreated. With th« Case’s battalion headquarters at Caga- I Twelve of the wounded American» Carter presented hours, 16 prisoners vesue captured. The cruisers Detroit and Marblehead van, island of Mindanao, but were re­ are now on l«>ard the hospital «hip ers’ amendment. mouth shut. Two men. both of whom assistance of Sheriff l’resse and pi«*, Many of the most peaceful of the wore stars, pl act* I Gustavson, under the thieves were overtakeir-il) mil« and gunboats Bennington and Concord pulsed with a loss of 50 killed and 80 Relief. The enemy withdrew to the formally his substitute for the Hans- «trikiug Italians are leaving town to brough amendment and delivered a have been ordered out of commission, wouuded. Americans had tive casual­ mountains in great confusion. arrest, he declares, obeying Smith’s north of here anil ordered to surrender At 8 o’clock speeoh in support of it. Spooner antag­ ««•k wotk elsewhere. owing to the lack of a sufficient number ties. command. The alleged officers, Gus­ The thieves showed tight, and were fol­ General Montenegro, one of the in­ onised l>oth the original and substitute this morning work was resumed the of officer». Sixteen month« have elapsed since surgents' best fighters, has surrendered amendments, holding that the courts 'ame as yesterday, but there were no tavson says, then took him into a hall­ lowed six miles further north, all w way, where they made him sign a pa­ changing shots, one of the outlaws be­ The Chinese government has sent the sultan of Turkey promised to pay to Colonel Smith in the mountiansneat more laborers on hand. per, the contents of which he was un­ ing instantly killed. The dead ®aa 7,000 troops t<> Shan Ting to suppress $IM),000 indemnity (or the destruction t 'amling, in the province of Tat lac, ought to settle the conflicting claims the “Boxers. ” However, it i« notori- of American missionary property dur- where, with General Macabulos, h* without interference by congress. RppMlring the Boston. able to read. The alleged officers. answers the description of “Flat Nose out that the majority of the tnsqw are (ng the riots of 1 hm 5. The usual sharp bad been trying to reorganise the Fili­ Philippine* 1‘rlBl«. Washington, April 20 —The taiard of Gustavson said, gave him a dollar after George, and investigation proves alm'14 member* of the same society. pino army. Colonel Smith, with tiv* Manila, April 21.—The military survey in the case of the United states he had signed the paper and told l.L.L conclusively that he is one of the me« lint is neceimary. to leave. that robbed the train of the Union P»‘ The transport latke Erie, with up- The secretaiy of war has ordered an coin|MUiies of the Seventeenth infantry, commission which tried three Filipino« cruiser Boston has reported to the navy Gustavson then reported the matter ciflc railroad about a year ago H» want» of 500 lransiaal prisoners, in- investigation of ths case of Major nearly surrounded the force of Monte­ at Loallamba for guerrilla warfare has department that the ship can be re- eluding French. German and Russian Knight, United States Migineer, negro, who, discouraged by the im- found all three guilty and sentenced pure-1 at a cost of $175,000, or one- to the Central police station. Smith has been brought to Thopnison'»! f memlwrs of the foreign legion, captured ( barged with interfering with Fathet (sissibilty of making his men stand two of them to life imprisonment and half of the original estimate, and the «t the station said he had never before identification. Men are now on d>» at Boshof, sailed from Cape Town for Tierney, of the Roman Catholic church, against the Americans, surrendered, one to 80 years’ imprisonment. work has been ordered done at the •een Gustavson. He will have a hear­ way from Cheyenne to identify him. ing this afternoon. Macabulos escaped. I Major-General Otis ha.« approved the Mare island navy-yard. st. Helena. in the performance of his dutle«. All Quiet at Croton Dam. ------------------ o---- The insurgents have attacked San findings, but has reduced the sentences Norway Buylnc War Supplies. The Western hemlock is to be the l.ATge 1 im port At Ion of Opium. The trial of Ferico Pipin, who Croton Landing, N. Y.. .April 23 — Jose, in the province of Batangaa, and ! to 15 years. Two Ladrones convicted Stockholm. April 21.—The riksdag Everything was quiet in the strike «*• subject of a s|>eei*l investigation thia cently led a small uprising against San Francisco, April 20.—The larg- Santa Crus, on the lake, fruitlessly. of murder have been sentenced to be has vote.1 3.000,000 kroner for ammu­ nation today. The same men who w government ot Han to Domingo, has summer by the division of forestry, and •st single importation of opium to ar ­ hanged at O’Donell. euded with the conviction of th« pris­ a party of ex]>ert» will spend several The fiist American coal ever shipped: rive in this port was that brought here nition and rifles. 13.000,000 for new ported yesterday to the summons of H ‘ Bell artillery, 320.000 for volunteer whistle at 7 A. M. reported for wcrt oner, who was sentenced to 20 years' inouths in the I'uget sound region mak­ to Japan has at arrived Nagasaki, Th* !’a|«er made from aeawee«! Í» so trans­ in the Nippm Mara. The opium is imprisonment and to pay a tins of $30,• ing observations and measurements ol steamer Needless has reached that port parent that it is used for windows in­ worth $0 »0.000, and the duty amounts rifle associations, and has agreed to in­ agian this morning, bringing a d> tense the new naval construction esti­ more with them. At the quarry 13* that species of hemlock. with 6,000 tons from Virginia. 000 in gold. to $2(H),982. stead of glass. mates for 1901 to J,725,000 kroner. men Appeared tor work. Food for Indian Famine» nufforert. Former Secretarv of the Interior Tailors* ttlspiite Setltrg. Rlllrtl If|< father to H bv « III« Mother. Kn«« Waa Too Strong. Mrs. James G. Rlaine is collecting Canal Bill Changed. Washington, April 31. — The navy Hoke Smith has sold hi« Atlanta, (is,, Anderson, Ind., April 21.—John Chicago, April 19. —Tailors wh Lewiston, Idaho, April 23._ Mrs her hushaud'a letters for publication in Washington, April 23.—The ho®* iepartment has secured a 5,000-ton Journal to a Boston syndicate. Roilm- re. 54 years of sge. was shot and were locked out February 15 returned » biography. David Watson, an aged lady residing committee on interstate and f< reu’1 (ierm uiv and Russia are sai l to bars to work today, the contract betweeu instantly killea by his son, Thomas E. deamer to carry the wheat and other Workingmen In California are be- the Journeymen Tailors’ Union and fli* 7 Kislmore, aged 20. The son claims he 'ood supplies collected by charitable «lx miles east of Lewiston, died at 10 commerce today made an ini| rt*n’ reached an agreement as to railway I’cfock tonight. Ye.ter.lay afternoon ,n* coacsMtoaa. practically dividing Asia "oming alarmed at th* steadily in- 1'ailors’ and Draper«* Exchange haviug killeil hi" father to save his mother’s I organizations in New York to the «he drank half a bottle of cherrv pec­ change in the Hepburn Nicer 'reasing num tier of Japanees immi- bill, striking out the provision f »r f,ir’ rlague and famine sufferers in India. Minor between them. lieen drawn up aud signed by represen­ aud his own lift, both of whom had toral, and soon collapsed into an un- tifleatione and thus providing wh*1 ” {rauta. tatives of laah l>adiea last night. Th* !wu attacked hr the elder Ro. I more Cyril Arthur Pearson, principal Spokane. Wash., April 21.—The xmecioue .tote, from which she never expected to become a on pf The Pennsylvania supreme court has Mrs. Kodmore had trustees of the Spokane Exposition recovered. exchange «ins every point in the con­ with a hatchet. owner, manager and whtor of Pearson’« The amendment was propo* I ' t-“?’ Ba< k shop* are refused. file I suit for divorce. maganne and many other journals, field that a coni)>auy incorporated id troversy. 'ompany have raise«I $42 OJO for the retsentative Barham, of Cali nl>- Y °' k ' Apnl « — Miss Marr intends sltortly to launch a London Mother state aud not registered tn The only point conceded by the toaeet Infic tiou« disease« are unknown in erection of a permanent exposition The chairman of the committee was daily newspaper modeled on American Penns« lvalue cannot rev-over in an was in regard to bu«helmen. who ar* Greenland, on account of the dry, cold ' «tiding this summer, and bolding the E. l>tn»s, of this city, jumped form the betion at law. Brook.yn bridge at 2 o’clock this after­ strncted to offer the same upon «' t”1 ’ allowed to remain with the union lines. \ slmonpheie. «unual fair next Octo!-er. »•ration of the bill at th- | per tn»* soon without serious injuries Ex-President Cleveland says the point lost by the strikers is the reten- An immense body of crystallised as a committee amendment lion of men employed in their Parrel« Po«t Treaty. places Amcrimn Machinery for France. lead ore has law-n found on ths outskirts Nicaragua canal should be regarded as The amendment was agreed I C.reat Bride» Trust. by the various shops. Washington, April >1. — The post ­ 'Jie United Mates’ gift to the world. Pittsburg. April 31.—WoM has lieen of Helena. Mont. without some expression of re’u to»** master-general has signed a parcel« New York. April 23.-The American vceived from Baris that the Westing- While in th* Philippine* Gen Li<|n<>r exports to Cul>a, INirto Ri«x> post treaty with New Zealand, which »use Electric Company has closed rblgw» ( »'pm«k with (air since the >paui«h war. similar to the parcels post trestle« robbers partly wre»-«ed the safe in th» fluency. Metropolitan underground railway of •spital Vf 1100.000. which m.r b» ln- Lnenmatlvs Kn«lnr«r *111*3. In the last 80 years 9,575 lives «era stats l>aak of W est Pullr.iaa, bat failed negotiated with a uuiul>er of other gov- Paris, and the suburlmn line« of the rVS7 ?L,ÀÛ’000’'XW’ oi whl' h «O.- Vancouve«, B. C., April 23.—Re*** Cotton spinners of Japan have organ ­ lost in and alsiut the authracite coal to «eeure the $10.00*) inside. Ins ex­ srnm •nts. railroa.1 de I’Ouest of Franc«. The X»0. o , m .h.ll bs 7 per cent cumulative <5oamee, freight engineer "ti the > «n*‘ ise! a cotton yarn trust, the objset be­ plosion attract*! two policemen nimes of Pennsylvania. ■eeterred Mock and $40.000.000 nvm- lian Pacific, was instaitly kil *'1 •* A ronipany will also equip a Urge power Vgrn l.tnchrd by a Hob. non i, «H inrlu.le Naval authorities hate decidtwl that ing to meet grow mg competition from robber on guard fired a shot into ths house for supplying all the «urfacerail- Vick, arg, Miss.. April 21. — Advices Beaver canyon, while taking s trsts th« United States. air, and the men in-*ide escape«! from a from Rolt. u state that Henry McAfee. -OA.U of Parts with electric current, »rominent Steel bridge mauufacturwg Guam strategically is o( scarcelr lese through. He was going at tbe n‘'" The president of the Mexico, Cuerna- rear window Cunou«ly enoug.1, ths value than Hawaii, and hare l>egua 30 miles an hour, when the sag®* • negro, accused of an attempted «nd has eqnippel tbe movable sidewalk lompanies of the countrr. |t ia J ’’ M r“"n * «O «r* «n crashed into a rock slMe. Th» 1 the pn*|n» of plans to make It va.-a A Pacific railroad aays Mexico is lime lock mechanism was not injured, asrault O|" S a Mrs. Saunders, in Hinds st the exposition as well a* an electnc out of the mout iiii|«'rtaul naval )>aaas just entering a remarkable era of rail­ •nd this morning ths door was thrown eonaty. was hanged by a mob tn front railway which runs through the expo­ Inan.e the consolkation. the negntia- motive and three cars Sopplel "re- «” road caoistr’u'tiuu. u|«a sutoaiatlcalljr. Vti the i'aaitio. sition groun.1«. •hich w»ra «aned a Stomee was thrown against a pr I*"* i>( th« Bi aosville school bouse. i“< rock, which piercer his tsfflj Aa' o< F oi A» «Y»» i Tr< Fvi Au' th ¿tlauti Till «ith a v ot yellot ippearai B*uev< ; blind they we a « cbl. wd wei pleasure to them in«*’ tb large ga they bel Ing ot « tblrg ot vas-tbi A hot Tbe tv tbattlng ••Paul, “On w •Ab! row—’ “Yea. Till be “And •If bi -You b* tble “Then your lot "And "Noth “Paul, “DW d< tic* I” “Boca ready—I balr an« “Oh! •It Is “Was tag bm But wt would I to each That wi “I kn hilly; a Tbe « speratk st If: ««ucce •Nel».', age off Such w Mt On tl bad go seated each ot “Paul other?" “In « "I kt Eight enough “Less ire hat *1 ci What I ore, ai What I He w “For “Ann “Onl; will au “You “Onl; th« ba You n< please! “Rat tered i few da “No. io It, ( He 1 answe “Wb “To­ th!« b< “T’. pointe« “Yes “Got “Got good s M Paul In dre course bow i bands pear 1 talnty “Off He table, ran to until I »■ent btmae vlolen beat. In f •Igbtl which It mu inlnul edge. C1M He •fowl; bling Peeta 1» thi old. "how tonsh long He $ He tbe i look, cue bi •t 1 «*•*