The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877, May 17, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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may v V,
this hemisphere, and ope of the best ^creasing with the continuance of ex­ and the more because European the kite. Tlie temple measured near­
in the world, and yet it has been poaure, objects do not .become bright securities are depressed and the ly one hundred an<| sixty-four feel
1'HlLADEITHIA letter . '
completed and stocked in the short er and brighter as we look at them, future of European-nations is clouded . by three hundred and for|y-lhreo
but they attain their predestined dis­ with doubt. Unhappily, we owe to feet, and it was raised-to the-heighl
■ v
( from on» heoblab corrkspondknt .) period of four years.
I forgot to mention that til ere will tinctness at Qttce. The action of the Europe very large sums which are , M qf nine feet ■ five-and a-h.tlf inches
April 25,1877.
be no charge for admission to Me light, the removal of the waste it is not. represented , by Government ..from the pavement surrounding it,
Last week I made a short visit to
morial Hall, nor to Horticultural occasioning, aud the supply for yeno-- bonds. Our Stale and Qyunty and a > u a platform, a hich measured- on
Philadelphia, and spent tvTew hours
Hall, and that the beautiful flower vation are »11 contemporaneously go­ municipal ’bonds," our corporate the lowest of fourteen steps two hun­
- - in the familiar but almost deserted
parterres in front Of Horticultural ing on with an equal step, or so near -1 securities, and especially «Mv railway dred and- thirty-nine feet by four
Centennial grounds. Of the build­
Hall, that attracted so much admira­ ly so that such may be considered bonds and stocks, are held thereto hundred and eighteen feet. The
ings, nearly all temaip, and their
tion last year, will be cultivated at lt> be lite practical effect.—Dr. J. W. an enormous amount. Confidence cells was nearly seventy feet .wide,
silence nnd emptiness, when coin-
thy expense t>f the city. Machinery D raper , in Harper s Magazine fpr in such securities has- been terribly and was probably-adorned with two
Hasted with’tlieir gay arid overflow­
shaken by recent events. When tiers of column* and rint.iblature-<.
Hall still remains, but it is not at May.
ing life, a few -months ago, greatly
thousands of termer holders wish to The major part of the sculpture has
present known for what purppse it
i nlensifies the imp'-essiou of loveli-
realize on .the securities, there will been chopjied up into smalt pieces,
will be used farther than that the
- -
s. - re«».
not be found, as in- ¿lie case of large heaps of which were found
Franklin Institute will uSe it for an
War in Europe does not mean un*
But soon there will be a change.
annual exhibition of machinery. limited prosperity^ America. When Govefament bonds, other thousands .rekdy to be thrown ’into the dime- ,_
On the 10th of May the permanent
Tlther buildings, such as the Impelial the war-drums throb, anywhere in anxious to invest. A great”exodus ki'ni fown I on the site. All that
International Exhibition will by
of American securities of the less was found was sent to England from
German pavilion, the English Govt;
opened, not with the ecto, ceremony, building, and the small Japanese the civilized world, some shari of satisfactory kind is likely to be an time to time in the tne.t of war
the suffering and loss tnuwj, fi;l I sooner
and historic significance,- that char-
'immediate effect of the war, and,"if which were s»mt to- Smyrna for the
buildings, which were presented by
or late'FTo every’ nation. Modern
acterized our somewhat too boastful
the struggle is prolonged, and in­ purpose ; and in the British Museum ’ ~
their several governments *■ to the
salutation to the “ fete despotisms” state of Pennsylvania, will beamong finance and modern" commerce have volves great exhaustion of European .can be seen all that was "imported.
r *
’ one year ago, but, if with less noibe, -the free attractions at the old Cen­ bound all nations together with ties capital ¿if the borrowing ’ of large Al the extreme end of the Elgin
that cannot be msen but cannot be
. . . ,
. e
, ,
. .,
- not without a fair prospect of per-
'sums at high rates by European Gallery will ue.fqand three of the
tennial grounds. I believe that,
manent success atid usefulness. -It should there be no rebellion, against broken, and the true interest of each governments, this shipment»^^, sculptured drums, the b ise of one of
is impossible not to admire the its int'ollerable long nam<% the Per­ has become the best interest of all. securities to America seems likely to the large columns or the peristyle, a«
Jay Cooke could not fail at New
, o
energy and courage of the Philadel­
portion of the frieze, two finpitals, a
manent Internationa) Exhibition
York without causing starvation in
phians who have undertaken single
. Inasmuch as we owe- nearly or lion’s head from the cornice, a fine
will be a success.
many an English town, and the Sub­
handed and alone so unique and
quite $2,000,000,000 abroad in the specimen ot tlie enrlchtd cymattum,
lime Porte cannot seiid deVout Mus­
gigantic an enterprise as ft permanent
of bended debt, the credit of and several interesting fragments ot
be fqod Jor Russian can­
- International Exhibition; for, H
^municipalities not archaic sculpture, -TheBc are soma ___
Tin- Chemistry of Vision. \
non without br
. .. disaster, near
—...— .—
must be remembered, that this is the
1 in i>4ir Lun L lilt »¿•lit»""*' lint,
----- - nuu w az <, wRA*.,u I r VI1 tr
iirxvi y
o sJ
vzi til“
irixxrxrr t-»ii v wxrxiyii ,
vu v
venture o.f privateTridividuals w ith
if we film it that during the net of or remote, to pious Christiana ia’ severely tested. Not a few railways, the great mass’of the antiquities “
, *■’ i. out the solid assistance of fState or vision the retina, as a structure with Maine or TCaTifornia.-
which have -struggled until now brought over remain in the sheds nn--
National appropriation^, and fade-' a carbon nucleus, undergoes meta . It is very much the habit to take against bad-management or adverse der the portico of tbe .Museum until
pendent of the enthusiasm excited by morphosij», the principles of photo­ it for-granted that war in Europe fate, will be forced to surrender* at more space can be spired for tbe ex-
»u giesit national epoch. The- ne chemistry would lead us to expect will be a great blessing to this discretion long before the Turks lay hibition of sculpture dh the rodtns
ceaaary funds have been collected, that the yellow must be the'bright country. War bet ween civilized iia- down their arms. Stocks of all and galleries which will in time bo
lioua needs to sustain its grain and
and, since
have the
kinds, mining^ railway, and maim-.. devoted to their, ‘
. . those who
' ' ' matter est ray. and a harmony is thus estab,
in charge have profited from their fished between this and other funo gold as well as blood and iron, and laeturing, are also largely held, -Wjien the excavations were sus­
experience in thc4ast Exhibition, the tional changes in the body. We the iiniheiliale demand lor the sitp- abroad, "and in raapy_.cases are likely pended in April 1874, I had cle ired
arrangements will be more complete also perceive the significance, of cer ­ port of coiiibateuta, in food, cloth to come back. It is unfortunate for out âiid. examined the who’e.ot the
..than they have ever-been at any tain structures of the eye Which oth­ ing, and munitions of war, will not us-that this disturbance in Europe temple site, and thirty feet beyond
inconsiderable. But the main
* ’ ■'
former.worlds fair. The represent»- erwise would appear to be without
so closely" follows events which have the lowest step ofc the platform on
obvious fact is that ports from
tionii* of foreign nations will,, of meaning. Tbe " rap“d retrograde
impaired, confidence in^ manage- whick it jraa raised, excepting on
ConrSey not be as conspicuous in this metamorphosis which must be tak which about 42,000 000 bushels of merit of many American corporations the east side, nearly one half of which
qrair.-Are-.usually seni. to -supply-
and rfhiiiicipaiitiesT But we must hjjs not been explored lor more than
but England and • her colonies, provision of some Ib'eans for moving European demands will be closed by face facts as they are, and it seems t six feet beyon‘l-4lie lo'west step of '
, France, Brazil, and Jap
will .have away the wasted prod sets and sup- a struggle between Rassta anil Tur. probable tlyMiJIof"' sbnie" fnire to T fche platform?' \jti “this largë^ünèx-’
riúlrit’iotí^wilh the utmost keytl'~Tlie number of consumers will come, a large shaie of our exported ploreif aretf, and amongst' the ruiiis
And this is the., office be unchanged ; tfie number of pro­ grain and produce will go to pay for of a portico which Tound sur-
ducers will be greatly”diminished.
Arrangement with-reference to discharged by the choroid.
bonds and stocks returned to JK this
rounding the temple at a distance of_
---------- *
nationality will not be attempted in
Bi}t such removals and supplies Grain, meat, clothing, weapons, country.— N. Y- Tribune
thirty one feat,i". who can tell what
the permanent exhibition, but' the require time. Time, therefore, en­ munitions, »iii amr) manufactured
valuable remains of the temple may
distribution will be according to ters as an element in the visual op­ articles will be purchased from this
A Hight Mistake.
notsHltbe found on farther explora­
class, art, and industry, thus afford­ eration. ^)ight commences instants country in much larger quantity be­
The present Archbishop of Dublin tion».? I am moat anxious that the
ing the visitor much, better oppor neously, but ihe image of an object cause of the war. Already cargoes
excavations should be continued, and
tuiiity for study and comparison than may be seen long after tbe reality are dispatched by telegraphic order; the gifted author of the work, so only await marching orders to re- . ’
lie had; at the former exhibition, has disappeared. This instantané already factories open their doors, widely known, on the Study of, turn to Ephesus aud- renew my Ta­
where each" country had an Indepen ous commeccment ot a retinal im­ and the prices of our chief products IVords, is not in very robust health, bors there.”
dent show. the-former ex- pression may be very strikingly il­ for export advance. But the merlai aud has been for many years appre­
hibitiou space will* be allowed the I lustrated. The spark of a Leyden- has two faces. We are certain to hensive of paralysis. At a recent
From the Mew York Observer.
exhibitors free of charge, but they jar,4hough it does not last, as is af­ ship larger quantities of products at dinner in Dublin, given by the Jx>rd-
Taking Turns.
will be expected to pay*ten per cent firmed, the millionth of a second, can higher prices, apd-du the exchanges Lietenant of Ireland, bis Grace saj.
ot all sales to the permanent ex without any difficulty be photograph of nations these "products arep-t good- on the right of his hostess, the Duch­ r* The folio wing correspondence ex­
hibition association, which-fund will ed even ou sosluggiSh a compound as as gold, and yet thè preriumn .on ess of Abcaorn. Ip the midst of the plains ittplf :
----- . .April 12, 1877..
be used to defray current expenses. silver iodide. Ou the far more sen gold in American markets rises dinner the company was startled by
The admission tee will -be twenty sitive retina the chemical impression
Having heard that the pulpit of
It is not possible as yet to measure seat, and still more startled to hear
five cents, and the gates will be must be practically contemporaneous
the financial disturbance which war him exclaim, in a dismal and sepul­ the —— has not yet been tilled, [
closed On Sunday. That it has with tLe impinging of the light.
If, after tl^eyelids have been clos in Europe will cause. It is easy to chral tone, “ It has come 1 it has write to ask you to put the name of
been possible to fill the main exhihi
my friend, the Rev. .----- , before the
lion building with interesting ex I ed for some lime, we suddenly and see why geld temporarily rises and come!”
He is just the man fi-r the
. hibitais certainly remarkalftw; This steadfastly gaze at a bright abject, United Stales bonds fail, but not as
I am yours,
♦ * *.
building, it will be remembered, and then quickly close the lids ogain,
covers precisely twenty acres.---A I a phantom image is perceived exist-
“ What I have been expecting for
hall, that is 140 by 60 feet is thought , ing in the indefinite darkness before expect, if the war lasts. Men say,
—April 14.
tffbe of very respectable size, but us; By degrees the image becomes ‘ War creates extraordinary oppor­ tweoty years,” solemnly answered
this is as large as just 1000 such I less and less distinct; in a-mfliilTe or tunities for employment of money; the Archbishop—a stroke of paraly­ My Dear Sir:
disturbance in the money market sis. I have been pinching myself
Your request is cheerfully com.,
two it has disappeared.
The uheinical hypothesis renders a also creates extraordinary demand; for the last twenty minutes, and find plied with, and your friend will be
f *4
be two immense aguria, one for salt very clear explanation of this effect and men sell what they can sell at myself entirely without sensation.’’ invited to preach when bis turn
“ Pardon me, my dear archbishop,’ comes. There are now seventy-
waler, and the other'for fresh water I —an explanation that commends it­ least loss in order to realize the
the duchess, looking up to him three names on the list of candidates
animals. t There is also a large pic self to our attention as casting light
a somewhat quizzical smile— recommended, and, if etch .one of
ture said to represent a review ot
t roopauftet-the battle of Yorktown nomena ot apparitions—phenomena unsalable, and decidedly not good “pardon me for contradicting you, them is heard uot more thau two '
The picture which is after the win that have been not without influence collateral for loans ; new demands bat it is I that you have been pinch Sabbaths, your friend will be wanted
for money spring up on a^ery side ; ing."— E ditors D hawrr , in Har about three years hence. It is' well
dow curtain order of art,, it is said, on the history ot mankind.
that you wrote so soon, bt-c mse ap­
was ariginally painted tot something
The duration and gradual extinc and the people want to realize in per'» Magazine ior May.
plications are coming in so rapidly
else, still it will answer for the re tion of tbe regnal phantoms corres­ order to employ money al better
Temple of Diana.
some of them will have to wait four
view at Yorktown or any other pond to the destruction and renova profit, or who must realize in order
Mr. Wood, the successful .excava, or five year»}
piace, but like the bloody dattb of tien taking place in tbe retina itself. to protect themselves, sell United
♦ ♦ ♦
-Always yours,
the Battle of Gettysburg, by Ratbcr- The blood supply is very ample, as States stocks because these sell tor and.discoverer, writes to the Sun
mel, it offends the nostrils of the are .likewise the channels for the re­ quickly and at small sacrifice. This day at Home of what has been no
Love is represented as blind. But
....... .»
moval ot waste, but*lhe operations reasoning undoubtedly applies to complished, and what remains to be.
is a love that is keenly semi*
It is designed to make Memorial require lime to be accomplished. As some transactions. But the slight­
anything in the loved one
flail an arc-museum after the model in machines contrived by man, so in
symmetry of cmr,»ctv‘r. *
of the Kensington Museum in Lon­ natural organs, the practical work
A - .
don, and although it will be years ing does not always oome up to tbe rapid rise in gold. The truth is thqt’ pletely cleared and the •neasnreinents A love which seek* tn the most deli­
before it reaches the excellence of its theoretical standard. Theoretically, something else is coming to this side taken, the temple-was found to h ive I cate manner to lead the loved one to
7 great-pattern, still Philade'phia and as 'the retina suffers change under much more largely than the bonded been octastyle aud dipteral; having I see what limy be remedied, aud is
* ♦
eight columns o'n the fl inks,; one tenderly, Uiiob’tiuuvely ^elp'ul ill
ihe cirtmlry are to be congratulated the incident light, the removal of debt ’of the nation.
upon the substantial foundation that waste and nutrition should go on in ' It does not seem probable that hundred of these celuins, which Were every effort made for improvement.
has been Hid. Last year the ex an equal manner both as to time and very large transfers of Government six feet in diameter and sixty. feel
As Hie moon lilts up the dirk sea-
ounded the naos, or veila;
hibition prdper attracted so much quantity. A. marvelous approach to bonds will be made to this country.» hij
ih its silvery arms, as the steel turns
of the columns were sculp to something somewhere, a power
attention that not a few visitors left the idelit perfection is. attained, for There are a great many sellers, ds tht
these which it mujt obey, so conscience is
the city witboat having seen the though the action of light must neC doubt, in every foreign market, but lurid and five examples
moot complete Zoological garden in essarily .be cumulative, that n, 4n- there are also a great many buyers, sculptured ouiumus were found on moved upon aud drawn upward.
I .
* .uiMStSf
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