-ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN. J VOL. VII ZMonmoiitli, Oregon, Aitty 17, 18^'7. NO. 11 -V “Shepherd nri'l Bishop” of souls, tTioiisnnd less than the -Lntlierians, down from our exalted bight as Bro. tValker was tlieir elder, Bro. ; five millions less than the Methodists Christians into the field of polttic«. r jblis K ed every T hursday by the C. Wood and Bro. Harris deacons, and one million less than the Roman 'We could not do thi’-r without trail­ Messenger Publishing Co., r_ ing the banner of Christ in the dust.- and Bro. Ilodges a grAdtia'e of Beth­ Catholics. ’ MONMOUTH, POLK CO., OKEQON, Compa-ed with the whole number Politics would get. into the ehurch, any College was laboring among ----- I n (Irvoftd to the cause of Primitive them in word'and doctrine, . Bri.’ of church members in the United ’ll wouh>be preached from the’ pul­ <‘hri«tlAuit y and the dWT union of Genir^ L. L. Rowlafld has also labored States, the .Christian church Bre 20 pit, and a member’s standing in hi« ul I«tfoi ipallot«. among some Hiring the last year; millions in a minority. That is lo i ohurch wonld. be gauged by. his Price Per Year, in Advance, $2.59 both of these' brethren are good sayj thatjf we were to undertake to I political action .in proportion as he AH CoAimuniestiqns rel.'.imci to the paper in preachers or prpclaimers of. thy glad vote down the Catholic church at j did to please or displease themajnri- ary »«y, should 1« adilreHsod to the Publiahsr; as rbove KetM .money by BaUk Draft," Regfe- tidings; for speakers the-congrega­ the poles, 1 and no other denotnina .¡.ty.- It ir fresh’^ithin my memory _ tcred Letter, or Monev order on Dallas, st our ' ■ T ’--J of -* | and that of many fliers in 'this instead tion hsa not hfcl'ed. If jliey need lion did not interfere, link. ' Advertiser» will find this one of The best Hie- righting, they »re able to right them votinjg. them dotyn we should lie : county, when a congregation'of the > dintn- on the Pacific Coast for making tlieir selves. As forimyselt I am working voted down ourselves. But, breth­ Christian church withdrew from one " buaineaa known. - » in a field at present that needs' my ren Warren and McClure- will say of the oldest awd most efficient­ that other Protestants will assist us/ preachers of th.e Gospel, for the labor tnqrfe (Ima they do. •' . Origina! Communications. You'lilly : I do noV know wlmi But then'in that ease, w’ho would simple reAson that his sentiments-~ ~ theirs place you consider yourself to occu­ claim the victory, »nd obtain the did not accord with a. ’.'-' • on the subject of the civil war then pen- . py in the miniatry, whether bishop ^spoils, I ask ? NUMBER n. If-the tpatter were adjusted ac dingT Th tie it ha’ been, thus it ever oreJder, as I hope you have not got cordi-ng to nnint erical strength, the j wijl be with the church, when it . the idea that you are ca'led tó be a» ' Where did the wise -men come ,1.1.1 zvi.t 1 1 ¿A W a filo rv <1 »• 1 olnmnnfa Methodists would get tkn the ii.avaL Jioji’s i , a allows the kklicv beggarly elements <•» of r the evangelist. — " from? .This hits long beeint moot-d »hare. And.in. that care I am veryj. world to creep into- its organization. I-make no very great claims in- A __ g:‘ inst, him came up <Ìuèàtìon. ___________ To “ Aaron Payne.” - , Freedom of religious opinion, free. fearful tha t what, little of the Re ­ the ministry ; I only ntaim to be a_ Shalmaneser king of Assyria; and formation that would be left would dom ' from - political interference, is disciple of,Christ, and I read “There Hosiiea- b< came lii> servant, and gave | Erteemed diro : , tHH-be--worth- eontenslm-g f*#, — Tbo . the — main, pillar _ underlyiug- ,/lhe fore Hiey That were scattered abroid Yoiir coin munie.-» lion of April 7th bim presents. In tlie'Tiinth year of ! i • . Jloshea the king- <>t o Assyria took- i which was published the Q ukis ' tian wentevery where preaching the word. tenaNty with which we cling to the government structure; the pallad- bamtiris, aid earimd Israel' '»aay M essenger of April 19 1877, con­ I have always taken “ th« y ’’to mean Bjfile iilotx* ns an ail sufficicntrru'e i ium of our greatness, the bulwark of irrto Assyria, and placed them in taining jour kind stricture on a com­ the disci]iles; and as I am a Jisciple of faith' and practice, would be our strength. Had it not been • for Halah and-in »labor by the river id munication of mine publiaed in a for­ of Chri»t,aild as the brethren have or broken, we would, have' to retrace klfie non interference of state with ■ <»• tin, an,l in >Llo- cities <4 the mer number ofithe M essenger is on dained me to pre.-jch, I have done so our steps, subscribe to. some Metho ’’church here, I have my doubts in every place where I have been dist discipline, or some Westminster 1 whether we Ahould'have ever known my table. Medes.” 2 Kings xvii. 3, Would be ■i’lut little above the federal constitution, for the fight of sions, missionary fo Asia; published ing after me in all my njovements; nor did T think that any one thought Catholic regime. But, Bro. McClure conscience "»nd freedom of religious »t book entitled “The Nestorian»' or these * . ' the Lost Tribes of Israel.’’ njj-w-bich and ready to give counsel when I go that I claimed an uffice in lhechkrcli after quoting the Scripture with re-> opinion, i, that they guarded three wronfcf I feel that there ik sbme above a any-h/^lt I daini- is this; to ferwicc to the mystery of B.-bylofi, j saored - privileges by constitutional ------ --------- Le .sliUy w. t hat-lw 4<> Mu d —Llua c Nr«-, tt'k—-e»r Io— been - hh -I —Gik. it ^x... provision, .«pirif qf tyhicjl h»s toriansin the mountain fastnesses of thing which I can fall back Upon be willitiig trt^abdr in word and doc’’ wouhl have such a Geist t<> fide over been adopted by nearly all if not the iLininaleh mo-uitains, and that when u.idecided io >1hy swn mind. trine, to the extent of niy ability. u»? By reference to the history of every one of the several states. - The coiifisel of men whose brains has “ Thb ministry v of «... an evangelist rvrtiUAillO • —-y —- ------............ * _ ---- they claimed to be the descendants '... ,„■■■ 7ll.njimimfti wrriri 1 r ri mrTitfi ii ii-iinwr¥b—ir«y»<'>■ . Iff Art. l of fiuL Jnietidinent tfr - wiMr,- a nd ‘ W*w “ tWT 1 i HHI I I I'i y Wln a |H i itiit i ii, l i hJircb .jl i of the ten tribes, and that ll ** Ytlfl 1 It'VF 1 k# plains has labored in the field of the dear ended when the day ’ » oi-inrpiratien States you wiff flU4 Bins If 11 p-b- driven from the cities of the plains tiucs to incseise^iy the sioie ratio, clared that “Congress shell make';__ * y adhere they were placed by Shal Savior's vineyard near twice as mahy ended.” I lia’ve always- thought the term in the future, a« in the past, a no law respecting an establishment«--. ’ iiMties.vyr, by the M ihometaijs, to years as I am old, is much worth to *• <-vtingt-list,” to be almost synony­ million (>f years would iaieriene of religion, or prohibiting the free | these mountain, fastnesses tor pro-, me.. I remember that a year or so ago mous with bbt think that it is blessed God did not drsiroy it.be­ natural rights of man, breaks forth the loaf every first thy of the week, even the necessaries of life at the necessary for a missionary or preach fore t'uat time. But w hat of the in the very first article in the fol­ prophesies regarding it* certain lowing declaration, every Word of and tliatfljiey claimed,that God sent time) I concluded to quit the minis­ er to be inspiued. “ Catholicism has its apostle« above overthrow? 11 suppression ot Cath­ which rings out in peals of ptaise them a prophet two hundred years try ; I wrote my intention» to Bro before the coming of Christ, who Campbell with’the request that he the elder« ; I d.Wi-t want the reforma- olicism only, would ■ follow the poli­ and honor to the. head» and hearts ■ visited them in all their cities, and would publish them ; this be declin ti'.n io think it has* its - evangelist tical proscription of that people, I. that conceived them. .Thus) “ All ’ might entertain some sympathy with men shall'be secured in their natural *'■ foretold that when their Messiah ed to do. But by letter gave me above its older». the moveuitul. But li.e question is rights to worship Almighty God I can only speak for myself, I do should be born in Palestine, a «tar much encouragement: »aid he, “And would appear to signify to them his Jesus satd nnto him, no man, having not think th at theevangeluit rsabove one of such magnitude, and. fraught according, to the .diciate» of their birth. That th? star did- appear, ' put his hand to the plough, and the elders or even the nio»t bumble with matters of so much importance, I own consciences.” Here then thè the danger which might follow such matter is cut short, and uo room is . •. •; - ' and that they sent a number of their looking back, is fit'for the kingdom disciple. a course so fatal, both the govern- left for religions persecution, no Yours in the good hope, learned Rabbits to visit him, and of God.” lie then spoke of hie own .meut as well ns the church of which place for making religious martyrs, . • 8. C. E spy that two of the apostles,whose names discouragements, snd of the reward I am a member, I cannot for one for re-enucting the bloody drama ot they gave, being the same as given when all our laber would be over. Lacentre, W.‘ T., May 1, 1877. ; moment entertain the proposition, the Inquisition, er the masacre of St. ' ----- .. in our Scriptures, came to them and I have now reason to thank God i A refusal to vote for a Roman Bartholomew, or burning at the ’ “ J. r.lA’a. Articles.” taught them Christianity, and 1i véd that I labored on; although discour­ • ' Catholic on account of his religious •take a Salem witch. agements continue, I have had the and died with them. (Conclude^from lant week.) It is not my. purpose to try to de- I faith, amounts to the disfanchisi-- privilege of hearing many soul» make A Nestorian bishop of the name fend the Catholic church tj-oro charg­ I ment of these people, the infliction of have been, at pains to inveati I i the good confession, and have seen of Ooroemiah, has, within the’ recol- es of which they yo guilty. But so a civil disability, contrary to the gate the atatiktios of the churches as them “ put on Christ ” since that lection of the writer, and* ainee Dr. tar as are concerned the intimations genius of our country, and the given by the s«nsu9 for 1850, 1860, time; and I have also seen many re Grant’s visit to tjiem, visited this country and preached in New York turn unto the “ Shepherd and Bish and 1870, It.present* some figures opinion» of the great uiinda who of the brethren, that-they are idola- city. There was no traveling in the op ” of our souls as well, during the bearing direcaly upon the subject framed our coostituli• tq as­ coveted this continent, were Roman £a«t, much less from East of the it is the result of the labor of Bro. Methodist, six millions; Baptista, sume that they also have a similar Catholics. The first devout prayeis river Tigris, from the valley of McBride deceased, and I am sure three millions; Presbyterians, two right to dimteat <>ur oivil rights at that ever asoended from the »bores Guzan, aud the cities of the Medes, that it any person will visit the coun­ millions ; Catholics within a fraction the poles. Not only that, but if of America to the Most High were and find the parents rin the stable, ty they will find thirty er more dis­ of two tniilians; Luthenkns, 900 suoh a poling were inaugurated, ottered from the lips of Rumati C»tli- snd the babe in the manger, or even ciples “ anchored firm-on the rock.” thousand; Episcopal Association 900 every other sect of religion would be olics. •f* Gallileo who discovered the rotarv The Snnday school wpra pt Snap thousand, and Christian Church 800 come, involved in the struggle, and iu Bethlehem. Besides they were . instructed by God to return another pose wm in the care of Bro. Walker, thousand. So the Christian church not the right, but might would de motion ot the earth, was a -Catholic. way; “ And being warned of God Sister Copeland and other». I did stands beneath in point of numbers aide the contest- Under such a Governor Morris, who furuishi-l in a dreftm that they should not re not learn the cause of their failure, I as compared with other rfenomina lri*l»JBAt£e would oiv cherished re Washington with means to lee the tbau the Episcopala, one hundred reaaou why wo should not step r • 1 er CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, of the Meditereancan; or Jerusalem, and passed'by t|ie Jrricbo ford over Jordan to Tudinoe, apd go East, or they, were . made up -at Damascus, and werrt East from there. Now if the wise men found -he young child at Bethlehem, they must ha