P ( . • > • « » 1 / * ► i i 4 t • ■S 7 ■-1 t > ■■ ■»- ] “ » I ; g . . , * .Í-. ’ L! 4 I 1 fc. ♦ *£■;.; t- ■* •. s e V r'Z gm *- * t '» ■-■ & '• ‘ I 1 l"1' ■'J ljnrj..: ... ■ '»4 A»’ ■a ■ï JJWT , I r / z • 1 1 1-^-1 F Í « j ■MMMMii I '•i- iz.-' > •' 1, w. J ■ .7 d A, * £=’ hi. " ‘ ing--, and no» tv tjie two' evangeli»!» otlmH were qhjigud to hide for thaiy X Animals, only of a little higher order, son wilj contradict that fin;t.: I,, do ‘an win strjye to euUr m *at the ” tiffW|B||,*ai,-suffonag iu nuijltesent THB CtíRlSTIAN MESSENGER. who led, the meeting*. The short Hvo«. Alte« Luiug drJvcij fiomAiut strait gate Let llioau that, stand ■ »tatV.z by ffre they i.xltaust Uteir why claim tor man a spirit? Me I Hot think any ñpostle has contradic- f- upon . the x . witluh _ i. » tower __ _ .faithmffy T. 1 1 1> in W jw ’ ' slrópjth rivMA! li .in il'iK^ruisC sermon o.viuo home.4«* him bke the Cave to another, ho at last foun i t in *1 a vain vain effort ft* to fijsguii I must (be -matter, amt force inherent i ted Malachi'« history of“ the prnnd SECOND ADVENTISM,' OR wiirn tlie | öo~pIc~öT fl~OtH b» Mrjlind u ne q ui vocal G-achiug teach w . cry of bit own soul. Tli< su 'sweet safe biding place <>n a part of i • -’in this mallei', :rml this is just what i mid the wieked. It is said by^the • * ** 11 zfc I « I . z, E2 .. •• • , - « . ■ . at t I ax ♦ ■•la*««*»» *. SOUL SLEEPING. I of the Scriptures' . oil^tl.e subject al h’j inns t-ojjefu'd him like .»nusiti from estate where were large cairns,calk./, we understand to b,e claimed ’ andr^-prophet Obadiah that the heathen judgment. ’ ‘ • ■' ». This newest and. latest effort tOi , the heavenly city ; and before he the “cairns of p.tsligo.” The la^ Jas ’ S. liell -and endless puniskment.. ---------- . ... ,, ., ’ ¿/»sotifeftt to be established by sfiowiiig shad be as though they were not-, who teHs^the story »my a that every f En'tToutAiz C Cow.MKxq omment ’ s s. .—May we^ " »• , - -z wfis all are hi* eyes wire »M.. One , . . , , , than no BibTi^TvTni r-'Tifo rntt-tHvy l\*orrteml for Ol'e destrucHon 'oAhe t -EBTTogiAiz ■«■c* , one in thejieighborluMid knew of his everlasting punishment has made .■ ♦ after, another' the, siyiple melodies be peimittiel to ii^piiie wlicifix iVi ' LITTLE 'DLVIIih -IN A ejement in In« u.-iture different from ' l»rnke upon his ear h-ml melted liim residence; tiio v.rry childi'eri »ome .inipressiou in this western I animals, arid that inimortality is wicked as an ack’of mercy fronyGod, i tiio Scriptures, it-is stated,'cr inti- " l’RA^LK MEETING, go peeprat him while he sat there country where any religion may to repentence, - - Onecame early, and as soon as never' predicated 0» buii until after j because merfy dictates- all hel ever mated that “God, in uiercy, had “d Borne ’advocate«, no ruligfiou, The general exorcises over, he reading,; but would never breathe the resitrrov'.ion. Tiio 0icrtshetl . has done, and oil—he ever w.ill do, i prepared a hell toi the everlasting the meeting was thi^wn open, flew } many. The settler« in anew country-, started as from a spell. «His com­ hi"« lining. ‘‘Nor,’’ she adds, 'Juliall. of tho wicked?- around the room, and a moment of tciie't 4>fa resurrection is in evident u ¡11 be done iu mercy aiut justice. ilestruèliòn are, for the most part, that" restless, panion, a ruged fellow niisier, ivo.o Twer-forget the. Ipasan thr poor fu- • ntr.goiiism with the \ A’ Visiter. ~ . to better their-eoudilion in this My brother (fays'“ the n'icknl will tixuiglit,” To one lie s’ihl-i “ You're ' rose to Tro, and b.e rosu. with hjm. unmistakable terih». li e I’esurri eth'A about the -proml and -the Wiekesl, - - ■! world, ami who have but little lime; HOW TO SI.EEf. I of all the dea'il—all that are in their . 2 Peter il. G, which says, “Turning not be destroyed in hell.". e cer- too jiuiiig aiol inexneiienced. Let ; Th» V walked a little down the aisle, amj often, less dispotNm Jp invLsti but the penitent man could gp no Wo ..are often asked for a pre-' ialnly nevyr said any such thing. the older brethren do the work.'! . gate the facts or phi|cgophy of ft grnjes. A partial rcsnrrccdoii can the cities of Sodom ami- Gomorrah further. 'He Itirued back and sat scj iption for protei naturally wakeful not I'.vltt with this teiwhiiig.- God into ashes, condemned tliciu~ with On Unit point thete is nu issue- be­ To another : “ If you pray,‘perhaps world to come. , Missionaries make down. persons. The “ high-pressure ” prin- - has iip]k>inted a day in which- he an over throw, miking them’-ah ex tween us, lie -then quotes from you will bfunder in your Words, and their appearance, and ih order to “Gmne, John,” said hi« comrade, 1 ci pie, 'on which many of our busiiies< <- j will judjfoartt men, which can never ample unto t h os e tjn t t -atou: ruwitld Mahtflii, a strong figure, and applies some wiy make fun of you."' Tm a Ju arouse.,the people to thegcqnsiJcra- , “ ciiine awa’ home.” . ; men work their brains and .abuso i happen if. only a part arc raised. . live ungodly.” The wicked in these It literally, whether lo the body or third; “Yonder is a neighbor who tion of a future state, preirnU in the “Na,’’ said John. “I came here their bodies, begets an irritable con­ A' I Other .ini-onsistencies afttl palpable j cities were all destroyed, ami they spiiàt ov both lie dm's not inform us. lias a grudge against' you, and he most awful and appallin^gfoini, the I to get good, su’ I liinna ta’eii it a’ dition of the nerves and a morbid : «>fi'trudKdYiiii self,l'a pcmiteul-man, Unreservedlyto. and exhausted, 'but cannot sleep,-or Terence ofopmiqp huge turns On the like suggestions the t went y brethren tfrrtwj»!* -w+Ui hi* -xlcfinitions and ; as was the case in these cities. ._ well for a while, ever,homing to cs Christ. The “ old,’old story bad- Etltnc is det­ ship droiiinily and fitfully, or lio 'give uw, at least, the outline,, if not When tlm.day of destruction conies word destroy*' cape that terrible death whose t not been told lrim*U) Vaui. There was*'an awkward pause. teli in pieces awake fur hours, wimble to sleep at ' ..t,be details of his system ; wjicn jre God will turn loose I is cvcrlaMing troytd’- when it abode ia. in a lake of fire and Li iui. “ I ha'u thoct often, an’ pftert it o the purpose Children shuffled their feet. Men all. We hav e ti l e d many expedients would have had'» belter opportunity Are, the earth will p'Xi-s avyiy with a mid can no h* maun be true,” he *aid? “ a'tr’ nùh I stoni. But the mind becomes led ; a house crossed their- fog«. Women looked to induce sleep, with more or less to slio-w its wanf of authprity either - gruwt;noise, ami the qtegjcrttj shall La- u hid»- it Il bides in tpe, an’ sucl'ess, and have read of many ro- wearied and djipf es.-ed Av uh the, nsuined by at. each wilier anxiously. • Qulli-.a believe it. ‘1 in lX’ason or-,i-eve!alion. ' .e in *iestroyè<Ì7«____^_ null with fervent heat ; but Jesus », ! m ikes p' ace,' , I’m ■ rnrp. o’ my fear which aroused and fu-Yutied ■ - b- . - > • , . will Ibe there.with the righteous, and fire; a flock or InrJ^is destroyed number of people cleared tlieir Savior at last.” And Bq lac"went ceipes which prove better in theory . • * . y the religious.muixmcnt for a tiinij. than in practice. Ths—very best . Writ.’ ch fcr Messenger. « tlie flames shall do them im~liarm ; when the auiuials compiling it have throats. But no one volunteered to Iiome; It seeks for relief and for repose. method we have yet- discovered is been k.lhid or di-| < rsed beyond the speak, or pray, or sing. This it can find only in. one of. two A FEW THOUGHTS BY THE as wai tho case in the fiery’ furnace -Next day, while be was. at work that of eonntiffg. Breathe deep and hope of recovery. Sck-hce teaches Why don't Deacon D<»w get up ? WAY. of.-old. Ws cannot tfoneeal, an 1 ways; it must substitute t!ic fear of lar down in the deep coal pit, a mass slow—without any straining effort jin .that there is no annihilation in Well, 'he fact is thé deacon was'just. hell with the love of .God a^d the » I did not anticipate’ writing more I therefore need m»t-disguise the fact of stone or “ horseback ” fell on him —and with every expiration count * y then does any of these eases. \ about to rise whcifi the cunning imp . _ .hope of heaven "so" effectually that than one, letter, but after having t that all this cdirfusion about jlenth, from the ronT of the «line, and otic, i Wo, three-, etc., up to a hun­ he intimate ¡.Lais “of a s IS j I to him : “ Now, deacon, you rt-nd tlie Editorial Comincpls of my ; aud_wfanglhTg — about hell and (Te- perfect love shall cast out ail .fear, crushed him so badly that- be could ' 1 I acknowledge myself inysell struclum is to get ri i of the idea of "spirit will be eipiivalent to ,its anni wait. The best should come last. not live. The other ctillmis rushed dred. Home will be asleep before ' or it must dispose of hell in .a skep 1 ' brother, they ciin cdunt a hundred in this ? Tho pastor a word -3 ; - iuu| ’.».-tvi wauls you to ..z . say ..J .. . ................ continued ’ stifle ri it is, of continued -Mliitipn—blotting it 6u> lorifver ticishi lying in a range somewhere* stimulated to. write the second. to him, and tr-ieil to aid Mm, but he planner. Others will -cuunt ten, “This,” lié 1 Says, “ i*lTf,p óf 'thc J alitile cibisi' til Ihp inieciíltg,- lU.k'UVt’ I hop< ‘ my good -brotlijr will not eternal death. This may seem «<» to between atheism and nnt^mdititruiil kfie-.v l:e ’ w:is dyii.g. “ Ik :.d dnon twenty, or thirty, and then forget prophecies not yet fulfilled,” . tfow a good?imp\i ssjoii.” the 'one Who believes ¿anil teaelu-s think''me iinpefliiielit for writing .nniversalism. When a man has* ho yo'itr uar to me,* be whispered to themselves, and cease counting. Ill ; Jm-i ■«> tow her know this ? Ti> the ; bo tiie « on., chapter and in tji^aim! e'i, cogitating what should*, be the tenor i Tl... mill ma.ped and caught liis mich cases always commence again — it-rs—a yok e oppressive to l. ni.l i Qri;e, ha will. The only apóhtgy 1 lia~ye~ ■ J eartiiT of Iria dosing remarks. Tliis little | •wt- eu oo.—-Very —fi.nr persons can___ frother-believes in continued, sutler n ri't i; n , ** Bu t unt o yo n he~wilt natrrrajly casj, about -him for tooff r-is a lovo of truth, i-tcr cTTinit riTiiiii'tled HTid themw-lvv» ¡7T alïii'intrcd a-nd find thcmiw iviino shall.tlm Sun of Righteotuucia il.evii did his work well, At length some way of escape. Heil is j|lie tainly-bave no spirit of coiitruvercy ing, suffering that has no endrhrough. ful I'sejtled-it lail n;glit.” a.w.-ike; ke ; but should «hoiihl this happen, re­ thing he fcari. lie. döubts whether, in this -matter,-for. no One' that is a out the ceaseless ages of Tteriiity. arise w uh ’ healing ip his w ings. ’ a hymn was sung«; bat the’ pastor ' , J 1 ' ' . ■• v 1., Again, Behold, I will send you peat tlie dose uiitH- cured.— If&ienee , was - forced to Call oil pine aiol- plow hoy eoul-l lor a moment, anti- ' A HKK.Mi >?< OX FUSIL. . i^ijai» t'w .^Joa|jdwJ3gll>AngL. an<.illi';r, and iu’spho of all hia efforts, | of Ueafth. il . .t~T?ïïôâiîëfiif ;i gilîfrn anv but -the . It remains then, to reject the-Brble etpftfe victor y -ove r < ne so IcaNicd When enttsin VVill. was at home fiilse prophets ntrd-the ilyvil Miusell of the gfeiU and dreadfutday of the tlm etdi robe lnnguisdied, . CHILDLIKE. under some form of ekept.;ei.ini— and so-highly privileged. fl.r vat.-rtlon, the boys always expee- planished day Lord.” Have these if.ing transpited ■ But there was n, worse imp than iiitvv you ever thought of the life .'Iy jz-' o 1 brother contniences his they are tô be » gpesibly in stupid atheism, or toi­ (relio __ li-d plenty of full. The 'bi't .. ________ ture those passages in a hi'ch • heli criticism by e-iymg that hell \v : ih ami night forever; bat it,is not pro -^hiis the Suu of Rlghteau-nCBs “Don’t pray,” ip the room.' He v. as b-firv be-weot b.i.-k to his. stud.e*, pF» ehil l ? Why-the life of a child and punishment are mentioned into prepared for -+he devil and -Illi» nouiieed against the rest’of life-dead arisen, aud has Elijah come’? Turn belated, and so lie sen! tjie other one" was a long tramp after bazlc-nuls. is a perfect life of fin th. That littl^ highly wrought'figures' and eastern angi is. I agree with him thus far. which have pujl only ijp . tlus >■ tvuo to Matthew xvii. 11, 12, 13. Jous as liislorei‘inner, to prepara the way As they were l»ui ry lag along in high child; what can that little child-do ? metaphors. . ... —, -I Ke.lbcn says man is not i.ow, .nor re»urùctii»n.. Death, isjt'he oppusite say-s EHas .is .ialine already- Tb.i ji fol liie.1, • This was devil “ Make a ' grh‘8 thejt.cn mo u [ mii i a Æcotïtaged _ It could not find its way to tho - - ^Tbe ni'ieteçntli/ci nUffy, reinaik wilLhe ever be an angel, good or of life", continued death gives, jit», life 'the - di.'cipli-s uinfct*tond that he long speech.” It was about fifteen' iooling man .it'd a discouraged Jo,.k street end and back again. Il would • abie fcr~iu.~n<'w mvciajims.-'aud .-L I 1 'ai l . nothing about- man .at all, ill heaven iff. he’L no when', spoke, of John the lhipti.-t. This nTinute*hnhW’p-|he timo.for closiue iFig carl. The cart was standing bejo d if you trusted ivalefte. That able — for —ita. 'new iuxeutiims.: anil . h bad. ...... . ........v w .mlerTul t 'eoiiibiualii u.i d.ai ] r >■ j’r nngtd go-id ,»r b el, row ■ ■garsv.m hrthe realms- of- k«cn de- psk-.'àgw-114UU .¿labichi say s not a the meetiiTg whin became in, .Ind he In ÍI.W» ;.|| OK Laidi Ti.!’ man Kvas little child could not. find tiio next Destroy. hfo„ eternally and : word aiioul’hell, n< r dors it allude jumped alienee into the- heart of trying to pull it up luill to bis own, meal. /Ifyon left that'little child, duced, partly by discovery and! at ar.v other i;;ttn-e ti’.ue. lsaidtha: -pair. eontinned Buffering- ceases--foia-vcr. j to at;} thin^• vt.n.t shall happen-:iftcr_.ttrott!,cr T.alkittivc. Ami said lie, li ;u a-. The lmys ílid F,ot waittola- it“ would die of want. 'It could net partly by invelitioh-a sort of . ch ctie God in mercy flail prepared a lieti 'H. stTi»v frmgnral 4B«- æhh I- sh O» ruig-j I he pTeseut state.. “ God i* tlie li. I" that “i'atiicr’* can. That the testimony. . I now Teler you .to wards otfored until the- -re i mrreotion. Lilaljuu or a cessation of conscious'- ,omirw-in a slow and modest tone. thrie pink aproned children peeped child conld not. provide for itself tliq every ferm in iTiV’Bibic applied tv The question is gravely Hu bad a word to soy about Charles man indicative ¡it an clemeift in his'” Malachi iv. 1. God hfefe says, “ For Toe rewtard of IHe is offered in the n< ss. garments for to morrow, but it has out oftlie door. nature,, is applied SV to animals, j behol’d, the day coineth, that shall just resurrect ion, but a thousapd asked, “Couhl . the wicked be Sunnier and the emancipation, and “Now,boys,” said c usi-n Will, this— an unbounded belief iu “father’s” Next, that irnmortality is never one burn as an oven ; and all .tlie proud, years intervenes before’the second banished from the presence of an the woman’s movement iu regard to is a small thing; but I wish we could power to do it. and “mother’s’’ predicated of the soul or spirit of | ves, all that. d > Jm iqjcjdly, shall be resurrection takes place, They are .omnipresent God mid not be anii'ihi the’ temperance question, lie fcjt all take a motto oiit of it and keep I power to do. il.jfcjriiat child could ■ .Ï man. From the first f lhc“e by tic” I stutibiq ; and, the day that eometb, .only theu.Au be resin ieci^Jl I to con- kited?” Nil I is the prompt answer. e'ompcHcd to advert to the contro it. for life. 'I’n-di tt it is -just the not do it for itself one day ; but it 1 aid of phrenology .it is easy to infer it shall hunt them up^saidi tlie Lord , deinnalion. Jesus wiljffleign until j Permit us to icniiiid our brother, •versy hip Ween Drp. Patton a mi word for a grand eohl fnorniiig. never costs that child It moment’» that man has no spirit independent ■ of hosts- that ¡t shall foaile them I lie shall have put down all rule ami 1 that this is only his opinion ; and iti Swing, nidi this lid him to give an I Il" anybody is-in trouble and you concern. Its life is a life of laith in of bis body; consequently when, the ! neither root nor branch/’ 'iliis is authority then God becoirit s all in i the opening of tlqp aiticie he opinion ns Jy the course pursued by i sec it, don’t stand back, but push-!.-. its parents. — Colby. body dies, the spirit dies or rather | one of the propheqiçs ndt. yet ful- all. Alter all rule and authority is" caiilioHcil us !iga»i*»l-Fegfw4ÌHg“what ; Dr*,- Storrs and Buddington toward I " “ If tlier’• anything good doing iu When the sun lists it is light. r sleepis with it. Tins puts an end to | filled, bnt F.have nd doubt it will be put down, then Godz will—rule "for. he might say “an divine proof of Brother Beecher ai^.tlie erring s :uiy place where you happen to b ■, Why, Ido not know. There might j Plymouth church. anything. ” . >. the being without a resurreeti m. At ! in due time. I want my good bro ever in glory and”nvijefty without ush ! . , have been, light without the sun, The case of §udum — rtr^iiics no The poor pas ’ or was tm- nettles. an opponent in'the universe. I; is the second as!vent (>f Jesus, the thei- to inform us Whqt will become “ Whenever there is a kind thing,- and there • might have bo.’ii a sun It IriuTlrates potli'ng Whnt should lie do? If he »topped righteous and the unrigheous, that of thapi,ouà^aüdj}!lj.hat-do wicked awful to dwell at length upon a sub- eoniunnt. a Ghriitian thing, a happy iking a is those who love heard ar.d ac ly, when that day comes that will ject that caused -God to gite Ilis hvyoiol lite priMofok stata.'. “ This _ Brother Talkative, he feared he pleasant thing, whether it is yoar that gave n,o light, but God has been ’ cepted, and those who have heard burn às an Oven. The Lord says, only begotten Sou ; but neverlliele«’ may secm~7 b » ^believes would never be forgiven. j)eae<>n own or not, whether it is at home or pleased to put these two tilings to­ So, ' ,j and rejected the gospel, will be it will ledve tfieni neitlicp root nor it is so; for God so loved the wruhl, ami leaches that tGl wicked are im­ Dow looked w» to the clock ami in town, at church or at school, just gether—run.rise and light. whenever there js prayer, thcri is a resurrecttM, the-former to life ever brai.eh,-’ My Mother says, there is that had become dead tp liiui by mortal and therefore can not bn des- sighed inwardly as he thought he help with nil your might; push !“; blessing. I do not know why. lasting, ti!e latter to everlasting de not the slightest intimation in the reason of »in, that he laid bold of troyed,'* Wo have never believeflj had lost his opportunity for a whole ! At that moment the farmer came There might hnve'bcen prayer Milli­ Simie very polite people, , etruction. This will be thy second Scriptures qfiat God will punish the the universe to redeem them that nor tnaght any such thing. Ou the week. out with a dish of his wiles best death which will blot them out wick; das the savage doth liis vic were subjected to dea^lr. • Bal not contrary we do 'believe and have actually yawned. And, to crown doughnut.«, and a dis'i urhis own on t a M. ssing, for '.here is in tho world of w-rath: and there might forever.- All infants, idiots, pagans, lim. We think ,so too, we know however until research was made in ever taught that flic wicked will be* all, devil No. 1 had stij-jul up (Tome : best apples; and that wrs.the end of h ive been a blessing without prayer, t. immortality is good people to. laugh, for which »Dd those who-have never heard the that God is all love ami nieccy, for Heaven and in earth to find -oup that destroyed aiukH the l.ttlo sermon.— JUvanffflitt lor'it is often sent to sopic who to the righteous they,.»’ere Surry I efore.they went to gospeUwill not be disturbed by any he has given an exhibition of it in could lift the seal of death was Jesus the gilt » sought it not. But- God has been sent, ’ ’ The law was a divine law bed - . — Independent. us, to destroy is a time. B re nrrection/but will bo pcrinilted the gift of his Sen. We know also ) NEVER WASTE BREAD." pleased to make this a rule for the nthilate, and ¡in­ to sleep en forever. th it the savage prolongs lifo, that that Was l iolati-d, ami nothing but far h sx than: P Que.day about one huudred. and government ’ of th<\ inoral apd LAST ore than continued I THE .. COLLIER’S Fs*tn the second discovery coitylcJ he may inflict more punhihuMM^ but a iltvini? Mci'tffow 4».*wl-j lift ita obli­ mortality is fa v-..., MEETING. thirty years ago, a young Seoltisli saiiritnal universe, that there shall bo What a .gijktul yietqgj ■existence, , • with the first it is easy to infer that it will not he so with God ; for he gation. ’ “ De»iqMifMM»nfo*> fo mercy, > to auaidi ’ n was busy about, .household the answer to pr.iyA-. — Spurgcor^. P i le eten i ng uln r el i giou s meo ti ng I I erched upon the banner of Jesus immortality must follow, aiid can has^ippointed a day that shaft burn only be attained after the resur- j . as an oven, and the proud and the when Ho arose a mighty conqueror the relief of those who merit no­ held by the American evangelists, j affair«, when an aged stranger came CT ib . ijbex .—No man can tell, but reclion.. Indeed, some cf tiio mon i wicked will be consumed ill tliat^ over death, hell ami the grave. thing but eternal death.’’ Where j (the Messrs. MooTy and Sankey), in tn the an 1 asked permi««ion to on lw: that.loves his children, how many consistent of the Second’ Adventists I-day. ■ . This is the element that. God Well might the apostle say, blessed the mercy is in extinction—"-annihi­ Edinburgh, a grim, tougb looking ter and rest., requesting nt the same delicious accents pilike a man's deny the resurrection of any'6f the . will use to separate the pure mettle lie God, who through the Lord Jesus lation—we tnve not been able to miner might have betn seen among time something to eat. The young heart to «lance in the pretty conver­ - wicked, claniing that the flroinised ' from the dross ; lie.will burn up the Chjist, hath brought to light im Ica'rti. We were told bi the foruwr the listeners on one < f the forward girl Tiroiiglit him a bowl of bread sation of those dear pledgee;—their < reward of obedience is the resurrcc I dross as evidenced in the fiery fur- mortality apd eternal life. When article that thia was the most fear­ seats. He was one of thoso who and milk, and tried iii various ways childishness,—their stammering,— tion neither more nor-less. Here! nace of old.- Being Imn’ished from Jesus m ikes Ins second advent into ful, the most appalling thought, know pot only whqt is to love sin, lo make him i qtnforlable. A pfoce their rmlc angi rs,—their innocence, alone van immortality be secured. | . the presence of God, ami frori| tlre| , the world,he will demonstrate -fully which humanity could not epdyre. but what it is to haie enough of it, of bread happening to fall on the —their imperfection,—llwir necessi­ Tfie final result, the wicked shall be : glory of His-power, what does this his victory over the grave ip the re We are now told that it comes, in and grown tired of it. His coir- floor she pushed it out of the way ties, ¡pre so many little emanations vb 1 1 w»» »*«»«» n.-- mav t«»v ‘ j uu^ufei i u uiercy, to the relief of the w icked. science was not dead, bnt no. iufju- into a Leap-of ashes. “ Acuef- waste j,, worjk_.'imuie Than we are have known the -timCLWhen I would ~JFsStTOnt« nT-hrs’king d om -on ' iKi s : Tl.b api.s'tle say#, that , the .wicked who are so fortunate as to have iuto liuriful errors. They .luu»« not woiA to «upfHiso in £he saying of our have ¿¡ven goM for' « lH*»»dfol-of « . are to-¡be Bbni«iied (rom His pre- part in the fir.-t Feitirfeclioq will ènitrtrt?lite thungh k +h*kiuliuiu:. _XdJK.’lia.infereM. Jyas fXritcd by cal th. Saiior. •• Except ye become as little the, fante of the foreign .preachc'-s corn kneaileiTrn and eternai it« .consequence», Il U not probaLTe that tl.ss brief Tsrnm ami- Iron)—Ills power. To lie never see death, but they will be at children yo can bdl enter the kingdom synopsia will be* approved by all' I banished from God’» powe’r is home in a country, where men never should 'meet w«b » retrikuuiaixxoinc. aqd their work in-Scotland, and hc A qniqk suspicion 'erqsiwd the girl’s of God.” Childhood »nd youth are the __ «. those who Imld to lln» system ns cor­ iqaivalent to death; for lire power -sicken and die and where sorrow mensurate »iìh fr» fegrlul enormity. came partly m curiosity and partly iniiid and went lier Jo the room oT periods for the easy reception of all ‘ her invalid mother, who hastei.oj truth, religions as well as secular. rect ; yet we have dovnment» writ­ I of life is- in God, and ifot in the never comes. Oh ! who would not They cap nt, an which can omnipresent God, and not be annihi j piirclpnd good of all nges. Our who has passed bis second or third de­ . live out of liie body, .has he any •luted? I answer no, 1 m-tkn this . ' fathers will be there, our mothers means and motiv'e possible iq offered that it was new, as that it took hold lia I pi-q returned from the battle of cade," tb hi<»rn his letters and make Colbxlen, whore the-young prmce, something of a scholar, but it is a spirit atall ? If the brain secrete, a sertion now, tlr.il wliytivier a _di 'will' be there, our brothel's and ot»r a» an inducement., -It—might be of hitn'ln a new way. herculean task, compared with the Before long Lis heart told him Charle» Edward, had been defeated effort thought, and all the iutelhclious of i vii.ily inspired propjiet d.c'ares a sisters will be there. O’i I who would worth White for them to cxplain why which a child makes to attain the a meiciful and omnipotent G.'d per- that he w?s listening to God ’ s plead- ; by the royal troops. , lie and many same enQ. -7 , • ’ ’ Uriud ar. akin to the instincts of f .C". do ether divinely inspired j><-r- not go thereIt is roy prayer that El i d ' -TV LW' r .£>, . 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