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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1871)
V ¡Mitel ili I*- NJÙÀ9UCR ÎIOMK (.'hriwUiin W^«son£*er Ono-sweotly solern:i4tivu -Coms» to tus o'er and o’er; I yi nearer inv hums to-dsy Than 1 »icr-have IceiV'efbre; , ■' i- “auiro,‘Liinpy, the cars will start in wTniniiter'frnrrr- np or wo -shall leave bm behind." ' Th6cai-t were waiting at .a station of j oue of* oar Westei'n- rajlrotol»-. .Ti»“ ■> bag vt^a m ister was' with- lilt, NLiiftrni. I'.ah i'.. 1.• . AVhgrfiJhe many man.tons lx*: ,‘l :'>■ V .< whil'' .N<»rvr the crystal sei; cheeks. Tlie meu werojiurfyiug ttf at|»l ¿fro ivitli'eliests-nrttl viili •*, packages and Hunks. Men, faomcn, 'and eliil- dretr were rushing for the cars, anil Ints- tily seenring their seats,' while the loco Notout-the Uoctul of Lite, ivlied vp lay our bunlAis Uvha>, Nearer Icaviim the »-row, . Neanir gaining the ennwi. • But tlie waves of that silent sea__ ■ Hi 41 dsi'k Is. fintiVny sight, That brightly on the other side ltreak on a shore of light. rta...’.: N : s, £ fJ.aUiWARET. J trig ing From Appearance*. sUW Ate. I .. . . . The iiiiil! Isave . Mouutouth 'for -tlw State« iti.iX all p vi.ii iito-b 11 o vl x-k i. n. . tir potuto sóuth at 1 e'e.ixii r. ». Lettera i<i«»tU-4'* in--4U 4'—:.,*';. e hall. uh Lour lufory the dejan hire iif U.0 Mail to eiii» «r»t| U-i:y >i nt file aajue day. ' ' . W. WATEhllVVKE. F. M. iiELi,.'¡.H's Ntii'll ■ S. ,WHOI DEAEEJI W-*- A VAC rONS ! AND* BEjAIL* Fancy-Goods, i ■ ETC. • • I" <*hrffdlMn C'txtirt h,‘co»*»»!•»* of BlgH inid ; Center utr^eJH.Baleip, Op-gon., L. Kj»/. aland ' I have in sturo, eigbj EHen,. Iöjyu ■' .. •<) herse Wagon»'for vlo at tlôO.OÛ each; er will cxulmnge them f *r Wheat, delivered at fIndp: donee. 13 . J. C. AND DEALEUS IS > I Äl)VER'rißE5IE^T8 ■A* O 33. -O X«Per* Musicai Instruments, MISCKLLANEOLS ADVr.BTXHEME.'Q'H- UCOX& EARHART, 11 Sr 1500^, I Ï I all points nortlTát,! oélíiv'kr. Mail frum the sonili arrives at lï e'el k A. if. . MISCBIdbAMEoVS Flour. Mik Feed and Crain, Boot and Shoe Mukor 5 r :■ ■ MQNMQVTH. - - - - - - OREGON. MOOllES’ BLOCK, SALEM. DOoa't. < HEAl'BB AND’ EETTEH THAN wi-F Mnhcs ajSBECJALTY Of BhOM. Books and Stationery ' VV heiit Wanted ! Tho undersigned wishes to buy (20,000) twen ty tboitoaiid buMbels utorchanabie wheat. High-' ( a . it.; Sunday Sx-hool, 2.r. m . j prpoching or : STRATTON & WALLER, etftcaah*p*|i*e paid by J. C.‘ BELL. ! lecturing, 7 p . M. Week <jay worship: - Prayer- ’ • A man, curaaasly dresseil, wan »tend v - -- W ' [ Successor* tp J.^K. ' .......... — ■- - - ... — T" j meeting, Tuesday,. *7 r. M. Soe^xl meeting, j i£-Zc¿5ÉÍi.*y Doon’s» ■ ing on a [i^atform of it depot. lie was HIMES &, |A'CfiEL»ER, O, if my mortal feoi STATIC STRI&BT. - - - - - SAlaEMi I Thursday? 7 r. — at .; Sunday-school teachers- looking around bin,- and seemingly 5%)MMEKCIAL STKLET, Have almost gained the bTlUlt. meeting', Friday». 7, r. m . All j ' l . < t arc cor- WHOLESAI-E A RETAIL DfeAl.Eli» IN paid little attention to what was pass Hit be I inn nearer home ’oaiaoN, ■I .iv.Hy uivifoil to attend. Visiting members are i SALEM, Elea lo-day.t—iirf think.. ing. It was easy to see that ho was » ioque.ted to make themselves known. ■ lain?. Mid tit a. glauee one might liuve Ü3 Front street, Portland, Oregon* . Esther,.protect ray bust, The <'hifoan i hnrtlk »it JloainmUh. Who has the best selected stuck of g«otte h>- First Day‘of. the week, in the Col*. 1 his lino îu -U s found in bah.ui, aim will well botti i nice to t ixl injr.sphit fro! in deatla. supposed that he was a man neither of EX ALL KINDS U£ COUNTY HhlNTINQ Í Ât 'WfodvMÛ ’ anddfeUil ut price« that will defy ' lego Chaix 1- John-Stewart, A. VV. Luca», arid - and BOOK BLXD1NC to order, at reasonable 'Jliit lidrfpel »re lirmly set . . ”, ' ittli or influence. 1 utmqxtHKii. ,l'-u • Feb. IS—noJ9:y — ft • . - - -vr- .. . < T.ftU, t ;Uiii hell, l'ld -is; 1'.. A. :;!;iileyr IT. I.ind-- - vii the 1: f a living f.iith. L uu eodnetor gave him a contem'ptu- ' say, Deacons. Kiuutoy Bchool, co* ;;y Sunday, at ' — .—■«■ «■ r:Pako TVotice. . i • t jfwd fauiilir«y ou - !Pt otdtek, a . m . ViUvdxip: and" breAot" the .T he L uxury of LoAiiNo.-r-lillfcness, ' loaf at 11 a . M. l’r-tu king. ou -C o 1st and ¿1 All acetmnte Uu^mcMUbí bè paid in GO day» » >uUler called opt: MOÔIlE’HiCOltÿEli in iu ilute. 1 K. CLAKKE. ptye und ii.u’miyi'd, is one of. the great- i Sundays of each month» ct-11 a . m ;, mid al 7 MAIN STRITT- ' .kdiloa, limpy, better get aboard» or Jj^sbJ^nxuriesyif - Wheat Ukeù at i?1.00‘ per bushel;' un-fdt ae- — lityuan life: It is also ‘ ‘f'fUllFH. ••". ,.rs will 1W U j l>tl Mtiud»’’ ' • ' L LLiiSt;.. IX- . . TTmr lBxityfrflyfft, îtnt. 43w2 “TitSe•enough; I'reckon,” replied* . a luxury ] eculiarly appropriate to the holiday season. On -the- m*o-Jirriict- tire KitiivitU*!, rtlidho resumed his se< tn» CETTûRZtL NlEffÇHANDISE ple, I am very much ill favor of lying i iugly listless air. ’ in bed lafe of a morning.. 'Theoi'eti- School Books Urn atri » 5>, Muxs anovft S alem , os the “'All aboard! ’ cried the eouluotbr. CÂCÉFLIIXt^ -, WlLLAMETTK. /< “Get on,.Limpy!” said he,' passing tho calfy I hold the. Intitndiimrian -prinei- ‘ pie; but praetically I am a tolerably lame, carelessly dressed man. , ! T he jjÿ.tn -t ami mast practicable route from • Goo/»', riiVvuixi.s, B’ank' Cooks ! early riser. T.ho more sleep you'givo? Salem t<> I ndopcinlenee, Lidias, Monmouth, Cm- The lame man made no reply._ ■a» ■ ! the brtrixR tb'e ¿i ltef *<jfWlity does the vuliis, ïmpiiiia Hay, and all iuternfudià c points. Ju-1 ns the train was slowly movin ' ; ttats , r .rryt, iwo ts’ an d —« hoes . Braiu'becotne, aud tUaJietter is the en St.-.ron cry, ■ 1 ilnvl < ’■ntfnodioH* 1kmt, llua by away tho-'lame biuu stepped on the plat ergy «¿>d harmonious play of the v. hotc A.r.y. AN-'» a . p.'r.iru.H. : form of the last chr, and walking Qui ’system. JSlepp as much as you can, to ¿all .cuff I « v;o;nr.G ntir Kt<n*k. AU-4ki4uU. * I f r> it V «<îTs t s. • I +-T7O ajx - à .11 „'um! uomlltlon, and th è'J-1-11‘i--» etly in, took a scat. . ' 'nEŒEiïXitt i.. ..nd a fairA’1 “ but never lie in baLalEer ijpi aWake, r hxvn bccn^ruKtly improved. •» —, The train bad gone a ftnv miles when __ ; ____ ___ L — S — ------ ; ------ *' ' I ♦ the conductor appeared at the door of ‘‘thinking,” as you are \ tout F<miñan «ill always lie in at- AßfeVDLfViiAl.- ít'íA'-HiítERY •■rmhmrrr e«ÁB.‘ W. l'E'H'YJ<>HN¿ the car where our ••friend Was tutting.- plea .-.I tg fa rill it. wit is nil a mist id. < . Proprietor. It is tir e w or st liiud -of d.-buii.'ll : m; b .t d X Tassiug aloug, lie soon ili<eov< red 41»s —-' gO.H lùilt. -r. '' ~ as dramrtakiug; Ido not believe - that-j stranger idiom he hod seen at the sta- *• Great Chance for Agents. Al fill»* iikiiviv Í' ■ iSlitæi there'is any real cpiidity. of thought in - • ”* — 4...-., • . li want a» agunejr, local or Irai'tlitaj, h morning jevei-ies, riimilary of the .o, opportunity 10 make 4Á-io 440 a Itonr ticket, quiekl” • . "---- r i o: » -Hinz enr new 7 atr^ild H'ArfpH o i delights Of idleness, tlie pleasures o£ T. CÚNHINCHAW3 & I tlou't paya»!»lievi the'laite liinti, ; ñ,Z'ów.v > Tlyi/Uarl farrerr; »am the C.tstle of Indolence, somo qnali fy- bi free, »o tlicj» is nd riak. Address «I S ALELI, qiiietly • T 1 A N O S AN 1» O K G A .NS- :«/so,i btrn- It 'ire If orb, cor. Water st. ing language must be used. Lknbw of “Don’t pay ?" •» I an I Main Lime, N. Y. City, or 16 Dearborn at. NEW ADVEICTIFTMENTS. t ■ - "I ■ ■ ■ •< 4 ’ 1 "V J I'nfk; ' ■no greater pleasure than to saunter “No.siç.*1 •’ I "Ctii'^rgo/llb . <<T— — íU-A*- Well see nliont that; I_ shall ■ put ujj3ut for. a '«hide, day with one's hands - .»sia • ■ • . . - ■ 1 - T L. DI.AI.V. s;r.Toryq. Ki r.. TOT>\. “• «»• BVLEtoHS. i W. H. KUHN & CO 5 ou t off ofl at the next station station, and In jp it steady sternly de- de ,V in op„ one ’ ’s s poctcls,.and poetéis, .and with úitlin ’ BLÁÍN, YOUP$G & CO., J . . ’ . - Oregon ted a valise whk-h« over the head p.rlujnation to think,, :uijl do i.'oth- our friend. •»■ iug at . uli. In older to do''this wiyi- -— ni ALF.ns us—— motive snorted an4 puffed. - Book & Job Printers, LJEABO’S FERRY! Ä- i PEAIJTRM TX — ‘r>ettor not be «>rough, young man, ’ ¿fleet, a man ought ..tgriw < n l>ry-(iood^, <ib<»ecrlc*. Bo i<4, «har i. F.îf . returned the stranger., • tolerably good terms* with own con- **" ' --- * Agento for all kinds’ of Agih ulturnj fiu|>' The 'conductor leli.. cd the- eiupet jeieace: otherwise spin' dark infl.uui- ' • • xi, 1 • mmto and Sewiiig Macjtr ■ * VWit .-♦•li h-V I ' bag lor-a moment, .and seeing "that Ire _ CCS will begMP4e brow' atsqiliif io. .h . ,. p,.,.;- BE-VJX. a ' xVibanyk Oregon. •n. * 22vl’- - could dp no more tlien , passed on to col-i blind. But this idleness is a first-rate fact the fare Trona thcotlier, passengers.^ e^rffying process, , V.’itliput- rmy sefc. As he striped at a seat a few piices^oil', ’ed, studious efforts vf tl*° mflTd/tha_ •^gentleman who had heard the conver- i sll ] fis, thnt bms troubled you will be" sulijo sation just mentioned, looked up to the rin to take slmpe and form. All kinds conductor, and asked: of matters, which had been waiting for bonr of deliberation. WDI Kina» 1' C.L 15. j "I ■Do you know who* you weroajieak- - ing to just now ually, and-aluMmb without u consciuu s ; C^XX EVX* teVS1 —‘‘No air." ........... »■„-i—nr-—i '■ 'h-11»5 - ....... ■ vt - -- Are you sure? a-k -.1 the confine- the eorn?.lillg r(.conevtions tied thcr^m^j^KW' STORE!! NEW'.'GO-»1 >S !! trying to conceal his agitation. i somethtng to bo done. Such idleitiyv, y ' * ' .• t > Ì .-TïKt n^./cîrv would be deprived of bis plac.e at once. Should be do it ?—__ ________________ _ And yet why should he care ? He knew what lio waa worth. He knew bow he had risen toiho position he now I hid. f When a little orange peddler, ho stood liy tho street crossings, Ito- bad ' many a rebuff, Ho had outlived those ! da•■’* of hardship; he was respected ■ now. Should he care for a stranger's- ’ r<mgh»eM> -or taunt? Those wfib sat; ' near waited curiously for tho end.* . i.-. "» aud MechyThic"» Tool*. ’Er?.7 At» ...........o. ,T .uHiM-.’V a.t I-•1(it^M..eU«mc. i. eitsiei-nHgL ItoefiJ mall bail J’ttOCtmiiH.-1 ; 14 - Brat Rúan Shafts, Poles, Bo’W, Ac. ...¿i... .. q ’ f i’iiiinnm. *O‘-- cvrmm •- ——-—, *ar . r rtTiufoy h.r ‘ »mile, »pi.ilrL’e, .Cholcid-t -1. .1.. r-i .moirr . <’•'icpi • Ui ipuig Fault , ‘ W. K. ROUKHT». i . Ho'.iii! ' 1 ■ O .!>: I- Atrrfttdi a, Co^tiVeJrt!.-. , Wind "Ji’ t. dren. HOOKER & ROBERTS, acli, . Crying and Fnunii < f Children. In '.i it i, t» <’ijt* J-- >"■' mg-c-f-als it. It auftoito i Hurt . Eugle jtt-xt |> .■ »» " *er—-Com’ 'let l L u toum.^ i<ud_r‘- n i'/rs long>'. . : Auction and Commission Dealers ■ iùned, titrons? excvlUni and ihu.clió^l^T jn . ___ _____ .. . J - Thifi i* tin himibiig.i4iudJcmg,4ioHvn •u.’AyLfeell» . bntnnnlh tidiisbfo..iWparanon, having been J HELENA, ¡-.-c. t : 4 MONTANA..; ‘law., I f a A' Ci.1-jWliC.T. * —Fh nr Higr>A.- : _______ kfíw^' Ulírttwt. -- -Wm ’ c Dit. WATElUfOVt®, “y- ■f- - T'A I '.OS. ¿T 1S71. , ■ ■ . HI. O' 18Ö1. Ext ' .’lutvciir-'l'xvo siz?s. . E. J. NORTHRUP, ' For i-ale by all Ltrnggiafs, Tho Irada supplied - 0 '> • ■■■ ' XV11 . hi w im oil .A i.yalib. 1. rat , Hundí. I ‘J I',II- •_ ■ - pnaijBB m ■. À pi’Gx.iiEt n'- Io !<• ¡2 fccK i’.t, R Is can be uoeU'itp-'ñ ai . .a ntiuli. A.klivas Rurl*-» < i- unti Sulky • I lABlJWABE l:tf . DB. W. WATEBHOL'SE. RaktT. . -■\i\j.l iltll-JlUAÍ-F ■ <;k r.UU **»■ TÌznr—4 bis- HtttxÓHHtj' i- ' • J. ; > t, ;_v_ lò nçvd speculi i ;. i *n '.. .-i.e gu arra., tel- it in de: J le : •*T. li . . k ilo »ni - • ■ - ■ Combined, will do ■ .Cv. * vi. - ■ ‘ ♦rAiÁ ■ - * . >•■ • J --- *--- -------- ----1 1 ------ “< SY MOTTO.— Quick Salea and Frinii Proftu.” shall run, and not be weary; and they sliall walk, and iioTfaint?’—Isaiah xxxx, I 28 to 31. ‘‘My young friend, I have no.-reveng Miry M. Aj^lrews, a girl of fifl<< n, fill feeling to gratify in this matter; but resident of Brooklyn, is worth j-J ,000, you have been imprudent', lour man-1 000; Demas-Barnes. of “S. T. IMO,—X” ner, had it been thus to a stranger, celebrity the •same amount; while A: A. would have been iujurious to tho com Low is assessed upon 1?4DO,500,000. and pany. I might tell tho directors of his brother, T. O. Low, on t> 1 .COO.OOfT, thia, but I will not. But in the future In the year 1.5Q0, 10J4 pounds of remember to be polite to all- you meet. . Ydn cannot ftrftgrit num hy-tBir cnat h'6 f ailver were paid for 1 pound of gold; 100 ycata later, 11.if pound*; in. 1 ’>''>• 13 Veers, nnd even the poorest should be pounds; id 1800. 15.42 pounds; in 1850.- treaied with civility. Take up your 15.58 pounds; in fRoU. 14.61 pounds. books,- air, I (hall tell no one of what In’tlie Kentucky lottery proaetWitioii has ■ happened. If you change your course,- nothing that lias passed shall a lawyer for the defence <d*Mned—Must injure yon. Your situation ift-cputin^ ...IsttUfi** were a great moralwreligions Good morning sir.'’ , • and Christian institution. :__ L, Proclnofe taken tn exchange fur OòotU. ■ GENERAL P remium F.Lj&MiHkto Plans, SpeeYii’.iiioiis and Esti mates:-amlqintchase* nfateriars for a .reasonable commission, Parries wishing to build may save from ti n to l.Peeii pTeeiit. jii cost of maipriafe l.gnd labnr, tor the employment of this agency, i I’elwns rtwding at a distanre, and wishing to i build in Moiimoiifh ( f vicinity, may rely on , having their bitoinessqirornptiy rind carefully ot- r tejidt.-'i to, * ' ;? > if CheajM^T DXlUGG-ISTS ave unmoved trei A stock ’ cf | G cmm I s t<> DALLAS, and are < <t.dy*n Cciving new and well avie-tod guuds. . ' ,i>, of H I PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHEI, BRUSHES, 'COLORS, ■AND. Window * <5¿lí\s»a ■ V « zx„. turtumery , to ^ uiooodl —.AM» — Puro Wines apcj, Liquors, . liver i E llendale . bion«.] f 15EALUÚ, IX FPUKiaX AXD D(»MFWi<’ ♦ thfiji COLI ER, WORTLEY & CO Drugs, Cheiicals, FOB ME1.IC1XAL l’lBroSES. \VrE respectfully invite the attention of all VT who a rd in ilant of such aTtirlcs ba afB lcoj»t in well regulated drug oatabiihhiiujnta. Our good* are from iirwr hand»*, and are offered for ante at LOWI'aT BATES. Phy»irian**Prrs* i fffttonw arrarataly < om- paitnfftrtl. of Pure Vmgsi W E A T H E II F O R D A C O Front sheet, Portland, j CnmmerMal »tM Kalem. fold lie! 7 New Harness and Saddle Shop. MoamouVi, W agoni CHEAP .'L CHEAP!! WEATHERFORD & CO., - .f O^<gf»n. MoiaftkOiitii, O. B. STÏLE8. 2:lf AGENT, BUILDING ...... . Oregon. H. J. BUi LEii, Which we offer at low prices and will warrant Will inform tho Tublic that be is ready to do filèni équal, if not superior, to any wagop in ( all kinks of work in his liiup Saddles, Harne ss, tliiAor aityofot market—-a written guarrantce Ac., made and repaired with neatness and dis- furnised with each « agon. |-palch. A good ass 1 tmenr constantly on hand. ! The work is superintended by on exporianccd T. CINXIAG * J X. workman. 45yl I Juili Salem, Oregon, June 17, Iron and Sieri, HnbtZSpoke«, Rims, Xe. POhlLAXD, • fc OKE41V5. J1 vi DAYIW IHI1IKER -/ Iirdl'U> INFORM .HIS FRIENDS AND V V thepTfhlic that he is still at the Old Stand | in Monmouth, hammer in hand, belluwe puffing, and fire roaring, ready to do all I kind«, of work in his line Especially ■■making, mend- ing, and sharpening plows ! ironing and repairing wagons, shoeing nor®eer arid whatever can be done in iron .or steel. Ttiins, »ojfiivcly Caati or Produce. nl3-tf ? LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ♦ Ftotiay Notice. Taken up b;4 A. L. Chamberlain, in Buena Vista precinct, five miles west on the Luckimnte, one sorrel mare five vears old next Spring, blaze in her forehead, hind feet, white half-way up to the liock. Saddle-spote on the Imek, fourteen .hands three inches nigh. Appraised by me at r twentv-five dollars, on the 2.5th day bl Deeem- Iter, 1870. 4V IL l^INVILIJi, J. P. Atiutini-tiator'w Notic<-. Notice U borebv gucen that at.the August term of the County Court for Folk County Oregon, FFTAKK A. COOK, Benjamin Metzker was appointed Administrator the Estate of George Miller deceasod: All BOOKXB I X I ) K R of i>ers<>us having claims against said estate are —AXD-— ¡K vcby required to present the . same to me at B lank -B ook M anufactu I ikb . X.’ m/.residence in Sheridan Precinct, .Yarnhill County, accompanied by the proper voucher gALF,’I, OllttaON*. wi thiti six months fr<fuU»date hereof. ‘ And I nil )x»rsons knowing themnclves indebted to said aving establish :!) a tinsr class pHsikbiudery in Nilem, is now prepared Estate ate required to immediately 'settle the to do all manner of work known to the trade. same,-t his fHh day of Septemljer 1H71. B enjamin metzker . 4dwi Administrator. MngaxinnA Nt-iv-pup; sm un i Music, H ' Bourn’, m every style „ OLD BOOK». RE BOUND». in Et|uUj’*»»3uinfnui|i, I n the Cir.utrr Covirr or the S tate EGON, FOB THE COUNTY OF POLK: or Oti^ James Ji. Higgs, Flff. vs. Hufus A. Riggb, niÄ\K fiihiK - of every de ription, with ii adiniirtstratoi’ <>f the estate of James JJ. or without printed Leadings, niannfwctitled to iliggw, deceas^n ltufiis A. Biggs, Eliza Biggs, order. lilton "h,. liiggy, Eveline Biggs, Washington 1». LADIES' DKESó AND FANCY GOODS. Biggs. Mat id t Higgs, Margaret Biggs, J. M. * ■■ • KKVr All Ihil 3 ï ÿ CLO I Ift N G,'T tn. VXK'- of every kind, ruled tmÎpriHlçd tô Biggs.'I'. R. Higgs. C. A. Allen, Hardy Holman, orde?. M. E. JI- Innin, Juhms Crawford, Nancy Craw ford, Nancy Kmith and A. C. Smith, Herts. [; 7”-f*-i î i < fè* H'-*»; I M> V % EK, _ To nnB-residen* deft».: Milton 8. Iliggs, Hats anu^Caps, —G ium - m -Building- ttouïUu—¡»toi 1— L Uhii Rtgx.i, li. lemit-Jv “nd A j \C- H m i 11 *, inint-r children of James brnitli (pid Ajma Smith, Boots arid Shoes. ; deceased. , • R. R, PARRISH, In tiie name of the State of Oregcm, you are | hereby rwpiired to appeaf in the said Court, and answer the complaint of said plaintiff, filed there .. ...ILL 4>l> SIZE. I in jt -aiiMi you in the above entifted auit. within ■a—• 1 icii tthvi fi hi tefvlce of summons in tills suit, , « ci ;uput»)citi i m Polk County Oregon; and within A FULL KTOCK OF OllOl IMk- l <>;■>■ , tMunt.s da;./(¡«>ni suoli service if served in any j .. . A ^tióí» Aw'ùrMrjTì’vT-’ | T>thef cwri of said Ktate: but if served with . ÄTANTLY ON.HAND. | sumuionsih said suit out of wU4 Ktate, you shall !¥iex¡c&n . »nd ttUHwor bv the first day of the next ’ fenii of said Conti, fo wit: No < id I ht 2oth. A.P. ALW< j 1871. And you ate further notified that if yon ÏÎU.x,. ili’i'.t ■< hpur*, y*'HUp41r La; ÿt'H, j fail to appear and answer as above required, pTff. HARDWARE, AND CROCKERY. ' will apply toiiho Court for adetreo i retiring and ' coutirmWig'hiii fee simple, right and, title to cer ffalt V tain ruul (,-Mtaie, of whieix wud James B. Biggs Wa&L KX-GiMinft. Maunfaeturcd at Cn- Etl* * died rei^od, si mated in Polk optyhtff- Orogpn. do- Ml I. . • * <- ■♦' I wr»fe I as tho* Ormation land' claim *« ¿John -V -T I inif,-.’T> > <•■■.«.• J'i diii- ' an f iJ• i . v i ; ■ • i Nicfe*!» and wife« notification 3688, ctaim 46 in we offer al Whofo ofcoft'Vl Betid! sects. 6, fi 7 and 8. Township 8 K of H- 5 VV. - -batteri fTitving ft (IcHiro* to locum ,erip.uKurly-at ‘ Kivi __ i of Uu ti.q W. VV.itontettu ¡Umetta nioridiái». moridiau^cunfaining cuntauiiug one iiee- aec-- D*H m . wc will «lea! JF’atrly pml Justly with all ‘ ’ • —^rrift ii («Hiintl, , IM>II VI «HUU, except WMJVp» about R1/-.UV 4Ö >v acres, <M irn thereof, tlw TUTM • • L_- .... _ « of *_______________ ». further .„lh.i who iulv fa¥<jp,u?t ^vith tfrmr pftjrortoyi • * N. lab: and for _ »mob relict Will exdMmiT'f Good* for < 'mjitrypyr d»’ce, <i»r Us ii,. ( *'.r.i c mnv Hee rttnse to grant. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. i.'ich we will p«iy tJso II ighlfr-.* '. tri Price Published by’order of. Judge B. F. Bonham. 0S^* Bring on\w K ogh and B i it *»! ' ttT” AH Orders Promptly Atùmded tu. - Cad Dated H<q.t. 2d. mi. - ■“ asms Btn.Tt:n. ^- cv. • J. A. Apptegnte, one of Phu sAttys. and see me. V * AXL»~ We are Sole Agent’s for :be well-known B owie T design to keep only the CHOICEST snJ BEST ariicleii'atin sell ¿them st a Smail Profit For Cash, _____ __ ‘‘-But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wing« as eagles; they ho President looked over the , ,ed in this statement. .aeoounts for a moment, then motioning I Speaker Bluino, who 'is at home in him to a vacant seat, said: Maine, thinks it strange that the news “Sit down, sir; I would like to talk ; papers should report-him in the Rpeky with you.” Mountain!, and at S in Francisco, be- As the young man aat iluwm. tim.. sides being on a tour in EufDpST lie President turned to him a face in which : says lie lias not been away frotn Maine .there was-no angry feeling; and spoke | this summer. to him in an undertone: I ALL KINDS <>E CANDY. .WM. Il» BJiAI>*iïAW, gklt'c X3t X 2E3 O Four sizes Constantly on H mh I. Tobaecft. Stationery, Yoy. and Yankee Notions. eth strength. f ‘‘Even the youths shall - faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly full:’ . ' ... - . ' Those who do not f6il.--in<diued to Presently tlfe conductor camo back. ' With a ste.uly entergy he walked up to ' believe that the Paris insurrection was Mr. Warburton’s sido;lie took his books ' a formidable one have only to notice from bis' pocket, tlie bank bills and i the number of arms taken:403,691 guns; etb he had collected, and laid them 1,007 field cannon, and 1,610. artillery waggons. The cannon on the fortifica Ur. Warburton’s hand. tions, amounting to 1,10:1, are not count- I resign my place, sir,’.' ho said. > Tohirc.i, • Cigars Pipes and i°g- “He g’ivCtli power to the faint; and to liioin that liavn no iiiigjit he it.crcas- Stool '-7¿XKk¿ fi -J ri - e / .• . I know hi».-— - OTwiik-Ir the Vnliplr eoukl -only »core’ 1'Ue color ros.i a little to tho yotir.g ’ j tip eleven; aud it may be that the hap'- man’s face, but with a strong effort lie j ■I am now pnj wed to öfter a large aziorHnut ! py day aud the idle day are pync*y- controlled himself, and went on collée- of choice ’ I' llonr Rali;- . GrfftîiTs •■if"* "hiving ’«’ . uious. I kn6w of no greater luxury •F . fl Wt> < GB0"THrE3, ’ . ’ * ting his fates as wetml. > w <• r**—Corey*«, E m eemtai. us and ■ than to wake up’’in the-morning think -ail M , -all ató. . Memwlile Mr. Warburton sat- quiet ing it is seven, and finding it is nine. 1------ -. ■ ■ ~- T*7 i 1 ' it.iiii Th ¿ ’i . ly in bis seat; none~of those- near him I always calculate yii a feeling of in-,, I tiles and Smiths^ Grain Cradles,, Ifov* and could nuravcl the exprssion of bis face, CAN5ED i'RUii«, 1 tense Vlliiiny vitality i<»r for iu«u that uay, day,- aim anil uu an extra Grain forks, Rioves, Plows and liar- nor tell what the next movement in tlie lows, m great variety. Ifardwaru, QUEEN 3 AVAHE, ‘ amount of my very limited pow it of do- Iron, .and Steel, Hiibs. ‘Spoki#,- ' scene would be. Ftlloos, Kjjns, and Axles, ÁUg and cuduriug.—/-e/iunyc. :i and »! AF3 W a RE. AC.,1 -7tc.~, - Ac. ' And lie, oT*wKaTBiought he? WOJD l II and He li:iJ b.-en ruJely treated; he h id “Hotit thou not known? hast thou WILLOW WABE, been unkindly: taunted with the iufiriu- ! not heard that the evcrhisting God, the ARE AUEXT« B U THE CELEBRATED ity*whieli"“perhaps had come through Lord, the Creator of the ends of the } NAILS, AXES, no fault of hia. ' lie.could revenge him , ear*h, fainti th not, neither is weary? | ■ jkvst , &?. to . /zlitelLcll Wagon self if he chose. He could tell the there is no searching of his understand- i «tlie simple truth, an.! the young mat; Ì ; A It 1) AVA It J ''si.-?T‘’ i 4 .s.. •• •m;»:’*i.liiOj*st:mds ui-v. 1'.* ■'« !>•, !