The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877, September 09, 1871, Image 1

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Pjtpcrliig and Painting Wall»«
The Weekly Christian Messenger
Papering and painting are the teat done in
;From A. C. Review.)
cold weather^eapecially tho latter, for the-wooil
The following thoughts on “Twi­
absorbs the oil of paint much more in warm
light” are taken from a Maryland paper
weather, while in oold weather it haidena>on the >
outaide, making a coat .which will protect the : the Boonsboro Odd Fellow, , They are
wood instead yf soaking into it. In papering ! dic.tated by a sister in Christ who has
walls be sure to remove all the old paper and | never seen the light of .the sun, as yon
paste, and «crapo them perfectlyamoth; Dampen , and I, dear reader, see it. She was born
the old paper with cloths wet in saleratus water, ; blinds She loves the flowers fbr their
and it will conic off easily; fill the'cracks with
phuterof Paris; and if there are any trace« of fragrance, and the birds for their song,
bugs wash the wail all own* with a weak solution but the rich colon» of the one, apd the
of carbolic acid and..wafer; this will purify the plumage of .the other are unknown’to
air and destroy all moul and vermin. The Best her. But she is not unhappy not by
paste is ma/le out of rye flour, with two ounces any means. She loves everybody and
of gtuo dissolved in each qnaiTvf paste; half an ,
everybody loves her. Her cultivated
ounce of powdered borax will make the paste
better. People pOW, generally, understand how intellect and loving heart find the goofi-.
very dangerous it is to paper a wall over old ness of God on every hand; and she
paper and paste. Many death* have arisen from sings the songs of Zioh only as they can
Ulis cause; the air Of many sleeping rooms' has sing them who see cTearly by the eye ot
thus boon poinoned. In some old houses throe faith, and whose hearts are filled with
or four layers of paper have been found upon
the walls of the rooms, an l their inmates have the love of God.
By and by the darkness will pass with
died, and the doctors could not tell Whence came
Gio disease.
her. The same divine tyand that opened
Lifo is struggle, combat, victory—
Wherefore have I slumbered on,
With my forces all unmarshaled,
With my weapons all undrawn?
For 3 mos. 6 mos. 9 r
Card.................» 5
* 7 50
$ 9
i, column..... . 10
19 1
b column....... T9
l, column....... 26
1 column....... 34
The usual commission allowed to Advertising
Agents on above rates.
Oh, how many a glorious record
Hup the angels of hie kept,
Had I done, instead of doubted,
Had I warrfed instead of wept!
But begone regret, bewailing:
Ye but weaken al the best;
I have tried the trusty Weapon*
Resting -erst within my breast
Per Square, <13 lines, .or lean), for
« 4 50
first in«ertion
1 OO
For each subsequent insertion..........
Advertising, and all other business in thi« of-
flee, will be done on the C oin basis, Currency
will be taken at tho usual discount.
Advertising must be paid for. in advance, un­
less credit is given by special agreement.
I have wakened to my duty,
To a knowledge strong and deep,
That I dreamed not of aforetime,
In my long, inglorious tdeepf
Agents for Christian Messenger
Tlie following gentlemen arc Suthorixod to act
i Agents for the MtssENOF.ii :
Mon tn n a •
W. K. Robert«, Helena, Montana Territory.
.Starr's Point, Lano County
John Bounds
Amity,' Yamhill County
E. Williams . .
Charles Woods ... Salem, Marion
McMinviile, Y'umhill
Wm. Dawson
Dallas, Polk
7- B- Newman
W. A. Whitman ................... .Umaulta
Wm. Murphy . ................. Jackson....... “
Buena Vista, Polk....... “
Dr. Z. Davis . .
David Lew is ... .. .Lewisville, Polk
o. D. I’owell .
....... The Dalles, Oregon.
Troy Shelly, . .
.......... Corvwlljs
N. P. Briggs,
Harrisburg, ■ “
J. M. Smith,
Dr. W. H. Rowland,
........ Brownsville, “
North Yamhill,
J. W. Shelton
.................. Indej»endence
J. Si. Churchill
All Christian Preacliera jn Oregon, California
and Washington Territory are requested to act
as Agent« for the C hristian M uocnokr , to re­
ceive and receipt for subscriptions and forward
the names.
For to loro is BomothiUg awful,
Ami I knew it not before;
Anil I dreamed not how stupendous
Way the secret that I bore -
the eyes of the blind on ea?th will open
bers in the paradise of God. ShS will
i Judge El, o? Virginia, was one of the most
lie mado like unto the dear Redeepner,
prompt and laboriojui who have
honor to’’’
the bench. A certain Doctor. IL, noted for h*12 for she will see’him as he is! J. H. n.
The treat,,
my»terious »arret
Of a life to bp wrought ou t
Into warm, heroic action,
Weakened not by fear or doubt.
i exhorbitant chargee, Jmd been caRed to attend a
poor man ditri tig a long illness, ahd at its ekw
-4>rflannffi> a, most exho'rLitant • bill, which’ the
i patient refused to pay unless largo deductions
were made. ‘The doctor insisted upon reviving
the whole, and'lmmediately brought suit.
The case eamo up before Judge L7, who, du-
j ring its progress asked to soe the account.
When it was handed up, it was found to con-
: sist of a single charge: “Medical attendance— ho
much.” The Judge required the doctor, who
was presen VJtiLspccify die item». He refused
to comply, and the case was thrown cut of court.
I, When the court had adjourned, Jhe doctor
th um actx>6tep the judge: *‘That was an Ifonvst
An Item Account
In this subtile .sense of living,
Newly stirred in every vntth
I can feel a throb electric,
Pleasured half allied to pain,
Tis so great- and vet so awful-
So bewildering, yet so brave,
To be king in every, conflict
JVliero before I crouched a sluk
■’Tisso glorious to be conscious
Of a glorious power within,
Stronger than die rallying forces
OfV charged ayd marshaled sin.
“account, JudgcXr, an hones^ account.”
“I Know nothing about it,” said the judge, in .
his-sharp, decisive voice; “nothinj^lxjut it sir.”
After «n embarrassing silence, . the doctor
: begad again: “Judge II., we shall all have to
g^vo an account—an account, sir, of all tlje deeds
done in the body,”
“I know that, sir,” retorted the judge; “I know
that. But it will lift* amTtettt account- an item
*j account, bir2_’ .
7 “Hut I say unto you that eyeiy idle. word that
' men shall -speak, they shall givy account thereof
;[ in the day of judgement.”— Selected.
'inninoutl. Ixwlfc. Xe. 131, I. O. <*. T.
Meete every Friday evening, at 7H o’clock, li
their hall over the Muweugor office.
Bnlldlng lxrts n>r n»le. The Trustees of
Christian College have for sale a numlier of
desirable building lota in Monmouth, fixated
convenient to tlie College Building. Dimen­
sions of lota, 821* by 165 ft.; price $25.00 coin.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
D elivered liv H obace K nox , at the close or
C ommencement E xercises of C hristian C ol -
leoe , J unk I t. 1871,
L adies and G entlemeni - a -
Onr school days have now drawn to
Special attention given to Tttltss to Real Es
tate’, Procuring Divorces, and Probate business. a close, and wo aro now to bid adieu to
Practices in all tho Oourta of ilio State. s. Office
at tlie Court House, Dallas, Tolk
I’-.:'.. county, 5 teachers ami school-mates and return to
44tf ■ our homes. For the past year we have
1 been assembled here for tho pnypose of
I acquiring that knowledge which will fit
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
' us for positions'of honor and usefulness
Dallas, Oregon.
in after life._ ,
CK7" Special attention given to Prebate mat
The many volumes of science ive
ter«, Collection«, Ileal Estate, and general prac­
Itf i pored over by tho pale light, of the
( lamp, are now to be lain aside and the
knowledge obtained therefrom put to
Notary Public and Attorney at Lan,
use in the practical affairs of life. If
0^’Buainoss from a distance, promptly at­ we have been industrious, we will lie
tended to.
O ffice —In the Court House, amply repaid for all the time, spent in
Dallas, Oregon.
tho pursuit of knowledge./ But if idle
and careless, our future lives will be
Attorney at Law, Notary Public, Etc. \ those of shame and regret, that we have
Buena Vista,
Polk County. [ been thus indifferent to the privileges
Will practice in all tho Courts of the State. 9yl that have surrounded 11s.
Our reputation, the reputation of our
T. a . M c B ride ,
teachers and above all the reputation of
I Christian College, now depend upon
Office in the Court Rönne, La Favettc, Oregon us. If wo aro competent to fill tho po­
sitions we have assumed, then will wo
• be monmuments of honorable distinc­
tion to the Collego. But if we.are not,
Attorney and Cwilrilor at Law,
■ then will our education be a mockery, a
- - -
- -
■ reproach to tlie College, and a shame
1 and disgraeo to ourselves.
We are about to go forth into the
world to form the cliaracters we
W C. WARINNfB, m . d .,
will maintain through life. Tho im­
riiysician »nd Surgeon,
pressive man, who turns tho tide of gov­
Polk County,
ernment in which ever way ho wills, by
CXZ" OFFICE—At residence near Bethel. 5:tf
the invincible powers of his mind, is
none other than tho industrious and the
i energetic school-boy, in riper years;
Oregon. who, with his mind fixed on tho object
\ to lie obtained, has faithfully improved
i every moment, and continually risen
1. E. DAVIDSOÏf, M D.,
¿higher and higher in the scale of intel-
j loctnal worth, nntil he has ay^ined tho
PhyalclAn and Surgeon,
;I a dependence, ’
Oregon. highest position of honor, conpBnnding
the respect and admiration of all.
The most estimable lady, whose asso­
ciation is so earnestly .solicited by the
wise and’ the good, is but tho young
lady in college who with her mind free
from the influence of fashionable follies
Fai -thooft
"Did volt ever hear, sir, how it was dial
1 Edwwrde, the mason, gave up drinking?'’ said a
workingman to my father’one «lay, when he was
talking to him about the ovibuud intemperance.
‘‘No,”eai<l my father; "hovti^ui it?”
"Well, one day EdVflrds was drinking in a
public house,, when tbo landlord’s wifo came to
I call licr husband to dinner.
" ‘What's for dinner?’ said the man.
“ ‘Boast goose’ replied Ilia wifo.
I “ ‘Is there apple-sauce'?’ he asked.
" ‘No,’ she answered.
I “ 'Well, go and make some; I won’t eat gooso
without apple-sauce.’
■ When the woman, had left die room to pre-
i pare this delicacy, Edwards was so Impressed by
! tho scone be. hail witnessed, that, for the first
time in his life; ho began to think what a fooj
t lie liad been.
Why don’t WB speak them offener? "Can I do
anything for you,, take any message to tlio mis-,
sion-house for yon?” It was a tri tie, Jhjjj Jow
words, forgotten as soon as spoken; but not by
the one addressed. Alono among sttaggprs;
feeling keenly their 00M suspicion ot her and her
Work; seeing alights when. |fer1iaps. jm «
were intonled, thia little attention, so un*i-
pectod. wys—Owl knows how grateful to Ur.
The qnick tears came, and made her basten tu
her room.’ But the shower cleared th» air, so
that she conld soc that it w^s partly Mr own
fault that she was so lonely, for one must give
as- well a.« lake. If they would Rail Triends
among strangers,
' Thuy unlinked with «u-tliiv troufile.
We »till hoping for it* end.”
God gently drawatbe curtain of day,
that we may meditate upon his wisdom
and goodnoss, in order that we may lie
more fully prepared to appreciate tho
glorious light of the-
ling gems whieh nightly proclaim to
the world that he j who formed them 13
the only being worthy of the admiration
and worsliip of all hearts.
Life, too, bos/its morning noon and
twilight. To those who have devoted
the morning to the service at God, and
have meekly and patiently borne the
trials and disappointmens of noon, twi­
light is a holy hour. The pleasures of
earth have lost their attractions, and
they long for that bright land, where
they shall enjoy the society of the loved
onos who have crossed over the river.
Guided by the bright stars of hope,
they shall pgss safely through the night
of death, for tp tlidni t|ie ‘,‘Sun of righ­
teousness shall rise with healing op his
"How dear to Bic the twilight liour.
When J osum draws me with his love;
»When earth s attractions lose their power,
, And I can soar to joys above.”
Or all . ILirrv lionsliofils, that is the happiest
where falshood is never thought of. All peace
is broken tip when oneo it appears there ia a
liar in*he house. All comfort has gone -when
suspicion has ouce entered— when there mtiat be
“Let the brother of low degree re­
reserve ui talk and reservation in belief. There
joice : in that he is exalted.” This we
arc bntfurv large families where every member
ia altogether trutliful. But where all are w might think a very easy command th
organized and so trained as to be wholy reliable obey, ns all love to be exalted. If it
in act and wont, they are a light to all eyes and a was worldly exaltation, it.might be »0,
joy to all hearts, They are public benefits^ fur and would be no trial ot*ftfith. He is
they are a point of general reliance, and they are commaqded not only to ,be.content in
privately blessed within and without. Without,
their life is wade easy by universal trust; and bin poverty, in his humble position in
within their home and their hearts they have the society, but to look beyond these evan­
scrutiny of rectitude and the gladness of inno­ escent things, and to rejoice in his ex­
altation from a state of guilt and con­
S tab of B ethlehem .—The evening
star is tbe first to shine ont on the gath­
ering shades of night, it shines
brightest, not because it is the largest
of the stars, bnkbecause it is the near­
est to the earth. I' love it most, not
because it is brightest and nearest, but
becauso it reminds uie oftenest of the
“star of Bethlehem." Bethon ever near
me, the guiding star of ipy soul. May
you, day by,day, become more precious
to my wandering lieart, and night by
night, shine brighter on my spirit way.
In the evening of life be thou the first
to shine out through the pates of end­
less day to scatter the shades of death
and guide my spirit to Bethlehem on
high.— Time*.
u <
Southey gpye that Batnre hath as­
' A man named Blanchard is having a signed, two sovereign remedies for hu­
hard time Schenectady, trying ,to ex­ man grief; Religion, surest, firmest,
plain how it was that- he came to nuvrry first and beet; strength to the weak,
three wives without waiting for the fu­
nerals that the law prewriliea necessary and to the wounded balm; Md stren­
uous action next.
. •
before a man can lc"aMy do the like.
There is no .time so sacred as fho twi­
light hour. The sun sinks , calmly to
rest as a weary child on fhil'bosom~eF
its mother; thp littlq. birds cease thoir
sweet songs Of joy, and all nature seeks
repose. The merchant, weary of the
duties of his counting-room, tnrns fHth
delight to his home, where, for a brief
periotl.’he can uninterruptedly enjoy
the society of his family. Thp thoughts
of the mother turn, anxiously to her ab­
sent son, w ho has left the home of his
childhood, and is now wandering in the
land of strangers. We pause in thia
holy hour to pluck sweet flowers of the
past from memory's garden; in fancy
vje mingle in the society of those with
whom wq played in the merry days of
childhood; but wjio have since passed
to the land beyond the stars—
demnation, to an heirship with the
Son of the Most H>gh. His promise of
exaltation is not in temporal, bht iu
spiritnal things, and will be fully ea-
joyod not only in tho ohuroh militant,
bnt in the church triumphant. Tlie
rich brother is commanded to rejoice in
that he is made low, brought down from
the topling height of pride, led to see
the folly of tmsting in “uncertain rich,
es,” and made a partaker in the shame
and sufferings of Christ, that in due
time he may be exalted to reign with
with him. Thus both are brought by
faith in one gracious Lord $0 one pre­
cious hope, which is as an anchor to
the sonl, both sure and steadfast, en­
tering within the veil. The jealousies
are alike diffienlt io overcome, alike
deatrnctive of apiritnal life, and if not
conquered, will fetter the soul and drag
it down the step« of endleee woe.