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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1871)
T II i t ^7 3 F .7 ” k ' “ Peace on Earth—Good Will among Men.” ' r « ' a .. »> 4—g J— =f zz VOL. 17- ———— The Weekly Christian Messenger T. F. CAMPBELL, Editor ,*n<l Publisher. Ylffice under Good Tempin'» Hall, Monmouth. TERMS—IN ADVANCE : OneCopy for one year........ . S’4,<>0 ADV^tnSINO bates : For “ 3 mos. 0 ” mos. 9 mos. lyr. ” Cani. .9 5 S 7 50 Ì 9 «10 — !« oolyinli....... 10 -13 15 10 H column „ 18 ' •28 24, 26 ' H ikiluriin'.. 50 40 BS 90 1 column Column .........M ... C__ ___ ____ _ Tlio ” usual commission alhmpd to Auvertisuig Agents on above rates. . t. TRASftIBNT ADfERTISEiiRNTH.’ - Per Square, (|3 or j. fur f > ffwt insertion. :.............................. 34 30 For each subsequent insertion. . 1 <M> AjlyertiHirtg, and all other buHineas in this of fice, will be done on tho C oin basin. Cnrreney wHi be taken at the ukual ditK*«>ant. Advertising must be ¡mid for in advance, un- ] om credit ia given by special agreement. r---- t —-•>----- ' - Agents for Christian Messenger. Monftfttai« W. K. Roberts, Helena, Mon tana Territory. Sau Franrleo. C. Vtsra.'.-T, Broker, 820 California st., is our only attthorizod Agent in San Francisco. Oregon. John Bounds.. ... Starr’» Point, Lane County . ' Y. William« Amity, Yamhill Countja Cliarlea Woods^... Salem, Marion “ Wm. Dawson.. McMtnrille, Yamhill •• \ ■ T. B. Newm»n . ........ Dallas, Polk . W. A Whitman. ......... Vma&lia Wm. Muriily ..............Jackson _ " Dr. Z. Davis....... Bi.c’na Vista. Tolk David Lewis............. Lowisvillo, Polk ” S. D. Powe»;.:......-.. Tillamook.. *• Troj Shelly. .......... TlmDalhu, il<ogon. U. P. Brigg», . ............ Corvillis J. M. Smith,............ Harrisburg, “ Dr. W. H. Itowlaml,.Brownsville; “ J. W. Bbeltoa . North Yamhill, “ J. 8. Churchill .......... Independence All Chrietian Proaclmr» in Oregon. California and Washington Territory are requested to act <* •*. aaAgeiits for the C iuubtian M dwknoeu , to re ceive end receipt for subscriptions and forward the names. CARDS. J. A. APPLEGATE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Special attention given to—Title» to ReafiE»- tate, Procuring Divorcee, anil Probate bu»inefc. Practices in all tlio Conrta of tlio State. Office at the Court Homie, Dallas, Polk county, , Oregon. - • 44if J. L. COLLINS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Dallas, Oregon. . . . ‘ Cy Special attention given to probate ■nat ter», Collections, Real Estate, and general prac tice. . ltf 1. VINEYARD«, Notary Public and Attorney at Law, ny Business -from a distance, promptly at tended to. Orrica—In the Court House. Dallas, Oregon. _ lit t . a . M c B ride , ATTORNEY AT LAW, the Court House. La Fayette, Oregon, luti JNO. J DALY, , Attorney at Law unii Notary Public, Buena Vista, : ; : . : ' Pol*. County. .._______ N. L. BUTLER. 1 Attorney and Coun-ellor nt Law, * Dallas » ... • Oregou Ì.U. cards . M edicai , , W .C .WARINNER, M. Physician Bethel, and Kurgron, Polk County, • - Oreste ■CTF- OFFICE—At residence near Bethel. J. R. BITES, M D , Physi.-lau and Surgeon, Dallas, : : : 1 > Oregon. ttjT- Office *t his residence. 2:tf. J. E. DAVIDSON, M ©.. - . Physician and Nnrri-on, Indspsndsncs, ... ■ Oregon.' 2:16 J. C. GRUBBS. A. K, M. D, Physician Dallas, . ' • I • Surgeon, and • - °ffloe th / l'nta.* Coad's d X. -UVa- HU Hou«et deote i“ *’ Whiter _ —---- r (i. LINSEY HILL, *• Physiein'i «nd I*oetry ■ lost, they aro found; though once blipd, old in these parts, and as the brethren * Correspondence. now they see. Cheering them on thro’ have got abont all the enjoyment' and MAN WAS rftADH TO MOVBN. life's rugged paths, when wearied and NOTES BY THE WAY. , " good out of them, lest they die, we are IM «CO .% T K VT. ■I. tired with the ills of this world, they privileged to make a note of them for BT BUBXSI. . cORnisrosvzxCE To the uemfnueb . Tho iiiimediato causes oi discontent would despair, it points them "Heaven- future reference! Though these rumors O MAN! while in thy early yearn, ----- A *«-<- — ..-_VX — A are numberless. Home of those who ward, their “beacon l^ight, .. ” their guid never hail any foundation irr fact, they A ugust F ifth .; — {Tom Corvallis to How prodigal of timo! ing star to the New Jerusalem.- Moprpe tho field's are ripe for harvest, i show how, in a sinking cause, the im seem to have all that earth can bestow M¡spending all thy precious hours. Thy glorious youthful prime! History tells us of a timewben Bibles and the farmers are busy preparing to agination w ill be put npdBrthO faekT.'amt -=weatth,- station.edifeutibn, friehil; an.l Alternate follies take the; sway; were very few, and those few sealed, as gath&fiin the golden grain. This is a subjected to torture by men who aro talent, are the least satisfied. Trifles Licentious passions burn; it were, against nil, denounced as trash beautiful part of tho vhlloy, owned in ' alarmed at the increasing numbers and ; disconcert them. A wet day, an ijl- Which tenfold force give nature’s law, ' and prohibited to ho“ read. It is not largo tracts, indicated by the amount i growing strength of'the Disciples of fitjed garment, a broken engagement, a That man was madu to mourn. . slight disappointment', are sufficient to ; —vj*“**». difficult to imagine wliat state of affairs lying uncultivated. It is held ut twenty Jesus. Look not alone on youthful punje, destroy their peace of mind, and render dollars per acre. Above Monroe, on Shall the hoary honors of “ ortho prevailed at that timo, surely gloom and Or manhood's acti-v, might; doxy ” in tho hand» fiands of of Rev ’s._jinJ D. them slaves to vexation and chagrin. the Statò road up thè .Long T onl Long low the «oxy in Uo Lev s. jxn< dnrkn'ess filled the earth, wickedness Mau then is usefill to liis kind, I reigning almost supreme, and if, per- country becomes mom :^äk*ü^._ÄitlL4- '__ ____ ____ l^c-röii/k in,gloom beföV£4bfiCmvfti vftBring— The main'causd'uf 41*jenfont, however. — ♦Supported is his right; But-ecu liimau Umedxe irflife, 4 , n is» Uf TtgTit“remaino*!, iVwas' urtile valfvya between tho ranges of .. light oi truth«, in ths hands of strip is always'to be found within. It has its With-cares «nd »arrows worn, obscured by the petty strifes giul quar hills. Fir, oak and pine cover the hill ling and “young preachers,” anil shall origin in selfishnea Whenever welsp,r- Then age and want, oh ! ill-matcb’d pair! rels of men, «11-polluted and contam- lie permitted to squirm squirm a * y ! get R onr-elves in our. efforts fur utheK;, - pitch pine not unliko'tlw pitch pine its advocates be Show min was ma.lo to mourn. oi the Southern States except that the little? Though tffc agony is intense and " e "triko at the ¡very rbot of all discon inated witli^in.--------- . ■ . tent. The truly benevolent, loving A lew seem taioriles «Ffefo, But a change must take place, such .a branches arc more numerous and the gxeites sympathy, tlie «ontortions are man, is seldom tormented by vain -re In plyasuros lap easost; . grotesque and conipel laugliter. straw is not quite so long. _____ _ Condition cannotiast forever. .The Bi Yet think not all tliirrjob.-slid great .• • grets at his own circumstances; and he ■ t . f . c .i denso under growth on the bill anti ■ More anon. ble Cannot remarti buried in oblivion. Are likewise triijy3>ie»t, » whois harrassed by the spirit of dis " But.'ohr what crowds in ev’rj land Accordingly it pleased God, thè aU-wise uncultivated portion -of tho country content, can in no surer way free, him Are w retch! d and forioni; Bro. VI iil-pìl)*’/!.! p| ;■ to Finlayson. - ■ Father, to put U into flic hearts of a few give» protection to-the, bear’and cougar, self from tlio chains thatensl ivo him, , Tliro’ weary life this h-sson learn, : .which aro ’becoming destructive to of to elier- B ro . F inla XB on :--I trust I fully’ ap than by turning hi$. thoughts anil ener-' Y That man was iria-fo to mourn. . z His true and Died followers, . . . 'stòck — especially to .tho'flòcjm. They ish the Holy Book, and to give its light preciate your Sympathy for me in my ’ gies to some good work fpr bthejrs. Many and sharp tlio hiini’fous ills i 'to the world, regardless of the conse are said to bo more troublesomo now .Ulli.-tiuns a, MpSMMfc in. y ou» ar.. n.,.bb , -mg .. h iwevdr rich; Ink oven with our frame! ' quences; though fijaL-peraeentions and , than at any former period. Gn-tfio hp- More pointed.still wo make ourselvoa, munication. .... tliat discontent will not convert into , death, it might be, awaited them for its pcr part of the Long Tom 'more atten - BcgrfF, remorse, and.shame! Now, as respects the numerous pass- ' and no trials, however severe, that , And man, whose heaven-erected faeo sake' Many accounts have wo read, of tion has been given to stock-raising ¡ii fys of scri ptu re tlmt yrm T e f e y ffiu t u, ] eyils, 80pi0)ty and Airtuu may uot transfortn Tho smiles of love adorn, (Hiljsliiiiis, linin.i l nt, il i a »lMu > an d t orn » linin' to i ninilig; tliU yellow etay siTHoT doubtless for my comfort : I w ish to say ¡njo blessings. M r. condition has lit- ——lllllwnHlhity^ ( in pibeoa piw-eH by wild beasts, liehsts, rather than tliap ' th<\hill-si,! gg aid table land ; l>.-i-ouim« this: Road to me any .of God’s precious -tIe llo whtl 1^,^,. tho poor and Makes/-onntti -.s tliousande mourn. * give up the Bible, and all this to*p1easo exhausted after two or. three years eul-1 word and mw response is'every tinted tho ric h, th* high and tho low, aro ■ . See yonder poor, e’er-labonr'd wiglrj. the tan^y of tho wicked and- pervorso tivation. But little improvement of any amen.—Yon agree with .me that- the about’equally b15£d with it. .Life has " So abject mean and vile, kind i.S apparent, while - the houses, j ruleis of ,the nation. ceremonial law of. Mosfes was taken out |,er blessings in store for ail; and , ho , AVlurbegs abiotlier of the earth '* barns, and extensive fencing, genefall^ , The present age knows notBing of tho za 41 » e zx wav x - • zw wv 1 by » «v Jegga T zvci vw <• ( f ’ lliriet, 1. A* 1 > A say a a -«» A that I, A , ” **• » v v ' • • w » • ■ of f th ..To gi'in>im leave to toil; who will bring fidelity, energy and trials and persecution of .the ancient of, but bearing th«- umi k Cuf ~ the moral law was not taken out of the Arid see his lordly follow-worm - . cheerfulness into his,life's work, will The poor petition spurn, Christians, nor the tho tortures of mar- decay, remind one of the.-prosperity - way nor never will be till Ahe -end of | pâr.ake of his full shake, whatever may I'nmindt'ui tho, « Weepingwifr tyrilom; although son\ar-with a lively i tliat cba'raeterizei? the country twenty time. I hold that we are wound to obey i be his outward surroundings. But dis And helpless offspring moprn. imagination and poetic fancy, paint in lyears ago, caused-by the abundance ju L all the good and moral precept's that 0 death! tlio poor man's dearest friend, • glowing colors, the life of a martyr, and gold .from California and the mines of were taught in that law; but we are fiot content wiltblight ilia,fairest scehe and I poison the<most favored lot? 1^ makes The.kindest and the best! ’■ A think ’tivnuld'be glorious thlis to live southern Oregon. bound th obey tliem, because they were little_ difference what it is we—tlius.,iu-* Welcome tlio hour my aged limle and die, yet under tho .blessings that The neglected orchards, dilapidated taught in tire law, but because they are. A re laid by thee at rest ! ■ wàrdly bemoatj; whether tjie ordinary spring from tho light of Liberty, se-’ fencing, and general appearance of de taught in the Gospel. When Christ Tho great, and wealthy, fear the LloW; trials of Hfe, or'our own peculiar .dis cay indicato that the plodding^ siajd, cured through the Bible, they miserably From pomp and pleasure torn; caiue, liis Heavenly Father said-; “This advantages, or jiètty vexations; if.ire fail to.obey Its preceptsx and to rejoice dilligent husbandman must take, the . is iny-ibeloved Son, 7»e<u- lam.” Before . But, oh! a bloat relief to those meet them in a complaining spirit, we z That weaiydadeu mourn! In its hopes; filling their ÎÎ vqs with place of tho pioneer, who riinst -seek a Christ camo the people were to hear undermine the foundation of our own " —-—r----- -,------ ——*--- .■ — vanity and folly; and, dying, leave the) iiipre congenial home on-Hie frontier. Moses as law-giver, but after Christ hajipiness, and destroy -our iufinemfç / prudent scientific farmer will reap came he was to be .their law-giver. Home Contri bn tip us. high and holy purposes of their mis The over others. But, if we -meet’them'SftHi ■ „I.-..— —l- — »«.a.. .- <» vwnu-uuu serene spirit, wisely. CxJttnp-. sion oneartlrunaccomprlshed. But ah, from sixty acres of this land more Ilian “There is-on.. tlkA. tost f DnO'lsl ancL care xtmsx », »v llU tbe present occupant gathers from his save and to destroy.”—James iv,_12.‘ TUB Ulti I. F* ining their nature to see how far tliey could not bear tho petty misfortunes half section.. The facilities for irriga Now, the difference between us, if I are inevitable, exerting our energies .to G radvativ ’ o E ssat , bead bv M ihh K abah anil disappointments of this life-, snr- tion are so numerous, and could bp understand you, is simply this: you molibrete-them where possible, anÿl’pa- CntmcHiLt., J une 14, 1871. roundod with advantages and blcskings made available at so little cost, that it is think we are bound to-obey the moral tientiy and firmlyenduring them wjbsn. The mind is so constituted as to re profuse,- with true and tried friends strange so cheap a method of making precepts of tho law, because they are unavoidable, we shall sow the seeds of ceive the most lively impressions thro’ many, suffer torture at the hands of certain the crops so often cut short by taught in that law-; aud.I think wo are virtue, and reap a full harvest Of hap contrast. The glory of tho day ad<ls wicked men? Oh, foolish man! Never summer drought should be unemployed. bound to obey them bceanse they are piness. ——— - ' ■ ‘ e gloom to the -night, and tho splendors Science has much to do in these ends [ taught in the Gospel. And I agree satisfied. Ever 'changing, yet never of refii^ennnTt'lend additional horror to of the earth before tlio resources of the with you that they will lv/bindingupon i Above all, if wo resolutely conqper content. ' the seffisliness tlitft is tho ‘core of nil the oppression of ignorance. The tide changed. Persecution ceas country will bo fully developed. The I men till the close, of time, and it was Bo tho light of the Bible presents in ed. Respect for the Bible filled- the. inluibitauta of this pad oLtho valley are this that I had reffcrence to mainly in discontent, and cultivate a kindly in- fearful contrast the darkness that cn. public mind and it was no longer ne friendly iu disposition, social in their the sermon you speak of when I used j terest in ouï fellow men, striving by veloped the nations destitute of the cessary to have it concealed. It was habits, froo and generous, generally the two constitutions of the State of loving helpfulness and sympathy, to glorious gospel of peace. Standing,-as taken from ifp hiding place and pro taking life easy. They manifest» lively Illinois to illustrate this law and the ¡ lighten their burdens and increase their ¡joys, iweht contentment Will fill our own wo do, in the noon-tide glory of the claimed to thé world os its only means of interest in education. Gospel, and said, all that was good, hearts and-the path of self-forgetful Son of Righteousness, we . may, with redemption, its only hope t>f salvation.- valuable, and adapted to God’s children .E uoese C ity , Aug. Sth, 1871.’ ness will prove the surest road to hap the mind’s eye, contemplate a nation! Many embraced it, anil light began We enjoyed Lord’s day with the Dis under Hie Christian dispensation was piness. whose people know not the Bible nor to gleam slowly but surely, and ever taken out of the law and incorporated ciples at Fir Grove, whiclfis, an out- the G od of the Bible; who have none sinco has been increasing steadily aud po»t of Oak Hill congregation, over into tltfijooepel. A (ilAKEn PlltVTEH’S FHWVl-HtltS. of the advantages of Revelation; whose strongly; until now the brightest priv** two hundred strong, anil held its regu With regard to the letter written by | From Anc--. il an Nvwspapcr Reporter. | only saturations are to cat, drink and ilegea and advantages, known to man lar worship at-(he church aix tnile^casi Mr. McClIire for publication, I will in- Never sendest thou, an article for ’pub- be merry; wlio think only of self, and since the world began, are enjoyed by of l'ir Grove, while <re addressed a form you that the Editor showed it to [ ijcatjOI) without giving “tlio editor thy glory in their selfishness; who,’ though many nations. In thia favored land bf part of the same congregation, kt the me and ip my judgement all that is name, for thy namg oftentimes secures cries for mercy from their fellow crea burs; where freedom and wealth abound, ; sami time, on a few hours "notice, and wdfth a notice in it has already been re- r publication to worthless articles, tures, daily fall on their»ears, pass them and penury is almost unknown, there i found ourself so surrounded with breth fered to in my replies to you,, and in- ■ by nnheard, ever regarding self first, is nrt one so poor but he can afford a ren and friends, we were obliged to ad- , deed I have nothing to do with him in ' Thou shonlil’st not rap at the door of a printing office, for he that answereth self next, and self last. Bible, no one so afflicted bJf lie can journ from the large school-house to the this matter; yet Ujjb Editor can judge the rap sneereth in his sleeves anil los- * Think you such a people, so little el learn the plan of salvation. of nut publishing it;, but eth timo. i grove, where, with ample room aud. of the propriety oi evated above the mean animals aliout Wisdom sits enthroned upon the every comfort, we enjoyed the day in a should, he choose t6/¡Publish it I now Neither do thou loaf about, aBkvjucs- them, could be happy ? They stnmble brow of all. The youth of to-day is pleasant ilianner not soon to be for- think I sliall not notice it. I am pleased tiofis, or knock down type, or the boys through life, ignorant and utterly re wiser in the knoweldge of the Lord, gotten. to see that yon nave become fully satis * '. willjove thee like they do shade trees— ‘ » gardless of their destiny, knowing not than the .most learned Philosopher of | fied that I am orthodox, so far as the From Fir Greve we came to Eugene when thon' learetli.' the purpose of their misBion on earth, ancient times. Old Testament and the New are con City, paMing in the vicinity of Oak Thon should’st never read the copy nor the glorious destiniy ef the right Thus knowledge increased, and will i.Gfiove, calling on and making the ac- cerned, »nd I think in this you judge on the printer’s case, or the shnrp and eous in Heaven. continué to increase as long, as the Bi qnaintance of many Qf the brethren. i me correctly. booked container thereof, or he may And now, Bro. Finlayson^let us read I In this day and age of the world, wo, ble is mode tho chjii text book, -and The Disciples in Lane county have a and meditate upon God’s Holy kk ord knock thee down. so far removed from such folly and ig taught as thç, great tcûntiateientiarum— bright future before them, for they are both day and night, and may ,it do us II Never inquire thou of the mlitor for norance, and so abundantly blessed with scien^ of all sciences. really enjoying the sweets of Christian good as it doth the upright in heart, tlio news, for behold, it is his business Bibles, can liardly appreciate the con Ohl that wo might b.ope to seo_ the love and unity, and are being more anti let us try to be guided by tlio Coun at the appointed time, to givo it thee , day when .fTiis prébious, holy volume firmly bound together by the shafts of cil of God that we may be received into without asking. dition of such a people. • ■ glory. J. E. M urphy . ’ Think of the gun taken from the will be read anil practiced by every tiialicujind—ioalousv hurled by a few It is n?t right that tliou sliould'st .«’ iieavens, and the gloom aud death that nation under Heaven; and when wisdom restless spirits and HiqKiranuateil Secta Irim wh > is tl. - author of an article, g The little loving charities of daily life for his duty reipuiretli him to kepp sucli. , Would follow! Such is the moral gloom shall till tho earth as the waters fill the rian pteachers, who have no flbek to preacli loudly for Him who went about things to himself. and spiritual death, where the Bible is mighty deep; when all shall know God,, J lead nor bell to jingle, anil who show doing good. The testimony that it is from tho least to the greatest, and none ! their crape anil acknowledge Thiir When thou dost enter into his office, not. Just in proportion as the light for Jesus will make the even tenor of take heed unto thyself that thon doag and knowledge of Revelation extends in shall say to bis neighbor, “know the .mourning, by attempting to find a .dif thj. walk glorify Hinri*; whereas, if kind - ’ _____ ference .between ouf preachers, And a not look nt what may be lying open and a community, just so much is it eteva- Lord.” difference in the. teachings, when neith ness and forbearance be shown only to concerneth thee not, fortliat is not meet ted and refined. Truth is developed, Upon me lies a burden which I can er existed; by Such gossip as the “young please onreelves, ch - for the gratification in-tlje'right of gooil breeding. ' ' morals are practiced and good will ob not shift tq»on any other human crea- preacher,” disputing with tlie elder of another, they will be fitful, and wit.-, Neither examine thou the proof sheet« tains among men. > . .; ture—the burdens of duties unfulfilled, about doing that wljich the Bibia abso iiess nothing of the living faith to pro for it is. ’not ready to meet thine evts In our own America, the pride of all; word»' unsppken, or spoken violently lutely commands, and being anxioiis t‘o _ claim ______ Him —JI---- Whose ---------- we - • are. ’ Arid whom V , ire that them mayest understand, and truly, the most enlightened and re ami untrulyj holy relationship nog- receive a mar\ eprihkleil, into the serve. .,-----------------------------------' Prefei- thine own town paper to any fined nation of earth, in (the lromoa of lecfed; of days wasted forever; of evil church. and in the same history, (gossip) A dmiral Iko'dgers’ dispatch announ other, and subscribe for it immediately.' all, from the ihost wealthy to the low thought« once cherished, which aro tho same young preacher—now the cing particular» of the Cortan naval Pay for itin advance, anil it shall be liest peasant, you may find cherished iifier appearing as wjten they were first »tL'amplielite big gun;” who,.in his zeal engagement contained 110 words, and well with thee and tliinu. above all others—the Bible—the book admitted td the* h^art; of affections in for iriimorsion, offerreil a horse, bridlo cqjst 8350.06 ip gold. It came from of Revelation. Though old, and worn I myself, or ¡u others, trifled with; of “I weeded my friends," said an ec-‘ and saddle, a hack and span of horses, Shanghae, -via Hong Kong, anil British by the fingers of time, it is ever new light within turned to darkness. So *!15y hauging a anil finally oue hundred and sixty acres India Cables, the Red Sea, across the centric old man and sacred to those who love and obey i speaks the conscience;' so speaks nr Jias 8 of land for the privilege of baptizing Mediterranean by way of Gibraltar to .piece of stair carpet out of my first floor it. By its precious teachings, they are spoken, tho conscience of each man.— somebody who liotl boeu sprinkled be Falmouth. England, then over the At wiudow with a constable's Announce able to see tho sin and ruin in which Manrict. ’ cause he was in the kingdom or out of lantic Cabin, a distance probably of ment affixed. Mt had the desired effect. they were involved, and by its holy I soon saw who were, my friends. It An Iowa paper tolls of a smart.wife who helped it, he did not know which. “O, con- I abouji 15,000 miles or more. light, they have been led to a better loir htudiand to raise aeventoeu acres of wheat. , was like firing a gun At a pigeon house.. aistepoy!” ' • ' With profound reverence they The way «he helpi-d him waa to atamt in th» f E very man has just as much vanity They forsook the building at the first Wo have been amused by a full his clasp it to their bosoms, rejoicing in tho door Mill shake a broom at him whon lie sat I report. ’ ’ as he'wants understanding -/ tory of these rumors, anil as they are pleasing reflection, that though onco I down to reat. I__ __r, __ _________ ...^_____________________ _ ' —•- • The following guutlemeu «to authorized to act M Agents for the M bssesoe » - NO. 45. ■y - Published every SaturdavTY LEGAL <> MONMOUTH, OREGON: SATURDAY, AUGUST 1»,, 1871.. . -- - - ...... ......... - X Surgeon. Buan* ViaU. Formcrly practicixi with B- C. HiU. MJ»-. n Afl*nv. r ’ I ♦ I 'V - i. 'r V < * r*