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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1871)
* s. It is related that Sir Isaac Newton that > when enga’getl in the investigation of JjgM. I h ‘ spent some time in lilowiug and examining soap bobbles. An old lady in his neighborhood observiug his doings proHoiineeil him a erazj-xold man for tlins spending Irts time. I suppose' the philosopher was not much concerned for his questionable sanity , and would - -nnt-fr avp been had 4«e b ee n blo w in g bub- ■ Vies merely for the pleasure of seeing . them—those royal colored spheres in- 'stead of trying to discover their rhison’d Htre. As an amusement it is, nonr-a- tlays, given up almost entirely to chil dren, though bubbles can furnish stud ies worthy the, attention of Titian or a Claud Loraine. , It is a fatorite amuse ment’of mine; tho’ I contrive to get out of sight tent, as. society has found out that Sir Isaac was not a crazy man but a philosopher, I should lie mistaken for one I Hatter myself some, on Veiug able to blow very large and pefsistant ones. I am not a poet and I cannot tell what J feel, as the gorgeous balls ,-fldht a.way from my. pipe into the air, calmly and gracefully, growing con- - ■►tuuUy morn beautiful as tliey become thinner from evaporation, tpl it sudden ly collapses into a little oloud of mist. Tlie other day when engaged in this in* “ nocent pastime, my friend Porticos Jr. a greater cuss thud old Porticus 'came and.seated ltit»s®H by me and said not a word for some time, though he watched closely. At li»st he rose qijiekly, and slapping me on t he shoulder said,listen to me I have a new idea. I have been watch ing youi"manipulationsupd t e-growtUof liaise beantif ill things, there isthsROurce . rin that dish of soapsuds, -nothing but ' ugTy” st uff; i >IT anil potash, meir <1+11, but with the pipe, anil your breath, this starts into a sphere at first with neither beiiutr nor attraction, font yonr breath J . i fo'-t- and beautifies‘it till it is the rgeous thing it floats ‘awny. So it is v. iih the worlds, at first but ^a base hemieal compound without form and oidj the brentii of the Almighty gives hem one at atiifietbsir spherical form, ’ ■ -! dally under His cure tliey grow “ i e perfeet, more Veautiftil, and are Photographs of the ruins of the Col umns of Vendome were taken after its destruction by order of the Commune. In these pictures thé portraits of a num ber of the. Natioual Guards, in attitudes of rejoieiug at the fall of the column, were >u<'idoulal)y.'*~ftitroduceil, from their having been present when the photographs were taken. ..Each of these portraits h a s b e c n'Cnlarged and placed in the hands of tlie detective police in If we know our brother»’Htruggkw, f Gain»t opposing win<l Mid tido, Gainst tlie many f»right ieinptatioiiN,-. Luruifi hitti on every «ido; If we know th« can» »»d, troulJe? Thronging uver round hi« life, .Would we wonder if ho ffltertnl, X- fconietinn* in th’ lUtequal atrifc ? If we looked lieneath the »urfece, < Gilded o’er with graceful art^ We aliould find, tliat »mile» were often Worn to BiaaVaTLireakiiig heart, yie who treat» to fickle fortune. Builds hi» houne upon Hie HUid; And tlie empty rainbow-bubble» ' Burete before it meet» liin band. > ' is photographs of the principal barri-4 eUe. were taken, and in these pictures S “tlie portraits in small^size of several hundred of the insurgeuta are to be seen. These likenesses have been en- -- » larged, and are to be used for the ar rest aud iÜeutificatiou of the persons If we lift the laurel tendril», Gathered by the liarid of Fame, ’ Thorn», beneath each fragile leaflet Prove their pleaauree, but a name, Thus we e’er scene« are brightest b Screen our sorrows day by day— IIcarte that soniotimea seem the lightest, Oft are iMMsing to decay. v M1SCEIÆ A^ilOtS. ' • ____ thus incidentially introduced. It is be lieved that these enlarged photographs will in many cases secure the eondem- I nation of prisoners who have been ar rested on suspicion by the French Gov ernment. ; ”7*’ Money mity procure comfort, U1Ì1 "it; Mr«. Stanton means to occupy the coming 4 Sy Previous to the settlement of Califor cannot procure happiness. summer w.ith some theologiccscientitic ctudies Why is ablush like a little girl? Be nia, singing birds, fragrant flowers, and on the origin of man, aud other evil». Tlie ltohey Jmcajrere not to be found in the Golden Age will publish tlie results of this new cause it becomes a women. — . effort ill isibalf of the -down .trodden.” country. Now, however, in all parts of 1‘uuctMality begets uuufideuoo, and it the State there are niany' virîètiës of As daylight can be seen through vary small is the sure path to honor and respect. ■si nging biral s, like, tlie taeeking bird, holes, s<> little things will illustrate a person'» cliaracter. '••• —- T hovuh nien boast of holding the reins, tlie bobolink, lark, linnet«, tlimalia«, Balti -w»., women generally toil which w*y they mini more oriole and the common robin. drive. Brick for Sale. Nothing elevates us so much as the The forests are filled W^th The honey I will havo ready for nr and for sale, at bee, and as for fragrant flowers, Cali presence of a spirit familiar, yet sujie- Monmouth, by the first of He plot»bet, 1871, a fornia claims to beat the world. rior to oor own. —- “ choice lot of brick. The average sentiment o/ American ». All death in nature- Is birth,’TSid in (I. ELLIOTT. Apply to ------ i—----------- communities is in favor of a decent out death apix-ars visibly the appearance of BuikiiMg hot* for Sale. ward regard for the Sabbath. life. There is no killing principle in . “He that rules not his own spirit’ is ' nature, for throughout is life; it is not The Trustees of Christian College hayo for sale a number of desirable buihlîtvg* tote like a -ftity surrounded by a broken death that kill», but the higher life, in Monmouth, located convenient to the College Building. Dimensions of lota, 82 % wall,"—aaaily t a ken by ths nu s iay. | ■ — which, concealed behind the other, be. by ire ft.; price $25.00 coin. gins to develops .itself. Death and Correction does much, but encourage Monmouth Lodgi* So. 141, 1. O. G. T.- ment- will do unira». En c o u mgci n eu t o lii i'll) are Ji Ht tile struggle of life with their hall over the Mooeonger office. after censure is like the sun after a itself to obtoin a higher form. showier.,. ,-b-. - - . A n A ngkl in thk B tonk - It is related of When ' marriage is founded ou-prh- 1 ! Michael Angello, that while walking with some deuce and honor, life lias a definite ob friends through an uliscure street in the city of' Florence, be. discovered a tine block of marble 1 ject, and existence ’æeonies a substan lying peglected in a yard, and JiaJf buried in dirt and nibbish. Regardless of bis holiday tiel blessing. attire, he at once fell to work upon it, dealing Moiiiiitiiith, l*»lk County,. Oreffsn. away its filth and striving to lift it from the It is a singular <‘ircuuistance that the slime and mire in v. inch it lav. His eosipan« wnrd.unabriged is qot in the lateist ill-. ions askesJ him, Tn astenfahineht, what he. was GfACVLtl : * ustrated edition of “Webster’s Una- doing, and what he wanted with that worthless piece of rock. . T. F. CAMPBELL, briged Dictionary/* . » ■ "Oy there’s an angel inMtlie stone,” was the an pbesident axii " rBortwaoS or * iblk ihhtobt swer, ‘and 1 must cut it but. ” ANU UTEBATVBE. A western hety',. to aid ^feeblft .>JU»bad iFrenioved to his studio, »nd with pa- - tienUtoil, MMth mallet and chisel, he let the an church recently painted on the inside JAMES C. CAMPBELL, gel out. Arhat to others was but a rude, un work of a meeting-house twenty-three sightly mass of stone, to his educated-eye was euorggsoB .or matwxmatics and astxonomt . ■ “ . ' * the buried glory of art. A mason wouM have j I days. True womanly zeal, that. put it into a ^ioiie wall, a carmen would have ' u»ed it for filling in or to grade The streets; but ! The mere lajise of years is not life.— Angelo transformed it into a gem of art, and pRorxaHoB or obese and Lans lanovaom AND LTTEBATITBE. Love, knowledge, truth, beauty, good gave it value for ages to come. . * What posiHlities* bi ^jrtiio anfl-nscfirihiesr ness and faith, atone can give vitality to may not a good man see in »child? Do we. the mechanism of existence. know how to get the angel out ? Are our chil dren to be only for “filmig in?” “What flower of beauty shall I mar Christian College. ’lafow'n out into heayen to float awhile.' I'poh tlieir surfaces are' rainbow hues, glorious sttnfletEv the blue of Heaven it* self und as these bubbles are too beau tiful to last, so the sun anil stars, are to - liecome perfect ami burst. Then with u very profound and prophetic look con tinued. This world of oursls fast' put* ling on its most royal tints. The land: scaiie was never so «'harnting, the lieav- < ns never so detectable, the ocean never •. so serene, and society itself is almost ry?” asked a young spendthrift of his ’'heavenly in its character, and the final miserly governor. To whieh the gory collapse is imminent. Aftter .ibis be was moody /or a while and then walked Hie present FreochTtCfbv6inHienV Hit before McMahon’s soldiers’entered Par.- The mie regarding talk, “When you Ita ve nothin» to say, sav it?’ applies equally to writ ing. When you really have something to write about, do not peck and scratch around the sul»- ject like a hqip, pounce upon it btUdly, like an eagle. Almost every article pnetetited by un practised writers to magazines—àào nutter bow admirable the subject—drift» to leeward for one or two two.j»ages before tlie writer gets stoeragé- Way on his thoughts, and the reader finds out where he wants to sail to. This fault could easi ly be avoided by proper revision. Gut out all that <l«*es not ttear na* tlie subject discussed* ev» cry uaeleMt adjective; every inefective repetition of the aahie idea. Then consider whether you haVè tahl whit you wanted fcf siy In the Leal language at vour command. If not, write on till you are satisfied. Tljcn condense and prune. Do for striking metaphor, or sprightly epigram, to decorate your article. If such oc- X^rall^v Hurally tliey may be put in. but with cau tion? Consider whether you really gain any thing by them; wlietber they really add force to your writing, or merely flatter your vanity at tlie time. Afterward, when all is done in the way of argument, you may here and there care fully a<ld an apt quotation or pungent witticism, to attract attention and make some important sentcuce snap, like the cracker of a coach-whip. Itememlter, too, all tlie time, that facility m composition, as in all ìothér accomplishments, can only be obtained .by practice and ponevo- rence. * " \ •‘True gran), in writing, comes by art. not chance; As they «nove easiest who have learned to dance.” » ~New York Evening Mail. eruor replied with a grim smile, “Mari H ecla and V em VT vs .— It is a ling ipiy from Hecla, tn Iceland,, to Etna, in sunny Sicily. Yet scientific men tell us .that there is little doubt that theue two volcanoes are connected by a tunnel or natural Hiibterranaan passage of communication. There are good reasons for thia lielief. The great internal earth pulae beats simultaneously ineach, Etna ia never disquieted but Hecla sympathise«, and Hecla never shows symptoms of eruption without some throbbing» in Etna. Ancient and gigantic twins arc they, standing fur ages widely »ep«ra ted, but holding mysterious communication through an unexplained labyrinth, a flrey artery■ through which Jbeir hot blood flows and mln- gkm. ________ riTBE LOCATION OF THE COL- 1 mxie ib and B eautiful ,^ MIiM'KLfÎNKKni ADVKRT1SKMMNT8- 1ÍISCBLKÁNBOUH w. H. KUHN 4t CO. W. X. KoBXllTH. OXO. HOUKKK. . ADYBHTItAlUNTM ' BOOKER & ROBERTS,’ Auction and Commission Dealers Oregon. Albany DEALEBH tX — . HELENA, !( > MONTANA, la King A Gillette’. Block, Main Street. * • oy Particular attention given ta eemmiseion tale.. Storage solicited. U Mothers; I’ve " _ > ' * - ’1'' I’ ’ ’ ' Found |t ! ! r - w ^or Years I Iswve searched for a Remedy IP that will CURE your children by remov ing tlie caiMB. and at late I can »ay “ Eureka.” HARDWARE and. Iron Steel, Farmer’s had Mechanic’s Tool*. HIMES & BÄCHELDER, Book & Job Printers, Try It!' Try It! «3 Wraat »tract, Pvrtlaiwl, Oregoa. C arminitive cordia L (XT- ALL KINDS OF COUNTY PRINTING and BOOK-BINDING to order, at reasonable rates. Feb. 18—nol9:y MAIN STREET, : : i.4 MOORE'S CORNER. This is a pleSMgt antacid, and, in large duae«, ,'laxaiiv«i~iu «mail dime*, an astringent medicine. It is exceedingly useful in all bowel affeolioua. ssuasially of Cluldiwu. It is a safe, certain and oneettud remedy forUholic, Diarrh®, Cholera. Morbus, Hummer Complaint,-Griping Pain, Hour Htomaeh, Coativeuwu. Wind on the Stom ach, Crying and Fretting of Children. In I. at, in lixitlailnr *^*> >1 a 1 u it It I »irgTTxr xw «trr»ansi^ vx|<s*w«r »v *• tlif Guni*. and render* toetlnng easy. Thia ia no humbugmedicine, gotten np to »ell, but a really valuable preparation, having been in use several years, ii rowan mends itself Do not give yonr children the •* Soothing Hyr- up«,” for they stupefy without doing any per manent good. The “ CORDIAL” is prepared by X>x*. w atcrlioviHe, DEALER IN ilr. *— --- -—i—, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CLOTHING, GROCERIES, J)RESS GOQDS, TRIMMINGS, HAT8, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. US'' Farmers will find it to tlieir advaatagu to call and examine our stank. All kinds of Produca taken, and a Fair Price paid. M onmouth , O' om . • —Sv For sale bv air Druggists. The trade supplied on reasonable terms. Hundreds of Testimon ials can be given upon application. Addreaa ~ l:tf DR. W. WATERHOU8JE. Door & Sash Factory. Mala Street, —• - Doors ami Sash .Al- ways on Hand, - - BOLTER, WBRTLEY » CO, DALLAS. J. M.7Campbell. — ----- — AND ----- IMC ac X o Cheap I Cheap ! to Order 11 [E llendale B tose .> H ave s removkd their stock of Good, to DALLAN, xnd «re constando rv- csiving n«w sad well ielo Wvi gixxl*, consútintf of LADIES’ DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, WITH OR WITHOUT LIGHTS, TO Hats and Caps, •4 Boots and Shoes. > SUIT CUSTOMERS. <- * —- ài LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS SHOES EVERY ftlZE WINDOW-GLASS FOR BAIÆ. • n8-tf OF EVEBÏ STYLE AND MAE. P. St. D. MURPHY, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES CON STANTLY ON HAND. « '« ■ C eetbal , A ccessible ------ ALSO-------- \ BOOTS The rolling prairie on which it is situated fa gold.” lx Minded by timber, bordered with a serrated fringe of towering firs, marking the course ol quietly away.— Bethanji (ruanlian. A young candidate for the legal pro the Luckimute, four miles south : the Wil lamette, two miles east, and the Lacreóle, six fession was asked what he should first miles north ; while the oak hills, with tlieir dense — Conversation v\y Guns or W isdom .- do when employed to bring an action. foliage, rise, one above another, in solemn tiding, but^solitude riches the nnderrtnnding, but^^----------- “Ask for money on account,”^ he grandeur, to llw main range, in full view, twenty miles d tete nt. The Cascade range, too, rising is the-sehool of genius. \ replied. ■> . from the valley to the east, stretches away for eighty or one hundred miles to the snow-clad The less wit a man has, the less he is The Rer. B. Stover, aged 17 years, is summits of Mounts Hood, Jefferson, and the ... - - OREGON conscious of his deficiency. “ Three Sisters’’--all in fair view from the Col MONMOUTH - - astonishing people in Dnbnqne with lege iwemisee. * Every one who bears the name of a his eloquence. He is a Kentuckian and oots , cheaper and better than The lofty range immediatelv weet, breaks the gentleman is accountable for it to his •has not yet completed bis theological ever. Make« a SPECIALTY of Hhoes, sea-breeze, and gives, in this locality, only a gentle wind from the north or south. With a studies. family,^’' 4 genial and bracing climate, a fertile soil, a popu There seems to lie no end of wonders in Cal lation distingnished for industry and moral -Eloquence—True eloquence consists- A well known physician used to say ifornia. Tlie latest Is a remarkable cave near worth—and removed from the diversions and tu saying all that is necessary and noth- that roust lieef, sincerity of mind, cold Calaveras, wherein column and pilasters, orna wunptatioiMi of a city—tlie surroundings are all ^HLgunore. ■ water baths, and an amiable wife, mented at their capital« with volutes and mill most,.favorable for health, virtue,and proficiency in every department of study. Modesty, is to merit as shades to fig- would make almost any man healthy, ions, at irregular intervals, enlist the vwitor’s Tlie College is under the care of a Board of. attention; while fine representations of tapestry, Trustees, who will spare no pains to make it ~ —rires in a picture: giving it strength and wealthy and wiaff. cornice and fresco work are engraved au<l plain EQUAL TO THE ^DEMANDS OF THE AGE. beauty. ' If yon would be pungent, be brief; ly visable <m its wall. All forms imaginable The Members of Hp- Faculty are competent, en (Succemon to J. K. Gill, j There is nothing that binds heart to for it is with words as with the sun hang suspended, presenting all the varegated ergetic, and devoted to the Cause of Education. colors of the rainbow, and brilliantly sparkle beams — the more they are condensed heart so quickly and so safely as to trust from tlra pale light of a candle like a thousand STTATR STRIKT. the deeper they burn. and to be trusted. diamonds, while a like proportion of stalagmites If you would relish yonr food, labor underneath, with their sugar-coated surfaces, WHOLESALE A BETAIL DEALERS IN On rainy day, the Louisvillian store for it; if you would enjoy your raiment are constantly presented to view. Here and keepers do not hang out their umbrel pay for it before you wear it; if you there, it is’ added, are carelessly piled bruised ANNOUNCEMENT las and if you want to buy od «, and do would sleep soundly, take a clear con and broken fragments of those appropriate em blems of Infinite Wisdom tliatjiave suoctfmbed not happnn to know wher j to go, yon science to lied with yon. to the normal destructive qualities Of man. will walk the town over, and get a It is estimated that Germany bought, ducking, in tne vain search for the sign T he A rab woman ’ s H econd M abriag *.— during our war, over eight hundred of one. Their ‘excuse is that it would millions of federal bonds, for which When tlie Arab woman intend* marrying FI3HE SIXTH SESSION OF CHRISTIAN _ give mortal offence to refuse credit— ( J College will open rm the Amt Monday <4th she paid an average price of thirty again after the death of tier huabsnd, site goes . for which everybody here asks—for an t)>e night before the ceremony to pay a visit to day) of September, 1871, end cl<we on Wednes eight, gold, and which she conld now tlie grave. There she kneels and prays him day before tlie third Sunday in Juns'. M72. nmbrella in time of rain, if the impecu Tl><- Searion will consul of two term, of twen tv sell at very near par. not to be offended—not to be jealous. As, how week* nious customer had l>een, by tl'e hang each, with a receaa of one week for ever, she thinks h^will be Offended or jealous, Christmas holiday*, and an intermediate ex- It may be put down as a fact that men ing’of it -ont,‘ impliedly asked to ptK- tnination and renewing of classes at the end of yon see banging about public places the widow brings with' her a donkey laden with chace it. But if lie walks delilierately two goats’ skins’ of water. The prayer ended, the first term. frotij day Io any are the right material in and asks to be shown umbrellas, she proceeds to pour the wt.ter upon the grave TUITION FEB TERM: f theft the case i* different, and be can lie to do all kinds of mischief. Tliey are to keep the first husband cool under the irri the men who become dangerous char tating circumstances alxiut io take phice, and, refused. “Childlike and bland,” as the Primary Department—Orthography, having well saturated hint, she then depart». acter.'' Heading Beries, Practical Arith aforesaid storekeepers are, it must lie metic ........... ,......................... . $0 00 A young lady became so disaatified confessed that ibey have mastered the Hupprne that thou haat itetoched thyself from Preparatory Department — Algebra, Geolr— ” *■----- Zeblogy, ---- *— ------ 'Goology Botany, Astron study of human nature and the whole with her lover that she dwmisHed him. the natural unity—for thou wast made by na omy, Jasflish Composition, Latin In revenge, he threatened to publish her ture a part, I rat now tlxm hast cut fliyself/J<L- art of selling umbrellas. and Greek Grammers »nd Read er. „..... 15 00 letters to liim. “Very well,” replied yet here is this beautiful truth, that it M in thy 9" A Parish Correspondent tells this the lady;I have no reason to be asham pywer again to unite thyself. God has allowed CDllegiate Department—Full Coll«#» Course ................................ 10 00 story: A Uby of thirteen, found fight ed of any part of my letters except the this to no other part, after it has been »operated Tuition strictly in advance, aa follows : and cut asniMter, to come together again. But ing, was taken to. be shot, "tlaptain, oddrew!” For ten week», or half term, must lie ¡will on - w ■ (consider Ute goodness with which lie has privil entering the School, and like payments to be do‘let me take this first to 7a friend eged man; for he has put it in his power, when nuulr at the oommenceni«nt of e«eb half term It is a current saying that ministers' ucrotia lhi) street, I borrowed it.” “Oh, ion. to the clime of the sons and deacons’ daughters are nirtre he has lieen seperated, to return and be united fosu-d can 1» hail in private families st from yon scamp!” said the officer, ‘‘I under and resume his place. Mareu* AurrliuB. likely than others to reject religion and KM> to *3.50 per week. stand, you want to run off.” *'My word fall a prey to the temptations of the No word/* ran describe tlie wonderful and S' of honor, I will come back again,” said ffte boy,"and the Captain seeing it was a world. The Rev. Asa Bullard lias lieen continually enlarging blessings in Christ which gathering statistics to refute this prov have been poured into the souls of many of the child, was only too glad to-be rid .of erb. _ Massachusetts and Connecticut ■ children of God, through the simple, nnreason- him. In ten minutes tlie .boy came . ing faith which prays confidently and vith ever- furnished tlie field. In 44H ministers'( < increasing trust bock and took Ins stand with his face and deacons' families there were 2,1QI« I - ------------- ................ ... — to the wall. “Here I am—fire!” Does The great man is lie who chooses the right children over 15 years of age, of .whom ltoman history tell ns anything braver? i 1,414 were hopefully pious; 1X3 were in with invincible resolution; who resists the sor Wax-Work, A Leather-Work, „The Captain boxed the little hero's est temptations from without and from within; the ministry, or fitting for it, and obly ears, and ordered him never to show who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully; who AMD ALL KINDS OF 34 dissipated And all the remaining is calmest in storms and nfbst fearless undfer his face there agatn. They conld not children, with very few exceptions were menace aml^frnwns; and wlwxte reliance on fire on him. useful citizens. Mr. Bullard challenges truth, on virtue, on God, is moat unfaltering - J' » By a lady who ttemmgiily him tors tanda this de ThA nondition of a nation may be ' a comparison w>th these figures on the i Clatwiing partment of a genteel udmwtioti. Kuusu'by a knowledge of the condition part of any other class or profession A quaint old Scotch proverb runs thus! "An I among parents.— Christian Sta/ulard. ounce of mother b worth a ]xrand of clergy.” . of its women. Boot and SI toe Alaker B HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. W ooiatN Goons, Manufactured »t tlie Ellen dale Milla. Buch u Bsavsn, Cuumerw, Uard Time«. Tweed., Flannel« and Blanket«, which we offer at Wholesale and Retail Having a desire to locate permanently st Dalia«, we will deal Fairly and Justly with al! who may lavor ua with tlieir jistroiiagi*. Will exchange Gouda for Country produce, for which we will psy the Higbtest Market Price. Hi?“ Bring on your Euoe and B ctten I 25m6 B04.TKR, WORTLXY A CO. r Books and Stationery Weatherford &, Co., < Stratton & Waller. f DRUQGISTS. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS, CHEMICALS Paints, Oils. Varnishes, 1871 and 187 2 School Books Blank Books Stationery, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, etc- Fancy AV o r k, Pianos and Organs ■ Brushes, Colors, —AND- Window ex-loss, PERFUMERY, TOILET GOOD8, — kXD — Pure Wines and Liquors, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. E respectfully invite the attention of all who are in want of snch article« M are kept in well regulated drug establishments. Onr goods are from flint iiands, and are offered for sale at LOWEST RATES. W Pl»g«lela»s*l»r««rrlp<lowa nmirwtrly eom- pow<Mt<vt of Por. Drags. WEATHERFORD * CO., Front street, Portland, Commercial >L, ttetom. feMm<>17 Christian Hymnal ! H. D. BOON. C ommxbcial S treet , Bookseller and Stationer, ----- HAR Oil BAND TH*----- Christian Hymnal, A new and choice collection of Chnrrli Marie, for tbs Church of Christ. Elegant cloth binding, Vermillion edges. • titte. gilt letter . -«IB Per Duson - - ,- - - - li «0 A largo stock of Christian Hymn Book« on *