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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1871)
* " -À*'. I ■> • i ’ I « *4 L ’“•‘a ) r- •- 1% 1 t ■*»* 9 V 1. i -•4» « í ¿ t .7 I •H» ■«—T * v- . amubmh .* ‘, Z ■f i tî ■ •NEW ADVEHriSEMWÿTH. (Cliristitwl .Ale sseuj'txr. himself. The Bible ia yvur coufessicm ■ would be cruise ui wc.'.der if they Were ‘.‘articles of faith are (^orse tbau use \ ' less. According to yotir own decimon ! of faith,' etc,.’ Fnlholic Privets tlo not 1 nut the same. Official Paper for I7dk t ouille. Oregebt. 4‘Jm’pe.rro, having ii 'ver studied th**--— they’ sliotiId not bo adopted; for .you..1 exercise the fight Hti^iyterpre.t the o • <4 •----- ^y * * are the ! r HA’^iptUre&Joir theif member«, with one olo.-y, Jiibiiot kmiwothut say, •' --- MeNMttUTH 1 SATUHPAJi AVdtSl 3, ISTI. only infalHble^rnle/ctc.0 Then yours j , whit more vigor than do the minister« t ha<l :iuytliitig>t>i dp with iipptuyii. ’ jiapfy'the * The (’or re>tHH|;lv neri ____ ___ iDrfn who ; • of (he so-.palled (hrriwiau. Church. 4. . ,41iie base m.idiiDy Mr. 11. 1» not ten- in a fallible one. “ __ WILLIAM DAVIDSON, ‘.(.’athoiiv PriasN repYcb alt' who -<h> Ttoi-f nbn-. -tu tne tir-t pliii i' tlii negro sold condemns not himself ju the thing *• • HASIS FOR CHRISTIAN I VJOt. » \ 4ubnut io»t iit*vr <b‘and • yon ' f'o njtlibig ubont immersion, and might which ho allows.0 ’ It is n*ot worth While to waste ti-ma on ---- - ---- - ------ i----- r-# sKiis. ’ MEsswk.iEm After nn nUijoiee the same tfiin.c. J'ou .wilj- not‘receive iw>t hayo nmleretoixl, ip if itThad been- ->1-x orneK wo. ai from ’ sthekt .' „ - A. D. AND A. P. BUTLEB, ’of ionie tliree.'wf t ks fl-oni liiy-litoue.-J^ ;<nw into the cnrnnnwrton of yottryhnnH^- u-'sl. lie found ti».- woivl “bapliaa”Til Um remaining six '1 hey are allt except ' 1> it (’ (i U J S-T S . i rptnTmsfjTtow^days since ami.-few/id unless 1 renounce'xnyundAastanding'ui tin/Bilile, aml. In the perhaps the seventh, HabM io the same I PORTLAND, GREGON. - - - ^'re-s<n.^ ^.vour l«q ej'-ei the Pth m-t.. efHrfsiiijm: •. l^iWe’ba»di*tir r>nd ’¿uihrmb to "you’r tnr-"'- next pl n-e, it is no Xvliere said in the objejdioii as tho first- they subautUrte ; my la.'t. codicillili apon be «a:<b A ' 'll scriptural practice on the §iibj< < t. Bible, tlj it John baptized Jeans teifi tiiev language of theology for ’the, lan. r REAL ESTATE iq this CITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable localities, con- w • ' | ■prejyous to my leaving.^Two’ of thosi- Tliirt dictatorial, selfish fraytictj can * water. 'Therefore, if the’-man was de- ¿tinge of the Bible. auting ■ ■! LOTS, il \ !-ì BL(X KS «nffBLCCKg/ If the divine «ystem^ in.Ats ^aiiuplie- . -L itifig- the--disciple£.4. pniul.uit tipoii~ the Nypphltg iy>f lji*. HOUSES and STORES; also, -p,eviou*ly forwarded,-Tharc-not—been never-tfle. ----- aC«S—e of Jeans in one body.- 'You must? come . knovi'ledge of,Jesus’ baptism, hotjoirfd ity, pftrity and eii'tïfetyf'w nT' AiìTiiiiiló - • siiTort limite us to receive. *■ ■J* • IMPROVED FA1Ì.MS, »ini v^uable mi- In'-i >11 t/.;t Other'S Ul' ■; \'b' not luivft siiid, I want to bo • banti’zed the children of God, in vain may we r- * . Injliis 'tirtìvto I proposi« presentiifg "T’i t: I ci)ltiv»t«l LANDH, locateti in ALL porta ut thè hope tliat .any human effort will pro and as honebt as tp ’ irselves and while iri/A water os pestos was.” ■ wbat I understand to 1^.', the only i.rae-, «TATE, for tìALE. ' ‘ J yoji practice aceonjing ¿foyyTmr iimTc F* ”, Mr. II lisks a qn Atiiin and then say’s, duce apian of Christiau union. - .« tieni lr.i.-i4-for christCiii union that I can / J »stiindini-f of Clod’sAv»)rd. yoivmust allow, “This is (mother question, Mr. Editor*, - The taper sent .for a j>l/y»i«iat>, who BEAT. ESTATE and other Proi*irty pur eeneeive—of, viz: Tin -e arti -b s pl chased for CorresjMindentt», in thin. GIT* and advised him to use pp .more brandy. all other ehristii’&s. to :ri)j >y the .aa^ie you in ■ lint likely toanawer very*so<>n. faith.upon which, all orthodox cliris- throughout the STATES and TERRlTURI Eb We wiH answer it piqmptly^ms we' He distuiaaed hiirrns a qiiaek, and seA with'* great earn and on the most ADV AN TA ‘ tiene ngtee. But before 'doing this, t high duui-. 4*lorieus- privilegt*.^ ..Yortc . GEW8 TERMS. . : r Jiiotli' i.-. • iu> pre ■ ■•rib.-d- brandy di- liase. all your q ’ i ■_ tions. tSuoh a ques- ' ‘, permit me to notice one.or two it-ms it) pra*4H‘e of excluding all pe<. onS from.' . lion w ill never be asked by any one who luted to suit his stcuiaeh. Th^.patient the < irtirah of < urf.»t who do no| accept ItaT a DOZEN REASONS -W vonr.Inst comments. . ‘ HOUSEffuG STORER LEAKED, LOANS your theory of water baptism/is arrps ■ forms Lb-i question on Jliblo language“ ’ praised .ftim Jis-a man of . senso- and ! i NEflOTIATED. and CLAIMS OF ALL DE8- Win a 1 el :1 o tl ■' ■ ■■ ’ : bo i- 1 ' - ' s. n 4; the ’ Aibb« no wln-r . CKI'TIONS PlgiMl-TI.Y COLLECTED amf ■ le.lining, who.uuderstoinljiis ease. gant in the extreme ! By what authori WHY THE a Genetnl FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSI tisnuil regeneration nptm those'who The world has br-en To-j»t drunlr 0:1 1 ty pt t‘> lead your theory . :iys Jesiy 'wa.s baptized <rM water, NESS tfuuactud. * t • . ’ hold and tiii<'li'thut,“iuimst-ioH.i«.nd re "Acticl a’of F litli" until “a foarjut at-' * if lie : lioul I ask life directly-C> .spQii ■ t_ .:._______ , •' *. • ..__ .generation'ir'e two monos fot the iloniauds relief.' PAIN "Ki LLER •■[hid ? (* T h -T l - ,b ¿1 given you and ktoor pout- Water.on liifli as a religleifs ’ t.i.'k <>f ile-ldi'ium j " ArtFM’S ,,f th-ia OFFICE in all the 0IT«r •nne tjiipg.” you attempt to db et th ’ IES Mill TOWNS in the STATE, will receive l Diir, brethren u 3b co lai c. mmissun ti) ; ■ art, I vvuultl tell him tha* I had faiU'd to . Mr. Ìien<Vrs(y.;|Ì3 the skilffhl physician d<«erq>li<>n» of FARM l’ltpi’EltTY ,nd forward ** matt r byamying ‘ ‘ fora ’ imiii ’ to.iqri'iiil..' * 7;' rr!7.'r a inali'rò5.r>;r...' leach the bahin -e .T -ttMihkind th." trim: find a sn5.,;!e text Tti the New Testament whi) pç^cribe»’. Ji littlfë“Tïïr x MANUFACTVBEP RY water nptui nn nneòn^ciop» > y. s, < ||VK( ilir.E, Aorvr, 1., .'am.' or th ten ■ . “tei. a i ni, U - | in wlii -h the word spriukle or pour win pf Faith”—diluted, * ------------------ and call it bivpfis'tn. ami .elrartte. bteptis- rjNDETENDFJO K, OllEOoX. etc.-? ’ You and your . brethren will/ 1 used fiir biqitis’iu, I might tell him fhat n’al re-generation np<-ii’him who r.-i-r Y mu.”' people ri* V 1 );j\-ix <.\¿- Soil a ph ase < x use roo when I infoiti. you Mr. nemlecstui, .-i learitod theologian rtud Gooft ‘ LAxotAiXr-1 speaks of Christian l upti-->>ì -V. it bout the O.I-* ' .- y for sprinkling-anil pouring, should acquire the—hal#it V-lUat J regal'd yumilAgiotjiug <m>J'e tl.iañ, mh i‘f correct fiction is proci’« <b tl îîy faï^b. reppnt.-*n»*¿’ IS THE . eñmmonmen, whfti I deelino-Vour <Z ■■- had ulttei ly failed to, point olit aneh a "speaking aitd w riting, and abandon as . ., . ,. -, nind confession, is putting' on .a . harder tum on the subjcid ¡it'd follow l];c e<m- .’t!.•. ■ - 11 >>;t< n ri q'1 ■ -:,-d Tk- im to possible any use of slang, words BEST FAMILY MEDICINE OF THIS AGE . !-■ ’ ■ ' . - Wiicn- face llneil we have ewer w-rn. ‘ ‘ 1 ■ 1 ‘ - 1 1 ....................... ... . ■ » ' • 4 . <>i phrases. The loiiger you put this i i lion- of ni « ovyn jnd'rm, lit upon tin? d"... i saving, ‘ever you hear or rend of n man MIS« l LLAJrtîQV.» ADVERTISEMENT«. -.ù.jç.i <1 V. Ì ...píten!. Il y.’ll. ilo! is. that .o/fi.-t-quostioti to which oil'the more iliillctilt the acquirement i- _. ~—-i --. t .“-—■.. •, that■•••spi-¡Hili:M.J <s:; *n an u n con-' a auwei« tor y il to .«ay *Q¡at jen idb’w,- 1 you lUliiib-, Mr.-II., which .wejiave uot of correct language will be; undTf the . *1 a lions b.di.e” aiuj, r<-g< liera.1 ion are .1 mût. uni. t»X> . all pei tolls t«« ji..,ig<-f««r thiin-< i ■«•■■■ iq -.-n answered? If you will repeat it, yve golden tige of yduth, tho ‘proper season .- E. J. NORTHRUP, I3ible nauw.s for the Kante Uiiii^, ilo you this.subject, while you exclude tin m will cheerfully answer it, or frankly f„i- the- acquisition of language, be - ' »¿Ä l i He * »4-ÌM'l »-'I'-♦ - 1st. Paia KUKr is.lite .most £ettain CTx<»lora li.uii nie.’ubi-ri !iip''in tho elnifeh’.unti'l ivoofc -s our inability to do so., Will Mr. pa-sed in it's ibnse, the unfortuDiite vic- that medical science has produced. îïvy ruMpt Todr” vj, \nr.Ttenn'lT0i r ; rttev- TO 'l;TTe“‘<i'd.''.''‘i'b‘- - 'Tf Sfrw" ■wttt"“nnr VftttTli"'* prohnWy “be doomed to as’n Ttirrrrhœi nn^dysmtary 2nd ZYïotTt Il A H liWAHi;, y-ôlTf~Knppnttrnrl-d^'the- Fttuie mutt, r. ‘ -te-te7” ■ .' I rrmdy, - i:< ■ tttrt^pdlc-tL ît fiéhtnm ii VW-i ■ .rejs-at.'V' qu,---tious wLi.-h" ii,u mix LtUt dung for Tifo. . Yuirhave niprëly to t not I ic IU tv • y i ’ « ' . •RttrHrt"-*r>nn# that'Ite <1 ~- f.i!-.’ -------- »------------ -e—------ -s. ■> , , ~7 t run nwit St< »■ 1,11 u U« “****• , HUM- Ä4 - tí . ■ »11, . Iti t > < n 1 -I 1 I'íi-'l» V. ill tlm \\ wlrîldt », insb-ad- ' it.l., f'um AVZ/< >• will cnri-..<*rain'pH m-Vainx ii) I l.h'.i pre. . nt «lintel regard i.s.a f.,1; - uiat< 4 wl: 11 -¡t-k.'-l, lie would not aftumpt use 0 . 1,::.. f. si. file el<tii• will r !.'■ any [Stri of tlic cysteiu. A siagls dose us- .1,. .T obtland , - - erf tlic slung y ou_.ho**E to total a taste in X —- chargc^rlio tlnit b TTeves wat.-r I.kip* ■ : d «'?.■!:«l-tel.4- .1 ".y- if*•!'■ «S >,«.»,' I.‘-I'Ot t.i-lXi=-j- . _ crytty- re.—• — -—;— -* —• ■ — injtly effbe i-ITei t is A b a c i n nis. ............ ~ ;—— : Æ1 < .’I «b L t. Y»’!- r im th-* îvi-w Testament ‘is fl:/?1'■ .incnt AvitTi thk speakers' aixl poets ■_ -itil. /’.'OI A''r '’tviir <u)X‘ Dy I -1.1, :h nl in- '• ti^m in .1! y form is r .dig&tUoii, if used according to direction»."*. ort.’,, .l.tej.eliristiaLscan u'ni/g -and Uòir-. “-iirinkliiu,-” or ‘'pouriiig'’ iiscd to de- iu’ the country. ■-.*•- . lieveS'in baptisrpal r»y ou-n ation not' Ï. 5th. /'on Killer is an almost never failing cure monile. As a matter of course Í do not 1) .r- li.q li-111 ? 5 - . A mbvki■ sciiueoh'U. sjys tlw? * that *0, Mr. IMitpr? 'Win n^v<-r for budden Colda^Cpugiis, <fcc; . t > ‘ 4 : pied 'm H J. b.,i fi>r jv;vs ♦••>nfn»*-.r*thr true smwe 2d. W in’ll' in the Old or Now Testi- •AVM. It. BRAMHAW, ' p. 6th; ‘Pabi K>lier has pro.v61 itself a Sovereign; ' hear mo advance • docirtnc *nr.d < of C*li 3: >.H>. :T'l.c f a I phi J i I stand Remedy for l ever aud.Augue. ¿md’<’hil| c'iety-palli -liter, but t.b. ■ e idtys in sqlw j Til'- .1 ■. '■■■ I to ] " 'll' - ■- -..then call aiykt-.lf an orthodox cli v-i-ii'-ar».. l ever; ’ it ‘ has cured ' G*.e' most obbtinptc ARCIIITjaOT f.XH 1); you run- : 1: ? • .Is “ I’ll ’ . . . . ■.’> >: oi'Tinprj ;ur<-,T tea- 1 ‘ Ciisvs.. you 11.. ' ' ' * . *•»•-* ----- ■jyi in all v>bd’>ui - - , -; -,; ; . «.ptiafw !.‘ ,Tt. ¡ ten ail : 7th. Pttio Kilter an a liniment is unequalled? * t< 1. -iniuti 1 ■. mg;.as a religious as you have. : another; In psalms and Jiynin«.«iid spiritual I ! . ForTrot Bites, Chilblain», Burns, Brui»- GENERAL BUILDING AGENT, \ _ * - thin ¡: cluflily. ' -te :r- - , t ~, < tits. Chains, Ac., no I’bvsi^ian cun L/u>ng4, skF-THTg wj-th grace ,n your heart» to tho b - = ’ ^'Tfiirncy.t-iirrn in your eon. men Is that-— ■ ¡.‘r.-ijoF ruin.- h J tin mor^ttiau it. - —-——7-^———---- —- - ■ Monmouth, •• * Oreg*«» »1. Where is a mOile of baptism nam- 'Lord I I ’ ■ . 8th. /*ain KUKr ha» cured ciu-^a of Rhunia- p <, ■. i :. ? I « ■ « i‘ ' i ' vd ¡atlmOJiLUJ'- . '. yKilpcftnrendeTii WnTlrrnds, thrm XViivofoI. ftfTs.r-raflfg «wmqtpg. ,. Ttfesday f? Mi»SwMTppi h gfb.~ lii wkiit way tbit -- F i nnishes IT ritr , sprerfir-ntions Mrd E»ti- r am.Medfa»tuh Lctwimu, God »üud lip n^ Wimie j., it stob'd tint baptism, week, Avidi a-loFbX^of Mth.- Pf.'iti Kdli.r will Tlestrov Boils, Felon*;; rii.atv**^ and piir^ha-cH material» fur a-HMUtohnblu se’.ehtv live THeli, i • - story prove* that it • lh d. <'!-.>/ Whitions Ohl Sores uiid Swelled Joints, (•<»huuiM»K'ii. " Parties w ishiug te build lnoy ti*vt> . ,c:n« Ib’ìv S|óii't 'or (’• iiif.ort«?r, tlir* <-••, iii the Christian aysteyj, the place ne ni'led »lid pia* ' 1 on tb.e^N ard one hundred . Church receives inenTb’i * jnt° it* <-om- giving relief Trulli/Tain after-4he tirat «j*- from t»-k te .fifteen )«rceuL in cost pl nwitcrjakf and tliroo.thoUbaniTljrick.- Stiletti faerciiry. — '< « ■ . -t . « 1 . . <>t eireuniQision in tho Jewish? ’ ' pli<-a[H‘h. ' ' / -. * and l;dw.r, by the employment, of thia agency. ’ • K . munion.upon their.Lntb in the Eible^- 1 Ite i. . ii. •. ■ . V . e . — power »tn^ glory-. ■ 10th... Pam Killer cufen Headache, Toothache,’ lAM-jirins residing at a distance, and wi-.liing to «•...• in - m rtnent’a artger may 1 oth. If a mau believe Hull God will -•■i-»*wluet-I have not been aide, to • ■ r. I and Neuralgic in. any puirt' uf the build in. Ab.nrm.uth or vicinity, may rely on 2. The b« : iptr.ii s of the <yid-Hrtrf-¡ pi e\ c;il da.;- - • >f .-'U .'o .v. Laving their butim’s» promptly and carefulkv at- . related the ei&B oj di*.. $£> < t'.^tni- ■■r body. .live all -men,' w ill you, oUier things be- ■» .tended to.- * - ■ * 38’11 Nf«w Testaments me tl’e p;f!y iufidlabb 11th. Pu in A’fflcr w ill gave yon days of i+iekirew iiijg right, re. < ive liim^intq y*nr cvtii- cdniity. who the ‘.‘(/hib4ian” ministers 13:lt-Ik far Saie. and many a dollar iu’time-arid f-Ductor s ) rule.of faith and pi^etwim— ' b mlinion on his nmUistanding ot^tTTe -r’ v/oiild uot Eeceive into their church, Bills. - j 'ft tel. M .filiiud art« by «‘ature in a fallen I will bave rca-ly for u^<* tuitl Í t-alo at 12th. P"ot Killer in a pnfeFF yve’ctabke jeej-ar- » unless lie would rxuaounce Li$, fjitliai;i MACHINERY ‘ ; nt ion, safe to keep ami .to use in uvoiy? family. AGRICULTURAL and helpless cundilion. ’ i > " — y,.,. .... . .. , u rt 1‘Tiyi-wvr to this MoimioiiTh.. t>y the firsfr of: H^tçnlbçr-, the ]’>ibi.‘ i:n I ft b I t Ibejr i;il< >h ’Hie simplicity attending ft» Use, 4<>£eti»rr Avith j r d -'J Use A ......... iH-.JrtoMr, i the ifreat variety of disease» thnFinay l»e entirely i cl lótCD h*t of Urick. m it. x N‘iw-, how* this -negro story ; rojEA. isvi. eradicated by it., ami tlie great Bmoirnt of pa»}, .Ay-. ' - . which is :i very iiypmbabie otic, .prove» |ITon<I«S3VA str mrjliold—t h a t ’ ■ «w ry G, ELLIOTT. Apply to ’naiiiTHtiffenng tliat can be atfevi.v<?d/through iu f J a V V of -this at'.:.: 1.1. Il f ■■ it 11 ■ At and Below Portland Price« ! 11 list-, make it- imperative upon every Ix ’J'jiLk' mall H^lbuhl b. allowed to jtulgO for that the CCliristiau Cimi- h" in onr Building Eotis J^l.-Sulç. FUj'ply themt-ches with thi» . , ■ ... ■■ te ■' te ■!' ’ Si ; ll may ■q himself. ’ conntrv.allow tl:«-ir n«tente r, to Ije bap-- . au<i to kerq) it alw.v. s near atTanit. ; . . . . ... - . ■ - ‘ J. o ( : I : : I d«t till ,-t' The Trustees of .GhrMinn T have T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Mr. ha? given drto notice’from, t^ine - tJZLil lie-teoiln' to their o'.’-iy Uiul ;■ .... fir r ii<‘ nnÌHb.r of biiibiiil- h»’s “ ‘-etaniliifgT>Ftto<f«ward’ivtn^' -A.: to!-.?: .. . ■ ^2----- hi Mo nili' 'iith. located <*< (Hcriient U l die ijto tirito'that liri had vanquisla d na. ’on O beoon . - S alem , v\i4J i -»4Wé-i|uìldìng. .Dïuwu'-müé vil* fir;? .\H who tinnii y *— Th. F u I m JKlUer i..uuw knua’liaial . every point made. We were not at. all" profound mystery, and tills seems to by Hì5 ft. ; price S25.00 coìil ' (•-¡. i 'T.-.h' th- fallowing sj>eiidi<l iw- appreciated in everv quarter of the ■Globe. Phy- ; lie fon '• ■ii’banished, from- the I’.vrad , intiuHiiuicrl by such boasting, but gave have be*n tho object the editor had in , ' • sIcian.-Tecomniend' it in their practice, while all I • Bortmcnt of machine»: « violini out It Lodge An. •i’-Jl, I. (>., <«. T» ' ( ■/ * ft: ; '.t , ■ ! hi If. ’) is . vrciv in tolling it. .lucre ure sonn« fed Meets every Friday evening, àt 7’i o’clock, in clas.-< s of society have fuiuid in lt-rdivf and Swe<|Mi»ikc Thresher«- With newimprove- f: ceflfort. W . , • . NiMM Dg r - ft*- c. meut» for 1871, which make» this the best we believe lie has now don?. tnr< s in tl.i--v.' .-tr«« story of the « i " i machine ever brought to this coast. r»u;di>m iin.1 the Lord’* bxrpper. that hove catigl.t my attention, .1. i ’ll,.- o,:. i i...I i --im w.«. ■' CT»; • !i.-,u nil- Genial ue llue’keyc Hen per «nd Mowrr-X G ive it a T rial S. \\H ] < tsoiis «uh-eriMug -tìo ';(>• arli- NEW THIS WEEK. Combined hand arid »elf-raket^-T^liree »izea. 1. The exact sirtiihuity of the aTgn- cl»?s of faith and practicing acdurtlingiy ion.-sipou items oPf .itf* in which all Tjiis machine atandf at the very head of wi; . .oaiteed,' -We to di ii,.« position nients used by this negro on the sub; to be euthlf tl to uh nibynhip in Christ’s Affierican Reaper», and (or struugih, beauty Don’t 1» deceived or induced to buy fhe J? J. APPLEGATE; and excellence^has no equal. ject pf baptism^and those used bv the .¿.m !.. at 1 t»> b" know n by (lie. tlmt iuimersi >n was one of these itetfis. many worthless Nostroms ofterred by unpriffcl- NeM^ 1 ork Combined Reaper nn<! Mower pled'men traveling through the country. < AUontey (Did ' Editor of the C hristian M emknoeh » i-n ’ r.ame, (’hristiaÙ. Mr: II.’ denied that immersion was . —with automatic «Jf-faking attachment ^ • ' • two sizes. This machine is too well known - . his combiiuts.on my .articles on tho scriptural liaptisjji. When h'ar.l pfesi- CouHftcllQr^at L'tn\ to need apcci*l commendation here. • We Be sure and buy the penuinn. Every Special ti lien fio n gi cento Equity, lient Estate same subject, viz.: “immeistrui is bap-v. ed, he admitted ns “a concession to ig; diuf guarrantee it in every respect v iX, ’Profiòfe /¡unite An. Oilier—.1/ the Cont i Drugwist-and almost every Country «.tore Keep er and Grocers throughout the land, keep it for Sew York Ilunil licnper nnd Mower— 43tf tisni.’.’ 2. “That is the way tho’ Savior ■ noraneo,” that four crsinii -would do. It H'üe—Polirti, (ire'j ni. sale. 40t25yL Combined, w ill do good Work under all cir- KP 'URIAL C VIM was baptized.” .Now jt sccnis evident And here we might have, rested our cuniHtanpcs. •• •• We Lave never suidThut rsinn Burt"»* K«gle Renpir nn Mower—(^Sn- that that negro learned these aj^nuients cause .and topped the discussion; for our and regeneration, a^i* two TITIHe naincs Lined, strong, excellent, >nd the cheapest in from the Editor, or the Editor learned point wm fairly gained. But \vo v. re the market. for the same thing;” Dor lmve we* in willing to* give hijn a chance to try to ' niSlF.LT.AS EOVS ADVERTISEMKNTH. them from the negyo—a simple assump FZnsti-rly Reaper and Mower—Combined. dorsed the same as uttered by Mr. tion of tho qnestion'in. debate Is all — fciiow that something o I ho , I ides irn- Walter Wood's Readier and Mowct— Campbell, without the ’qualificntions Combined. J STRAYED -that is, immersion is baptism, and bap- lXi ’ion wa* baptism. f ully- B it Ü ated 5^ M iles above S alem , on the - ’ f kind ar-d restiicltoim ’w bieh lie luis I^ROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB- Buckeye -Mower—Four size». 1 lain i- ........... ■ -------- 1- ------- ... . s . How . utterly Tie has“ failed * vrnxAMiTiT.—---------- r— J l Rirtbor,"Mny 81ir, -n—bright Btt¥ H^r-e l^S.. ... W.ojad'sMowjcjr—/Two sizes. *. ¿ m expect from a made in the very articlewlureit occur», c¥15 hand* high, email head and' heck, sUuitD Excelsior Mower— Two sizes. oi a^umenjs^ve might - _ ■•¡c, seen in hiv.-i-ninriw' ’ tti- in>i.vrt'' r*r- - 1 111.- urtie.e v.e Ini'. ■ ..■ <1 Mr. H ml r- T he nearest «id moit practicable route from high in-tho «hotfldor qnd- neck, droop» behind; .Mi - b "' 'ill' -li'Hi -.'Iri . 1. Ai. lc .v,sliic,hl Salem to Independence. Dallas, Monmouth. Cor all foiiY dark feet, unnhod: tail «bort and4hick. Iliiinj's Genuine Ifrmleri»—With new im- son t.o reail, ami thvu sav as a cliiistiun, provomenb101<» 12 feet cut. Any person returning tii^sanie tome, or giv • ably exjwct aoMMhtog .different from vallis. Yaqnin*Bay, and all intermedia e point*. wketi’er Mr. (X there taught baptismal i hn attempt to answer .them, it will be ing information of hi» whereabouts will be lib- Burl's Clip;» r 11 ml Ga ¡¿fin's Sulky » the Preshieùt-of a College/ orally rewarded. * D r . J. C. C RUBBS. Rakes. but to « xp ' <’ tlf<‘ weakness of liis.po>i- A Nrsv mi<1 Cemmixtiou« Boat, Run by ’ regeneration in the odious sense “in' A DaUat Oregon. Gri/fin's Revolving alorse Rakes. A But I am not quita ready to ’let this | tion; for Mr. II., nn<l nil, familiar with snapunsion pulleys. which lip uses it. TliiirEe THB. toiled to Hors«* Poxvi r- -Corey’», Sweepstakes arid negro off yet lie seemed to think, that the Bible, know that the only answer to j The Road in in good enmfition, and the bujks do. Let the readqf 'aay how unfair it Pitt*»- -all sizes. imniFNtnn renati» the ehrhtian—ho raid those concerning baptism, js-no ii-ic> c. ; have been greatly improved. Emiles« (huin Threshers. is to l>o perpetually harping on a-gar he was not n.ehri oi in. br'a-i— h«- could Concedin'# llur -paint that imtnersiqp ¿icytl-i-s *ai*l Snaths, Grain Cradles. H>y and A Competent Ferrymfn.will nIwnvtt be in at . bled tihroAo.' is baj-tism, aqd failing to sfiow that any tendance. Grain^toils. Stove». Plow» and Har get no èpe to immer-o liirn. lln.s. . .* . CHAS. W. PETTYJOHN, R. R. PARRISH, row». 11? great variety. Hardw are,' 14. “ Baptismal regeweration is not fon 43tf Proprietor. sounds very luueli Ijke th E< liter’s th ing e'.n- h», Mr. IT. (eaves it., in uij ■ n- ..... PRACTICAL— Iron and Steel, Hubs, Spoke»,» * Felloe», Rim», and 'Axles, ' talk. I suppose tiré n—seu.. did not in the Bible; nor found in the wriU viablo position, on tho field xvithntit-n Ac., - Ac.,. - Ac. of Mr. C., except to condemn it as know .that ‘ he is a Jew . which is one*! ■*« wo'.'.iid .and not much wcarjed— fully ■ n-fdaedei- against Lis tem ^ings. inwardly,'iuid that cîniumcision is 11 idy for n new champjon of heavier- IMLA-ISLErFL. iZ W, have never taught, but eKr cou-.. mottle. WE ARK AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED of the {.eait.’’ ' i Oregon ’ • ,‘ v I Independence, » Cash Paid for Wheat. One tneae-HiUdt on -this no/ro, Mr. * <h mind it. Hence, whoever charge»-» - Tile ripples that have been a’Jjp.iMnt . r—A HOOD ASHOMTMENT OF— p.- Rnt» ou the surface of Mr. Ileuderwin’s us onp- upon 'js <loe i us gl'o is injustice. Editor, and tie 11 1 e may pa A li * thore indebted to me by*noteW ac- Mexican Bridles, Saddles, Will. Mr. Henderson please tfiuiwer ually sihootli temper, were ,caused no cfuiiit, cuiunako payment in ,wheat, delivorod poseiif» bad'caine to von and ..tohl you ' Bita, Rein«, Spur», Whip», laislic», to inc nt Mounv’tith. Caah paid for wheat. Four sizes Constantly on Hand. doubt by the unexpected obstructions Highest market price paid. > • * - that ho haij forsaken nil sin, had given twoVjuestidn»: ^larlingMlr«, H. ‘ LINDSAY. 43 . Halter«,, * ’ his heart to Jesus, and’ was trusting in FmST. When atiil where was the Apoa- which wo placed in the channel of bis 4 We are Sole Agent’s for the well-known tolfami. thoughts, and. W hich lie wan unajile to the Savior for eternal life,, and asked ; tb I’.rjke<>nvcrti <1, rogencriitf <1 ? . Ladles'* Saddle«, I’l'iwir. 1'in. mu ’ m W agon » ‘__ vo i to baptize bitn. as Johy baptized j 4——Sn ffXt>. W'lieu aiul where wa« lie l>q>- remove. May we not venture To hope Hor» Briuhes. Patent Leather, Cjirrycombt, That they will ultimately divert his mind C.nchas, Chamoia Fkina, Taela, Copper Jesus, that is, with wafer—ho wi»he«1 tized, ami for wliat, purpose ? Which we offer at low pricer and will warrant « . • ’’ “to . “¡d them equal, if not nnperibr/to any Wagon in. Biveta, Card», Rawhidea, StTr- V oq to•pHTtr‘or sprinkle the water Jipon We hud m’> idea of giving onr .cor into a more puri-ly scriptural channel? thia or anyother market—a written guarranteo rspa, Enameled Duck, etc., » him,'woilMl»yJ>n will respondent so much troTiTfle With tho him,’wouMlnQm have done' done it? I will. r F,*ika N<»ti«.*o. - lurni^ed witUeach wagon.. We have space loft for. oirty a passing 1 • constantly on HAND. T. CUNWUHHIA9I *4t CO. .»iij/poiic yon wonhl hnve otieruil to ini- -story, o,( tlto »“Mississippi i>egfo."wJliM-wittfii All accounts duo me MUST 6e*>i,’l in an day» his eight article! of faith • ■ * . - , K." CLARKE. talent, Oregon, June 17, 3fl:tL inor«e him, but ho «ay» ’}f>o, this lui'A has honored him with far .more ojiitee -And first, we veutlne4o say that he cun from date. CT7" All Order» Promptly Atfcndeil to. Call I and see me. ’ 32 * ' i 43m2 July M, 187L (holding hplils -Bible)’ says nothin# than we hail anticiputrxl. Ho also in-,i i not find eight well informed men‘tn T ubo,ut4l>)jneisit>n; I want Jo'T>e baptizcJ timated that the story was an imprifli-j Oregofi'that will accept them. Let us — ’ ■ *-: A . ■ with water, as Jesus was." I a^k, ‘svMoone. No more so tojdm, tliau»is look at No. 1. ‘‘One Mediator lietWcon » Reduced Rates of ferriage would you have bpm pl ieil« with. Lis re bis Mory of Mr. M., to me. I'uriftsh Go<l and’ men.” My. Bible does not I.EOAL ADVEBTIHKMENT». quest, or would yon hove rcfus&d him? your papers, Mr. Heuderson, with the ho rend. “ Three persons in otid‘ God OF THE SALEM STEAM FÈRRY. This is another1’ question, Mr. Editor, names of the Christian preaclicrs, who' head.” ■ Wh’ere did'you loaru that', Mr. Notice. “Equal in power and that you are not likely to answer very will admit they acted so foolishly, and Jlendersou? For each span horses anti wagon. 25 ■ n ■ - additional • ■ ' ’ animal ” - • ... Or.anpi'■-e a w tiite ntan woirtd we pledge o.urseh cs to show that Mr. I), ’ glory.’’ How so? Jesus say’s, “My ‘ To Tire Tai-rAYZZir or P olk covnty O reoon : - • < MN and buggy................... „ You are.hereby notified that the Board of I? VERY STYLE OF DOOJiS MADE TO Oil- ask you to baptize him with water, aC told us this »tbry ■substantially as re father is greater limn I.” We ponfcwt eqfiaiiziUion, for Haul county, wjll rfieet the Tax- I J tier, on »hort noUit-v five crossing, |>aid in advance, I 00 it • man and horse,... the Savior was baptized, wi.hfh yon do jwyerA <»f paid evfinty at the «41ice of the ci>uuty lated Why should Mr II. express sur- . we do not know certiiinly what Mr. H. . —1 1 six [»aidin, advance Clerk of «»id county on Monday the 27th day of RAH1I, with nr without light«, to irait custom* it? I talw it^for granted that yon I ^s. that tho negro and the “editor” means by all this. We are inclim*<l-<o XngUBt 1H11, for the ptir[w*e of correcting, any footman . . ............ itMiunan ........... .. ; ..... ...... •r«. *w twelve crowing, paid in advance 1 00 ~r<n'..Ll nso the same arguments, since think there is more, speculative tlieol- 1 errors that may have been imuio by tho AHsesaor would not. W. WATERIIOUfiE, “ 1< m me animal.............................. 12^ in ashfiMMing said CQiinly for Uie, y.-ar 1MT1, and -r twelve« paid in advance........ 1 00 ,, This ’allots, lit» dee. ption in your tlje negro elaime l to liaveTearned them [ ; ogy than Bible trupi, in this first ar- that »aid Board will continue in »ehsion fr»|n MtUn »tree,, one eloor «onlll or Po«,’Oilier r _ - . \ y , » M‘ bog, »neep or goat .. .............. < ' •i itav to day until the same shall have been com- boaste d liberality of allpwin# every etne in the Bible, and the "editor” uses the ■ tide. » Wx. i piuied. ' * w “ R lt idgeway ----------- . r J. W. RMITH, XPNMOrpf, ’ : i í OHEOON. . .7— 'I to rend rtnd md r~ ami •the lliide> for' same arguments .in the same book. It ] Artide No. 2. If thii i» your M m 3 A^seftsor. 26mG tSofW, Salem Steam Eeny, utf ■ r . *> Real Estate Dealer, LEABO’S 1 ERIO I I Harness and Saddle MITCHELL WAGON Door I Sash Factory.