L j . JJQNMOUTil, O'R« VOL. 1. The Weekly Christian MesscngcF ' T*e- •l'ì’- v-’; , i ■ , ' Publi ilied eVctv Saturdav Uy T. F. CAMPBELL, « • Editor anti Publisher. thè ero* d» Uffiee uniti- G ' h | Têtu] iiir’a Hull, Mviuu nth. • • TEIQIS—IN ADV à .\< E Ouc Copy fxrVne year .. Î . Attmi’? Hordini -¿wipcY eth'-ugL* LoV: I Vfho eiotòofu ih IL-4 4**i-uL-L4^i»rdr y* iLb $•4,00 ‘ fie . ADVKBTtSlNO RATES : For Snii-». 6 nu«. ‘J Im-. . 1 yr.— ■ i 7 5U sa »w, . ..-$ 5 Cant 15 .18 Í 10 41 • H cohinui.. ÿ 28 HU i 18 ^4 colHmn . • - fit» -55 ' : 40 . 28 ¿ /<4umn*. 1 1'4 — .. co l u mn. . 0 - — u«-.. IKL ----- «4^34- -U — -1 mhtmn Ths usual rumiiiiSHiitn allow® 1 to Advertising . . Agenta on above rates. _ ______ Per THA-NSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS: k i r I 1 <M i For each »utweqncnt itmertb-n Advertising. iHi.l all other b.vunesa :u tlii« of- flibl WiiriW'.lone wrrtho <ttt- lEUty will be taken at tlic nsnal Hi-u-ount. Advertising jnust-be paid Cor in advance, un- • lew credit i" given by cfeiial agrw men I S O. 13. « -mt* -• O P i? jen 'h in thfi chu Are finti thofii‘ in o Ib i -tinnityt’i: «K ' i ■t - ,<•««• U , • kH ; e ■irt tl.. «‘.l'V«♦Hr ■ : y ihme untp the jæ •y'l-.ud seien ; in r,d H’C, ’ .lH l 'r Of i , -.-^1 • 7Ï\‘ vulgar iu J TI.I.ÌI,. •'», «T--1 id ' ll - 'f * ^7 A;; a -i • it aud U.kitc’.’ii.diyvtc tine liimhUee. ' -Aßyuüu- - mtrak<'b mJU' i««.'; u-W» i»»ere-T«d Al myre tti>r\ cabelcsness cdiout *ihuti fn in iutvntiOUul lyiD .', tha > miiviif.il- .... xl iathe w T1.Î “TiT-nr t.J~ J.' 4 b’ v.ork with ail ogr d pructic what we ùo uot. _ - r., i, <• .;.’v ■ ■ m «.,• V..H ,Hd nt,« note tl.e li'tih tart, fir inrrflwshltrtnwitt bin «■y^.-.. OfkiimK ileo fcr -yi:.- ;■ - i A little e!u:m! r ■ '• i'| n t. .ifeljT.lllhx-U Iwiu. i ’ a . ■ -, id»-.-1*. colmile »y» cutest i n ,rrrr « n .1 ib.it hoirldJf tiltil * Tlu.t to 111.il iiatrl-*j-. val : - lent. . —•*--- fr-, «si’M—rlu-pc ,-... Tlie following genllemen ure StlllliuUed to act '~A'nd l.'.g v. ttl.Xu l.?iU r Te.uiiia I «l'-ii;.. t. Tlut U-lil/t I -.- a uj -muiu-nt. ’•f U. as Agents fo> tbe-Mnssai«ui.u : • ■* Montana. W. K. Roberts, Helena, MoitianaTerritory. * i. •'St» rt‘ Fra nriM-n. ’ ‘ 7 ' 0, V isl ’EXT, Br‘>L< r, 32<)Caljf«>niU is our only authorized.Agent ip Han Francutco. i , . 'Oregoiii Ip'h-pendeu-’«1- J-S. CbutahUL. . John B«"ind».=‘ru..jlW»rr'» P«4iH. Laue County E. Williams.. . .. Amity.-Yaniinll County Charles Woods. . ' ■ Sak-in, Mari«ui , " Wm.D*wsoi; McMinville, Yaiuli 11 T. B. Newman ... Dallas, 1'i-lk W. A. Whitman .Umatilla " £ ^.SíñlEIlQP-Y and Washington Territory ,aro requ< sited to :nj ils Agents for-the C ihuhti \ n ii , to it /” . «5* its utmost CXty will that knows M- .’«.«iKi.^Tt-íi. ling toward. .., 7 » . y. ■St . ' •- . . ' 1 1.1/1» mi no t délits, n » >p| ; t:...lti< s wïfi iriitu.,) a yuan witli- t ! i ’ ' ■»*'»•• ■ anLy.iinr«:H, be without wolf dues sometimes en- ^.canrí nJ- r in.nn 1 mai ‘i.ftv .- : ;' 1* a o bci.u veatiy "false Ind r. 4. en ofteii ii-ared Lîï?T?ii- TsiHl í edge would i lu:-l ■ f.lL-t 11; .' tl| '.’p<¡uí:«í' into th« and tLene«- jli'Z -j lUibi-'d." ‘ tl>«« r ;_-:i nolih naen in Sun d< 'd i k< “p. r Ljivs .ino . g Hue of illmti-rioas anees- • o clean bottles. etilyTfcidl », thn ; of the sillar ay« tho Newtonian- o 1 ort».- _ ♦.... (V^tcrrl a tn<»n- rve» wtriu tbennev —:------- . —" He «i ’ wuTar.niM-' I, willing,bands bo jguivlt-il by educate«! tin nr t«>• ml Ihctr >< nta in * minds. Tho increasing demand for. aud when ibtjy Lavo more competent teachers is opening a po*«cahion8 to live in vad 't!« !«! for educated 1 d •'•.r,Jkv4ti vv»t ; .fin -iowilo-a.. chains, tn To the *.i, for hoi «va-i-i iron 1 * . > > ■ i~- I' f4i- ,i - ». A: « it i- the chi« ! r<«nc« rn Af w ixd men to« etri nell the cviln of life by the ro»- s of pfiilosophy, it is the wny of fOOl: me!; o multiply thdin by the ihperstition. l to be an excellent practice thespins and clcthc.» lines a few mi::nt«--< once or twice a month, ami dry them qltickly. The former be- £ 'll 11'1 r:i‘ . ami cum " i . ■ >.,'■ ’'.if: '■ il the * i jrt-Sivm child un impresi Do aldi Lip that crosses tbö ocean of- from the straight c.irrse, yet finally rca. h-s the desire^ huv* • ■> the soni muy eometiiuns seeur to . . J ■ the i..;.ht or left^ und vet hohl ■ .. rimi diMiuy, whether it tie henvcb oï Leti. Youth is fati nf wnrtn friendship nnd ténder •motion», and the solemnities of a fiitie •d, t .e grief of friends, and thts- jipcctû le of ají the high lio)ies irmi nn- of ;i y oung heart laid low. bound«-«.! j« in «leath, tend to ci.m-k-tf our fhoOglitii, ntul raise them t<> the eontcrnplatioii of iiiiir. . 1« -s ixirUluiblu thau those of ___ _ :ÏB>elij up Hl wheu fn.lou.fc£3 ittking ftftî dï.ig’A bin lx*4y «luS n sïvel of th« brute t:nâ « ¡t>¿A' lit. perdition. ♦ . the . Mr Innato 'unii J ai òr«-1 of ,Chriutiuu (\4U¿ ih anti .«awre,I i tin’<‘.||ir^' chèrgf iltiu ’* tîf.1 piti» t senti-, . • It • - ncut-mtie cot- nf ihn weikii ;; il. ¡<1, b tri vît g' to . nv-.lltis d- _. «, b re of 1 overtv fetfi'eke n 5 h V¡1 iit'Tb^li.itb f'.-l', ) ’ * i'AiùJ; >t the i ■ » t -I -,. tl.. devil • 'm/:. I. : .:. I. ai,.-.- Lh. -s in,es : the . it ' below ft >4 our- » owns tio iQind. ' * Will r.ot thatùio t?. r T>c (h)iiibly úúd. t-ring sti • 1. r t- iP,K>n ]>n U- se tln ir « h s j action IA Lfytit til .'?KU<V flin heart lu . a u< cl; / ipon .it ti'jA w¡.\h-'»; • > • • ,. Utflful pl i).i ' ■ : . •' L;. V * lhid- n in her turn repay • * ' " :i gi-.eu Irf by ! *cr wotlicr i i'Y , i- - -. J.'-r-i.*". n chihlren , t!;c ,-r. .«t tr- -e -th o 4¡;7T. •T a Alliauy 07* Spechi >t«entl<si given to Probnle nut ter», Collections, Ileal Estate, i-ml g-iueviti pi ac- tice. nl-tf 8 ’ iJiùig tiiuLeahdie-- » • incl-7 lllk ir cilia' er.T'cd -f:*- n» til* , a ftrÄ’is» Í * ■ ...«.• r .pi. t FL.tj-.-'.yli, . life -*.*.lk ■ «’.I-1« I 1 « Notary Public & Attorney at taw L'-n;< li«vo_t!.< y fj-ittif. ’ly v,< t, !., I ■ . Toiliyiine patiia here .b«. low;. U j T1 Bnninei« fron> a distance, pronnttly ,t-I J Furtlrer: nliv-vj S< tl.e ti-f.iol tTi<-y*nTe l— |-b>t ♦ertieil io. OritcX—I® the Court lleiiie, dividual Mhd.^soci.d 1 Dalliui, VregM» —I* ltf , That to lite faithful :• i.heii ;is the general goo "Well itone," “»'' m<5 up," and bo 1. ‘W ■ bli»s, ’tls felly tn 1 . * /-. ,. * . J. A. APPLFÜA1F, rgyrt tanco is m r rdi ATTORNEY AND UOUNSELlAlR AT I. AW. grertest folly .< ' ('< >ntri Office in stscr.ml atol y of the Court Bans, JTrvim* happiuess incu-.i- Dalia», Ore^öB. his alnlili--»4ns KCVCÄTIOK ■' gives him' Ujeii A n A p L’M ns i>EUV£Hi i- nr Mu. C k vuli > E. Wot., happiness • inci J. LINSEY HILL, tf. D . VERTON, AT CoMMKXCT.MENT <>F CHBJsriA.*« knowledge. '. A p.-r . Physician and Surgeon, -XQUÂBb.-KiibèViAOa-.'.h 151- .. no facts •«+ his utisu Hvra.v V ista : : T —I : t Oltrcox - his.nrind, and who c i Formerly practiced with R. C.’ Hill, M. D.,W , L adies - and G sxxlene ^: — Oregon. 1 coin- . ' 4, ---- r—- ------------------ u « I arise-this .evening to address; you taiu-the in«*idents> ii upon the subject, education. , 111 enter »tractive, hcuirly trinkuii tîriït I way present it fully to your to Las but littlo Ur make jwj. nuA your view, I m k. what is cdiu-iitiiin ? It Oil the other h.itid 1 attohney - at - law AJiD NOTARY PUBLIC is that information and in« nhd training said with literatii;.-, v Busa» Vista, : : : : : 7<>lk County. which tlio mind reyt-ives, m.d us?s in 1 and has Lis minil full tho investigation or science. It, does aide to converse not consist of rnl< and fofmulivi, which into which ha m.-t BlTI.EI*. must be committed to m< morv, but of, clmnuel of i. ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. the various means by which the mind open to him, tl Dalla. Cro-ron cun bo expianaed uml g»vun*The power Srtfc nbt only enjoy—L, of realizing its owir'sTrê'hgtli. ami of others also, and can comp» bending tho tliir■■ « around it,. ors and gay leavini McBRIDE, I siiull speak rather of .the praeticap -i ins.etauipi;«! up n t Attorn ey-at- Law, résulta -of education, thau of the timo vjll not era- OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, sources of knowlulga or tho means of Education, like L watut T k , O b & ioî ». acquiring'it. Let us then look atedtitfa- fill to the human family, l tion with rofcrenico toits results. We g.-nee to oliluin. • If WAB1NXER, M. I)., find the chnnii ls through which cnlti- there lie so mrniy .in ! vated mind may operate, «ml the pur- <|Halifle«llor any tbf Physician and Surgeon, po*.'s mid pursuits in life to which it common kind of Bethel, Polk County, Oregon. may be direett-«!, .-fre aA numerous us the tin y bwvc b. ■■««—■ Uj^OFFICE—At reejflcnco near Bethel. 5;tf I stars in the firmament, lienee, every-, thing needful t i th ono may select, for him: elf, that occu Their parent« huv. J. E. BAVIÌISON, M. »., pation or pursuit most congenial to his have urged -them to Physician and Surgeon, j nature. •• ■ ' , tr<io»nni up he <nd.pflnd.no., . . . I4 Orog.a I ’ Tho commercial world calls Tor the- coititi not bo fooli Oct. 15U1,1870. * , . 2:tf. I çloso calculator, the quick, rhijjwd bus littlo ubilo. and iness man b> manage the imports and li&eded nut the r; \ exports to.and from our «lune- - the do council of Ibo.y. i ami J. R. SITES, M. »•» mestic ami foreign exchange, and,all •il «ge. Follf mai u' .l th- Physician and Surgeon, tho vast complicities and coinplieatious they eonMiJt n tl .» none Palina, - - • - - - Orvgoii. Of trade. Tlio ne^sjmper are full.of in- do, that the riH <> th<-.- ' tCT” Office at his resideuca^,' * , « 2,:tf. r tlM - quiries for eompeten.t agents to gnrry from tbrir. p*d nki u .forttard great artistic, »eientlfict qnd through -ft n£*. /ti» too oftciv ilio ca?e that J. 1. COLLIN’, I bommereiul enlerprici-s of tho day. Mb ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LJkW. Success in these pnfsnit» requires that ibns/nllut iif's • - * • J our in f Qoonivtry at of v. t dlitplu* H fori' Li¿S rm 'i«i"i « i! h i u ' i uii.il >' ‘. “o mm- ' ' vnrt-i—n p¡i -:.l--i re. many .no'a.lu wb; .; ;; • ¡ ; . \:i ■ :>' « -t. ii-fl in ‘ I >í.-d> At morn wlién thé ejëïnfûî^ Waîcl.idid V . Ju Le-” -• K” > A.4 lUj-wSiter day ■ frî< \5^tchm : «‘ ì ì Ì m . ib - tire li.ÏÏîiDy&’.'i^ Wui. Murphy ....... 1.n " ■" Pr.dLPavia. .'. Buena Vi-ia, l'olk DartrLawfii : . “ fccwfrnttn, Wlr- — '., i 1 di • ; T n. D. rowel!..........TillamtM.k ” Lanils f:u-aw *y fi--m Li- >wu. Troy Shelly, ... ;T. . ,s.., Jlhebajles, Oregon. i ” r..-«, a*«LI. tl.e-««.« ■ .-I -.S t . Tti^t-grew by the ol.l «L- i -eufe-. N« 1‘. Bl ' ’ • • ........ ■ ■;.•■■ ■ • J M. Smith, IlaxrjKhurtr, “ A» in tbe jliiu_i.'.;.;.s . f yi re', Dr. W. H. IJowIand,.., .7 Bronnaville, “ With tl. se I'.uu.rjCii old '' :--:s.b-ir j-k J. W. tlhoiton....... . North YaiuliUlt “ - TLwie-w !.<>, a!:.-, I arene th :v. All Cliriifian PreacMt-ra in Oregon, CaJif-irnia i - "the time away.« —»... . ,i ; ! —__ _ 1) ( * ■' Lynghl 7 iw m »yiirtii*f scje.ij di.7r >' erv ;■ wl r «»nr Î- . u- irciiej ! b.' h atti -cele- ..i < _ refe. ■uee W- tho* " piatte ■ ■ Utili ■ I.'._ '? urtnj - in J -V la a s of moilion; VI* t <» th ■i ■ .* 'T.' whi<* a 1Í ■ Too í* . - -A 7 - view ‘ 1 ‘ ■ -* •r.y* U rifar».V all.! 'S5íFlJ'.L,^i\ ♦ it T3-- fl.-W" . A-r-’, W44 »♦' w-s i • ‘ _l J • 11 ! «.) i Olr.-tl 3-’>T '■ ,.i il«‘ ! Alul U7 v U thl: v. Uel'.-.-.s'i f il'..* L .l.C, Ixt in tl.-e ».iiiinh.X'umiy uir, l'^iaF'i je >i|<- i’iri ■ f ti- ; « ui »re Lui, Will e »ei* .'i'i l «I«' I und ne «<’ ,-Lrt. lU' l'isly'i« pruyc:-.. .uv .. . u ¡mg Ib er for «tear <me*a aS'ay, . ccive and receipt for BuL.s-jripftons and forward J,. Erayt,-.. that Hi. blc ru;.-- ; ir. • the naines. j Mayfe-cp thvrt.fr-i’m ' l'r.iy: • tl...: ' ThrtlLr' iie >.f ■ . Art-1 r*r- -«•••*' «1-.* «-we«.I tijr Are answer« ! in It llmte Love. pre i-jptm iié.-atise it Mito can ■ss, nule the rida Pi the whole Agents for Christian Mpsècitijci*« Unita........... ......... a not thè phb but tlie honorai ‘.’.'C\t‘j «liar Ur-abaxo Un .> •.. h< and (inly .1 tb.^t mind governs the - ai - rid.” And y<’ii lune ji-ji < ci >A»d-*rf4Ùu-ltuL:><';!.atIJs.tJm'rUJ7* Aihl ix beli Lu ì âlf’A. 1 Aih! ahowc/l ’!)♦> Ju-. You-thought,-i < jì Mi-re sui-led thi-n'tl <• Dearer to iòni Ilian e «.:«■ ■ <« L. VINEYARD, J virtue is the < hn» way u • bear ; irMtit i f h •■;•!”' s ■ ■;>t «f civilL'-itivO uuJ ■lii" yuii ha a . Or that ìui A truv* tìòn;7ìfii p arvì eritrei y i -< r; i,».-v mx - i < itioO“ ■ «piitrlcy in Ii4t41ut,..ca¡l for Fy ■» are ulde to f.p:id ifhf i«--t:-fuj. mil "fp;:it of !:r «!il--, ..: l^slifttt and encourage the pUffn) e of thpse who uwse t kißg. fot N itiahs call on the culi [ mind «nt! «the pure io Mmrt their'affairs- nu 1 gorerrt- theii e-inneil i-.n-I .«II íúns relatiuw ú» life, lib _ 2_____ ________ Uh« •Mottc-ht’S ft (limo and com- into splendor and.j.-lorev«r>. is the ■ f n"..u imji <1 t-« Ul»riat by thr- Spirit-of God. It is a good thing to oln .v the law of (loti, bitt it is lietter to love it. The./;;; rtier is to' have a new ■4ife: tilt latter is to have n new heart. A slave may oTis^r a master' whom he fears and h-jte., but the child loves the Hipee L 11HVC lindi' by, tîie eaven, $d- biiptiuni nt Co., «nd two at i«a by eonfesnion » who wefo' iiu- Ma, ting, united laws of his father._____________________ , D av * D kai . ms . It. is vH-l 11^.1 tYn 1 to tin ;.i and drouse at high noon—to build Custies and to resolve on high things ami hoiy' ibity. They ma^ help .our strug gles. One thing they may do—make ns aim lii-;li. V lint a vawt deal'of gotxl i> Iiild.lx- d<7hft if all tl;c work of our day du .uns licit- made .real.- Worn 1 ..I 1. 1 .11T ? ' < -'in: d into ed i t f.-r six nn-i-ths, the millennium nil 1 l»c here before <’bri«tiiiii«.