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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1871)
T J—r « ’ ’ » ; " t J ' ' ■ t ' F ■ I î V I ? < r < J -JT—“ f + •M. \ Heligiotiw ^SToticê. ' î Christian Church. , , 1 Comer of High and Center Streets, Vaiem, .7 Origin PASTOR: . ' ' E lder L. L. R owland ., M onmouth O ats .—Dr. Waterhouse brought into our offiiee on Monday last, a stalk of oats measuring si/and a half feet, aud bearing a fine head. It ..gfew on a purt.o'1 the college premises which the Dr. has in cultivation. It is our -| - purjiose to develop intellects pro|>orioi}- ally tall in tbe college. Subscriptions for the year begining C oming in T imb .—“Are we in time with the 2tJth of June 1871 and closing fur church?” Has anyone ever been in June 1872. We the undersigned? known to be too late at a circus ? Do citizens of the Stateryf Oregon feeling people keep a ]M>liticiarf waiting, or an the necessity of sending the, gospel of noy . him by coming in after he be I Christ to ti e destitute of our land, gins to speak? Who is in the habit of pledge oil reel ves-to pay the sums an being too late at oyster suppers ? Are nexed to our names, into the' bands of the theatres.botllexed with tardy atten-' MISCELLANEOUS M1 H< KLLÀM KO L M ADVEKTISEMKNTB. A 1>VEliT1SEMV* TH. ♦ L. BJLA1N. Cheap! Cheap! S. E. ÏÙUXO. CHEAPER THAN EVER. J- BAJiBOWH YOUNG 4t CO., BLAIN, ----- di ai kbs ia 11, >--Gbo<|s, Groi erirs, lloots, Sla«f.. Ktc- BOLTER, WORTLEY & CO.. Agents for "Úl’tíñdé of Agiiciiltural Imple 1 Ef.LKNJ^I.K S to HE. | ments and Sewing Machóles Will sell.low for. the evaugelizeiug-committee appointed ' riant» ? None of these institution are Casi, or FriaSl«: UI.AJN\ ÏGLNG A CO.. A«- A n - O ld H ouse . . —E. J. ftíorthrup. j by-the messengers of the churches of troubled by the evil of tardiness. We Loan's Dav Woasstr:—Prsaohing, lOly, A. !(.; Albany, Oregon. -, , 22yl ■ ■ ' ave remoybb their htock cf Goods to DALLAS, and aytf conatautly re Hnnday.School, 2 P. M.; Preaching or lectur Portland, Oregou, well and Ja.y<»aa|W*;‘ Christ in anffual convention assembled are ready always to gratify the flesh, but, ceiving new mid well «elected goods , cornnkting ing, 1 P. M. L , known as dealer in liaj^aüue, ' liSÄ w on the 16th day of June 1871. Tobe not so eager to have onr spiritual of ■i Ws«-Dav W orship : - Prayer-meeting, Tues card in this issue to *biWNfe call par employed by said committe in sending strength renewed. day, 1 P. M.; Social Meeting, Thursday,'. P. M.-; ticular attention: The house was estob- good ami efficient ministers of the gos‘ LADIEV DBfeSS AND FANCY GOODS.. COX «r EARHART, Hunday-Hchool Teachers’ Meeting. Friday, 1 lished in 1851, and hw> maintained an .pel to preach the word of life, to the !H 1K Kl Kl», P. M. - MENS' AND BOY.Y CLOTHING, I WHOLEBALE AND 11ETAIL " VJ“ A la . person» are conludly invited to at enviable’reputation totlie present time. poor and destitute. Provided, however, At the kuiwe of Mr. F. M Coontz, July 17th, tend. that each minister thus employed is re; <3- rt o O 13 K s r BKj<’K.*-See the t^ftT of Mr. Elliott quired (if he can obtain any) to associ by Elder j. E; Murphy, .J a hie« A. C'umpliel, of Hats and Caps, V»iting members are requested to make them selves known. v in another column. Those ,wishing to ate with him in his labors a worthy Pol k outinte^ and Martha E.'Stinson,’'of .Harris ‘AND DEALERS IÍÍ Boots and Shoes use brick will do well to call soon and young man of promise to the end that burg, Linn <*ounty. Other papers please Twa C hbutiax C ktbch at M osmotts M uti make engagements, às the supply will he may become a minister also. Pro our. MUI Feed and Crain ltvasv Fnurr D at or ths W sex , nr th « C ol - LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' SHOES be limited. vided futliermore that the sums annexed uoa O hatsl . , • " OF Kvenv STY1.K \Xli siri . 1— "MOORES' BLOCK. SALEM., J ohn SrEWAnr, T hames to Mr. David Bice for Port- to ¡Star names be payable in kind as sub Moujtioullk Market Report. Elileni,- A. W. L ucas , scribed. Iq nd dairies of recent date. I A FULL STOCK OF ÓKOCERIEH T. F. CAMrosur.. •I’1" ' --j*- st L xtly OX HAND. Will.pvery minister in Oregon make L'TTJEB, egum , E tc . -- ■>------------ ir-------- ;. - A- T Deacon« I B' A; 8mBLXT, W0*M,n,‘' ( H. I jnisiay . opt a coppy^ of the above and subscribe ..................... 25 M V A N Ci K L1Z Kl X U Tl I K»T A'T E. E kk », ip duz. .'.. 20 Sunday School »very Sunday, at o'clock himself Tmd earnestly solicit for this Potatoes......... ... / T TTT , ------- ALKO~------ a . m . • ■ A ■ » B bo . C ampbell .—In the good provi noble purpose «ud send us from time, _ FISH. Worship and breaking the loaf at 11 A. M. 7 (Ml dence of God we have now a system of to times report of his success? lie- Salt Kidinuu * . !*_barrel HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. UROCE^IKH. Preaching on the 1st and 3d Bundays of each 22 Main Street, Opposite Court month, at 11 a. M., and at 7 r. M. Also Satnr- evangelizeing the State of Oregon that specifnly arid earnestly yonr brother in Cuflbe, ip fr»........ ................ Sugar, Xo.l. P th can not fail to lie a success, provided it the defence and hope of the success of Tea ....'. X....... / days preceding the 1st and 3d, at 7 PX,M. _ 1 <M) ... ....7.......... W oolen -G oods , Manufactured at the Ellen DALLAS, ©»EGON. _j‘ choice.. . •, . î 25 dale MilN. T^uch as Beavers, Cassinieic*, Hani is cordially responded to by the breth the Gospel of Christ. W m . R uble . Saluratus. Time«^ 'tweeds, Flannels and Blankets, which ............... 12 b Arrival «nd DepaHgre of Mails. ren. Never before has there been, be- Çolu, July 1st, 1871. we oiler at Wholesale and iMtail ..... .......... r DRIED BRUIT. • . , V . ùrie»TAppîës .. ■¿i-V-i Jbnrtho brpthehood, so comprehensive • .7.... . ilgving/Ä.* dtaij'e to TowUe . yeijnaiientlv at ARRfVALH! " Pears . ■ : .................. . ................'. Ki':, Dallas, we will dual Fairly and Justly vtitftÄll COMH AM) SEE. l’GiU hcS. . The mail arrive« from the Atlantic States and a siljpme to extend the gospel all over .. .............. 20 who may favor us with tbuii T ati<>n;v,e. pIH ’ -OOODH. Will exchange Goods for Cwiihy-produc©, foJ' all pointe north at 1 o’clockr. M. ' _ J.___ ,our State. Most plans heretpfyre adop AM NOw PltEI’JHiED ^TO OFFRII A , .. SI lòfirì .s) which We will [>ay the ¡lightest Market Price. M b . E ditob :—A careful observer ( asbiinere........... Mail from the'aonth hrrivee 11 o’clock a . M. ted for evangelizeing, have fell short of large aiMortUiunl-d »-boise . . Oregon Flannel. ¿4-: . . I T-. . . ■5 Z/. hJ1- CZZ" Bring on your Eo<i,s and Borne«; / >• r ............. I 006f »nri 'Bit i.TEH. W ^RTLE? C<>. enlisting. a„full quota of ministerial about your village-for many years, anti Tweed / ' ■» dkpabtureb : PHOVISIONS,. ___ _ Prints . . .-. . 12 q«» ■ • ■ I.............. . . The mail lea ven Monmouth for the Atlantic labor a part only being jmployed and especially intended in yonr College en Muslin 15IÍÍ <IBT> terprise, I was, until lKMf, yf opinion “ bleiwheil'- ... ^ 1W 20 ' Htetea and all pointe iuirth at 11 o’clock A. )(>* QliOGERIEH, drawing upon the fund at the expense —S- SÇÏS h I Alao.’for pointe south at | o'clock;?, m . it was run without rudder or oars, but i . r and disparagement of others. But the I>«<!«'p> ii<i«•«<■<• Market It« part. QUEENS WAKE, Lettera ahonld be in ttyo Poatoftice half an -p-"- alter attending your recent exam present plan, -ss you will^see, proposes hour before tl^ departure of Clip Mail inations and commencement exercises, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY IJolMilX & C huju hili .. Lzr WOODEN WAKfc~ to put all the available force of ■ ffecthal being «eut Üie lupne day. Mothers, ¡'ve Found |t ! ! s \ ♦ I am well satisfied the oars are good, the W. WATERHOUSE, P. M, laborers at once to work, and M ho to se- UBAIN, FU>VB, KTC. É - 1 YANKEE NOTIONij, " . .. SI 05 cure other brethren of promitw^ to the < helm well set, and manned by experi- Wheat p bnnh............... OaU--p bunk : . r vi-;- enced seamen and a skillful pilot I edtBio extent ns co-laborB, thus at once ! T. Flour, (54 bbT.f ; . . .7 . ;.. ^or A'cAtJUsUiii’i'c M-urfhiil for o ílcnu- <ly have.attended similar exercises of some Wrjnl. y . v .............. .............. «... • tluit will CUKE -ybrH-vhdflrety -bv remov TOBACCO, ' doubling the corpse of ministerial help. ” • BI’TTFH, WHH, ETC. of the leading Colleges in the States, ing the cause, »nd at last I éàn aùv ‘'Èureka." '^M onmouth : S aturday , 7 uj !V 22, 1871. Butter, f> lb................................... ■ - T. I . And again, under this plan no single yet I never witnessed anything auper- Eggs, i- dux.., -,............. . I I ■ ! !■ !.. • - . congregations are made special favorites CIGARS, Potatoes, huai) ......................... j. M. tealttmore. ia onr only authorised on acccuint of numbers, wealth or influ- idr to the close of Ghristiail-Coljege.- UltoCElUES. ^agant ^t^’ortland, Oregon. ** * ' Thj^a eches and essays were original coffee pn»~............. ............. JL_ «RÜITH, 4c., Ac. j ence; but the gospel is free to all, alike th. in matter, chaste in style and elegant in Hng»r, No. 1. ■t COKKKCTIO^. j to the destitute im well aa others, except —- -S—1—r—I - y — 7 manner. Tea..^:..,..a..•.’.... .. . Also, a General aséertineih of only tho lilierality of its I friends, "He/ Tea, choice .............. ... Ina former issue, (April) we | The examination of the graduating Kalerar hd ....... that gathered much had nothing over, . .. ni:ii:i» phi it . the »facts, ns, inthecase of and he that gathered little liaTno lack." class esjiecially was .thorough, and in Dricil appl^H ,.. if. .... ... SHOES AND GATERS. CJ'ARMINITIVE a j |-| BOOTS. State yp. ' ttoplnnaJ the ------ ■---- _• ' "7..... .. ...... such form that packing was out of the Dried pears......... ... ................ . ; i denlgij to keep only th« CHOICEST ant? name *wbn H. Myer aS the officer be- ' Then surely this is a gospel plan foras question, as competent, disinterested Dried pe&cheH......................... BEST articles, pnd sell theni at,» SruaR Profit*- much as “God is no respector -of per fore-Wliom the accused was arraigned, ' For C hh I k ’ ■ . ... x-. Y.; 1 25 • jiereons examined the-class in various < '«HHimf-rc sons." 1t is true we call upon the Oregon FJannol.. .v ..'.......... ~ anif by whom he was rtji-ased on some 5íKa(i2^ •»•^synutnients, pitching the questions in Beaver..... , /jV,. ............ \ MY MOTTO---Quick sales and iftt 50 -informality in the affidavit or want of brethren who are touched witfi (M promiscuously, and receiving answers Tweed........................ 4. holy sympathy,of the Son of Gj-.'d “who small profits. Prints ...... 12'< jurisdiction. ' pro nptly, showing a most thorough . Miwlin ...... :.............. ............. * 156rlU% C. B/STILES Tliia is a pleaaant antacid, and. in largo dotiCH, , I though rich for our sakes become poor Onr attention was dulled to the fact, i . .MuBliiL-LGiaflheri-. -------- ¿2 — _ — , 15Za.2U . knowledge of the sciences under exwm- - Jn-xarivcT tit dn^cs: an udtringr-nrtn? rhetne.' : ■ ’ - ’ t hat we thronglr lris-povcrty inighr'1»- HAMH SHOULDERS; ETC. 1 It is exceedingly useful in all bo^vel attcctionR. By J? ©. "Hôrmes, tjiat’the trial*wis be ination. I would like to see the Bacon side* 155»15. ; esiieeially of Children. It is a,safe,Certain and come rich,’’ to aid us with a bountiful .t . 15T»t< , onectual remedy for Cholic. Diarchic, Choferil fore a Justice of the Peace, and not be-.I speeches and essay’s of the griultiatiiig Hains . . . Shoulders. •»— «lossed .. 1OW. 12'. '«.‘tAte . hWWW rlfonb forejudge Myer. - We made a note of sacrifice of the means tl»«M -2* a - — unrij out this nobje work 1^~l>e ¿¿neral j ach, Crying and Fretting of ChUdr^j. 'in Salem Market Report, x. ’ the error intending to correct. it imme- , of placing yoitr miiisters on an equal Teething, there is nothing equals it. It softens diaiely, but lost sight of it until now. the (hinis, and "renders teething' ©usv. footing with yoyfi^'lves forasmuch as reader. ORiU'v. FLOUU, ETC. Tin. is no bumbiigmv<lk*ine, gotten up to rtell, To one point I wish to1 call special at Wheat, best white ^bushel.. . We regret that the error lias Stood so God- lias YrilaiMgd thid.’bopreaSh $4 10^?. . . bnt . really valnable prejmratkirT. liavTr»™ L.-li » . . so long without torrectiofrfsincu Jndge the gospel shin lite of u. Hehas also tention, worthy of all commendation.. Oats, f' bu in mw M .ur.1 ypsrs. it recommends itself. Flour, lies’. sack, barrel) 2 f Do not give your children the '• 8. othing Svr- I I AVIN« PEBM-ANESTLY LOCATED AT • In ail the exercises, in which patriot- Hav, i* toll Myer is a young man of tine legal tal ............. 15 (KM/WflO I lips." tbr they etit|>efy without doing um per- " “ MosMovyu. with a-view of continuing the ordained that/ yqur whether farmer or of G kseiwi . M x £ ohudihi »< i , I am •y. . .bale.I ton . ................ 20 00^ ism and Christianity were ever promi tnsnenl go««l. Ths "L'OllDIAJ.'' is prepared by Kiuinees ents and attainments, and in whose way l-reparod to supply tbe Commnnitv with all ar Corn Meal. th, . .. . . . . . rc-j mechanic by dilligence and industry ticle», in my hue. nent, I heard not a word of a psrtizan Btickwl^at Fkrtm p* th' .' '. of auccesa, wewould not knowingly shall also livt. Seeing then that God is Bran ton, «....... . .. .r,-7..... clmrncter, either in politics or religion ! ,... . —__ T>X*. Watcrhoilso, cast the slightest "Impediment. —,. «I.., M y S t < m K in part of faithful to yob will yon not' I» faithful , ¡,.............. No more noble feattire i iinld distingui«li Cliicl ciuu M oxmovth . O' iix McFadden oThim ? "’e only dewirr to wake you 'per do2en. . ............... (Ml 1 D onation .—‘Bro. Wm Christian College than this perfect free Turkeys,.tdi'h........-............ . t *. .. 25' up to a proper appreciation of the great For »ale by all Druggists. Tin-fraile »np|Sied I IAnn county, sent us a donation of BUTTER, KGGK, ETC . dom from all sectarian, partial'and |>ar blessings with1 which God 'has blessed on reasonable terms. Hundo.-1» of T,-stimoli- ; Hools, Butter. frv.Ji roll», f th lunfg, I ht. 1 si« fourteen dollars and fifty cents, collec- tizan spirit. Let it continue to occupy iala can lie given n)sni apnlioatfon. Address “ pa< Rod ................................ you and then call for a recompense. Zi l:tf DK. W. WA'IEKHol SE. d 7 . ... *-.......................... • ted from his neighbors for the ('miis- this proud eminence, and an appre E kks , We are just no»- called upon ex ciative jinblic will sustain it with a lib Cheese.Oregon prime, V •: TIAN MfcuuiNGKR. A few more such - ~ • * Groceries,- Hardware, I.anl, V th.... ...... ..........., ........ noble spirits would, in a short time, tend a helping hand to opr college that eral patronage. ' CROCKERY, CLASSWARE, complete the donation fund which- is we may educate onr youths and prepare SPBCIAI» NOTICES. * now short by less than two hnndred them for the ministry that tlie^aia^ Sch;c»l IL.rks and .stationery! RUING IM THE WOXI.II. dollars. Thanks to Bro. McFadden fo? be conuietw?/ ¡nr ashamed, rightly divi. «■ — ALSO— this suha»*"»;-> -J’-“«"«’»" interest ding the word of truth. Noble pnrposc You should bear constantly in mind themselves in like manner and nntram- and one well deservingthe consideration that nine tenths of us are, from the very v.r? I ~ MISCELLANEOUS READING. • I mel us that we may be free from all of evory briber in the Lord. Never nature and necessities of the world, born Stpiitton Waller Keep constantly oil hanji C haad !. eb *& P aient " pecuniary amliarrassments in the mat theless thia Will all avail nothing, pro to earn onr livelihood by the sweat of . [Niicees««» to J. K. Gill. | •v WlMKiW I’UIfTAIW WILLIAM DAV5DSON, ter of the press and office. ? vided we starve onr ministers out as the brow. What reason have we then » »». fast as they enter tbe field, To little to presume that our children are not to ALL ÔF WMICH I WILL HELL LOW FOB .STATE STREET. s R ksignb ».—Prof. A. I>4 Butler has purpose will the husbandman Sow that do the same ? If they be, as now and WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER! resigned his position in Christian Col- noble field of wheat provided OFFlllC NO. 64 F.COAT .«Ut'HKBT, he leave then one will be, endowed with extraor- lege as Professor of Greek and Latin Lan the gaps down and invite its deatruc- dinary powers of mind, those powers PUltTLA.yD, OREGON. guage «net Literature, to'which chair be MY MOTTO: J tion. Í may have an opportunity of developing “i*uiui. Pnom-» avi » Q uick ItrrvBNs.“ was elected at the last annual meeting Brethren and sisters come boldly up tliemselvee; and if they never have REAL ESTATE in this cm and EAST of the board of Trustees. Prof. Butler Ü7” I have also fol rale. OVH 1MPKO to the measure of the full stature of that opitoytunity, the harpt is not PORTLAND, in thein'*st<leAil'»ble l.M'alitien.'i’ifli- Aisting irf I .GTB. HALF BLOCK» an.I HLOCKH. has been engaged in the College for fTVTTSs- III; U)t: Bran now. ' men and women in Christ Jesu«. We ' very great to us or .to them. Nor HOVHE8 mil 8TOHEM; alm. three sessions, dnring which time lie have a noble work before ns. Then let ’does it lienee follow that the defendants P<Mta~lce Bulldog... it immollili. has displayed all those qualitjcrof head IMI 1105 Ell FARMS. atei vViisble un us be up and doing, and let the coming of laborers can only be laborers. The ____ H. LINDSAY. cultivated I.ANUS, locateli in ALL i.rte .¡f tbe and heart which characterize the gentle )>ath jipwnrd is steep and long, to be sure. Mmtmmrrti.-X.’V. 21th. 18TO. nLJf year tell for us to the glory of God .in STATJS, ««'MA LE. - ------ ~~ man and Christian. —r-——----- --------- the salvation of many soul». At the Indnstry. cure, skill, excellence in the H ( HEADQUARTERS New Store ! New Goods ! 1 <li ris'fitm <_r< • i I CORDI X LOOK AT THIS ! f 11 I.) H v<;pons, Books and Stationery Real Estate Dealer, Cash and Produce. last Christian co-operation meeting just present parent lay the foundation of if BEAl. ESTATE anil other Property pur- N bw S tobk Horas.—While in Dalian chtissl (<>i l'orriwjsintleiu», in this CITY and past Bro. L. L. Rowland of Balem, Bro. rise under more favorable circumstances thnmglK»t the STATES and mmiTOItlES on Wednesday, we noticed the new store John Stewart of Monmouth, and Bro. for the children. This ia the natural with groat care anil on the most ADVANTA GEOl'S TERMB. of O. B. Stiles on Main utreet, progress Willcox of Mill Creek congregation, progress. It is attempting to reach the ing rapidly to completion. Itia fifty by were appointed a committe on ovangel- tpp at a single leap that so mnch misery IIOCHBHsnd STOPFS I.EASFD, 1.0 twenty feet, two stories with glass front, izeing to hold in trust and Jo disburse is produced in the world; and the pro NEGIBHATF.D. Slid CLAIMS OF ALT DES- cellar and other conveniences. Mr. I’KOMITI.V COLI.FCTED and any funds that might come into their pensity to make such attempt has been a CnifrHOini General FINAN 1AJ, and AGENCY BUSI- Stiles will occupy it with his stock of hands for evangelizeiug purposes in the cherished and encouraged by the strange , NESS transacted. family goeeries, about the middle of State of Oregon. projects that we have witnessed of late Augnat. It ia hia intention to add very AdENTH of tiri* OFFICE in all the CH* years for making the Jaliorers virtuous At a liastv meeting of this committe, mnch to his already large stock, and he IES and TOWXH in thè STATE, will rorcive and happy by giving them wbat iscalled desrriptiona nf FAHM PROPERTY and forward on the morning of their.appointment, it ready to exchange with the farmer, gro th<» Haine t<» thc above addresfi,. ’ Rowland, of education. The education , I speak of ceries for prodnce on the moat liberal Fas agreed that Bro. J. 0. < HIRfllThl«, AciKTT. consists in brjnging upchildren to labor Salem, should be chairman, and the ¿erm«. IXDFPENDENCF,, Onrxiox. undefsigneil its corresponding secre with steadines, with care, and with skill; P rof . J. C. pAMrtutLL.—Prof. Camp- ' tary. We then invite the brethren to to^show them how to do-as many ^useful bell of Hopkinsvile, Ky., accepts the freely correspond with us in regard to things as possible; to teach them how .chair in Mathematics, to which be was any thing pertaining to the purposes to do them all in the liest possible man elected at the last annual meeting of the herein naimed, anil ministers esjiecially ner; to set them an example of industry, board. He will reach Oregon by the who consider themselves effbctnal and sobriety, cleanliness, and neatness; to , MlHCF.l.LAMKot^l AIIVERTIREMENJ-H. 25th of August, proximo. This is good desire to enter the work will please make all these habitual to them, so that news to the friends of the college^ for state their desire, the field they wish to they sliall never lie liable to full into the WM, H. un vivali VW. no more fortunate selection could have enter, thtf length of time they can give contrary; to let them always see a good ARCIIITEOT been made for the important position. to the work, tlie remuneration they con living proceeding from labor, and thus * —A»l»-- The energy and experience of Prof, j sider sufficient in their case, who they remove the temptation from them to get BUILDING AGENT, Campbell will add materially to the high wish to associate with them as co, at the goods ot others by violeneo or i GENERAL reputation and increasing influence of loborers, and the remuneration neces fraudulent means, and to keep far from Mo|imottlh, Ongon, their minds all inducements to hypocri* the college. sary for said help, or any thing else FritsrsHE« Flans. H]ws-iflrall->n« and Esti ay and deceit.— ll’Hliam CtUft. they may deem of importance. mates; and pnrrhases msh-nala for a i-«aa«>nablo i P rbachino at Monmonth, 11 o'clock , is>niiniaaw>n. Parties wishing to bnlld mav save 1 Annexed is the subscription paper a . M. Hnnday, Jnly 23d, by Glon 0. A man may gp to Heaven . without from ten to fll'een per -mt. in nost <>f materials ! under which we propose to raise and learning, without wealth, without health and labrtr, by the ,pin ploy nient of this agency. • Bnrnett and T. F. Campbell. rcHMinir rp-udin^ at a dñrnice. ami wishing to disburse funds, unless Otherwise speci without friends; but he can never go to build in Monmonth W vicinity, may rely nn having their bnafoei .< promptly and cnrefiilí« «t I New goods for ule by H. LindMy. fied by the donor. Heaven without Christ. tended to. ' 38 ti A7V"^LKTTJLUL>.v Oí iff ”F wool . " * F W jKi < fur which th* highest CAS1Í PRICE will Is- paid by (TiONE A WOLF. lndc’j* iuJrncc, Polk.Co.. Oregon. 25tf School Books Blacksmith Shop. Blank Books VEOi.’GE KUA.MEli having buiN » mvm 4 ■ » c-ninrodions »Imp at Xliu «nithsast innrw- a of the Publia .-t-iwa in Moma< nth, ia £ ® reaily to do, st diort notice, usl ia goial Style, all work in his line. Thankful to his friends for former patrnnage, he so- icita » continuance of the same. Stationery, Frank. Cook, Musical I - 1 DER ; BOOKBIN AND Instruments, , > Blank Book Manufacturer, MAB.KM, ORRGbW. rnwTCLAfw- in Nelem. is now {wwpMvd of Work known to the trade aving established a - w H to Bookbindery do «¡1 Sheet Music, etc- imotm - MibgaxineK, MewspM|M>r>t - a i . ahok htik X OLD or----- k hvm I Bmind in erery styk. a BOOKS RE BOUND. rook «, of every (Teecriptiim, with or w«tl>oMt printed headings, luanuractuifxl tn order»-- — ' — RVA* v ks , of even- kind, rated and printed to owter. Call taiúl Einuúuc nttr Mock, bal Am. Amili, 1871. liti s T7* FRICK* RKAMOWALK. t (♦Wj a Btiikhn^ ¿ecohd storr.