VOL. I HT ^0 líítí MONMOUTH? OREGON: SA'lT HDA Y, JULY’ <«, 1871. . » - ■ *T • -c - >“• , < * -5T.. jr? irz; . . . < ’• i______________ ____________ -A, - •„ ... -- • , • —--• • - THy . ____ GRK.tT VICTORY NO. 41. — A PIMITY press Hty total dnuwrtrt from the mx dw-< noni, a constant ( theme in prayer* a triua! ■whtfonients therein, (»nas-sjoctrin-■ point for the direetion oi tlie earnest, j would have you attend to the sig­ If I could marshal liefore you all the 1‘ubliidieil evwv Nettuniav bv al statement, mit included in these, energetic labor of all" who ’^tuld love sins of -the best man in .this house to- nificance and extent of the term holy. 1 li** Letter of the BiibtM Committee. r. n fMMPBELL, • »♦ ' r_. ■* .< • __ ‘ -r commands niy fullest approval. It is to engage in the grandest wo’fk for the (■ night, this whole audience would shriek It is’ 'not abstinem-e from outward ■ (From the Apostolic Times, f tlie lest thing In the address. It really glory ami honor of tfce Master, that the owt-with horror. Bins against God and deeds of profligacy alone—it is not a 4£(litf»r unti Publisher. No one, methipkB, cun read the report is full of prohusev If lived up*to, as we* nineteenth century lias sy4|?ested fut^ man; sins against Hablmths and saera- mere recoil from impurity- in thought; bfflre,upder liuejl T^njihrk Mall. of the Baptist Committee, published in sometimes say, it will lead to grand and* the consideration of tlm Christian men I luents; sins against laxly and soul; sins it is tliadlqiTrck and sensitive delicacy oar last> fpstte^without being agreeably glorious results. Any failure of th Lagainst the judgment; sins ugaiust the guardianship of.the heart, aMnjf a ,cita- ADVEBTISIKO KATES chief puinfejnj^hiah tlmy differ from " kimlness, but iu „doubt. My faith .ix ■ throne of God and the nmnstons of glo- 1 yrr a i sMw Smos. 4 UM. ♦ »>«, ¿■X. •Kf us, is< oo* «tefinite. clear, and -iirteHigfJ ’ notk'trong: hence, niy'liopeis not large. see, a straugqr was seen planting a flow- j ry. j blow the "trumpet to-night, and wrong or worthless imagination is per- i-t té ;•< a »' ........ -..k»- 16 ■1Ä « r 1» 10 ‘s cblhfan bie, that it could not well be misunder­ Thu»1 heart of mmo will palpitate with a - er over a.soldiers ■ grave. W Iren -asked, -r caH- np all the sins of - your past. I initkal to dwell*. It is • nbt purity of .M) • 2H 24 IS column 5U . 55 stood. This is manly, "and worthy of . new' jmlse' of jby to have that doudt by 4<» H oohifan. f. . 26 “ Was your son. buried there?" ‘ stamp, them iqi fteim beneath, gather action that we contend for, it is exalted 1HI 90 65 1 column . 34 special commendation.' Its indirect .11- future developments, wholly removed. “No, was the uusiver. them into c.ompanics-of hundreds; into purity of heart—tire ethereal purity of The usual «•«»uunission i allowed to Advui twing lllHion-te-the doote-Hie we hold -as differ­ Birt lot us jpye jho ntteraniws that catted ! Agents oii ulsive rates. “Your soti-itT-hnrF! ‘ Pregiments of thousands; into battalions third heaven; and if it is once settled in entia! 'from flieirs seems to be made out these remarks. Wo- ffnette from the . “No.” \ TX.* NHl HN T AU VKltTiKEM EN l b i •I; of'ten ^thousands. We have a host vas­ the heart, it bring» the ]»eaee, the -tri- “withoitk^partiality and with«rut-prej- almost closing words of the address: Per Hquare, (13 lines, or ferfh), f< >r *“A relative?'’ , ter than that of Xerxes. Let the largest nmph and the uutroubltd serenity of 8-5 ■>0 wdice.” For this • Christian fairness, lirHt insertion OP 1 “Wj profess to derive our convictions of the ]i and red sins be_captain over the ven along with it. - For each Hubbequent insertion 3 , the comnftttTe^deserve “double honor." from the teachings of the word of God. After a m ment the stranger laid down * company. Let the largest of the thorn, L In Mie maintenance of this there is Advertising, anti all other busiiic.ws in T till# <«f ' T hey have rrrdil v redeenied what they - qu _____ IV« bow with revereuie to it as onr su­ >1 small board.diiicii he held in his hand r s iTTd-irti.fititit s be colonel oyer the reg­ the complacency, I had almost said the tie«, ................ will !>e - done the _ C f oin basis. • (’ ’ HilelicJ usnul promised' when they said, “I-i ,is prop­ preme ami only rule' of faitli and prac­ -aud rutid; ‘ will I he taken lakc-u al Uw Uw-uaind ' iment. Let tlte swarthiest transgress­ pridpj of u-gzeat mural victory over the idveftfaing 1 iirtiat hr- ; Adyeftiidng ihi M l»e I»® pain ft»r ^- in -- advance, ------- er that we should deal fairly with our' tice, and hold ourselves ready to mod­ “ Well, I witt tell' you. When tlie I ion of your, lifetime be general over all ‘infirmities of an earthly and accursed less credit ii* given by special agreement. brethren, and candidly with you.” All ify onr eoucliptious of divine truth us Tar brokti out 1 w as a farmer in Illinois J,„st. Togethei let them wheel, and nature; there is a ¡health and hurmony honor to these honest nieii for the faith­ the entrance of God's word shidhgive. I wanted to ejilist, but I was poor, 1 > miLTi-li. ami tile. How the couriers of in the soul—a iieanty’wliieh, though it fulredemption of , their pledge. They ,jis Tight...'h*"' * ' v- | bad .* wife and seven chiklren. I was death daslf iip and down the line! How bjooms in the countenance ami the out- are entitleJ to .“double, honor", from/. .This is saTeT" tenaTTfeT" sure ground. dmfwd. - I ilhd no monrytn Jrire a sub- [¡K, greaMruIieriea of woe lieldi forth wurd. path, is itself so thoroughly inter- »utuu., w I mad« up my miii< j t hat J. afre swli/bufeu» xnuike of-Lf B and ly»,ni . aulas, to mako .l>urity of heart the Agents for Christian Messenger. 4 the singular fact, that Of the much that ! has been tvritieiv to show the doctrinal , friendly relation« between the Baptists, must leave.'niy ' poor, sickly wife, and with the cannonading rrf eternal des almost distinct evidence of a work of difference between the two people, tjiis The following gentlemen are authorized t<» a-T and Disciples can only be hoped for, little children, and go and tight the en­ trnction! The host of thy sins, innn- grace in time-the most distinctive is fine only Baptist docuuivut known to a«» Agent# for the Mwifluitu : or wished, except upon the matnal, i emy. After I hail got all ready to go, a, merabte, mnreliili^ ou to capture thy guidance of a character that is rii. walk by this “only” rule. Why, then, which ybnr wife can not fake care of. them? YVe , mnst fall ■ Lack .and1 fall COJUi-4KT FOK TI1K1 LN " I < ‘ Kssri t. ('..V incent ,- Bt«4rt»F-. 324H-aliforuia.~ - gn mr ytttt.' -Ôe in- my t denvn? .Vrr HirTr rrn-ntHrrrto-hulp? d . we not walk in line and kt bp step to- only authorized Agent in Hah Francisco. Any review of their doctrinal state­ aether? They are generous, good nien, place» anil ill the battle Qf Chickamauga , the round :s of God’« üriîversè, * is ’ There is sometliirrg-higlrer in an uu- • Oregon. ment I mav make; any 'notice, indeeij, and do not “question either the sincer­ lie wiw wounded, and taken to Nash­ there no one b» tulæ our successful ministry carried out faithful-. . listepi'isLiu «> J. 8. ( imruhill . . ....,-..... ** A that 1 may take of the report, in whole ity Of • our conviction or the honesty j- ville hosfiitiili But uftcr long facknesa Arise,, ye seas mi'uttliug’ftoiu T. B. N’uwnjan T: ■ .. ,7T :l>alla*. Polk Christia’nly.- • '. • ion as equally ap|dieable to them. — One . all the sparednoltty-TVonW^ and -yt*? '—M's bad., eiying*‘.‘No help in me'" tlie ti ee to the ground; but "Uh labor in - .. ., Umatilla - “ W. A. Whitman 1 came *m, and to-day I found - T he lightning >Te nTTe ■--ifs> Tf iir Hie hcumui and out oOftaureii, under every* The interchange of visits by delegates or the other must have departed from— p-tdiy ! •Win. MtirpliV. ■ ..... .......Jackai-n ‘ " f I my dear friend's grave. between the two conventions, and the Buena Vista, l ’ olk *t tlie. rule. To one or the other the say- , black’scabbard iif tire luiduight'cloud, ^.aiM-onrugement, by the ¡xiwer of faith, iJr. Z- Da via With tears of gratitude running dfiwn and says: “No help. Ji! me!” But yon- through years and years and years, and Lewii»yil-le, I'olk " David IJswi# letters of cifrrqspotulenco. borne bydete .. ing of the Savior will apply, uYe'do Tillamook. “ ñ. D PowelMl »■gates lietween the two coif, ent ions, err, not knowing tire'* Scriptures,' or, Ilia cheeks, he took up the smal'LJioard , der I see a Whitehorse iii hot haste com- to die us Moses did, without the sight. \ Mio Judies, Uretp’ti. \ Tru4\8heUy, into tliC ground- in- inu this wav! Make room for the eour- „( the promised, land that requires a a>m» e - , , ..v .. and the letters or* roe.-,ii:„ N. P. Brimr*, I’. .--T”-* «ivxly, were 4 m > w «<« h > 1 ,<>1.1 the law of God by tlie tiadliion llarrial-.n-g. written only th.ese - ier..TTe swingsnis swofiL tioteinews! heroism a Li^-h is transcendent. Itmay .1. M.’,Smith, not to propose or discuss “terms of or- VOur elders." The observance of the 1 he < „plain of Ijnlvation not shine"Uor illustrate itself on earth, BrowuaMlle. > - —— fiood news. pr. M H It »«land. g'anfi- union or cp-pperatix« ajliliation" apostolic injunction,. “to( walk by tho I conies to the rescue’. Fall . back my but it will be seen, in heaven. For N’ortli Yauiliill. ,7. W. ^hol’"*' 1EI poli .uki” ,'"i- Imwreeurtbe two cixurclies. . Tli e. .Dis gE |. sa me rul e, 1' pre su pposes, ivs aci mditr ouf. _ «orrow-s! A llies of light—and—love, to . there be those that are last here-who . I’l'i-tian l’rt ai'ii' r«eK-' t«> i« - vention, bearing “words of f’hristian jucUh. iU” a* to the** iel|ingH of th«* scatter, in defeat, anil our delivered ■ Ina|1 wjlo jia8 no‘ SUece»H. in this world, rvive »»d receipt for hnb nn ,^n <>f thv We do, this at the suggestion of the missionary who lias spent his whole life advances to the Ifaptists had encoun­ O ihi orb MV,* tn en, must b- walking Postmaster at this place: Many women suppose teat they love in unrequited service,-shall himself be S ec . is . * * * If -any person shall - their husbands xylieu,* uufortaundely, amuzed amidst ,the amazement of all tered-in time ¡.u-t, they were b-raie. in .Lu kness; fdr it is ct-rtwin that .we.are muor attempt to use for the couvey- I galbfilt'nten Rmtconsented to ÿiideftiilm not iivtfellowsliip with each other. .i* of 'any letter pi other mailable they have not the beginning of au idea that bejiold, to find how high he rise» uyter or tuilig, ovei any post roail of ■ Wliat love is. Let Lie explain it. to-you, and stands in the lust great day. He Notary Public 4 Attorney at Law th*1 mission at the risk of a “cold shoul­ It behooves both ¡woplefc -, f 0ie IL S., either bv mail or other- liiy deal- lady. Loving to be admired* goes up (LT" Business from a lîistam e promptly at- der present." In this instance, tlie case. . as one that has nothing _ to car­ tend«! to. Orrtcr. In «he Court Bimse, ¡>ast did not repeat itself. The mem­ -thoughtfully and prayerfully ’Ito si if», anv “stamped envelope which has by a man, loving to be ]>etted by J.im, ry him; and behold, “lie shines as the 4. b. used for a like purpose, Jislliis, Oregon. *" ...■»ii Um iyefiptures,' that the light of ories of the old liedstene Jli person shall be liable to a penalty is not loving a man. All these may be stars that shone over him in the firm- dhh rcli'hrees had lost ttieil* power divine truth may shim into their >uinds;"'(,! ■fty dollars, to be recovered in tlie w hen a w omen 1ms no power of loving ament."— Henckel'. j jjufi unu ourgeon, Be of the V S. in any court having . at all they may be siiiqde lieeanse she A new generation of Baptist« occiqiied find a deep I'-i ui u nt in theii^ hearts, B i ' e . na V ista <) ice «»«» n DFID. YET LIVING. ’ thefiehl,. The se»etarv was sun J. in the and throw its spiritual, health-giving co -t||>eteiit jnri.sdictiqii. loves herself, anil loves to be flatterred, ——— ' Formerly prn< tired witli^î. Hill, M. I.).. 4:c. ti ll.-The pt-ll^y - J fifty dollars, -. intiuenoe uvyr thyir li Uhristian; Hie Ixdligerent in flic peace-" pruiswd, caressed, coaxed as a cut likes , The cedar is the most useful when Albanjr. JJ/.Ô maker; tin ¡iiirtizan m tlw unihsl; tint, Both voniniittees, as repr<‘?te4i!ative8 pn widetl by section eighth of an act of ' to lie coaxed and stroked, and fed with «lend. It is the most productive when, Cu •gross e nil tied “ Au Jeff to establish of thj^ir rcMpci tivu churches, have, iu a unfriend, religiously, in the brother. eq rtaiu post lpaolish, ’ the tanp cut from a’-nunped letter or Buona Vista, r x s : t Polk C nnty. communication or address they made tures as a rule of faith and -practice.-«- U'Wspaper envelope as to the rg-tpo of 1 erally’does. But it niay also irxhrUxrhere tooth of no insect will touch it, and time- U:yl thereis no love. Love, my dear ladies,'1 bimself can hardly destroy it. liiffuc • ■ on their reception, awakened in the Both have also expressed their views | tic envelope entire, minds of the Baptists “most kindly and as to the differences and agreements in is self-sacrifice; it i»~a life out of self wing a jierpetual fragrance through the The law provides that stumped euvel- N. I . lU/TLEil. ygrateful emotions." The report, in al- faith aud practice. It is to be ¡»resumed : and iu another. Its very essence is the cbamliers which- it oeijs, the worm o.me when spoiled in directing may be ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ' lusion to this, most BeaUtifnlly and that no future “doctrinal -.atement” preferring of the comfort, the ease, the will not corrode tlie4>ook which it pro­ taran to any Postoiiice and the Post­ roiTtoiicliingly says, «All presefit seemed j will make tlie vlifiereutia more ¡terapi- Dallo - - - - . . Örecoi j wishes of another, to one's own, for the tects, nor the moth corrupt the garment al inter will give the value of the stamps 2:tf. r-' ■’^tnoved to tenderness; the isolations and cuous oi; intelligible. We now kuow, provided he is satisfied they have never ! love we bear them. Love is giving, which it guards; all but' immortal it­ .. , alienations of the past were .forgotten; and I heartily rejoice that it is so. pbees used or sent in the mails; the party I and not receiving. Lovers not a sheet self, it transfuses its amaranthine qual­ T. A. McBRIBE, we rejoiced that we could sit together- wherein we agree and wherein we] dif­ losing only the value of the envelopes. I of blotting paper or a s[>ouge, sticking ities hi the objects around it. Every fer. Let? this interchange of visits go . as brethren in ChMS^!^esns.’, Attorney-at-Law, The following items are from tire rul­ - in everything to itself; it is an «¡juX- Christian is useful in his life, but the on.« Let there l ' springing fountain, giving lrow j^elf. goodly cedars are the most useful af- OFFICE IN Tltft COURT HOUSE, The Baptist convention, in rfeeiproca- Ys-eist’ nt inlerco'tirse between them that ings of tlie Department, during the Love’s motto lias been drop'ped in this' ter*ard. ’i== . ■ — 10:tf LZFAYETÈE, OllRQON. tmgff fraternal regard a*.Apathy; ^^¡^ menth of May, 1871: . . . But let formulated ---- - world as a chance gem of great pricey Outlier is dead, but^e Beformatioc sent a deputation to thg fiomreutionpf ; A postmaster cannot give credit for statements of «hietrine Is- discontinued. by the loveliest, the fairest, the purest, lives. K’ mix , Melville, and Henderson Disciples, met in May'Tait'^n Dayton. postage. w. <. wakinm . il m . i >.. Those already presented -are satisftle- Ohio" The Baptist committee also, niet, I ‘Publishers cannot wrap their news- the strongest of lovers that ever trial aie dead, but Scothiud stjll retuins a Physician and Surgeon, tor.v expoueuts of the faith and ¡iructice t papers and send them to regular sub­ this mortal earth, of whom it is recor­ a cordial welcome—presented their ad- Sabbath and and a t'liristian ¡Hawantry, fof the two peoples, respectively.—» scribers, in paper upon which has pre- ded that he said: “It is mole blessed Bethel, Polk CoumH, Oregon. drete, which was well receiftfl, ■nd 1 a Bible in evep- parish. Bunyan is. I liousl.v lieeu written editorial and-other We can nut amend them. We can not TTz“ OFFICE-’At renidence near Kethel. 5:tf ' there jiresem e and g.inCrort« wrirtls were dead, but his bright spirit still walks, ' matter without subjecting the package to give than to receiv».” __ _ .... _ . _ .. _ ¡hailed ,!as a promise of a better tinder- 1 improve them. The phiionophy -the j to letter postage. Now, in love there are ten receivers the earth in its Pilgrim's Progress. ground of our fellowship is clearly be ­ 1 1 . Al . f J J. E. BAVIBSON, M. 1»., ' standing between the religious bodies A person residing in oue county, with to one giver. There are ten ¡»ersous in Baxter is dead, but souls,are (¡uickened fore our minds. The time lias com«» hi* ¡>ost office in mi, adjoining county, this world wholiko to he loved »lid lbve by the Saint'* 'Keet. Cowper is dead, which we respectively represented ” Physician and Surgeon, for disenseion.—for manly, friendly aud may receive nt said office free of postage Each committee, on its visit, presen­ I (¿hristian diseilssioii. Vo. the causes | i tile weekly newspaper printed and pub- not, where there is one w.lur knows bow but the. ‘‘golden apples'’ are still as fresh Independsace, a 7. -3 - Orsgnu ‘ . ted “u statenrent oi d«ctrine"-—not a. that separate us justify our lion-felloW- | liwhed m his u-wu county, but Cannot re­ I to. Jove. Tinrt, «.li, my dear ladies, is a , its when newly gathered in the “silver Oct. Uth, 11170, r nobler attainment than .41 your French, basket" of the Olney Hymns. Elliot . ------ v—w A - m I w X A --------- . creed authoritative; bat a creed declar- ! ship and disunion? If so, can they be ceive tile paper printed and published stive—for Mre couaidoration of the bodv removed ? If Wo can noj have full fel­ in the county in which his post office is Mid music, and dancing. You may lose is dead, but the -missionary enterprise s«T*b M.ia, ¡com located’ without prtf-puyment of postage. the very power of it by sti«ri(hering it is young! Henry Martyb is dead, but. to which they wore sent. This was lowship in the souse of organic Union, Physician and Surgeop, We are further informell that letters under a load of ' self-imlulgence. dty who can count the apostle spirits ^(^o, done, not as furnishing a basis of eccle­ how far can we go, without a compro­ - - » y a 1 ’ (fivgon. siastic yni-m or “systematic co-opera­ i bearing the following superscriptions living just an yon are all wanting to pliix nix-like, have started froTO.’u mise of principle, in civ-operation as lie dead in this office for want of the livd —living t<> lie pitted, to lie flattered,, neral pile? Howard is 0^“ OfHce at hi« reniden^ | I tion,” but that there might be u mutu­ churches for ftie upbuilding of the to lie prajsed, to lu»ve vour own way, ' ern ]>hihinthro|>y is only ^«aimencinif1 al, kindly examination of supposed or oamie of the Master ? "I projswe to re­ ample araonnteof postage: and to do only that which is easy and its career. Raikes is Jfcad, but thb, Mrs. Fannie J. Britsfield, I'ohmyLX'o reakdifioettete». >okitog tó -a better un, J. L. COLLINS, view, oue by one, in separate articles, ! Cal.2; Mr. ,T. B. McCarty,Va.-a Stfflon, dcfsUiitlrig ottlfcir reTalive positions,’ agreeable you may lose the poiylw of Bunilay-schOolB go < ” tlnZifix dbctrfmil'iteiM Ttf the refxirt of LSolano Co.. Cal.; Alexander Johnson, ATTORNEY AND C’OUNHELLOli AT LAW. -'rrnr-r _* '.'■ ft ’ » • and to the developihent of a elosor the Baptist committee, and in the order Ed. Bible Expositor, K mtn Bmwr,* 0»l.; self denial aud self sacrifice: may lo*e Orvgmi. 1 A A clergy man ^"pennsy 1 vani»<»ha» Mr. Jas, Richard, Oakland,'lipuglaa the power of loving nobly aud worthily, ç^yeeiuent among them than it ■was Special attention givon t<> I’l-obnto mat- '* Tb^gKH.y'Mjmiy -ethfted. Thisbr well. ■ in which they occur in the report.-- Co., Oregon.* just receiveif yawriy salary for I860 aud become a mere sheet of blotting-pa ­ ten, CoUectioua, R^ Esteo-. sud gema si pnw [The establishment of friendly .Lelalious Monhioutli, July 13th, 1871. It consisted A feet between us And the Baptise, and—ilia nl-tf t two ¡lap/ corn ,Urohi three kegs of I the »¡lint of the.report »nd tlie animus ultimate ecclesiastic union of the two, * This letter liu pastisl upon it, i stamp cut from auotlier envelope. Say little, and to the purpose, ' and , j A A>rtBÔAT< 0,1118 Men j*“ *1«*" it. Q m more* paper collar,' four pahn is an anterprise worthy to enlist for its yon will pass for somebody. W fans Mid two bundles of bed slats . ' accomplishment the mightiest intel­ r Dtìvvtiun to duty m the will of God Oflio« in «econd steiy of the Court Hmw I /.A (v.. _ . 1 , , 1 lects and the purest heawta among us. is the Mtn tini ent of Christtan life—the Itememlter that if yon the best guardian of Palla,, Oregon. . miration for the report, as a whóÌ<, as' Its eouaumation shonld. be the desire ull-peryading, transforming, Mortifying custom, yon are s . I xn acwvy ' »f-« , . i *o its spirit and fairness, I can bfcj'e«-| fruits. ^wereUe for .g. vlrtue , And the greatest pre^iw.Boh d< of every heart, a burden . upon every element of character. health The Weekly Christian Messenger Selected Ltc iuüiikr. L. VINEYARD, ! F