■ r , ------- r- ■ Ì ... - ■- -r --"V: *-■................ —'-y.------ •’ - A _ J* ■ I,-, T 4 ■ à .. ♦ * ■ b J- > S « «. 4 a^r--- F e f ’ V 4 J • { a \ » ‘1 i i r » V 4^ i , f NEWS OF THE WEEK Beware of impatisnoe and. odHtrailic- tion. Do not condemn, or think har COMPILE!) FROM OUR OTATE EX CH A NO EM. dly of those who cannot see just as AGRICULTURAL - Chrbdiaa Church MACHINER' ’,-fi. | From th«, burner. | ' >... you see, or judge it their duty to con Cornar of High and Center Streets, G on « E ast .—JPresidont Marsh, Pres tradict you. AF aW Below Portland Frierst TÎ Baiem, ................................... ,....rOrégon ident of Pacific Univeaaity, located at OH1TLAHY. . PA8TOIÌ: Foregt Grove, Washington oounty, haw S T. CUNNINCHAM & CO., gone to the East on a visit. He will - - - - - Oaauos DBrABTxn this life July 2d, 1871, in the town H alkm , E ldkk L. L. R owland . be absent about two months. 7 ‘ / of Bnena Vista, Oregon, Eliza Francis, eldest f Offer for aale' flie foltowing' apoxlid are »ortmeut of machines: *' * - Loan’s D ay Woneair:—Preaching, lOto, A. M.; The Olympia Tribune of June 21I<1 daughter of Wm. B. aad Harali Jane Ground, Bunday «chool, 2 P. M.; Preaching or I<eotur- Ing, 7 P.M. W kxk -D av Wonsgrp:^-Prayer-meetlng, Tuere -day, 7 P. M.; Boci»lMo.Ung, Thursday;-, P. M r Hunday-Hchoul Taaehen' Meeting, Friday, 7 P. M. . L l Z- A u persons are cordially invited to at tend. Visiting member* an requested tn make them- 'salve* known. --------t-...................... • I Elder«, aged six years, ond month, and twelve day*. reports the discovery of an iron) mine on'rdhe Puyallupr. fifteen miles from Steilacoom. The iron is said-> to -fcte equal thp best found in Pennsylvania. -The Corvallis Gruelle says that, last week, as Messrs, McCune 'and Hanfi a were sawing a large fir log, at tbeir mill, they sawed through a piece of oak timber, about a foot square, which was embedded in the heart of the log, en tirely concealed. ... I ~ T mb ClmurruN C hcbch at M onmovth Mum nvutr Fimn- D ay or th * Wm, m nut C ol - >ucon C hapu ,. JoHN STEWART, A. W. L ucan , T. F. C ampbell . * ________ __________________ ,______ _J fits Dear mother; don't thinkytf meM in isms. aoe It. its dark-shadows and gloom; For I xhálL shall not t„ And I »haU «M fenr, Mnmgh; -siasabejtata— Foy Jesus will carry me over l am going to Hve with'tho angels so fair, I’ll look for yon mother, and welcome you there) 'Where tears do not flow, and whore death can not come, .. to . Together we’ll dwell in that beautiful home. a. »«• •* I'o iilr «'oastors.— E. A. B hibley , H. LrirósAY. Sunday School„ v> v$r>. Sunday, »C trii o’clock A. Mi 4 - Worship and breaking the loaf at 11 a . m . Preaching on the 1«! and 3d Sunday« of each IR- MEMORI AM. M r . G ideon R icrabmom , one oi the early pioneers of Oregon, and for many yean* a reai- ! dent* of tbia county, died at his residence on Long Tom, (Lane county) on Monday. June 26th; aged eighty-one year«, one month and twelve day». ’ * , Mr. Richardson was much respected by all wffo knew him, ’as a high-mined, hQnorable man. He came to Orqgoiroverland fn 184H, and •has been a member of tho Christian church about fifty-five year«. He leaves an aged widow and m a ny fr ie nd s i n minim kia k nsu . _ _ P. B. R k habduon . , ’ We clip the following brief, corfeise, i and highly interesting items from the State1 a Right» Democrat, published atr Albany, Linn Co., Orogoa, by Mr. MJ- i V. Brtown:— * , month, at 11 a . m ., and 1 ». m . Also Katur- Grant will not', visit Oregon. Harvest has commenced in California. Miaflouri papers please copy. ‘ Arrival sn<t Departure of Malls. Baker county has large droves of ABBrVALfl.* locnate. ItIKD. ■ The mail arrivas from the Atlantic JàtateH and — A son of James Alger, was drowned at all poinU north at 1 o’clock p . M. At Dixie. Polk county, July Sd,^ Eugenio Car Mail from the Routh arrivas at 11 o’cioçk a . m . Dalles. b Valuation of property in Oregon City, oline, infant (laughter of J. W.’ and Panline I . . -re are 'N renò th. u " • UErABTVUKS: Ttie mall leaves Monmouth for the. Atlantir $600,000. At hi» roxidence, in this connty,' May 28th, States and *11 points north at 11 o’clock A. u. Wheat in San Francisco, S2.4O; in 1871, of consumption. Mr. G. W. Miller, aged Also, Cor points sooth st 1 o'clock r. M. Liverpool, llreOd.1 29 years, 4 months and 23 days. Lettons should lie in the Pimtoflke half an Montana is having the best mining houy-before the ilepartnre of the Mail to ensure since 1866. • , The Market« being seat the same day. w. W aterhouse , p . m . ' Last week a citizens' ticket was-elec- Monmouth Market llrpu. I ted at Dalles. — —— - ■ Christian Messenger Tire Salem OU Mill ia' making ^00 ai'TTKB, Kuos, arc gallons of oil daily. Butter, fresh rolls, F M o MHOCTH: «ATtruDAV. *VLT H, ls/1. Eggs, dos. Goose lake Valley is rapidly filling. Potatoes.......... , uto with settlers. Coffee, Mft............ Deiconfl. 4 « / • - * ; Religious Notice. s I i ■» *1 i I •-.-“’S ' CANNON. General NniraDaper anil Ad vertiaing Agarit, la our holy antboriaod agent at Oiieap! Clteapl —-DEALERS IM BOLTER, WORTLKY & CO.. [ EULSNDAtJl H Î t I ' ■ , ~ Four «jize« Con«tantly on Hand. V We are Htde Agent's fori he well-known ' -_ a ■ , Mothers, ' i 1 Hammer A Terry's Real Estate Circu lar, for Jnlya1871 is oti our table, full of ' interesting matter, pertai,n ing to the 1 prospects and , prosperity oí our State; ■ TnblfsheAat Salem, Oregon. A T bomibh ,—A promieo should l>e given with caution, and kept with care. A Jirotuiee should bo made by the heart, »nd remembered by the head. A prom ise and it« ~ '___ fa like I í Mr. J. Magone in writing to the Far mer says: “Messrs, Sherlock 4 Go., M t 52 Front street, Portland, have placed in my hands a S3T> saddle to be offered as a special premium at tho next State Fair, and kft me free to name tho branch of Oregon Industry to be stim- ulated thereby. After mature reflection, this is the choice I have made: It will be giv^n to the porson who . fnrnishew the largest number of scalps of the fol- lowing descriptions, stating upon honor that they ware taken from tlie animals by the person competing, within a cer tain time, commencing July 4th and ending October 4th, 1R76: grey ahnir.. rels, blue iye, .and goobers. Each IMPROVED FARM«, serf valuable un cultivated LAND«, htcated in ALL l*rts of the «TATE, for HALE. ■ BEAL ESTATE and other Property pur chased for Correspondent., in thin CITY and throughout the HTATEB anti TERBITOllIE« with groat cats smi on the nt11.1 ADVANTA GEOU8 TEltMR. e HOVRER «nd STORE« LEAKED, LOANH NEGOTIATED, and CLAIM« OF ALU DES- CRII-HONH PROMPTLY COLLECTED amt a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY BU«1- NEHStraWMaM. A GENTH of this OFFICE in all ths CIT- IES and TOWNS fn II.« STATE, will re-eira defleriptior.il of FARM PROPERTY and forward ’ I rwiv jÄ-a I I presentg mntiial a". „ ' I I— Now, ooys boys l)f m of «fregón, foi Ueneghq.te.1 is adinstn».»« untrilth • * hear ------ .«ccomu , . - -f' y°n in this uterprise. Umpires, Hon. M. H. prom,»«, attended to is . <hU settled. ( Vgmly and ßt+c.Tctnry Minto.’’ lbs lain* to too aw.»«-^— v-J. »r< aO»fHILU Jsn<rrauw> A û CXT. Oaseos- - O O H B. I CSr ANI) DEAI.EBH IN Flour. Mill Feed and Crain. MOORES’ BLOCK. SALEM. Try It! HEADQUARTERS Main Street, Opposite Court House. DALLAS, OREGON. New Store ! s I AM NOW PREPARED N large sssortmont of choice S ■ • J WOODEN WARE. ' •t ^re* TOBACCO, ■ , i> J ■Jr It! Try T“ T 7- . ' ' - ‘ - FRUITS, Ac., 4c. Also, a General assortment of BOOTS, SHOES AND GATERS. I nc-rtign to keep only the CHOICEST ami BEST arti^eH. tfrowlT them at a Small Profit For Cadi. ' ' ,i:tf T » C. B. HTTI.EH This is a pleasant antaeid, and, in large doses, laxative; in simili duMM. an astringent nwdicine, It is exceedingly useful inali bowel aflei-tions. 'n ,^rlaln -nd cffertual rettSedy tor Cholic, liiarrh.c. Cholera Morbus, Hummer Complaint, Griping Pain, Hour Htomacli, Ciwtivenes-, Wind on the Htom- Cry*“« a,“i Fretting <|f. Children. In Teething, thole is nothing d;«»!’ it. It Softens U m > Gums, and renders teethtlit easy. This is no humbngmediein«. gotten tip to sell, 1 in use several years, i?reoommends itsei^ -WAVING PERMANENTLY L*M ATEG AT - M onmouth , with a.view of continuing the Do not give your children the *• Rcothing Syr UuaineMs of G eneral M etchandíhinc ., 1 anr ups.’’for thev’ stupefy without doing any ww- prepared to aupplj' the Community wiih all ar- umnent good?. The "CORDIAL" is pre]>ared by tjetea to toy imr LOOK AT THIS I ! IzINDSAY. 11. 3C>x*. ^W<*tox*lAOXx«ie. Fur sal« by all Drnggiatai. Tim trade Rubplied on reasonable terms. Hundred# of TeAtlnion- ia I n can b*given upon application. AddréM l:tf DB. W. WATERHOUSE. ¿aaatawnm Hardware, > . CLASSWARE, » Srh<M»l Book•» and NUHwbery ! 4 " ■ rrALHO— ■* » KEADINQ. MISCELLANEOUS - i Shoes, ’ Hats, Root«, Books and Stationery I Hixxvaaon to J. K. OiU. | i _ CROCKERY, Stratton. &• AValler. A DRV O OOD^. Groceries. V ■* M y S tuck con«»,to in part of'''1-’——- M uxmouth , O’a». ’ Keep constantly, on hand C handleb ' k P atfnt W indow C urtain . IALEM, WHOLERALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN Cash and Produce. .* MY MOTTO: "«■Ai.L Psorrrs are tirici R* ttbn ».' MonnieHfii. PwntwMrf BiiiHhi? „ H'. LlXnSAY ' Monmouth. Nov. 24tli. 1H70. nl-tf - .......... . —•— ------ — •«---■ - - — — nJ VV’^LBaTTEXD. XÍK íkíkík POCNDR OF WOOL, for which ttw higbect < AS1Ì 1 PRICE will he paid by CRONE* WOLF. School Books IndeTMOileixv. Folk ilia, Oveg<m. 25tf Blacksmith Shop. Blank Books 1EOBGE KRAMER, having hnilt a t ow and I Commi .lini» shop at tlie Honthect corner of the Public btinare in Monmouth, is ready to do, st short nati.*, and in good -»tj-le, all work in his line. Thankful to hto friend« for former patronage, he so- taUs a continuance of the saune. ( Stationery « ! • •f Frank _t?ook, — Musical BOOKBINDER ‘T AND Instruments, ’ * iiid uur I _ Blank Book Manufacturer, - »»LEM. ORBGON. 'TT* T- Sheet Music, etc- f UT AviKn ERTABLIRHED A FIRST CLARR Fl Booiibtndery in «stem, to now pmmrwd to do air manner of work known Io the ttwle. and »•*. R.yxil.^ Hound in every style. OLD BOOKS RE BOUND-. re~~—A LAH’*^ STÜCK OF — BLANK BOOK«, of miry de^viflwm. with., or without printed headings, mannfactured to order. !* RIANOS and ORÇANS. BL ANKS. <5 '«OT kind, ruled and printed to irder. D. J. tio’I MEH, Clsrt. rrr* C«u «•■»«l Rumina «aloni. April H1F71. X* Rtwla. 27tf O' gaacM , hkason alb . G,rAqr f. WniMine. R«——1 « f • *. MY MOTTO—Quick sales and small profits. . « F -fV n Z - - PROVISIONS, hm’i .no -’«■ »> -to!, this, inly . * , It ! ! C armwitive cordia I u . CITATION. '• OFFER A TO \ --«tí? And vosi are hereby fo.Tther notified that said petition was Sot tor ( hearing on Toaster. Hi oHock. *. Sfh .layof Angnst, A. D. IH7f, ar that you can be present an J show eanae, if there he, at «aid ‘arm jn amfal Court. w.nr.ib,. ______ A 3*4 ffttitlon shad not 1» IP’ «led. ’•taSStalmlor o' u“’ Cf”1r' ’’"■••»Im- A New Goods ! 4 H tatb or Onnoos, < „ County of Polk. I , THE t OUNTY COURT, STATE OF 1 Oregon, for l’olk county, at the June term thereof; A. I>. 1K71. In tbc matter ol the estate of John 8. Frederic deceased. T. Pearve, Adm ill- ’»tratnr. Monday, June Sth. 1S71. To Mrs, Fannv Hmith, Mrs. Jnnanua Tiro-* stone, B. F. Frederic, Jacidi W. Frodaric, Irene M. Hunter, Judith E. Riclrardwm. John F. Frwlenc and Marth* Cosper. anti to all other Iswftil and legitimate heirs of John R. Frederic, deceased, of said Connty and Ktato. s petition to self the real property of said twiste rtoswrilmd tn «aid |s-liUon as follows, to wit: -rjO.99 seres, douatioaNo. 63. being being a parl »7 seclions No. 15 and 16 in T. 6 «. II. 5 W. in Polk iswety, Oregon. Probable value, #S3t».9O. Also 5 arras in section 10 iuT. 7.«. II. 6 W. in *akl cur „,_ »nd Htaks ptvhald« value «0. Aleo. -‘"Y tn sostton* M Afwl » iw T. 7 H. B. 4 to ¿"£5 «inntv and Htate. Probable valno *<,, *7. lot No. A in blook No. t, and 10», < ¡n i.isi No, 1 in the town of Buena Yl«ta. iu saidoountv and slate. PrahaHe vslre, M0c.' V ‘'X Í. C. B. STILES’ »•» : BETAIL ------ -rCIGARH, ■4 PORTLAND, OREGON. BEAT. ESTATE in thia CITV and FAST PORTLAND, intbenin«t<leairal>lelpralitiea.c<>n- «iatirtg (rfl.OTB, HALF BLOCK« and BLOCKS, HOUSES au.1 STOKE«; sloo, s AND WHOLE« ALE g^01“ Yewr« I have »earrhed for a Remedy r that will CURE your children by remov ing the cauNe, and at liât I can nav ** Enroka." —-,---------------- ------------------ Real Estate Dealer, SFECI AL PRBMIVM. E xchanges .—Bethany College Guar dian, is a neat and convenient quarto of 24 oolumns, published under the auspi- . ces of the literary societies of Bethany . College. We place it on our exchange list. A. C. Smith, Publisher, subscrip tion price $2,00. COX A EARHART, . I've-Found Bowie Premium Wagon, Which we offer at low price» and will warrant them equal, if not superior, to any wagon in thia or anyother faqrkot—a written guarrantee furn wed wnh each wggon. . ' ‘ T; CV«|UiUHAlt di CO. ^rr ., CFPll K M>. A4 KKOXT STltEKT, t • YANKEE NOTIONS, in to liavo a mammoth puh- Collins, of Jackson oonuty, who has t careful and competent physician. been in the Penitentiary for eight years, has lieen pardoned Out because he has Miss 8vain I.rrjtH will please accept the consnmption. our thanks for* the lieantifnl boqnet she had the kindness to present. . > MITCHELL WAGON I / r . . QUEENS WARE, T > -A or » Agents fur all kinds «d Agricultural Imple ments and Hewing Machine*. Will sell low for Cash or Produce. PLAIN. YOUNG 4 CO. — Albany, Oregon, , 22yl GROCERIES, —f J . Orr-U««h, Gror,rlM. Boom, lk<r». »«<• . WK ABK AOKNTH FOR TH^CKLEBRATKD Notice 0T r inal oenlement. A . Good» to DALLA«. arid are o.,u»t»iitly re SweejMtalL« Tht*ealM!ra..~With< new improve ments for 1871, wMch make» this the liest ceiving n«w »“d wel1 relucted gong*, oonauling machine ever brought to this roast. .. •> Genuine Burkiyt Reuprr and MoSver - 1 l*1. 1 ’ «^2.--- --- J I ■ .................. I C miL^TbauttWI seTrrifter^-tbM MSM. ' 1 Ibis machine stand» at the very head of . LADIK»’ DBKM AMD FANCY doOM, American Reapers, and for strength, beauty MINI AXD10Y8 CLOTHING, and excellence, ha« po equal. • /' ) fc * ‘ New York Combined Reaper and Mower —with automatic self-raking attachments i' a ' * - ‘ i two «izes. This machine is too well known *"• to need special comasendatiuu here. Wo Hats and Caps, guarrantae it in every reaufrft^ Boots and Shoes New York Hand Reaper and MoWer- - Combined, will do good work auder all cir cumstances. * LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS' SHOES Hurt’* Ragle Reaptr aa Mower--Com- s or EVERY STYLE AND SIZE. binetlp strong, excellent, and the cheapest in the market. RaMterly Reaper and MoweF--Combined. A FULL HTOCK OF GBOCERIE8 CON Walter Wood's Reaper and Mower— STANTLY ON HAND: Combined. » , , , . .. . T“*’ / '• Burktye Mower—Four siacs. Wooer« Mower—Two «¡zee. ' -• . ' KxeelBior M&w«r—Two sizes. Hainc'« Genuine Heavier«—With new im- HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. provonieni provom. nU 10 to 12 feet cut. ’ H’B (4lp dterV* <4lpp<r and Griffin's Sulky Rakes. W oole N-G ood «, Manufactured at the Ellen Griffin's Kvroivtng Horse Raken dale Milla. Huch aa. Beayeni, Caaaimeruri, Hard Horsts ' Powetw Corey’s, Sweepstakes and Time«, Tweeds, FlafmÖTrf, and Blanket*, which PitUr all i ^ m . 1 we Ziffer at W holeflale and/ Retail . _ Having a deaire' to locate permanently at Kudless < haij^Threfoterrs. * Dahari, we wilPdeal Fairly and Jufltly with all BcyftTebi and/«AR m , Grain Cradle»; Hav and T who öi^Tavor ua with their jiatronage. T»__ and » -vr * • /Trernln Grain flMa3raT forkfl, U..A-. StoVeH, Ffowa Har Will exchangeXiaodfi for Country produce, far which we will jay the Highteet Market ’ Price. rows. in greift variety. Hardware, (KT1“ Bring on your E uoh and B üftkr ! Irotf and-Steel, „ Hulm, HjMikew, ’ FelluoM, Rimn, and Axle«, 25mO BOLTER, WORTLEY A CO. ' Ac., ■- Ac., - Ac. lie market house. - H tu XK. I ave removed thiib stock Sugar, No. 1, ft> Tel ........j*.... . Salem. Oregon, June 17, ü 36rtf i “ choice.... ............ rtl —t——- ■ ■« "* — — .■ ~~*~z ' • - Salcratii«.. • • • * • — * E. B. Watson has retired from tire ' : DBYF.D FRUIT ■ —- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. OXrA Totm.-The Editor having tripod of the Jacksonville Spinel. ' Dried Apples................ e_____ . • ...... ......... ................... ... “ Pear» .... . . Rii.,.,. V been called to Portland, we trust hi* . > a » ai ia >14^ Peai?i»e<... . w.’ 1 11 U 1 1 » 11 “ Two forgers were shnt to the Peniten- abHence will be deemed full apology for . i? . dhy - oooi ». Administrator's Notice, , . , „ v- tiary from Portland last week. * 5(1 any errors which may occiir during his .. J j -. Casflimere......... . tt - t . . . .....................$1 3O«i 62 1,2-. _ Oregon Flanhel................................... Hi k_ 1 . . . . ........................ , --------- sojourn in tTiai city- Robt. Rose had his leg broken in, a rr_, 1 fMKrt . ! 1VOT1CE IH HEREBY GIVEN,. THAT AT i wceti .. 12’i(ft -kv the Jipic term of the County court for Print«.............. _____ _ mine in. Josephine county last week. 1«® 16S ” ” county, - • « ~ *’ Ireland • • was ap Polk Oregon, David Muslin......... A pointed administrator of the estate of John It.-. A ll Q vibt .—Tho Fourth Ttf~ July j: Another motion has Ireen filed for a 1S@ 20 ' ’ ÎL, Usarhed............. .. . Ktaato, daroast'd. All persons saving, tShna * »___ passed entirely unnoticed by our ci»- new trialin the case of Mrs. Fair. ttgsinst said estate, erp Tetpiestdd to. present the I Itidrpcmlcncejllnrk*« H.part same to me at-tny rosidonce near Monthunth. izens; most, of them having gone to CropS in . Oregon have suL . ■ ______ Corvallis to attend grand celebration . from tJ)o hf)t CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HoiMHN »I CHURCHILL. t./nunistro/oe ~ .................................... 1 . at that place. We believe all returned j t t t n.JL r,> r.iK- sih 7 i aowz* ' « it a - n t - ai i ; Gen. Tiiort. F. Bourse, chief of tlie Monmouth^ Polk Co., July 8, 1871.. Jtlwt I OR.UX. kUte ’ B. NIC. . fully satisfied with U»Kr day. enjoy- wi|J Or^on ROrtD, ■ Whrat fl bush............................................... . #1 115 : Gate kllnwli......................................... .’...: 88 A ruenL . ■ ■ __ _ ____________ ■ ’ ■_______ : - ■ 2 12 . . ——— -re- ------- There were 16 Chinese houses burned i I Flour, beiil (I* bbl.).................. ’ v..:...................... as1, - ‘ " Us " * " ' N«w G oods .—Brother H. Lindsay, ¡n Boise City on the 20 ult. , Wool...................... BITTKU, EUOH, PV "* Uotisra 25 - having replenished his already large Hon. A. L. Turner died at Anmtaille, Butter. ft . .....................................•:... 20 Egg», P doz .......... .................... 25 I____ ■ __ ; . 7. ______ * and elegant stock Pf dry goods is now AUrinn county, last Monday, aged 158. y hnsn ....... . 1 ; t TKTOE MATTER W THE ESTATE OF O1KXKBIES. “ready-to supply his customers with any- , The Congregational church now be '*■ f-1. S anford W athon ; S en ., daceaaed: In the Coffee fh................. 25 ; c '■ thing they wish, and at prices to suit County Court, Polk county, Oregon. *>The un- Krtgar, N q . 1, VJb... o ■ • v ing erected in Portland, will cost $1H- i?..r „„Li i... _-------- : - | 12N durxignwl Executors of «aid retata huriug tiled 8ugar, No. 2, !h * s------ Ulte times. * 1 (to - • -*■ ------- * all ------------------------ . tlieir filial iwcoiuxlt portion» iuteroated in Haiti 000. Tea .................. .. entate, ‘are heroby notified to appear in Mid ' ■ 1 25 Tea, choice ►...»..x Jnat 100 marriage license« issued by Haleratu»........... .. 12 H court, on Tuenday. the Sth day of Augunt, 1H71, ■ S trayed . —Dr. J.Ti; Grubbs offers1 a and ahow can»6, if any there b*. why the name __ —»IWP IBj n’. reward for the returti <Sf A rehmble Ibu Clsrk of Marion cqunty in the past k- f- flTiouM .not Ro allowed. H R. W atsg *. Dried apples ...^..i ............. S anfobd W atson , J r . jear. — T , 19 Dried pears..... *........................ hone. Hee advertisement. By order of J. H. Myar, Judga. 3Hw4 A ■* 20 Dried peaches............................ The second trial of Douglas for kill dry - muoodh . i 25 M oke D bugb .—A. D. 4 A: P. Wfftler ing Holbrook is in progress at Idaho Caflsimere .. 7. r. * * . 5... Oregon Flannel.... ..................... are constantly receiving large supplies City. Y 50 Beaver............ ...... ............... .. .,. 1 00 r. Of fresh drugs. Call and see them. Fred Scliwatka, of SAje.m, has just Tweed. 121« Prints ... CITATION graduated at the West Point Millltary Muslin........... ,... 15/iiltiS 15®20 Mu«lin, bleached M r . R. R. P arrish .—The enterpris- Academy. S tat » or Ousih, 4 County of Polk. < ing and gentlemanly proprietor of the g wb<> .g J AMANDA. J M.. AND W P. CON- Salcm Market Report. Independence harnoss shop, ever haldA 7 ¡ncije(, hi«TT. way, heirs of Rebecca Conway, daughter of deceased, resilience, Cedar creek County, Mo. himself in readiness to nttend to the GRAIN. FLOVB. ETC. Columbus, John and Irene Wood, minor heirs Coal, lead and limestone have been wants of his friends and the rest of Wheat, best white Ft bushel, #1 10t®. .. of Mary E. Wisst, .laughter, of deceased, resi discovered in the Binslaw - valley, Lane 02 Oats, U bu.................... ................................. «1® « dence Benton Co., Oregon. Lavina Clark, Car mankind in general. Flonr. l>e«t. V seek, (I4 barrel) 2 00® .. lin _____________ ......... ...... .............. Patterson, , William Tstom. . ............ Isaac ........................ Tatom and I county, Hay, W ton .................... "......................... 15 00®16 Q0 Holmnou-^sbim, all rosidentH of Polk Co., Or-. “ baled p ton............ 20 00® agon, and Geo. (Tao. Tatom, Ta tom, residence Idaho Terrl- ■ • egon, Terri- D klaynd .—Several communications A soldier near Vancouver was terribly Oorn Meal, M th ............................... ««« f 8 torr.. came too late for publication this week. and perhaps fatally ent last week by a Buckwheat Flour, V ft -------------- -- „. 10® ■ Heim of Richard TaU»m, deceased of «aid IS 00® ... County ami State: You and each of you are Bran f' ton, mowing machine. Will appear in our next. POULTRY. hereby notified that Jaa. Tetoui., Adminiatrator 50® . of the estate of said dcceawMl, did on the 3d Horace greeley doelines the invita Chickens, dreaflcd, each *.................. 1 500*5 00 day of July, W71, file in the Probate Court of “ per dawn... .................... T bacbkm AM ociation .— We call at tion to com« to Oregon this year. Turkeys, each..... 1 00®l 25 «aid county a petition to sell certain real pro^F- tention to a communication from Mr. M1TF.ll, E4MIS, ETC. ortv <>f said f*tate, and dem-ribed hi said petitic* The Washington Territory Peniten Butter, freah rhlls, 50® It......... <*. an follows, to wit: Tx4 No. (6) six. in block No. Henderson, in reference to a Teachers XM 87 (4) fopr; the name l>eing laid down and nun- tiary to be bnilt on McNeil island Dear ai. «St;;-':::-:.??: Association, to be held at McMinville, 15® 20 bered on the plat« of Isaac Leven’« aildition to Steilacoom, will cost 8250,000. 20<ft 25 the said town of Dallafl. Polk county. Oregon;.of Clieeaa. Oregon prime, U ft Yamhill county. *rhis is - move in 15» 15 the probable value of 6200. A ml.you are here People came from Washington Ter Uni. V ft.................................... the right direction and is worthy of the by further notified that «aid petition watt «et for hearing by the Probate Court, on Tuesday. the support of all true friepdaof education. ritory and California to attend the * 6th day of August, A. D. 1H71. at 1 o'clock, p. m . HPRCIAL ROTICI». Christian Campmeeting in Polk connty, of «aid day, aud you can then ami there be pres ent and jdK>w can«e, if any there be. at said time M edical .—The ca?il of J. 0. Grubbs last week. why tin* prayer of said petition shall nut’be A. M., M. D., appears thia week. Dr. Zed Wilson and the negro Ward have granted. Done bv order of tho Court, at the July term 1 G. is too well and favorably known in both been indicted by the Grand Jnry thereof, A. D. 1871. this locality to reqnire any extended of Multnomah connty for tnhrder in the Wiinepfl mv hsawi and official seal, this, July the 5th, A.I). 1H?1. ^remarks from us. We confidently reo- first degree. . . Jlhrl — D. J. HOLMES, Clerk. . ft WILLIAM DAVIDSON, reaunenil him to the afflicted as a Portland ForUand, Oregon. Œ&f » i JOTA». : EVER. CHEAPER THAN ' . •