f “Peace on Earth—Good Will among Men.” ?-r -T flg =at ( ? NO. 34. * MONMOUTH, OREGON: SATURDAY, JtJNE 3. VOL». 1. —-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ———--------------------------- —■- lie Weekly Christian Messenger Ja »•♦¿a' «J .T Published every Saturday by ■■i*r-T »• hmuthmb VI « I—W » msm "« V ! t which-the Saviour, in his personal min- to nay that there w any • Epistle in the T; *T of it t»’not only the belief, -J,“’ That ____ ...... I Chiiak’iiied f^r qur ain«,"- ■that " He istry, explicitly forgave tine; oue in New Testament "Wboi» 'burden »»to B botkba UMrsK ti-Tn all the VO- It la with more than ordinary pleasure 1 tasted death for every man, ' "Relieretb which it is implied, and a fourth which teach how th« sinner ia justified before oatioo« of life, man must, of necessity, that we recall the »pec*!* atteatio» of 1 iwitb all the heart/ ’ “ The ’ whole affec- I is doubtful., . 1 Let us- see’ what was re­ God.” It is inaccurate to represent the have energy. Without tbn it is im- T. F. CAMPBELL, Dur readers to the article recently pub­ tions of our nature,” but they teach quired in these cases. The first is the Epistle« as "«peeking ou the specific poAible to be snecessf ul in any enter-’ ■ Aitar a*4 Pakllakar. lished in our ootumns from TAe Journal \ that faitji mustfnhe,, strong enough to Case of u man afflicted with palsy, re-‘I aubiact of forgiveness." The Epistles prise in which we may engage. But I and Messenger. a Baptist Ijjper publish­ move the will; tha will* which carries copied Mathew ix, 2—6; Murk ii» S—20; have' -no anch specific impart. Tbe ' frequently see pereous who exhibit an ed in ^Cincinnati, anjj edited by T. J. with it the whole, man ; inner and outer Lakey, ^0—25. The ground on which Epistles were all written to men and amount of energy in wrtne things that I . «* Maliah. this mania sink are forgiven is tbfiv sta- women already justified. TLe "burden' ni^n® think M nuoaited for amougst Chriw The article compares our teaching on tad in the same connection: .“When »-of tqo of, the letters^ mentioned, is To turns. In all government«, human and di- ! th« 1 relation of baptism to remission of vine, this is the point at which legal^- He J saw their faith;” that is, the faith teach Ckfrtstiaps to understand better,, I have seen professors so greedy after sine i with that df Baptists, and aims to f JioseJxringing the nnfortnnate man i and to antor more fnUy into the nature c the friclies which moth and met will action for fjustification) and against ? For I a» 6 moo. 0 moe. I «how that our» is erroneous aud that of ,. . . T, ...»_ to the place plac« where ne he was. -me -The onject object ; and meaning of the religion-which they S 7 50 • 5 ’9 corrupt, that they Work so hard during Curd. ... (condemnation) occurs, Jttnuet there- .___ : , . I 16 Baptista ecripkurul. fta most impor fore be an element, in. that faith on- of 15 lu 1» H column it-Ts iii these^words^ "That yon may oTiVH in these words; 'That may' had already ettlbrucrd. It 1» irne they, tlie week/they flYefreq neatly sick on 30 taut feature, however, is the exegesi«/ » 24 X oolymn . . . 13 55 50 wliicli justification rests. But the will know , the tbe son pf of man hath bath power’on treat largely of justification. This was Lord's day so tiiey can not get out to 40 3« H oolumn 100 whjch it offers of Acts ii, 88, which is ‘mnrriFbvI'hith. fit-having worked love earth to forgive sins. ” There is 90 «S , : 34 1 column. . is noth- ; made necessary she fact paten^ip the Sunday School, or meeting. They rise The usual commiMic intended as a refutation of tbe interpre. t-bi the heart.) 'conveying with it The of tins mon’ whatever letters themtedve», that- the churches Agenti tin «bove rates. very late on Sunday morning, with * tation which we have usually given whole man, testifies, its iurren’der .to Ilis His own fiAHi, f4tht Even, even, is ia not mentioned to which they are ad l-ressrid,' being terrible sick head-ache,, or a acvere pain Tsrmuwr aDVKRTisBMXNia:. ; that much controverted passage. We cquiposed-to solùe èxteut, of. converted Per Square, (13 liuea, or leas), for 'in the back, or shouldevs;. or the Y>ld Christ in lj.ii>tism. Disciples teach Jus­ Nothing is-, said of repentance, prayer, first maortsou................. ..... 3'4 •'to eutertain the Tnyst pleasant memories Jews, were in dauger of being fatally symptoms of that liver complaint, which , experience, nothing that tification by faitA. and they teach bap- 1 confession, For each subsequent insertion ... * * qf ofiy acquaintance with Bro. Meliah, tism for the remission of sins, and so Baptises — •- * or ourselves require of men, ensalved to Jewish legalism,—that tliev bad twenty-five thirty years Advertising, and all other business tn this of- Itoe, will be do«» .si tbe Cota buis. Currency iif the long years ago, when oiir relig far from there bejng~anv disiigreoment to Pliable ns tn t-iok Upon fhenras for­ righteousness which is by the law”-ri ago, suddenly comes back, and ofeourse, ions position and associations werja the- will be taken at die usual diactiuuL and thereby losiug tbe rich blessings of they can ibt think of going to church. Advertising must be paid for iu advance, un­ same; and while our convictions of ’between them. The. latter js contained given. The second Is the case of a wo- less credit is given by special agreement.' in the former and completes it. Fulfil,’ meq who came to. him while being en- that which is "by tbe faith of Christ." i ‘ This sickness fortunately wears of by truth necessarily caused us some sur- in full ^losscssion -of the mind and of tcrtain«d-in the I io ’ ubo of u 1‘harisee — It c the. subsequent “The w hole affections ot onr -nature,"; -js peonlinr. to Luke vii, 47 -4ty Thi« wo­ of his-labor and. suffering to afflrm that to engage in the week's work with a change of hi^Tteu-twe have ever estiwrti- translated by baptism, info the life. The men stood'behind him while at table,, tbe ohé was of iaw that it might be hearty good will., i ed him a kiiicere fiiaix. - and chi-el fidly split is quickened f>y faith in Ctiftst, and uiidit i“ said waahad -his feet with her by works, and thè other of faith Others again have to labor so hard his perfect right, with all - Agents for Christian Messenger. [ ’ recognized But, that they can not find time to go viait- tears and wiped them with her hair that it ruiglit be Ivy .grâce. • , . , , vs-'.,": --a — when quickened, it moves, andbaptism 1 en, to follow ,1ns own corn lcliuiis .oT >' ’__ .... - 4 in treating of ju stification bv faith, it , ihg uhtill Saturday evening or Sudday is its movement. We have said tltis There is no requirement made oflier at' . Ij^was nofnec-ssary that h£ shouttHnake The foHowinx gMillemsn are antboftaed toact truth and duty. tiioming, and by that means thev, auc- . much hurt to prevogt misapprehension, all. It is true she expresses penitenc- J m Agent« foj the St^iszsar« : _ Our readers will'remeinber the prop- : . ..r,!,'- m keeping tiiemselvea ’and to save time and space on other 4 for her past life, which, word -prominent tbe-detaijs Comprehended in ‘ *. MfintaiiRt L * osition of Bro. Longiin called out by « : OBI I ' that faitli, and baptism being so ..com and some one blse away from the bouse ■ points, ' ! . nsed_R denote it, wfts notoriously "bad — W. K. Roberta, Helen», Montan» Territory. paragraph in the Tri * nf-Gtid. There is still another' class of It is also true, that the Lord said to pr-'herlderi it is jiot of hom.;-!., the main — ■an Franrlseo. published at Louisville, Kv.. also. Bio. ' Ix>0>s now notice the three “Grave t ' ic of those letter», o bcug the iVfi- ■ professors'triedfabd true*, thanks be to C. VuwgXT. Broker, 320California »1., is onr Mulish's acceptance and his promiMi to ’ objections w hich lie against the doctrine ,-i her.7 But it was not the faith that “,Te-. «us djeil for our sftis, tend buried, and n—illative« act by which the faith of o-.ii H< ivenly. 1 ntl#- ’ whovexhibit due only «■Rtorired A0UI'« W Fr»nei»<%^ ,. . of baptism in order to the-forgiveness give us an exegesis of Acts ii, 38, that ® Oregon. rose again for onr-justiftvuttnn.” The the fieurt is translated into the life, that • uexgy in maintainitrg tlirir «farnilies, w-o’d show the ineorniftiiess of our j of sins in the minds of most Buptists.” third, is the thief on the cross’. Nbtfi- by whii;h faith reaches its end, it i* so. nndstill, when Sunday morning comes, Ji» amrehtt i' W I*; >. »1*1 »'"d“*"' interpretation'. They have now had"' • First, if bftpHsnrrivixjt condition of for­ lArfe John Bounds StairrA Priirft, ft. V-5 ing at u)J is mentioned in this ca-c.-as mentioned in each of ' -these Epistles they are always ready io buck up their —■ Coaniy . giveness to the sinner, it ought* to be lL ’William« rwer,. ...Amity, Yamhill Cowry placed before them the fulfilliiient of requir'd. The man 1? nailed to a cross, "Baptiiid into Jean» Christ;" "Bap- teati'.'i and take Ihorr families to Sunday ....... ftalomv-Mkriou “ I that promise and. need not, therefore ’ , clearly revealed.—So far from .this be­ Charlo» Wood» dying WJiat lie k-new of Christ so hu­ tize’d into His ileatb;” “Buried with school or meeting of both as the case Damion .. TlMcMinville. Y«mhiM “ Wia. Daewoa. lie further detained on jjlie history of ing the case, it jest's on the authority of - man being knfiws or can know; what Him by baptism into death,'' areali ¿gy" bi- D*ll«». Polk T. B. Newman isolated texts, whose meaning is in per­ ! the controversy. found-in Romans. And if f]ex trito siti m Their bands are ever »treached out to ■ ide« of bis kingdom - w-as in his mind, W. A. Whitman ^7777.’? . UmktiBa /" petual dispute among christ mine-” This from b ) sition not in Cw«t. to one in nil^ tin-fulìi-n und to rin-cdr the we-k ^Tfro. Melfsh intends iu bis statement .Jsckaon Wm. Murphy objection js so sweepifig, that it cannot . is equally uncertain, It is riikely that Him. I. being brought into M .utui. to - all(j I , »I,-,.,.-. Jlu-ir ptoMM are' eve-r Barria Vista, Polk " of our teaching, to do us fill) and . im- : Dr. Z. Divi» be Lad a I letter idea than the immediate appear even to Baplisfs to be well taken. ' Lewisville. Polk " His dcuift. from one uot having any op.'r, to help the neeita and lor all be­ David Lewie...< partial justice, and it affords us a’ iiicu- disciples,of the Haviour, who, after his IV’hnt does the writer mean wlieh lai .. . . .^TUlamook : B. D. Powell liar pleasure tirvecognize the spirit of ■ jUtMirri ctiun, wereatUk* igno r a nt th at it «meh relation, arid if 1 • -ing brought into . nevolent purposes. They are they who , The Dalles, Oregon. ' ’Iriry Shelly, says, "It ought fo’be clearly re Veiled.“ fairness in which he-weeks, to convince liel^H'ed-the Christ to suffer and .L a state of jb ath to sip, dni s not ri fer by pay Those who labor in the word and .. Corvallis • N--W*tlri>? Glirist give uometîiiùg for the support of the usd Washington Territory are ret]ue»t«i 4o »ct state our positions-without bisk or color­ hi-d ever been so- revealed? The niean- .This is tbd^caAe of the man nt the p"-'l Jesus^Jor As hiany of you as have been ministry, or some'brother w ho has to aa Agents for the C hbihtiiji M rsbksozb . to re­ ing, understanding tlu m ■ pa-cisi ly in -j ing lif the texts on which rests t he doc­ baptized »-into Christ, have put on labor.»!) through The week to procure ceive and receipt for aubecription« anil forward trine of justification by failli, the divin­ of Bethesda, who liud an infirmity thir­ Christ.” Now if to he put into the rv- the sense in which we do, Iwhen we tbe-uectagaric» of We for Li« family, the names ity of Christ, the resurrection of. tin* ty and eight years,' >hom the Sai tor liitioitbf.ChriM to the Father, the r«la- state -them ourselves. For instance,4 •sud has up at night from ten till 1 pemj and the . general judgment, lias hi tiled, end of whom it 1» «aid, whin ‘ fibn of n sehr, fol 1 ■ - " I IJi- ■ pin!., the this sentence, “That justification is not 0 „tndving the word of God I ac o^frlYby the Fhari.sees,- rr« to wlio been amPTwntiiiues to be in "perpetual A . »-..A JS.’ .‘ ‘ -i ' ~ BuMiriesH (fords. I by faith without baptism, but by faith’; spirit f n son snd I to put on Tf,r. Ills eh'irac- , ho-Xh*t he may’ not fail, »hen Lord « 1 1______________ * __ _•____________ __ dispute among Christians, Are - lhe-i7"”"T>ade liiift curry his bed oil the Sabbath ter, ifto'i ass into these' frotn’a position and baptism." .This statement expresses day comes, jn his Jury of .persuading nd these di-.- ,d ' h»' I ¡»«t »as healed wist not wlro e l i- arly re v e ul-vl? — If s o, n J. UlftCT mu. M. D . ■----------- ; no' doubt exactly the Baptist conception not iii s them, does *n,ot. -r»'fcr to the sinners to flee the wrath to come; they putes ère tote reféred to the nioral ob- it was.',’ When Jesus afterwaftU-taa» subject of forgiveness, we nre un­ Physician and Surgeon, j of our position, but not ours; I .lmve will begin l>y putting up a poor mouth I in eliqifity of human nature, and thé Conse­ him in the Temple'He said t< able to see how forgiveness could be B üxka Vorra : i, ■ : =. : ■ Oaioos not beard any intelligent brother »tati -they an? Very' hard up (to use their "Thou art made whole», sin no tnure, in ore, quent obscuration of tlie hnraan iiqiiii. referred.to. , But in Hebrews we hove; u«,n expression)—they are in debt to i • ' , ' Formerly practiced with B- c- Hi,L M. D., our vievrAf justification in this way fliee. ” lest a-worse thing come upon thee." then why make the relation of baptism Albany. MI When we speak of justification, we say “Letusdraw near witha true Iie-.if,ln the _________________________ enormous amount of ___ fifty ________ dollars. to remission of sins an exception?' Ami The man's affliction had most • Llikely llikely full assurance of faith, having our heart_ when they are probably worth their in the.style of the New Tuatainent, it is. ’ *, • ind this if they have not been cleurlyi revealed, ___ _______ _____ be. a bru t on him bv his vices, au........... sprinkled from an evil conscience, and fiA e, eight or ten thousand dollars; hav- 1X0. i. 0AI.T, by faith; never.so far as I have heard who«« fault'is it? The texts on whicfi .¡s »imply a warning to him not to re­ ATTOBNEY-ATLA W AND NOTARY PUBLIC j or read, by faith and baptism'. We our bodies washed with pure water." ¡ng good fArms well stocked;'yet you But if it is claimed If sprinkling the heart from an evil con- might about as well try to Ret blood teaqh as we think Paul stars, that the rest tlie doctrine of the resurrection of lapsc into them Buna Viate, s : : Polk County. the dead and the judgment, are fully as tin t tWis is an‘instance of forgiveness, science, in connection with washing the ont of'a turnip. " 1", 4, ■? — »7* ' ---------------- ------------------- I fnith upon which 'God "May be juit isolated as,1 bose which teach the rela­ ti en there is nothing required here, body, is not a "mention'' of baptism, in and the jnstifier of him tliaf betieveth They will gep'erally wind up with, *‘I tion of baptisip to remi rii on of sins. not even that (he man should know hup. in Jesus," include» baptum, as it does connection with forgiveness, how could f]o uot think In- ought to preach for X. I. HITLER. repentance, and baptism need not there­ And why is not the “authority of isola- These are tlie cases Bro. Melish refers it lie done? in view of tljese clear state monny, In'ought to prpivh for ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW lated texts" in the Word of God, as to nnd each one of there had in view a ments in each of these Epistles, wo {eel fore be added, when justification is He does; but i" not th»* laborer xi orthy nulls. . - . - . . . Oregon spoken of. •binding as those not isolated? Brothel sjK 'ial object that referred to the occa­ justified in saving it is not true that of his bin ? He cau not lire on souls, 2:tf. Melish has o/ten heard the same objec­ sion and circnmStimces in which it oc- The position oLBro. Melish nnd his “the Epistles are silent w hen, ¿¡waking my good frit nd, and.especially the kind tion urged ncafnst immerrinn, in al­ curiod. The suppressed premise -hi oh the subject of forgiveness to locution that you have, lint enough of this. brethren is, tlrat the faith upon which a most his own language. If immersion this objection broliglit ont, will expose ’ T. A. McBRIBE, , «inner is justified is one which en-bidex baptism.' It is mentioned in all three Central church still lives, apd al­ baptism. We can easily understansl is the right mode ot baptism, "W ought its fallacy at once. The argument is of thoni.and by • clear implication, ro- though there has beenlteio accessions Attorney-at- La w, why it is that Baptists sincerely take , to be clearly revealed; but it rests on this: Whatever was Dot “required" by ferritig to the subject, of fqrgiveneg« lately, the brethren, most of (hem, seem OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, texts whose meaning are in perpetuili th«* Sav i., as a plan of justification; no one was it is aimed. the Holy Spirit in the Lands of the we belieye in his name, and were we the vale, whither the forerunner hath ever Justified by Kjs perfect oliedienae.” Physician and Surgeon, Second. “Christ in his own personal Apostles, to be proclaimed by them to jjpt baptized into his death? Why then for us entered? In it not Worthy of Dalla., ..... Orridi, This'Shows in what clgss of things bap­ ministry never required baptism as a everj crcutiue'not required by the Lord take anoiber naiOeor confuse'our brains our greatest energies ? We can not. all tism is placed by'Baptists. condition of forgivenesa Ina single in­ in person, in the few special , cases, with the <]octrrne« of men, that gender grace the pulpit, but we can jlreach ,a« 07* Office st his residence. 2:tf. “Works of law,” .“Things which « stance. If John baptized in order to tyhose sins He forgave. The commis­ strife? Trier g a work tha ministry of., the Apostles. It is never is baptism mentioned as one of through Cltabt on th< terms of the gos­ has performed the somewhat extraordi­ 1. VINEYARD, nearly always stated as ii it wero the the conditions. The silence of the pel. For there is no other name given nary feat of writing up a concert, rebuk­ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. of fait|i, not of law. If Disciples regarded baptism as a chief end of tbe Saviour's ;ier«onnl min­ Epi-tles. when speaking on the specific under heaven, artir.ngst men whereby ing the apathy.of tbe public, who did Dallas,.............. Onfnn. work of l»w, aa baptist« do, they would istry to forgive sins, and his daily work, s.nhject of forgiveness, io. mention bap we can h“ saved. v L. C. H ill . not attend in satisfactory numbers, and ar «penial attention given tn Collections, be compelled to reject it ns haring to ' Brother Melish says: “He- never he- tism, Js a convincing evidence that Paul Myrtle Creek., Oregon. and to matters pertaining to Rasi Estate. criticising the various performers, ' justification the relation in which they . quireil baptism as a condition of for­ did riot consider baptism, is condi when the concert did not take place un- ■ 300 The women have got into over now place it. Disciplaa teach juslifica- ; giveness in a single case.” This 1« in­ tiqps.*' Every statement in this pa’ra- til the next week. ' i post offic'-a, mo far. . . J. A. AFFISSATE. - tion by faith as fully and unreservedly i ■ tended to make the impression that graph surprises mo. They all s