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About The Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1870-1877 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1871)
MONMOUTH MISCELLANRoU* ADVEKTISIMESTS. ADVT.HTISE>rHNTS. Christian College « QÊO. BOOKEK. , ! ’MIHCELLANÎtOUB ADVXBT1SKMFSTS. ' W. If. BOBE» BOOKER & ROBERTS, .T Cunningham & Co. Auction and Commission Dealers '? BELKXA* : : :* : •: MONTANA» In King A Gillette’s Block, Main Street. * - Qy Particular attention given to coiumfsaion sales. Storage solicited. 18 PIONEER REMARKS. | I wish to commend tin» above to our 4 readers. The writer of these thoughts i expresses b|pnelf in a novej way, bpt the principles he’ennictates are sound. li the devil's little boy* were all kept i away, the devil himself wonld seldom ■ ever get into the ¡human heart. The first step in the wrong direction starts the man down hill. No man ever co.n- - niits the great crime first. But.if the devil’s little boys are once allowed in side lie will get in himself. ITheti, young man, never take the first drink, never «.wear-the first path, never piny the fieri game of cards and yon will qerar-becom'e a druudard, profane ' awesrer-, nor gambler. The iliitfi who (does not drink, nor swpar, nor gamble • seldom ever eiHumits fitly shamefnl crime. ’ M. Reader, whether von are <>M or young, ! male or female, bewar^ of the devil's --little boys. 3. C. R. r i^HE LOCATION OF TTÍE ÇpL- j I.EOK- 1» C e KTRAL, ACCESSIBLE and B eautiful . The rolling prairie on which it is situated is bounded by timber, bordered with a serrated fringe of towering firs, marking the course of the Luckfmute, four -mile« south : th® Wil lamette, two miles eaat, and the Tacreole, six miles north ; while the oak hills, with their dense Foliage, rise, one alxnre another, in solemn grandeur, to the main range, in full"view, twenty miles distant. Thé Cascade range, too, rising from the valley tç the east, atretches away for eighty .or one hundred mile* to the snow-clad summits of Monnta Hood, Jefrêrson, and the “ Three Sisters”—all in fair, view from the Col- lege premises. Ac lofty range immediately west. Iweaka. the sea-bm*?ft\ «Tldrgtvrs, ln~"tTps Toèalïiv? only a gentle w»nd-froiD tb© north 'or south. With a genial ami -bracing climate,- ft fertile sbil, a Istion distinguished for ilidustry and moral «worth -and removed from tjio diversions and totnptation* of a city-- the surrounding* are all n-ost favorable for'hea|tfi. virtue,and proficiency in every department of shuly. Tltf College ia dueler tlie care of a Board of ■Trustees, who will spare no puna to make It EQUAL TO THE DEMANDS OF THE AGE The-Menibofs of the Faculty are competent, en ergetic, and devoted to the Cause of ¿d no* lien. i’he announcement for the Session of lOTüi-î?»* » ■ V . N. Front Street, one Door South of Eoat Ottico, Dall*» Oregon. COOKING. BOX AND PARID» 1 BTWYEB. SB TINWARE; COPI’ER;—BttXSS AND IRON WIRE, Etc., etc., constantly otr hand. Also, L^ a ND SOLE AGENTS FOR THt CtUf 2% brated Silver • Steel Plows, 8tove Boilers, PROVED to be the BEST PLOW ta America Tea Kettles, Door & Sash Factory AGENT* F or THE CELEBRATES Sweepstake* Thresher,’ Jkin«’ Genuine- Header,’ 'ithpfbved for ZLifiU.— Buckeye Mowers, Reapers and) Dropper*. New York Mower and Reaper, Hand and Self rake, x Excelsior Mower, Reaper and Dropper, combined, '■ Easterly Mower, Reaper and Dropper- combined, f , Bent’s Eagle Reaper*, ‘ BuAkeye Grain Drills, Hamilton A Finlayson's Broadcast Sow ers, .. .. ------ Cahoon’s Hand Sower, Duval’s Premium Gang and Sulky Plows, . Hamilton’s-Premium Sulky Plows, -Mason's Challenge Gang Plows, ’• Sweepstakes (California) Gang Plows, Salem. Oct 7, 1870. ' ANNOUNCEMENT J. M. Campbell. For thé Session of I tool’s and .Ad ways on I Ta nd, not; átuí for sWer to the il ofjjPentivost, , peÓ.t he b Hardware, Wagon Timber, Agrlcultu* ral Implements.' ÍÉ TIN AND STOVE STORE.«? Main Street', ryg --tk. IMPORTERS and DIALERS ' m-tf Books & Stationery, WALL-PAPKR, WITH OR WITHOUT LIGHTSt- TO\ SUIT CUSTOMERS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Fa-XiOy ’Good«. KIM P. H. D. MURPHY Tuition per Term Constant occupation prevents temp tation. ’ -, Henry 2ER5c»xx’o, There are about 201 postmistresses'in the United States. A11VKHTISEMF.NTS. A - From the Gospel A. D. <5t A. P. Butler | There is n trick among thrive«.— Wbeji.tliey go to rob a house, and'find Ihe doors so solid anti secure that they DEALERS IN ciinnot force ;itt entrance, or the walls’ so thick and.impenetrable that they can not brefik through, they Resort to little boy* drilled to -this nefarious work The sprightly little lads are put through the window sa«h, whence the pane* of glass have been removed, who, as soon in, unbolt the doors and admit the coni- pany of full-grown robbers. * ThiiM/Hatan geta into the human heart If may be fortified by good res-, ohitions and sound niomls. against nil the grosser forms of vice. Fraud, mur der, adultery or falsehood may conw uml batter in \ .lin >or »¿IniiMion. The bolts of well adjusted moral training may keep tile giant iniquities at bay. But when tlie_doora iye safely held against the greater sins, and Satan ia- foiled in liiB approache* there, then be/ )>rings his “little boys ’. . ■ - i Just for once the man attends a the atre. The devil is taking the shutters Mothers, I've Found |t ! ! from a window. Just for once, “to see the world,” a game of chance, a drink , of wine, a lewd book or companion is allowed. The devil is taking the putty away from a pane of glass. Just for once, some seeiet wrong is done, some insignificant crime oom mi tied in the daikness of a midnight Lour. The devil ' lets 111»' little boy in through the sash, and another, and another, and the spry little fingeus are at the..bolts o'f Uie door ( from the inside, and the great door*of i the heal t is.sure to be thrown wide, open, and -the rough, rowdy rabble of bell are rushing ib! There they take This is a pleasant antacid, and. in large doaea, up their .quarters like alien soldiers, to laxative; in small doses, an astringent medicine, domineer, to molest, to destroy, to mar It ¡^“exceedingly useful in all bowel affections. and mutilate and ntterly demolish the eftueeiaUy of Children. It ik a safe, certain and cffoctnal remedy for Cholic, Diarrhea, (’holer# man. Morbus, Summer Complaint. Griping Pain, Moralists may boast of their wellmade I Sohr Stomach. Costivene* , Wind on the Stom ach, Crying and Fretting of Children. lu and thoroughly thief-proof doors. I Teething, there ia noting Bqu«la it. It softens Gums, and render* teething easy. Their philosophy may havo invented the This is no humbugmedicine, gotten up to sell, mkny ingenious patents lor ihe doors of . but a raalla valnahh preparation, having been —OREGON Collegiate Department—Full College y’onrse ....................................... 20 00- oots , cheaper and better than ever. Makes a SPECIALTY of Shoes. Tuition strictly in advance, •««follow». | For Um weeks, or halt term, must lie jaitl on ( entering the School, and like pimento to Is, | mails at the commencement nf e«-l, half term to the close of the session. B<«ird can 1« had in private famriiu. al frouv - *2.50 to *3.50 per week. Albany Oregon. hrai.rRH nt , , ’ down . OREGON. MAIN STREET, MOORE’S CORNER. CLOTHING, Gß&fJZRlBS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMING», HATS, Spoke«. Bent Rim«. Shaft* Pole* Bolte, Ac. Paints, Oils : • NALKM. Who has the be*t-««elected stnek of good* in hi* line ro lie fourni in Salem, and wifi well lx»th at Wnoicsale and Ke fil >1 price« that wUldafv • rximpelition. . ' DOrt-t B THJt DKVtVt 1-1TTLE BOT< ' COMMERCIAL STREET, Primary Department— Orthography, lleailuiK Series, .Prsciical An th-. metic ..... .................... - ‘ «> 00 PreparatiXv Department —“’Algebra. Geology, Botany. Zoology, Astron omy, English Composition, Latin amiI Qrggk-Orainniar« ami Head- ------------ er» J....:..,.', .15 00 A pood business habit and reputation always money. _- MtSCELL V NEOUS A EL THE ABOVK AND MANY OTHER -CM. things can he found al, Instructions on Piano Fotte, BY ' A COMPETENT- TEAVHER. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. fET* Farmers-will find it to their advantage to call, and examine our «lock. All .kllula of. Produce taken, and a Fair Price paid. 10 :tf Blacksmith Shop. < FORGE KHAM Ell, having built anew and .1 commodious shop at the aoutheaat corner jk of the Public tMiuftrfe in Monmouth, in ready to do, at »bort notice« and in good *^LJr Htvle, #H-work iir MSltfie. Thankful to his friyiiils for former patronage, he so- icita a cornmnanbu of theMian»«. — ( WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND DEALERS IN Flour. Mill Feed and Crain, -------- also . —. . Door ? Sash Factory, Wax-Work, & Leather-Work AND ^VEIii STYLE OF DOOR*» MADE TO OR- dor, on *hort notice. ’ ( v . BAS IT, with dr without light*, to suit custom er*., , . L r—-, W. WATERHOUSE, Main atri-et* one door south of Post Ofller MONMOUTH, : Bv a lady who thorough hr under stand« this <k*i»artinent of a genteel oil nm I ion. Monmouth, October, Hili, 1K70. ul tl : : IStf. : OREGON. Garden Shrubbery & Grape Vines MONMOUTH. OREGON, DAVID KOHBER -i MF ■ ’ . nuu, K OULD INFORM HIS FHIENDK AND the pnbHc that he-ia still at the Old Stand | in Monmouth, _ hamiher in hand, bellows f puffing, and fire ^^1 roaring, readv to do all QUEENSWARE, MEDICINES, i kimla of work MA in his line especially making, mend- Nir ing. and sharpening plow» ironiuK and repairing wagons, shnvigg burses, and »liatever else can be done in fam <ir «tael. Teran*, poaitlvrly Ca«h or Produce. i>18-tf W DRY-GOODS JOB PR I NT INC GENERAL -AND- -“ Book-Binding I car. 'ocr a t . t . t - mo . < PORTLAND, Corner front a* nd JHdrr fit recta, secured tqe servicer of a mRrret.isa workman, u now prepartsl. H aving in connection with hi« extensive Book and Job Printing establiabment, to manufacture tvrry variety of BLANK BOOKS, aid, BIND MUSIC, MAGAZINES. we., in a superior atyta. at th. •borU-wt notion, at the * LOWEST LIVING RATES. , • •»blk.-nolU m« SALEM. MERCHANDISE AT NUR8ERY RATES, ;